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BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of

Leadership & Management

Manage Market Research


Student ID: TAS0356

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356 1

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Assessment Task 1: Prepare a Market Research Plan


DMART is a home ware shop specialising in fittings, mirrors and other decoration pieces for
bedrooms and baths. The business has 15 stores based in Brisbane. The company's refreshment
seeks to expand the product spectrum to boost revenues and enhance sales. The project initiative is
to add lighting fixtures in the variety mix to meet this target. But the board would like to conduct
market analysis on this move in order to consider the likelihood of incorporating the latest
commodity to the current variety mix.
The strategy of the group wanted to outsource market analysis to a professional and reputable
agency, who could give the company great results with experience in multiple forms of research, so
they assume that an external consultancy will add impartiality material in the decisions to launch the
new product in the sales line.

To extend the store offer by including lighting fixtures in the assortment mix. Also to give the best
quality and quantity of the products with durability to the customers .

Understanding the target market to create a new product in the assortment of products. And
increase the demand of there products.

The research project has following objectives:

Expand the shop offer by the development of lighting fixtures in the assortment mix undertaken by a
specialist market research firm in the greater Brisbane region.
Growing and improving business profits by illustrating that the new product has a viable target
To reflect on the data during the analysis by respecting the timeline.

Target Market:

In this part of the plan the team will identify the target audience. The group will be identified as a
research in the existing buyers of home wares including lighting fixtures. In that research the
descriptions of people, their behaviour, geographic, demographic and psychographics factors.

Primary audiences Secondary audiences Others potentially audiences
Age How much are their income Socio- demographic factors
Are they single, married,
Have they got children?
Where they live?
What they do? Why are they our buyers?

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Sample Plan:

After identify the target audience is important breakdown each group to understand better who is
being target. To create the contents of the sample plan is important choose which kind of research is
better go through: qualitative, quantitative and multi-method.

Target group 1
Estimated population size: Value Sample size Value

Timelines/ Milestone:

Step 1 2 3 4 5
Preparation of research plan
Step 1- Preparation of the plan 1 week
Step 2- Choice of external consultants 2 weeks
Step 3- Resources identification 1 week
Step 4- Work on plan summary 1 week
Step 5- Conclusion of the project 8 weeks

Research Method:

The two methods which are used to explain data collection are primary and secondary analysis.
While secondary research has a strong set of data, for the following reasons, primary research
consists more of interviews and surveys that are the preferred research for this plan:
Have a sufficient number of instances to make the analysis relevant
The findings can be independently calculated.
The question must be more precise and the surveys and interviews should be checked with


The project budget is set at $15,000, which includes payments for external contractors and Via
external capital. Since the job is delegated to Delia Consultancy, there is no need to invest on
External capital, as the company has a market analysis team of its own. In addition, since primary the
analysis approach is to be adopted; secondary external services do not need to be accessed.

External Consultants:

To undertake the business mission, the company's policy analysis would prefer to hire a professional
external market research, so the findings would provide more objectivity in decision-making for the
external consultancy. That happens because external consultants will see convergent and divergent
solutions to the problem and come up with various outcomes, according to Reddy, 2016. A look at
the schedule and budget has been taken into account in selecting the external contractor.

Based on the review of the expertise, capability and budget of the three external consultants, it is
clear that Delia Consulting is the better choice, relative to the other two external consultants, to
work into the timeframe, budget and competence. It is also agreed that the market analysis initiative
would be consigned to Lombard Consultancy.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

External Research Time

Costs Ability Limitations
consultant method required
Acworth Does not have
Prepared business plan for Does not have
Accounting 27 $11,50 Specialist 10
the company, don’t have in the
Pitt Street, 0 market weeks
specialist market description
Hawthorne QLD Research staff
Specialist market research
Delia plan for home ware (have
Consulting, 104 $12,00 done some works before) All research
No limitations 8 weeks
Queen Street, 0 and have specialist market Methods
Brisbane QLD research team for home
Branding and marketing
Holt and The research
Burrows, 58 $14,50 staff come All research
all industries, specializes in 8 weeks
Lonsdale Street 0 from Methods
Fashions, cosmetics, and
Melbourne Vic Melbourne

Monitoring & Report:

The team will track the process and the measures to insure that it succeeds and that the aim of
finding the target market is met. A contract will be allocated to the external contractor and then the
organisation is prepared to launch the analysis job according to the deadlines and objectives.

Legal Requirement
Relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards that may affect aspects of
business operations includes, but not limited to the following:
 Australia Direct marketing Codes of Practice
 Federal Privacy Act
 Australian Environmental Code
 Intellectual Property legislation and Code of conduct
 Anti-spam legislation
 Duty of Care
 Equal Employment Opportunity Act
 Sex Discrimination Act
 Australian Association of National Advertising Code of Ethics


Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Assessment Task 2: Commission a Research (this task is an extension of your

market research brief of task 1)

The six main phases or stages of commissioning market research are set out in this document.
Although all commissioning should begin at Stage 1 (setting goals) and Stage 2 (evaluating
information needs) and finish at Stage 6 (issuing briefs to agencies), the order laid down in this guide
will not actually be enforced by Stages 3, 4 and 5. The middle phases will differ from project-to-
project and organization-to-organization.

Information required:

a) Goods and services required to implement plans and detail criteria for selection
The five goods and services supply policies cover the end-to-end procurement activity from:
 Identifying needs
 Planning
 Market research
 Through to contract management

Goods Required:
When applying the policies, organisations must ensure that all procurement activity meets
the following principles:
Value for money, taking into account:
The total benefits and costs over the life of the goods, services or works procured.
Environmental, social and economic factors.
Any risk related to the procurement.

Services Required:
The required services are as follows:
Accountability: for procurement proportionate to acceptable standards of authority and

Probity: by incorporating honesty, responsible practise, justice and fairness in the conduct of
procurement processes.

Scalability: so that the policies and procedures for procurement governance are relevant
and efficient, taking into account the capacity of the tools available and the scope of the
procurement carried out.

b) Need /rationale for engaging the external consultant

Consultancy proposals require Executive Director approval prior to procurement action. The nature
of the project or concern before initiating the process of hiring a consultant Careful consideration
should be taken, so that what the contractor is being asked to do is obvious. To decide how to
handle them, evaluate the risks at the outset of the project. Risks, risks For example, it can be

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

handled by the requirements, terms and conditions of the Contract and the contract's
It is highly recommended that Delia include (or get input from the project manager.
Employees who are specialised in delivering the expertise of consultancies or engaging
them, Especially if they are high in relative spending or are known as high risk. This needs to
be In the method, be performed as early as possible.
At a fundamental level, external advisors aim to maximise the effectiveness of the
intervention they have been hired to conduct (i.e. the engagement). Hopefully, they would
arrive on site with the following foundational features:

 Awareness of practical topic domain,

 Pertinent experience and understanding,
 Professional skills that are unique to a specific discipline, and
 Interpersonal talents, such as assertiveness, motivation, and listening.

c) Project outcome requirements (deliverables)

A Project Deliverable is a product or service created by a project for its user, partner, or sponsor of
the project. It is the good or service "delivered" to the stakeholders by the project.
A deliverable is a product or service created as a result of a project planned to be distributed that is
tangible or intangible. A paper, a paper, a software product, a system update or some other building
block of a project may be a deliverable. It may also be named a definite or unique thing generated by
the work carried out during the project.
Dmart is extending offer for the lightening fixtures and assortment mix.
Deliverables Description #1:
Offer report and recommendation.

Deliverables Description #2:

Offer report documenting the current location, serial number and configuration of all assets, along
with a recommended solution for physical asset on offer in store.

d) Terms of engagement and deadlines

The project, which is, included as the information policies for the profilication on the offer in the
store for the lightening fixtures and assortment mix.
Purpose and Scope of the project will have full engagement of Dmart with Delia consultancy.
Schedule of the products provided will also be attached.
With subject to any agreement the work is limited to the services provided.
The engagement will include the operations and procedures.
Responsibilities They will ensure that all products/services are provided in accordance with agreed
timeframe (as noted on purchase order) and to a professional standard.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Period of Engagement This engagement will start upon acceptance of the terms of engagement by
customer as noted by execution of this letter on completion date.
Confidentiality In conducting this engagement, information acquired by us during the engagement is
subject to strict confidentiality requirements. That we will not disclose information to other parties
except as required or allowed for by law, or with your express consent.
Estimated Pricing Unless otherwise stated in writing, any estimates, which we provide to you of our
anticipated fees, disbursements and charges for any products or services are only indicative of the
amounts, you can expect to be charged. Estimates are not quotes and are not binding on us.
Terms of Trade The terms of payment are strictly payment terms here e.g. 30 days from invoice. An
itemised account of all charges, costs and disbursements will be provided on the invoice. Accounts

Deadlines The deliverables and estimated times will make up the deadlines to be met in the project.
The deadlines are set for the completion of the project on time. And they are set on the basis of
predictability of the timeframe given and deliverables achieved in the project.

50 Charles Street Launceston
25 Nov 2020 & 09:00 A.M

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Conducted by: Syed Aman Atique

Attendance: Rahul, Ali

Key Points Discussed:

The Dmart has to offer the in-store discount and promotional offer for the lightening fixtures and
assortment mix.
The prices and the deadlines to be meet for the goods to be sold at promotional prices and meet the
targets sales.
The inventory of the products and their delivery to the customers is the outmost concern.
All the after services, installations and maintenance costs will be dependent on the products.

Terms of Engagement:

Purpose and Scope of the project will have full engagement of Dmart with Delia consultancy.
Responsibilities they will ensure that all products/services are provided in accordance with agreed
Period of Engagement This engagement will start upon acceptance of the terms of engagement by
customer as noted by execution of this letter on completion date.
Confidentiality In conducting this engagement, information acquired by us during the engagement is
subject to strict confidentiality requirements.
Estimated Pricing unless otherwise stated in writing, any estimates, which we provide to you of our
anticipated fees, disbursements and charges for any products or services.

Expected Outcome of Research:

The outcome of the research would be useful in the sales of the products that are on offer and the
research will indicate the no. of products that are being utilized in the sales and the amount left in
the inventory.


Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

The time line is set for the preceding weeks for the sales, demand and inventory of the lightening
fixtures and the estimated time is approximately one month in which the sales will be at its peak due
to the Christmas period and people shopping around.

Next Meeting:
Next meeting is dated to be 03-12-2020 with same venue.
Other details will be shared accordingly.

50 Charles Street, Launceston
30-11-2020 & 10:00 A.M




RANK: Project Manager
COMPANY NAME: Delia Consultancy
ADDRESS: 104 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD

Research Task: The outmost task for the consultant is to distinguish and make a report of the no. of
people who are interested in the sales of the fixtures. Also the sales, demand and inventory of the
products. How to enhance the sales of the products and there after sales services are included in the
promotional/ offer cost or not.
Work involved:
Most of the work involved is the research for the target based market and the sales in the Christmas
season as the lightening fixtures are more used for the festive season.
Terms and conditions:
“Acceptance” written or oral Acceptance by a Client.
“Client” customer for any of the Services provided.  
“Completion” delivery of a final presentation report or verbal advice to the Client.
“Milestone” inclusion of a component of The Project, which are specifically identified.
“Proposal” a written offer of Services to be provided to the client.
“Report” all data comments discussion written Reports or like material resulting from Services
provided to the Client.
“Services” provision of data or advice to the Client.

Types of Researches:
1. Secondary research: Secondary research involves the summary or synthesis of data and
literature that has been organized and published by others.
2. Primary research: Primary research refers to research that has involved the collection of
original data specific to a particular research project.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Fees: $550
Acceptance of Proposal
To accept this proposal, please sign and date at the foot note of the duplicate copy of this letter
and return to me no later than 10th of Dec 2020.
Upon you signing this document within the above timeframe a legally enforceable agreement will
exist between the parties.

Yours Sincerely,
Your Name: Syed Aman Atique
For and On behalf of DMART
Date: 30-11-2020

Accepted by
Agent’s Name : Ali Khan
For and on behalf of Delia Consultancy
Date: 31-11-2020

Assessment Task 3: Conduct and Manage a Research Project



Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

Consent for Participation in the Study

The researcher requests your consent for participation in a study about Anti Aging products.
This consent form asks you to allow the researcher to record and view the interview and to
use your comments to enhance understanding of the topic. The form also asks your
permission to use related observations, images or posts as data in this study.

This questionnaire asks for your preferences about whether to remain anonymous or to allow
the researcher to name you and your [school/organization/business] and to quote you directly.
It also asks you to indicate your preferences for use of visual images shared or generated in
the interview.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide not to participate there will
not be any negative consequences. Please be aware that if you decide to participate, you may
stop participating at any time and you may decide not to answer any specific question.

The researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the research records or data, and all data
will be destroyed in 1 year. By submitting this form you are indicating that you have read the
description of the study, are over the age of 18, and that you agree to the terms as described.

If you have any questions, or would like a copy of this consent letter, please contact me at

Thank you in advance for your participation! Syed Aman Atique

1. I agree to participate in the research study. I understand the purpose and nature of this study
and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time,
without any penalty or consequences.

o Yes
o No

2. I grant permission for the data generated from this interview to be used in the researcher's
publications on this topic.
o Yes
o No
o I grant permission under the following conditions:

3. I grant permission for the interview session to be recorded and saved for purpose of review by
the researcher. [If others (such as research assistants, dissertation supervisor) will view the recording
then note here.]

o Yes
o No

4. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with
you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. Choose one of the
following options:

o I agree that a brief synopsis can be included in the documentation of the research, including
my name, school/organization/business name and brief bio. I understand that I will be asked to
provide a brief bio and that I will be asked to approve this synopsis. I understand that no other
personal information will be communicated.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

o I prefer to remain anonymous and to have no professional information or organization or

business name included in the researcher's publications based on this study.

5. Choose one of the following options:

o I grant permission for the researcher to use direct, attributed quotations from my interview.
o I grant permission for the researcher to use my responses in aggregate or anonymous
statements, but I prefer to maintain confidentiality and request that any comments are presented
without attribution to me.

6. Please note your preference in terms of information in your online profile.

o The researcher can make note of any pseudonyms I may use in the social media environment.
o Any information accessible to the researcher without special log-ins can be used as data.
o Images or media posted in the profile can be used as data.
o Only information provided in the interview can be used as data.
o Spell out any exceptions or preferences:

7. Please note your preference in terms of information in your social media pages (groups,
memberships, posts, etc.).

o Any information accessible to the researcher can be used as data, even if site membership or
special log-ins are required.
o Any information accessible to the researcher without special log-ins can be used as data.
o Images and/or media posted by me can be used as data .
o Only information provided in the interview can be used as data.
o Spell out any exceptions or preferences:

8. Please type your name in the box below to indicate agreement to participate in this study.



In conducting our research, we mainly used online surveys. Survey questions were delivered
via emails and an online data collection tool was used to collect data, by doing so it is highly
efficient and speeds up things a bit. Phone interviews by outsourcing to call centers were
likewise use. As a direct selling business, we also got answers from some of our clients.

The series of questions on the survey would be as follows:

1. The sex of the correspondents

• Male
• Female

2. Age of the correspondents

• 30-35
• 36-40
• 41-45
• 46-50
• Above 50

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

3. What brand of product are you using?

• Avon
• Shisheido
• L’oreal
• Clinique
• Lancome
• Other Brands
• None

4. How many times do they use the product?

• Once a day
• Twice a day
• Once a week
• Twice a week
• Specific answer

5. What is your annual household income?

• Less than $40,000
• $41,000-$60,000
• $61,000-$75,000
• $76,000-$100,000
• More than $100,000

6. How would they rate the product that they are using from 1-10, as 10 being the highest?
7. If given a cheaper product, would they transfer to it or stay with they chosen one.
8. How much are they willing to spend for the product?
• Below $50
• $51-100
• $101-$150
• $151-$200
• Above $200

9. How do you think the product you are using can be improved?
• Better customer service
• Better quality
• More promotion or discount
• More availability
• Better packaging

10. What is the most important factor when selecting an anti-aging cream?
• Price
• Quality
• Brand reputation
• Packaging
• Referrals
• Others

11. Where do you usually purchase anti-aging cream?

• Department store
• Direct Sales
• Online
• Chemists
• Salons
• Others

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

12. What is your most important resource for information on anti-aging products?
• TV
• Newspaper
• Internet
• Magazines
• Skincare specialists
• Others

13. How often do you purchase anti-aging products?

• Less than once a year
• Twice a year
• Three times a year
• Four times a year
• Five or more times a year

Research Findings

We found that the brand is well established in the current market and is known as a luxury brand.
We’ve also found that our key demographic is highly aware about anti aging and also primarily
concerned about the quality of the product and the ingredients in the product. We’ve concluded that
Lancome’s new anti aging product - Advanced Génifique would definitely be a popular seller among
the target audience as the product does boast of fine quality ingredients with proven results.

Consent for Participation in the Study

The researcher requests your consent for participation in a study about Anti Aging products. This
consent form asks you to allow the researcher to record and view the interview and to use your
comments to enhance understanding of the topic. The form also asks your permission to use related
observations, images or posts as data in this study.

This questionnaire asks for your preferences about whether to remain anonymous or to allow the
researcher to name you and your [school/organization/business] and to quote you directly. It also asks
you to indicate your preferences for use of visual images shared or generated in the interview.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide not to participate there will not be
any negative consequences. Please be aware that if you decide to participate, you may stop
participating at any time and you may decide not to answer any specific question.

The researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the research records or data, and all data will be
destroyed in 1 year.

By submitting this form you are indicating that you have read the description of the study, are over the
age of 18, and that you agree to the terms as described.

If you have any questions, or would like a copy of this consent letter, please contact me at

Thank you in advance for your participation! Syed Aman Atique

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

1. I agree to participate in the research study. I understand the purpose and nature of this study
and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time,
without any penalty or consequences.

o Yes
o No

2. I grant permission for the data generated from this interview to be used in the researcher's
publications on this topic.

o Yes
o No
o I grant permission under the following conditions:

3. I grant permission for the interview session to be recorded and saved for purpose of review by
the researcher. [If others (such as research assistants, dissertation supervisor) will view the recording
then note here.]

Yes No

4. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with
you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. Choose one of the
following options:

o I agree that a brief synopsis can be included in the documentation of the research, including
my name, school/organization/business name and brief bio. I understand that I will be asked to
provide a brief bio and that I will be asked to approve this synopsis. I understand that no other
personal information will be communicated.

I prefer to remain anonymous and to have no professional information or organization or business

name included in the researcher's publications based on this study.

5. Choose one of the following options:

o I grant permission for the researcher to use direct, attributed quotations from my interview.

o I grant permission for the researcher to use my responses in aggregate or anonymous

statements, but I prefer to maintain confidentiality and request that any comments are presented
without attribution to me.

6. Please note your preference in terms of information in your online profile.

o The researcher can make note of any pseudonyms I may use in the social media environment.

o Any information accessible to the researcher without special log-ins can be used as data.

o Images or media posted in the profile can be used as data.

o. Only information provided in the interview can be used as data.

o Spell out any exceptions or preferences:

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

7. Please note your preference in terms of information in your social media pages (groups,
memberships, posts, etc.).

o Any information accessible to the researcher can be used as data, even if site membership or
special log-ins are required.

o Any information accessible to the researcher without special log-ins can be used as data.

o Images and/or media posted by me can be used as data.

o. Only information provided in the interview can be used as data.

o Spell out any exceptions or preferences:

8. Please type your name in the box below to indicate agreement to participate in this study.

Julian C.


1. The sex of the correspondents

2. Age of the correspondents

• 30-35
• 36-40
• 46-50
• Above 50

3. What brand of product are you using?

• Avon
• Shisheido
• L’oreal
• Lancome
• Other Brands
• None

4. How many times do they use the product?

5. What is your annual household income?
• Less than $40,000
• $41,000-$60,000
• $61,000-$75,000
• More than $100,000

6. How would they rate the product that they are using from 1-10, as 10 being the highest?
I like the product because it caters to my skin’s needs and I’ve been using this product for a very long

7. If given a cheaper product, would they transfer to it or stay with they chosen one.


Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

8. How much are they willing to spend for the product?

• Below $50
• $51-100
• $151-$200
• Above $200

9. How do you think the product you are using can be improved?
• Better customer service
• Better quality
• More availability
• Better packaging

10. What is the most important factor when selecting an anti-aging cream?
• Price
• Brand reputation
• Packaging
• Referrals
• Others

11. Where do you usually purchase anti-aging cream?

• Department store
• Direct Sales
• Chemists
• Salons
• Others

12. What is your most important resource for information on anti-aging products?
• TV
• Newspaper
• Internet
• Magazines
• Others

13. How often do you purchase anti-aging products?

• Less than once a year
• Three times a year
• Four times a year
• Five or more times a year

Consent for Participation in the Study

The researcher requests your consent for participation in a study about Anti Aging products. This
consent form asks you to allow the researcher to record and view the interview and to use your
comments to enhance understanding of the topic. The form also asks your permission to use related
observations, images or posts as data in this study.

This questionnaire asks for your preferences about whether to remain anonymous or to allow the
researcher to name you and your [school/organization/business] and to quote you directly. It also asks
you to indicate your preferences for use of visual images shared or generated in the interview.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide not to participate there will not be
any negative consequences. Please be aware that if you decide to participate, you may stop
participating at any time and you may decide not to answer any specific question.

The researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the research records or data, and all data will be
destroyed in 1 year.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

By submitting this form you are indicating that you have read the description of the study, are over the
age of 18, and that you agree to the terms as described.

If you have any questions, or would like a copy of this consent letter, please contact me at

Thank you in advance for your participation! Syed Aman Atique

1. I agree to participate in the research study. I understand the purpose and nature of this study
and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time,
without any penalty or consequences.

o Yes
o No

2. I grant permission for the data generated from this interview to be used in the researcher's
publications on this topic.

o Yes
o No
o I grant permission under the following conditions:

3. I grant permission for the interview session to be recorded and saved for purpose of review by
the researcher. [If others (such as research assistants, dissertation supervisor) will view the recording
then note here.]

o Yes
o No

4. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with
you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. Choose one of the
following options:

I agree that a brief synopsis can be included in the documentation of the research, including my name,
school/organization/business name and brief bio. I understand that I will be asked to provide a brief
bio and that I will be asked to approve this synopsis. I understand that no other personal information
will be communicated.

o I prefer to remain anonymous and to have no professional information or organization or

business name included in the researcher's publications based on this study.

5. Choose one of the following options:

I grant permission for the researcher to use direct, attributed quotations from my interview.

o I grant permission for the researcher to use my responses in aggregate or anonymous

statements, but I prefer to maintain confidentiality and request that any comments are presented
without attribution to me.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

6. Please note your preference in terms of information in your online profile.

The researcher can make note of any pseudonyms I may use in the social media environment.

o Any information accessible to the researcher without special log-ins can be used as data.

o Images or media posted in the profile can be used as data.

o Only information provided in the interview can be used as data.

o Spell out any exceptions or preferences:

7. Please note your preference in terms of information in your social media pages (groups,
memberships, posts, etc.).

Any information accessible to the researcher can be used as data, even if site membership or special
log-ins are required.

o Any information accessible to the researcher without special log-ins can be used as data.

o Images and/or media posted by me can be used as data.

o Only information provided in the interview can be used as data.

o Spell out any exceptions or preferences:

8. Please type your name in the box below to indicate agreement to participate in this study.

Wilma Costa


1. The sex of the correspondents

• Male

2. Age of the correspondents

3. What brand of product are you using?

• Shisheido
• L’oreal
• Clinique
• Lancome
• Other Brands
• None

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

4. How many times do they use the product?

• Once a day

5. What is your annual household income?

• Less than $40,000
• $61,000-$75,000
• $76,000-$100,000
• More than $100,000

6. How would they rate the product that they are using from 1-10, as 10 being the highest?

7. If given a cheaper product, would they transfer to it or stay with they chosen one.


8. How much are they willing to spend for the product?

• Below $50
• $101-$150
• $151-$200
• Above $200

9. How do you think the product you are using can be improved?
• Better customer service
• Better quality
• More promotion or discount
• Better packaging

10. What is the most important factor when selecting an anti-aging cream?
• Price
• Brand reputation
• Packaging
• Referrals
• Others

11. Where do you usually purchase anti-aging cream?

• Department store
• Online
• Chemists
• Salons
• Others

12. What is your most important resource for information on anti-aging products?
• TV
• Newspaper
• Internet
• Magazines
• Skincare specialists
• Others

13. How often do you purchase anti-aging products?

• Less than once a year
• Twice a year

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research

• Three times a year

• Five or more times a year

Research Findings:

The number of applications that involve plasma in the production of materials has risen significantly
in recent years. For the production of electronic parts, processing is now crucial and is commonly
used in the electrical, lightening and other sectors. Nevertheless, in the output of fixtures and
assortment mix, Australia is seeing a significant decline in reactor growth that is vital to
electronic processing phases.

Syed Aman Atique TAS0356

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