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Customer Dealing:

As according to Marketing Customer is always right. After dealing and observing

customers I learn a lot. Customer is the blood of a Business. So It’s our first and
foremost duty to satisfy our customer. Its hard to deal with aggressive customers.
But in every situation we have to show patience and cool down the customer. One
morning during my internship we have to deal with an aggressive customer. He
wants huge amount in cash at early morning so it was tough to meet his
requirement on time. But he was in hurry and does not listen anyone. Then the
BM(Branch Manager) came to the floor and deal with him politely and give him
proper time and attention. They were showing humble attitude toward customer by
saying this ‘Sir we are doing your work at first priority’. Even though after 2 hours
customer received his full amount by when he came out from BM Office he was
fully calm and satisfy. He came out with a smiling face. It’s all Customer dealing.
So Its very important to show the customer you and your work is our first priority.
CSO Role:
As in Banking sector now a new post has created that is Customer Support
Officers. Because our all business depend on our customers. So when we greet
them and listen them carefully and resolve their problems as early as possible they
will never switch on other banks.
Team Work:
People can work more efficiently in a team as compare to individual. So in an
organization when all staff work cooperatively they can achieve their target easily.
During my internship I observed in banking all staff work is inter connected. As
cash counter staff is linked with BSM( Operational Manager) and BSO (Bnking
service Offficer).
Business Development Officer is fully marketing job. As they have to fulfill their
targets with customer dealing. They interact with every type of customer so have
multi experience of customer dealing.

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