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hangeul batchim + 7 basic batchim rules


1. Lenition

-since ㅇ is just a place holder and doesn't make a sound the consonant in the batchim postition replaces
the ㅇ in the following syllable. —> consonans that would mormally change their sound in the batchim
position will revert back to their normal sound in the ˋinitial´ position.

2. Fortis
-if the consonant in the batchim position and the following consonant are the same the sound gets doubled.
-when ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ are in the batchim position the sound of the next consonant gets doubled (if it can be
doubled it will be)

what is the batchim position?

the last consonant in a syllable

ㄹ when in the batchim position

when ㄹ is in the batchim position it will sound like an "l"

ㅇ when in the batchim position

when ㅇ is in the batchim position it sounds like "ng"

aspirated consonants in the batchim position

when a aspirated consonant is at the batchim position the sound will revert back to the softest sound.
(aspirated consonants: ㅋ/ㅌ/ㅍ/ㅊ & ㄲ/ㄸ/ㅃ/ㅆ/ㅉ)

the sound of ㅅ/ㅈ/ㅎ when in the batchim position

when ㅅ/ㅈ/ㅎ are in the batchim position the will sound like ㄷ

combination of batchim rules

ㅈ/ㅊ/ㅆ are all aspirated and will be pronounced like ㅅ but ㅅ is also pronounced like ㄷ
so ㅈ/ㅊ/ㅆ/ㅅ are pronounced like ㄷ when in the batchim

korean rules for syllables

pattern: consonant + vowel (+consonant)

3. Aspiration

-when ㅎ is combined with ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ they change to their aspirated version & the sound for ㅎ disappears

4. Nasalization

-when ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ are in the batchim position and followed by a nasal sound they will become nasal
- ㄱ -> ㅇ/ ㄷ -> ㄴ/ ㅂ -> ㅁ
*nasally consonants are ㅇ/ㄴ/ㅁ. ㅇ is only nasal if it's in the batchim position
-when syllables begin with ㄹ with any of these consonants: ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ/ㅇ/ㅁ coming before the ㄹ changes to
an ㄴ sound
-!double change! if the ㄹ is changed to an ㄴ & the character right before the now ㄴ is an ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ they
will become nasal themselves ( ㄱ -> ㅇ/ ㄷ -> ㄴ/ ㅂ -> ㅁ)

5. Flowing

-whenever a ㄹ and a ㄴ meet, the ㄴ becomes a ㄹ. This happens no matter whether ㄴ is in the batchim
position or in the initial position
-the transition between ㄹ & ㄴ would be difficult to pronounce so this helps pronunciation flow smoothly

6. Palatalization

-when ㄷ or ㅌ are in the batchim position and followed by the syllable 이 they will replace the ㅇ & turn into

ㅈ when it's a ㄷ and ㅊ when it's a ㅌ

-ㄷ/ㅌ batchim followed by 이 —> ㅇ gets replaced by ㄷ -> ㅈ by ㅌ -> ㅊ

7. Special rules with ㅎ

-the batchim consonants ㄴ/ㅇ/ㄹ all replace ㅎ when its in the following initial position the exact same way

ㅇ gets replaced
-yet when ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ meet ㅎ, they change into aspirated consonants ㄱ -> ㅋ/ㄷ -> ㅌ / ㅂ -> ㅍ and then ㅎ
goes away

two different double consonants in the batchim position

it's only possible for two different consonants to be in the batchim position ( ㅃ/ㅉ/ㄸ/ㄲ/ㅆ can be in any
position of the syllable)

11 possible combination of different consonants in the batchim position

ㄱㅅ / ㄹㄱ / ㅂㅅ / ㄹㅂ / ㄹㅅ / ㄹㅌ / ㄹㅎ / ㄹㅍ / ㄹㅁ / ㄴㅈ / ㄴㅎ

the sound of different consonants in the batchim position

the sound of different consonants in the batchim position depends on whether the next character is a vowel
or a consonant

if there is a consonant or no following character after the different double consonants in the batchim
if there is a consonant or no following character after the different double consonants in the batchim they're
pronounced as just one consonant.
with the exception of ㄹㄱ / ㄹㅂ / ㄹㅁ you can just use the first consonants with these three you use the
last consonant
ie.: 읽다 (to read) pronounced as -> (익따)

if there is a vowel after the different double consonants in the batchim

if there is a vowel after the different double consonants in the batchim the double consonant is split up and
the last consonant will jump over
ie. : 읽어요 (I read..) pronounced as -> (일거요)

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