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G10B Final Exam will be on Wednesday 16/6/2021 between 10:00am and 11:20am

G10A Final Exam will be on Wednesday 16/6/2021 between 11:50am and 12:50am

What to study?

Unit 6 Lesson 1 – The Tragedy of Macbeth

Unit 6 Lesson 2 – From Macbeth

Unit 6 Lesson 3 – Macbeth Murder Mystery

Unit 6 Lesson 4 – Macbeth and Robot Ninjas?

Practice questions on what to expect

1. How do the witches always exit from each scene?

A. They disappear into a car and drive away.

B. They vanish.

C. They start spinning and spin down into the ground.

D. They fly away on their broomsticks.

E. They take permission from Mr Ziad.

2. In Act III, Scene 5 with the witches, how is the weather?

A. full lunar eclipse

B. hurricane conditions

C. solar eclipse

D. sunshine and blue skies

E. thunder and lightning

3. In Act III, Scene 6, who commanded Macduff to report to Dunsinane castle (although he refused)?

A. Macbeth

B. King Edward

C. Donalbain

D. Malcolm

E. Siward

4. Why does Macduff leave Scotland?

A. To fight for the Irish army.

B. To escape Mr Ziad’s vocabulary test.

C. To see if Macbeth might be hiding in Ireland, England or France.

D. To escape his angry wife.

E. To visit Malcolm in England and request help to defeat Macbeth

5. Identify who is speaking in the following quotation from Act IV:

“Double, double toil and trouble,

Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble.”

A. the three witches

B. Lady Macbeth

C. G10 Students

D. Macbeth, Macduff, and Malcolm - all together

E. Lady Macduff

6. The first apparition warns Macbeth to..

A. Beware the Thane of Fife – Macduff.

B. Beware, Macbeth! Your shoe is untied!

C. Beware the three witches who seek to trick you.

D. Beware yourself and your own greedy ambition!

E. Beware of Mr. Ziads vocabulary quiz.

7. The second apparition predicts that no man of woman born can...?

A. Kick a football and score a goal from 100 yards.

B. be king of Scotland, Ireland, and England all at the same time.

C. harm Macbeth.

D. be king of Scotland before Macbeth.

E. make harder quizzes than Mr. Ziad.

8. Who says “What’s done is done” early in the play and then echoes “What’s done cannot be
undone” later in the play.

A. Hecate

B. Lady Macduff

C. the three witches

D. Lady Macbeth

E. Macbeth
9. A doctor tells a servant that Lady Macbeth needs what more than a doctor?

A. Pain relievers.

B. A vacation.

C. She needs a priest.

D. Antidepressants.

E. Sleep, plenty of rest.

10. What is the name of the forest outside of Macbeth’s castle?

A. Cuyahoga Valley National Forest

B. Macbeth's Forest

C. Birnam Wood

D. Storybook Forest

E. The Forbidden Forest

11. King Edward supplies 10,000 soldiers to Malcolm and Macduff



12. Macduff Instructs his soldiers to use tree branches to disguise themselves with camouflage from
Birnam Wood to get closer to Dunsinane for the element of Surprise.


13. Macbeth kills a young boy (young siward) before he dies



14. Macbeth was surgically removed from his mother’s womb.



15. At the end of the play lady Macbeth commits suicide



16. Define Imagery

17. Give two examples of Imagery from any of the five senses

18. Give one example of Colloquialism

19. Give two examples of an Oxymoron (Please do not cross out Oxy and provide names of your classmates)

20. Describe the traits of the following characters bellow from the Tragedy of Macbeth



Lady Macbeth:

Young Siward:

*Make sure you review all Literary Devices studied in previous Lessons

*Read and Reread the tragedy of Macbeth and the Macbeth Murder Mystery

*In the open ended questions do not give me one or two word answers

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