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The modern law of negligence was established in Donoghue v
Stevenson [1932] AC 562 (Case summary). In order to be successful in
a negligence claim, the claimant must prove:

1. the defendant owed them a duty of care;

2. the defendant was in breach of that duty;
3. the breach of duty caused damage and;

4. the damage was not too remote.


Duty of care
The legal test for imposing a duty of care varies according to the type of

 For personal injury and property the Caparo test applies (case

summary). See more here

 For psychiatric injury the Alcock test applies. See here

 For pure economic loss see here 

 For policy considerations see here

 For liability relating to an omission see here

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Breach of duty
An objective test is applied to determine if the defendant is in breach of
duty. (Vaughan v Menlove (1837) 3 Bing. N.C. 467 Case summary). See
further on breach of duty here.
~ Take a quiz on breach of duty ~
Causation is generally decided by applying the 'but for' test from Barnett v
Chelsea & Kensington Hospital [1969] 1 QB 428  Case summary. However,
in some situations other considerations apply. See more on causation here.
~ Take a quiz on causation in tort law ~
Remoteness of damage
The Wagon Mound no 1  [1961] AC 388 Case summary test applies.
This provides that the defendant is only liable for loss which was of a
foreseeable kind. If the loss was of a foreseeable type, the defendant is
liable for the full extent of the loss, even if the loss was much greater than
expected. See further on remoteness of damage here.

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