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molecular oral


molecular oral microbiology


Advances in the microbial etiology and

pathogenesis of early childhood caries
E. Hajishengallis1, Y. Parsaei1, M.I. Klein2 and H. Koo1
1 School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2 Araraquara Dental School, Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Araraquara, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Correspondence: Evlambia Hajishengallis, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Penn Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA
19104, USA Tel.: + 1 215 573 2650; fax: 215-573-8358; E-mail: and Hyun Koo, Department of Orthodontics &
Divisions of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health, Penn Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Tel: + 1 215 898 8993; fax: 215-573-2324; E-mail:

Keywords: biofilm; Candida; dental caries; diet; matrix; microbiome; saliva; Streptococcus
Accepted 26 December 2015
DOI: 10.1111/omi.12152


Early childhood caries (ECC) is one of the most devastating and costly childhood health
prevalent infectious diseases affecting children condition.
worldwide. ECC is an aggressive form of dental
caries, which, left untreated, can result in rapid
and extensive cavitation in teeth (rampant caries)
that is painful and costly to treat. Furthermore, it
affects mostly children from impoverished back- Early childhood caries (ECC) is one of the most
grounds, and so constitutes a major challenge in prevalent biofilm-dependent infectious diseases in
public health. The disease is a prime example of childhood worldwide. It afflicts 23% of preschoolers
the consequences arising from complex, dynamic (< 6 years of age) in the USA, and can be observed
interactions between microorganisms, host, and in toddlers as young as 12 months (Dye et al.,
diet, leading to the establishment of highly patho- 2015). The disease most frequently targets children
genic (cariogenic) biofilms. To date, there are no from poor socioeconomic families (> 50%) and racial/
effective methods to identify those at risk of ethnic minority backgrounds (Dye et al., 2015). Left
developing ECC or to control the disease in untreated, ECC can result in rapid and extensive
affected children. Recent advances in deep- carious lesions and destruction of primary teeth
sequencing technologies, novel imaging methods, causing painful pulpal and complicated systemic
and (meta)proteomics–metabolomics approaches infections (Casamassimo et al., 2009). Even after
provide an unparalleled potential to reveal new removal or restoration of carious teeth, children
insights to illuminate our current understanding remain at high risk for future recurrences, despite
about the etiology and pathogenesis of the dis- pharmacologic interventions, such as topical fluoride/
ease. In this concise review, we provide a broader antimicrobial applications, or recommendations to
perspective about the etiology and pathogenesis alter caries-promoting feeding behaviors (O’Sullivan
of ECC based on previous and current knowledge & Tinanoff, 1996; Li & Tanner, 2015). Hence, ECC
on biofilm matrix, microbial diversity, and host– places enormous health and economic burdens most
microbe interactions, which could have direct often on those least able to bear them. There is a
implications for developing new approaches for clear need to enhance our understanding of the
improved risk assessment and prevention of this pathogenesis of this devastating disease, which

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
Advances in early childhood caries E. Hajishengallis et al.

could help develop valid ECC risk assessment tools substrate for the production of acid and exopolysac-
and lasting preventive therapies. charides by microorganisms, facilitating the initiation
The etiology of ECC is multifactorial and complex, and accumulation of cariogenic biofilms (Paes Leme
involving environmental, behavioral, socioeconomic, et al., 2006). The children who are afflicted with ECC
and biological factors (Fontana, 2015). In this review, often have a history of being allowed to indulge in
we focus on the infectious aspects of ECC, highlight- protracted ingestion of dietary sugars (Berkowitz
ing previous knowledge and recent advances in the et al., 1984; Palmer et al., 2010). This includes prac-
microbial etiology of this disease. OMICS-based tices such as placing sugary drinks (i.e. soft drinks
approaches, such as high-throughput (meta) geno- and honey) in a sippy-cup for ingestion throughout
mics, transcriptomics and proteomics as well as meta- the day, or in a nursing bottle that is left undisturbed
bolomics, have been providing important insights in in the infant’s mouth during the night, so promoting
deciphering the complex ecology and microbial inter- the rapid onset and progression of carious lesions.
actions within biofilms (Nyvad et al., 2013). However, Dental caries is not just cavitation in teeth; it is a
these powerful high-throughput analytical tools have pathologic process where accumulation of biofilms is
limitations (e.g. overestimation of microbial diversity) usually the first manifestation of the disease (Bowen,
and must be approached as a complement to the large 2015). Although an acidic pH is undeniably the imme-
amount of knowledge obtained from previous ‘classi- diate cause of tooth enamel dissolution, the environ-
cal’ studies (Do et al., 2013). At the same time, such ment within which acid is produced and maintained at
technologies can be integrated with in vivo models and the tooth surface, i.e. the biofilm matrix, is as critical,
longitudinal clinical studies to further enhance our particularly when there is sufficient buffering saliva
understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, capable of neutralizing acids in the mouth.
which may lead to effective ways to assess ECC sus-
ceptibility in children and target intensive preventive
ECC and the biofilm matrix
measures on those who need them the most.
The matrix is the extracellular milieu that holds the
microbial cells together within biofilms, provides bulk,
and keeps them firmly attached to the tooth surface.
Importantly, it also affects diffusion into and out of the
Dental caries is a dynamic pathological process that is plaque affecting bacterial metabolism and promoting
primarily dependent on the development of virulent bio- acidification at the biofilm–tooth interface (as
films (known as plaque) as a result of complex interac- reviewed by Bowen & Koo, 2011). The exopolysac-
tions that occur on tooth surfaces between oral microbes charides (EPS) are the prime biofilm building blocks,
(and their products), host salivary constituents, and diet- which form the core of the matrix. The EPS are com-
ary carbohydrates (Paes Leme et al., 2006; Takahashi prised primarily of soluble and insoluble glucans and
& Nyvad, 2011). ECC is an aggressive form of dental to a lesser extent fructans, but the structure and com-
caries that is characterized by a heavy mutans strepto- position vary depending on the interval since the last
cocci (MS) infection, which at times exceeds 30% of the intake of dietary sugars (Bowen & Koo, 2011). EPS
cultivable plaque-biofilm flora (as reviewed by Parisotto are chiefly produced by bacterial exoenzymes [e.g.
et al., 2010). In general, two species of MS are found in glucosyltransferases (Gtfs)] at the biofilm–tooth inter-
human lesions, Streptococcus mutans (serotypes c, e, f, face using dietary sucrose and starch as reviewed
and k) and less frequently Streptococcus sobrinus (sero- previously (Paes Leme et al., 2006; Bowen & Koo,
types d and g) (Mattos-Graner et al., 2014). However, 2011). MS, particularly S. mutans, appear to be the
MS level in plaque varies depending on the stage of car- main organisms associated with the production of the
ies development, and diet, and other microorganisms insoluble EPS matrix, although other streptococci and
may also be associated with the disease (Tanner et al., Lactobacillus reuteri can synthesize exopolysaccha-
2011; Gross et al., 2012). rides (as reviewed by Klein et al., 2013). Whether
Dietary sugars are one of the most critical media- other species detected in ECC biofilm can contribute
tors in the pathogenesis of ECC. Among them, to the assembly of the insoluble EPS matrix remains
sucrose is the most cariogenic because it serves as to be thoroughly investigated.

2 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
E. Hajishengallis et al. Advances in early childhood caries

Streptococcus mutans-released Gtfs become con- derived constituents, including proteins, lipoteichoic
stituents of the pellicle and remain active despite acid, and eDNA, have also been identified in the
major conformational changes (Fears et al., 2015), matrix, which could contribute to its structural organi-
producing large amounts of glucans in situ upon zation and diffusion properties (as reviewed by Klein
sucrose exposure (Bowen & Koo, 2011). The glucans et al., 2015).
formed on the pellicle provide new microbial binding The metabolic activity of S. mutans and other aci-
sites that promote local colonization of S. mutans and dogenic organisms in the EPS-rich matrix facilitate
other microorganisms (Bowen & Koo, 2011). Gtfs also the creation of acidic microenvironments within the
bind to the surface of other bacteria converting them biofilm. The low-pH niches promote EPS glucan pro-
into glucan producers. Hence, the EPS formed in situ duction (e.g. enhancing expression of gtf genes),
enhances local accumulation of microbes on teeth ensuring continuous biofilm accretion. Different glu-
while embedding them in a diffusion-limiting matrix. cans present in the matrix of plaque offer binding
These observations could explain microscope images sites for additional organisms while the aciduric and
of plaque collected from children with active caries, acidogenic microbiota prosper within the acidic milieu,
which reveal bacteria enmeshed in EPS (Fig. 1). The greatly modifying the biofilm microbial complexity
increased formation of biofilm biomass or ‘visible pla- (Lemos & Burne, 2008; Bowen & Koo, 2011). The
que’ often on the smooth surfaces in children at risk acidic microenvironment may benefit not only aciduric
of ECC (Karjalainen et al., 2001) highlights the impor- species but also those that use lactate as a carbon
tance of EPS in the pathological process (Parisotto source (e.g. Veillonella spp.), whereas other species
et al., 2015). However, other salivary and bacterially that are acid sensitive or that cannot metabolize the
acids present in their surroundings may perish. As
the environmental acidic stress increases, the micro-
bial diversity is further reduced in favor of a highly
acid-tolerant and acidogenic microbiota (Takahashi &
Nyvad, 2011).
The creation of localized microenvironments, delin-
eated by a diffusion-limiting matrix, has profound
effects on the architecture, metabolism, and expres-
sion of virulence of biofilm as a whole (Xiao et al.,
2012). Although the immediate cause of enamel dis-
solution is certainly acid production, the presence of
the ‘sheltering’ effect of the biofilm matrix would mini-
mize the ability of acids to demineralize in the pres-
ence of saliva. Further in vivo studies should
elucidate the dynamic structural changes of the pla-
que matrix and how it modulates development of the
acidic milieu.

ECC and microbiome: the role of MS and

acidogenic–aciduric microbiota

Results from animal studies, systematic reviews, and

microbiome-based approaches revealed a clear role
of MS in the etiology and pathogenesis of dental car-
ies, and their association with ECC (Tanzer, 1995;
Figure 1 Microscopic image of plaque from caries-active children.
Becker et al., 2002; Kanasi et al., 2010; Parisotto
Selected area shows bacteria highlighted in orange and exopolysac-
charides highlighted in dark blue. The image was pseudo-colored et al., 2010; Tanner et al., 2011; Gross et al., 2012).
using ADOBE PHOTOSHOP software for visualization purposes (pho- MS possess an extraordinary ability to infect and col-
tograph courtesy of Dr. William Bowen). onize teeth, and promote the development of cario-

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3
Advances in early childhood caries E. Hajishengallis et al.

genic biofilms in the presence of sucrose (Paes Leme stresses efficiently, and some of its strains are cap-
et al., 2006). Infants acquire MS through vertical able of genetic transformation and bacteriocin produc-
transmission from the oral cavity of their primary care tion; all of these properties contribute to its ability to
givers, but also through horizontal transmission, from compete with other oral bacteria (such as the H2O2
other individuals in their immediate environment (Cau- producers, e.g. Streptococcus gordonii and Strepto-
field et al., 2005; Lapirattanakul & Nakano, 2014). coccus sanguinis) and initiate cariogenic biofilm
Interestingly, early acquisition and colonization of MS development (Kreth et al., 2008; Lemos & Burne,
(i.e. before 3 years of age) resulted in higher levels of 2008; Merritt & Qi, 2012). However, the high genetic
oral MS and decayed–missing–filed index at the age and phenotypic diversity of S. mutans can impact
of 19 years (Kohler & Andreen, 2012), indicating the these virulence factors, which may influence its cario-
importance of controlling infection by these bacteria genic activity in the setting of ECC (Mattos-Graner
in the oral cavity of young children. et al., 2014).
Successful establishment of MS infection depends Within the highly acidic dental plaque of children with
on several factors as recently reviewed (Mattos- ECC, besides MS, other acidogenic and acid-
Graner et al., 2014), which include MS carriage in tolerant bacteria are detected. Such bacteria include
caregivers, the virulence traits of MS strains, a com- non-mutans streptococci, actinomyces, lactobacilli,
petitive microbiota, the diet, genetic constitution, bifidobacterieae, and Scardovia species, which could
behavior, and immunity of the host. Although there is contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease by
some evidence for innate immunity influences on enhancing acidification of the biofilm milieu (Becker
ECC development, the role of adaptive immunity et al., 2002; Tanner et al., 2011; Gross et al., 2012;
remains unclear. Most children become orally Jiang et al., 2014; Simo n-Soro & Mira, 2015). Interest-
immunocompetent soon after birth and the levels of ingly, relatively few of these bacteria can produce insol-
their serum and saliva antibodies against S. mutans uble glucans and thereby may not contribute to the
increase with age. Salivary antibodies (immunoglobu- assembly of the cariogenic biofilm matrix. A recent
lin A, immunoglobulin G) could influence colonization review (Klein et al., 2013), including searches at the
of MS either directly or through their interaction with Human Oral Microbiome Database, points out that the
other enzymes or complement activation and majority of species associated with insoluble glucan
opsonization (Nogueira et al., 2005). However, levels synthesis are MS. Hence, it appears that in the etiology
of anti-MS immunoglobulins have not been shown to of dental caries the major role of S. mutans is to pro-
be consistently associated with caries experience. In vide the matrix of biofilms, thereby protecting the acid
addition to the immune responses, it was shown that milieus within which acidogenic and aciduric organisms
the oral microbiota differs between breastfed and for- thrive. It has been noted in other biofilms that the
mula-fed infants, with a potentially more health-asso- organism that initiates formation is frequently found in
ciated oral flora in breast-fed infants (Holgerson low numbers or may be even absent in mature biofilms
et al., 2013). Moreover, the acquisition and matura- (Flemming & Wingender, 2010), which could explain
tion of the oral microbiota can be affected by the the variable levels of S. mutans in the plaque (Gross
competitive and antagonistic interactions between et al., 2012). Streptococcus mutans may well be a bio-
microorganisms, which can modulate the profiles of film initiator (and also a potent acid producer) that
dental biofilm communities in the oral cavity of infants paves the way for other cariogenic bacteria to become
(Caufield et al., 2005; Cephas et al., 2011). Neverthe- dominant, possibly at the expense of S. mutans itself,
less, once transmitted and colonized, MS can effec- as the biofilm matures.
tively orchestrate the development of cariogenic
biofilms, even if it exists in low numbers, when fre-
The role of other bacteria
quent exposure of dietary sugars occurs.
Streptococcus mutans effectively uses dietary In contrast to ECC-linked acidogens, other bacterial
sucrose (and possibly starch) to rapidly synthesize species found in plaque-biofilms may counter the
EPS (especially insoluble glucans) and produce deleterious effects of acidification by producing alkali
organic acids (Bowen & Koo, 2011). Streptococcus that can neutralize the acids and therefore influence
mutans adapts to acidic pH and other environmental caries susceptibility in children. Such organisms are

4 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
E. Hajishengallis et al. Advances in early childhood caries

capable of ammonia production, using salivary sub- Candida and ECC

strates such as arginine (S. gordonii and S. san-
Intriguingly, results from several clinical studies reveal
guinis) via the arginine deiminase system (ADS) and
that, in addition to MS infection, the fungus Candida
urea (Streptococcus salivarius and Actinomyces
albicans is frequently detected in high numbers in pla-
naeslundii) by urease enzymes (Liu et al., 2012;
que-biofilms from toddlers with ECC (de Carvalho
Nascimento et al., 2013). Presumably, the alkali-pro-
et al., 2006; Raja et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2012).
ducing bacteria protect against plaque acidification
Other Candida species (e.g. Candida tropicalis, Can-
and further growth/dominance of cariogenic bacteria
dida krusei, and Candida glabrata) are also detected,
that thrive in acidic conditions, while helping to pre-
but not as frequently or as numerous as C. albicans
vent the damaging effects of demineralization. Inter-
(de Carvalho et al., 2006). In contrast, C. albicans is
estingly, ADS and urease expression/activity is
either absent or detected sporadically in the plaque-
enhanced in response to increased arginine or urea
biofilms from healthy, ECC-free children (de Carvalho
levels, lowered pH values, and even interspecies
et al., 2006; Raja et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2012).
interactions (such as between S. gordonii and
Bacterial–fungal interactions commonly occur in
A. naeslundii) (Jakubovics et al., 2008; Liu et al.,
humans, frequently influencing the transition from a
2012). These mechanisms can provide alkali-produ-
healthy to a diseased state within a specific host niche
cing bacteria with a competitive advantage when bio-
(Peleg et al., 2010). In the mouth, C. albicans, a major
film environments become acidic, potentially resulting
component of the oral fungal microbiome, is known to
in lowered caries risk. In this regard, enhanced argi-
form mixed microbial communities on mucosal and
nine metabolism associated with use of arginine-con-
prosthetic surfaces (Diaz et al., 2012). However, previ-
taining toothpaste may exert a caries-inhibiting effect
ous in vitro observations (Pereira-Cenci et al., 2008;
clinically (Nascimento et al., 2014). Interestingly, the
Gregoire et al., 2011; Metwalli et al., 2013; Sztajer
species that have an ADS and urease system are
et al., 2014) and recent in vivo data (Falsetta et al.,
also acidogenic and aciduric. Whether the use of argi-
2014) show that C. albicans interactions with S. mu-
nine and urea is only to neutralize the acidic environ-
tans also occur on tooth surfaces in the presence of
ment in biofilms or whether these systems are
sucrose. Specifically, C. albicans and S. mutans
activated to out-compete other aciduric species and
develop a symbiotic interaction mediated in part through
affect biofilm matrix assembly remains to be eluci-
the influence of Gtf exoenzymes, particularly GtfB. GtfB
binds with exceptional avidity to the surface of C. albi-
Some of the bacteria found in the ECC plaque
cans cells, even when they are in hyphal form (Hwang
do not fit the classical profile of cariogenic organ-
et al., 2015), producing large amounts of glucans on the
isms being acid tolerant but not acidogenic or even
Candida surface when sucrose is available (Gregoire
acid sensitive (Simo n-Soro & Mira, 2015). Whether
et al., 2011; Falsetta et al., 2014). Furthermore, the
they are just bystanders or play an active role in
presence of C. albicans within mixed-species biofilms
cariogenesis needs to be explored. For example,
induces S. mutans gtfs expression (Falsetta et al.,
weak or non-acidogenic but proteolytic Gram-nega-
2014). This unique interaction boosts the ability of both
tive bacteria such as Prevotella species have been
organisms to colonize teeth, dramatically increases the
detected in the dental plaque of children with sev-
amount of EPS in the biofilm matrix, and synergistically
ere ECC and associated with caries progression
enhances virulence leading to aggressive onset of
into the dentin for which proteolysis of proteins
rampant dental caries (similar to lesions in ECC) in an
denatured by acidic environment is necessary
animal model of the disease (Falsetta et al., 2014).
(Chalmers et al., 2015). Similarly, Veillonella species
Further investigation into the mechanisms by which
are frequently detected in severe form of ECC
EPS-matrix is enhanced and other metabolic pathways
lesions and believed to be involved in rapid exten-
that are influenced when these species are together
sion of lesions deep into the dentine. Although they
may offer additional insights into the disease process.
are not acidogenic, Veillonella use lactate produced
It is readily apparent that the virulence of biofilm in
by several acidogenic species as a carbon source,
ECC is enhanced as a consequence of overexposure
which may support the growth or survival of these
to sugars and complex interspecies as well as cross-
bacteria (Liu et al., 2011).

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 5
Advances in early childhood caries E. Hajishengallis et al.

kingdom interactions, leading to the development of also binds to bacterial surfaces (or can be used by
an EPS-rich matrix and highly acidic milieu. These them), thereby influencing cariogenic biofilm formation
observations may help to explain why the current (Oppenheim et al., 2007; Nobbs et al., 2011). For
standard for risk assessment based on single species example, acidic PRPs bind strongly to teeth (as part
identification or counting (e.g. S. mutans levels in sal- of the pellicle), which in turn influences the adherence
iva) has not been found to be an accurate method for of bacteria to tooth surfaces. On the other hand,
identifying children at risk for caries. How these ECC- basic PRPs bind to oral streptococci, and their argi-
associated microbes interact with each other and nine and lysine residues can be used by alkali-produ-
contribute to the biofilm matrix and how they modu- cing bacteria (e.g. S. gordonii) via ADS to produce
late the development of a cariogenic milieu should be ammonia, which neutralizes biofilm acids. The
investigated in-depth. The use of in vivo models of absence of some of the basic PRP allelic phenotypes
the disease taking full advantage of the current have been associated with ECC (Levine, 2011),
OMICS-based and imaging approaches (e.g. biopho- although there are contradictory results regarding the
tonics; Merritt et al., 2015) would increase our under- role of PRPs in caries prevalence (Guo & Shi, 2013).
standing of their role in pathogenesis, and lead to Similarly, the host salivary protein CSP-1 binds to
new ways to prevent the disease. S. mutans cells and may influence the initial coloniza-
tion of this pathogenic bacterium onto the tooth sur-
face, by promoting its adhesion to the pellicle and to
glucans (Ambatipudi et al., 2010). Besides proteins,
antibacterial arginine-rich peptides such as the sali-
Microorganisms are not by themselves in the mouth vary defensins HNP1-3 (a-defensin 3) and HBD-3 (b-
but are constantly interacting with salivary host and defensin 3) in oral tissue and gingival crevicular fluid
microbial biomolecules, ranging from high-molecular- appear to lower ECC susceptibility in children. Pre-
weight proteins to small peptides and even single sumably, cleavage of these peptides results in free
amino acids (Oppenheim et al., 2007). Many sali- arginine in saliva followed by increased production of
vary proteins, such as acidic and basic proline-rich NH4+, which increases the plaque pH and so con-
glycoproteins (PRPs), mucins, immunoglobulins, tributes to reduction in caries susceptibility (Ribeiro
agglutinins, lactoferrin, cystatins, and lysozyme, are et al., 2013).
thought to be important modulators of oral health but Likewise, elevated levels of bacterial products
their exact role and significance in caries develop- (such as GtfB from S. mutans) present in saliva
ment or in ECC have not been easy to demonstrate (Vacca-Smith et al., 2007) or reduced activity of bac-
(Guo & Shi, 2013; Martins et al., 2013). This is due in terial arginine deiminase in plaque have been linked
part to the multifactorial etiology of ECC, but also to to enhanced caries activity in children (Nascimento
the individual variability in the concentration and com- et al., 2013). Along with these findings, insoluble EPS
position of salivary proteome, the maturation phase of analysis (mainly produced by S. mutans Gtfs) com-
the child’s immune system, the timing of sample col- bined with diet (solid sugar/sucrose) and cariogenic
lection, and the type of saliva (Martins et al., 2013). It bacteria could be used to predict caries development
is also possible that the difficulties of correlation may in ECC (Parisotto et al., 2015). Recently, (meta)pro-
be related to redundant functions and synergism of teomic data from biofilms revealed potential biomark-
individual salivary components, as well as functional ers for healthy status or caries disease, including six
changes promoted by intermolecular interactions. bacterially derived (e.g. glucose phosphotransferase
Moreover, saliva may not reflect the bacterial compo- system) and four host-derived (e.g. protein S100-A9)
sition or metabolic activity found in plaque of the proteins (Belda-Ferre et al., 2015) as well as unusual
diseased sites (Simo n-Soro & Mira, 2015). Neverthe- microbial peptides (Si et al., 2015). However, further
less, there are differences in the saliva metapro- research is required to demonstrate whether these
teomic profile between ECC and caries-free children biomolecules can indeed be used as biomarkers of
(Hart et al., 2011). dental caries, particularly to predict ECC risk.
Salivary constituents form a pellicle on teeth that It is possible that many yet to be discovered com-
directly mediates selective bacterial adhesion and pounds in saliva or plaque may play a role in either

6 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
E. Hajishengallis et al. Advances in early childhood caries

protecting from or increasing the susceptibility of a This platform can be adapted for multi-microbe
child to develop ECC. Further exploration of oral detection, which would allow simultaneous analysis
microbiome metabolism and host–microbe interac- of salivary and microbial biomarkers associated with
tions using (meta)transcriptomics/proteomics and the disease. Such a comprehensive approach is in
metabolomics together with biofilm matrix analysis line with the complex and multifactorial biology of
could identify additional biomolecules associated with ECC and can provide robust scientific data to evalu-
ECC (Bowen & Koo, 2011; Nyvad et al., 2013). Tak- ate and validate biomarkers for ECC risk in longitu-
ing into consideration the dynamic nature of the dis- dinal clinical studies, which ultimately can improve
ease, in vivo caries models combined with the current screening tools for ECC-risk assessment.
longitudinal clinical studies would be required to vali- Given that ECC affects very young children, such
date ‘putative’ markers and establish a causal rela- diagnostic tools could be implemented in pediatric
tionship between the discovered biomolecules and offices (Khanna & Walt, 2015) where child visits
ECC. during the first years of life occur more frequently
than dental visits. Early monitoring for ECC risk
could guide educational programs for the caregivers
New detection technologies
and early dental referrals for targeted preventive
While enhanced knowledge in the pathogenesis of therapies.
ECC has revealed the complex relationship between
the host and caries-associated microbes, recent
technological advancements have enhanced our abil- CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES
ity to detect and analyze them. High-throughput
methodologies are capable of characterizing both 1 Cavitation or carious lesions is a late manifesta-
the biomolecules and microbes in saliva or plaque tion of ECC, a highly dynamic pathological pro-
samples that may lead to the development of new cess involving complex host–diet–microbe
tools that can help to predict ECC risk. In this interactions that initiates with the formation of a
regard, the advent of nanotechnology, such as ultra- virulent biofilm on teeth.
sensitive nanomaterials or nanostructured sensors, 2 The biofilm matrix plays a key role in the
combined with microfluidics devices has revolution- pathogenesis of dental caries, particularly when
ized biomarker analysis and molecular diagnostics. conditions (e.g. sugar-loaded dietary behavior)
These technologies are capable of rapid, portable, are conducive to the development of ECC. The
accurate, and inexpensive detection of biomarkers. matrix provides an essential physical scaffold
For example, nanomaterial-enhanced surface plas- that facilitates microbial accumulation and
mon resonance or nanoplasmonic sensors (based adherence to teeth while providing a diffusion-
on optical spectroscopy) are able to detect mole- limiting milieu that helps to create low pH
cules at femtomole (or even lower) concentrations microenvironments at the biofilm–tooth surface
(Ninno et al., 2015). The multiplexing capacity of interface.
microfluidics offers the potential for improving sensi- 3 MS, particularly S. mutans, are major organisms
tivity and specificity by combining several markers involved in the etiology and pathogenesis of
for analysis into a single device. Low sample and ECC. However, the precise role of MS in the
reagent requirements, fast analytical times, and low etiopathogenesis needs re-evaluation using
cost production make these technologies well-suited mixed-species biofilm models that mimic cario-
for ECC-biomarker analysis and development of genic challenges found in ECC.
a single, point-of-care platform to identify children 4 Besides MS, other microbes (including C. albi-
at-risk for ECC. cans) have been clearly detected in the com-
Nie et al. (2014) have already developed an auto- plex plaque-biofilm microbiome of ECC, but
mated, portable microfluidics-based platform for additional in-depth studies using in vivo models
rapid multiplexed protein profiling (within 70 min) of dental caries are needed to elucidate their
using as little as 10 ll of human saliva for in-office specific role in the initiation and progression of
diagnostics of respiratory diseases such as asthma. dental caries.

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Advances in early childhood caries E. Hajishengallis et al.

5 Host-derived and bacterially derived molecules In summary, the enhanced knowledge about the
that either protect from or increase the suscep- pathogenesis of ECC and technological advance-
tibility of a child to dental caries are being ments point to exciting new research directions. Micro-
identified. However, further validation through biome and salivary biomolecule analyses could be
carefully designed longitudinal clinical studies combined with behavioral risk assessments to improve
that take into consideration the dynamic nature the accuracy of the existing ECC-risk screening meth-
of the disease is required. Identification of bio- ods, and provide greater predictability of ECC devel-
molecules associated with ECC that can be opment. This combined approach may help us to
detected before the onset of cavitation would accurately identify children who have not manifested
have higher predictive value to assess disease the clinical signs of cavitation but who have the behav-
activity. ioral traits and the microbial and salivary biomarkers at
6 Although ECC is a highly complex disease (as at levels that put them at high-risk to develop ECC.
summarized above and depicted in Fig. 2), This personalized approach once validated could lead
emerging (nano)technologies make identification to implementation of targeted early intervention and
of biomarkers and development of biology-based enhanced preventive care for the susceptible children,
analytical tools or devices for caries risk assess- so reducing the economic burdens and painful conse-
ment feasible in the near future. quences of the progressed stages of the disease.

Figure 2 The complex and dynamic host–microbe–diet interactions in the etiology and pathogenesis of early childhood caries. ECC, early
childhood caries; EPS, exopolysaccharides.

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E. Hajishengallis et al. Advances in early childhood caries

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