Creativity Part#3

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Creative Thinking
The Brain
The Role of The Brain

The Creative process uses both sides of the


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Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٦٤
Whole Brain Walk-Around:
•It is helpful to gain a new perspective on
a solution by viewing it from a different
mode of thinking.
•Ask yourself, how would my problem
appear to a person viewing it from the
“A Quadrant?”, “B Quadrant?”, etc.
•See what new insights toward
your solution you might gain
by 'walking around' your
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Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٦٦
Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٦٧
Much of the solution often lies in the
definition of the problem.
Define your problem/opportunity in
the form of a statement.

This process will facilitate and

clarify the issues and outcomes
that are the source of your
Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٦٨
A)Pay people to have great ideas?
B)Collect those ideas that already exist?
C)Get more people involved?
D) Do nothing but generate ideas all day?


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The Picture
Sometimes our subconscious knows more
than we do.

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Relax, take a few deep breaths, close
your eyes and ask yourself:
What does ‘It’ look like?
What does ‘It’ feel like?
What does ‘It’ taste like?
What does ‘It’ smell like?
Write down any thoughts you have
Now draw a picture of ‘It’. When you
have finished, describe ‘It’ to someone
Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٧١
Magic wand thinking:

Putting "crazy" ideas into

Ask…….WHAT IF..…I
had a magic wand and
were able to solve this
Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٧٢
with no constraints on what the
solution might look like or how
off the wall it might be, what
would the solution look like?

Explore the underlying concept

of your solution or idea... What
makes it work?
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Reverse your assumptions
List underlying assumptions as
concretely as possible.
Ex: Restaurants serve
cooked food.
Reverse, modify or change
the assumptions.
Ex: Restaurants serve
cooked A food.
Reversed: Food is NOT cooked.
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As each assumption is changed, generate ideas
in a rapid-fire fashion.

Idea examples:
-You cook your own food
-You bring your own food
-Only smoked food is served
-Everything is grilled
-Food is served raw
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Turning “Crazy" Ideas Into Actionable Ideas:

What is Tempting about this idea?

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Why don’t we think
creatively more often?

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„ Time
„ Why change?
„ Usually don’t need to be creative
„ Habit
„ Routine
„ Haven’t been taught to be creative

Safwat Elmansy- Creativity ٧٨

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