Lymph Nodes Normal and Malignant

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Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Malignant and Normal

Cervical Lymph Nodes

Craig P. Giacomini, BS,* R. Brooke Jeffrey, MD,† and Lewis K. Shin, MD†,‡

Head and neck malignancies, including squamous cell carcinoma, lymphoma, and thyroid
cancer, are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and frequently present with
cervical lymphadenopathy. Distinguishing normal from malignant lymph nodes is critical for
accurate staging, prognosis, and determination of optimal therapeutic options. Gray-scale,
power, and color Doppler ultrasonography offers an inexpensive yet effective method in
identifying abnormal cervical lymph nodes. Sonographic nodal features that should be
assessed include size, shape, echotexture (including microcalcifications and cystic changes),
presence of an echogenic hilus, and vascularity. Although no single sonographic feature can
accurately distinguish malignant from normal nodes, a combination of these characteristics
can help to make this determination.
Semin Ultrasound CT MRI 34:236-247 Published by Elsevier Inc.

V arious malignancies arise in the head and neck region.

The incidence, risk factors, and mortality rates associ-
ated with these cancers vary. For example, it is estimated that
survival rate of patients by nearly 50%, and bilateral metastases
reduce survival by an additional 50%.5,6 In papillary thyroid
cancer (PTC), nodal microscopic metastases have been
there would be 56,460 new cases of thyroid cancer in the reported in as many as 80% of the patients undergoing
United States in 2012 with an estimated 1780 deaths. prophylactic lymph node dissection.7 The clinical significance
Thyroid cancer risk factors include female gender, age, family of these micrometastases is unclear. In addition, metastatic
history, radiation exposure, and certain genetic syndromes cervical lymph nodes detected after thyroidectomy can remain
including familial adenomatous polyposis and multiple stable for years in many patients.8 Nevertheless, macroscopic
endocrine neoplasia type 2.1 Head and neck squamous cell cancer involvement of cervical lymph nodes is associated with
carcinomas (HNSCC) make up approximately 3% of all tumor recurrence and diminished overall survival.9,10 Hence,
malignancies in the United States, with an estimated 52,000 evaluation of cervical lymph nodes for malignant spread is
new cases in 2012.2 These cancers are nearly twice as critical for determining patient prognosis and optimal ther-
common among men as they are among women and are apeutic options. High-resolution ultrasound offers a fast,
diagnosed more often in individuals older than 50 years. noninvasive, and inexpensive approach.
Primary tumors arise in various mucosal surfaces of the head Nodal sonographic features can offer a clue for whether a
and neck including but not limited to the tongue, orophar- lymph node contains cancer. Ultrasound provides detailed
ynx, nasopharynx, piriform sinuses, nasal cavity, and larynx. information about the internal and external features of a lymph
Major risk factors include tobacco and alcohol use as well as node and demonstrates superior sensitivity and specificity in
human papillomavirus infection for certain cancer subtypes.3 detecting malignant nodes compared with physical examina-
Malignant involvement of local lymph nodes is a common tion. For example, sonography has become the imaging
feature of many head and neck cancers. Nodal involvement is method of choice to evaluate cervical lymph nodes in patients
the most important prognostic factor in HNSCC.4 Unilateral with PTC, both in the initial staging and in their subsequent
cervical node metastases have been shown to reduce the 5-year surveillance following thyroidectomy.11-15 Other imaging
modalities, including computed tomography (CT), magnetic
*Stanford University School of Medicine, 291 Campus Drive, Li Ka Shing
resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography, have
Building, Stanford, CA 94305. also shown utility in evaluating cervical lymphadenopathy.
†Department of Radiology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA. However, these approaches are comparatively expensive, with
‡Department of Radiology, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA. ultrasound demonstrating higher sensitivity for detecting
Address reprint requests to Lewis K. Shin, MD, Department of Radiology, VA cancer.16-18 No single sonographic feature can accurately
Palo Alto Health Care System, 3801 Miranda Ave, MC 114, Palo Alto, CA
94304. E-mail:
distinguish a normal or reactive lymph node from a malignant

236 0887-2171/$-see front matter Published by Elsevier Inc.
Ultrasonographic evaluation of malignant and normal cervical lymph nodes 237

one; rather, a combination of characteristics including nodal

size, shape, location, echotexture, and vascularity character-
ization can help make this determination. As a result,
ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy with cytologic
analysis is frequently used for the confirmation (or exclusion)
of malignancy in suspicious lymph nodes. In this article, we
review the anatomy of normal cervical lymph nodes and the
role of ultrasound in the characterization of abnormal
(eg metastatic) nodes.

Cervical Lymph Node Structure

and Anatomy
Lymph nodes are encapsulated and highly organized struc-
tures that are interposed along regional vessels of the lympho-
vascular system. Lymph nodes are surrounded by a
collagenous capsule and contain a highly cellular cortex of
densely packed lymphoid follicles. Afferent lymphatic vessels
pierce the capsule and extend through the cortex where they
converge with a network of broad interconnected channels
called medullary sinuses. The sinuses ultimately extend to the
central concavity of the node termed the hilum that contains
the lymph node artery and vein. Lymph drains from the hilum
into efferent lymphatic vessels, which eventually join the
bloodstream via the thoracic duct or right lymphatic duct.19,20
Various systems have been devised for the anatomical
classification of cervical lymph nodes. The American Joint
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) devised a commonly used
system that divides the head and neck into 7 regions.5,21-23
However, this classification scheme has limitations in ultra-
sonographic evaluation because it excludes certain lymph
nodes in the head and neck (Fig. 1A). A more useful system
was developed by Hajek et al.24 that divides cervical lymph
nodes into 8 anatomical regions (Fig. 1B) that are readily
amenable for sonographic evaluation.21,25

Ultrasonography Technique
Various sonographic modalities can be used for lymph node
evaluation, including gray-scale, color Doppler, power Dop- Figure 1 (A and B). Anatomical schematics. (A) The AJCC classification
pler sonography (PDS), and 3-dimensional PDS. Gray-scale of pathologic cervical lymph nodes. I—submental and submandib-
ultrasound can characterize features including lymph node ular nodes. II—anterior cervical and internal jugular lymph node
chain from the skull base to the level of the hyoid bone. III—internal
location, size, shape, border, echogenicity, calcifications,
jugular chain nodes from the hyoid bone to the cricoid cartilage. IV—
necrosis or cystic change, and adjacent soft tissue edema. nodes in the internal jugular chain between the cricoid cartilage and
Vascular features of lymph nodes can be evaluated by color or clavicle. V—lymph nodes along the spinal accessory chain posterior to
power Doppler ultrasound. Spectral analysis is used to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. VI—nodes from the hyoid bone to
measure blood flow velocity and vascular resistance. PDS has the suprasternal notch with the medial border of the carotid sheath
increased sensitivity compared with standard color Doppler bilaterally forming its lateral borders. VII—nodes in the superior
sonography in visualizing small vessels or the vascular supply mediastinum. (B) Classification developed by Hajek et al. classifiying
of smaller lymph nodes. The 3-D PDS allows for reconstruc- nodes readily amenable to ultrasound evaluation. Anatomical bound-
tion of images in 3 dimensions.26,27 aries depicted (Reprinted with permission21). (Color version of the
The choice of transducer is an important consideration figure is available online.)
when evaluating cervical lymph nodes as higher frequen-
cies provide better resolution for superficial structures, generally recommended, although higher frequency trans-
whereas lower frequencies are more effective at imaging ducers of 10–18 MHz are often used. In certain circum-
deep nodes. A linear transducer of at least 7.5 MHz is stances, the convex surface of a curvilinear or sector probe
238 C.P. Giacomini et al

offers the advantage of a more expansive viewing field, that outside of the neck; the classic primary is gastric carci-
may be particularly useful when examining supraclavicular noma but others include esophageal and pancreatic
lymph nodes.21,26,27 origins.36-39 Posterior triangle adenopathy in a high-risk
Although there is no single correct approach for patient population (ie Southern Chinese) should raise
evaluating neck nodes, one should employ a method that concern for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.40
is both comprehensive and systematic. The patient should
be placed in the supine position with the neck in a neutral
or slightly hyperextended position. One approach is to Lymph Node Size
first evaluate the submental area, followed by the sub- Although size has traditionally been used to distinguish
mandibular and parotid regions. Next, the upper, middle, malignant from normal nodes, it has been shown to be an
and lower cervical levels should be evaluated. Lastly, the inaccurate sole criterion.41 Several reasons exist for this
supraclavicular fossa and posterior triangle should be unreliability including the observation that normal cer-
assessed. vical lymph nodes vary in size depending on their
anatomical location. In a study using ultrasound to
compare normal cervical lymph nodes between Chinese
and Caucasian subjects, Ying et al. demonstrated that the
Sonographic Features of Normal largest lymph nodes in both ethnicities are located in the
and Malignant Cervical Lymph submandibular region (0.6 cm), whereas the middle
Nodes cervical nodes were found to be the smallest (0.2 cm).42
In addition, when lymph nodes become reactive from
Number and Distribution local infection and inflammation, their increased size from
Normal cervical lymph nodes are generally detectable by hyperplasia can equal that of metastatic nodes. Brancato
ultrasound in 4 anatomical locations including the parotid et al. used ultrasonography to discover that patients with
(20%), submandibular (20%), upper cervical (20%), and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis have increased numbers
posterior triangle (35%-37%) regions. Elderly patients tend of enlarged hyperplastic neck nodes, especially in levels II,
to have fewer nodes than younger patients, although the III, and IV.43 Therefore, using the patient's clinical history
mechanism underlying this decrease is not well under- in combination with changes in cervical lymph node size
stood.21,28,29 Thus, detection of lymph nodes outside these can help assess metastatic involvement. An increase in
4 regions or the finding of increased numbers of lymph nodes nodal size on serial examinations in a patient with a
in an elderly patient should raise suspicion for a pathologic known malignancy is highly suspicious for cancer.
process. Another confounding factor is the finding that for older
Head and neck malignancies tend to metastasize to specific patients, normal cervical lymph nodes tend to be larger
lymph node clusters depending on the subtype and location of compared with those of younger patients, presumably
the primary tumor. For example, in 1 study evaluating owing to increased fat content with advancing age.29
sonographic features of cervical lymph nodes in patients with Defining the upper size limit of a normal lymph node
thyroid cancer, 66.52% of the metastatic nodes were found to remains controversial. Wide variations in the techniques
be situated in the lower third, 20.36% were found in the applied and in the nodal dimensions measured have made
middle third, and only 13.12% were found in the superior it difficult to draw conclusions from the literature. In a
third of the neck. In contrast, benign lymph nodes were found seminal study published in 1998, van den Brekel et al.
more often in the superior (45.94%) and middle (39.53%) attempted to define the optimum size cutoff for identify-
third of the neck.30 In non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, metastatic ing malignant cervical lymph nodes in different anatom-
lymph nodes are typically located in the submandibular and ical regions based on the AJCC classification.44 The study
upper cervical regions.31,32 used ultrasound to measure the minimum axial diameter
In 2%-9% of all head and neck cancers, the primary of nodes from a series of 184 surgically treated patients
tumor cannot be identified, in which case the malignancy with HNSCC. For the group of patients as a whole, a
is termed a cancer of unknown primary origin.33 Evaluat- threshold of 10 mm had a sensitivity of 63% and specific-
ing the location of metastatic lymph nodes can offer clues ity of 92%. However, the study shows that different
regarding the origin of these malignancies. For example, criteria work better for the different AJCC regions, and
cancers of the tongue and larynx along with thyroid they demonstrate that adjusting the size criteria even
carcinomas commonly metastasize to lymph nodes within slightly significantly affects sensitivity and specificity. In
the internal jugular chain.34,35 The laterality of the a recent study, Moghaddam et al. used 7 mm and 13 mm
malignant lymph nodes is another important consider- as cutoffs for minimal and maximal nodal diameter,
ation, as the primary lesion should be sought in ipsilateral respectively, for assigning a cervical lymph node as
mucosal or cutaneous structures. Bilateral neck masses malignant.45 The 7-mm minimal diameter cutoff corre-
can suggest the occult primary lesion is from a midline sponded to a sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 79%,
structure, such as the base of the tongue or nasopharynx. respectively, and the 13-mm maximal diameter cutoff
Isolated left supraclavicular adenopathy, the “Virchow achieved 85% sensitivity and 59% specificity. As other
node,” should raise suspicion of a primary malignancy studies propose different criteria, lymph node size should
Ultrasonographic evaluation of malignant and normal cervical lymph nodes 239

be correlated with patient history and other sonographic


Shape is another criteria frequently used to distinguish
malignant and normal lymph nodes. Quantifying the shape
of a lymph node is performed by examining the short axis to
long axis ratio (S:L). Round nodes (S:L 4 0.5) are considered
to be suspicious for malignancy (Fig. 2), whereas flat, oval-
shaped nodes (S:L o 0.5) (Fig. 3) are generally considered
normal or reactive.46 One caveat is that normal lymph nodes in
the submandibular and parotid regions can often have a round
shape.47 Conversely, malignant nodes may have an oval shape
when they are in the early stages of development.

Figure 3 (A and B). Normal lymph node. (A) Gray-scale sonogram

demonstrates a normal, flat lymph node with an echogenic hilus
(arrow). (B) Color Doppler image demonstrates absence hilar flow.
(Color version of the figure is available online.)

Although several studies demonstrate a correlation

between nodal shape and the presence of malignancy,
this association is not perfect. Tohnosu et al. used ultra-
sound for cervical lymph node evaluation in 58 patients
with established esophageal cancer.48 This study demon-
strated that in 126 evaluated lymph nodes, the presence of
metastasis was significantly higher among those nodes
having a round shape (S:L 4 0.5) and a long axis
exceeding 10 mm; among the 77 metastatic lymph nodes
Figure 2 (A and B). Abnormal lymph node from breast carcinoma evaluated, oval-shaped nodes (S:L o 0.5) harbored a 26%
metastasis. (A) Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates abnormal, rounded cancer content on histologic examination, whereas round
lymph node morphology. (B) Color Doppler image demonstrates nodes contained a 59.1% cancer content. More recently,
abnormal peripheral flow. (Color version of the figure is available in a study evaluating cervical lymph nodes in patients with
online.) thyroid cancers, Kuna et al. demonstrated that 11.8% of
240 C.P. Giacomini et al

with confirmed papillary thyroid carcinoma, 86% of nodes

were found to be hyperechoic compared with the adjacent
muscles on gray-scale ultrasound.13 This hyperechogenicity is
presumed to be due to intranodal deposition of thyroglobulin
by neoplastic cells.34,40 Hence, the incidental finding of
hyperechoic cervical lymph nodes should prompt evaluation
of the thyroid gland for cancer. Lymphomatous lymph nodes
can exhibit a pseudocystic appearance, defined as hypoecho-
genicity with posterior enhancement.34,35

Echogenic Hilus
On ultrasound, the hilum of a normal lymph node appears
as an eccentric, echogenic intranodal structure (Fig. 3) that is
continuous with adjacent perinodal fat. Approximately
90% of nodes with a maximum transverse diameter greater
than 5 mm show an echogenic hilum on high-resolution
ultrasound.40,53 This appearance is thought to be secondary
to the medullary sinuses that act as acoustic interfaces that
Figure 4 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma
metastasis. Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates focal echogenic regions
(long arrows) with irregular and unsharp borders (short arrow)
suspicious for extracapsular spread.

the 296 benign nodes examined had a round shape.30

Among the 221 malignant lymph nodes they examined,
34.4% were oval shaped.

There have been mixed reports and controversy regarding
nodal border and its correlation with malignancy. Some
studies suggest that cancerous nodes tend to have a sharp
border on ultrasound, whereas benign nodes appear to have
ill-defined borders.49,50 This sharp border has been proposed
to be secondary to intranodal tumor infiltration, which causes
an increase in the acoustic impedance difference between the
lymph node and surrounding tissues.50 However, it is known
that extracapsular spread of malignant cells frequently results
in an irregular nodal border on ultrasound (Fig. 4). Further-
more, others have reported that lymph nodes with irregular
borders tend to be malignant whereas those with well-defined
borders are benign. Toriyabe et al. found that 84.6% of cervical
lymph nodes with irregular margins were metastatic, and
82.6% of nodes with regular margins were benign.51 Similarly,
Moritz et al. report that the majority of benign, enlarged
cervical lymph nodes had well-defined boundaries, and 54%
of lymph node metastases were poorly defined.52 Caution
should be used when interpreting nodal border in relation to
metastatic disease.

Normal, reactive, and most malignant nodes have a predom- Figure 5 (A and B). Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid
inantly hypoechoic appearance on ultrasound relative to carcinoma metastasis. (A) Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates absence
adjacent musculature. One exception is metastases from PTC of the echogenic hilus. (B) Color Doppler image demonstrates
that can have a hyperechoic appearance (Figs. 5–7). One study abnormal peripheral flow. (Color version of the figure is available
demonstrated in 198 metastatic lymph nodes from patients online.)
Ultrasonographic evaluation of malignant and normal cervical lymph nodes 241

partially reflect the ultrasound waves. The absence of an

echogenic hilus may indicate that infiltrating malignant cells
have obliterated this structure, although tuberculous nodes
can also exhibit this appearance. Notably, early metastatic
nodes frequently have a normal echogenic hilus on

Cervical lymph node calcification is an uncommon find-
ing, but its presence may suggest infiltration by thyroid
cancer, specifically papillary subtypes (Figs. 6, 8, 9 and
10).21 These calcifications are thought to correspond to
psammoma bodies, which are identifiable on histologic
evaluation.35 When present, a thorough evaluation of the
thyroid gland for an underlying malignancy is indicated.

Figure 7 (A and B). Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid

carcinoma metastasis. (A) Transverse and (B) Longitudinal gray-scale
sonograms demonstrate marked, abnormally increased lymph node
echotexture (arrows).

Medullary thyroid cancer can also present with calcifica-

tions within metastatic lymph nodes, but this finding is
less common in comparison.
The distribution of nodal calcifications is another important
consideration. Thyroid cancer–associated calcifications tend to
have an irregular distribution. In contrast, outside of the neck,
peripherally distributed or “egg-shell” calcification typically
signifies a nonmalignant etiology.56 For example, in the
mediastinum, nodal egg-shell calcification is classically asso-
ciated with silicosis but can also be present in patients with
sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.57-59 Silvers et al. reported CT
Figure 6 (A and B). Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid
detection of egg shell–type calcifications within cervical lymph
carcinoma metastasis. (A) Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates hetero- nodes in a patient with sinus histiocytosis after treatment with
geneous lymph node with abnormal, nonhilar, hyperechoic foci interferon.60 Other less common causes of cervical lymph
(arrow), and microcalcifications (arrowheads). (B) Gray-scale sono- node calcifications include metastatic mucinous adenocarci-
gram (different plane) demonstrates additional abnormal hyperechoic nomas, granulomas, fat necrosis, and previously treated
foci (arrow) and microcalcifications (arrowheads). lymphomas.
242 C.P. Giacomini et al

Figure 8 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma Figure 10 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma
metastasis. Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates predominantly cystic metastasis. Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates heterogeneous, hyper-
lymph node (long arrow) with mural soft tissue nodularity (short echoic lymph node with abnormal microcalcifications (arrowheads).
arrows) and microcalcifications (arrowheads).
However, no differences in specificity have been reported
between these platforms.61
Intranodal Necrosis Cystic necrosis of lymph nodes (Fig. 11) is commonly
When tumor cells within a lymph node outgrow its blood associated with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (Figs. 12
supply, necrosis results. This necrosis most commonly and 13) and PTC (Figs. 8, 14, 15 and 16).62 Kessler et al. found
manifests as cystic changes within the node that appear as that 14 of 20 patients with PTC had sonographic evidence of
echolucent regions on ultrasound, corresponding to cystic cystic changes, whereas no cystic changes were found in
or liquefaction necrosis. Less commonly, coagulation patients without cancer.63
necrosis can occur, which appears as echogenic foci not
continuous with surrounding perinodal fat and not
exhibiting acoustic shadowing. Although ultrasound has Vascular Pattern and Resistance
been shown to be useful for detecting necrotic changes, Color and power Doppler ultrasonography can readily assess
studies have demonstrated that magnetic resonance imag- lymph node vascularity. In normal or reactive lymph nodes,
ing and CT imaging modalities have superior sensitivity.

Figure 11 Abnormal lymph node from melanoma metastasis. Color

Doppler image demonstrates mixed cystic (short arrow) and solid
Figure 9 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma node with abnormal color Doppler flow (arrowheads); note: posterior
metastasis. Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates small, flat lymph node acoustic enhancement of cystic regions (long arrow). (Color version of
with abnormal microcalcifications (arrowheads). the figure is available online.)
Ultrasonographic evaluation of malignant and normal cervical lymph nodes 243

Figure 12 Abnormal lymph node from squamous cell carcinoma

metastasis. Color Doppler image demonstrates cystic changes (arrow-
heads) and solid components (arrows). (Color version of the figure is
available online.)

the vasculature cannot be appreciated (Fig. 3) or is confined to Figure 14 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma
the hilar branches (Fig. 17).6 Metastatic lymph nodes can metastasis. Gray-scale sonogram demonstrates complex, cystic lymph
exhibit distinct patterns of vascularity. For example, metastatic node with thick, irregular septations (arrowheads) and mural
lymph nodes have characteristically more peripheral nodularities (arrows).
(Figs. 2 and 5) or mixed (exhibiting both peripheral and hilar)
vascular patterns (Fig. 16); a disorganized intranodal vascular paraganglioma that can appear like an abnormal, vascularized
flow has also been described with metastatic PTC, melanoma cervical lymph node. The classic location of a mass situated at
metastases, and lymphomatous nodes (Figs. 11, 15 the “Y” of the carotid bifurcation splaying the internal and
and 18).26,64-67 One potential pitfall is a carotid body external carotid arteries is highly suggestive of this diagnosis
(Fig. 19). Some argue that biopsy should be avoided owing to
the risks of bleeding and scarring when classic imaging features
are present,68 and biopsy should be reserved in atypical cases.
With the use of spectral Doppler ultrasound, the nodal
vascular resistance can be quantified in terms of a resistive
index and a pulsatility index. The limits of vascular resistance

Figure 13 Abnormal lymph node from squamous cell carcinoma Figure 15 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma
metastasis. Color Doppler image demonstrates cystic changes (arrow- metastasis. Color Doppler image demonstrates abnormal disorganized
heads), avascular (long arrow), and vascularized (short arrow) solid internal (arrowheads) and peripheral (arrow) flow. Abnormal cystic
components. (Color version of the figure is available online.) change is present (C). (Color version of the figure is available online.)
244 C.P. Giacomini et al

Figure 16 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma

metastasis. Power Doppler image demonstrates abnormal, increased
Figure 18 Abnormal lymph node from papillary thyroid carcinoma
hilar (arrowheads) and peripheral (arrow) flow. Abnormal cystic
metastasis. Color Doppler image demonstrates abnormal disorganized
change is present (short arrow). (Color version of the figure is available
internal (arrowheads) and peripheral (arrows) flow. (Color version of
the figure is available online.)

for normal vs malignant lymph nodes remain controversial,

and conflicting reports have been published.69 For example, that enhance the quality of images. Microbubble contrast
some studies show increased vascular resistance in meta- agents are emerging as a promising medical imaging modality.
static nodes compared with normal or reactive nodes, These micrometer-sized, gas-filled bubbles are stabilized by
whereas others report the opposite. In addition, different thin encapsulating shells and administered intravenously to the
cutoff values of resistive index and pulsatility index have systemic circulation. They provide enhanced resolution and
been published in differentiating metastatic and reactive increased contrast of sonographic images because of the high
nodes.70,71 In view of the inconsistency among various degree of echogenicity difference between the gas in the
reports and the technical difficulties involved in obtaining microbubbles and the surrounding soft tissue in the body.
suitable or repeatable values, the role of intranodal vascular CEUS has been shown to be effective in differentiating
resistance in routine clinical practice is felt to be limited. benign and malignant lymph nodes. In a study involving 32
patients presenting with carcinoma of the oral cavity, the
geometric dimension, margin, location, and vascular
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound:
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a method that uses
traditional sonography and the application of contrast agents

Figure 19 Abnormal lymph node mimic owing to a carotid body

paraganglioma. Color Doppler image demonstrates a vascular mass
Figure 17 Abnormal lymph node with biopsy-proven reactive changes (arrowheads) with a heterogenous echotexture located at the carotid
only. Color Doppler image demonstrates mildly increased hilar flow bifurcation; mass is “splaying” the external carotid artery (short arrow)
extending to node periphery (arrows). (Color version of the figure is and the internal carotid artery (long arrow). (Color version of the
available online.) figure is available online.)
Ultrasonographic evaluation of malignant and normal cervical lymph nodes 245

architecture of 94 enlarged cervical lymph nodes were and cost. Here, we have described the use of this technology
examined using unenhanced and contrast-enhanced color to distinguish metastatic from benign cervical lymph nodes.
Doppler sonography. Contrast enhancement correctly identi- This determination has implications for diagnosis, staging,
fied 86% of histologically confirmed malignant nodes com- prognostication, and determining optimal treatment regimens
pared with 79% identification without enhancement.52 In for cancer patients. No single sonographic feature can accu-
another study, 56 lymph nodes from 45 patients were rately distinguish malignant from normal nodes. Rather, one
examined using conventional ultrasonographic techniques or should assess a combination of features including lymph node
CEUS with an injection of sulfur hexafluoride microbubbles to size, shape, distribution, echogenicity, intranodal necrosis,
determine malignant involvement. Lymph nodes examined calcifications, and the pattern of vascularity in combination
included axillary, inguinal, and cervical nodes from patients with the patient's clinical history when evaluating cervical
with suspected metastasis or de novo lymphadenopathy of lymphadenopathy. Emerging sonographic technologies
uncertain nature. The specificity (76%), sensitivity (80%), and including microbubble contrast enhancement and elasto-
accuracy (78%) of differentiating between benign and malig- graphy would likely improve our ability to noninvasively
nant lymph nodes increased significantly (93%, 92%, and assess cervical lymphadenopathy.
92.8%, respectively) with the addition of CEUS.72 The
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