Writing-Module 2 - k46

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WRITING – Module 2 – K46

Writing a letter of enquiry

You are Mr. Keith Liekerman, Marketing Manager of Vegetables Supreme. From the notes below, write a letter of
enquiry to Mr. Fidel Englebert asking for the price list and some details about the product.
Dear Mr. Englebert,
I am …………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 
We would like to enquire some details about your product:
1. Where ……………………………………………………………………………………… ?
2. Would you be able to ……………………………………………………………………… ?

Could you please ……………………………………………………………………………………… ?

We would be grateful ………………………………………………………… .
Yours ………………… ,

Keith Liekerman

+ paragraph 1: saying who you are & showing interest in purchasing and selling organic vegetables
+ paragraph 2: enquiring some details about the product (where the vegetables are grown and how to ensure
that they are organically grown & providing regular supply of vegetables delivered fresh everyday )
+ paragraph 3: asking for the price list.
+ paragraph 4: closing the letter


Dear Mr. Englebert,

I am Keith Liekerman, Marketing Manager of Vegetables Supreme. We are interested in purchasing and
selling your product, organic vegetables, in our grocery store. 

We would like to enquire some details about your product:

1. Where are the vegetables grown and how do you ensure that they are organically grown?
2. Would you be able to provide a regular supply of vegetables delivered fresh everyday?

Could you please send me the an up-to-date price list of your organic vegetables as well?

We would be grateful for an early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Liekerman
Replying to a letter of enquiry
You are Antonio McGuire, Regional Manager of Rainbow Farms. Read the following letter of enquiry written on
February 10, 20XX, and from the notes below write a reply to the letter.

Dear Sir or Madam

With reference to your advertisement of coconut oil in yesterday's New York Times, could you please send me a
copy of your latest catalog?

Thank you for your prompt response.

Yours faithfully,

+ paragraph 1: thanks for enquiry
+ paragraph 2: mentioning: finding attached product catalogue, hoping information provided can answer query,
contacting for further help / clarification if need be
+ paragraph 3: closing the letter


Dear Rachel,

Thank you for your enquiry of February 10, 20XX in which you showed your interest in our coconut oil.
We are excited to hear from you.

In response to your enquiry, please find attached to this email our product catalogue. We hope the
information provided in it answers your query. However, please contact us if we can be of any further
help to you. (or please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification if need be.)

We hope to hear from you again and can assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly. (or We
look forward to your patronage.)

Best wishes, (or Yours sincerely,)

Antonio McGuire
Regional Manager
Rainbow Farms

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