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2.8 which isa measure ofthe physical size or speed ofthe compressor required to handle te preseribed refrigeration load Example A theoretical single-stage cycle using R-1 Ma athe efrgerant ‘operates with 2 condensing tempore of 30°C and an evaporaing twmperasure of -20°C. The syiem produces $0 KW of refigration. Determine the (a) thermadyramie propery values athe four main sate pins ofthe eel, (6) COP, c) eyle refrigerating efficiency, and (@) ‘eof rtrigran ow Solution (@ Figure 9 shows schematic p-k diagram forthe problem with umevsal propery és Saturated vapor and saturaedliguid propo ties for sates 1 and 3 are oblaned from the saturation be or I-Ie in Cnaper 30, Properties for superhsted vapor at sate 2 a ‘bisined by lines interpolation of the superest tables for R340 in Capes 30. Speife volume and speci: enzopy vues for sated sce obtained by determining the quality of the hgoid-vepor mixture fromthe entipy y= MoM = 22-1864 ~ oa98 Boh, HOSS ve Yh nd, ¥f) ~ 00007362 + 0.3198(0.14739 ~0.0007362) 0.0876 mag 84747 4ltg 5) ~ 019002 + 0:3198(,7413 ~ 0.9002) 1118 kek) “The prope data ae tabulte in Table (by By Equation (40), cop = 38655=241.71 COP pa07 38655 (© By Bauations (17) and G8), _ COPTS=T) _ G.97VS0) 679 op 1 f FD 979 or 7% (@ Toe mas ow of retigean is obtained from an energy balance on the evaporator. Thus, 1h, he) = Oy = SOW ‘Table 1 Thermodynamic Property Data for Example 2 PikPa vem hoki 5, RIMKRR) 13273 o1a7s9 38685 17413 720 on798 = aso7 1741 77020 ome 211888, oe76s6 —24172__—_—1.16518 3 ZLromves ce) 1 eae TAR fase beso Fig.9 Schematic p-h Diageam for Example 2 2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals (SI) ond so Geese sary * OAS HO am “The sanration temperues ofthe snglestage cyle strongly influence te magnitude ofthe cosfcien of performance, This influence ray be cel sppecsied by an ea analysis on a tempertuesnropy (es) aga. Theat ndr reverse r= test ine ont Fs dagarn i ively proporondl ote thea ergy sided o removed from the working fi. This bteration fellows ety rom th defi of entepy sce Equation) In Figure 10th area reprseting Qs he ol area under the constant esse curve etwesn sae and 3. The area repesct ing the retgorating apa, th ar nde th eons pes Sure lne someting aes {fa 1, Te vet work eae Wee cals he ference (0, ~), which represee by the shade toa shown on Figure 16 Beste COP = 0, War he econ he COP of changes in evaporating tempered condensing tempers tay be ob Serve, Fr exarpiaa decease in evaporating temperature Sg- nificantly increases W,., and slightly decreases Q,. An increase in Condensing emperatur Fy produces th same ess Dt with ess effect on Haq Therefore, or maximum coefficient of performance, the ele sOUld operate athe lowest possible condensing emper- Sue and maximum posse aporstng enpertre. LORENZ REFRIGERATION CYCLE ‘The Camot reftigeration eycle includes two assumptions that ‘make it impractial, The hea wansfereapacities ofthe two extemal fluids are assumed to be infinitely lage so the extemal Mid tem- peratures remain fixed at Tj and Ty (they become infinitely large {thermal reservoirs). The Camot cycle also has no thermal resistance between the working reffigerant and external fluids inthe two heat exchange processes. Asa result, the refrigerant must remain fixed at Tp in the condenser and at Tin the evaporator. ‘The Lorenz cycle eliminates the frst resrction nthe Camot cycle by allowing the temperature ofthe two external fuids to vary during hneat exchange. The second assumption of negligible thermal resis= tance between the working refigerant and two extemal Muids remains. Therefore, the refrigerant temperature must change during the two heat exchange processes to equal the changing temperature of the external fluids. Tis eye is completely reversible when operating ‘between two fluids that each havea finite but constant het capacity. Fig. 10. Areas on 7-s Diagram Representing Refrigerating Effect and Work Supplied for Theoretical Single-Stage Cycle

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