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Heat Transfer where 6, unit ar the total rate of radiant energy incident on surface per For opaque gray surfaces, the reflectivity is Penta, ‘Thus, Joey + 1-86, 26) Note that fora black surface, © = 1, p=0, and J= My ‘The net radiant energy transfer gs the difference between the total energy leaving the surface and the total incident energy 4 AGG) @ Eliminating G, between Equations (26) and (27), Wy * 28) 4 Oey, Radiosity Method. Consider en enclosure of m isothermal su faces with areas Of Ay, Apy «ms Ay and emissivities OF, €35 us Ee respectively. Some maybe at uniform but different known tem peratures, and the remaining surfaces have uniform but different and known heat fluxes. Theradiant energy lux incident on asurface Gis the sum of the radiant energy reaching it from each of the n srfaces: Gain Shudhtee Shuts of Ge SFahh ‘Substituting Equation (29) into Equation (26), do emyeti- brat @n Combining Equations 30) and 28), de Gn LSS Pady "Note that in Equations (30) end (31), the summation includes surfice Equation (30) is for surfaces with known temperatures, and Equation (31) for those with known heat fluxes. An opening in the cnelosure is teated as a black surface atthe temperature of the sur roundings. The resulting set of simultaneous, linear equations can be solved for the unknown Js, ‘Once the radiosties (Js) are known, the net radiant energy trans fer to or from each surface or the emissive power, whichever is unknown is determined. For surfaces where Ey is known and g; ist be determined, use Equation (28) fora nonblack surface, Fora black surface, J,= Wy and Equation (31) can be rearanged to give 4% ae a Wu File (2) At surfaces where g; is known and Bj; isto be determined, rea range Equation (28: a) 418 ‘The temperature ofthe surface i then ways = (% co) o) A surface in rian: balance is one for which radiant emission is ‘balanced by eadiant absorption (Le, heat is neither removed from, ‘nor supplied to the surfuce). These ere called reradiating, insu- lated, or refractory surfaces. For these surfaces, g,~0 in Equation GI), After solving forthe radosities, V4, can be found by noting, that g,= 0 in Equation (33) gives Wy ~J ‘Thermal Circuit Method. Another method to determine the nea ransfer rate is using thermal circuits for radiative heat transfer rates, Heat transfer rates from surface to surface kand surface k0 Sure respectively, are given by aia AFia(Si—dy) and 4s= AFnsS—AD Using the reciprocity relation 4), qq the net heat transfer rte om site 0 sie fs Imp Ga toate = AFI = Tee OS) Equations (28) and (35) are analogous tothe current in a tance, withthe numerators representing a potential difference and the denominator representing a thermal resistance, This analogy ean ‘be used to solve radiative heat transfer rates among surfaces, as iMustated in Example 9. Using angle factors and radiation properties as defined assumes that the surfaces are diffuse radiators, which is @ good assumption for most noametals in the infrared region, but poor for highly pol- ished metal, Subdividing the surfaces and considering the variation ‘of radiation properties with angle of incidence improves the approx imation but ineteases the work required for solution. Alsonote that radiation properties, such as absorptivity, have significant uncer- ‘aintes, for which the final solutions should account, [Example 9, Consider a4 m wide, $m ong, 2.5m high oom as shown in Figure 17. Heating pipes, embeded in the eelng (I), esp is emp sure at 40°C. The foo? (2) is at 30°C, and the sie walls (3) aw TBC. Tao omissvry of ach surface ig 0.8. Determine the net edatve heat irate rte tofom each surice Solution: Consider the room as «thveesuace eneosure, The eoere- ‘sponding themal circuit is alo shown. The heat iansfer rates are found air finding the radiosity ofeach surface by solving the thermal From Figure 1S, A Fay 056 Fig. 17 Diagrams for Example 9

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