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Activity 1: Selecting appropriate register

  Read the following paragraph and select the most appropriate language to complete the text.

has the potential to

E-commerce                             dramatically lower transaction costs and

develop new ways to manage the supplier chain. However,

such transaction issues

although important,                             are not the whole story    

as regards inter-firm relationships

  and developments in new

Internet technology. New Internet technology                                        defined


here as                             type developments

associated with

                             the World Wide Web but also includes more

specific firm level tools that have either                                    

from earlier information technology developments or have been                                  

specially developed

  within an Internet- based                                  


such systems include on-line design tools, web-based Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

enables a radical change

systems. New Internet technology                                       in people

perceptions of what is near and far. Companies can

                             access to customers                                  


  , and customers                                  
are able to contact suppliers anywhere in the world


Whole new markets can potentially be opened up

                             at low cost. Companies


that                                       divided the local market up among


themselves are now                                       with new competition.        

Thus enables

  Internet technology                                    

Select your answer

companies to distribute a new product                             

between order and delivery. For example, in the

automotive industry, the electronic delivery of designs or manufacturing instructions has              

Select your answer

from  days to minutes.

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