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Mechanisms of Disease of cell-mediated immune responses. In genetic studies,

rheumatoid arthritis is strongly linked to the major-
histocompatibility-complex class II antigens HLA-
F R A N K L I N H . E P S T E I N , M. D. , Editor DRB1*0404 and DRB1*0401.5 The main function
of HLA class II molecules is to present antigenic pep-
C YTOKINE P ATHWAYS AND J OINT tides to CD4+ T cells, which strongly suggests that
I NFLAMMATION IN R HEUMATOID rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an unidentified ar-
thritogenic antigen.6 The antigen could be either an
A RTHRITIS exogenous antigen, such as a viral protein, or an en-
dogenous protein. Recently, a number of possible
ERNEST H.S. CHOY, M.D., endogenous antigens, including citrullinated protein,
AND GABRIEL S. PANAYI, M.D., SC.D. human cartilage glycoprotein 39, and heavy-chain–
binding protein, have been identified.7

HEUMATOID arthritis is a common chron- Cellular Mediators of Inflammation and Joint Damage
ic inflammatory and destructive arthropathy
that cannot be cured and that has substantial Antigen-activated CD4+ T cells stimulate mono-
personal, social, and economic costs. The long-term cytes, macrophages, and synovial fibroblasts to pro-
prognosis is poor: 80 percent of affected patients are duce the cytokines interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and
disabled after 20 years,1 and life expectancy is reduced TNF-a and to secrete matrix metalloproteinases (Fig.
by an average of 3 to 18 years.2 The medical cost of 1) through cell-surface signaling by means of CD69
rheumatoid arthritis averages $5,919 per case per year and CD118 as well as through the release of soluble
in the United States3 and approximately £2,600 per mediators such as interferon-g and interleukin-17. In-
case per year in the United Kingdom.4 Current slow- terleukin-1, interleukin-6, and TNF-a are the key cy-
acting antirheumatic drugs have limited efficacy and tokines that drive inflammation in rheumatoid arthri-
many side effects. Moreover, they do not improve the tis. Activated CD4+ T cells also stimulate B cells (Fig.
long-term prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis.1 1), through cell-surface contact and through the bind-
The inflammatory process is usually tightly regulat- ing of aLb 2 integrin, CD154 (CD40 ligand), and
ed, involving both mediators that initiate and maintain CD28, to produce immunoglobulins, including rheu-
inflammation and mediators that shut the process matoid factor. The precise pathogenic role of rheuma-
down. In states of chronic inflammation, an imbalance toid factor is unknown, but it may involve the activa-
between the two mediators leaves inflammation un- tion of complement through the formation of immune
checked, resulting in cellular damage. In the case of complexes. Activated CD4+ T cells express osteopro-
rheumatoid arthritis, this damage is manifested by the tegerin ligands that stimulate osteoclastogenesis (Fig.
destruction of cartilage and bone. 1). Such activated T cells caused joint damage in an
Efforts to develop safer and more effective treat- animal model of rheumatoid arthritis.9
ments for rheumatoid arthritis that are based on an These activated macrophages, lymphocytes, and fi-
improved understanding of the role of inflammatory broblasts, as well as their products, can also stimulate
mediators are beginning to bear fruit. Treatments angiogenesis, which may explain the increased vascu-
such as etanercept, a soluble tumor necrosis factor a larity found in the synovium of patients with rheu-
(TNF-a) type II receptor–IgG1 fusion protein, and matoid arthritis. Endothelial cells in the synovium are
infliximab, a chimeric (human and mouse) monoclon- activated and express adhesion molecules that promote
al antibody against TNF-a, have been approved by the the recruitment of inflammatory cells into the joint.
Food and Drug Administration and the European This process is enhanced by the release of chemokines,
Medicine Evaluation Agency for rheumatoid arthritis. such as interleukin-8, by inflammatory cells in the
These therapies could dramatically change the treat- joint. The detailed mechanisms of these complex cel-
ment and outcome of the disease. lular interactions remain elusive.
Soluble Mediators of Inflammation and Joint Damage
ARTHRITIS Monocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, and T cells
The synovial membrane in patients with rheumatoid release numerous cytokines on stimulation. Most of
arthritis is characterized by hyperplasia, increased vas- these cytokines, including TNF-a and interleukin-1,
cularity, and an infiltrate of inflammatory cells, pri- can be detected in synovial fluid from patients with
marily CD4+ T cells, which are the main orchestrator rheumatoid arthritis.10 Both TNF-a and interleukin-1
are likely to have primary roles in the pathogenesis of
rheumatoid arthritis. The serum and synovial concen-
From the Department of Rheumatology, Guy’s, King’s, and St. Thomas’ trations of both cytokines are high in patients with ac-
Hospitals School of Medicine, King’s College, London. Address reprint re-
quests to Dr. Choy at the Department of Rheumatology, King’s College tive rheumatoid arthritis.11,12 Furthermore, TNF-a and
Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, London SE22 8PT, United Kingdom. interleukin-1 are potent stimulators of mesenchymal

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Rheumatoid factor
and other autoantibodies

Interleukin-10 Th2
cell Th0

Interleukin-12 Interferon-g

B cell CD4+ T cell

CD11 interleukin-1,
Synovium and interleukin-6


Production of metalloproteinases and

other effector molecules

Migration of polymorphonuclear cells

Erosion of bone and cartilage

Figure 1. Cytokine Signaling Pathways Involved in Inflammatory Arthritis.

The major cell types and cytokine pathways believed to be involved in joint destruction mediated by TNF-a and interleukin-1 are
shown. Th2 denotes type 2 helper T cell, Th0 precursor of type 1 and type 2 helper T cells, and OPGL osteoprotegerin ligand.

cells, such as synovial fibroblasts, osteoclasts, and chon- the development of osteoclasts, which are responsible
drocytes, that release tissue-destroying matrix metallo- for bone degradation.14
proteinases.13 Interleukin-1 and TNF-a also inhibit
the production of tissue inhibitors of metalloprotein-
ases by synovial fibroblasts.13 These dual actions are TNF-a is a potent cytokine that exerts diverse ef-
thought to lead to joint damage. Perhaps by inducing fects by stimulating a variety of cells. It is a soluble
the production of interleukin-11, TNF-a stimulates 17-kd protein composed of three identical subunits.

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It is produced mainly by monocytes and macrophages, ceptor is found in low numbers on many cells, where-
but also by B cells, T cells, and fibroblasts. Newly syn- as the type II receptor is expressed primarily on neu-
thesized TNF-a is inserted into the cell membrane trophils, monocytes, and B cells.30 Soluble forms of
and subsequently released through the cleavage of its both types of interleukin-1 receptor compete with cell-
membrane-anchoring domain by a serine metallopro- surface receptors, thereby decreasing interleukin-1–
teinase.15 Thus, TNF-a secretion might be suppressed mediated activation of cells. In addition, a naturally
by inhibitors of this enzyme.16 occurring antagonist, interleukin-1–receptor antago-
Perhaps the best-studied aspect of TNF-a is its nist, binds the type I receptor with high affinity with-
ability to promote inflammation. TNF-a is an auto- out triggering a signal, thus providing another mech-
crine stimulator as well as a potent paracrine inducer anism for the inhibition of interleukin-1 activity.31 The
of other inflammatory cytokines, including interleu- biologic activity of interleukin-1 is dependent on the
kin-1, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and granulocyte– precise quantities of many interacting molecules.
monocyte colony-stimulating factor.17-19 TNF-a also Studies of arthritis in animals have strongly implicat-
promotes inflammation by stimulating fibroblasts to ed interleukin-1 in joint damage. Injection of inter-
express adhesion molecules, such as intercellular ad- leukin-1 into the knee joints of rabbits results in the
hesion molecule 1.20 These adhesion molecules inter- degradation of cartilage,32 whereas the injection of
act with their respective ligands on the surface of leu- antibodies against interleukin-1 ameliorates collagen-
kocytes, resulting in increased transport of leukocytes induced arthritis in mice and decreases the damage
into inflammatory sites, including the joints in patients to cartilage.33 Macrophages in the synovial tissue of pa-
with rheumatoid arthritis. tients with rheumatoid arthritis appear to be an impor-
TNF-a indirectly down-regulates inflammation by tant source of interleukin-1.34 Like TNF-a, interleu-
stimulating the release of corticotropin from the pi- kin-1 may cause damage by stimulating the release of
tuitary.21 This hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex matrix metalloproteinases from fibroblasts and chon-
to release cortisol, which inhibits inflammation. drocytes.13,35 The concentrations of interleukin-1–
As an inflammatory cytokine, TNF-a has an im- receptor antagonist are high in the synovial fluid of pa-
portant — perhaps dominant — role in rheumatoid tients with rheumatoid arthritis, but not high enough
synovitis. In cultures of synovial cells from patients to suppress inflammation.36
with rheumatoid arthritis, blocking TNF-a with anti-
bodies significantly reduced the production of inter-
leukin-1, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and granulo- Interleukin-6 is a pleiotropic inflammatory cytokine
cyte–monocyte colony-stimulating factor.18 Hence, produced by T cells, monocytes, macrophages, and
the blockade of TNF-a may have a more global effect synovial fibroblasts.37 Originally identified as a factor
on inflammation than the blockade of other cytokines that induces the final maturation of B cells into plasma
present in high concentrations in synovial fluids, such cells, interleukin-6 is involved in diverse biologic proc-
as interleukin-1. esses, such as the activation of T cells, the induction
The results of studies in animals provide further of the acute-phase response, the stimulation of the
evidence of the importance of TNF-a in rheumatoid growth and differentiation of hematopoietic precur-
arthritis. In transgenic mice that expressed a deregu- sor cells, and the proliferation of synovial fibroblasts.37
lated human TNF-a gene, an inflammatory and de-
structive polyarthritis similar to rheumatoid arthritis Antiinflammatory Cytokines
spontaneously developed.22 Pretreatment of these an- Whereas some cytokines initiate and maintain the
imals with a monoclonal antibody against TNF-a pre- inflammatory process, others dampen it. The two best-
vented the development of arthritis. Blocking TNF-a studied antiinflammatory cytokines are interleukin-10
with a soluble TNF-receptor fusion protein or with and interleukin-4. In vitro, these cytokines cooper-
monoclonal antibodies also ameliorated disease activi- ate to inhibit the production of inflammatory cyto-
ty in mice with type II collagen-induced arthritis.23,24 kines.38,39
Interleukin-1 Interleukin-10

Interleukin-1 is a 17-kd protein that is mostly pro- Interleukin-10 is produced by monocytes, macro-
duced by monocytes and macrophages but is also phages, B cells, and T cells. It inhibits the produc-
produced by endothelial cells, B cells, and activated tion of several cytokines, including interleukin-1 and
T cells.25 The interleukin-1 signaling system is more TNF-a, and the proliferation of T cells in vitro.40 In-
complex than the TNF-a system. Interleukin-1 binds terleukin-10 can also reverse the cartilage degradation
to two types of cell-surface receptors.26,27 Only type I mediated by antigen-stimulated mononuclear cells
receptors have a cytoplasmic tail and are capable of from patients with rheumatoid arthritis.38 Although
intracellular signaling.28 Type II receptors are decoy interleukin-10 is found in the synovial fluid of patients
receptors: they bind circulating interleukin-1 but do with rheumatoid arthritis, the amount may be insuf-
not deliver any intracellular signals.29 The type I re- ficient to suppress inflammation.41

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Interleukin-4 pecially TNF-a, interleukin-1, and interleukin-6, caus-

Interleukin-4 is produced by CD4+ type 2 helper es synovial inflammation. Joint damage results from
T cells and participates in the differentiation and the degradation of connective tissue by matrix metal-
growth of B cells.40 In vitro, interleukin-4 inhibits loproteinases and the stimulation of osteoclastogene-
the activation of type 1 helper T cells, and this, in turn, sis by activated CD4+ T cells. Clearly, there are many
decreases the production of interleukin-1 and TNF-a possible therapeutic targets, but the inhibition of cy-
and inhibits cartilage damage.42 Interleukin-4 also tokines would seem to offer an especially useful ap-
inhibits the production of interleukin-6 and interleu- proach to suppressing inflammation and preventing
kin-8.39 In cultures of synovium samples from pa- joint damage.
tients with rheumatoid arthritis, interleukin-4 inhib- INHIBITION OF CYTOKINES
ited the production of interleukin-1 and increased the
expression of interleukin-1–receptor antagonist, both Given the complexity of cytokine interactions and
of which actions should decrease inflammation.36 the multiplicity of cytokine targets, the effectiveness
and toxicity of cytokine-based interventions are dif-
Joint Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis ficult to predict. A variety of cytokine-based strategies
Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by progres- are being explored for the treatment of inflammatory
sive joint damage that is mediated by several mech- diseases. These include the neutralization of cytokines
anisms (Fig. 1 and 2). Early erosion of cartilage and (by soluble receptors or monoclonal antibodies), re-
bone is associated with the formation of a proliferat- ceptor blockade, and the activation of antiinflamma-
ing pannus. The interface between pannus and car- tory pathways by bioengineered versions of immuno-
tilage is occupied predominantly by activated macro- regulatory cytokines (Fig. 3).
phages and synovial fibroblasts that express matrix Neutralization of Cytokines
metalloproteinases and cathepsins.
Interleukin-1 and TNF-a stimulate the expression Soluble receptors have a physiologic role in neutral-
of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells and in- izing many cytokines, as exemplified by soluble TNF
crease the recruitment of neutrophils into the joints. receptors. TNF-a binds to TNF receptors on the sur-
Neutrophils release elastase and proteases, which de- face of many cells, including monocytes, macrophages,
grade proteoglycan in the superficial layer of carti- T cells, synovial fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and endothe-
lage.43 The depletion of proteoglycan enables immune lial cells. There are two types of TNF receptors, p55
complexes to precipitate in the superficial layer of col- and p75, which are part of a large family of structur-
lagens and exposes chondrocytes.44 Chondrocytes and ally related cell-surface receptors.45,46 The cytoplasmic
synovial fibroblasts release matrix metalloproteinases domains of the p55 and p75 receptors are quite dif-
when stimulated by interleukin-1, TNF-a, or activat- ferent,47 suggesting that they may activate different
ed CD4+ T cells. Matrix metalloproteinases, in par- signal-transduction pathways. The p75 receptor is
ticular stromelysin and collagenases, are enzymes that believed to have a primary role in stimulating the
degrade connective-tissue matrix and are thought to proliferation of T cells and in suppressing TNF-a–
be the main mediators of joint damage in rheumatoid mediated inflammatory responses, whereas the p55
arthritis. In animals, activated CD4+ T cells stimu- receptor appears to be critical in triggering host de-
late osteoclastogenesis, and they may cause joint dam- fense and inflammatory responses.48,49
age independently of interleukin-1 and TNF-a in pa- Soluble forms of both p55 and p75 are part of a
tients with rheumatoid arthritis. feedback loop that can modulate the inflammatory
action of TNF-a. The transmembrane domain of both
Summary TNF receptors is susceptible to lysis by proteases, in-
Rheumatoid arthritis is initiated by CD4+ T cells, cluding TNF-a–converting enzyme, leading to the
which amplify the immune response by stimulating release of a soluble form of the receptor. Hence, both
other mononuclear cells, synovial fibroblasts, chon- types of receptor are present in body fluids. Soluble
drocytes, and osteoclasts. The release of cytokines, es- TNF receptors are found in high concentrations in

Figure 2 (facing page). Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

In the normal knee joint, the synovium consists of a synovial membrane (usually one or two cells thick) and underlying loose con-
nective tissue. Synovial-lining cells are designated type A (macrophage-like synoviocytes) or type B (fibroblast-like synoviocytes).
In early rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane becomes thickened because of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the synovial-
lining cells. An extensive network of new blood vessels is formed in the synovium. T cells (predominantly CD4+) and B cells (some
of which become plasma cells) infiltrate the synovial membrane. These cells are also found in the synovial fluid, along with large
numbers of neutrophils. In the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane begins to invade the cartilage. In estab-
lished rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane becomes transformed into inflammatory tissue, the pannus. This tissue invades
and destroys adjacent cartilage and bone. The pannus consists of both type A and type B synoviocytes and plasma cells.

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Normal Knee Joint






Established Rheumatoid Arthritis


Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Capillary Neutrophils Plasma

formation cell

synovial Synovial
membrane villi

Extensive Neutrophils
angiogenesis Eroded
B cells Pannus
T cells bone

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Cytokine–Receptor Interaction Description Examples

Normal interaction
Binding of an inflammatory Tumor necrosis factor a,
cytokine to its receptor leads to interleukin-1, and interleukin-6
the production of inflammatory
effector molecules.
Cytokine cytokine

Inflammatory signals

Neutralization of cytokines
The cytokine is prevented from Soluble tumor necrosis factor–
binding to its cell-surface receptor receptor fusion proteins
by soluble receptor, natural (etanercept), soluble
antagonists, or monoclonal interleukin-1 receptor, monoclonal
antibody. antibody against tumor necrosis
factor (infliximab, D2E7,
Soluble Monoclonal nerelimomab), and monoclonal
receptor antibody against interleukin-6

No signal

Receptor blockade The cytokine is unable to bind Recombinant interleukin-1–

Receptor Monoclonal its receptor because of receptor antagonist and
antagonist antibody interactions with a receptor monoclonal antibody against
antagonist or a monoclonal interleukin-6 receptor
antibody against the cytokine

No signal

Activation of antiinflammatory pathways

Antiinflammatory cytokines Interleukin-4 and
Antiinflammatory inhibit the expression of interleukin-10
cytokine inflammatory cytokine.

Suppression of
inflammatory cytokines

Figure 3. Methods of Blocking the Activity of an Inflammatory Cytokine.

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the synovial fluid and serum of patients with rheu- into synovial fibroblasts in vitro. These fibroblasts were
matoid arthritis.50 Nevertheless, an excess of TNF-a subsequently injected back into the joints, where they
relative to the concentration of soluble TNF recep- released the antiinflammatory cytokine, resulting in
tors prolongs joint inflammation. the suppression of inflammation and destruction of
Treating patients with recombinant soluble cyto- joints.55,56
kine receptors may help suppress inflammation. How-
ever, soluble receptors have short plasma half-lives, CLINICAL TRIALS OF CYTOKINE
and repeated doses would be required to neutralize INHIBITORS
the effects of inflammatory cytokines. This limitation Soluble Human Cytokine-Receptor Proteins
can be circumvented by conjugating soluble receptors Etanercept
with human Fc (a proteolytic fragment of IgG), which
can extend the half-lives of these molecules to approx- Etanercept is a fusion protein made up of two re-
imate those of immunoglobulin.51 Another alternative combinant p75 soluble TNF receptors fused with
is to polymerize TNF receptor or anti–TNF-a Fab' the Fc portion of human IgG1. The dimeric structure
with polyethylene glycol. This can reduce antigenic- of etanercept makes it approximately 1000 times as
ity and prolong the half-life in circulation. The effi- efficient as the monomeric soluble p75 TNF receptor
cacy of these constructs in patients with rheumatoid at neutralizing TNF-a.57
arthritis is currently being investigated. In two placebo-controlled trials of 168 and 234 pa-
Antibodies against cytokines are another approach tients with rheumatoid arthritis, twice weekly subcu-
to neutralizing cytokines. The type of antibody ap- taneous injections of 25 mg of etanercept58,59 resulted
pears to be critical to its clinical efficacy. Murine in significant improvement. The number of swollen
monoclonal antibodies are antigenic and induce the joints decreased by approximately 50 percent from
production of antimouse antibodies in recipients.52 base line after six months of treatment.58 Treatment
Chimeric and humanized monoclonal antibodies are with etanercept was well tolerated, and produced only
less immunogenic than murine monoclonal antibod- minor reactions at the site of the injection. Synovial bi-
ies, and they are therefore more suitable as therapeu- opsies showed a statistically significant decrease in the
tic agents.53 numbers of T cells and plasma cells and in the amount
of vascular-cell adhesion molecule 1 and the expres-
Receptor Antagonism sion of interleukin-1 after one month of treatment.60
Blocking the ability of a receptor to bind its cyto- Long-term, open-label studies have indicated that the
kine is another strategy to interrupt signal transduc- efficacy of continued treatment with etanercept is sus-
tion. This can be accomplished with either natural tained for at least 33 months, and no major adverse
receptor antagonists, such as interleukin-1–receptor events have occurred.61 Furthermore, the combination
antagonist, or antibodies against cytokine receptors. of etanercept and methotrexate was significantly more
For such an approach to be successful, the amount effective than methotrexate alone in a placebo-con-
of antagonist must be large enough to bind the ma- trolled trial of 89 patients with rheumatoid arthritis
jority of receptors for long periods. who had had a partial response to methotrexate.62
Etanercept is also effective in patients with juvenile
Activation of Antiinflammatory Pathways rheumatoid arthritis.63 In a randomized, placebo-con-
In addition to natural cytokine antagonists and trolled trial of 51 patients with juvenile polyarticular
soluble receptors, immunoregulatory cytokines such rheumatoid arthritis, 0.4 mg of etanercept per kilo-
as interleukin-10 and interleukin-4 can suppress in- gram of body weight or placebo was injected subcu-
flammation.39,40,42 As is true for most cytokines, how- taneously twice weekly for four months or until a flare
ever, their effects are pleiotropic and not fully under- of the disease occurred. The total number of joints
stood. For instance, the treatment of synovial-fluid with active arthritis decreased by 58 percent from base
macrophages with exogenous interleukin-10 increased line, and the range of motion of affected joints was in-
the expression of cell-surface and soluble TNF recep- creased by 80 percent.
tors, an effect that could make cells more responsive In other studies, etanercept was better tolerated and
to TNF-a and its inflammatory effects.54 Furthermore, more effective than methotrexate in patients with ear-
because cytokines are low-molecular-weight proteins ly rheumatoid arthritis.64 There was less radiographic
or glycoproteins with short half-lives, maintaining evidence of progression of rheumatoid arthritis in pa-
therapeutic serum concentrations of antiinflammato- tients who were receiving etanercept than in patients
ry cytokines may be difficult and expensive. A poten- who were receiving methotrexate.64
tial solution would be to use gene therapy that would Monoclonal Antibodies against Cytokines
lead to continued synthesis of therapeutic antiinflam-
matory cytokines in the joints. In animal models of Infliximab
rheumatoid arthritis, the genes for interleukin-10 and Infliximab is a chimeric IgG1 antibody against
interleukin-4 have been transfected by viral vectors TNF-a. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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of 73 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, a single in- gene therapy.75 In animals, synovial fibroblasts trans-
travenous dose of 10 mg of infliximab per kilogram fected with the gene for human interleukin-1–recep-
rapidly reduced the number of swollen joints as well tor antagonist and then reinjected into joints produced
as the serum concentration of C-reactive protein.65 interleukin-1–receptor antagonist in the synovium,
Clinically significant improvement was evident with- with consequent clinical improvement.76 A similar ex
in a week after treatment was begun. Synovial-biopsy vivo gene-transfer strategy was used to introduce the
specimens, obtained before and four weeks after the gene for the interleukin-1–receptor antagonist into
beginning of treatment, showed significant reductions the joints of three patients with rheumatoid arthritis
in the number of T cells and in the tissue content of before they underwent total joint replacement. Sub-
vascular-cell adhesion molecule 1 and E-selectin.66 sequent removal and analysis of joint tissue indicated
In another randomized, placebo-controlled trial of that this technique induced the intraarticular expres-
101 patients with rheumatoid arthritis,67 infliximab sion of the gene for the interleukin-1–receptor antag-
or placebo was given repeatedly, with or without onist.75
methotrexate. Antibodies against infliximab developed
Antibody against Interleukin-6 Receptor
in many patients after repeated treatment, but the
incidence was reduced by concomitant treatment with An antibody against the receptor for interleukin-6
methotrexate. Furthermore, a dose of 3 mg of inflix- has shown efficacy in mice with collagen-induced ar-
imab per kilogram in combination with methotrexate thritis.77 A clinical trial of a humanized monoclonal
was as efficacious as a dose of 10 mg per kilogram, antibody against the interleukin-6 receptor, which is
with or without methotrexate. This finding was con- theorized to have the same functional consequenc-
firmed in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of es as a monoclonal antibody against interleukin-6, is
428 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, in which the currently under way.
infliximab-treated patients had sustained clinical im-
provement for at least 30 weeks.68 Recombinant Interleukin-10 and Interleukin-4
Recombinant interleukin-1078 and interleukin-479
Other Antibodies against TNF-a
have been tested in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
D2E7 is a human antibody against TNF-a gener- The clinical efficacy of the treatments has been disap-
ated by phage-display technology,69 whereas nerelim- pointing; the lack of efficacy may be due to the short
omab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against half-life of these substances.
TNF-a that consists of the hypervariable regions of
a murine monoclonal antibody against TNF-a grafted CONCLUSIONS
onto a human k light chain and an IgG4 heavy chain.70 Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis still
Both these antibodies were effective in preliminary eludes us, our improved understanding of the patho-
randomized, placebo-controlled trials in patients with genesis of the disease has opened the door to innova-
rheumatoid arthritis.69,70 tive therapies. By targeting molecules that are directly
involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis,
Cytokine-Receptor Blockers these therapies may be more efficacious and specific
Recombinant Interleukin-1–Receptor Antagonist and less toxic in the short and long term than standard
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled therapies. Radiologic evidence suggests that these new
trial of 472 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, treat- therapies, such as anticytokine therapy, may slow dis-
ment with recombinant human interleukin-1–recep- ease progression. Finally, the success of anticytokine
tor antagonist71 resulted in moderate clinical improve- therapy will also provide valuable insights into the ini-
ment and decreased the rate of progression of erosions, tiation and progression of rheumatoid arthritis.
as assessed by radiography.72 Reactions at the injection
site were the most common adverse event. Recombi- Supported by an Integrated Clinical Arthritis Center grant (PO526)
from the Arthritis Research Campaign of Great Britain.
nant human interleukin-1–receptor antagonist is cur-
rently being tested in combination with methotrexate. REFERENCES
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