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nm I id Mechanics & Hydraulics INCIO T. GILLESANIA Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics oppright © 1297, 190, 2003 SA. The cardinal objective of this book isto provide reference to Engineering students taking-up Fluici Mechanies and Tydraulics. This may algo yerveasa guide to engnicering students who wil be Lukin the censure examination given by the PRC. ‘The book has 9 chapters, Each chapter prosents the principles and formulas involved, followed by solved problems and supplementary problems. Each stop in the solution is carefully ‘explained to ensure that it willbe readily understood. Some problems are even solved in several methods to give the raader 3 {hoice on the type of solution he may adopt To provide the reader easy access to the different topics the book inclades index ‘Most ofthe materials in this book have beea used in my zeviow classes, The choice of these’materals was guided by their effectiveness as ested in my classes wish to thank all my friend and relatives whe inepired mo in writing my books and especially to my children and beloved Wife Inada who is very supportive to me. | will appreciate any errors pointed out and will welcome any suggestion for farther improvement DIEGO INOCENCIO'T. GILLESANIA Cb City, Philipines To my mother thoninaida, my wife Imelda, ‘and our Children Kimn Deunice, Keu Daniel ‘and Karla Denise ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Dedication, CHAPTER 1 Properties of Fluid, Types of Fluid. Mass Density Specific Volume Unit Weight or Specie Weight Specific Gravity Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity Surface Tension + Capillarity Compress Pressure Disturbances Property Changes in kleal Gas ‘Vapor Pressure SOLVED PROBLEMS, SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS CHAPTER 2 Principles of Hydrostatics Unit Presure Paseat's Lae Absolute and Gage Pressures. Prosure below Layens of Diflerent Lids Pressure Head. Manometore ites 241026 a 2 2» 31 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS itt CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 5 Total Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces, Fundamentals of Fluid Flow Total Hydrostatic Force on Pa Properties of Common Geometric Shapes Total Hydrostatic Force on Curved Surfzen Dams st Types of Dam SI Analysis of Gravity Dams st Buoyancy 8 ‘Archimedes’ Principles 38 Statical Stability of Floating Box 0 ‘Stresaon Thin- Walled Pressure Vesels 96 Cylindrical Tank. 96 Spherical Shell, < 98 Wood Stave Pipes, 38 SOLVED PROBLEMS 9 195 SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS 196 10200 CHAPTER 4 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids Rectilinear Translation Horizontal Motion Inclined Motion Vertical Motion, Rotation Voie of Pa laid squid Surface Conditions SOLVED PROBLEMS, 21002 Dichargs Definition of Terme, nergy and Head Power and Eficiency Bernonlli's Energy Theorem. Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines SOLVED PROBLEMS, SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS CHAPTER 6 Fluid Flow Measurement Device Coufficonts Had lost in Measuring Devices Orifice on ‘Values of H for Various Conditions CCaptraction of the Jt rice under Low Heads Venturi Metoe Nozzle Pitot Tube Gat hubes. Unsteady Flow (Orifice) Weir - (Clseifcaton of Wei Rectangular Welton Contracted Rectanglar Weirs Triangle Weirs Trapezoidal Weir, iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Submerged Weir 308 Unsteady Flow. 308 SOLVED PROBLEMS. SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS CHAPTER 7 Fsid Flow in Pipes Definitions Reynolds Nuraber. Velocity Distribution in Pipes. Shesping Stress in Pipes Head Losses in Pipe Flow Major Hee Loss DDancy-lveisbach Forma Value off Moody Diageam Manning Formula Hazen Williams Formula Minor Head Loss. ‘Sudden Enlargement Gradial Enlargement. Sudden Contraction, Bonds and Standard Fittings. Pipe Discharging fom Revervoir Pipe Connecting Two Reservoirs, Dipes in Simi smd Paral Bquivalent Pipe Rescrvoie Problems Pipe Networks SOLVED PROBLEMS SUPPLEMENTARY FRODLEMS a7 to371, aa fo374 375 5 375 37 a0 381 ss ow 382 3s 385 3 287 388 388 388 0 390 301 34 400 (0 APT to 480 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 8 (Open Channel ‘Speaifc Energy Chery Formula ‘Kutter and Gangllel Formula ‘Manning Formal i Bazin Formula Powel gation Uniform Flow Boundary Shou Sess [Normal Depth Most Eticiont Sections Proportions for Most Efclent Sections Rectangular Section Trapesbidal Section angular Section Circular Sections Yelocity Distibutien in Open Channa Alternate Stages of low. Tronde Name Crist Depth [Non-Uniferm or Varied Flow ideale Jump, Flow around Channel Bends SOLVED PROBLEMS. SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS 490 495 497 500 347 10550 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 9 Hydrodynamics Force against Fixed Flat Plates Force against Fixed Curved Vanes Foyoe against Moving Vanes Work Done on Moving Vanes Force Developed on Closed Conduit Drag ad 138 nnn Terminal Velosity Water Hammer SOLVED PROBLEMS, Re a0 569 19 597 SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS. 597 t 508 APPENDIX Properties of Fluids and Conversion Factors 599 Table & =I: Viscosity and Density of Water at 1 atten 599 ‘Table A ~2: Viscosity and Density of Aie att atm, 0 Table A ~3 Proportis of Common Liguids at 1 aim & 20°C. 601 Table A ~ 4 Properties of Common Gases at 1 atm &20°C.601 Table A -5:Surlace Tension, Vapor Pressure, and Sound Speed of Water 602 Table A ~ 6: Fropertis of Standard Atmosphese 03 Table A ~7: Conversion Factors from BG to $I Units... 608 Table A 8: Other Conversion Factors, 505 INDEX 1-1V Lump mecHawics Chapter 1 Properties of Fluids Sac anah da spealaed the action of fluids at rest or Is wth Rus at eta fa ig ico bytaynomcs apt tthe low of Bgl weeny 3 coe the = ig esendalyseorpreaie ina desl with the appar of Mak mechan to enginering devices Inve quis analy water or. Hynde wth sch problems re fete and wie arate and wth ther device fore cone ‘lms, pump, aw eof lui suc enone, valves jes and owners TYPES oF FLUID Hii its re general vk no wo ator: del fv andra ry Aneumed te have no visesty (and hence, no tesistanceto shes) “tocompees {Have uriforel veleiy when owing Mo ction bebratn moving layers of aid {INO ey curmets oe urblere 1 Nonsurform eof ition hen Mowing cuareone 3 2 Popervenot rise ‘Real sar fsthe dd no Newlin fda nn Neooien s, Most Mubt problems assume reel flds with Newtonian chracterists for nance. ‘This sumption le apprepiats for water, ai, ye, tai ster simple fluids Ube akabol, galing, acd solutions, ere However Slur, pastes, yes suspensions may not behave according 1 simple kt relatonhips Camis: ‘aes mie) Cee) Cope MASS DENSITY, » (RHO) The density of ul si nats pr unit of ytame, Bo ueranes operat Pui ‘p= absolute prom olen Pa kerk whee feo parconetan Joule R= 287 pene sreciric fou pec vole, Vis he volume ocapie La unit mat mao = Byt-t English < stu) Note pauls Matic = yam or an ial ga ts density can be found frm the Spee gas constant and ‘unrr WEIGHT OR SPECIFTE WEIGHT, y gh she weit anit ‘cuarrer one Fup Mecuiantes Fumo mecriamcs HAPTER ONE Properties of ude (eviVDRAUCS (Siivonauuies rropersesotrics 5 ‘Unie le upper pote wl adhere to and wimove wih th same velocity U whe English =. Mya fhe ak inca with hee pn wl ave azo veloc. Tor sal aes eeeyae Vales of Uw the vlad gad ca bees totes i s Njmor KN sh Funes ts A Ua yas ‘SPECIFIC GRAVITY mat LAY ray the ante) Specie gravy, 4 6 2 dimensiones salle of 4 fl’s density 49 some yy sundar oterance dena. For liquids snd slid, the refeence ensity Ie F feats (0 Ea Shearing so Bt-6 Enel were te constant of proportionality H's allt te dynamic of thstabe sco denoted we In ges, the standard reference ta clea the specific gravity ste density v en a Forwaterat °C SB Y= 6240/0 = 90 N/m shes sro in b/ Fe Pa = slugs #8 = 1000 Eg/m i= abot vss in aec/ (plies) or Pa \IscOSTTY, (MU) The property of afd which determina the amount of is rain 19 shearing foren A pres lud would have no viet Consider twe lars arate ple tasmal distancey spat the space beecn tm beng lod wth und ‘Goose he upper plot to > Mattes Petree i plas Br INEMATIC VISCOSITY «(MU S ropes ree A HNDRAULES Ehworauties rroperveottunes 7. Table 2 con Un ety capitorty ie 2 ga ah es fe ee a Tpoke=1dynes/cn®= 01 Pease (Ldyne=10¢N) stoke = 0.000 m/s SURFACE TENSION + (SIGMA) The membrane of “on that sem to fm othe fee sunface of «dis Ae fo the intrmelecolaycowsive forse and Is kiown snes teni Stace sions he reason that nce ae abe st water and aes sbi aan Sera tension also caus bubbles and dopo to ake on A erctstnoe, eros mop Gl shape eld Mave eae eet tok pal Pressure inside a Droplet f Liquid thtore tae The rie or fal ra iid cpilry tae & ed by Shoes terion and dapendsc th eave rages ofthe cohen oft ita the stheion of te gait the was ofthe cortaiting wes Tigi issn tubes they we (athesion > ces) and fl tubes they do Ft et (Cohesion > adhason).Caplly i importan when ng, eas ie ae itn Hlsto a= susfaca enlon n/n i= diameter af he droplet nm or complete etng, with water on cant, the angles O* Hence he frou Boome, r= capiry sion depeston nt (= amo ofthe abe fn g aHartek one cunerenone og Properties IE HVDRAUUCS Tabla 4-3: canta A Taal com mecuygae [1a | ete prs a eos | ie skebotghes [07 CComPREssrRxLITy, 9 Cmpresiiity (also known a he cient fami) sO fractional hangs in the volun of id por ut chang i presse i» constant Temperature pence es | a rit a= BS ra aie BV eta By. 16 Tenure disturbances imposed on «fluid nove in waves. The velocity or | oft AV ~ chang in volume V=erginal vlame hange apres V/V = changer olune (usualy in pers BULK MODULUS OF ELASTICITY, “The blk modulus of east of he id express the mpeestblty of the uid es the rato of the charge im unit fremure to the corresponding PROPERTY CHANGES IN IDEAL GAS For any ie a8 experiencing any pos coy Fytt8 When temperatine is eld constant 1-18 edu (B's When temperature shld sonstnt (isothermal conden), Hg. 1 18 reducss [ BA 10 _Fropetisot Fes INC DRAUUGS ‘For Adiabstic or Teantropic Candons (no heat exchanged) cuarenone 44 ve mie 2 Constant ig1-n Byte Fad mae] peer DOSS shee: P= nl absolute pressure of gas r= ial absolute pressure of gas ‘inital vue of ge = tal volume of ge 1 ina banat empeyti of gs in "K CK =*C4273) i of the specie hen at conan preset th pec hat at Gericke, Meceortesscet tenet Molar actiity ina qu wl allow some of the molecules to escape the Iau surface, Molec fhe vapor sas condense bk noth guid. The operon snd concerention at consi lpertane are equllbrlt processes The eulitram pressure exerted by the fee cleo snot 25 the rap prism olan prea Some gui, sch as propane, bata, smmonia end eon, have sigiiant ‘por pris el ama tmpertres Ligaids nest thle Boing poi of Ur vnporzns only ae side lipase. Other Haus ach as merry, awe magnifcant apr presies tthe name tmiperafne Lie wit ow ‘vapor prerure are opel nseurats barometers ‘The tendency toward vaporkaton i dependent on the temperate of the uid" ocean Ue Ind apart i icresand othe point shy aT Feopertes of Pes Weight = Lritweight Fservotr of glycerin hus 2 mas of 1200 and a vol ; Wish wel 1 (anit weigh (mass deraty, and i) spec Me = (4200998) Weigh 1V=11772N ort. 7TAKN v. 17% cuarrer one 12 _propertcsot ries Specie eniy = Fe Specie prvi «= Spedicraity «=1.36 ‘uvio mecnanies ‘crapren one Problem The specifi gravity of conta oil is 082. Cat {0/3 and EN, and (9) mae dent in lag and ga Solution (2) Spedc weight y= tones Specific weight y= 024 082~51.168 yn? Specie weight f= 981 082= 8.044 Nf? (Denis, p= pm Densitl;p= 191 0421.59 stage? Density = 1000» 082 — a2 gat Probie 1-3 ‘Aer water weigh about 75, Compute is mses ogame Solution Mon tases 2 Mas = 029 kg tan object has ns of 22 gat evel what il be i weight at a Print where the aceeraton duo gravily¢=9175 m/s () Wha wl be i ull it (9) spect weigh in SiMDRAULICS Propertesottiuids 13 (0) Since the rss ofan object taboos, is will be 22g Problem i= = What te weight ofa Akg boulder fat br a apace whe Solution WeMe Wo 29025 N Problem t= 6 Te spat vl woh? 14 garenone Probie 1-7 Whats the specie welght of at 80 Pa bene and 21°C? poke. wheter: Vigek =5680 kg, 581 Ni Pin the mass density of helium aa tumperatur of °Cand u passe of 18 Pa gage if atmonphercpessre it 10152 Pa (= 279 17K * °K) Density ate aoton p= 25 904Ps Deny eaiy, p= 04865 kgf 132°C and 205 MPa gage the spec welght ofa certain gas was 187 N/m? trite pas conse GU a ‘exWoRAULICS Pataca 15 Slaton 392 ka GGasconstan, R= 71887 Vig" Probie 1-10 a Sottion 20.10" a0 =22 kg/m Moss 155 Problem 1-1 Acyl tank 0 cm in inner and 90cm high fila with aud The ask andthe hguid weighed 420g. The weight of he empty tas kg What the ui weight he guid in N/m 16 wartenone no ecianes Proportes of Fes Soin v Foaresy ~s = Big) = 2304 Nine 24 LN ‘Problem 3-12 — ‘Alea clo has a otal mass of 80 kg, What he length afd? Sp gr of fend =113 Solution Lat be the length fide of the cube: M=pv {0-000 1.3) = 0152m= 182m ‘A ged compress n contains his volume of 1 ier a pears 1 Ma and a volume of 0995 ler ta prssue of? MPa, The bl maul of clastity (Ej) ofthe uid ide, Be Wi eos =200 Ma Problem TF What premur s equited o reduce the vole of wale by 06 percent? Balk, mols of laste of wat y=22 GPa “fu mecuaracs ‘uarrer one ErivoRaunics, Properties of Fuids 17 Solution Witor in hyde ress nly at 137 MPa solute, ejecta’ to 4 fprosure of 116280 LPs absolute Using Ey = 25 GPa, determine the I eager olan of wate, ap tore. {16280—157) 10 cua een Pree -1e = 169? ofan ideal gana 24 °C and 160 KPa i compressed Yo 20 (a) what ie the rmulkngpeesaure assuming thermal conditions.) What would have ‘charren ove ae SS charreR one 18 properties of Fuias inonauies propertesortuias 19 Solution es (a) Forigotharmal condition, pee lane surfaces ae 25 apart andthe pace batroen th ld ahem’ ih liu st vcony y= 0988 Fes. Assuming he vlc gradient be 1506) =) ph neat ree in play lt 27 ret pn OB kPa abs Iprorstent peed of 0S m/e ths ples (0) Forisntepic proces P= 1060 kPa abs “Uy a wm” | roa) OSB NOI 5 oy 4604°K oF 184°C eee ny fi 07D oi wa ep treats ete ts abeole viscosity in Pa =» and Its kimatie weal in w/t ind in stokes epee Solution Wi ofinder of 125 mn Bp ny rdion Both cyfndesare 200 mm ie ae ce Bi ii which fils te space btween the cylinders a tongue of 88 Nm is aes ebocity gradient to be 9 straight be °° 57 Gon. omm ; vedniei0' as Lute vedio mies ruuno mecriancs auernone 94 saan Sam 1 ee Ratnam io pi ane Sato dares Sfp saa Problem t= ai = I ane Capilary rise, = 10099 ry = 9.9 rom Termingl veloctyisarained when te sum ofall forces i the dretion of oe ae acres 22 rca cr Bsrhce 2 mas ao Who be rue of te mace terion osm dap of water 03 mam in ameter which isin coment witha he pressure within the dope 9 a e droplet i 5 Solution ‘hn alomize forms water droplets 45 mtn diameter Determine the pressure within these droplets singe = 0712 Nyaa Soltion po oar) ear 0 Pee tld water stands ina glass tbe 9m diameter at height of 24 min, What iether state high?” Use = 0042 N/m Solution here 0 for water ls be soo) Sqm) = 084m ~336 mm Phar tononieroperies t 2amples pr scond_ the device held Pufoce of fesh water (Ex= 204% 10" Ps) and the echo rected ida elect of the pressure wave ound wave he co trecived vay between mics, er ot ine of ave of oun 05) = oe at he tal lance cover 62h hom tee Bh=4280) ems= lon -27 vit presnire wil 60°C water bal per prossare cf wer of HC = 474 “olution Bia eeepc remus Biiefere water at 20°C wil i at 7.0 24 ctarmone Properties of Fas cuperenone 95 Properties oF (Supplem P1612 mt of riogen at 30°C and 125 ka bs 1s perlite to expand Totherelly so 20 mt vat fs the reraing pressure? |) What would the four ae teripersture haven ho procs hd ben senronic? . ‘nr () 30 Pa abs (M7 uPsate-2C Problem 1-28 (het would be the werght of 13g ma et wel eh 5 mason planet wher th Ane 30N Problem 3-20 ‘tal yn bank with «dart 12m ada depth af 4m fh with water tthe tp wth waar at 20, the water Reed tae ‘much water will spillover? "Unit weight of x BONS SHLgM ee” Onl meen oman a 3° nal 5 97 bem 2-34 Us suace block weighing 14 12 aod 250 mo on an edge slides down an cle onl of 6p thik. Assuming linear velty profile nthe ahd neglecting si estan, what ste feria veloc ofthe Blok? acs fol fe7 mas. Angle frelon s 2" Awe 47 Ans 516 m/s Problem 1-30 ‘gs continer pal filed wih suid the id 20 L” At pew 0 nee ela ae LBBIOL. rd he waa alk moun of easy of eg as sre range of prewre the taper er compen tee oi na vane. Whats toe ef coment Problam 1-35, nt 20°C ha visolty of 000051 Pa. What hour ses requ {e dofor his at stain at of 4900517 19 ‘shalt 70 me in dismter beng pushed at poe of 00 mm/s through a Tring sre 703mm in dieters 250 men ng. The clara, sumed Nr, led with ola 20°C wit v= OOUS m/s and sp. gr = 09. Find the force exerted bythe oi te shat lg Problem 1 31 ‘Cleats the density of water wap #350 KP abe and 20% Sas ey POF aL 350 KPa ab and 20°C pe constant ‘An 259 ig/ Problem 1-37 wo an paral ls plates sparated by a dtanc =15 many ave dipped fs bth of water. How fer docs the water se det capillary acon, to = QOON/m? Ane 880 Problom 1-32 ei Jc at rate of 200 KPa ad temperate of SOC in a 50 contin Wht ste mass te? Ck 26 tarTERoNe Properties! Ful LUND mecnanics SHYDRAUICS Problem 1-38 Find the angle the surface tawion fen leaves the glass for verti! take trmesed twat ie theater te amet 025 and te cpa se inch. Use'o = 0.005 Ib/ ft ; io Ane 643" Problem 1-39 ‘i force requ Wt a thin ering cnn iteter frm a wate surface at 20°C? of water a 20°C = 0724 N/m}. Neglect the weigh of he ‘ue 00074) ‘pun mecranics vwvoRauucs Chapter 2 Principles of Hydrostatics Uwrr PRPscURE OR PRESSURE, Prsror is the force per uit are wert by a guid or gas on @ body ot use, tho force ating a ht angles to the suri wifrmly inal ivenors. charmer nwo Pincpteseriyarosatcs 27. B21 Ith English prem, pressure is sualy measured In pounds pee uve ch tps en eternatonal usage, tn Kiogrme per square centimeters (kom) ox (eerirospnee, and in he inkenatonat mote system (3), in Newtons per Ars niter (Pel) The unt stnaspher an) Is defined a a premare of Moa gy coe (14696 lin) aves in tem ofthe conreional ereury Tanne crsesponds 768 ton 2082) of mercury. The unit Mapas {BPs} edt sn pressure of DOMLZ g/m? (145 o/s) Pascat's LAW Pats nny deveopet by French mathomadlan Bike Pret, tates that the freon a Red oq mall dectione and nal pots ofthe container, In Pipa 2 1 as igi lows int te large container at he bottom, pressure atc te ag cqualy pin the tas above the container, Te tgukt Meer th sane level nal ofthe tes regards ofthe shape or angle of the hubs ‘EIWORAULICS 28 Princpierorrysroreaice ian Sivoo 29 IeAULICS Principles of Ayers Pressure (Relative Pressure) prema tre promire above or fsaw the stmoyphare and can bo “jure by prenare gauges ormanontes. For nal presse dferencsaU> tanometrs and Ieoriss of a Uahaped tl wath one acer S| container nd te othr open w the staple Pll with ld such 2s face mercy, the elfeence ithe boul sutace levels inthe > rst legs inte the presare difenes om eal atmosphere ions. For higher presse difeences. a Bourdon gage, names afer Oe err tngene Bourdon. used This consists of a hallow metal tube oval cust sac, tent nthe shape of «hock. One ed ofthe abe igor 2-1 tata of Peas Lm ‘he other open and connected Whe measurement eon ‘The las of laid mechani ae observable in many every stations. Foe ‘example, the pressure ert by water athe botlom of « pand will be the ‘Sane the pesmi exerted by Wwaler a the bottom of ach narowe pipe, ‘provided depth remana constant. alongs pipe ld wth water ied 2 that i eachor masini height of 1 aH wate will exert the sme ‘recur asthe cher eamples (elt of Fgare 2-2) aids can flow up ae well 1 down in devices such as siphons (ght of Figure 2-2) Hydrostate fore ‘hus water nthe siphon fo fl up and over the eige unl the backet empty or the suction i broken. A siphon Is parcululy wat for emptying ‘taners hat should not be ped. N eure Presture & Vacuum lene Prue the pees a ary one pont on the earths surtacfom the ofthenr above t A nouns space that has all mate removed ox I impose t cata pert vac ithe abort, no mater hove vaca jee some mole ae ala presen he vac [Even sat ropions of Cun apace have a mal amour of gu. A acu hss bs dened cs tan opt when the ure lear han the sonogpvens presses 70 (299) a cry Noto condone as yal Don = 26 by U7 pa 2209 laches of mercy Oh) ream Hg soa Hs rincpieccrrgaromne: 31 ‘charree nwo 30 Principles of rydrostates VORAULICS “TIONS IN PRESSURE ier any to pnts (12), howe liferenc In elevation i ofan cementay psc hein ¢ rosesectional aes «ard rte pram at etal ote acting upon tt be neque length of gure 2-3: ua bret skin and coe Note: nie ober sete n sate tem nr Neca pein ch fir 2-4: ee gon orn on yg cfc es ed sor fet 20 gt resi mth Speen ete ek Dh eeceto gue 2-4 Wey wove) =) Fah Waid Scmeesnarmeae pa-pamrlatysind ‘Slesotlners andi ae pomayesing tut isin =h rma no oS eee EES hereon: te gence pres emer yp es a owrrer wo 32 _Princpes ar Myrostaves An Ne TUNES _ eS — Consider the tank shown to be filled with liquids of different densitics and This means that ny che peso a pot Ll causa el hang a ant 2" Thoteore: 9 preare applied at any point in a Use a rst treated quay an nde Ta ery other pin nthe Ba Lt us assume that point @ iy Fgure 2 kon the fee Kid sure, then ‘he gage proaure pis aro and Eg 2-4 becomes err TEE teith arate top underage presse pte preneure atthe ott of PRESSURE HEAD Freswure head isthe Hight "H" of «cola of homogenous hid of ut ‘ity tht wil pede tery of presse p> ‘This means that he rsure a ay pot“ wf suff the proc of the ui wight of te fad) a Consider that points © and @ in Figure 2-4 eon the stne elevation, such (hath 0; ten ig 2-4 come Se sans ha te rang te ere lo 3 mops fl Pressure below Layer of Diferent Liquide : nek 2 “To Convert Pressure head (height) of quid Ato guid B rat 2% oka =m ort aA, 0 Be a i “ro convert pressure head (height) of amy liquid to water just multipyIts ‘eight by its speci gravity — ae | chamten nwo Fito mechanics ecuanace urna nwo 34 principle of yarosttis HYDRAULICS acs Princpies or yarostaues 35) MANOMETER 8 n Solving Manometer Problems: Decide on the uid in fet or moter, of oPhich the eae ane tb ‘epresed (water toetadviabe). 2 String from an end poi, number kn onder the interlace of ier fide D Wentiy points of qual pressure (aking into account that for « homogeneous dc at atthe presse along the some horizontal plane Srecgual) Label thse pots withthe sae tuna |. Poses fom level to level, eng (going doen) or subtracing (i fing wp) Pretare hos se tho elewntion secrnses or irs epecvey with le gad forthe spc gravy othe Duis ‘5 mmoncter i tbe usually dent sn form of &U, containing » hui of ‘own sei ry the sta a which moves properly to charges ‘Types of Manomator pen Type has an atmospheric scrtace none leg and i capable off Type «without an atmesphers surlase and capable off ‘easing only diferencs of prosare Plezometer- The splat orm of pan manometer es ube tapped ino a ‘wall of a container or cond the purpose of essing posure. The hid nthe container cond es nth bef form ao nrface Limitations of Pieromete: * Large peesurar inthe lighter igus reutr fn bcs * Gs peezues can mot be mented Besse ps ean ot frm a tro fey of of 1 m causes a pressure oF 7 APs, what the spc of he guid? Presse, p=7h 720088) (0) S=0714 > Specie cay roy p= (9a x.a9025) eee. uv mecuanacs ME FLUID MECHANICS cuaprer nwo 36 Principles of yerosates ‘HYDRA SE PYORAUUCS Peneplesofriyarostatics 37 Problem 2-3 Problem 2-5 W the pramne 23 mele blow o Hid 288445 KPa determine uml ‘weight mats density pan specie gravity» Solution (0) Uni wight Ssstis (25) P= MISA? Mas density. I he pressure inthe ar pace above an al = 075) surfce nx cose tank is 15 LP bool, whe the gg pressure? msi the sures? Sohtion ome = 115 ~ 101325 pasar een pone + 816075) passe ars Fi the aloft pease in kat x depth of 107 blow the fe surface of fal ofp. gr 8751 the rene oaing e752 me Sotation = Gal .907%) ee 1002291 lithe presse ata pont nthe coun 6O KPa what the pressure 27 meters Below thi point Solution The difference in prstur btwn any two points na lage pop yh rape $50 sie. 09107) wreblem 2-7 PE Another pgs eight 4m eas 1 KPr Determine he spec welght of Solution 3B Frncpesaiiydortates NE HORAULES Problem 2 ‘An open tank contain 58 m of water cover with 32m of kerosene ("= 8 n/a), inl the prose athe iteace and atthe otter ofthe tank Solution (@) Proscar at thenerace Tisea pecdse kb (0) Presune atts btom Death ~teher he Sarge) 6032) po=maasenrs Fabien =o If nenespheric pressure is 9:7 a aa the gage ataced othe ak read 108 tnd vecwur ind the seals prasur whi the ak, Solation Pow osc heer (Gar 1380288) = 08 kPa vacuum = 3508s pen 957 + (2508 p= 7062 KPa abe Problem 2-0 The weight density of mudi given by y= 10+ OBR, whee sin RN? and iieinmeters Detarine te presario ¥Pa ata depth of Sm ‘cnarren nwo) Ponclpes et yaosttes ‘Shon be sled by agen fo fos p= 104s 0.25%" =o) +025 em FT the figure shown, 1h olive oi, aot Jp pyl-0 axmpheric free 101.05 KPa ar he astute ire at th Rotor of the nk pias what the specie prvi feta p ‘Shce the density ofthe mud varies with dep the pressure ‘Seok $009 ‘ties « 39 [vera s= 136 23-0108 {Gage pressure at the bet of the tank, p= 19027 KPa pm) cywrer wo gy ruuip wecaianics Princes of Hycrosctes EHYORAULICS uarrer Two Fo me 40 Prncipesotyerostaes Problem 2-12 Iv air had a constant specie wight of 122 N/a and ere incompres ‘what would be the height f the staph i he alan presure ioet 100 KPa? Problem 2-14 | Compute the taromete pes roe ls vel e108 Re 287 Joule hg" se tn KPa akon alice of 1.200 m sf the mr Asputne thera conditions a 21°C. Use Senution Solution ght of atmouphere Height of atmosphere, b= = 436.6 m Froblew 2-13 (CE Board May 1984) Assuming specie weight of alr to be constant at 12 N/m what tt ‘pproximate height of Mount Banahaw if mercury barometer tthe bse ‘he mountain reads 65t rim and at the sane tans enor buco a he anc p p= .09085 (981) db topo soena de 9m 4 oom seen k - aeons fo wo [fgany "000 ] dnp. 0) = oouse0000-0 pete nee so Peet “18 (Ge baum ooh ™ Hae (Gato (048) "0810s 13.4038) =12 cartes Two FLUID MECHANICS 42 _Principtes of Myarostatics &HVDRAUUCS, Problem 2-35 Concer 750 a of marcy ooo. 82 and (water Sotation (6) Ian ey 22282 ‘a= 12.605 m fl (ashen Sey 3) ‘Froblem 2-16 (CE Board May 1908) — ‘A barometer reads 760 mm and a prstute ge tached to a tank rade ‘50cm fo (pg 0}. What se asolute presuren the tank in KPa? Pn Pom Poe =(081 156,076 + a1 x08) im = 1681 KPa abs ROMs, = a ee A hydrale press mse to raise an SOAN cargo tuck. IF i of 6p, ge 89) sats on te piston under a presi of 1D Ma what diameter ef ato i equ? Solution ‘Sine th presse uncer the piston is tuiform. ‘oree = pram Area sgn (10% 109 $2 noe muh =(in0x0810275) po-me= 15734 Ps fig 2-16 (CE November 1998) on A has eos section of 1200 59 em We Chat of psion B is 9809 cm the later higher then pon Ay 17. ho iterverng passages oe whol whose specie gravy what the derence in posure jon and shown, ie the weight ean be cvind by he IN force ting om the nce points 1 and 2 eon the 15 Princpior oF ryoostates camenanwo 4g i jour Foar uarrer nwo 44 principles oftyarostaics Problem 2-20 ‘A cum 700 ma in ameter an filled with watcha 3 tn diameter, attached te the op. Hom stany Newtons of water mast, pourod ino the pipe to sxrt force of SOON on te top of te deus? ataion Fe px Aree 500 px $ 7o0t—20 p= 006904 Ma ranma p= 16908 Pa oe Pt b=rW 16901-98108 hetzeim Weight Volume = 880 $(0007(1725) vert pipe, 20 seo Weight 521N Problem 22 The figure shown shows a stup with veel containing planger and ‘pliner, What foxe Fi egute to blanc fe weight eight ofthe plunger oglgle? of thecybner curren wo gg RIND MECHANICS Principles of yarosttes HYDRAULICS =” peSIne (hPa) iomn-ap9 f= 981-0780) Problem 3-22 Te fydrulc pres shown eile wth ol with sp. gO. Negicting te Weiptof the to patona, wha force Fon the hale i equi Yo supper The i eN weigh? cwmenwo gz aa ri. NORA Principles of Hydrostatics Princes yond EEYDRAULIES a ce the gage reads “FULL” then te rein i equivalent to 20cm of yas ening igressure hd) when the lank coat sa 7000) oaas)~ 1.110.025 & Faesan Sotition Sonning prsteed PL yngnayy x= 2 The ue gage for agin spar = 48 tank a. car veal proportion! fe bottom page ifthe tank i 30 end an acetal contaminated with 3 mf eter, how many centimeters of guoline dons the lank aul contain when the gage ronson reads "FULL sngn| Gang <8 4g. care nwo FLUID Mechanics : — Principtes of Hydrartatics 6 HYORAULICS, =. Shnowautics a Problem 2-25 (CE Board May 1992) Problem 2-26 (005 wedenavor For the mano shi : ‘tere the pressure atthe . enter of pipe Inthe igre shoe, wha he stat presse in KPa the a chamboe? Solution he presoure in the space uals the reas on haste settion tone an sists sive ee 8102) p= 18a2kPa ornare elas ize) ir watee Another slton ’ ‘Sump prennure heed om 1 03m meter a water 242 gos 2 Fup mecrancs Gumeewo 51 50 ArrerTwo ater. fee Prinses of yorsttes Frincpies ot Myaostnes HYDRAULICS Problem 2 27 (CE Board November 2001) termi the vale of yin the sanomster shin the Figure, Problom 2-28 (CE May 1993) Pane tn the gare shown, when the fuel empty the water surface Frat pi A and the mercury of tar 1355 cho 4 dtlction of Ex Deteine the nes ection of merry when the Feel filed wth wear Sottion Suning xp prea fom tH Pas yasy+15-y136)~ Be an beet Solve for yin Figure ‘Suma prearor head a oem FLUID MECE ) MECHANICS. CHAPTER TWO a nee pence Powuctyeccs 53 Tn Figs When the funneled wn water 8, point 1 will move down withthe same value as point 2 moving up fo? (arp pressure head from 20 win meters of water: Bh yang z= Pa Sun-up psrureheed om 8 to: Be saseyen-feo 01s syins9~ FE 0080+ 208+ 5-2715-20-0 Sete 080 F001 m= 31cm In Figure Surnp pressure hoa from 2 ow molar of water: BE + aanorysaayane-r0a)~ 2s 0+ 272sin0 Li26)627269-02° HR Woy-e=8168-270500 Ba.) [New reading R=18 421 =15 +201) New reading, R=21.2em sn 54 Frabiom 2-2, ‘The pressud af point w An the game shown was ince from 70° KPA fo 5 Ka. This caus the top lve of mercury to move 20 mm in tke sloping tube: What the inition 6? rnd tal contain 2 of water, 3m of ll (= 082) a the ae fil has a prsnare of 3 kPa [Fan open mescury manometer a Ui of he Mik has of wale, eterna he deletion of mercury Sup pressure hos from tod inmates of water a + 0m) +2+1-¥139) et 2H0+3-150y=0 y=0825m 4 inches aires Problem 2-31 The U-tube shown #10 mu in amor 2nd contina mercury. 112 lof tere Poored ino the righthand Ing whet sre thouimate hanes n te wo es? Solution Volume of eater § (ip) h= tem! Since the quant of mercury before ‘einai the er ther Prncples ot Hydrate 55 Summlng-ap pressure}ead fom of water A es-naneye e120 F 1 Ina. (2 ‘ That 2 =240 g E yonidatom z : ypecer Uae igh in cach eg: Tighe hand eg = hex Thea 1438 Lam 26728 mm ight hand og he Lefeband leg = Rex bi Te Lerehand eg, = 125.62 em, a3 ag renting of-171 Pa, fermine the ( levasions of ee ster columns EF and i (the deta ofthe Meory the Utube oasiatng: te igh of i. 56 Prnapesoriverosancs re Solution Net ee ata Cotuenn £ Sup pressure head fom 1 on mets of wate, FL sna) Be Hono 1h ‘Stmup pressure hea for 8 fn mater of water % +9070 © Yet 21-20 mn 0387 m ruuipinccnaracs chinetea Two EHrORAULICS Panpteserryoronmacs 97 Column ¢ ‘umup pressure hea teen 1 0 gin mater of water BL ao -+4ay-bitsh= ip +21 +4-ene0 maar Surface levaton= 8+ Deletion of mereury Sem presse ead from 1 Sin meters of wae Be vgansses-mng= 2 p+ n01-mn6t yee stim ete Problem 2-35 Ian open manometer sacha to pipe shows daftion of 150 ug with (ha eo level ot mercury 420 un blow the centerline of he pipe coring Mater cakulats he pressure a the enterine ofthe pipe Ipurvo prosure head rom 10 Mirrors of water, Br eows-033039- 7 + 045-204 maces 58 _rrmipts otrycronatcs eon Problom 2-34, For the configuration shown, cleat the weight of the plstn Hf the preeure goge ‘ealing 70 KPa Sump prseue bond fom Aad inmoterec water Pa (04-2 Weight= Fe Spe tre ~The 0 Weight 661 kN “Two ves ate const toa diferental manoieter using mercury onractng tubing boing filled with water The higher presse von 1S lower melevaton than the other. Se mercy reading 6100 mun. isthe pressure has diferentes of wate? (0) H carbon taco reary, what woul! be fhe manomet (¢ = 258) wore west Intend of eating forthe same pressure deren? Gage gud = mercury t= 0.178 Sap pressure hea! rom “os inmates of wae Be pr oheigtao)-2-15= 2 Pe 235-014 01039 76 mf water Gapetiqld =casbonterachoride resing k=? Bhs ern-insny-a-19- BLT ars+ 03 wee EBS 22:76 > trom i) % ayo=15+05% he 2136 m ihe igure stow, determine et teading at A when the T te pressure at Bis 290 carrer nwo rincplesoriverosaues 99 sm ap prseue ead from 1 in meter of wat hight ho ventor ana the cas 50 Frnces tPocronate ‘Saltion ‘Sun-p absolute preseuce head ‘Hom 8102 in meters of water FE -o70136)-n= Be FR 950-0 Sump absolute presure ead rm 8 Ain aneters of water Be B-a7ase)+07~ EA HR oszsa7— 2s y= 20954 ate Problem 2-37 Inthe igure shown the atmospheric bresure is 101 KPA the age fending at is 40 kPa andthe ver pressure of akohol iy i2. Lia Biolute, Compute +y Sotetion Sun-up ebolue pressure al rom ‘to 2inmetert of water, a Fuso mecranncs HYDRAULICS rindpincrnparosaccs OT ‘ion pressure (gate) head rom tin meters of water AL 09) 1309)-150861= BE 7 40 5 99x-1651=0 ( oa '* 4 reissim hensety=2842a Preble 2-38 Foe the manometer setup. shown irmane the iferonce ih poesre ferween A and sottion re o6b-ys17 System #3 F.0) sumypprsur had fan 8 Ba... veapay+y: fa fe nx yeas 940) Ssbettatex—y = L020 B, (1 19, BaF — 1020578 Bere -198 5B G2 rapist yerostatcs solution rg presets beat ein to Biome ol wee 2. 40 9y-0.4ase)+0.105) + 09) = rrnepiscryaronate 03 Be teure stow, Bie ston of erry silly the premare at frmed by 40 ‘EPa, while aining. the. presume at ant what be the new ry deletion? ven ewe (e) awe @) a auovappresure hed fom A o in meters of water 64 2ArTER Two Princes Hyeroate AE MORAU rinciesottyaronater 5 InFigureb p= pv 0 ‘Samp pir ond rs Ao Bin meters of 2A 96-3) (028+ 29364 aa5¢H)= 2 je Somuppresure ad on A Bn ta of watt Now nara del ~ 2892-350 2a. -02(088)-0%085)-03108) + 025-ax0.m~ BE Pa. BA 1052 10 wate FeabiemTaT spe 98105-10924 Inthe gre shan, emi he is npr tee poi i BADGE Board) ming normal barmeicpresare, how deep the oan & the pot here ana buble pon reaching te surface has se Hes i lume than hada he bot? Appying Hoyle’ Lave {atroring other conc nv Vad a0 +981(1.094 paimia +1030 coarrea wo riniecl ee ae cis “ Beerecss 67 Problem 2-43 he prsere nit iid te tbe form Avesta tbe 3m og hone end ot insted realy, wd Sgoais yen end dvr, into a tank of wae sch a dh tat an open ana pore Eine 6 te upper endothe ube pends 80m of merce Nel Potat= sa: b- 204m ‘vapor pressire and assuming normal conn, ow fai the lower e ‘hate bolo th water surface nthe ark? +yn201+ 0485 £22536 consisting of cline 15 cm in lamer and 25cm high bas 4 neck dp cmn dlameter and 25 ce long The bei ogre vertically fn file open eed ow, such tat the neck completly fled it Pint the depth to which the open end i subrergad Assume normal te presaure and neglect vapor pres jing Boyle's Law Applying Hoye Law bs Wns ie te wns eared ae Wahune ofa eth be wa it Hi F09.@5)> 40"125) nul peeve aca jy = 119, estat Volume oir isi, Vs = re I premise ir When the the ms inert pets ‘Mbcolie presare ofa inside, p= 10196 940(13.64015) Absote pressure of arn p~12131 KPa tho bores imered Volume of wird the tube Ve= (a) Volume of Va 5057-25 Oenvd a 1013 44)=1151[e-yA} Be 3-y= 2505 aa Inyi-nva From the suanometer how, fon ese som7) = 101325 + 91 48179) ren wo 68 Finca tiyrostases nee toncinscrtyernaics 69 Problem 2-45 ‘A bly tire i inated at sa evel where the atnosphericpreenue i ‘Pan andthe temporature 21°C, to 445 KPa" Assurng Se te doce ‘expand, wnat i the gage presure within the re on the top of « m0 tebe the altude t 9000 my, atmoopherc prune ie 1722 KPa, and temperstare ie BC othe taromenre pressure 284 iesmerbc paring persue ee 2-47 3 eshow is llod with il Determine the prssre head at Band Cin Asean ater ‘slate pretuze fair, pe Nelmectate ve un bce tpn fae 1) =21 27520 [| (On the op ofthe mountain ‘Abell pressure oar, =4722¢p 1 Since the tied not expand, volume ofa, V:~ V ica Abnelute temperate of a y=5 278 oue-ast ph. nt iat cel 46a) _ (wary Hh tank shown the igure, compute the pressure pnt B,C Dard E Pa Negi ne unit weg ot TO _Pinspeteltppronatice Merete Pincpiescttarstats 9 Problem 2- 49 Problems A glass U-tube open tthe atmosphere a others is shown the Conta hd water, termine he spc ravi f theo a. her ror inde the Raromtrc pressure is 2454 nce of mercury pte soap yess pepe ae ch? 1408 he shown ied wi ot. Boer he pressure heads at Band Cin osm 4 plas 12cm tl ils th water sveried The bottom is open ell thapretur at clon ond? Ramet ror 1.205 KPa ne 10035 40 In igure 1 sy whlch a a pressure 0700 kPa st be aehuvea| yous nas ae eyed ace 2-48 bear sown in he ize, compute the presure at points B,C Dana E eget th nit weight of oe satan en Ae poh poe po=Asipe Let usr nwo sepa attired 70 Sitete Otycennes rit A les Utube open ty the aincephare at both ends Contin olan war, determine te pica 0 Foi (sg = O8) at height i tank contain wat ata eg ch eylindiel tank contig lating trey Tad Ka gageand p= T2424? gage Aasume the cleaning, fe prevented fom moving to the ep ofthe tank. Use unt weight of nD KN} Deter the presses pi, @) te vale O49 id (the vale yn iit Aso) ¥286 (102: (0) 202 sone Problem 2-50 A lass 12 cm al led th water i inverted The ott oper Wh ‘he prams athe lose ea Barometric pene 1 ESP Ave 10035 Problem 2-52 In gore 8 ‘Which ld wis pana 70 BP i be chive? ee a {igerental manomster shown s messing the diteence In pressure to lo: pipes, The icting igi mercury epee gravity = 136), 875 ee am thetoo pipe see Ans $932 KPa 72 _Friniperottyirostatie ru Problem 2-54 ‘fore of 460' is eerie on lever AB as shown The en Bis connected Piston which fs into x elder having dame of £0 mm What fo ‘ison the larger ston ste volume eta and ld wit wa Problem 2-58 ‘an ope tube pen be w aticed to 4 ak at shown, height 300 mim inset, what at heparan water Neplert cpr effect inthe tbe Ane pe S82 AP ape 490 Terattyeovtc Fors onsuraces 73 | Hydrostatic Force Surfaces HYDROSTATIC FORCE ON PLANE SURFACES ws of Norznntal ope chamber the ross over a plane are i niform, a inthe bry in aI or a plane ssface msc iota ore foe ttl posses xven by th uniform preeure ae As the 103 ofan inclined of vertical plane submerged in qu, theta! found bythe folowing Formula: a) f es / 74 Sarre rine Fu me ‘Total Mycirostatie Force on Surfaces & HYDRAG Be rocsonsutars 75: Total Hyontate Force on Surtees onside he plane surface shown ited at an angle 6 withthe hertz To ge he tral fre F, considera diferent element of sea da. Since erent is hraontl the prenure is uniform aver his ees, ar OFF (ve 5 1, raking moment of force about 5, (he ntsc of the on ofthe plane are and Ue gu auc) By fuse Where dPyysinoda Feysne ay reysin a foo From calcul, } tA = Ay ay Panag =vana fea Peysind Av F=1ysin0)A Frome, fj24A- (momen tnt abst) A994 ' Teiha Since ho nt pene the eto of the plane at, fo a pe 3-2 convenient 1 we te plan submorgd in sng gid wathout gage presure at the surface ofthe gud However he pla Submerged under layers of dilarnt liquids i the pope psn uid surface nose, Bq 4-8 noni to epply, Sm Problema ouerenm: 79 aS vont ERA “Tot tyrotic Fore on Suter Total Hycrontac Force on Surtees (CHORAL ——— set] ortynyi A B38 TOTAL HYDROSTATIC FORCE ON CURVED SURFACES (ASE: FLUID 1S ABOVE THE CURVED SURFACE, Beare 23-9 tan F/T 2.310 al pojection of submerged carve (plane aos) pressure atte cent af hw Te rote edn sha Fl te eae that preset Pon 7. fi: Fino ow ano nace THE CURVED SURFRCE SY 0 HarTen ines Toto Hygrortate Force on Sucaces DAMS: Dans are structure that Block the flow of ve, team, or other ws Some dams divert the flow of river wale nto & pipe. cara or cha (thr aie the level of ila waterays to mate tr navigable By and barges Many dame harness he enegy fling water o generat ‘power. Dams algo eld water for dinlang and «rap iigation, and prov = a i ana xp ga pI PURPOSE OF & DAM ‘Dama are bul fr the fotowing purposes 1 ligation ad drnking water 2 Power supply (hydric) 3. Navigation Mee contol 5. Male porponee pure. -2: Scena am va rosa Mics bot Sts ps a oe etme at. Hy 9 wt as otal Mytovtatc Foes an Sura 3-3: oat Fein hu Ge ide Cals ae 2 es gms dard fo ad and ges ea oma ss cea ot Rs ona ue rin pe neu PES OF DAMS, 11. Gravity dame ss oly the force of grat to tsist water pes that they hold bck the water by the shee fore oF thir weight prshing downward To ds this grvity dae must consi f amass Eeheasy. tha the woler in a reservoir caanot push the dam Govroteam ip covet They are mach thicker fhe bose than the tops shape that refit th derbution ofthe forces ofthe water ‘nat he dam, Ae water Besnes deoper wert ore horizontal ‘Preware on the dam, Cavity dame are rly thn rea these Er de roervoir, whore the seler pressure flight A thik base hates the dao to séwihtand the mor intense Water prestare at {Be bottom ofthe err 82 ‘ota yeroat Force on Stace ‘An embunkment dam i 4 gravity dam formed out of loos rhe ‘anh or a combination of Seto mtv The ptam and dovretrsm slopes of embankment dems are afer than these of ‘onerete gravity dams. In ener, they more cles match the ratural slopes pi of rocks areas Arch me ae cnet or mason traces that cure pate in ‘eserves, azethang rom ono walt ver canyon heothe.Tg design bast on he ste peipes she achtoctural arc anc vault traf ome waar posse onto he walls ofthe canon Arch asa ‘equteaselaelysarow rar canyon with std eck wale copa I oitistanding a igtcant amen of honzama rest Thee ame Alo poenaod to Bear mamnive ae rai dame bcoue the canyon alle Caer ptf the prsure exerted ty the sev ues Toxaltyaronmicroreonsuracee 89 DA tuitiees dae cori of = wall, o face, supported by cover Fritnoses con the densest ids) Tha vast majority of bulls Alam ave rade of concrete haere i sae Butesss are yc pada a i ery 99. te 0 Alpert upon thesis an design of He dam. Bates dams aro formtimes calle! hollows dams Uecanse the buttress do ot form a old wal sinh arts ver val. 94 tarTee nme Fup Mechanics ME FLUID MECHANICS counren nance ges Total Hyon Force on Sot (Prnomauuics HYDRAULICS Total Hyavosatic Farce on Suaces [ANALYSIS OF GRAVITY DAM 1. Vercors 1 acy i uted fe hydronic Froese 6 te whi tied! on i Wight ofthe dam upateam aide These Tores estar the dam to shde hxzntly on Minne Wien Ys Won. Vs Keundation and overturn it about tm downstream of te. Th 2 Weight af water ine pazem soy teenies are rete by fiction om the be of the dain gratin ents Teves which aus a nomant opp the overtorning nament. The 3, Weightor permanent stratus on the dam tay ao be prevented fom sig by keying ts bate 4 Hygrabe Upbie Uiey Ye ones ee 4) Total ydesatc Fence acting atthe verte! projection ‘ tthe submerged portion of the am et 22 Wind Pre eer w Nn 5 Weve Acion ‘ects 4 ating Bolas 3 5 tardagnke toa i. Sotve forthe Reston 1 Merl Revo. Ranh Raye wee tm ett 1V. Moment about the Toe hing Moment RM (ttn toi he pt si te oure 3: Type sntn gr a eeg eee te dire i} Steps of Solution 1 Oven Mont itn ve With reference to Figure 3 8, for purpots of Uusiraton, a eumpion was made in te shape ofthe uplift remute diagram 1 Conse unt (1 eng fem (perpen ne atch) 1 Nodes A vine eee conor ince uso wecnanics 86 Rely reneeracconsutien ‘Sioned unit weight of water = 9.1 KN or 1000 g/m) {runt eghtol concrete . 215) (assay taken 6225 KN/m) cco Dot: Uso () to wet the stress at pnt were Ry nerest_ tn the diagram howe abover wef) to gol gy ard () 10 get iA negative ten Ins ompresivectrxs ada pote srs inches tone Ses. Factors of Safety Factor of safety agin iting 5; Hoc cl cannot cory any nile sess, theres of 3-14 ai ifthe [ioce is poative, Ths wil happen te> 0/6, Shou tha happen, Ba 3-15 fritbe wi aes Bon 43-13 flees 11 confit ftom een th he dam and he foundation eet z=Wy Foundation Pressure ate Fores 6 oe 60 From combined aval and bending ster formal PMc eon Romane (hoi) BB Toxarnyarastne Force on uraces 7 BUOYANCY a mecoss 82 7 unt eg of he ld Vp volume dbp, Vofeme ath body below he linuid sree ARCHIMEDES’ PRINCIPLE 7 ‘ boy below te tis {A principle discovered by the Crock ein Archies that tate that ‘dy ime in fd sated up by a par ere ot oe ea sso af edad a ote pees in buy, enti te erecting nl ply otis of aie ‘hie prncpl leo Inown ae the aw Idea, apples to Both oa and stbimerged bois, and toll ae homogeneous stl boy of ylure V* Rowing” in hamayansous kl a Vp= Sessotbott y= Me y Bg 3-17 par ofliguld ” ” Yay Ah bry of height has «constant hoizantal cross-sectional aren such os kleiner, Bock ot [Consider the body shown tn Figure 3-9 umerse in» id owt weigh The honeontl components of the fore acing on the taly ate all equllbiam, since the vertal projection ofthe by in opps ses i “ne. The upper face ofthe body is subject to a vertal dora fo ‘which is qua othe weight of the Mi above st andthe ower face to an upyrard force equa to the weight of ral or imapinary liq abe “The net upward force acting on the boy the basen fr, pe otto 5 spr ofligal the toy so norm veil coseanctona are A he area submerged A = Gol) 004) BF Hoh Val 90 See Puno mecnanig Total Mjerstoe Force on Sutaee > MecANICS ous 91 voRAuLS Total erosive on SUaCes 'STATICAL STABILITY OF FLOATING BODIES A oan boy acted upon by two equal opposing forces, Thee ate bodys weigh W (ang tie centr f grav) ands buoyant force (acing tthe center of buoyancy ta is Ioeted af the cent ef greity of ‘space il) hen these forces ate colknear ax shown in Fgure 3-10 (a) ont apright postion. However when the Day ltd to wind or wave et "he enter of bucyancy shift oi new postion a shown in Figure 3-10 and he two foxes, which are no Tonge colina, pees a couple Mt). The body wl not overturn th cple mh the body vat atl ts engial postion ax shown in Figure 3-30 (and wl overturn "The pint of inesction between the ars of the boy and he ln of action ee eer ‘he Buoyant force iad the laenterThe distance for he elaen [10 the center of gravity (C) of the ys ald the metacentte ey {MG} Rear cen ta aby tae tov shown in gu 20 and ote a Be ca hen gre 3 1D) igure 3-10: Force cn a ating ucifriNG MOMENT AND OVERTURNING MOMENT ie 8-20] fLrHteNTs oF A FLOATING BODY: Y= weight he by f= oyant fore lays qual to Wor a oating boy) center of gravity of th ely ener of ouoyecy in he upright position (Cento of te lace! is) fo camer of baoyaney nthe te positon Mp = volun dopines N= mtceer te pt of nkerteon beeen thee of aton ‘tthe buoyant fovea hee the Body ter of gaa of the wedges inpersion end risen nce between hese he wee fue ofthe wedge of meson ag of ing 2100) Uo ston Fe 3-10 0) Sb ton 92. Starren meee Fun aecnanu a 5 alee no mucin yo mechs coerce nee 3 HYDRAULICS “Tota hytramue Fores ansuaess Moment due siting OFF = moment dio shitting of wed aconts hag MO = M2 OR, ie) Gi above Be 1VoMBosino=y08 VALUE OF HB, The stability ofthe ody. depen an the stnount of the nighting mom’ which in tm dopant onthe metacnt height MC. When te body i ‘he center of buoyancy SRR toa new position (Be) This shin slo caus the wedge 10 shift ta new positon The moment due fo te siting the huowan force BA meat gual moment du fo wedge ait INITIAL vaLUE OF MB, or smal vale 9, (7 =00r 0 meno f ‘Weds vane =v CCoraider « body inthe shape of x recangula partldepped Jongh Las shown igure 3-1 Volume of edge. 0 = 8/2108 /2) tan Volume of eee 9 = 21880 94 sieTen nee Fu mecan vata currenninee gg Tota yrartat Force on Surfaces (eHYDRAUL “otal Myarotae Fore on Surtees a, HAP and Dat for small values 0, sin B= tan vane 5 te Ts ou a be apa ay sen, Since the metaccrine ight MG ts dependent with MBs the saity of ontng body therefore depands on the mement of neta of the water section can alse be sen thatthe boys move sable in piching than Foling because the momento ners inch grater than that oli = 87 3)0/2)n L The righting or overturning moment ona oan boty is ain a From geome. 96 Seat tyretat orce on Surtees MOA wail Toe Relea net pretune Pp To determine te tangential stein fhe pir wall etuscuta section oflength Filing thedsiete. The ce sc 08 fis ston ae the total prerure F duet Whe ncernal pressure and thirst be esrb eich the oa eset the pipe wall. -Appiingsgulitetam condition: Bo) Pear Pe pa=pDs T= SrA Tasos) bast =1 eat =F arene pew dels (0x0) ap et awn (2, mat Fl ‘Tanger stuess 5 = Mo determine the longitina woes lot {ute cylinder across length shows. meee Fo ‘STRESS ON THIN-WALLED PRESSURE VESSELS ae THIN-WALLED CYLINDRICAL TANK to fore hich rsst Dusting, developed acroatlongtudinal and Warswere oct p 3D S01 Longitudinal stress Si = 22. iervoRAucs Total Myostate Force on sfaces 97 m2 |

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