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Everyone Tries to Get Their Own Way cont.

B. Questions

1. What does April tell Joanna?

R/. If you bring a cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow, I'll trade it with you.

April tells Joanna: “If you bring a cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow, I will
swap lunches with you”

2. What does April seem to want for lunch tomorrow?

R/. April wants to have a cheese sandwich for lunch

April seems to want a cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

3. If April brings an egg salad sandwich for lunch, will Joanna trade lunches
with her? Why or why not?

R/. No, Joanna won't change it because she wants a tuna sandwich.

No, she won’t. Because what April wants is to eat a cheese sandwich.

4. If five students in the class don’t do heir homework tonight, do you think
the teacher will let the class go ten minutes early? Why or why not?

R/. No, because the condition is that the whole class does their homework

No, he won’t. Because he said that if all of the students do the homework, they
ALL can leave ten minutes early tomorrow.

5. Under what circumstances will Jerry give Joanna five dollars?

R/. If Joanna does her homework.

Jerry will give Joanna five dollars if she does his homework.

6. Will Joanna do his homework for five dollars? If not, how much will she do
it for?

R/. Joanna will do homework for $ 10

No, she won’t. She will do Jerry’s homework for ten dollars.

7. What warning does the bus driver give the children?

R/. If they keep making noise, it will stop the bus and make them walk home.
If kids keep making all that noise, I am going to stop the bus and make you all
walk home.

8. How does Joanna’s mom entice her to walk the dog?

R/. Tells you that if you don't take the dog out, you won't get the allowance that

If she doesn’t take the dog for a walk, she won’t get her allowance this week.

9. According to Joanna, if she ever becomes a mom, what will she not do?

R/. Won't tell children what to do.

If Joanna ever becomes a mom, she won’t tell her kids what to do.

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