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Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn WalkthroughBaldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

By Al Giovetti
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Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn Walkthrough

by Al Giovetti
Irenicus Dungeon Level One (Map AR0602)
Irenicus Dungeon, Level Two (AR0603)
The area with Malaaq the Genie is a separate map area (AR0601)
The Slums (AR0400)
Waukeen Promenade (AR0700)
The Slums (AR0400)
List of Stronghold Quests:
Non-Player Character Quests
Slums Sewers (AR0404)
Copper Coronet (AR0406)
Slaver Stockade (AR0405)
Planar Sphere
The Docks (AR0300)
AR0334 Cromwell's forge

Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn Hints

Baldurs Gate II (2): Shadows of Amn Cheats

General Advise
Copyright 2000 by Alfred Giovetti, use without permission is prohibited
Scrolls gained as treasure are scrambled so that you get a random scroll in
encounters, chests, shelves, boxes, bags, and caches. Scrolls cannot be
discussed since they are randomized so they will not be mentioned. Shops have
the only fixed scrolls in the game.
Irenicus Dungeon Level One (Map AR0602)
The game starts with a two cut scenes the first is cinematic first person
perspective and the second is top down. Once Irenicus (the evil mage) goes
away, Imoen will come up to your character and open his cage. At this point
control is given to the player.
A room to the west (left of screen) of Bhaal spawn has a jailer golem, a
table, a chest, and a trapped picture on the wall with items, including the
key to Jaheira's cell, dagger +1, and three healing potions. Get these items.
Don't forget to search for traps until the picture on the wall glows red, then
un-trap the picture.
Open Jaheira's jail cell and pick the right conversation options to get her in
your party. Go up to Minsc and Boo, and get them to join your party by telling
him you cannot find the key or the switch to get him out. Avoid insults in
these conversations.
Suitably equip your party with the stuff you obtained from the jailer golem
room northwest (up and to the right on the screen) of the jail cells. Open the
door to the room to the north of the jail cells. As with all rooms, examine
everything. The only way out of this area is to the southwest (the bottom left

of the screen).
Set your artificial intelligence at this time to whatever style of play you
like. We encourage you to experiment on the best options. This would be in the
Character Record (press P hot key), customize (click on the panel) area.
Examine and read all options carefully. If you're stuck here put everyone on
standard attack except Imoen and put her on thief adventuring mode to search
for traps.
The first room you will come to down the southwest hallway past the shadow
thief bodies is the lightning Mephits room. The machine in the center of the
room will generate about six to eight Mephits until exhausted. You can stop
the flow of Mephits from this machine by throwing the switch in the northeast
portion of the room. Notice the two arrows shaped like a circle that indicates
action. The game is dumb, because it will not move your character to the
machine to activate it. You must move the character right next to the machine
and then click on it when the circular arrows appear.
Go northwest out of the room into the Aataqah the Genie's room. Answer that
you will "press the button." Trying other answers leads to some funny
conversation. Threaten the Genie and he will laugh and be delighted. Pressing
the button will prompt the Genie to create an Ogre Mage, which has the best
loot and experience of all choices. Examine the Genie's room a bit before
going on.
Go down the corridor to the west. At the crossroads, go left and into the
glass bottle room. Five of these bottles will have beings in them that you
cannot talk to until you retrieve the batteries from Rielev who is imprisoned
in his own bottle further on down the winding corridors. Loot the boxes and
barrels. One box is trapped. Un-trapping the box will give you more experience
points than un-locking them. Make sure you get the short bow out of this room
for Imoen and a quarterstaff +1 for Jaheira.
Go back to the crossroads and continue straight into a room with a sewage
golem. Talk to the golem and tell him you are the master and that you wish him
to continue his duties. He will eventually tell you that he needs an
activation stone, which is on a table near Rielev's bottle. Loot the table,
cabinet and locked chest for more stuff. You get about 400 experience points
for unlocking this chest. Be sure to get the Long Sword +1 from the table.
Keep following the corridor around until you pass the door to the north with
the two lesser golems, a kobald ambush, and open the next rectangular room
with one bottle in it. This is Rielev's room. Talk with him. He will ask that
you release him from life by taking his batteries. Get the loot from the table
and the barrel in the back and return to the bottle room and talk to all the
bottle life forms for hints about this dungeon.
Also, activate the Sewage golem with the activation stone, and get him going
on his way doing his duties. The sewage golem will open the doors to the
Otyugh, which opens the way to the master's room and other areas. Save your
game. Kill the two lesser golems for 4000 experience points before moving on.
Go back to the crossroads where you found Rielev and go northwest, then follow
the corridor around into another kobald trap. You will come to the library
with lots of books to read. Some of the shelves will have potions and spells
for Imoen to scribe. The library also has one Mephit and another group of
Go down the northwest corridor out of the library after looting it for stuff.
Follow the corridor around to the Derugar dwarven smithy. These dwarves will
have crossbows and bolts. Alsoi loot Ilyich's body for the Dryad's Acorns and
Mail of the Dead +2. The table has some nice stuff here look in the table, the

chest and the barrel for more stuff.

Stop at the door and have Imoen attempt to pick the lock giving you
information on the statue shaped impression near the door. Just southwest of
the door you will find a trap so go slowly here. Disarm the trap. Leave your
party here at the trap and have Imoen go south and click twice on the device
in the room to the south. This will allow Cambion the deamon to get loose.
Cambion will attack the thief. Retreat behind the wall of fighters and Cambion
should die quickly. Loot Cambion and get the bastard sword +1.
Backtrack now to one of the three locked doors, you have found. One was north
of the jailer golem. One was northeast of Aataqah the Genie's room. The other
was southeast of the library. Use one of these doors, which the golem opened
to allow you into the Otyugh's room. The Otyugh is tough and has an essential
item, the Wand of Frost Key on its body. You will need magic weapons to kill
the Otyugh. Loot the three chests for a Helmet of Infravision, oil of speed
and some healing potions.
Going northeast from the Otyugh room, you will enter the master's bedroom.
There are three traps in this room: the floor, and two bookcases. Disarm the
traps and find the air elemental statue that opens the door northwest of the
smithy, the wand of lightning key, helm of Balduran, and an amulet of
metaspell influence for Imoen.
Go southeast and talk with the dryads. Offer to take the Dryad's acorns to
Vaelasa, the Fairy Queen, in the Faerie Grove in the southeast corner of the
Windspear Hills Map for 9,500 experience points. When you actually return the
acorns to the grove, Vaelasa will award you 32,500 experience points. These
Dryads are the ones who have the genie bottle needed soon.
Backtrack to the door with the air elemental depression near it. Open the
door. Inside you will find a treasure location to the northwest and far to the
north you will find a bunch of Mephits. To the north east of this Mephit
platform you will find the bottle of Malaaq the Genie. Offer Malaaq his bottle
in exchange for the item Irenicus took from you when you were captured.
The area with Malaaq the Genie is a separate map area (AR0601)
Return to the Dryads and talk to them to get the genie bottle. Take the genie
bottle back to Malaaq, talk with him, and get Sarevok's +2, two-handed sword
of Chaos and 15,000 experience points. Return to the Dryad grove and search
southwest to find another bedroom loaded with traps. The floor near the door
is trapped with three traps. The chest by the bed and the area in front of the
chest is trapped. The chest is locked and trapped. The bedside table to the
northwest is trapped and the table to the south is trapped. The only
un-trapped item is the bookcase in the west.
This chest in this room has the portal key needed to get to the next level.
This room also has a pommel jewel used to construct a magical sword, bracers
of defense for Imoen to give her some AC, and a potion of master thievery in
the bookshelf. You might need the potion to open some cases since Imoen is a
mage dual-classed to a thief.
Once you have looted this room, you may want to go back to the jailer golem
and kill him for an additional 5000 experience points. You cannot kill the
sewer golem at this point. There are two portals off this level and onto the
next, one is northwest of Irenicus' bedroom and the other is northeast of the
jail cells. Either one goes to the same place.
Irenicus Dungeon, Level Two (AR0603).
You arrive on this map in the extreme southwest. You are immediately drawn
into a conversation by Yoshimo, the Bounty Hunter. You should consider not
incorporating him in your party at this time.
Yoshimo is a traitor and traveling with him will be a problem. We do suggest
that you take him with you into the Asylum later in the game. He will attack
you in the asylum giving you a chance to take his heart to the temple of
Ilmater for a 200,000-experience point quest. For now, we opted to get as much
experience as possible into our main characters. Loot the box to the west
before leaving the room.
Within the next room, you will find four Mephit portals generating mephitis.
The Mephits will continue to come as long as the mephitis within the cages are
alive. Kill these Mephitis, and the Mephit threat is over. Many people
conspired to keep the portals open as long as they could for maximum
Within this room is the dead body of Khalid. Do not insult Jaheira or she will
leave your party forever. Jaheria is one of the four love interests of this
game. If you are playing a male character, you have a chance to have three
female lovers (Jaheira, Aerie, and Viconia deVir). Don't discard Jaheira so
quickly by insulting Khalid, her newly deceased husband.
The Mephit portal room is important for another reason. This is the point
where you should have all six-wand keys after leaving. Lets review the six
wands. The wand of lightning key is found in the chest in Irenicus' room. The
wand of frost key is found on the Otyugh's body back on level one. The wand of
fire key (chest), wand of cloud kill key (chest), and the wand of summoning
(on the table) keys are in this room. The wand of missiles key is found on the
clone in the room to the northwest.
The room to the northwest leads to the cloning chamber. Within this room, you
will find a shadow thief fighting with a clone. The clone is mad and there is
no way to appease her. You will end up killing her and be sure to take the
wand of missiles key. You should now have all six-wand keys. There is a
fireball scroll in this room.
Move on by taking the corridor to the north (top part) of the Mephit portal
room. Kill the shadow thief and Mephit in the corridor. Go further down and
deal with the kobald ambush. Follow the corridor around to the right. Open the
door and look for the trap on the center of the bridge between the two doors.
Before you open the door on the other side of the bridge, put all your people
on ranged weapons (bows, crossbows, and slings) and turn off their AI
(artificial intelligence) with the lamp like icon in the lower right hand
corner of the game control panel.
The entire next room, the wand room, has floor title depicting the wands on
the columns to the north. Traversing the floor are two Duergar Dwarves and one
Shadow Thief. You will need to keep your group from charging into the traps.
Keep them in ranged fire. Quickly have Imoen go into the shadows and move up
to the first column and click on it. As the enemies appear, target your group
on them and kill them with arrows.
The six columns in the north of the room are equipped with wands that
correspond to the six keys. Detect traps will reveal the red trapped areas
that extend diagonally from northwest to southeast across the room. Disarm all
six traps and get the six wands with one charge each. The statue at the end of
the room has a ring of protection +1.
The five exits from the wand room include the door from which you entered the
room. The other four exits are one on the long northwest wall and three on the
long southeast wall. The northwest door leads to an encounter with three
shadow thieves including a mage who are fighting a vampire named Ulvaryl.
Killing Ulvaryl quickly after stunning her is a good move; try Chromatic Orb
or one of your wands, such as the cloud kill wand. Use your thief mage, Imoen,

to sneak into the room.

The northernmost of the southwest corridors leads to two encounters with
kobalds and Duergar. Watch out for the trapped chest. Search all the barrels,
boxes and the table for more loot. Ranged weapons work well here. Move slowly
and pick them off one at a time.
The middle of the three southwest corridors leads to Frennedan who is locked
in his room. Move into the room and speak to him. Tell him that he sounds too
eager to escape and he will change from an old man to a small child. He is a
very dangerous doppleganger.
Search the room on your side of the locked door and un-trap the chest and the
bookcase. Unlock the two chests near the door and look for the other box/chest
on the other side of the room. Open the door to Frennedan's room and search it
again. Inside his room watch out for the traps on the chest and search all the
chests, tables, and bookcases along the wall for a ton of loot.
The southernmost of the southwest corridors leads to an ambush to the south.
The ambush is just beyond the open door where the floor changes from yellow to
grey. Use Imoen to scout and move your group into the room ready to fight.
After the vocal shadow knife finishes his little talk, two more will appear
and attack with bows.
Work your way out of the dungeon to the west. Continue southeast in the gray
room, go down the stairs and follow the corridor to the northeast and out.
This will take you to the Waukeen Promenade (AR0700), another cut scene
(animated sequence).
Waukeen Promenade (AR0700)
When the game gives you control of your characters, loot the stuff on the
ground and sell the excess stuff at Mira the Merchant at the orange and white
striped pavilion to the southeast. Entering the round circus tent, directly to
the south, will take you to a new area and a new adventure.
Look at the game map (press M or click on the Map icon on the left screen
control panel). Notice the names of all the places marked. You may want to
investigate the promenade fully before moving on. The promenade will allow you
to buy some equipment and put some on your want to buy list.
The Mithrest Inn (AR0704) or the Den of the Seven Vales (AR0709), both found
in the north, can be used to rest and memorize spells if needed.
Decide if you want Aerie in your group. Aerie is a Lawful Good, Multi-Class
Cleric/Mage, Elf Female, who is one of your possible love interests. There are
three female love interests for male player characters: Jaheira, Aerie, and
Viconia; and one male love interest, Anomen Delryn, for female player
Enge's Market (AR0713)
Adventurer's Mart (AR0702) has some of the best equipment in the game.
Arnolinus the Armorer and Perter the Fletcher (AR0706)
Note the following areas, which are important later in the game:
The ore merchant in the southwest is important in the Sir Sarles Temple of
Helm quest later.
Cernd's House (AR0708) is important in the Cernd's child quest later.
Fennecia's Home (AR0710) is important in the Cernd's child quest later.
Merchant (AR0707)
Maheer is a storekeeper on the wooden platform in the southwest of the
promenade. Maheer makes better instruments. With 2000 gold pieces, a diamond,
and the silver horn of Valhalla, he can make the bronze horn of Valhalla,
which can summon a level 9- berserker for once a day. With 5000gp, a bejuril
gem, and the bronze horn of Valhalla, he can make an iron horn of Valhalla,
which can summon a level 11- berserker once a day. The silver horn of Valhalla
is found in a trapped chest inside the building to the north of the fish
merchant in the northeast of the Bridge district.
Aerie is found in the circus tent (AR0600) just south of where you enter the
level. If you are evil Aerie will stick with you for a short time, but will
leave if you continue to pursue the evil path in the game. Talk to Giran, the
little boy standing to the west of the tent entrance, about his mother, and
agree to find her for him. Talk to the guard and offer to help him with the
tent problem.
The first tent area (AR0600) you will encounter a Genie with a riddle. The
correct answer is "the prince is 30 and the princess is 40," for 14,500
experience points. Continue to the northeast and kill the werewolves and
illusions around the tent within a tent.
Within the second tent (AR0604), you will find Aerie who looks like an Ogre.
Agree to help Aerie and regain her sword from the two innocent looking
peasants to the north. Reassure the spider to the northwest, Giran's mother
Hanah, that her son is ok and waiting for her outside. Approach the two
peasants who should now be to the east of the spider along the walk and they
will attack. Kill them, get the sword, and return the sword to Aerie. Aerie
will join your group now if you want her.
Go north into the next area (AR0605) through the arch to the north. Kill the
monsters and dispel the illusions with the cleric spell Dispel Magic or True
Seeing. Go up the stairs and tell the Genie you are ready to go on.
In the next area (AR0606), Kalah, the illusionist, should be killed quickly
and Quayle, who is in the form of a green slime, should be protected. Once
Kalah falls, the illusion is ended and you find yourself in the real tent
(AR0607). Loot Kalah's dead body for a girdle of piercing, ring of human
influence, and a bunch of scrolls. Talk to Hanah before leaving the tent and
to Giran outside the tent for more experience.
The Den of the Seven Vales, Second Floor (AR0712), has a group of four
adventurers, including Amon the Mage and Pooky, his familiar. Do not fight
them in the conversation. Get your characters setup. Save the game. Summon
creatures. Move the creatures to surround Brennan Riesling the thief and tie
him up. Put the bulk of your group in the south around the Amon and Pooky and
kill them quickly. The loot will include war hammer +1, short sword +1,
studded leather +1, ring of invisibility, hide armor, and cursed beserking
sword +3.
The Temple of Ilmater (AR0703)
The Slums (AR0400)
The game will prompt you to go to the slums (AR0400). You cannot go anywhere
but the slums now. As soon as you enter the slums area, you will be confronted
by Gaelan Bayle, a very entertaining fellow. Visiting Gaelan Bayle with Nalia
de'Arnise in your group will have some interesting results.
Gaelan Bayle takes you to his home (AR0311). Ask the right questions and
Gaelan Bayle will tell you what your Stonghold quest is. Each character has a
Stronghold quest that is linked to their profession. You may want to go
immediately to secure your stronghold early in the game. So listen close to
Gaelan Bayle.
Outside Gaelan Bayles house is a boy named Brus who will ask you where you
want to go. You will again have the option of being directed to your
stronghold quest or to the Copper Coronet. You may want to go to the CC first
to pick up some NPCs for your party. Each stronghold quest has a specific NPC
that can be picked up during the quest so you may want to leave that sixth
slot open for them.
Upstairs at Gaelan Bayles house (AR0312), you will find Arledian who sells and
buys goods for good prices. He also has a unique item, Glasses of ID, misc3p,
which can identify three items per day indefinitely. These glasses are well
worth the money.
DO NOT return to Gaelan Bayles house with any money in your group over 20,000
gold pieces early on and 15,000 gold pieces later or he will force you into
chapter three before you want to be in chapter three. You want to finish all
the optional quests and stronghold quest in chapter two before you are pulled
into the linear plotline of the game.
Slums (0400)
Copper Coronet (AR0406)
Jansen Home, First Floor (AR0401) is entered from the northeast corner of
the map.
Jansen Home, Second Floor (AR0403) is useful in Jan Jansen's child quest.
Jansen Home, Basement (AR0402) is where you will find Jan Jansen when he
leaves your party.
Burinall's Home (AR0417) is on the roof of Copper Coronet. You need to enter
the house to retrieve the ring in the Morninglord Temple Quest.
Temple of Ilmater (AR0408) is on the roof of the Copper Coronet.
Gaelen Bayle's house first floor (AR0311) is in the north between Jansen's
Home and the Slaver's Stockade.
Gaelen Bayle's house second floor (AR0312) has Arledian who sells and buys
Slavers Stockade (AR) is in the north and between Gaelen Bayle's house and
the derelict house owned by Ployer
Ployer's house (AR0409) is the guy who poisons Jaheira. A note in a cabinet
tells of the plans to poison Jaheira.
Planar Sphere (AR0410)
Slums Sewers (AR0404)
Copper Coronet (AR0406)
The Copper Coronet is the single most important location on the map. Many
party NPCs are found here. If you have installed the special edition
downloads, one of the special vendors is here just to the east of the brazier.
Many of the plotline, stronghold, and npc quests start here.
The Copper Coronet is where most of the NPCs that can enter your party are
Anomen Delwyn is located to the north of the common area near one of the
doors to the gladiator area.
Korgan Bloodaxe is in the south of the common area near the door out to the
Nalia de'Arnise is running all over the common area looking to accost your
group for not helping her.
Yoshimo will come here to meet you in the east portion of the common area if
you do not pick him up in Irenicus dungeon or cut him loose somewhere during
the adventure.
Minsc and Boo will come here if you cut them loose to wait for you just west
of where Anomen stands.
The Copper Coronet is the location where the slaver quests start. Your first
duty is to talk to Lehtinan and tell him you are interested in disposing of
huge amounts of cash and that you are interested in his unusual
entertainments. The northern areas of the Copper Coronet are locations for
prostitutes, criminals, gladiatorial battles, and slave storage. Entering and
exploring these areas will eventually lead to battles with the Copper Coronet
In the gladiatorial cells in the far north you will find Hendak, an imprisoned
gladiator. Hendak will ask you to free the slaves and gladiators by getting
the key. You have several choices and paths to get the key. Lehtinan has a key
and the Beastmaster in the far east portion of the gladiator rings has a key.
Kill the Beastmaster or return to Lehtinan and tell him of Hendak's escape
attempt and get a key.
Most good parties kill the Beastmaster and return to Hendak. The beastmaster
has a nice bow and the keys to the gladiatorial cells. The beasts that the
beast master tends will join in the fight with him.
Lehtinan will ask you to kill Hendak. An evil character can kill Hendak and
the slaver quest stops there. You can choose to doublecross Lehtinan and let
Hendak go. Hendak will immediately walk straight to Lehtinan and kill him once
Be sure to free the children to the east and west of Hendak's cell. Talk to
each child for an additional 2500 experience points for each.
If you choose to help Hendak, he will then tell you that the slum sewers lead
to the slaver stockade. Hendak will ask you to clean out the other den of
slavers in the stockade. If you accept, you can use the slum sewers to get to
the stockade or just take a frontal assault by using a thief to open the door
from the slums and go inside.
There are some other notable characters in the Copper Coronet.
Lord Jierdan Firkraag is near the bar area. Jierdan, who is really a red
dragon in human form, wants you to come to Windspear Hills and help him with
an Ogre problem. The quest is a trap and will eventually take you to the point
of killing the dragon and his mage to save your honor. This is the paladin
player character stronghold quest.
Bernard is the innkeeper and bartender and he will buy and sell items, serve
drinks and book rooms for rest in the coronet. Bernard is also a Harper.
Bernard will figure prominently in the Harper quests and Jaheira quests. When
Jaheira is poisoned, Bernard will help point the way to the culprit who
poisoned her. When the party has to kill Galvarey, the docks district Harper
hideout leader, Bernard will offer some consolation in that he is the only
Harper believes Jaheira's version of the events. When you finish the slaver
quests Hendak will take over the Copper Coronet and order Bernard to give the
party item discounts.
Romar and his young mistress are found near the prostitutes and the patron
rooms in the northwest Copper Coronet, up the stairs. At the bottom of the
stairs is Romar's wife. If you go find Romar and then tell his wife. Romar's
wife will go upstairs and fight with the mistress. Most of the time the wife
wins, and Romar goes home happy that she fought for him. If the mistress wins,
she takes Romar to get married.
Ungar Hilldark is found by the bar. Ungar is the Duergar merchant who deals in
illithium that is required by Sir Sarles to craft a statue for the temple. You
find out about Ungar when you go to Jerlia the ore merchant in the southeast
portion of the promenade.
Llynis the Dwarf is found in the northwest patron rooms in the backroom area
of the Copper Coronet. Llynis has murdered Wellyn, a ten-year-old boy, and
stolen his stuffed bear. If you go to the central portion of the graveyard
(AR0800), where the headstones are, you will find Wellyn's grave. If its
night, Wellyn's spirit is walking the graveyard because he cannot rest without
his Lillbear. If its day, Wellyn's parents morn over the boys loss. You need
to talk to the boy and the parents, before, and after you kill Llynis and
return the bear to Wellyn so he can rest. You have the option of letting the
Dwarf go, but don't you can loot his body and room for equipment to sell.
There is an elf from Suldanesslar standing by the bar. Perhaps if you return
after rescuing the city from Irenicus he will have a kind word for you.
Slums Sewers (AR0404)
The slums sewers are accessed from the secret north portion of the Copper
Coronet. You get into this area by talking to Lehtinan and telling him that
you are interested in disposing of large sums of gold. Then enter the door
north of the corral area in the common room of the Copper Coronet. As you go
down the hall two secret doors will be revealed on the north wall of the
corridor on your way back to the cells for gladiators where Hendak is found.
The second of these corridors leads to the steps down to the slums sewers.
In the slums sewers your goal is to find the four items needed to solve
Lilarcor the +3 two-handed talking sword quest. Lilarcor is a bit unhinged and
when you talk to him, he sounds like Shay Addams, the old editor of
Questbusters magazine and clue books popular from gaming of the 1980's. You
need to match up four items with four pipes in slums sewers to get Lilarcor.
The four items are a hand, a staff, a bottle of blood and ring. Vallah's hand
is found by clicking on the sewer grate in the round shaped Otyugh room. The
round room is south of the first corridor you enter from the Copper Coronet
stairs. The Lover's ring is found on the two entwined skeletons hanging on the
north wall of the dungeon at the intersection between the corridor that goes
west to the Copper Coronet stairs and the corridor that goes northeast to the
Myconid Room.
The Myconid room (AR0418) has two myconids in it. Kill them.
As you enter the sewer, the corridor goes south east from the stairs back up
to the Copper Coronet. The first turn to the south goes to the hand otyugh
room. The second turn to the south takes you further into the sewers through a
door to a sewer that runs from the northeast to the southwest. A door which
has been removed from its hinges forms a bridge across the sewer. This door
bridge is trapped. To the northeast of the trapped door is a group of kobalds.
The kobald shaman has the Shaman's staff.
Southeast of the trapped door bridge is where you will meet the Hidden in Jan
Jansen's child quest. Go back to the trapped door and continue southeast until
you reach another crossroads. If you turn southwest you will run into a trap
but the corridor continues around until you find man named Quallo and a
Carrion Crawler who Quallo calls his friend.
Question Quallo and find out about the clues. North and a little east of
Quallo and his friend you will find a room with four pipes. If you click on
the pipes they will give you the clues or hints Quallo mentioned. Return to
Quallo and question him again about the riddle.
Kill Quallo's friend, the carrion crawler, and take his blood. Now you should
have Vallah's hand, Lover's ring, Shaman's staff, and Blood of Quallo's
friend. Go back to the pipes and click on them in this order: pipe three, pipe
one, pipe two, and pipe four. (The pipes are numbered in ascending numerical
order from left to right.)
In the far southeast of the slums sewers you will find a short corridor going
southeast to a stairway to the Slaver Stockade.
Slaver Stockade (AR0405)
The slaver stockade is filled with traps to disarm, children to set free for
2500 experience each, thieves, slavers, trolls, and Yuan-Ti. If you enter from
the sewers, you are on the east central portion of the map in the rear
entrance room. In this room, fight with Captain Haegan and several of his men.
Loot the corpses for Haegan's key and Telbar's +2 studded leather. Gems are in

the chests and disarm the trap by the stairs.

Go northeast and save the children from the trolls. Then go northwest and
fight the pirates in the corridor. You must have Haegan's key to open the two
central cells and talk to the children to set them free and get the extra
experience points. Keep going northwest slowly. The next room has doors to the
northeast and southwest. You want to send out your thief and bait the Yuan-Ti
to walk one at a time into a ranged attack by your men staged in the corridor
between the cells.
The room southwest of the Yuan-Ti room seems to be the "living room" of the
ship where many pirates are congregating, including two dangerous spell
casters. Take the spell casters out first. You can again use your thief to
bait the melee fighters and rogues out of the room. The spell casters will
cast spells and stand where they are, wasting their magic.
Disarm the trapped chest in the Yuan-Ti room, the west central storage area
and hallway and the living area. Disarm the trap on the stairs down to the
front of the ship in the south. Two more men should be in this area. Disarm
the trapped shelf in the southeast. The southeast also holds the front door
from the slums area. A guard is outside this door. You may want to exit and
re-enter the slaver stockade. The guard should follow where you can kill him
Return to Hendak for further thanks for killing off additional slavers. The
only other slavers are those in the slaver lords in the large mansion (AR0906)
at the east-center of the temple district (AR0900). This is a tough fight but
makes a wonderful base of operations with tons of storage and loot spread over
two floors (AR0907). You may want to wait before taking on these powerful
Planar Sphere (AR0411)
The planar sphere cannot be entered unless you have Valygar Corthala in your
party. The blood flowing in his veins is the key to opening the door. Valygar
is an important part of the Wizard, Mage, and Sorcerer player character
stronghold quest.
You can get the quest by walking close to the entrance to the Council of Six
Building (AR1002) in the Government District (AR1000). Madeen will approach
you and ask you to speak with Tolgerias, a cowled wizard found within the
Council of Six Building. Tolgerias will give you the task of tracking down a
murderer of cowled wizards named Valygar Corthala, the last decendent of a
wealthy family of the city.
Valygar Corthala's house is found in the Docks (AR0300) just to the west of
the temple of Oghma in the first row of houses south of the entrance to the
district. On the first floor (AR0325), after you talk with Tolgerias and
accept the assignment, you will find Valygar's manservant who will have a
different story concerning the events surrounding the Valygar murders. You
will also get hints that Valygar is at his ranger cabin in the Umar Hills area
Valygar is easily found in his bedroom in his cabin (AR1101) in the northwest
corner of Umar hills (AR1100). You will need to believe Valygar's story to get
him to join your party. You can then take Valygar to Tolgerias at the Council
of Six Building in the Government district. Confront Tolgerias with his
deception, and Tolgerias will gate out of the Council of Six Building. You can
then go to the Slums district and enter the Planar Sphere.
Once you enter the sphere you find your self on a walkway suspended in
darkness with a closed door in front of you. Get your party close to the door
and click on it. When the door opens into the first of a series of spherical
rooms connected by walkways.
The first room has four doors in the northwest, southeast, northeast and
southwest. The door you entered is to the southeast. The southwest door leads
to a room with some golems, three chests and a piece of machinery that hold
items. Make sure you get the coal, golem arm and the planar key before moving
The northeast room holds a view of the landscape that you are over at the
time. Right now the sphere is over the slums district of the city. Later in
this part of the game the sphere will shift to a portion of hell.
The northwest room holds three Solemnic knights from the Dragonlance world
that have been trapped in this sphere for a long time by Lavok Corthala,
Valygar's evil necromancer ancestor. Speak to the Solemnic knights (Rayna
and others). The knights warn you of the dangers in the circular rooms to the
north and to the west of their room.
Its best to just send one member of your party north and get the monsters to
follow your one character south to an ambush you have set up in the Solemnic
knights' room. Not only can you take the Sahuagin on one at a time, but also
the Solemnic knights will help with the battle. A cloak of protection +1 is
found in the Sahuagin area. Once you clear the Sahuagin room to the north, go
on to the west area.
The area west of the Solemnic knights' room is loaded with very powerful
halflings. The magic users can cause you to loose a party member. Save your
game and try to bait one halfling at a time into the Solemnic Knights' room
and save after each encounter.
The halfling area first goes west then turns northwest and finally turns
north. There is a door into another spherical area at the other end of the
halfling area, just after it turns north. The halflings Entu, Togan, and Necre
have on their bodies Coal, gauntlets of ogre power, ripper +2 and stiletto of
Demarchness. The gauntlets of ogre power can be used to make the hammer of
t-bolts later in the game at Cromwell's (AR0334) so make sure you pick them up
and keep them safe.
The circular room north of the halfling area is the golem room complete with
the machine that will make the golem and on the table opposite the golem
machine you will find the golem building book and some coal. North of the
golem room is the furnace room. East of the golem room is the floor icon
puzzle room.
Go north to the furnace room and get close to the front of each furnace and
click on them one at a time. For each coal that your party has, each of the
three furnaces will light and release a hostile flame or lava golem. You
should have three coals: one for each furnace. The two doors leading east from
the furnace room to the gear room are trapped, be careful to look for traps
and disarm them with your thief.
The locked area west of the central gear with the wheel on it holds the golem
head and more coal. Bring the golem head back and now click on the golem
machine two times to attach the head and the arm. The golem should come to
life and immediately run east through the floor icon puzzle room into the
beholder room where it will fight and defeat an elder orb. If you can damage
the orb enough you can share in the kill and experience.
Going northeast will take you to the navigation room (AR0410) and Lavok. Don't
go to the northeast yet. Save your game. When you go to the northeast there
will be a big battle with Lavok.
Lavok is a powerful necromancer, who can kill or imprison your party members
so kill him quick. Listen to his story and agree to help him. Lavok is a
reformed evildoer. Search south of Lavok to find 3000 gold pieces, two
diamonds, and a ring of actuity on Lavok's body.
Going west from Lavok's room you find the forest (AR0419) with a sling +2 and
a quarterstaff +1 hidden in the tree stump. Going northwest from Lavok's room
you will find a bunch of lizardmen and some loot inside the machine to the
north: 350 gold pieces, protector of the second, battle axe +2, and ninja-to
Return to the icon puzzle on the floor and click on the icons in a north,
south, east and west order to open the door to the south which leads to an
ambush by three mages lead by Tolgeris.
In the Tolgeris ambush room (AR0412), you will find a ring of the ram on
Tolgeris' body. Click on the frost to the north to reveal a door in to the
frost or ice room. The door to the northeast leads to the fire room. There are
several traps to be found in the ice and fire rooms. In the center of the
frost room you will find a cache with a helmet of defense. In the center of
the ice room you will find two caches with a shield +1, +4 vs.missiles.
The doors to the north out of the frost and fire rooms go to the power core
(AR0413). The power core is a large area of walkways with a power golem in the
north central portion. In the far northeast is a trapped cache with a ring of
danger sense, 6666 gold pieces, and one kings' tear.
Backtrack your party to the entrance to the sphere, the door that used to lead
to the slums district now leads to hell (AR0414), an area with several demons
who have what you need a demon heart to power up the planar sphere for the
trip back to the slums. Search the place and find the three Tanar'ri, each
with a demon heart. In the center of the hell area, there is found the level
boss a Tanar'ri named Lea'liyl. Lea'liyl also has a demon heart.
Take the demon heart back to the demon core and click on the power golem after
killing the other golems who inhabit the place. The planar sphere will now
shift back to the slums. Return to Lavok and take him outside to view the sky
above the slums on his own world for one more time and you have completed this
If you are a wizard, mage, or sorcerer, Lavok will turn the planar sphere over
to you as your stronghold. If you are not a wizard, mage or sorcerer, Lavok
will turn the sphere over to Valygar. If the sphere becomes your stronghold
you will be allowed to save the Solemnic knights and have cowled wizard
apprentices in your stonghold. If not the Solemnic knights will leave the
sphere to adventure in the forgotten realms.
The Docks (AR0300)
House list
AR0305 Renal Bloodscalp's Thieves' Guildhall
AR0407 Prebek and Sanasha's home
AR0325 Valygar's home street level
AR0326 Valygar's home second level
AR0319 temple of Oghma
AR0415 safehouse street level
AR0416 safehouse second floor
AR0308 Galvarey estate street level
AR0309 Galvarey estate second floor
AR0315 Rayic Gethas' house ground floor
AR0316 Rayic Gethas' house second floor
AR0317 Rayic Gethas' house third floor
AR0313 Seas' Bounty tavern first floor
AR0314 Seas' Bounty tavern second floor
AR0310 Seas' Bounty tavern secret area
AR0301 Mae'Var guildhall basement (stronghold AR0321)
AR0302 Mae'Var guildhall street level (stronghold AR0322)
AR0303 Mae'Var guildhall second level (stronghold AR0323)
AR0304 Mae'Var guildhall third level (stronghold AR0324)
AR0330 Kangaxx house street level
AR0331 Kangaxx house crypt below street
AR0334 Cromwell's forge
The docks have two rows of buildings. The first row just south of the entrance
to the district starts on the northwest corner with the shadow thief guildhall
(AR0305). On the second floor of the guildhall (AR0306) you will find Renal
Bloodscalp who will offer you the Mae'Var quest. You can also practice
un-trapping and unlocking chests here and get some good loot.
To the east of the shadow thief guildhall is Prebek's home (AR0407), which
figures prominently in the Xzar's quest for Montaron in the Harper hall, shown
on the map as the Galvarey Estate (AR0308), in the far southwest corner of the
East of Prebek's and Sanasha's home is Valygar's home (AR0325). After
receiving the quest to track down Valygar the murderer and find his manservant
here. Search the second floor of the home (AR0326) and find a tax document for
a home in the Umar hills area.
East of Valygar's home is the temple of Oghma (AR0319).
East of the temple of oghma is the safe house for the third Paladin stronghold
duties test. East of the safe house is the guardhouse (AR0332).
East of the guardhouse is the second part of the guardhouse (AR0333).
East of the second half of the guardhouse is the entrance to the real thieves
The second row of buildings start with the Galvary estate (AR0308) mentioned
above. The party will have a random encounter where a harper will ask them to
return him to the Galvary estate in the docks. After that task is completed,
Xzar will appear at the bottom of the stairs just in front of the Seas' Bounty
Tavern. Xzar will ask you to enter the Harper hall and search for his friend
Montaron. Upon speaking to the Harpers and asking about the hall, the harpers
will give you a task to kill the evil mages in Prebek's home to gain entry to
the harper hall. Once inside the clues to Montaron lead you to the harper bird
on the second floor of the Harper hall. Return with the bird to Xzar to
complete the quest. After the quest is over you can find Montaron's body
hidden in one of the chests in the Galvary estate on the second floor.
Northeast of the Galvary estate is Rayic Gethra's home (AR0302). Rayic Gethra
is a cowled wizard that Edwin wishes you to kill. On the first level of Rayic
Gethra's home you will find periapts. On the second level of Rayic Gethra's
home you will find golems. The wizard Rayic Gethra is found on the third
Northeast of Rayic Gethra's home is the Sea's Bounty tavern (AR0313). At some
point you will enter the Seas' Bounty and Ployer will appear with two mages
dressed in black and green and poison Jaheira. You will then have to go to the
Copper Coronet in the slums and talk to Bernard. Then go to the Council of the
six building in the government district and talk to Corneil about the black
and green wizards. If you pay the wizards to stay out of it and then kill the
wizard quickly just outside the council of the six you will get the most
experience from this quest when you confront Ployer in his house in the slums.

East of the sea's Bounty tavern is the locked house of Kangaxx's Tomb and
quest (AR0330). Kangaxx is a long dead lich who wishes you to return his lost
body parts to him. His arms and legs can only be found if you accept the Cult
of the Unseeing Eye quest in the temple district and journey to the sewers
below the temples for the arms and the legs. The golden torso is found in the
basement of one of the houses in the bridge district. Each of these tombs is
guarded by liches. Return the torso and the arms and legs and Kangaxx
reassembles himself and will fight the group. This is one of the toughest
fights in the game.
East of Kangaxx house is Mae'Var's thieves' guild (AR0302). This is the site
of the thieves' stronghold quest, which started with Renal Bloodscalp. Take
Renal's note to the storekeeper front for the guildhall to start the quest.
The storekeeper will send you to Mae'Var in the basement of the guildhall.
Mae'Var will send you to the Talos temple to steal the amulet of the
weathermistress when she is sleeping if your reputation is good enough. If not
you will be sent to the morninglord's temple to steal an item from a chest. If
you are going to the Talos temple wait for night for the weathermistress to go
to sleep then un-trap and unlock the chest to get the amulet. In the case of
the morning lord wait for the guards to move away from the chest then hide and

steal the item. In both cases the idea is NOT to get caught.
For the second task Mae'Var will send you to Edwin on the third floor of the
thieves guild. Edwin will ask you to kill Rayic Gethras at his house in the
docks. When the door to his house is open, this means Rayic is home. Kill
Rayic and return to Edwin.
Unlock and un-trap all of the boxes on the second floor of the thieves'
guildhall before completing the quest if you are a thief working on your
stronghold. Once you succeed in your quest you will not be able to go back to
do it. The training room holds much gold, a short sword +2, buckler +1, and
studded leather armor +1.
For your third task, Edwin tells you to retrieve documents from Marcus on the
first floor in the Seas' Bounty tavern. Just threaten Marcus and he will give
you the documents. Edwin will send you to Mae'Var.
Mae'Var wants you to kill Embarl, who is on the second floor of the Seas'
Bounty tavern. Listen to what Embarl says. Take Embarl's dagger and let him
flee the city. Return with the dagger to Mae'Var. Mae'Var will send you once
more to Edwin.
Edwin will join your group and he has the key in his inventory that opens the
strongbox in Mae'Var's bedroom. Get the Mae'Var's letter and the boots of
stealth in the strongbox that show in Mae'Var's hand the plot to kill Renal.
Return to Renal with this evidence and get the quest to kill Mae'Var. Return
to Mae'Var's guildhouse and clean the place out. Return to Renal for the
reward, a short sword of backstabbing +3.
East of Mae'Var's thieves' guild is Cromwell's home (AR0334). Cromwell can
make many things if you bring him the right artifacts.
Ankheg Plate Mail (plat06): 5000 gold pieces and an ankheg shell (misc12)
from the Windspear Hills
Black Dragon Scale (leat19): 5000 gold pieces and black dragon scales
(scaleb) from Thezll'ssillyia: The Shadow Dragon in the shade lord dungeon
under Umar hills and from Nizidramanii'yt, the black dragon near
Suldanesslar Area
Red Dragon Scale (plat18): 5000 gold pieces and red dragon scales (scaler)
from Firkraag in the Domain of the Dragon under Windspear hills
Wave Halberd +4 (halb09): 7500 gold pieces, the waveshaft (halb09a) from the
body of the astral prizon warden and the wave blade (halb09b) from
Villynaty's body in Sahaugin City -- Use a thief to steal the wave blade
after saving game and you will not have to kill the Sahaugin prince.
Equilizer Sword (sw1h54): 7,500 gold pieces, the pommel gem (sw1h54c) of the
equalizer in irenicus bedroom in the irenicus dungeon level one, hilt of the
equalizer (sw1h54a) in the mindflayer dungeon in the underdark on the table
near the cells, and the blade of the equalizer (sw1h54b) in the beholder
dungeon in the underdark on an Elder Orb's body.
Gesen Bow +3 (bow19), 7,500 gold pieces, Gesen Shaft (bow19a) from the rune
assassins body in the tanner shop when you solve the flaying murders in the
bridge district, and gesen string (bow19b) in the chest in the picture rooms
in the far north east of the asylum upper dungeon
Vorpal Sword (sw2h15): 7,500 gold pieces, the silver blade (misc8u) will be
given to you by Saemon when you defeat Desharik prior to leaving Brynnlaw on
the way to Sahuagin City, and the silver hilt (sw2h15a) is on the group of
Gilthanki that attack the party shortly after they return to the city after
leaving the underdark. The party are seeking the silver blade. You have the
option of giving them the blade or killing them and getting the silver hilt
for the sword.
Crom Faeyr +4 (hamm09): 10,000 gold pieces, the gauntlets of ogre power
(brac06) from Entu's body near halfling town area in planar sphere, hammer
of thunderbolts +3 (hamm07) from the westernmost room of the mind flayer
lair in the temple sewers, girdle of frost giant's strength (belt08) off the
Demon Knight's Body in the Kuo Toan Dungeon in the Demigorgon altar room,
and the hammer of t-bold scroll from the shadow dragon in ths shade lord
Temple district
Get the real illithium (misc5k) and use it to upgrade your mace of disruption
+1 (blun12) to a mace of disruption +2 (blun25). Then go back and buy the
"fake" stuff and take it to the "artist." He will have a fit and leave but
then go to the temple and guess what? They like the "fake" stuff just as well
and you get the rewards anyway.
Spellhold lower level
The token machine. Here is where you get to use all those tokens. The Boots of
Speed (with tokens) * Boots of Grounding (with tokens) * Boots of Speed
(tokens) * Jester Chain (tokens) * Gesens Bow String
Spellhold upper level* Blade of the North (lvl 2,open one of the doors with
the portraits on in, then kill the mindflayer that holds it * Bag of Holding *
3 seemingly normal gems (needed for Doomplate further on) * A Rogue Stone *
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (complete the riddle with the statues) * Ring of
Regeneration (complete riddle of feminine statue) * Doomplate +3 (gather 3
gems scattered over the lvl and get them to the portal in the north and, whack
the ****ers that come out, next a djinni will give it to ya) * Ring of Free
Action (on lvl 2, click the book on the pedestral 5 times and kill the enemies
that spawn out after every click) * Katana +2: Malakar: open another of the
portraited doors on lvl 2 * Then, when the weirdo starts to ask Q's, always
answer 'good things', then solve the different riddle he has, you'll teleport
to different rooms: in one room you get to kill a giant troll and 2 normal
trolls, take the giant's head to the altar in the back of the room and put it
in, youll get Club Bonecrusher +3, then afterwards in a room with 4 ppl
sitting, solve their riddles BUT FIRST SEARCH THE TABLE in the middle, youll
find a Cloak of Reflection (protects against Electricity) When near to
escaping from the asylum, dont forget to search irenicus' room on the level
with the cells, where you got in.
List of Stronghold Quests:
True class includes all subclasses
We recommend that you encorporate the stonghold quest associated NPC into your
party for the quest. His or her special talents will be needed in the quest.
This is not a requirement for completion however.
Ranger, a boy in the central part of the square in the Government District,
the Umar Hills Shade Lord Quest, Ranger Cabin in Umar Hills. If you go to
Merella's ranger cabin in the southwest corner of the Umar Hills area, a
letter from Mazzy Fenton will open up the Temple Ruins map area, where you can

enter the Shade Lord dungeon to finish the quest. Very close to the entrance
to the Shadow Lord's dungeon you will find the NPC Mazzy Fentan, a lawful good
halfling fighter who specializes in short swords and short bows. Once you have
defeated the shadow lord return to minister Lloyd in Umar Hills. Minister
Lloyd will appoint you the new ranger protector of Umar Hills and award you
Merella's ranger cabin as your own. A runner will come and get you for your
stronghold quests. The first one you need to run errands for a forest spirit
who appears in the Umar hills.
Druid: Go to the Gate District and speak to a man named Flydan. The Trademeet
area of your map will open up if you accept Flydan's quest. You will go to
trademeet and speak to the mayor who will turn over the NPC Cernd, a true
neutral human shapeshifter, to your custody to assist in his quest. Once you
complete the Trademeet Druid Grove quest you will be made a member of the
Grove. The Druid Grove on the Druid Grove Map is your stonghold. Once your
Druid player character is level 14, he or she can challenge for the Great
Druid and leadership of the grove. The druid grove is a bad stronghold as
there is very little place there to store your gear. After defeating Feldorn
in the druid grove, get your stuff off the pile near the challenge master.
Talk to the challenge master. After you rest the next time, the spirit of the
grove will introduce herself and ask you to perform a mission for the grove.
The spirit of the grove will ask you to kill a troll shaman east of the troll
mound. The spirit will give you the Root of the Problem (blun10) to kill the
troll shaman with. After defeating the troll shaman, the spirit of the grove
will appear and give you the staff of thunder and lightning (staf13) or the
clerics' staff +3 (staf19). After 8 days return to the grove and rest inside
the inner grove, near where you fought Feldorn and receive the second mission.
The spirit will ask you to find a boy named Loren in Trademeet and to fight
the evil spirits within him. Find Loren near the south edge of the map near
the yellow tent. Talk to Loren and get him to fight the voices within him and
release the voices to fight you. A beholder-like creature named Chaos will
emerge and fight your group (105-122 hit points and 12,000 experience points).
The spirit will teleport Loren to the grove and award you the golden lion
figurine (misc3d). You will be released from future service by this task. When

you have reached level 14, you can return to the grove and challenge the
challenge master for leadership of the grove. If you win, you will become the
great druid and granted special powers and the staff you did not receive when
you killed the troll shaman.
Cleric, Go to the Temple district and witness the cut scene of the recruitment
by Gaal for the Unseeing Eye. A member of the temple corresponding to your
alignment will approach you and ask you to help them with the Unseeing Eye
Quest. When you accept the quest the passage in the northwest of the temple
sewers will open up and Keldorn Firecam, a lawful good human inquisitor NPC,
will be put on the temple sewers map. Keldorn Firecam, who can join your
group, will be found at the entrance to the Unseeing Eye Cult in the northwest
corner of the temple district sewers. Succeed in destroying the Unseeing Eye
and you become an official part of the temple of your choice by returning to
report your success to the individual who assigned the quest to you.
Paladin: Talk to Lord Jierdan Firkraag in the Copper Coronet about the
Windspear Hills problem. Accepting the job cleaning the monsters out of
Windspear Hills will open up this area on your map. Successful completion of
the Windspear Hills quest including the saving of Garren Windspear's child
will get a paladin player character a recommendation to become a member of the

Order of the Radiant Heart in the Temple District. Return to the Radiant Heart
Headquarters and talk to the head paladin in the room in the northwest of the
Radiant Heart building. This starts the three stronghold duties or tests. The
first test takes you to Umar Hills to rescue Eloitt who is fighting ettins and
hobgoblins. Save Eloitt and return to your taskmaster for your reward. The
second test is to go to Umar Hills to settle a dispute between Baron Metrich
and "sqatters" on his land. The Knight Imnesvail will meet you and tell you to
go right into the tavern to meet with the baron without talking to the
"squatters." DO NOT GO RIGHT INTO THE TAVERN. Talk to the squatters first and
be understanding. Pardo, Brunson and Moreno will tell you their stories. When
you get inside point out that there are two sides to the arguement. The baron
will get violent and attack you resolving the matter. Return to the Radiant
Heart for your reward. The third and final test is to guard the remaining
member of the Morningales family slaughtered by brigands. Go to the safe house
next to the temple in the dock district and relieve the Radiant Heart paladin
guard. Guard Tyrianna Morninggale. Her godparent is supposed to come and pick
her up. There will be an attack of brigands. Kill them. Then a brigand posing
as her godparent will show up and attempt to pick her up. Use detect alignment
to determine he is evil and kill him. Talk to Tyrianna then return to the
Radiant Heart for your reward.
Wizard and Sorcerer: Talk to man in front of Council of Six, main government
administrative building, and he will direct you to the wizard named Tolgerias.
You then need to find Valygar Corthalia, a neutral good human stalker, in his
cabin in the far northwest corner of the Umar Hills map. Return with Valygar
in your party to the Council of Six building and confront Tolgerias, who will
gate out after a short discussion. Then take Valygar to the Planar Sphere in
the far northwest corner of the slums. Once you finish the quest and take
Lavok outside to view his world one more time, Lavok will deed the sphere to
you as your stonghold. You will have to take the Solemnic Knights under your
wing and find them a way back to their world. Once the stronghold is yours, a
cowled wizard representative named Teos, will come and give you leave to
operate your wizard's stronghold as long as you perform certain services for
them. Later when Teos returns you can ask him about the Solemnic knights. He
will advise you to seek out Ribald, the Adventurers Mart proprietor. Ribald
will put you in touch with a mage who can gate these Solemnic knights back to
their world for 9,000 gold pieces. Khollynnus Paac will warp in later and
teleport the Solemnic knights' home after one day of paying Ribald. You get
45,000 experience points and a Golden Girdle of Urnst, which is plus three vs.
slashing. After another day the cowled wizard will return with three
apprentices, Larz, Nara and Morul, who will offer to construct a robe, a
dagger, a ring and a wand. They can make you all these items, but your
apprentices may die in their production. If the apprentices tell you it will
take a few days to produce the item, no one will die. If they tell you it will
take four days an apprentice will die. If you choose the ring, Larz will die.
Later they will approach you and ask you to make one of three scrolls:
mislead, abi-dalzim's horrid wilting, or meteor swarm. If you choose meteor
swarm, Nara will be killed in its creation. After the scrolls, your apprenti
will approach again asking what you wish them to make, a staff of power, a
robe of apprenti or a ring of wizardry or no items. If you choose the robe of
apprenti, Larz will die. If you choose the ring of wizardry, Larz and Nara
will die. The staff of power will kill all three of your apprenti. Your best
choice is not to make an item at all. If all your apprenti survive, Teos will
return and give you 50,000 experience points. After the item production a man
will tell you to meet him and Teos at the planar sphere. It is a trap. You
will later find out that Lord Argrim was behind the trap. Teos will tell you
not to kill Lord Argrim but to trap him in a maze with a rune he gives you.
Lord Argrim is found at the crooked crane tavern in the gates district on the
second floor. Tell Teos and get 7500 experience points. After this, Morul will
return and create five potions per week for you, if he is still alive and if
he graduated. If your player character is NOT a wizard or a sorcerer, when you
go back to talk to the Solemnic knights, they tell you of their plans to add
their swords and lives to this new land. They say they may see you later in
the lands. Also, you will never get a visit from the cowled wizards.
Fighter, Barbarian, and Monk: Your quest involves Nalia de'Arnise who can be
found in the Copper Coronet. She will basically force her way into your party
as you walk through the Copper Coronet. Nalia's keep is overrun with trolls,
so stock up on fire or acid arrows, and exploding bullets. Crossbows may be
useless. Clerics and mages can help with various flame based spells. Fire or
acid potions can be used to kill trolls when they are down. Dont use any
potions or spells with area effect or you may harm your friends and make them
your enemies. After clearing the keep of trolls Nalia will offer you the deal
to help her. Save before leaving the castle in case you blow the conversation
tree. Nalia will become your ward and you will be the conquering fighter
siezing the castle as his prize. Benefits to the castle are taxes of 500 gold
pieces every week and an initial award of about 10,000 gold pieces. From time
to time you may be called to defend the keep from vermin or settle disputes
between your subjects. If your player character is not a fighter or a monk,
Nalia will only offer to join your group and run away from home. Later you
will have to defend your stronghold against a siege.
Bard: Gaelan Bayle and Brus will direct you to the Theatre in the Basement of
the Five Flagons Inn. Pay to get into the play. After the play fiasco, talk to
Ralis Shai in the backstage area. She will tell you that Haer Dalis', chaotic
neutral, tiefling, blade, has been abducted by a wizard who can be found in
the temple sewers. The wizard is Mekrath. In the far north of the temple
sewers are two secret doors. The westernmost of the two purple secret doors
leads to Mekrath's Keep. Killing Mekrath or obtaining Mekrath's mirror from
his runaway Mephit in the sewers will return Haer Dalis' to himself and you
can add him to your party. Return the gem to Ralis Shai and you will be off to
rescue them from the Astral Prison. Rescue the bards and Ralis Shai awards you
will the deed to the Theatre. Goodman Thunderburp will approach you, if you
are a bard player character, and ask you if you are the new owner. Goodman
will get you a director of fine theatricals, named Higgold who will manage
your theatre for you. He will put on plays which you finance and he will share
with you a percentage of the take. After two weeks and 9000 gold pieces the
theater will earn you a weekly income.
Thief: Gaelen Bayle directs thief player characters to Renal Bloodscalp in the
docks district. If Yoshimo, a true neutral human male bounty hunter, is in
your party, he will hassle you about his needing to register with Renal
Bloodscalp at the local thieves guild as a freelancer. Renal Bloodscalp needs
evidence of treachery against one of his lieutenants running a spin-off
guildhall in the docks named Mae'Var. Mae'Var will assign you several quests
as will Edwin Odesseiron, a lawful evil male human conjurer NPC. Successful
completion of all the quests will put Edwin in your party. Edwin's inventory
will contain the Mae'Var strongbox key that opens the unpickable locked chest
in Mae'Var's room that has the incriminating documents. Return to Renal and he
will give you the task of killing the traitor Mae'Var and all who stand with
him. Kill Mae'Var and his treacherous band and return to Renal in the thieves
guild for your reward. If you are a theif player character, Renal will award
you the charter to run Mae'Var's thief guildhall as your own. The guildhall
stable of thieves will earn you a weekly salary. If your player character is
not a thief, Renal will award you experience points, gold and a nice knife and
cut you loose.
Multiclass: Fighter/Thief and Fighter/Mage Dual-Class or Multi/Class can get
both Nalias keep and the Planar Sphere or Thieves guild, respectively. Its a
bug. Normally you get the first stronghold which you accept ownership. To get
both the warrior and mage or warrior and thief stronghold first do Nalia's
quest and decline when she wants you to take control of the keep. Then do the
Planar Sphere, or Mae'Var's quest and do accept ownership. Go back to Nalia
and accept control of the keep. Then you have both strongholds.
Non-Player Character Party Member Quests
Many of the non-player characters (NPCs) have quests associated with them. By
bringing them into your party, these quests can be resolved. You receive
satisfaction at having helped your friend with a problem.
Anomen Delryn
Jan Jansen
Keldorn Firecam
Korgan Bloodaxe
Minsc and Boo have no quests.
Nalia de'Arnise
Viconia deVir
Aerie, a lawful Good Avariel Elf Multi-Class Cleric Mage, is found in the Circus
Tent in Waukeens Promenade. Aerie will join your party after you return your
sword to her. She is a love object quest for a male player character who needs a

lot of patience, and careing. You cannot be afraid to express your love and
affection to Aerie. Aerie's quest is to rescue her mentor, Quayle, from Kalah, a
crazed gnome illusionist. If Aerie is kidnapped by Bodhi the vampire during your
attack on Bodhi's dungeon. Kill Bodhi and get her heart. Read the books in
Bodhi's dungeon. The books tell you to take Bodhi's black heart and Aerie's body
to the Temple of the Annunciator. Find the statue on the first floor with the
outstreatched arms "as if they are waiting for something." Put Aerie's body and
Bodhi's heart in the statue to restore Aerie. After you make love to Aerie, she
will give you an ultimatum. She will tell you she has to leave and grow before
committing herself to you. You can let her go, tell her to stay for the good of
the party, or delay her by telling her to wait for a better time. If she leaves,
she leaves for good and will not return.
Anomen Delryn is a lawful neutral human male fighter dual-classed to a cleric.
Anomen is primarily a cleric. Anomen wishes to rise to knighthood in the Order
of the Radiant Heart. Anomen's father is a drunk and blames all his problems on
Saerk Farrahd who has an estate in the Bridge district. Anomen can be added to
your good aligned party from his postion in the common area of the Copper
Coronet. Anomen's sister is murdered about ten days after Anomen joins your
party. If you encourage Anomen NOT to seek vengeance but to let the authorities
handle it, he will pass his test for knighthood. Also this encouragement must be
made when Anomen's father summons him, talks to him, and when Anomen seeks the
Council of Six to ask for justice for his sister. Anomen cannot go into the
Saerk Farrahd estate either before or after he is awarded knighthood or he will
not be a knight in the Order of the Radient Heart. After 15 days and a
reputation of 19, Anomen will be asked to attend the trial of knighthood. The
prelate awards Anomen's knighthood and then he must speak to Sir Ryan Trawl.
Anomen becomes lawful good and gets a boost to 16 wisdom from the successful
completion of the quest. If Anomen fails the test he becomes surley and more
evil. I assume that if you have not completed the Order of the Radiant Heart
Quest, you will be asked to at this time. If you play a female player character,
Anomen will leave and go to the Saerk Farrahd estate in the Bridge district. You
must rescue him by going into the house using the upper door, at the top of the
long staircase. You must help Anomen or he will die in the battle and be lost to
Cernd is a true neutral human male shapeshifter. Cernd is really one mixed up
puppy. You get him into your group by talking with Mayor Logan and agreeing to
escort him to his task and assist him with it. After the Druid Grove quest,
return with Cernd to the Waukeen Promenade. Igarol, an ex-neighbor of Cernd and
his wife Galia, when they lived in Waukeen Promenade. Igarol will rebuke Cernd
and chastise him about his treatment of his wife and his unborn son. Igarol
tells Cernd to go look at the state his old home is in. When Cernd arrives at
his home, Catis is squatting there. Catis also rebukes Cernd for his treatment
of Galia and his son. Catis sends Cernd to Fennicia at Fennicia's house, also in
Waukeens Promenade. Fennicia refuses to talk to you with Cernd in the room, so
send him outside alone and continue to talk to Fennicia. Fennicia reveals that
Galia died months ago from abuse from the noble Deril, who lives in the southern
part of the Government district. Fennicia says Deril is cruel and has Cernd's
son. Cernd has the option to bring in the guards, threaten or fight Deril. If
you threaten, Deril gives Cernd the child who he takes to the druid grove you
have liberated previously.
Edwin Odesseiron is a lawful evil human male conjurer. Edwin will join your
party after you complete the Mae'Var Guildhall quest given to you by Renal
Bloodscalp. See the Thief Stronghold quest information above. In order to get
Edwin to stay with your party you need to be evil or neutral and answer
questions asked in conversations as an evil character would. After Edwin joins
your group, get Korgan Bloodaxe and go into The Southern Chamber (AR0802). At
the crossroads where you can go east or south, go east and catch Neviziah the
vampire who has the Nether Scroll. Edwin will tell you that he looted the scroll
and will investigate it. Your response should be that he can have the scroll for
the good of the group. Several days later Edwin will tell you that he solved the
scroll. You should immediately talk to Edwin and he will cast the spell from the
scroll and turn himself into a female wizardess. The comments from this point
are rather funny.
Imoen is a neutral good human mage dual-classed to a thief. Imoen is primarily a
thief. Imoen is the first NPC to join your party in Irenicus Dungeon after the
initial animation and cut scene. Imoen also leaves you from the beginning of
Waukeens Promenade to the Beginning of the lower asylum dungeon. Imoen's quest
it the entire main plot of the game.
Jaheira, a true neutral half-elf female fighter/druid, is another love interest
for a male player character and the object of a very complex quest that is
intertwined with your love interest quest. Jaheira is found in a cage north of
your player character at the start of the game. If you get the key from the
jailer golem and do not insult Jaheira or Khalid her dead husband, she is yours
forever. Start the romance with Jaheira by going to the docks area to the shop
near Valygar's home. The shopkeeper will suggest that you buy an amulet for
Jaheira. Walking to the shop area with Jaheira will start this event. Some say
walking up to the shopkeeper with Jaheira and your main character while leaving
the others closeby is necessary. A number of random events culminate in the
attempted imprisonment and murder of your player character which Jaheira cannot
allow. At some time Meronia will approach the party starting the main plotline
for the Jaheira quest. Jaheira will leave you until your party rests one time,
then she will return and request that you accompany her to the guildhall.
Galvarey, the guild hall leader, will attempt to frame your player character for
all the evil in the area. Jaheira will deny this allegation. A fight will ensue
and the harpers will die. From then on an escalation of attacks on the players
will result in them being attacked by ever stonger groups of assassins. In these
fights you can stand down and refuse to attack first and when they attack, you
will be assisted by the local militia who will kill the harpers or be killed by
them. You can also assist the town guards and help kill the assassins.
Eventually Dermin Courtierdale will come to find Jaheira and ask her side of the
story. The harpers continue to condemn her actions and eventually condemn her to
death. The harpers refuse to listen to her side of the story. Jaheira is given
the option of turning herself in rather than endure the attacks but I have seen
no way to do this as yet. Mixed into these attacks are two other rather random
events. Bandits attack your group and the player character if male needs to
repeatedly offer himself as hostage in place of Jaheira. Another related quest
is the random encounter with thugs who have poisoned Renfeld, a harper. Renfeld
requests that you return him to Rylock, the guard for the harper hideout, which
is the Galvarey Estate in the docks district. Upon returning Renfeld to the
Harper hideout, you will find Xzar in red near the southernmost point of the
western stone stair. Xzar wants you to break into the hideout and get his friend
Montaron out of the Harper hide out. To gain admittance the Harpers want you to
kill Prebek, see Prebek's house on the docks map, and his friends. When you get
in, the long elaborate story is that Montaron was turned into the harper bird to
punish him for tresspass. You get the harper amulet to gain admittance to the
second floor, return the bird to Xzar, the bird transforms into a harper, the
harper kills Xzar and thanks the party for the help. This confuses Jaheira no
end. Later you gain access to the Harper hideout and find the body of Montaron
in a chest in the room to the east of the cage where you found the harper bird.
Perhaps you should take the body of Montaron to the authorities?
Jan Jansen is a chaotic Neutral male gnome multi-class illusionist thief. Jan is
selling turnips in the south portion of the park in the government district.
Engage Jan in a conversation and the tax man will come and interrupt. Later the
tax man will ask you what you were discussing with Jan. Say you were discussing
the weather and Jan will come back and offer to join your party. Some time after
joining your party (in my case 15 days) Jan will get a message about Lissa's
daughter, Jaella, who is sick in the mind because of the treatment she received
from Lissa's husband Vaelag. Vaelag beats both Lissa and Jaella. Lissa was Jan's

old sweatheart, and they were betrothed until Lissa met Vealag. Jan will stay
with Lissa and Jaella who are in the second floor of the Jansen home while you
find the cure. First you must talk to Uncle Gerhardt Jansen who is in the
basement of the Jansen home. Gerhardt will send you to find the Hidden by
talking with Lady Jysstev at her estate in the south part of the government
district. Lady Jysstev will set you up with a meeting with the Hidden in the
western part of the slums sewers (AR0404). The Hidden will only heal Jaella if
the party kills two of his enemies. The Hidden sends you to the proprietor of
the Sea's Bounty in the docks district. You are to tell the proprietor that you
are a seeker. The proprietor, named Thumb, will send you to the second floor of
the Five Flagons inn (AR0511) where you will find two githyanki in the southeast
of the four rooms. A fight will ensue and you will kill them. Return to the
Hidden and he will reveal he is really an illithid (mind flayer) who has healed
the child already. Vaelag comes to get Jaella and Lissa after your party heals
them. Lissa protests that Vaelag has changed. When you see Vaelag on the first
floor of the Jansen home, a fight almost breaks out. Jan asks you to support him
should the time ever come where Vaelag hurts Lissa or Jaella again.
Keldorn Firecam is a lawful good human male inquisitor. Keldorn appears in the
temple sewers in front of the entrance to the followers of the unseeing eye when
you accept the Unseeing eye quest from one of the temples. Keldorn will return
to the Order of the Radiant Heart in the barracks area in the north of the
building when released temporarily from your service. Keldorn's Quest following
the Unseeing Eye quest which he volunteers to help you with concerns his family.
Upon the first time you enter the government district, Keldorn will ask you if
you mind stopping by his home and meeting his wife and children. Be real careful
with this quest, some have found it to be bugged. Save before entering Keldorn's
house. The object in the quest is to go to the MIthrest Inn in Waukeen plaza and
speak with Sir William Thorpe who is in the north part of the common room.
Thorpe recommends that Keldorn spend more time with his wife and family. If
Keldorn does not kill him and returns to his wife, he will spend more time with
her and the quest is completed for about 15500 experience points.
Korgan Bloodaxe is a chaotic evil dwarf male beserker. Korgan can be found near
the south side of the common room of the Copper Coronet and will return there
after dismissal from the group. Korgan will only join your group after the book
quest as a mercinary for a fee of 500 gold pieces. Korgan wishes to retrieve a
rare and valuable book from the Southern Tomb under the graveyard. Let Korgan
tell you about his quest and he will join your group to go retrieve the book
from the tomb. See the Edwin Odesseiron quest above. Do not go to the tomb
without Edwin Odesseiron in your party or you will never be able to complete the
Nether Scroll quest. When Korgan gets to the far south portion of the southern
tomb he will start telling you that the tomb has been looted and that Shagbag, a
former companion of his, has probably robbed him of his prize. Korgan will then
suggest that you go to the Pimlico estate in the Temple district to see if
Shagbag has taken the book there. When you get to the Pimlico estate the book is
not there and the people in the estate are slaughtered. Korgan says that Shagbag
did it and is probably celebrating on the roof of the Copper Coronet in the
slums. When you get to the roof Korgan and Shagbag have a talk and then the
fighting starts. Shagbag has the book, which you are free to sell to any vendor
who will take it.
Nalia de'Arnise is a neutral good human theif dual-classed to a mage. Nalia is
primarily a mage. You will need another thief in your party. Nalia does not
replace Imoen. Nalia forces herself on your party, the first time they enter the
Copper Coronet. Nalia needs help with trolls who have overrun her keep. Talking
with Nalia will open up the de'Arnise keep area. In order to get to the keep or
the countryside for the first time, go to the gate district first. Then you can
go to the other areas in the countryside. After you clear the keep of trolls you
find out that they may have been hired by Isaea Roenal, who is Nalia's
betrothed. Nalia despises Isaea. The trouble starts shortly after Nalia's
fathers funeral when Isaea, who is an officer in the town guard siezes Nalia
with the help of several millitiamen. Shortly after the abduction Khellor Ahmson
shows up and advises that Isaea is not the man he seems to be. Khellor says that
his crooked ways will surface after you examine Barg in the Docks district and
find the journal of his gem smuggling in Isaea Roenal's house in the government
district. Barg is found at the southern foot of the western stairs in the docks
district (AR0300, 2384, 2510). Befrending Barg and asking him to help you get a
job will land you the name of the slaver contact Officer Dirth in the Seas
Bounty, first floor. Talk to Dirth and he will attack you allowing you to take
the Isaea Slave Document from him. Break into Isaea Roenal's house and get
Isaea's Journal and report back to Corgeig Axehand in the Council of Six
building in Government district. Tell Corgeig all three items and he will return
Nalia to you.
Viconia deVir is a neutral evil female drow cleric. Viconia will originally join
your group in front of the jail in the government district. Viconia is being
burned at the steak. The party needs to get very close to the steak and click on
it twice to release Viconia and then fight with the finatics to free her.
Accepting Viconia in your party immediately drains your reputation by two
points. Releasing Viconia from your service permanently or for a short time
returns two points of reputation. If Viconia leaves your party temporarily she
can be asked to wait for you anywhere or return to the graveyard to be picked up

when needed later. If you are good but want Viconia in your party, take her out
before all major discussions and put her back in just after them. She will leave
if you keep making good conversation choices. Also, if you have Keldorn in the
same party with Viconia, he will eventually challenge her to a fight. Keldorn
will kill Viconia if you are not careful or vice versa.
Yoshimo is a true netral human male bounty hunter. You can pick up Yoshimo in
Irenicus Dungeon as you exit the portal from level one to level two. Later you
can pick up Yoshimo in the Copper Coronet. Yoshimo is a traitor in the employ of
Irenicus. Yoshimo's quest is to slip sleep potion into the party's food before
going to the Asylum and ambush them when they try to break out. When you kill
Yoshimo he will ask you to take his heart to a temple of Ilmater for a reward of
200,000 experience points.
The rules pack for level 20 to level 50 characters for those who use the
experience cap remover. It's avalible for download at and on ShadowStriders
Baldurs Gate Dungeon
Game Banshee Quests
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