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Guidance Notes The rating given will be calculated following a chart score
of severity of the impact rated low, moderate, high and
the likelihood of the impact occurring rated negligible,
unlikely, likely and certain where low/negligible will not
result in a significant impact to high/certain leading to
critical damage to the environment.
The two ratings are plotted on the chart below and the
subsequent rating shown in the chart, The items will be
determined as follows;
Green = low environmental impact
Yellow – medium environmental impact
Red = high environmental impact

Ensure that information for any substance brought onto

site/ premises is taken from the Material Safety Data Sheet
and the specific risks to the environment, including fire
water runoff or atmospheric damage control and spillage
requirements are noted on the assessment.

Contract Name: Site Manager:

Contract Number: Date:

Significance Revised
Activity Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Likelihood Severity Rating Control Measures Legislation
Site set up Destruction of habitat, Loss of Biodiversity Unlikely High Medium • Minimize vegetation clearance. Water Resources Act Low
damage to Pollution of surface • Avoid all contact with fauna and threatened flora. 1991
vegetation, injury to water, storm water • Avoid parking or storing construction materials and fuel Environmental
fauna. drains and under trees where practical. Protection Act 1990
watercourses. • Avoid creating stockpiles under trees, in order to avoid Pollution Prevention
compaction within the root zone. and Control Act 1999
• Do not undertake tree felling or hedgerow clearance
during the bird nesting season.
• Comply with Tree Preservation Order if applicable.
• Do not try to touch or otherwise disturb any Great
Crested Newts.

Land Japanese Knotweed Pollution to ground • Immediately stop all work within 7 metres of the suspect Environmental
Clearance / and harmful to wildlife plant and inform the Environmental Agnecy. Protection Act 1990
Ground Strip • Do not stockpile potentially contaminated material Wildlife and
within 10 metres of a watercourse or a drain. Countryside Act 1981
• Do not excavate or move any soil from within 7 metres
of a Japanese Knotweed plant without instruction.
• Do not track plant or vehicles over the area.

Giant Hogweed Pollution to ground • Immediately stop all work near the suspect plant and Environmental
and harmful to wildlife inform the Environmental Agnecy. Protection Act 1990
• Seek medical advice if you have been in contact with Wildlife and
the sap. Countryside Act 1981
• Wear protective clothing before touching the plant.
• Do not handle the plant.
• Do not move soil that may contain seeds without
specific instructions.

Discovery of Badger Harmful to wildlife • Immediately stop work if you discover a badger sett or Protection of Badgers
setts /Badgers see a badger on the site. Act 1992
• Close off the area to all activities with an exclusion zone
of at least 20m via a Nelton fence or barriers or rope line.
• Do not use heavy machinery or plant with 30m of the
• Do not use light machinery (dumpers etc.) within 20m of
the sett.
• Do not clear land scrub or use hand tools within 10m of
the sett.
• Contact the local Environmental Department or the
local council for further advise.

Ashe - Environmental Aspect and Impact Register

Discovery of Bats Harmful to wildlife • Immediately stop work if you discover a bat or see a bat Wildlife and
on the site. Countryside Act
• Close off the area to all activities with an exclusion zone (1981) (as amended)
of at least 20m via a Nelton fence or barriers or rope line. Countryside and
• Contact the local Environmental Department or the Rights of Way Act,
local council for further advise. 2000
Natural Environment
and Rural
Communities Act
(NERC, 2006)
Conservation of
Habitats and Species
Regulations (2010).
Protection Act 1990

Excavation / Destruction of habitat, Loss of Biodiversity • Minimize vegetation clearance. Wildlife and
Intrusive Works damage to • Avoid all contact with fauna and threatened flora. Countryside Act
vegetation, injury to • Avoid parking or storing construction materials under (1981) (as amended)
fauna trees where practical. Countryside and
• Avoid creating stockpiles under trees, in order to avoid Rights of Way Act,
compaction within the root zone. 2000
• Dispose of all food scraps from work sites. Natural Environment
• Cover or fence off all trenches and excavations and Rural
overnight to prevent animal trapping, where practical. Communities Act
(NERC, 2006)
Conservation of
Habitats and Species
Regulations (2010).

Air Emissions Air pollution • Minimize vehicle movement and speed on unsealed Pollution Prevention
tracks and paths. and Control Act 1999
• Consider conducting dust-emitting works with water Environmental
sprays, where not prevented by water restrictions or if risk Protection Act 1990
of water pollution is likely. The Environmental
• During high wind periods, consider covering stockpiles Protection (Duty of
when not in use. Care) Regulations
• During high wind periods, consider using water sprays on 1991
stockpiles, where this is not prevented by water restrictions.
• Cover vehicles transporting bulk materials such as soils
and wastes to prevent loss of load or dust generation.

Discovery of Loss on Natural • Do not assume that any artefacts or findings are not National Heritage
Archaeological Resources Damage to important. Act 1983
structures and finds heritage items • Do not remove any items from site such as bones, coins
etc. as this illegal.
• Stop work if you find any archaeological features.
• Cordon off the area and ensure no person enters the
area until authorised to do so by the local authority.
Inform the local authority immediately.
• Follow the instructions of any appointed representative
or archaeologist is assigned to the find.
• Do not allow any operations close by such as
dewatering or vibration operations to continue that are in
your control as this may damage further unknown items.

Free running silts Pollution to Ground. • Do not dewater any excavation without checking The Environmental
within rain / surface Pollution to controlled where the silt is going to be discharged to. Protection (Duty of
waters on site waters. • Only discharge silted water into settlement systems such Care) Regulations
Unauthorised as holding ponds, baffle tanks or authorised grassed area. 1991 Environmental
discharge to sewer or • Do not allow silty waters to be pumped directly into any Protection Act 1990
land drains. Harmful rivers, steams, ditches or surface water drains. Control of Pollution
to wildlife. • Minimize disturbance to vegetation cover for any (Amendment) Act
activities. 1989 Pollution
• Do not store soils, stones or other aggregates close to Prevention and
water courses. Rainwater will cause wash off into these Control Act 1999
water courses.
• Do not cut ditches / cuts to relieve standing waters from
heavy rain.
• Ensure hard standing and roads swept regularly to
reduce mud / silt build up which can be washed away in
• Protect surface water drains. Combined drains and
water courses by using sand bags, bail filters or Terram /
Geotextile bunds.
• Do not dewater any excavation without checking
where the silt is going to be discharged to.
• Only discharge silted water into settlement systems such
as holding ponds, baffle tanks or authorised grassed area.
• Do not allow silty waters to be pumped directly into any
rivers, steams, ditches or surface water drains.
• Minimize disturbance to vegetation cover for any
• Do not store soils, stones or other aggregates close to
water courses. Rainwater will cause wash off into these
water courses.

Ashe - Environmental Aspect and Impact Register

Discovery of building Irreversible respiratory • Use of qualified and disposal contractors. Control of Asbestos
mterial that contain health hazard caused • Asbestos awareness training. Regulations 2012.
asbestos. by airborne particles.
Pollution to Ground.
Pollution to controlled

Field activities Inappropriate Pollution of watercourses • Construct temporary drainage devices to control soil Control of Pollution
involving disposal of liquid and water movement from the site. These may include, (Amendment) Act
excavation waste diversion drains, silt fences, bunds and booms; 1989
near water • Potentially contaminated water must be stored in an Environmental
course, appropriate container in a bounded area on-site, for Protection Act 1990
activities subsequent appropriate disposal. Pollution Prevention
requiring • Obtain consent from the appropriate authority if and Control Act 1999
surface or potentially contaminated water is to be discharged to the The Controlled Waste
groundwater sewer system. (England and Wales)
removal from • Locate stockpiles of construction materials a suitable Regulations 2012
excavations distance from watercourses and drains to prevent impact.
or drilling • Ensure any concrete washout is suitably collected and
activities disposed of.

Field activities Noise Disturbance of local • Keep noise to a minimu and adhere to the noise levels Environmental
using plant community/ as set out by the authority. Protection Act - Noise
and neighbours • Adhere to site working hours. Regulations
machinery • Noise mitigation measures to be incorporated.
e.g. drill rigs, • Adhere to site working hours.

Decorating Disposal of paint tins Pollution of storm • Proper and safe disposal of waste must be ensured The Environmental
water or surface water even after it has been passed on to another party. The Protection (Duty of
drains, water courses, duty of care has no time limit. It extends until the waste Care) Regulations
or groundwater. has either been disposed of or fully recovered. 1991
Contamination of • Duty of care requires that all waste is stored and Environmental
ground. Harmful disposed of responsibly, it is only handeled or dealt with by Protection Act 1990
to wildlife. authorised indivisuals or companies and a record is to be Control of Pollution
kept of all waste received or transferred (i.e. Waste (Amendment) Act
Transfer Notes (WTN)). A WTN must be created for each 1989
load of waste that leaves the site. The waste should be The Controlled Waste
adequately described on the TWN. (Registration of
• Ensure those that treat, store or dispose of the waste Carriers and Seizure
have Waste Management Licence or Exemption of Vehicles)
Certificate. Regulations 1991
• Ensure that the carrier is a registered waste carrier for this The Controlled Waste
prupose. (England and Wales)
• Check to establish if any containers or other materials Regulations 2012
taken back by the supplier are being reprocessed or Hazardous Waste
disposed of. Regulations 2005
• Ensure that all wastes that arise irregularly (e.g
redundant materials, wastes arising from cleaning up
spills) are declared on TWNs. Some may be regarded as
hazardous waste.
• Ensure that all contractors use the identified skips and
bins and that these are kept in good order. No waste is to
be left on the floors around the skip / bin. Use skip sheeting
to reduce dusts or wind scatter.

Storage and Poor materials Pollution of storm • Store hazardous materials securely, away from drains The Control of
use of handling practices water or surface water and watercourses. Pollution (Oil
hazardous drains, water courses, • Store bulk petrol, diesel and oil in bunded tanks and Storage) (England)
materials e.g. or groundwater. store smaller containers on drip trays that have 110% Regulations 2001
diesel , petrol, Contamination of capacity of the larger container. Control of Pollution
oil ground. Harmful • Keep a spill kit near to fuel and oil storage areas. (Amendment) Act
to wildlife. • Always put lids om any containers after use. 1989
• Ensure that all containers are undamaged. Environmental
• Ensure that all refuelling is constantly attended and only Protection Act 1990
undertaken at least 10m away from watercourses and Pollution Prevention
drains. and Control Act 1999
• Lock the mobile bowser or storage tank after use.
• Use drip trays under all static plant and during refuelling
from mobile plant.
• Clean up any minor spillages.
• Do not use high pressure delivery systems when filling
small containers.
• Use funnels when refuelling small plant and equipment
to avoid spillages.
• Use the automatic shut off "pistol grip" delivery systems
when refuelling from tanks or mobile bowser. Do not
tamper with the shut off system at anytime.
• Do not leave refuelling hoses outside bunds after use.
• Do not leave bunds and drip trays to overflow.
• Do not pour petrol, diesel or waste oil down drains and

Cement / Cement, Mortar, Harmful to wildlife. • Identify all water watercourses, gullies and drains prior to Control of Pollution
Gypsum Concrete and Plaster Pollution to controlled commencing work. (Amendment) Act
based Washout water. • Undertake mixing / batching works well away from 1989 Environmental
products Unauthorised watercourses and drains. Protection Act 1990
discharge to sewer or • Use only designated areas for concrete washout. Pollution Prevention
land drains • Where necessary pratect nearby drains against washout and Control Act 1999
water running into them. The Controlled Waste
• Do not wash off any tools or plant in watercourses. (England and Wales)
• Store bulk and bagged cment and concrete additives Regulations 2012
at least 10m away from watercourses, gullies and drains.
• Provide washout pits.

Ashe - Environmental Aspect and Impact Register

Office Paperwork Reduction in natural • Paper supplies to be sourced from sustainable supply The Environmental
activities resources. chains via office stationary supplier. Certificate of Protection (Duty of
(Fixed offices Greenhouse effect compliance or information substantiating the source are Care) Regulations
and from generation. to be held. 1991
temporary • Printers within the building are set to double side print to
offices upon reduce papaer usage where possible.
constrcution • Emails to contain environmental awareness message
sites) asking whether item needs to be printed off.
• Paper re-cycling undertaken.

Ink Cartridges Reduction in natural • Reduce usage of ink cartridges by saving records The Environmental
resources. electronically. Protection (Duty of
• Printers within the building are set to double side print to Care) Regulations
reduce papaer usage where possible. 1991
• Emails to contain environmental awareness message The Controlled Waste
asking whether item needs to be printed off. (England and Wales)
• Re-cycle. Regulations 2012

Disposal of redundant Pollution to Ground. Dispose via a registered handling carrier. Control of Pollution
office equipment Pollution to controlled (Amendment) Act
waters. 1989
The Controlled Waste
(Registration of
Carriers and Seizure
of Vehicles)
Regulations 1991
Pollution Prevention
and Control Act 1999
The Controlled Waste
(England and Wales)
Regulations 2012

Alarm sounder testing Noise - Nuisance to • Keep to a minimum. Environmental

neighbours • Warn other personnel in vicinity. Protection Act - Noise

Electricity Eletricity Reduction in natural • Source renewable energy supply.

used for resources. • Monitor electricity consumption records.
lighting, Greenhouse effect • Raise staff awareness via information bulletins / Emails.
equipment, from generation. • Spot checks to ensure electrical equipment turned off
heating and when not in use.
cooling. • Investment in technology i.e Light sensors, timers. N/A
• Regular maintenance.
• Close all windows when using air conditioning and
heating systems.

Disposal of electric Pollution to Ground. • Proper and safe disposal of waste must be ensured The Environmental
light bulbs, Pollution to controlled even after it has been passed on to another party. The Protection (Duty of
fluorescent tubes, waters duty of care has no time limit. It extends until the waste Care) Regulations
batteries and has either been disposed of or fully recovered. 1991 Environmental
discarded electrical • Duty of care requires that all waste is stored and Protection Act 1990
equipment, such as disposed of responsibly, it is only handeled or dealt with by Control of Pollution
TVs and computer authorised indivisuals or companies and a record is to be (Amendment) Act
monitors, fridges and kept of all waste received or transferred (i.e. Waste 1989
freezers Transfer Notes (WTN)). A WTN must be created for each The Controlled Waste
load of waste that leaves the site. The waste should be (Registration of
adequately described on the TWN. Carriers and Seizure
• Ensure those that treat, store or dispose of the waste of Vehicles)
have Waste Management Licence or Exemption Regulations 1991
Certificate. The Controlled Waste
• Ensure that the carrier is a registered waste carrier for this (England and Wales)
prupose. • Regulations 2012
Check to establish if any containers or other materials Hazardous Waste
taken back by the supplier are being reprocessed or Regulations 2005
disposed of.
• Ensure that all wastes that arise irregularly (e.g
redundant materials, wastes arising from cleaning up
spills) are declared on TWNs. Some may be regarded as
hazardous waste. •
Ensure that all contractors use the identified skips and bins
and that these are kept in good order. No waste is to be
left on the floors around the skip / bin. Use skip sheeting to
reduce dusts or wind scatter.

Water use Drinking water Reduction in natural • Usage monitored and minimised where practicable .
Toiltes resources.
Cleaning Greenhouse effect N/A
from generation.

Ashe - Environmental Aspect and Impact Register

Waste Disposing of Reduction in natural • Proper and safe disposal of waste must be ensured The Environmental
non hazardous waste resources. even after it has been passed on to another party. The Protection (Duty of
Pollution to ground. duty of care has no time limit. It extends until the waste Care) Regulations
has either been disposed of or fully recovered. 1991 Environmental
• Duty of care requires that all waste is stored and Protection Act 1990
disposed of responsibly, it is only handeled or dealt with by Control of Pollution
authorised indivisuals or companies and a record is to be (Amendment) Act
kept of all waste received or transferred (i.e. Waste 1989 The Controlled
Transfer Notes (WTN)). A WTN must be created for each Waste (Registration of
load of waste that leaves the site. The waste should be Carriers and Seizure
adequately described on the TWN. of Vehicles)
• Ensure those that treat, store or dispose of the waste Regulations 1991
have Waste Management Licence or Exemption The Controlled Waste
Certificate. (England and Wales)
• Ensure that the carrier is a registered waste carrier for this Regulations 2012
• Check to establish if any containers or other materials
taken back by the supplier are being reprocessed or
disposed of.
• Ensure that all wastes that arise irregularly (e.g
redundant materials, wastes arising from cleaning up
spills) are declared on TWNs. Some may be regarded as
hazardous waste.
• Ensure that all contractors use the identified skips and
bins and that these are kept in good order. No waste is to
be left on the floors around the skip / bin. Use skip sheeting
to reduce dusts or wind scatter.

Disposing of Reduction in natural • Mixing of hazardous with non-hazardous waste is The Environmental
hazardous waste resources. prohibited. Protection (Duty of
Pollution to ground. • The mixing of different categories of hazardous waste Care) Regulations
Harmful to wildlife. together in the same container is prohibited. 1991 Environmental
• Whenever hazardous waste is removed, a consignment Protection Act 1990
note must be completed and accompany the hazardous Control of Pollution
waste. • Ensure (Amendment) Act
that the carrier is a registered waste carrier for this 1989 The Controlled
prupose. Waste (Registration of
• Check that the waste carrier will supply the Hazardous Carriers and Seizure
Waste Consignment Note prior to arranging the removal of Vehicles)
of the waste. Regulations 1991
• Get a copy of the completed consignment note form The Controlled Waste
the Carrier as proof the materials have been disposed of (England and Wales)
appropriately. By law consignment notes need to be kept Regulations 2012
for at least 3 years. Hazardous Waste
• A producer, holder or consignor of hazardous waste, Regulations 2005
must keep a record in the Hazardous Waste Register
register of the quantity, nature, origin, destinitaion,
frequency of collection, mode of transport and treatment
of the waste. This must be kept for three years.

Transport Driving to / form site Reduction in natural • Car sharing is encouraged.

or office resources. • Energy efficient company cars fleet.
Pollution to ground. • Renew company car fleet every 4 years.
Harmful to wildlife. N/A
Greenhouse effect
from generation.

Ashe Ref: EN_2015_408_A

Ashe - Environmental Aspect and Impact Register


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