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Philosophical Magazine Series 3

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XXI. Meteorological observations during a

residence in Colombia between the years 1820 and

Colonel Richard Wright

To cite this article: Colonel Richard Wright (1839) XXI. Meteorological observations during a
residence in Colombia between the years 1820 and 1830, Philosophical Magazine Series 3,
15:94, 97-104, DOI: 10.1080/14786443908649838

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Published online: 01 Jun 2009.

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XXI. Meteorologica; Observations during a Residence in Co.

lombia between the Years 1820 and 1830. Bff C o l o n e l
Ricm~ltr~ WRIC~HT, Governor of the Province or Loxa,
Con£dential Agem of the Republic of the E~uator~ 3fc. 8fc.
['Continued from p. 20.]
City of Varinas, Plains of Venezuela. Lat. 7 ° ¢0' N.

Thermo. [ Time. Elevation. Remarks.

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

Dat !, meter,

18f 1.
May 7. 76° 9 a.m. !Elevation
81 4 p.m. about
78 8 5O0 Rain.
~P 86 I p.m. feet. Fail'.
9. 8O 12 Rain.
10. 87 22x p.m. Fine.
ll&12. id. id. hi.
13. 86 10 a.m. ]d.
14. 8O 2 p.m. Cloudy.
16. 86 10~ a . m . ld.
17. 9O 2~ p.m. Fine.
18. 85 9.~ a.m. Rain at night.
20. 85 2 p.m. Fine.
21. 76 7~ a.m. Rain.
22. 75 6~ a.m. }
85 2 p.m. Fine.

15 days. 85°'45 max. ~ Medium 800"85.

76 "25 ram. )

Citff of San Carlos, Plains. Lat. 9 ° 201 N .

June 5. 8O 5~1 a.m, Elevation

82 3 p.m. 543 feet Rain.
79 1~ a.m. ~ccording I
82 2 p.m. to the I Do.
£ 79 6 a.m. latest
83 2 p.m. barome- Fair.
~, 80 7 a.m. trical Do.
84 2 p.m. measure-
9. 80 7 a.ln. ments of Do.
85 2 p.m. Messrs.
10 id. id. Rivero Do.
111 85"5 4 p.m. andBous- Do.
1~. 79 8 a.m. singault. Rain at night.
14. 80 id. Fine.
, id. Do.
79 8 a.m.

Phil. Mat. S. 3. Vol. 15, No. 9~. Aug, 1839. H

98 Col. R. Wright's Meteorological Obse~'vations made
TAet.e eostinued.

Date. Thermo- Time. Elt~vation. Remarks.


June 16. 2 p.m. Fine.
17. 78 8 a.m. Rain at nighL
18. 78 8 a.m.
82 2 p.m. Fine.
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

13 days 83°'1179°'min.max'}
2 81o.15 med.

City of Falencia, near the L a k e o f that name. Lat. 10 ° 9' N .

Jnne 29. 78 7 a.wL ~levatk Fair.

80 2 p.m. of the
30. id. id. ake 14[
July 1. 76 7 a.m. ) feet ac
80 p.m, eordim Showeq,.
2. id. id. ~o Hm~ ld.
3 and 4. 83 p.m. boldt,
5. 76 6½ a.m. 577 fe~
82 4 p.m. J accord
ing to hi.
6. 76 i adD. Id.
82.5 p.m. } Boussin
7. 76 6 a,m. ~ gault. Fair.
82.5 4 p.m. j I'he ciq
8. 76 6 a.m. ~ rather Showery.
83 4 p.m.) higher.
9. 75 6 a.m. ~ Fair.
tJ 83 2p.m. )
10. 76 6½ aan. 1. Id.
85 4 p.m. J
11. 80 6 p.m. Rain.
12. 73 6a.m ) Showers.
~9 81 2 p.m. j
13. 74 6 a.m. )
82 2 p.m. j
14. 75 6 a.m. ) Cloudy.
82 2 p.m.j
to 20.
}7.82 6~ a.m,
4 pan. j Fair.
72 7 a.m. ~ Rain.
8e 4 p.m.~
73 6 a.m, Falr,
sl 2 p.m,)
76 a,m, Cloud)'.
81 p,m.
77 7 a.rlL
25. ~1"5 2 p.m. Fair.
26. 7e 6 a.m. /
t9 80 2 p.m. ) I
in Colombia between the Years 1820 and 1830. 99
TabLE epntinued.
Therrao. Time. Elevation.
Date. meter. Remarks.

July 27. S a.m. Fair.
28, 76
83 2 p.m. ) Id.
29. 76 6.~ a.m. ]r
8O 2 p.m. I Rain.
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

30. 76 75 a.m. "~ Fair.

81 2 p.m.j Showers.
3}'. 76 7~ a . m . t
8O 2 p.m. j

33 days 81°'21 max. ~ 780.6 reed.

75°'99 ram. )
Aug. 1. 73 7 a,m.
2. 78 p.m. Rain.
~ p.m.
a.m. Shower.
80 9~P.m.
5.6. 78 a.m. Fair.
and 7. 8o ~ p.m.
8. 79 8 a.m. Id.
~ p.m.
a.ra. Id.
82 ~ p.m.

10 days. 75°'°880 min.max')Med.77°'9, o£ 43 days, med. 78°.25.

Town of Maracay, valleys of ,4ragua be/ween Valencia and

!Aug. 15. 73 | 6] a.m. Level of
i ,, 84 / 12 the lake Fine,
! 16. 73 6 a.m. or1577
81 12 ~et. Id.
17. 75 6 a.m. Showers.
18. 73 46 a.m. } Fine.
82" 5 p.m.

4 days 8~.5 max. ~ 78* meal.

73.5 ram. )

Town of La Vittoria, Valleys of Aragua.

Aug. 24. 84 12 116~0 feet. Fair.
e5.7\71 6 a.nh
to 28../84 12 ld.
100 Col. R . W r i g h t ' s MeteorologicalObservations made
Ta~LU continued.
Thermo- Time° Elevation. Remarks•
.._Date. meter.

~82L I
A g. o. t ~ p.lqL
70 a.ffl.
85.5 4 p.m. Fall'.

7 days 85.5 max. ~ 78 ° med. of the valleys of Aragua.

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

70'5 rain. )

City of Caracas. Lat. 10 ° S11N.

Sept. 8. 73 6 '2903feet.

4 p.m. ]'he "S//- Fine.
6 a.m. la)" or
,, 79 3 p,m. Saddle Fine.
10. 73 7 a.m. mountain
, 77 2 p.m. above the Showers•
12. 74 6 a.m. city 8636
,, 78 3 p.m, feet, Fair.
]3. 76 3 p.m. nearly Showery.
14. 72 6~ a.m. the same ld.
,, 75 3 p.m. height a':
]5. 70 6~ a.m. the city Id.
16. 67 7 a.m. of Bo-
1~' 75 3 p.m. gota, and
• 68 7 a.m. "[ 878 feet Fine,
,, 76 2 p . m . J below
19. 69 6~ a.m. that of Showery.
20. } Quito.
21. 75 2 p.m. Fine.
23. 74
,, 75 28a'm"
p.m. I Id.
24. 68 7 a.m.
,, 75 2 p•m. [d.
25.~ 72 7 a.m. ) Id.
76 3 p.m.
2~. 78 3 p.m. [d.
27.l70 7 a.m. Id.
. 78 3 p.m. Id.
~8. ~ 68 7 a.m°
29& 30. 78 3 p.m. Id.

21 days 75°.2 max. 72~.45med.

69.71 min.
Oct• 1, }
and 2. 70 7 a,m° Id.
,, 75 2 p.m.
3,4, }
and 5. 76 12 Id.
in Colombia between the Years 1820 and 1830. I01
TABL~ continued.

Thermo. Time. Elevation. Remarks•

Date. meter.

Oct. 6. 79° 2 p.m. Fine,
7• 69 7 a,m. Id.
8, 76 I~
9. 70 7 a.m.
10. 77 3 p.m.
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

11. 75 3 p.m. Showers.

12. 70 6 a.m.
13, }
and 14. 78 3 p.m. Fine.
15. 70 6 a.m.
17 79 1 p.m.
16 & . 70 6 a.m. Id.
,, 77 1 p.m.
18, 19, 70 8 a.m.
anti 20. 79 2 p.m. Id.
21. 69 7 a.m.
22. 78 2 p.m.
~3. 70 7 a.m. Id.
,, 79 3 p.m.
24. 80 1~
25, 26, ] 1 70 7 a.m. Showery.
and 27. I ~ 75 3 p.m.
28 to 31. i 69 7 a.m. Fine.
75 3 p.m.

3 1 days 77°'62 max. "[73o 3Y reed.

69 ° rain. J
Nov. 1. 69 a.m• Showers.
75 p.m. )
~'. 73 3 p.m. Id.
3. 74 3 p.m. Id.
4, 5 ~ 75 3 p.m. Fair•
and 6 . . [ ,, tp
7. 69 a.m. Id.
78 3 p.m. Id.
76 2 p.m. Id.
9. 69 7 a•ln. Id.
lOandll. 69 7 nail• ld.
52 ~69 7 n,m. Fair,
to 18. ~ 77 $ p.m. Id.
]9. 78 $ p.m.
20. 69 7 a.m. Id.
21. 67 7 Id.
22. 78 p.m. Id.
23. 67 7 a•m. Id.
24. 76 2 p.m. ld.
25. 67 7 a.m. ld.
26, 27 '~ 66 7 a.Ill. Id.
~8. j 75 3 p.m, Id.
102 Col. R. Wright's Meteorological Observations made
TABLE continue&
Date. ThermO-mete[r. Time. I Elevation. Remarks.
Nov. 29. 66 7 a.m. Fair.
30. 74 3 p.m. Id.

30 days 76°'71 ~7~o.54 reed.

68 "37 ram. j
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

Dec. 1. 66 7 a.m. Fair.

74 3 p.m.
7 a.m.
to 8. 3 p.m.
9. 71 10 a.m.
76 3 p.m.
7 a.m. Foggy mornings, with light
to ~0. 3 p.m. showers, in the mornings.
21. 71 5 p.m. Fair,
75 3 p.m.
70 8 a.m. Id. mornings cloudy.
to 31. 75 3 p.m.

31 days 75°'4 max. "~7lo. 7 reed.

68"0 ram. J - -

Jan. 7 66 7 a.m. Fair.
to 14. 70 3 p.m.
15. 71 3 p.m. Do.
I6. ~
~4. } 70 7 a.m.
3 p.m.
~ 5 . 75 3 p.m. Do.
26. i 65 8 a.m. Do.
27. 7~ 3 p.m. Do.
68 8 a.m. Do.
73 3 p.m.
~9. 61 "5 7 a.m. Do.
7] 3 p.m.
65 7 a.m. Do.
31. 71 3 p.m. Do.

$4 days 6571°'36"1rain.max"~69"73 meal.

February. 70°'19 max. ]-68"0~ reed. Weather fine with few

28 days. 65°.85 rain. J showers.
March. 73° 31 max. ) 71° reed. Weather fine throg hout
31 days. 68°'7 miu. the month.

April. Fair, cloudy, and showers

30 days. 71 ° med. towards tile end.
in Colombia between the Years 1820 and 1830. 103
TABLE continued.

31 days.
73°'88 max'}71° 67r
69'47 min.
reed.] Cloudy and showery.
June. 74°.56 max. }
30 days. 69°'93 rain. 720 2¥ reed. Fair with showers.

287 days. Average temperatur~ 71' 40'.

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

Venezuelan Chain of the Andes, from Valencia to the Valleys

of Cucuta.

meterm[ . . . . . .

7-82 --I
July 29. I 72
| 7 a.m. 485 ft. I Barquisimeto. Lat. 8° 55' N
30'. I 778 ,[~ a.m.P'm' 1Id.Weatherfairandwind.
11 I 78 [ 3 p.m.
Aug. 2. 77 6~ a.m. 2058 it. Tocuyo. Lat. 9° 351 N.
!1 81 2 p.m. Weather fine.

8. 65 6 a.m.
!1 74 4 p.m. Caraehe.
Weather fine.
11. 7~ 6 a.m. 2684 ~. Truxillo. Lat. 8 ° 40' N.
81 3 p.m. Weather fine.

77 6 a.m. Valera.

14. 67 9 a.m. Timotes.

16. 53 7 a.m. Maeuehies.

19. 64 7 a.m. 5280 Merida. Lat. 8 ° 10~ N.

~Y 75 1 p.m. Misty showers in the evening.
Jl 69 5 p.m.

24. 58 6~ a.m. La Grlta.

Weather fair.

27. 81 7½ a.m. Cnpaehe.

28. San Jos~ de Cucuta.

General mean 72 ° 44 f.
10~ C,ol. Vfright's Meteorological Observations in Colombia.
Chain between Cueula and Bogotd.

Date. Time. Thermo.

meter. Elevation. Remarks,

18~. Elevation
Sep. 1. 60 8~ a.m. between Pamplona. Lat. 6° 30 IN.
,, 6~ ~ p.m. !8000 and Rain.
3. 54 8 a.m. Chitaya.
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 12:53 29 June 2016

,, 59 4½ p.m. Fair.
5. 59 7½ a.m. La Concepcion.
6. 75 8 a.m. Lowest Capitanejo.
:points o[ Fair.
the val- 1
ey, pro-
7. 70 9 a.m. bably ~Suata.
76 ~ p.m. from I
~. 67 7 a.m. 3000 to
5000 ft. J Fair.
m, . . . . ,
11. 56 6t a.m.
,, 60 4 p.m.
Ascent. Santa Rosa.
14. 58 7 a.m. Tunja. Lat. 5° 5' N.
,, 55 4 p.m. Fair.
18. 58 6~ a.m. Enemoeon.
19. 56 7 a.m. Lipaquera.
General mean 61 ° 66', or deducting the close valley of Capitanejo, as
forming an inconsiderable portion of the country, 57 ° 91 t.

City of Bq otd. Lat. ~o 6t N.

Sept. 23. [ 60 7 a.m. 3694 feet. Fail', partially cloudy.

t ~
~4 & 2 5 . 1 6 2 p.m. Id.
~6./) 57 a,m. ld.
to 29.1/60 p.m. ]d.
3o. / id. id. ld.
Oct. 1./"1.57 7 ll.m. Showery.
2 and 3 . / J 6 ~
4.~ .57 ~ p.m.
ll.m. Id.
7 ~'t.m. ld.
to 23./.f 6~ p.m. Id.
30 days 5761°'8"Irain.max"} 59 ° 4U reed.

[To be continued.l

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