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Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

Lab 11
Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling
Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

▪ Using Simulink to model a ceiling fan and its conditions of operation.
▪ Understanding the effects of varying supply conditions on the operation of a
ceiling fan.

▪ MATLAB (R2016A)

Ceiling fans lie among the most common appliances which utilize electric power in
our homes, offices, and industries. Each ceiling fan consists of either a single-phase
AC motor or a DC motor. We are going to focus on single-phase AC induction
motors in this lab as they are most employed in ceiling fans. The construction and
connection diagram of a ceiling fan using single-phase induction motor are shown
in figure 1. A single-phase motor is not self-starting meaning a fan with simple single-
phase motor will not start to run when you switch on the supply unless it is given a
push in either direction. This is because a single-phase supply generates a magnetic
field which alternates between two opposite directions in a single period of AC
supply. This results in net zero motion due to the inertia of the fan rotor. However,
when the blades of such a fan are given a prod in either direction (clockwise or
counterclockwise), the fan starts to rotate in that direction.

Figure 1: Construction and Connection Diagram of a Ceiling Fan

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

To make a ceiling fan self-starting, we need to modify the circuit of the simple single-
phase induction motor to give this ‘prod’ as soon as the supply is turned on. This is
done by partitioning the stator winding of the single-phase induction motor into two
separate windings namely main winding and auxiliary winding. The phase angle of
the auxiliary winding is made to vary by adjusting the resistance of this branch. This
creates a phase difference between the main and auxiliary branches which serves
as the ‘prod’ which immediately makes the fan start to rotate when it is switched
on and gain speed gradually.
The problem with this is that the fan gains speed in a sluggish manner. This is because
the torque generated in the fan (which determines how much and how quickly the
fan attains steady-state speed) depends on the angle between the phases of the
two branches. Since both branches have lagging natures, therefore, their phase
difference is not high enough to generate considerable torque to make the fan
gain speed quickly. This phase difference can be made larger if this phase
difference can be increased. This is done by installing a capacitor in series with
auxiliary winding. This capacitor is large enough to make the phase angle of this
branch leading (current leads the supply voltage) while the phase angle of the
main winding is lagging (current lags the supply voltage). This increase the overall
angle between the currents of the two branches thereby increasing the starting
torque due to which the fan gains speed quickly when it is started.
Since the capacitance is only required for quick speed response upon starting,
therefore, once the fan has attained 75% of its rated speed a mechanical
(centrifugal) switch disconnects the capacitance from the auxiliary branch. This
must be done as the capacitor is not designed to operate continuously. However,
there are some motors which have two capacitors i.e., one for starting and one for
running. The capacitor used for starting is taken out of the auxiliary branch once the
fan attains 75% of its rated speed while a capacitor designed for continuous
operation is then inserted in the auxiliary branch via switching action of the same
device which takes the starting capacitor out of circuit.

Pre-Lab Tasks
1. Explain the operation of a ceiling fan.
2. Explain the role of the starting capacitance in the operation of a ceiling fan.

In-Lab Tasks
Task-1 – Implementing a Ceiling Fan in Simulink
1. Open a new Simulink model file ‘untitled.slx’ and save this file by renaming it as
per your registration number and lab number e.g., ‘FA18BEE147_lab11.slx’.
Change the solver type from ‘Auto’ to ‘ode23tb’ by pressing ‘Ctrl + E’ on the
main Simulink window and changing the solver from related section of the
opened dialog box. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. The simulation time of
this model must also be set to ‘15’ seconds.
2. Add a ‘powergui’ block from the ‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox in the Simscape
library to your Simulink file by right-clicking on the ‘powergui’ block in the right-
side of library browser window and selecting the option of ‘
3. Add a ‘Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source’ block from ‘Electrical
Sources’ library in the ‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Rename

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

this block by double-clicking the block mask and typing ‘Three-Phase Supply’.
Right-click on the block and select ‘Flip Block Name’ from the ‘Rotate & Flip’
menu. Double-click the block and type ‘[400 0 50]’ in the ‘Positive-sequence: [
Amplitude(Vrms Ph-Ph) Phase(deg.) Freq. (Hz) ]’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then
‘ ’.
4. Add a ‘Ground’ from ‘Elements’ library in the ‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox to
your Simulink file and connect it with the ‘N’ point of the ‘Three-Phase Supply’
5. Add a ‘Current measurement’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the
‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and
click on ‘Show Block Name’ option in the ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name
of this block. Right-click on the block, go to ‘Flip Block’ option inside ‘Rotate &
Flip’ menu, and click on ‘Up-Down’ option. Connect the positive input of this
block to the ‘A’ terminal of the ‘Three-Phase Supply’ block.
6. Add the ‘Single Phase Asynchronous Machine’ block from ‘Machines’ library in
the ‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Rename this block as
‘Ceiling Fan’. Right-click on the block and select ‘Flip Block Name’ from the
‘Rotate & Flip’ menu. Double-click the block, go to ‘Parameters’ tab and type
‘[0.25*746 230 50]’ in the ‘Nominal power, voltage, and frequency [ Pn(VA),
Vn(Vrms), f(HZ) ]’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’. Connect the ‘M+’
input of this block to the ‘-’ output of the ‘Current measurement’ block added
in step 8 and ground the ‘M’ input of this block.
7. Add a ‘Constant’ block from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ library in the ‘Simulink’
toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and click on ‘Show Block
Name’ from ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name of this block. Double-click
the block and type ‘1’ in the ‘Constant value:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then
‘ ’. Connect this block to the ‘Tm’ input of the ‘Ceiling Fan’ block. This
simulates the load on the motor of the ceiling fan.
8. Add a ‘Voltage measurement’ block from ‘Measurements’ library in the
‘Fundamental Blocks’ toolbox to your Simulink file. Right-click on the block and
click on ‘Show Block Name’ option in the ‘Format’ menu once to hide the name
of this block. Connect the positive input of this block to the ‘M+’ terminal of the
‘Ceiling Fan’ block and ground the ‘-’ input of this block.
9. Add a ‘Bus Selector’ block from ‘Signal Routing’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox
to your Simulink file. Connect the input of this block to the ‘m’ output of the
‘Ceiling Fan’ block. Double-click the block and click on each of the signals in
the ‘Selected signals’ one by one and remove them by clicking the ‘ ’
button each time. Now, select ‘Electromagnetic torque Te (N*m)’ and ‘Rotor
speed (wm)’ one by one from ‘Mechanical’ menu in ‘Signals in the bus’ section
and clicking ‘ ’ button each time in that order. Click on ‘ ’ and then
‘ ’.
10. Add a ‘Gain’ block from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ library in the ‘Simulink’ toolbox
to your Simulink file. Rename this block as ‘rad/s to rpm’. Double-click the block
and type ‘9.5493’ in the ‘Gain:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then ‘ ’.
Connect this block to the 2nd output of the ‘Bus Selector’ block.
11. Add a ‘Scope’ from ‘Commonly Used Blocks’ in ‘Simulink’ library and rename
this block as ‘SimResults’. Double-click this block and click on ‘. ’ icon. Enter

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

‘4’ next to the ‘Number of input ports:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then click ‘
12. Double-click the scope, click on ‘Layout…’ in the ‘View’ menu and select a 1 x
4 layout. Right-click on the first plot grid and select ‘Configuration Properties…’.
Select ‘Active display:’ as ‘1’, type ‘Electromagnetic Torque’ in ‘Title:’ field and
Click on ‘ ’. Similarly, select ‘Active display:’ as ‘2’, type ‘Rotor Speed
(rpm)’ in ‘Title:’ field and Click on ‘ ’. Repeat the process for displays 3 and
4, type ‘Supply Voltage’ and ‘Supply Current’ in ‘Title:’ field respectively and
click ‘ ’ each time. Finally click ‘ ’ to exit the configuration panel.
13. Connect the first input of this scope to the first output of ‘Bus Selector’ block,
connect the second input of this scope to the second output of the ‘Bus
Selector’ block, connect the third input of this scope to the ‘v’ output of
‘Voltage measurement’ block added in step 11, and connect the final input of
this scope to the ‘i’ output of the ‘Current measurement’ block added in step 8.
14. The complete diagram of this system is shown in figure 1.1.

Figure1.1: Complete Diagram of the System Implemented in Lab Task-1

15. Save and execute the model and double-click on the ‘SimResults’ block to see
the simulation results on this scope. Note down the values of various parameters
Settling time (time required to attain steady-state speed): _____________
420 ms
Supply voltage (RMS): _________________
230.5 V
Steady-state supply current (RMS): ____________________
8.48 A
Maximum supply current (RMS): ____________________
50.91 A
Steady-state torque (RMS): ____________________
7.31 N.m
Maximum peak of torque: ___________________
43.8 N.m
Frequency of steady-state electromagnetic torque: ____________
100 Hz
Frequency of steady-state variations in rotor speed: ____________
100 Hz
Note: The frequency of supply voltage is 50 Hz. You can determine the
frequency of any other signal in this system by comparing the no. of cycles that
signal completes in the same time period as the supply voltage and then
comparing the no. of cycles of this signal with those of the supply voltage.
16. Double-click the ‘Ceiling Fan’ block and select ‘Capacitor-Start’ from the ‘Type
of machine’ menu. Click on ‘ ’ and then click ‘ ’.

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

17. Save and execute the model and note down the values mentioned below:
Settling time (time required to attain steady-state speed): _____________
200 ms
Supply voltage (RMS): _________________
230.5 V
Steady-state supply current (RMS): ____________________
7.07 A
Maximum supply current (RMS): ____________________
46.67 A
Steady-state torque (RMS): ____________________
7.18 N.m
Maximum peak of torque: ___________________
70 N.m
Frequency of steady-state electromagnetic torque: ____________
100 Hz
Frequency of steady-state variations in rotor speed: ____________
100 Hz
18. Double-click the ‘Ceiling Fan’ block and select ‘Capacitor-Start-Run’ from the
‘Type of machine’ menu. Click on ‘ ’ and then click ‘ ’.
19. Save and execute the model and note down the values mentioned below:
Settling time (time required to attain steady-state speed): _____________
143 ms
Supply voltage (RMS): _________________
230.5 V
Steady-state supply current (RMS): ____________________
5.56 A
Maximum supply current (RMS): ____________________
31.53 A
Steady-state torque (RMS): ____________________
6 N.m
Maximum peak of torque: ___________________
69 N.m
Frequency of steady-state electromagnetic torque: ____________
100 Hz
Frequency of steady-state variations in rotor speed: ____________
100 Hz

Task-2 – Studying the Effect of Variation in Supply Voltage

Magnitude on the Operation of Ceiling Fan
1. Double-click the ‘Three-Phase Supply’ block and select ‘Amplitude’ from ‘Time
variation of:’ menu. Check the box next to ‘Variation on phase A only’ by
clicking on it. Make sure ‘Table of time-amplitude pairs’ is selected from ‘Type of
variation:’ menu. Type ‘[1 0.95 1.05 0.75 0.3]’ in the ‘Amplitude values (pu):’ field
and type ‘[0 3 6 9 12]’ in the ‘Time values:’ field. Click on ‘ ’ and then click
‘ ’.
2. Double-click the ‘Ceiling Fan’ block and select ‘Split Phase’ in the ‘Type of
machine’ field.
3. Save and execute the model and complete table 2.1. Report your observations
about the operation of ceiling fan from these results in the ‘Critical
Analysis/Conclusion’ section of your post-lab report.
RMS Supply Voltage RMS Supply Current Rotor Speed Peak EM Torque
(pu) (A) (rpm) (N.m)
1 9.899 1500 44
0.95 7.07 1500 10
1.05 7.7 1500 11.5
0.75 5.57 1500 6.2
0.4 3.82 1310 2.19
Table 2.1: Data Collection to Study the Effect of Voltage Variations on Split-Phase Ceiling Fan Operation

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

4. Double-click the ‘Ceiling Fan’ block and select ‘Capacitor-Start’ in the ‘Type of
machine’ field.
5. Save and execute the model and complete table 2.2. Report your observations
about the operation of ceiling fan from these results in the ‘Critical
Analysis/Conclusion’ section of your post-lab report.
RMS Supply Voltage RMS Supply Current Rotor Speed Peak EM Torque
(pu) (A) (rpm) (N.m)
1 9.9 1500 69.4
0.95 6.99 1500 9.39
1.05 7.7 1500 15.4
0.75 5.59 1500 13.2
0.4 3.89 1308 2.14
Table 2.2: Data Collection to Study the Effect of Voltage Variations on Capacitor-Start Ceiling Fan Operation

Post-Lab Tasks
(Attach extra sheets for figures, tables, observations, and/or conclusions before the
last page of this manual if necessary)
1. Identify the relationship between frequency of supply and that of steady-state
electromagnetic torque from lab task-1.
2. What effect does the sinusoidally varying steady-state electromagnetic torque
has on the steady-state speed of the ceiling fan?
3. Compare the motor starting currents to the rated/steady-state currents for the
three types of ceiling fan motors from lab task-1.
4. Identify the percentage improvement in time response of the ceiling fan upon
starting when capacitor-start scheme is used in place of split-phase scheme in
lab task-1.

ANS) The frequency of state steady electromagnetic torque has doubled the frequency of supply.

ANS2) As when there is a change in torque sinusoidally, The steady speed of the fan also changes. This means that
speed is affected by change in torque.

ANS3) The steady state current is lower for the capacitor-start-run fan as compared to the other two given states. Also
the maximum current is smaller for capacitor-start-run as compared to the other two.

ANS4) As when capacitor-start is used, The value of capacitor-start shows that the time to reach to settling
speed is halved, so there 50% decrease in time requirement.

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

Lab11 – Understanding Electric Power Utilization in a Ceiling Fan Under Varying Conditions of Operation

Critical Analysis / Conclusion (To be filled in by the student)

In this lab, we learned about the utilization of electric power in a ceiling fan under various
operations. We observed three different operations involved in the utilization of electric power.
There are two tasks in this lab. Both of them are to be implemented on Simulink using Matlab.
The first task was to implement the model of the fan. In this model, a three-phase supply was
passed into the ceiling fan and then the different quantities were viewed in the form of plots. The
quantities include torque, speed, supply voltage, and supply current. The values were noted from
plots with the help of cursor measurements. Similarly, we repeat the same task with the different
operations of the ceiling fan. From values, we observed that the capacitor start run operation takes
the least time for settling of speed. Also, lesser steady torque was noted for this type of operation.
The second task was also stimulated by the same model. In this task, at different percent voltage
values, the given quantities values were noted in each table. This task was only done to
demonstrate the effect of changing voltage supply on each of the operations of the ceiling fan.
For both the operations, when the voltage supply is maximum, the values of the quantities are also
maximum instead of the supply current which varies with time.

Lab Assessment (To be filled by the lab-instructor)

Pre-Lab /1

In-Lab /5



Writing /4


Instructor Name Instructor Signature

EEE375 – Power Distribution and Utilization Laboratory Manual

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