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A. Identify the topic and the controlling idea/controlling idea development in these
paragraphs. Use red highlight for the topic and blue highlight for the controlling
idea/controlling idea development.
Instagram influencers are an increasingly important source of marketing power to reach the
average American user. Influencers marketing ( on Instagram alone generated
over $1.6 billion in 2018 (Asano, 2019). Moreover, influencers usually have access
(ref.reach) to roughly 32,000 followers or more (McMill, 2017). Choosing the right
influencers will be critical as the message about health (ref.source) needs to be seen as
authentic. Heart disease education needs to be expanded the most to women in their 30s, so
choosing influencers who resonates well (ref. power to reach) with this demographic is the
first challenge. 15pts

Dogs have an extreme antagonism toward cats. The enmity between these two species can
be traced back to the time of the early Egyptian dynasties. Archaeologists in recent years
have discovered Egyptian texts in which there are detailed accounts of dogs brutally
attacking cats. Today this type of cruelty between these two domestic pets can be witnessed
in regions as close as your own neighborhood. For example, when dogs are walked by their
masters, and they happen to catch sight of a stray cat, they will pull with all their strength on
their leash until the master is forced to yield; the typical result is that a cat is chased up a
tree. The two types of animals are the most popular pets in modern homes. The hatred
between dogs and cats has lasted for so many centuries; it is unlikely that this conflict will
ever end. 15pts

B. Identify the cohesive devices employed in the following paragraphs. Use any colour of
your choice for all cohesive devices.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death for women in America, causing about 1 in 4 deaths.
However, often heart disease is thought of as a “man’s disease.” Consequently, many women
are not educated on the symptoms. Many needless female deaths may be prevented through
outreach. To address this problem, this study proposes two solutions: using viral marketing
and engaging Instagram influencers.

I completed a number of tasks to become a writer. First, I learned the rules of grammar and
punctuation and style. Next, I read many of the classic fiction books, such as The Sun Also
Rises and 1984. As well, I took courses in creative writing, especially poetry, fiction, and
creative nonfiction. Then I found myself a job that allowed me to have time to write. Finally,
I sat down each night after work and wrote for an hour. These decisions made all the

C. Identify the irrelevant supporting sentences or paragraph(s) in the following essay. Use
red highlight to identify them.

People are concerned about pesticides, steroids, and antibiotics in the food they eat. Many
now shop for organic foods since they don’t have the pesticides used in conventionally
grown food. Meat from chicken and cows that are not given steroids or antibiotics are
gaining in popularity even though they are much more expensive. More and more, people are
eliminating pesticides, steroids, and antibiotics from their diets.

Eating healthier also is beneficial to the environment since there are less pesticides
poisoning the earth. Pesticides getting into the waterways is creating a problem with drinking
water. Historically, safe drinking water has been a problem. It is believed the Ancient
Egyptians drank beer since the water was not safe to drink. Brewing beer killed the harmful
organisms and bacteria in the water from the Nile.

There is a growing concern about eating genetically modified foods, and people are opting
for non-GMO diets. Some people say there are more allergic reactions and other health
problems resulting from these foods. Others are concerned because there are no long-term
studies which clearly show no adverse health effects such as cancers or other illnesses.
Avoiding GMO food is another way people are eating healthier food.

Online game is a unique way to meet other people. As millions of gamers demonstrate,
playing online is about friendship and cooperation, not just killing monsters. These games are
a viable social network because players focus on teamwork, form groups with like-minded
people and have romantic relationships with other players. Massively Multiplayer Online
Games (MMOGs) feature millions of players interacting in the same environment.
The games are social in nature as they allow players to band together and complete
missions based on a story line, or test their skills by fighting against each other. At the start
of the game, the user creates a fictional character, and customizes its physical appearance.
Since many games involve combat, players also outfit their characters with armor and
weapons, as well as choose their "profession." Many popular game titles like World of
Warcraft and Everquest follow a fantasy theme, so most professions have magical abilities
like healing other players or raising undead minions. While the process seems simple, players
may spend hours agonizing over the perfect look for their character, from their armor color to
the type of skills to use in battle. Once their character is created, the player is free to explore
the vast, digital world and interact with other players. However, they must pay on average
$15 a month for game content. MMOG users are mostly male - usually between the ages of
18-34 - although titles like World of Warcraft have a healthy population of female players as
well. With millions of players, there are plenty of people to adventure with.

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