Course Code 18ESS1 CIE Marks 40 03 SEE Marks 60: Chapter 8 (Page No. 166-172) Text 2)

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CourseCode 18ESS1 CIE Marks 40
Number OfLecture Hours/Week 03 SEEMarks 60
Total Number OfLecture Hours 40 (08 Hours / Module) Exam Hours 03
CourseLearning Objectives:Ihis coursewillenablestudentsto:
• Understandbasicskillsof Management
• Understandthe needfor Entrepreneursand theirskills
• Identify the Managementfunctions and Socialresponsibilities
• Understandthe IdeationProcess.creationof BusinessModel.Feasibili Stud and sourcesof fundin
Module-I RBI'
Management: Nature and Functionsof Management—Importance,Definition,Management
Functions, Levels of Management. Roles of Manager. Managerial Skills. Management &
Administration.Managementas a Science.Art &Profession(Selectedtopics of Chapter 1, Text
Planning: Planning-Nature.Importance.Types. Steps and Limitationsof Planning; Decision
Making—Meaning.Types and Steps in DecisionMaking(Selectedtopics from Chapters 4 & 5,
Text .
Organizing and Staffing: Organization-Meaning.Characteristics.Process of Organizing,
Principles Of Organizing. Span of Managenrnt (meaning and importance only).
Departmentalisation.Committees—Meaning. Types Of Committees; Centralization Vs
DecentralizationOfAuthority and Responsibility,Staffing-Need and Importance,Recruitmentand
SelectionProcess(Selectedtopicsfrom Chapters 7.8 & l,Text l).
Directing and Controlling: Meaningand RequirementsOf EffectiveDirection.GivingOrders:
Motivation-NatureOf Motivation. MotivationTheories (Maslow•sNeed-HierarchyTheory and Ll,L2
Herzberg•s Two Factor Theory): Communication— Meaning. Importance and Purposes Of
Communication:Leadership-Meaning,Characteristics.BehaviouralApproach Of [Radership:
Coordination-Meaning, Types, TechniquesOf Coordination:Controlling—Meaning. Need for
ControlSystem, BenefitsOf Control.EssentialsOf EffectiveControlSystem. Steps in Control
Process Selectedto ics from Cha ters 15to 18and 9 Text I
Social ResponsibilitiesOfBusiness:MeaningOfSocialResponsibility.SocialResponsibilities Of
BusinesstowardsDifferentGroups. Social Audit. BusinessEthics and Coqx»rateGovernance
(Selectedtopicsfrom Chapter 3, Text l).
Entrepreneurship: DefinitionOf Entrepreneur.ImportanceOf Entrepreneurship.concepts Of
Entrepreneurship.CharacteristicsOf successfulEntrepreneur.ClassificationOf Entrepreneurs. Ll,L2
Myths Of Entrepreneurship,EntrepreneurialDevelopmentmodels.Entrepreneurialdevelopment
cycle. Problemsfaced by Entrepreneursand capacitybuilding for Entrepreneurship(Selected
to ics from Cha ter 2 Text 2 .
Family Business:Roleand ImportanceOfFamilyBusiness.Contributionsof FamilyBusinessin
India, Stages of Developmentof a Family Business.Characteristicsof a Family-ownedBusinessin
India, Varioustypes of familybusinesses(Selectedtopics from Chapter 71-75)Text 2).
Idea Generation and FeasibilityAnalysis- Idea Generation;Creativityand Innovation:
Identificationof BusinessOpportunities:Market Entry Strategies;Marketing Feasibility;Financial
Feasibilities:PoliticalFeasibilities;EconomicFeasibility;Socialand LegalFeasibilities;
Feasibilities:ManagerialFeasibility,Locationand Other UtilitiesFeasibilities.(Selected topics
from Chapter 6(Page No. 111-117)& Chapter 7(Page No. 140-142),Text 2)

Business model —Meaning,designing,analyzingand improvising;BusinessPlan —Meaning.

Scope and Need; Financial.Marketing.HumanResourceand Production/Service Plan: Business
plan Formats;Project report preparationand presentation;Why some Business Plan fails?
(Selectedtopics from Chapter 8 (Page NO159-164,Text 2)
Financing and How to start a Business?Financialopportunityidentification:Bankingsources;
NonbankingInstitutionsand Agencies;VentureCapital—Meaningand Rolein Entrepreneurship;
GovernmentSchemesfor fundingbusiness;Pre launch. Launchand Post launchrequirements;
Procedurefor getting License and Registration;Challenges and Difficultiesin Starting an 3
Enterprise(Selectedtopics from Chapter 7(Page NO 147-149),Chapter 5(Page NO93-99)&
Chapter 8(Page No. 166-172) Text 2)
Project Designand NetworkAnalysis: Introduction.ImportanceOfNetworkAnalysis,OriginOf
PERTand CPM,Network,NetworkTechniques,Need for NetworkTechniques.Steps in PERT.
CPM. Advanta es, Limitationsand Differences.(SeIectedt ics from Cha ters 20, Text 3).
CourseOutcomes:Afterstudyingthiscourse.studentswillbe able to:
• Understandthe fundamentalconceptsof Managementand Entrepreneurship and opportunitiesin order
to setupa business
• Describethe functions OfManagers,Entrepreneursand their socialresponsibilities
• Understandthe Components in developinga businessplan
• Awarenessaboutvarioussourcesof fundin and institutionssu entre
Text Books:
PrinciplesOf Management —P.C Tripathi, P.N Reddy, McGraw Hill Education, 6th Edit•
2. EntrepreneurshipDevelopmentSmall Business Enterprises-PoornimaM Charantim
3. Dynamicsof EntrepreneurialDevelopmentand Managementby VzusantDesai. HPH 2007,
4. RobertD. Hisrich,Mathew J. Manimala.MichaelP Petersand Dean A. Shepherd,"Entreprene
8thEdition,Tata Mc- aw HillPublishin,2012
B. E. (EC ITC)
ChoiceBasedCredit System (CBCS)and OutcomeBasedEducation(OBE)
urse Code 18ECS2 Marks 40
umber OfLecture eek 3+2(Tutoria1) EE Marks 60
Hours 03
ourse Learning Objectives:This coursewillenablestudentsto
Understandthe frequencydomainsamplingandreconstruction Ofdiscretetimesignals.
Studythe propertiesand the developmentof efficientalgorithmsfor the computationof DFE
• Realizationof FIR and IIR filtersin different structural forms.
Learn the proceduresto design of IIR filters from the analog filtersusing impulse invarianceand
Studythe differentwindowsusedin the designOfFIR filtersand designappropriatefiltersbasedon
Understandthe architectureand workingof DSP processor

DiscreteFourier Transforms (DFT): Frequencydomainsamplingand Reconstruction of Discrete

Time Signals,The DiscreteFourierTransform. DFTas a lineartransformation, of the Ll,L2,
DFT: Periodicity,Linearityand Symmetryproperties,MultiplicationOf two DFTs and Circular
Convolution,AdditionalDFEproperties.[Text 11
Linear filtering methods based on the DFT: Use of I)Fr in Linear filtering. Filteringof Long
data Sequences.
Fast-Fourier-Transform(EFT) algorithnb: EfficientComputationOf the DF
algorithmsfor the computationOfDFT and and decima q / 121
algorithms.[Text Il
Design Of FIR Filters: CharacteristicsOf practicalfrequency—selectivefilters, Symmetricand
AntisymmetricFIR filters. Design Of Linear-phaseFIR filters using windows - Rectangular,
Hamming, Hanning, Bartlett windows. Design of FIR filters using frequency sampling method.
Structurefor FIR Systems:Directform.Cascadeformand Latticestructures-ITextll
Ilk Filter Design: Infinite Impulse response Filter Format. Bilinear TransformationDesign
Method, Analog Filters using Lowpass prototype transformation. Normalized Butterworth
Functions. Bilinear Transformation and Frequency Warping. Bilinear Transformation Design 1.1
Procedure,DigitalButterworthFilterDesignusingBLT. RealizationOf Filtersin DirectformI
and 11.[Text 21
DigitalSignal Processors:DSP Architecture.DSP HardwareUnits.Fixedpoint format.Floating 1-1.142,
point Format.IEEE Floatingpoint formats,Fixed point digital signal processors,Floatingpoint
processors.FIRand IIR filterimplementations
in Fixedpointsystems.IText21
ourse Outcomes:Afterstudyingthis course.studentswillbe able to:
• Determineresponseof LTI systems using time domain and DEI' techniques.
Compute DFT Ofreal and complexdiscretetime signals.
ComputationOfDEI' usingFFValgorithmsand linearfilteringapproach.
Design and realizeFIR and IIR digitalfilters
Understand the DSP processorarchitecture.

estionpaper pattern:
• Examinationwillbe conductedfor 100markswithquestionpapercontaining10fullquestions.eachof 20

Eachfullquestioncan have a maximumof 4 subquestions.

• There willbe 2 fullquestionsfromeachmodulecoveringall the topicsof the module.
• Students will have to answer5 full questions.selectingone full questionfrom each module.
The total marks willbe proportionallyreducedto 60 marks as SEE marks is 60

ext Book:
l. Proakis& Monalakis,"Digitalsignal processing—PrinciplesAlgorithms& Applications". Editi
Pearsoneducation.New Delhi,2007.ISBN:81-317-1000-9.
2. Li Tan, Jean Jiang,"DigitalSignalprocessing—Fundamentalsand Applications".AcademicPress.2013

1. Sanjit K Mitra. "Digital Signal Processing,A CornputerBased Approach",4• Edition.McGraw
2. Oppenheim& Schaffer."DiscreteTime SignalProcessing", PHI. 2003.
3. D.GaneshRaoand VineethP Gejji, "Digital Signal Processing"Cengage India Private Limited,2017
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Sub ect Code 18EC53 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture HourMWeek 3+2(Tutorial) SEE Marks 60
Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives: This course will enable studentsto
Understand and analyse concepts of Analog Modulation schemes viz; AM, FM.. Low pass sampling
and Quantizationas a random process.
Understandandanalyseconceptsdigitizationof signalsviz: sampling.quantizingandencoding.
Evolvethe conceptof SNR in the presenceof channelinducednoise and study Demodulationof
analog modulated signals.
Evolve the concept of quantintion noise for sampled and encoded signals and study the concepts of
reconstructionfromthesesam les at a receiver.
AMPLITUDE MODULATION:Introduction.AmplitudeModulation:Time& FrequencyDomain
description. Switching modulator. Envelop detector. (3.1 —3.2 in Text)
Domain description.Ring modulator,Coherent detection, Costas Receiver, QuadratureCarrier Ll,
Multiplexing.(33 —3.4 in Text)
Modulation.VSB Modulation,FrequencyTranslation.Frequency-DivisionMultiplexing,Theme
Exam le: VSB Transmission of Anal and Di •tal Television. —3.8 in Text
ANGLE MODULATION: Basic definitions, Frequency Modulation: Narrow Band FM. Wide
Band FM, Transmission bandwidth of FM Signals, Generation of FM Signals, Demodulation of FM Ll,
Signals,FM StereoMultiplexing,Phase—Locked
Loop:Nonlinearmodelof PI-L Linearmodelof 142,13
PLL, Nonlinear Effects in FM Systems. The Superheterodyne Receiver (4.1 —4.6 of Text)

[ReviewofMean,Correlationand Covariance
(No questions to be set on these topics)/
NOISE - Shot Noise. Thermal noise. White Noise. Noise Equivalent Bandwidth (5.10 in Text) Ll,
NOISE IN ANALOG MODULATION: Introduction.Receiver Model. Noise in DSB-SC L2,L3
receivers. Noise in AM receivers, Threshold effect, Noise in FM receivers. Capture effect. FM
threshold effect, FM threshold reduction, and De-e hasis in FM (6.1 —6.6 in Text
SAMPLINGAND QUANTIZATION: Introduction,WhyDigitizeAnalogSources?,The Low
pass SamplingprocessPulseAmplitudeModulation.Time DivisionMultiplexing,Pulse-PositionLl,
Modulation, Generation of PPM Waves, Detection of PPM Waves.(7.1- 7.7 in Text)
The QuantizationRandom Process,QuantizationNoise,
Pulse—Code Modulation:Sampling,Quantization,Encoding,Regeneration,Decoding,Filtering, Ll,
Multiplexing;Delta Modulation(7.8 —7.10 in Text).
Applicationexamples- (a) Video+ MPEG(7.11in Text) and (b) Vocoders(referSection6.8 of
Reference Book 1).
Course Outcomes: After studying this course. students will be able to:
Analyzeand computeperformanceof AM and FM modulationin the presenceof noise at the receiver.
Analyzeandcomputeperformanceof digitalformattingprocesseswithquantizationnoise.
Multiplexdigitally formattedsignals at Transmitterand demultiplexthe signals and reconstruct
digitallyformattedsignalsat the receiver.
• Desi monstratethe use of di •talformattin in Multi lexers,VocodersandVideotransmission.

Questionpaper pattern:
• Examinationwill be conductedfor marks with questionpaper containing 10 full questions,each of
20 marks.
• Each full questioncan havea maximumof 4 subquestions.
• Therewillbe 2 fullquestionsfromeach modulecoveringall the topicsof the module.
• Studentswillhaveto answer5 full questions,selectingone full questionfromeach module.
• The totalmarkswillbe •onall reducedto 60 marksas SEE marksis 6().
Text Book:
"CommunicationSystems",Simon Haykins&Moher,5th Edition, John Willey. India Pvt. Ltd, 2010, ISBN
Modem Digital and Analog Communication Systems. B. P. Lathi, Oxford University Press.. 4th
2. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication,Simon Haykins, John Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,
2008. ISBN978-81-265-3653-5.
3. Principlesof Communication Systems,H.Taub&D.L.Schilling,
4. Communication S stems, Harold P.E. Stem Sam and A.Mahmond, Pearson Edition. 2004.
B. E. (EC ITC)
ChoiceBasedCredit System (CBCS)and OutcomeBasedEducation(OBE)
CourseCode 18ECS4 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 (8 Hours / Module) Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives: This coursewillenablestudents to
Understandthe conceptof Entropy,Rate of informationand order Of the sourcewith referenceto
dependentand independentsource.
• Modeldiscrete& continuouscommunicationchannels.
• Stud variouserrorcontrolcodin al rithms.
Module-I RBT
Information Theory: Introduction,Measure of information,Informationcontent Of message, Ll,
Average Information content Of symbols in Long Independent sequences, Average Information L2,L3
content Of symbols in Long dependent sequences.Markov StatisticalModel for Information
Sources.Entropy and Informationrate of Markoff Sources
(Section4.1 4.2 of Text 1)
Source Coding: Encodingof the Source Output.Shannon's EncodingAlgorithm(Sections43, 1.1,
43.1 of Text I Shannon Fano EncodingAlgorithm(Section2.15 of Reference Book 4)
Source coding theorem. Prefix Codes, Kraft McMillan Inequality property —KMI. Huffman codes
(Section 2.2 of Text 2)
Information Channels: Communication Channels, Discrete Communication channels Channel 1.1, L2,
Matrix, Joint probabiltyMatrix, Binary Symmetric Channel, System Entropies.(Section 4.4, 4.5, 1.3 Text 1)
MutualInformation.ChannelCapacity.ChannelCapacityof BinarySymmetricChannel.(Section
2.5, 2.6 of Text 2)
Bin ErasureChannel, Muro Theorem Section 2.27 2.28 OfReference Book 4
Error ControlCoding:
Introduction.Examplesof Errorcontrolcoding.methodsof ControllingErrors,Types of Errors.
types of Codes, Linear BlockCodes: matrix descriptionof Linear BlockCodes. Errordetection& 1.1, 1.2,
Correctioncapabilitiesof Linear Block Codes, Single error correctionHammingcode. Table L3
Binary Cyclic Codes: Algebraic StructureOf Cyclic Codes, Encodingusing an (n-k) Bit Shift
register. Syndrome Calculation. Error Detection and Correction (Sections 9.1,
9.2 *9.3.1 .3.2 .330fText1
ConvolutionCodes: ConvolutionEncoder,Time domainapproach,Transformdomainapproach, 1.1, L2,
Code Tree, Trellisand State Diagram.The Viterbi Algorithm) (Section 8.5 —Articles and 3, 1.3
8.6-Article 1 of Text 2)
CourseOutcomes:Afterstudyingthiscourse,studentswillbe able to:
Explain concept Of Dependent& IndependentSource, measureOf information,Entropy, Rate Of
InformationandOrderof a source
Representthe informationusing ShannonEncoding,ShannonFano, Prefixand HuffmanEncoding
Model the continuousand discretecommunicationchannels using input. output and joint probabilities
Determinea codewordcomprisingOfthe checkbits computedusingLinearBlockcodes.cyclic codes
& convolutionalcodes

Designthe encodingand decodingcircuitsfor LinearBlockcodes,cyclic codes,convolutionalcodes,

BCHand Gola codes.
Questionpaper pattern:
• Examinationwillbe conductedfor 100markswithquestionpapercontaining10fullquestions,each Of
20 marks.
• Eachfullquestioncan have a maximumof 4 subquestions.
• There willbe 2 full questionsfromeach module coveringall the topicsof the module.
• Students willhave to answer5 full questions.selectingone full questionfrom each module.
• The total marks will be on reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.
Text Book:
l. Digitaland analogcommunication systems,K. Sam Shanmugam.JohnWileyIndiaPvt. Ltd, 1996.
2. Di ital communication Simon Ha kin. John Wil India Pvt. Ltd, 2008.
ITC and Cryptography,Ranjan Bose,TMH, Il edition.2007
2. Principlesof digitalcommunication,J. Das, S. K. Mullick,P. K. Chatterjee,Wiley, 1986- Technology
& Engineering
3. Digital Communications—Fundamentals and Applications,Bernard Sklar, Second Elition, Pearson
Education.2016. ISBN: 9780134724058.
4. Information Theory and Coding, HariBhat. Ganesh Rao. Cengage, 2017.
5. ErrorCorrectionCodin b ToddK Moon,W Std. Edition,2006
ChoiceBasedCredit System (CBCS)and OutcomeBasedEducation(OBE)
CourseCode 18ECSS CIE Marks 40
Numberof LectureHours/Week 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Numberof LectureHours 40 (8 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
CourseLearning Objectives:This coursewillenablestudentsto:
Study the differentcoordinatesystems, Physicalsignificanceof Divergence,Curl and Gradient.
Understandthe applicationsOfCoulomb•slaw and Gauss law to differentcharge distributions
and the applicationsOf Laplace's and Poisson's Equationsto solve real time problemson
capacitanceOfdifferentcharge distributions.
Understandthe physical significanceof Biot-Savart's,Amperes's Law and Stokes•theoremfor
Infer the effects of magnetic forces,materialsand inductance.
Know the physical interpretationof Maxwell'equationsand applicationsfor Plane waves for
their behaviorin differentmedia.
• Ac uireknowlede of Po tin theoremand its licationof
Revisionof VectorCalculus—(Text l: Chapter l) Ll,L2,
Coulomb's Law, Electric Field Intensity and Flux density: Experimentallaw Of Coulomb, L3
Electricfield intensity.Fielddue to continuousvolunr chargedistribution.Held of a line charge,
Fielddue to Sheetof charge,Electricfluxdensity,NumericalProblems.(Text: Chapter 2.1to 2.5,
Gauss's law and Divergence:Gauss 'law, Applicationof Gauss' law to pointcharge,line charge, Ll, 12,
Surfacecharge and volume charge, Point (differential)form of Gauss law, Divergence.Maxwell's L3
First equation (Electrostatics),Vector Operator V and divergencetheorem, Numerical Problems
(Text: Chapter 3.2 to 3.7).
Energy, Potentialand Conductors:EnergyexpendedOrworkdone in movinga point chargein
an electricfield. The line integral,Definitionof potentialdifferenceand potential.The potential
field of pointcharge.Potentialgradient, NumericalProblems(Text: Chapter 4.1 to 4.4 and
4.6 .CurrentandCunentdensi , Continui of current.(Text: Cha ter5.1 5.2
Poisson's and Laplace's Equations: Derivationof Poisson•s and Laplace'sEquations,Uniqueness Ll,L2,
theorem, Examples of the solution of Laplace's equation, Numerical problems on Laplace equation
(Text: Chapter 7.1 to 7.3)
Steady MagneticField: Biot-SavartLaw,Ampere'scircuitallaw,Curl,Stokes'theorem,Magnetic
fluxand magneticfluxdensity,Basic conceptsScalar and VectorMagneticPotentials,Numerical
roblems. (Text: ter 8.1 to 8.6)
Magnetic Forces: Force on a moving charge. differentialcurrent elements, Force between Ll, 12,
differentialcurrentelements,Numericalproblems(Text: Chapter 9.1to 93). 1.3
Magnetic Materials: Magnetization and permeability. Magnetic boundary conditions. The
magnetic circuit. Potentialenergy and forces on magnetic materials,Inductance and mutual
reactance.Numericalproblems(Text: Chapter 9.6 to 9.7).
Faraday' law Of ElectromagneticInduction—Integralform and Point form, Numericalproblems
(Text:Cha ter 10.1
Maxwell's equations Continuityequation, InconsistencyOf Ampere's law with continuity Ll, 12,
equation.displacementCurrent.ConductionCurrent.Derivationof Maxwell•sequationsin point L3
form. and integralform, Maxwell's equationsfor different media, Numericalproblems(Text:
Chapter 10.2to 10.4)
UniformPlane Wave: Planewave,Uniform lane wave.Derivationof lane wave uationsfrom

Maxwell'sequations,Solutionof Waveequationfor perfectdielectric.RelationbetweenE and H.

Wave propagationin free space, Solutionof wave equation for sinusoidalexcitation, wave
propagationin any conductingmedia (7, u, p, q) and goodconductors,Skin effect or Depthof
penetration.Poynting•stheoremand wave power.Numericalproblems. (Text: Chapter 12.1to
CourseOutcomes:Afterstudyingthiscourse.studentswillbe able to:
Evaluateproblemson electrostaticforce,electricfielddue to point,linear.volumechargesby applying
conventionalmethods and charge in a volume.
Apply Gauss law to evaluateElectricfieldsdue to differentcharge distributionsand VolumeCharge
distributionby usingDivergenceTheorem.
• Determine potential and energy with respectto point charge and capacitanceusing Laplaceequation
and Apply Biot-Savart•sand Ampere's laws for evaluatingMagnetic field for different current
Calculatemagneticforce,potentialenergy and Magnetizationwith respectto magneticmaterialsand
voltageinducedin electriccircuits.
Apply Maxwell's equationsfor time varying fields. EM waves in free space and conductorsand
Evaluate er associatedwithEMwavesusin PO tin theorem
Questionpaper pattern:
• Examinationwillbe conductedfor 100markswithquestionpapercontaining10fullquestions,eachof
20 marks.
Each full questioncan have a maximumof 4 sub questions.
• There willbe 2 full questionsfromeach module coveringall the topicsof the rm»dule.
• Students willhave to answer5 full questions.selectingone full questionfrom each module.
• The totalmarkswillbe ro rtional reducedto 60 marksas SEEmarksis 60.
Text Book:
W.H. Hayt and J.A. Buck,—EngineeringElectromagneticsl, 8th Edition,Tata McGraw-
l. Elementsof Electromagnetics—Matthew N.0.. Sadiku,Oxford universitypress.$Edn
2. ElectromagneticWavesand Radiatingsystems —E. C. Jordanand K.G. Balman,PHI, 2"dEdn.
3. Electromagnetics- JosephEdminister,SchaumOutlineSeries,McGrawHill.
N. NarayanaRao. —Fundamentals of Electromagnetics for Engineeringl. Pearson.
B. E. (EC ITC)
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ECS6 IA Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60

40 (08 Hours per ExamHours
Total Number of Lecture Hours Module)

Course Learning Objectives:
Learn different Verilog HDL constructs.
Familiarize the different levels of abstractionin Verilog.
Understand Verilog Tasks, Functions and Directives.
Understand timing and delay Simulation.
• Understand the conc t of 10 •c s nthesis and its im act in verification
Module I Level
Overview of Digital Design with Verilog HDL: Evolutionof CAD, emergenceof HDLs.
typical HDL-flow. why Verilog HDL?, trends in HDL-s.
Hierarchical Modeling Concepts: Top-down and bottom-up design methodology. differences 3
between modules and module instances, arts of a simulation. desi n block, stimulus block.
Module 2
Basic Concepts: Lexical conventions, data types. system tasks. compiler directives.
Modules and Ports: Module definition, port declaration. connecting ports, hierarchical name
Gate-Level Modeling: Modeling using basic Verilog gate primitives, description of and/or and
buf/not type gates. rise, fall and turn-off delays. min. max. and typical delays.
Dataflow Modeling: Continuous assignments, delay specification, expressions. operators, operands, 3
o rator
Module 4
Behavioral Modeling: Structured procedures, initial and always. blocking and non-blocking
statements, delay control, generate statement, event control, conditional statements, Multiway
branching. loops. sequential and parallel blocks.
Tasks and Functiorw:Differencesbetweentasks and functions,declaration,invocation,automatic
tasks and functions.
Module 5
Useful Modeling Techniques: Procedural continuous assignments, overriding paranrters,
conditional compilation and execution, useful system tasks.
Logic Synthesis with Verilog: Logic Synthesis. Impact of logic synthesis. Verilog HDL
Synthesis, Synthesis design flow, Verification of Gate-Level Netlist. (Chapter 14 till 14.5 of
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students should be able to
• Write Verilog programs in gate, dataflow (RTL), behavioral and switch modeling levels of Abstraction.
• Design and verify the functionality of digital circuit/system using test benches.
• Identify the suitable Abstraction level for a particular digital design.
• Write the programs nu»reeffectively using Verilog tasks. functions and directives.
• Perform timing and delay Simulation
• Inte the various constructs in 10
Questionpaper pattern:
Examination will be conducted for marks with question paper containing 10 full questions. each of
20 marks.
Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
Students will have to answer 5 full uestions, selectin one full uestion from each module.

The total marks Will be ro rtionall reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.
Text Book:
Samir Palnitkar,"Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis", PearsonEducation.
Reference Books:
Donald E. Thomas, Philip R. Moorby, "The Verilog Hardware Description Language", Springer
Science+BusinessMedia, LLC, Fifth edition.
2. Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL" Pearson (Prentice Hall), Second
3. Padmanabhan,Tri ura Sundari,"Desi throu Verilo HDL", W• , 2016 or earlier.
B. E. (EC ITC)
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)


Course Code 8ECL57 IA Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week

Hr Tutorial(Instructions) Exam marks 60
+ 02 Hours Laboratory
RBT Level Exam Hours 03
ourse Learning Objectives: This course will enable students to
• Simulate discrete time signals and verification of sampling theorem.
• Compute the DFT for a discrete signal and verification of its properties using MATLAB.
• Find solution to the difference equations and computation of convolution and correlation along with
verification of properties.
1. Compute and display the filtering operations and compare with the theoretical values.
2. Implement the DSP computations on DSP hardware and verify the result.
Laboratory Experiments
FollowingExperiments to be done using MATLAB / SCILAB / OCTAVE or equivalent:
I. Verification of sampling theorem (use interpolation function).
2. Linear and circular convolutionof two given sequences,Commutative,distributive and associative
property of convolution.
3. Auto and cross correlation of two sequences and verification of their properties
4. Solving a given difference equation.
5. Computation of N point DFT of a given sequence and to plot magnitude and phase spectrum (using
DEI' equation and verify it by built-in routine).
6. (i) Verification of DFT properties (like Linearity and Parseval's theorem, etc.)
(ii) DFT computation of square pulse and Sinc function etc.
7. Design and implementation of Low pass and High pass FIR filter to meet the desired specifications
(using different windowtechniques)and test the filter with an audio file. Plot the spectrumof audio
signal before and after filtering.
8. Design and implementation of a digital IIR filter (Low pass and High pass) to meet given
specifications and test with an audio file. Plot the spectrum of audio signal before and after filtering.
Following Experiments to be done using DSP kit
9. Obtain the Linear convolution of two sequences.
10. Compute Circular convolution of two sequences.
I I . Compute the N-point DEI' of a given sequence.
12. Determine the Impulse response of first order and second order system.
13. Generation of Sine wave and standard test signals

Course Outcomes: On the completion of this laboratory course, the students will be able to:
• Understandthe concepts of analog to digital conversionof signals and frequencydomain samplingof
• Modeling of discrete time signals and systems and verification of its properties and results.
• Implementation of discrete computations using DSP processor and verify the results.
• Realize the digital filters using a simulationtool and analyze the responseof the filter for an audio

nduct of Practical Examination:

I. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Strictly follow the instructions as printed on the cover page of answer script for breakup of marks.
3. Change of experiment is allowed only once and Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.

Reference Books:
I. Vinay K Ingle. John G Proakis, Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB. Fourth Edition. Cengage
India PrivateLimited,2017.
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Laboratory Code 18ECIS8 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture 02Hr Tutorial (Instructions)+02 Hours
EE Marks 60
Hours/Week Laboratory
RBT Level 1.1,L2, L3 Hours 03
ourse Learning Objectives: This course will enable students to:
• Familiarize with the CAD tool to write HDL programs.
• Understand simulation and synthesis of digital design.
• Program FPGAs/CPLDs to synthesize the digital designs.
• Interface hardware to programmable ICs through I/O ports.
• Choose either Verilog or VHDL for a given Abstraction level.

Note: Programming can be done using any compiler. Download the programs on a FPGA/CPLD board an
performance testing may be done using 32 channel pattern generator and logic analyzer apart from verificatio
by simulation with tools such as Altera/Modelsim or equivalent.
Laboratory Experirnents
PART A : Programming

1. Write Verilog program for the following combinational design along with test bench to verify the design:
a. 2 to 4 decoder realization using NAND gates only (structural model)
b. 8 to 3 encoder with priority and without priority (behavioural model)
c. 8 to I multiplexer using case statement and if statements
d. 4-bit binary to gray converter using I-bit gray to binary convener I-bit adder and subtractor
2. Model in Verilog for a full adder and addfunctionality to perform logical operations of XOR, XNOR,
AND and OR gates. Write test bench with appropriate input patterns to verify the modeled behaviour.

3. Verilog 32-bit ALU shown in figure below and verify the functionality of ALU by selecting appropriate
test patterns. The functionality of the ALU is presented in Table I.
a. Write test bench to verify the functionality of the ALU considering all possible input patterns
b. The enable signal will set the output to required functions if enabled. if disabled all the outputs
are set to tri-state
c. The acknowledge signal is set high after every operation is completed

Enable Result132:01

Figure I ALU top level block diagram

Opcode(2:0) ALU Operation Remarks
Additionof two numbers Both A and B are in two's
001 A-B Subtractionof two numbers
010 IncrementAccumulatorb I A is in two's complement
Oil A-I Decrement accumulatorby I format
100 True Inputs can be in any format
101 A Co lement Co lement
110 A OR B Logical OR
111 A AND B Lo • al AND
Table I ALU Functions

4. Write Verilog code for SR. D and JK and verify the flip flop.
5. Write Verilog code for 4-bit BCD synchronouscounter.
6. Write Verilog code for counter with given input clock and check whether it works asclock divider
performingdivision of clock by 2.4, 8 and 16. Verify the functionalityof the code.
PART-B : Interfacing and Debugging (EDWinXP.PSpice.MultiSim, Proteus,CircuitLabor any other
equivalent tool can be used)
Write a Verilog code to design a clock divider circuit that generates 1/2. and l/$clock from a
given input clock. Port the design to FPGA and validate the functionality through oscilloscope.
2. Interface a DC motor to FPGA and write Verilog code to change its speed and direction.

3. Interfacea Stepper motor to FPGA and write Verilog code to control the Steppermotor rotationwhich
in turn may control a Robotic Arm. Externalswitches to be used for differentcontrols like rotate the
Stepper motor (i) steps if Switch no.I of a Dip switch is closed (ii) +N/2 steps if Switch no. 2 of a
Dip switch is closed(iii) —Nstepsif Switch no. 3 of a Dip switch is closedetc.

4. Interface a DAC to FPGA and write Verilog code to generate Sine wave of frequencyF KHz (eg. 200
KHz) frequency. Modify the code to down sample the frequency to F/2 KHz. Display the Original and
Down sampled signals by connecting them to an oscilloscope.
5. Write Verilog code using FSM to simulate elevator operation.

6. Write Verilog code to convert an analog input of a sensor to digital form and to display the same on a
suitable display like set of simple LEDs, 7-segment display digits or LCD display.

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