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The research questions of this study are:

1. What is the factors of the reduction performance in mathematics subjects among secondary school

2. What is the effect of educational game as learning aids of students achievements in mathematics?

3. What is the difference of students achievements in learning mathematics through art by uising
educational game and conventional way?

The Qualitative research method used for this study, In this study, we reviewed the available
andrelated articles to the research subject and objectives reviewed the recent article from the
(year of 2000-2018.)
Searching words
used for the impact of information and communication technology used by teachers to
enhance the student performance at university level in negros oriental.
Significance of the study.
The current research will help the establishments to implement the of using mathematics
in the universities of NORSU BAYAWAN, and allow them to make changes in their teaching
endeavors to boost the performance of students. This study will be promoted the student’s
performance and enhance their inner abilities and make the work easier.
Delimitations. This study was prepared by reviewing the prevailing literature. The researcher
has only reviewed the university level researches that were conducted during the years 2000-
2018 The researcher has just utilized the online means for the current investigation.
Limitations. Because of the deficiency of time requirement researcher was not able gather
any quantitative information.

Anges in the general public. In the earlier decade, MATHEMATICS has progressed and
transformed at such a speed, that creating nationshave not the capacity to be abreast with the
speed and hence they have been abandoned which subsequently lack in their correspondence.
Mathematics goes about as the established foundation of the contemporary world; hence,
understanding this innovation and its basic ideas is considered as acomponent of the center of
Innovation can possibly remodel the methods for guidance, where and how learning
happens and the jobs of understudies and teachers in the instructional procedure.
mathematic is changing instructional process by contributing segments of solidarity to learning
circumstances including virtual condition. It is a powerful and compelling instrument for giving
instructive chances; hence, it is hard to imagine future learning circumstances that are not
reinforced by data and correspondence innovation. Instructive establishments may use
mathematics to improve the understudies with aptitudes and information for the to
such an extent that it can add to overall availability to training, instructive
correspondence, broadcasting of value showing learning programs, teachers' expert
development and to help in getting a more viable instructive administration.
Consequently, availability, consideration and standard being the key issues of instruction, can
be serenely tended to through mathematics . enhances the standard of training empowering
learning through progressing dialog, postponed time talk, coordinated guidance, self-
learning, basic reasoning, information chasing and examination . Usage of mathematics
can improve results, guidance, organization and make critical capacities in the underprivileged
gatherings and in the meantime impact educational guide mathematics is basic as it
offers opportunity to the educators and students to work, conserve, control and recover
information other than to advance self-directed and dynamic education mathematics -based
learning includes an extended affinity towards communitarian learning between students and
educators, not simply in an explicit classroom. This sort of cooperation is rather than the
ordinary learning condition, for instance, separate learning rouses instructors and students to
participate in adapting even over educational time
Research Question

1. What is the impact of mathematics use by teachers on student performance at university


2. To Explore the problem which students faced in gaining information?

The Qualitative research method used for this study, In this study, we reviewed the available
andrelated articles to the research subject and objectives reviewed the recent article from the
(year of 2000-2018.)
Searching words
used for the impact of information and communication technology used by teachers to
enhance the student performance at university level in negros oriental.
Significance of the study.
The current research will help the establishments to implement the of using mathematics
in the universities of NORSU BAYAWAN, and allow them to make changes in their teaching
endeavors to boost the performance of students. This study will be promoted the student’s
performance and enhance their inner abilities and make the work easier.
Delimitations. This study was prepared by reviewing the prevailing literature. The researcher
has only reviewed the university level researches that were conducted during the years 2000-
2018 The researcher has just utilized the online means for the current investigation.
Limitations. Because of the deficiency of time requirement researcher was not able gather
any quantitative information.

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