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industry report

Indian UPS and Inverter Industry

Growing Slowly but Steadily
The UPS and inverter industry in India is expected to grow slowly but steadily. It has
some interesting technology trends in its pipeline too. In this report, we explore what is
exactly driving this industry, new market and technological trends, challenges faced in
India and future expectations with respect to industrial and small office/home office use

ABHISHEK A. MUTHA until today in India. From

industrial and commercial

ue to shortage of power in sectors, the power require-
the country, back-up power ment has increased, and this
system market is undoubtedly demand and supply gap is
growing with newer technologies and forcing establishments to
methodologies being incorporated and opt for inverters and UPS
implemented. Indian UPS market is systems to address this re-
a steadily growing market with both quirement.
Indian and multinational manufac- Vikas Chola, MCU ap-
turers contending for a major chunk plication manager-North
of market share. The Indian inverter India, Texas Instruments
market comprises several organised (India) informs, “Further-
and unorganised players jostling for more, to maintain technol-
space. Let us look into major driving ogy, inverters and UPS
factors for this industry. have become an integral
part to address power fluc-
What is driving the UPS ergy & Power Systems Practice, Frost tuations and prevent wear and tear to
and inverter industry? & Sullivan informs, “In the process expensive electronics and industrial
All industry experts unanimously and manufacturing industries, there equipment.”
believe that a major factor driving are critical nature of processes carried Change in rural attitude. Apart
growth for inverters and UPS in in- out which cannot afford a millisecond from increased purchasing power of
dustrial and private sectors is a need of power disruption. This is one sector Indian households, another reason
for uninterrupted power supply to run where UPS really fits in and which is fuelling growing popularity of this
basic infrastructure. The widening gap driving growth in the UPS sector.” sector is a change in attitude of rural
between demand and supply of elec- Lack of an efficient power grid. In- consumers. “A comparative index indi-
tricity in India is a key factor driving dia does not have a grid that is efficient cates that rural consumers who would
growth in this market. or sufficient enough for its people. Not previously easily withstand a 7-8-hour-
Statistically speaking, George only is there a lack of power compared long power cut are no longer willing
Mathew, research analyst, Netscribes to what is required, the power that we to withstand power cuts of more than
shares, “With an 8.7 per cent average do receive is not efficient power and it 4-5 hours. This change in attitude
energy deficit and a 9 per cent peak thus incurs huge losses. has opened up the rural markets as a
deficit in 2012-13, the demand for pow- Sameer R. Sanghvi, managing direc- thriving prospective market for power
er backup solutions is considerably tor, Barr Electronics says, “If these loss- backup systems,” notes Mathew.
increasing. This is particularly true for es were to be rectified, there would be a Additionally, these devices support
south India which faced a shortage of huge surge in the percentage of power users in exercising control over vari-
7.2GW in 2012-13.” available to us. Insufficient capacity and ous factors including parameters such
Inverter is basically a backup inefficiency of grid for distribution are as power factor correction and load
power device whereas UPS is used for factors that are driving our UPS and balancing. T. Anand, principal consult-
backup power as well as power condi- inverter industry today.” ant, Knewron says, “Online (or inline)
tioning. Talking about UPS industry, Power quality and reliability has inverters are first choice as compared
Anindya Das, industry manager, En- been (and remains) a concerning issue to offline inverters as they could help Electronics For You | april 2014 119

industry report
you save bills too. Apart from technical fuels and traditional methods of supply- independent of the grid. So in the in-
reasons, price trend and servicing op- ing power, and the fact that the price of verter segment, people are exploring
tions are helping buyers to choose UPS photovoltaic module, which are made solar inverters today. “The market
and inverters easily.” from the abundantly-available, easily- trend is moving towards solar. Back-
extractable silicon, is going down.” up solutions given through solar are
Opportunities for organised This point of intersection is called the most sought after,” says Sanghvi.
and unorganised sectors grid parity and hence, in the future, the Ideally, people would install a solar
The market for inverters and UPS in solar industry would definitely be in a system with batteries so that it not only
India is characterised by a dominant very strong position to expand rapidly. serves their power needs during the
presence of the unorganised sector, Once grid parity is realised, the pay- day but also gives them a small relief
informs Mathew. However, the market back period comes down drastically. in their power needs during night.
for these products in India is extensive Suppose you use a generator, have Another important business trend
enough for both organised and unor- a grid tie inverter extracting sunlight is an increasing demand for SOHO/
ganised sectors to co-exist, since they and using it as power, your payback high-end inverters as a lot of users
essentially cater to different sets of period can come down to as low as 1.6 are looking for uninterrupted power
consumers. years. This will result in making the backup for commercial activities which
He says, “While the unorganised purchase decision an easier one. saves them huge money in comparison
sector caters to the price-sensitive to generators.
consumers, organised players mostly Market and business trends Manoj Jain, vice president, Microtek
target the brand-conscious consumers. Extensive research by market research International Pvt Ltd shares, “Due to er-
However, the low prices offered by the agencies on power backup systems rant power conditions, more and more
unorganised players are now compel- market across rural and urban sectors industries and SOHO segment users are
ling the organised players to reduce brings up a number of trends. Suppli- shifting from generators to inverters.
their prices to effectively maintain their ers operating in the inverter industry This is because running costs of invert-
competitive edge in the market.” are exploring contract manufacturing ers are very low and these are more
Although Sanghvi believes or- opportunities. convenient.”
ganised players are some of the Mathew says, “This arrangement Specifically talking about the India
largest manufacturers in the inverter benefits both the service provider and market, Chola says, “We see the emerg-
industry in India and worldwide, he the hiring firm as each can focus on his ing requirement for inverters with 2kV
says, “There is a massive potential for core competencies. Moreover, play- and high-frequency inverters.” Fur-
growth for both the sectors.” ers operating in the UPS market are thermore, the popularity of solar tech-
increasingly focussing on selling their nologies in both rural and urban India is
Effect of grid parity products through large retail formats driving the trend for solar hybrid invert-
on this industry and on strengthening their channel ers that combine solar panels with an
Today, the cost of power is continuously sales.” inverter, to address power requirements.
rising and, at the same time, the cost of He further adds, “UPS units of Finally, there is also a trend of battery
buying a solar solution is going down. up to 600VA are being sold through management in inverter batteries.
As manufacturers in this industry in- retail channels while large configura-
crease, so does the awareness of solar tions that require technical support Government policies
causing the prices to go down. are mostly being sold through channel and their effects
Sanghvi informs, “If we look at the partners.” The Jawarhalal Nehru National Solar
last five years and consider per watt Shifting focus to the inverter Mission (JNNSM) currently gives 80
cost, it must have gone down at least segment, previously, for hard-core per cent accelerated depreciation for
by 50 per cent, if not more. And the backup power, people used gensets. companies that by a solar system. And
trend is, the cost is continuously going Due to rising cost and storage chal- in Maharashtra, there are no taxes for
down but our power requirement and lenges of diesel, people are starting to a solar power generating pack. A solar
power price is going up. So the situa- shift from gensets to power inverters. power generating pack comprises a
tion is coming to something called grid Although, Das notes, “In some of the battery and the solar panel with an
parity.” small office/home office (SOHO) and inverter, which attracts zero tax.
Explaining grid parity, he adds, “It SME segments, diesel gensets are not The government is releasing
means the power we pay for and the completely being discarded but their schemes but, at the same time, due to
power we extract, in terms of capital usage is slowly being reduced; they are lack of knowledge, the assemblers and
expenditure (CAPEX) and operational complementing the power inverters integrators still do not know how to
expenditure (OPEX), respectively, will be when they are completely discharged.” give you maximum benefit, informs
the same because of rising prices of fossil A lot of people today want to be Sanghvi. He says, “So the outside pic-

120 april 2014 | Electronics For You

industry report

250 120
200 189.1 90.82

153.7 80 77.29
150 66.74
` billion

` billion
125.56 58.5
103.07 52
100 84.99
70.38 40


0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Fig. 1: Inverter market: Value-wise (Data courtesy: Netscribes) Fig. 2: UPS market: Value-wise (Data courtesy: Netscribes)

ture looks like it is a fraudulent indus- industry in the country has to deal Also, there are a lot of smaller play-
try but actually, if done the right way, with. Growth of the Indian power ers who have entered the market. So
the UPS and inverter industry should backup industry is thwarted by poor there is a tendency amongst them to
experience continuous growth.” consumer knowledge and further sell underrated inverters also.
However, not all are of the same hindered by misconstrued selection Summarising the challenges, Das
view. “Though prima facie it seems that criteria for power backup products, says, “Stiff pricing, inferior rating and
government policies do affect, in real- informs Mathew. lower quality of batteries, improve-
ity, they need not. Industry consortium He notes, “Consumers often tend ment of main grid power supply and
can help this segment to grow without to overlook important technical de- deliberate underrating of inverters are
much ado. Depending upon government tails such as resistive loads, types of some of the pressing challenges faced
for concession or something else could lubrication, safety features and other by the whole inverter industry.”
definitely slow-down growth of the seg- technical parameters while making Sanghvi believes the challenges
ment and would not do any good in the purchase decisions, which leads to faced are basically concept selling and
future,” adds Anand. negative reviews by current consumers knowledge. He adds, “Once you give
Some other challenges are balanc- and ultimately causes other potential knowledge to people and you start
ing rising input costs because of rising customers to defer their purchase.” selling the concept then this industry
costs of raw materials and maintaining Moreover, he adds, “A significant will definitely look at a boom.” So the
fair value for the users. growth in imports from China, espe- challenge today is knowledge—not ba-
On another note, one of the major cially in case of inverters and the UPS sic knowledge but integrated technical
buyers of inverters and UPS systems units of lower than 10kVA range, is knowledge as well.
today is the government of India, another challenge being faced by the Talking about the government
shares Mathew. However, he says, “Of domestic industry.” policies, Jain believes that, “The gov-
late, our government has not floated Shifting focus to the inverter in- ernment policies offering different tax
any major tenders, as a result of which dustry, inverter is not really a high- slabs in various states is a very disturb-
sale of UPS and inverters has taken a end product; any power electronics ing factor—there must be a uniform
hit. While government schemes such company can enter the market. Das slab all across India.”
as computerisation of schools have believes that the entry barriers are very
boosted the industry in the past, not low in this sector. He says, “Due to Technology trends
many new funds have been allocated this, we see a lot of players who have The demand for power in the country
to schools in the recent times.” This entered this market recently, resulting has been increasing at an exponential
has, in turn, affected the number of in stiff competition. The entry barriers rate. the increased spending power of
orders, thereby leading to a decline in in the UPS industry are comparatively the people has been a significant contrib-
sales. On the brighter side, he adds, higher.” Besides, the whole origin of utor. Even people in the rural areas have
“The government’s initiative of com- the inverter industry is because of need resorted to complex appliances to sup-
puterisation of its various departments of backup power during power cuts. port their daily lives, informs Mathew.
is benefitting the industry, currently He adds, “Over a period of time, the Consequently, the industry is witness-
keeping the industry afloat.” grid power supply is improving due to ing a shift towards new technology and
privatisation of distribution companies design in order to support more sophis-
Challenges faced in cities such as Delhi, Mumbai and ticated appliances. He says, “Green UPS
Lack of awareness is one of the major Kolkata. This can have a dampening systems, which offer efficiency rates of
challenges that the UPS and inverter effect on the inverter industry.” 94-97 per cent as against the usual 80-88 Electronics For You | april 2014 121

industry report

Major Contributors to this Report

Anindya Das, George Mathew, Manoj Jain, Sameer R. Sanghvi, T. Anand, Vikas Chola,
industry manager, Energy research analyst, vice president, Microtek managing director, principal consultant, MCU application manager-
& Power Systems Practice, Netscribes International Pvt Ltd Barr Electronics Knewron North India, Texas
Frost & Sullivan Instruments (India)

per cent efficiency units, is one of the lat-

est trends that has emerged in the market.
Price trend
This helps in conserving energy as well as There are several players operating in the industry, which has led to a stiff price competi-
reducing the carbon footprint.” tion in the market. While unorganised players sell their products at significantly lower
On a similar note, Das informs, “To- prices, products from the organised players are generally sold at premium costs. The
difference in prices can be attributed to the quality of the products and the superior after-
day, we see a lot of modular UPS com-
sales services offered by the bigger brands.
ing in the market. There is also a UPS Additionally, high raw material prices and inflationary pressures are making it all the
called Flywheel or Green UPS which more difficult for players to keep the prices of their products stable.
uses energy under the flywheel (rotor).” Courtesy: Netscribes
(Flywheel systems store energy kineti-
cally rather than chemically. Instead of based high-frequency inverters is taking tems. This would help industry to have
dozens of heavy containers of lead place. These inverters are smaller in size a different and futuristic perspective and
plates submerged in sulphuric acid, and more efficient.” see UPS and inverters beyond just power
flywheels use the inertia of a spinning The trend with respect to technology suppliers, informs Anand.
mass to store and regenerate power. is also moving towards solar. Today, R&D has become one of the major
Data courtesy: high-power tracking systems such as focus areas of the power backup systems
Introduction of transformerless UPS maximum power point tracker (MPPT) market. For the overall development
systems is another emerging area where based solar inverters are being used. of the industry, and for players to be
the efficiency is a little higher. It is used “This is the latest technology shift that is able to increase the profitability, it has
for very specific applications. occurring from the typical pulse-width become imperative for the companies to
Talking about another significant modulation (PWM) inverters. Compa- invest in R&D activities. Making power
trend, he adds, “Multi-utility products, nies are employing more of this tracking backup equipment available in smaller
wherein both lighting and computing technology to extract the maximum they sizes would ensure greater revenue,
power backup requirements are man- can from sunlight and convert it into us- especially from the SME and SOHO seg-
aged, are being manufactured to meet able power,” says Sanghvi. ments. Players can also look to foray into
the market needs. Moreover, owing to Another trend is moving towards e-commerce business models along with
rising real-estate costs, vendors are also hybrid inverters. These inverters use so- doorstep delivery systems.
looking to offer products with a higher lar panels in combination with the main Another emerging area is that
wattage per square centimetre. Even power to charge the battery, thus saving of superior after-sales services. A
5kVA UPS units are being equipped on the electricity cost. These inverters widespread service centre network
with features that were earlier seen only could help in integrating conventional will help companies build trust and
in high-end systems.” energy sources with regular sources ensure recommendations from exist-
The technology for this market has easily and are programmed to use con- ing customers, thereby adding to their
been developing over the years. Chola ventional sources in a better way. goodwill and brand value. Moreover,
shares, “Currently, in the home UPS cross-selling platforms for low-voltage
market, we see the move from traditional Future products via the diffused channels are
square-wave inverters towards the sine- While UPS/inverter industry is rela- expected to bring about a greater vis-
wave inverter technology. Second, the tively stable these days, there is need ibility amongst end users, thus leading
sine-wave inverters are predominantly to look out for new trends in advanced to greater revenues. 
iron-core transformer types. However, in electronics such as Internet of Things
recent times, development of ferrite-core- based systems and smart grid linked sys- The authors is a senior correspondent at EFY

122 april 2014 | Electronics For You

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