Astrological Combinations For A Career As An IAS O+

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Astrological Combinations for a Career As An IAS Officer

Astrological Combinations for an IAS Officer

Which combinations in your horoscope can make you an IAS officer? We discuss here the yogas for becoming
an IAS professional.

Serving as an IAS Indian Administrative Services) Officer has its prestige and perks. It is a job which offers great
honor wrapped in the juicy layers of lofty positions of power and status to the person. But all the perks that one
gets with this post are worth the effort one puts in to get through it. No job or profile can even think of coming
close to the rank of an IAS officer, not even IITs and IIMs of the country. As rightly said that ‘with power comes
great responsibility’; IAS Officer’s profile is one that is laced with extreme powers that is bound by the
responsibility that is only to be used to work for welfare the people of the nation.

In order to know whether or not one is destined for making into the niche league of IAS Officers. Astrology also
comes into a huge consideration to know whether or not an individual will be able to crack the IAS Officer code.

As per the Vedic astrology, Sun and Mars play a vital role in the success and stability in the career of an IAS
Office or Civil Services profiles. Just in case that the placement of both Sun and Mars is not good then the
chances of failure for the person increases. For instance, let’s say that Sun or Mars are moving in the retrograde
motion or are debilitated in the native’s chart or has bad conjunction with Rahu or Ketu then the native may
have face delays and disappointment in their career.
Along with the planets Sun and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are also strong contributors for the successful career
as an IAS. Therefore, Saturn and Jupiter should be placed well in the birth chart so as to have a successful
career in Civil Services.

Here, in this article, we will discuss the Career in Finance according to the ascendant. In the event that you
have any confusion or are oblivious of your ‘Ascendant’ then don’t worry. Just click here and right away get to
know your ascendant and then go ahead and get to know if Finance is your Ultimate Goal

There are certain Ascendants (Zodiac Sign) that indicate a strong and stable career in the financial field that is
to say:


Yogas For Aries Ascendant IAS Officer

Mars is the ascendant Lord of the Aries. In the event that the Sun and Mars are either placed or have
conjunctions in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), or the Fourth House (House of
Property Matters) or the Fifth House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), or the Ninth House (House
of Fortune) or Tenth House (House of Career) then it will make the Native get into the role of a leader and make
them stand apart from the rest of the crowd.
Yogas For Cancer IAS Officer

The lord of the Cancer Ascendant is Moon. On the off chance that Sun and Mars is either placed in the First
House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character) or the Second House (House of Wealth) or the Fourth
House (House of Property Matters) or the Ninth House (House of Fortune) or Tenth House (House of Career) or
has conjunctions in the above-mentioned Houses then the native develops the willingness to serve the masses
as well the higher kinship.

Yogas For Leo IAS Officer

The Lord of the Leo Ascendant is Sun. presuming that the Sun and Mars are either placed in the First House
(House of Ascendant, Personality or Character) or the Fourth House (House of Property Matters) or the Fifth
House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), or the Ninth House (House of Fortune) or Tenth House
(House of Career) or they have a conjunction in the respective houses then the native will have the feeling of
providing great service to the society thus gaining success and satisfaction in his or her profile of an IAS officer.

Yogas For Libra IAS Officer

The lord of the Libra ascendant is planet Venus. On the understanding that the planets Sun and Mars either has
a placement or conjunction in the Second House (House of Wealth), or the Tenth House (House of Career) or the
Eleventh House (House of Income) then it is assured that then native will stand apart from the crowd of other
IAS Officers.

Yogas For Scorpio IAS Officer

Mars is the Lord of Scorpio Ascendant. Provided that Sun and Mars are either placed in the First House (House
of Ascendant, Personality or Character) or the Second House (House of Wealth), or the House (House of Fortune)
or Tenth House (House of Career) or they have a conjunction in the respective houses then the native will
remain humble to his profile and will have an urge to serve the administration and be able to be of help to the
greater mass while in the job profile of an IAS Officer.

Sun, the ‘King Of All Planets’ and the ‘Father of All Stars’, stands for government, authority, political power,
personal magnetism, self-confidence, and self-respect. It helps the native to achieve administrative success in
the career of an IAS Officer. With the strong influence of the Sun, the native will experience high government
honors and reputation during his or her tenure as an IAS Officer.

Mars is known as the ‘King of Warfare’, always stands in support of the ‘King of All Stars’ and hence further
strengthens a good and strong career for those natives who get into the job profile of the prestigious IAS Officer.
It gives the required personality that is needed to be an IAS Officer. Qualities such as highly energetic, action-
oriented, adventurous, impulsive, enthusiastic, aggressive, and hot head are few of them to mention. Mars gives
the native the courage to face situations beyond imagination and come out with flying colors. It also makes the
native a natural leader who can easily handle the toughest and the roughest of the situation standing in front.

Saturn also plays an important role in determining the nature of the success the native will experience and
enjoy in the profile of an IAS Officer. Saturn helps the native to remain disciplined and blesses them with
excellent judgment skills. It bestows the native with qualities of discipline, patience organizational and
structural skills.

In order to know whether or not the native will be able to succeed as an IAS Officer, Jupiter also needs to be
actively involved. Jupiter is known to symbolize knowledge and ambition and with the influence of this planet,
the native will be able to possess the administrative skills that are the most important quality that one must
have as an IAS Officer. It also helps in growing the ranks of an IAS Officer.

Apart from the placement and conjunction of Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, there are other planetary
placements and conjunctions that are required to be brought into contemplation to know the accurate echelon
of inclination of the native towards the career as an IAS Officer. And in order to be able to do so, one needs to
get their horoscope or Kundali deeply analyzed by an expert astrologer.

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