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UNIT 1 I am a nurse


What is a Nurse?

Nurses are highly skilled and educated individuals who care for the sick and infirm. A nurse helps to
educate patients in issues of healthy living and wellness as well as any current or chronic disease
process and treatment. A nurse performs treatments and procedures as prescribed by physicians,
physician assistants and nurse practitioners.

Nurses combine the fine art of caring with scientific knowledge and skills acquired throughout their
education and careers. Nursing is a lifelong learning experience. Nurses work in many different
settings and perform duties related to the setting in which they work.

Nurses need to have a great deal of compassion for their fellow human beings. They have to have
good communication skills in both listening as well as speaking and writing in the language of the
area in which they practice. Nurses have to be patient and they often have to have a thick skin.

How to become a nurse? There are 2 types of nursing education, nursing diploma and bachelor
nursing. After graduated from nursing education, then we can continue our specialized program. One
of specialized nursing program is pediatric nurse.

A pediatric nurse works with children of all ages suffering from many different conditions. They play
a key role in assessing children's nursing needs, taking into account their medical, social, cultural and
family circumstances. Pediatric nurses then plan and deliver care in a variety of settings, such as
hospitals, homes and in the community, as well as during transfers between these settings.

Pediatric nurses care for and support children and young people and work alongside their families in
conjunction with other healthcare professionals.

Write T for True Answer or F for false answer. Use the information in the text

1. A nurse is highly skilled and educated individuals who care for the sick and infirm

2. Nurse performs treatments and procedures as prescribed only by physician

3. Nurse works by combine the fine art of caring with scientific knowledge and skills

4. Nurses have to have good communication skills in listening but not necessary for speaking
and writing

5. The main task of pediatric nurse are assessing children's nursing needs, taking into account
their medical, social, cultural and family circumstances
6. Pediatric nurse plan nursing intervention in operating room and outpatient clinic


Nursing Team

1. Ward Sister

2. Staff Nurse

3. Student Nurse

4. Charge Nurse

5. Healthcare Assistant


Present simple of be

I am (‘m) I am not (‘m not) Am I?

You/we/they are (‘re) You/we/they are not (aren’t) Are you/we/they?
He/she/it is (‘s) He/she/it is not (isn’t) Is he/she/it?
We can use be to say a person’s name, job and What is your name? I’m charge nurse Andi.
country. Are you sister Maya? Yes, I am.
Is she a student nurse? No, She isn’t.
We also use be in nominal sentence. He’s a staff nurse.
They’re indonesians.

2 Complete the conversations with the correct form of be

Student nurse : Excuse me (1) ____ you ward sister Kathy?

Sister : No, I (2) _______ not.
Student nurse : oh! Sorry about that. (3) _____ she in ward B?
Sister : No, She (4) _____ __. She (5) ____ in ward C.
Student nurse : ok. Thanks

Speaking Work in pairs. Use this model below to guide you.

Present Simple
I/You/we/they live I/You/we/they do not (don’t) live Do I/you/we/they live?
He/she/it lives He/she/it does not (doesn’t) live Does he/she/it live?
We use present simple to talk about something that is true. He works in this hospital.
We also use present simple to talk about things that happen regularly and She rides a bike to the hospital
repeatedly. (habit). every day.

Complete the text with the correct present simple form

Sinta is an agency nurse from the Super Nurse Agency. She is Indonesian but she (1) ______(not live) in
Indononesia. She (2) _____ (live) in Singapore now and she (3) ____ (work) there too. Sinta (4) _____ (have)
two friends at this hospital; Mika and Maya: but she (5) ____ (not work) the same shifts as them.

Reading a nursing schedule

a. b. c.

d. e.

Match of these ways of telling time with the time in the box.

1. Twenty eighteen _____

2. Nine o’clock _____
3. Ten past ten _____
4. Thirteen twenty _____
5. Three o’clock _____

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