Covid Remedies

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Namaskarams Master EK

inhale issue - carboveg
exhale issue - mehphits, influenza
Lot of gasping - Lauro
Hydrocyanic acid,
Ant Tart, Ipecoc, Aspidosperma, Vanadium 30 (6 wont work in metals)

OXYGEN SATURATION - antimTart 30, also carboveg 30

Aspidosperma 6/30 - lung

Bacillinum 30/200/1m

cough after sleep during midnight ,throat issue - KALI IOD 30

Analytic mind - fear - end effects - lack of sleep - Ignitia, Hyoscamus

EK Master Covid remedies:
2.25hrs starts covid discussion

Bacillinum 30 as preventive at starting stage of covid

Bacillinum 30 alternate with ant tart , streptomycin 30 2to3 times a day

(most cases started with Bacillinum 30 acts like a Sanjeevani)

Sometimes bacillinum 200 to 1M

China 30 /200 - acidphos 6 - weakness

ArsAlb 1M
Lyco 200 - evening rise of Temperature
Carboveg 30 - saturation issues at 70
Opium 1M -baaga bayam and nidra loss with starig -
Anttart 30/200 - Severe cough with retching - if no relief then check mental
symptoms -
jaundice - km, cardus, chelidonium mix
anttart - 1M - severity
Ant tart - magata, neerasam, congestion , cough

Dr. Srilatha nanduri 6hr starts
Tuburcular miasm is huge
Streptomycin 30 - 2doses - 3days
bacillinum 30 - KM6, Androgrpahis 6

pakka flat lo vaste - bacillinum 200 or 30 if intensity is less along with KM,

Intlo andaru vaste - bacillinum 200 with km, andro

Amrutarishta - ayurveda for immunity cough

Camphor 200 - body very cold but fever

camphor 1M - body cold but fever very very high
bacillinum 200 - body pains, cold, fever
water dose - FP, KM, NS, andro
Lecithinum - weakness
streptomycin - cough taggakapote
Justicia - 6 dry cough with bacillinum 200 along with water dose

critical saturation - bacillinum 30 , ANttart 6 every 2hours

Evening aggrevation - Bacillinum 1M, anttart 6 continue

85 years serious weakness case - china 200

severe cough with asthma - bacillinum 30 repeatedly 6hrs..
after 2 to 3 days.. bacillinum 200 then strepto 30,
if again fever then bacillinum 30, strepto 30
SPONGIA 6 - to clear remaining cough etc

severe headache etc - bry200, water dose

then later sudeen weakness, sweat, bodypains, - china 200
konchem relief - waterdose - later fever 100, evening 101,102-china200 - later
morning 11 o clock - 101, sudden panic , icy cold, bursty headache - camphor 1m
later bacilinum 30, strepto 30
later sudden weakness, unbearable weak, virtigo - china 30
again 11am - severe weakness , cough, vertigo - indicates sulphur but can not give
that time - so waited few hours and gave SULPHUR 200

female 67 years - lower lobes infection - brochitis - 100 fever , cough- bacillinum
30, 2ndday fever 101 but no cough headache - repated bacillinum 30, later 11 ki
unconscious sudden coldness with sweatness - china 200 sudden fine, later 2ki
sudden cold, but no sweat with tension - camphor 200 coz of shock and panic,
night 8ki fever 103, spo2 85 - involuntary motion, urine - SULPHUR 200 (after
15mins fine) - later morning 99.8, next day temp morning 102 severe cough but no
weakness - Bacillium 1M direct evng normal
- next day severe cough asthma , barking cough - spongia 200 with water dose ,
anttart 6 every hour - later no ashtma but cough remains - Ant tart 30 6hourly for
2 days -
later 2 days 100 fever - Tuberculium 30, and with cough - spongia 6, ant tart 6
later spongia 6, acidphos 6 for weakness

MALE 31 yrs - fibrotic bands, enlarged lymph nodes, - headache severe , fever -
bacillium 200, eveng 102, huge weakness no improvement , panic - Ars 200, later
weakness fine but cough severe - Strepto 30.. cough fine but fever evening
aggrevate - strepto 30 again, later morning fever and evng fever cough severe -
bacillium 1M,
later again fever increases till evng, again cough very severe - spoingia 6- with
water dose,
fear , anxiety high - morning itself fever 102 - ARs 1M, ant 6
then fever fine but later morning cough very very severe , weak - BACILLIUM 10m
ramabanam - later morning fine but evng bit aggrevate
lyco 200 one dose every week coz of 4-8 aggrevatin and finally TUBERCULIUM 200
final. all fine.

dr. srikar palli
bacillinum 30 - ant 30- carboveg - 30, strepto 30, sulphur 200 - all not increased
10 days fever - still patient not affected pleasantly or unpleasantly
inspite of 11 days fever .. she is not feeling anything - CARBOVEG symptoms - Lack
of reaction after indicated remedy - persons who never fully recover from the
affects of previous illness

so carboveg - 200 worked like a miracle.

another case - fever with diarrohea after came from outside sun - rhustox 30/200 ,
later pyrogenum , tuberculinum, streptomycin , bacillinum 30,
later stress, pressure valana vacchindi anukoni - ACIDPHOS 200 vesaru
Overall remedies covered are:
Bacillinum 30 /200/1m
Ant 6/30/200/1m
Opium 1M heavy fear
Carboveg - 30 /200 oxidation (also AntTart 30)
lyco 200
China 200 to 1M - highly chilled with high fever
Ars Alb 1M- night aggravation with fear
acidphos - 200
tuberculinum 30/200
spoingia 6/200
ANdrographis - 6, fp, kp, km
Streptomycin - 30

saptarshi banerje homeopathy covid:

Day 1&2 - sorethroat - cold air - face congested - tonsils bit congested - running
fever high - pain in throat - swelling in tonsils - BELLADONA 200c
single globule in water for 2 days (coz sudden appearance)

Face better, congestion better.. , sore throat gone, fever gone,

Day 3, 4 - weakness ++ morning, quite sweating ++, cough started,

stitching pain in chest, Anxiety when ALONE, (backache with sweat)

- KALICARB 200 for 2 days.

weakness better....

Day 5, 6 - Bloating ++(heaviness in chest and upper abodmen), air hunger as if

doors closed, belging ie. eructation ++, still weakness +, sluggish along with


Day 7, 8 - loss of smeel, taste, weakness better, but weak feeling in chest, even
talking & conversation difficult, weakness concentrated in chest while it is
concentrated in entire system in day3, 4.
respiration opressed.. hurried breathing.. short breathing..
STANNUM MET 200 SINGLE DOSE .. single globule in bottle of water for 2 days
(some accute conditions we can prescribe thought it is chronic remedy... it is
concentrated in chest)

POST COVID - Important

TINOSPORA CORDIFLORA - to bring back vital energy
this is for extreme weakness even though no fever..

PSORINUM- to overcome debility.. hopeless feeling.. low feeling.

DoLO replacement - FP 200

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