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Section I / General


A middle-aged woman complains of headache of several
months’ duration; over time she exhibits mental slowing, pap-
illedema with non-specific abducens palsies, spasticity with
pyramidal tract signs and limb ataxia. She has a history of
presumed viral meningoencephalitis years before but has oth-
erwise been well.
Imaging demonstrates symmetric enlargement of the lateral
and third ventricles (Fig. 5.9). The aqueduct is not visualized,
and the fourth ventricle and cisterna magna are normal. A
diagnosis of aqueductal stenosis is made, and ventricular
shunting results in remarkable clinical improvement.
Discussion: Aqueductal stenosis may be congenital or
acquired later in life, presumably as a result of viral or bacterial
infection with ependymitis and subsequent occlusion of the
aqueduct. It is often asymptomatic until adulthood, ultimately
presenting with a non-specific syndrome of hydrocephalus
involving primarily the anterior ventricular system, as visual-
ized in this case with appropriate neuroimaging.
Differential diagnoses include hydrocephalus secondary to
choroid plexus papilloma with overproduction of CSF, pine-
aloma, invasive tumour of the brain stem or cerebellum,
intraventricular tumour such as ependymoma of the fourth
ventricle, chronic basilar meningitis obliterating the foramina
of Luschka and Magendie, Arnold–Chiari malformation and
Dandy–Walker syndrome with enlargement of the fourth Fig. 5.9  MRI of aqueductal stenosis (dashed arrow) with marked ventricular
ventricle. The syndrome of so-called normal-pressure hydro- enlargement. There is an incidental empty sella turcica as well (solid arrow).
cephalus is evidenced classically by progressive memory
deficits and dementia; ataxia; pyramidal tract signs, especially secondary to prior trauma, meningitis, or subarachnoid haem-
in the legs; and urinary tract dysfunction. CSF pressure is orrhage, and neuroimaging is diagnostic in the majority of
normal, and there is no papilledema. This disorder is most cases, many of which respond dramatically to ventricular
likely due to obliteration of the cerebral subarachnoid space shunting.

fourth ventricle develops as a thin sheet in which the pia mater is in direct Small tufts of plexus pass through the lateral apertures (foramina of Luschka)
contact with the ependymal lining of the ventricle. This thin sheet forms and emerge, still covered by ependyma, in the subarachnoid space of the
the tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle, lying between the cerebellum cerebellopontine angle.
and the inferior part of the roof of the ventricle. The choroid plexus of The blood supply of the choroid plexus in the tela choroidea of the lateral
the fourth ventricle is T-shaped, having vertical and horizontal limbs, but and third ventricles is usually via a single vessel from the anterior choroidal
this form varies widely. The vertical (longitudinal) limb is double, flanks the branch of the internal carotid artery and several choroidal branches of the
midline and is adherent to the roof of the ventricle. The limbs fuse at the posterior cerebral artery. The two sets of vessels anastomose to some extent.
superior margin of the median aperture (foramen of Magendie) and are Capillaries drain into a rich venous plexus served by a single choroidal vein.
often prolonged on the ventral aspect of the cerebellar vermis. The hori- The blood supply of the fourth ventricular choroid plexus is from the inferior
zontal limbs of the plexus project into the lateral recesses of the ventricle. cerebellar arteries.


A 14-month-old boy exhibits progressive enlargement of the are benign papillomas, but they are occasionally malignant,
head, with bulging fontanelles, spreading of the cranial sutures with parenchymal invasion.
and dilatation of the draining craniocerebral veins. No focal When presented with an infant with progressive hydro-
signs are observed, but he demonstrates progressive motor cephalus, as in this case, other diagnoses to consider include
(and cognitive) retardation, spasticity, visual failure with optic aqueductal stenosis (either congenital atresia of the aqueduct
atrophy and ataxia, along with occasional seizures. of Sylvius or acquired secondary to chronic infection such as
Imaging demonstrates generalized ventricular dilatation. A tuberculous meningitis with granular ependymitis); obstruc-
large non-invasive tumour mass occupies the choroid plexus tion of draining cerebral veins secondary to vascular events
on one side. such as infantile subarachnoid haemorrhage or preterm intra-
Discussion: This infant has a tumour involving the choroid cerebral haemorrhage, especially in low-birth-weight infants;
plexus, which is responsible for the overproduction of CSF and colloid cysts of the third ventricle.
(approaching 2 liters/day in some cases). Most tumours here Neuroimaging is diagnostic under these circumstances.

Chapter 5 / Ventricular System and Cerebrospinal Fluid

Anterior thalamic tubercle

Taenia chorioidea 3rd ventricle Lamina affixa

Chapter 5
Habenular commissure
Stria terminalis
Habenular trigone
Stria medullaris Pineal
Superior colliculus Brachium of superior colliculus
Medial geniculate body
Brachium of inferior colliculus
Lateral geniculate

Cerebral peduncle Brachium conjunctivum

(superior cerebellar peduncle)
Inferior colliculus
Brachium pontis
Trochlear nerve (middle cerebellar peduncle)
Anterior medullary velum Lateral aperture of fourth ventricle
Median sulcus Trigeminal nerve
Medial eminence
Facial nerve
Superior fovea Vestibulocochlear nerve
Facial colliculus Glossopharyngeal nerve
Vestibular area
Vagus nerve

Hypoglossal trigone
Taenia of fourth ventricle
Area postrema
Gracile tubercle
Cuneate tubercle
Accessory nerve (cranial part)

Obex Accessory nerve (spinal part)

Posterior intermediate sulcus Fasciculus cuneatus

Posterior median fissure Fasciculus gracilis

Fig. 5.10  Dorsal aspect of the brain stem. The floor of the fourth ventricle has been exposed by cutting the cerebellar peduncles and removing the cerebellum.
(By permission from Mettler, F.A. 1948. Neuroanatomy, 2nd ed. CV Mosby, St. Louis.)

subarachnoid space of the cisterna magna and subarachnoid cisterns over the
Cerebrospinal Fluid front of the pons, respectively. The movement of CSF in the extraaxial space
Composition and Secretion is complex and is characterized by a fast-flow component and a much slower
CSF is a clear, colourless liquid. In normal individuals, CSF contains a very small bulk-flow component. During systole, the major arteries lying in the basal
amount of protein and differs from blood in its electrolyte content. It is not cisterns and other extraaxial intracranial spaces dilate significantly and exert
simply an ultrafiltrate of blood but is actively secreted by the choroid plexus pressure effects on the CSF, which cause rapid CSF flow around the brain out
epithelium. Choroid plexus epithelial cells have the characteristics of trans- of the cranial cavity and into the upper cervical spine. The pressure wave that
port and secretory cells. Their apical surfaces, from which CSF is secreted, causes this outflow of CSF is dispersed through the spinal CSF space, which
possess microvilli, and their basal surfaces exhibit interdigitations and folding. acts as a capacitance vessel. As the blood within the major arteries passes
There are tight junctions at the apical ends of the epithelial cells, which are into the brain in late systole and diastole, CSF reenters the skull from the
permeable to low-molecular-weight substances. Fenestrated capillaries in the spine. This CSF flow occurs at rapid rates and is repeated during every heart
stroma of the choroid plexus lie just beneath the epithelial cells. A blood–CSF cycle. In addition, there is a slow bulk flow of CSF, with a time course mea-
barrier is sited at the choroid plexus epithelium. sured in hours, which results in circulation of CSF over the cerebral surface in
a superolateral direction. CSF is absorbed into the venous system through
Circulation and Drainage arachnoid villi associated with the major dural venous sinuses, predominantly
Most of the CSF is secreted by the choroid plexuses in the lateral, third and the superior sagittal sinus.
fourth ventricles. However, there is also a small contribution from the epen-
dymal lining of the ventricles and from the extracellular fluid from brain Hydrocephalus
parenchyma. Obstruction of the circulation of CSF leads to the accumulation of fluid
The total CSF volume is approximately 150 ml, of which 125 ml is intracra- (hydrocephalus), which causes compression of the brain (Fig. 5.13). Within
nial. The ventricles contain approximately 25 ml (almost all of which is in the the brain, critical points at which obstruction may occur correspond to
lateral ventricles), and the remaining 100 ml is located in the cranial subarach- the narrow foramina and passages of the ventricular system. Thus, obstruction
noid space. CSF is secreted at a rate of 0.35 to 0.40 ml per minute, which of the interventricular foramen, as with an intraventricular tumour, causes
means that normally, about 50% of the total volume of CSF is replaced every enlargement of one or both lateral ventricles. Obstruction of the cerebral
5 to 6 hours. An effective means of removal from the cranial cavity is thus aqueduct, which may be congenital, due to atresia of the aqueduct, or
essential. CSF flows from the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle and then acquired, as in ependymitis accompanying chronic infection (e.g. tuberculous
through the cerebral aqueduct to the fourth ventricle. Mixing of CSF from meningitis), leads to enlargement of both lateral ventricles and the third
different choroidal sources occurs and is probably assisted by cilia on the ventricle. Obstruction or congenital absence of the apertures of the fourth
ependymal cells lining the ventricles and by arterial pulsations. CSF leaves ventricle leads to enlargement of the entire ventricular system. Obstruction
the fourth ventricle through the medial and lateral apertures to enter the or restriction of CSF circulation can also occur within the subarachnoid space

Section I / General

Pineal gland
Medial geniculate body


Inferior quadrigeminal brachium

Trochlear nerve


Superior cerebellar peduncle

Superior medullary velum Middle cerebellar peduncle

Superior fovea
Dentate nucleus
Facial colliculus
Striae medullaris

Vestibular area
Inferior cerebellar peduncle

Inferior fovea
Hypoglossal triangle

Vagal triangle

Funiculus separans and area postrema Obex

Cuneate tubercle
Gracile tubercle

Posterior median sulcus

Fig. 5.11  Dorsal aspect of the brain stem, including the floor of the fourth ventricle.

Subfornical organ Organum vasculosum



Median eminence

Fig. 5.12  Median sagittal section of the brain indicating the locations of the
circumventricular organs.

Fig. 5.13  MRI scan shows an enhancing mass, which is a meningioma growing
from the meninges at the edge of the foramen magnum. The tumour is benign
but is compressing the brain stem and causing secondary hydrocephalus.
(Courtesy of Professor Alan Jackson, Department of Neuroradiology, University
of Manchester, United Kingdom.)

Chapter 5 / Ventricular System and Cerebrospinal Fluid


A 16-year-old boy experiences increasing bifrontal headaches per cubic millimetre, predominantly lymphocytes; it has a

Chapter 5
for 6 weeks and then develops recurrent vomiting, diplopia protein content of 400 mg% and a sugar content of less than
and an unsteady gait. Shortly before hospitalization he 20 mg%. Within 48 hours, his CSF polymerase chain reaction
becomes confused, then stuporous. At the time of admission (PCR) is reported as consistent with tuberculosis, and the CSF
to the hospital, he exhibits a stiff neck with signs of meningeal culture subsequently yields acid-fast organisms.
irritation, mild facial diplegia, bilateral sixth nerve palsies and Discussion: This is the typical appearance and course of
papilledema. Cerebellar function cannot be assessed. Reflexes tuberculous meningitis; the CSF findings themselves are
are exaggerated throughout; the plantar responses are silent. characteristic of a subacute to chronic bacterial meningitis.
He has a low-grade fever, and chest X-ray demonstrates Tuberculous meningitis must be differentiated from other
several lesions in both lung fields, consistent with a diagnosis chronic meningitides, such as syphilitic or cryptococcal.
of tuberculosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head Some viral infections, in particular herpes and mumps, may
shows enlargement of the lateral third ventricles, along with produce a similar set of changes within the spinal fluid.
contrast enhancement of the basal meninges. Spinal fluid is Metastatic leptomeningeal invasion and sarcoid must also
under increased pressure and has a cloudy, opalescent appear- be considered in the differential diagnosis. Bacteriological
ance. The CSF clots on standing and contains 125 leukocytes studies are diagnostic.

as a result of meningeal adhesions caused by meningitis. When this occurs at Paulson, O.B., 2002. Blood–brain barrier, brain metabolism and cerebral blood flow. Eur.
the level of the tentorial notch, passage of CSF from the posterior fossa to Neuropsychopharmacol. 12, 495–501.
its sites of reabsorption is restricted. Russell, D.S., 1949. Observations on the pathology of hydrocephalus. Medical Research Council.
Strazielle, N., Ghersi-Egea, J.F., 2000. Choroid plexus in the central nervous system: biology and
physiopathology. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 59, 561–574. Describes choroid plexus func-
References tions in brain development, transfer of neurohumoral information, brain–
immune system interactions, brain aging and cerebral pharmacotoxicology.
McKinley, M.J., McAllen, R.M., Davern, P., Giles, M.E., Penschow, J., Sunn, N., Uschakov, A., Oldfield,
B.J., 2003. The sensory circumventricular organs of the mammalian brain. Adv. Anat. Embryol. Wolburg, H., Lippoldt, A., 2002. Tight junctions of the blood–brain barrier: development, composi-
Cell Biol. 172, III–XII, 1–122. tion and regulation. Vascul. Pharmacol. 38, 323–337. Reviews the molecular properties of
Mercier, F., Kitasako, J.T., Hatton, G.I., 2002. Anatomy of the brain neurogenic zones revisited: the tight junctions between endothelial cells that constitute the blood–brain
fractones and the ?broblast/macrophage network. J. Comp. Neurol. 451, 170–188. Describes barrier.
the structure and ultrastructure of the basal laminae and subependymal layer.

Vascular Supply of the

Chapter 6
Brain and Spinal Cord
The brain is a highly vascular organ and its profuse blood supply is character- branch of the posterior ethmoidal artery. Numerous small hypophysial
ized by a densely branching arterial network (Fig. 6.1). It has high metabolic branches supply the neurohypophysis and are of particular importance
activity due in part to the energy requirements of constant neural activity. It because they form the pituitary portal system.
demands about 15% of the cardiac output and uses 25% of the total oxygen
consumed by the body. The brain is supplied by two internal carotid arteries Cerebral Part
and two vertebral arteries that form a complex anastomosis (circulus arterio- After piercing the dura mater, the internal carotid artery turns back below the
sus, or the circle of Willis) on the base of the brain. Vessels diverge from this optic nerve to run between the optic and oculomotor nerves. It reaches the
anastomosis to supply the various cerebral regions. In general, the internal anterior perforated substance at the medial end of the lateral cerebral fissure
carotid arteries and the vessels arising from them supply the forebrain, with and terminates by dividing into large anterior and middle cerebral arteries.
the exception of the occipital lobe of the cerebral hemisphere; the vertebral Several preterminal vessels leave the cerebral portion of the internal
arteries and their branches supply the occipital lobe, the brain stem and the carotid. The ophthalmic artery arises from the internal carotid as it leaves the
cerebellum. Venous blood from the brain drains into sinuses within the dura cavernous sinus, often at the point of piercing the dura, and enters the orbit
mater. Acute interruption of the blood supply to the brain for more than a through the optic canal. The posterior communicating artery (Figs 6.4–6.6)
few minutes causes permanent neurological damage. Such ischaemic strokes runs back from the internal carotid above the oculomotor nerve and anasto-
along with intracranial haemorrhages are major sources of morbidity and moses with the posterior cerebral artery (which is a terminal branch of the
mortality. basilar artery), thereby contributing to the circulus arteriosus around the
interpeduncular fossa. The posterior communicating artery is usually very
ARTERIAL SUPPLY OF THE BRAIN small. Sometimes, however, it is so large that the posterior cerebral artery is
The arterial supply of the brain is derived from the internal carotid and ver- supplied via the posterior communicating artery rather than the basilar artery
tebral arteries, which lie, together with their proximal branches, within the (‘fetal posterior communicating artery’). It is often larger on one side. Small
subarachnoid space at the base of the brain. branches from its posterior half pierce the posterior perforated substance,
together with branches from the posterior cerebral artery. Collectively, they
Internal Carotid Artery supply the medial thalamic surface and walls of the third ventricle. The ante-
The internal carotid arteries and their major branches (sometimes referred to rior choroidal artery leaves the internal carotid near its posterior communi-
as the internal carotid system) essentially supply blood to the forebrain, with cating branch and passes back above the medial part of the uncus. It crosses
the exception of the occipital lobe. the optic tract to reach and supply the crus cerebri of the midbrain; it then
The internal carotid artery (Figs 6.2, 6.3) arises from the bifurcation of the turns laterally, recrosses the optic tract and gains the lateral side of the lateral
common carotid artery, ascends in the neck and enters the carotid canal of geniculate body, which it supplies with several branches. It finally enters the
the temporal bone. Its subsequent course is said to have petrous, cavernous inferior horn of the lateral ventricle via the choroid fissure and ends in the
and cranial parts. choroid plexus. This small but important vessel also contributes to the blood
supply of the globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, amygdala, hypothalamus, tuber
Petrous Part cinereum, red nucleus, substantia nigra, posterior limb of the internal capsule,
The petrous part of the internal carotid artery ascends in the carotid canal optic radiation, optic tract, hippocampus and fimbria of the fornix.
and curves anteromedially and then superomedially above the cartilage filling
the foramen lacerum, to enter the cranial cavity. It lies at first anterior to the Anterior Cerebral Artery
cochlea and tympanic cavity and is separated from the latter and the pharyn- The anterior cerebral artery is the smaller of the two terminal branches of the
gotympanic tube by a thin, bony lamella that is cribriform in the young and internal carotid artery (see Figs 6.5, 6.6).
partly absorbed in old age. Further anteriorly it is separated from the trigemi- The surgical nomenclature divides the vessel into three parts: A1, from the
nal ganglion by the thin roof of the carotid canal, although this is often termination of the internal carotid artery to the junction with the anterior
deficient. The artery is surrounded by a venous plexus and the carotid auto- communicating artery; A2, from the junction with the anterior communicating
nomic plexus, which is derived from the internal carotid branch of the supe- artery to the origin of the callosomarginal artery; A3, distal to the origin of
rior cervical ganglion. The petrous part of the artery gives rise to two branches. the callosomarginal artery. This segment is also known as the pericallosal
The caroticotympanic artery is a small, occasionally double vessel that enters artery.
the tympanic cavity by a foramen in the carotid canal and anastomoses with The anterior cerebral artery starts at the medial end of the stem of the
the anterior tympanic branch of the maxillary artery and the stylomastoid lateral cerebral fissure and passes anteromedially above the optic nerve to
artery. The pterygoid artery is inconsistent. When present, it enters the ptery- the great longitudinal fissure, where it connects with its fellow by a short
goid canal with the nerve of the same name and anastomoses with a (recur- transverse anterior communicating artery. The anterior communicating artery
rent) branch of the greater palatine artery. is approximately 4 mm long and may be double. It gives off numerous antero-
medial central branches that supply the optic chiasma, lamina terminalis,
Cavernous Part hypothalamus, para-olfactory areas, anterior columns of the fornix and cin-
The cavernous part of the internal carotid artery ascends to the posterior gulate gyrus.
clinoid process. It turns anteriorly to the side of the sphenoid within the The two anterior cerebral arteries travel together in the great longitudinal
cavernous sinus and then curves up medial to the anterior clinoid process to fissure. They pass around the curve of the genu of the corpus callosum (Fig.
emerge through the dural roof of the sinus. Occasionally, the two clinoid 6.7) and then along its upper surface to its posterior end, where they anasto-
processes form a bony ring around the artery, which is also surrounded by a mose with posterior cerebral arteries. They give off cortical and central
sympathetic plexus. The oculomotor, trochlear, ophthalmic and abducens branches.
nerves are lateral to it. The cortical branches of the anterior cerebral artery are named by distribu-
This part of the artery gives off a number of small vessels. Cavernous tion. Two or three orbital branches ramify on the orbital surface of the frontal
branches supply the trigeminal ganglion, the walls of the cavernous and infe- lobe and supply the olfactory cortex, gyrus rectus and medial orbital gyrus.
rior petrosal sinuses and the nerves contained therein. A minute meningeal Frontal branches supply the corpus callosum, cingulate gyrus, medial frontal
branch passes over the lesser sphenoid wing to supply the dura mater and gyrus and paracentral lobule. Parietal branches supply the precuneus, and the
bone in the anterior cranial fossa and also anastomoses with a meningeal frontal and parietal branches both send twigs over the superomedial border

Section I / General

Middle cerebral artery

Ipsilateral anterior cerebral artery Contralateral anterior cerebral

artery cross-filling via anterior
communicating artery
Fig. 6.3  Internal carotid arteriogram. This image is a Towne’s projection obtained
by intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography. (Courtesy of Professor P. D.
Fig. 6.1  Resin cast of the arterial supply of the brain. (Photograph by Sarah-Jane
Griffiths, Academic Unit of Radiology, University of Sheffield.)

terminalis. Collectively, they supply the rostrum of the corpus callosum, the
septum pellucidum, the anterior part of the putamen, the head of the caudate
nucleus and adjacent parts of the internal capsule. Immediately proximal or
distal to its junction with the anterior communicating artery, the anterior
cerebral artery gives rise to the medial striate artery, which supplies the
anterior part of the head of the caudate nucleus and adjacent regions of the
putamen and internal capsule.

Middle Cerebral Artery

The middle cerebral artery is the larger terminal branch of the internal carotid.
The surgical nomenclature identifies four subdivisions: M1, from the termi-
nation of the internal carotid artery to the bi- or trifurcation (also known as
the sphenoidal segment); M2, the segment running in the lateral (Sylvian)
fissure (also known as the insular segment); M3, coming out of the lateral
fissure (also known as the operator segment); and M4, the cortical portions.
The middle cerebral artery runs first in the lateral cerebral fissure, then
posterosuperiorly on the insula; it divides into branches distributed to this
and the adjacent lateral cerebral surface (see Figs 6.5, 6.6, 6.8). Like the anterior
cerebral artery, it has cortical and central branches.
Cortical branches send orbital vessels to the inferior frontal gyrus and the
lateral orbital surface of the frontal lobe. Frontal branches supply the precen-
tral, middle and inferior frontal gyri. Two parietal branches are distributed to
the postcentral gyrus, the lower part of the superior parietal lobule and the
whole inferior parietal lobule. Two or three temporal branches supply the
lateral surface of the temporal lobe. Cortical branches of the middle cerebral
artery, therefore, supply the motor and somatosensory cortices representing
Ophthalmic artery Intracavernous portion Anterior choroidal artery the whole body, with the exception of the lower limb, the auditory area and
of internal carotid artery the insula.
Intrapetrous portion of (carotid siphon) Posterior communicating Small central branches of the middle cerebral artery—the lateral striate or
internal carotid artery artery
lenticulostriate arteries—arise at its commencement and enter the anterior
Fig. 6.2  Internal carotid arteriogram. This image is a lateral projection obtained perforated substance together with the medial striate artery. Lateral striate
by intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography. (Courtesy of Professor P. D. arteries ascend in the external capsule over the lower lateral aspect of the
Griffiths, Academic Unit of Radiology, University of Sheffield.) lentiform complex; they then turn medially, traverse the lentiform complex
and the internal capsule and extend as far as the caudate nucleus.
of the hemisphere to supply a strip of territory on the superolateral surface
(Fig. 6.8). Cortical branches of the anterior cerebral artery, therefore, supply Vertebral Artery
the areas of the motor and somatosensory cortices that represent the lower The vertebral arteries and their major branches (sometimes referred to as the
limb. vertebrobasilar system) essentially supply blood to the upper spinal cord,
Central branches of the anterior cerebral artery arise from its proximal brain stem, cerebellum and occipital lobe of the cerebrum (Figs 6.9, 6.10). In
portion and enter the anterior perforated substance (see Fig. 6.6) and lamina addition, other branches have a wider distribution.

Chapter 6 / Vascular Supply of the Brain and Spinal Cord

Optic nerves Anterior cerebral


Chapter 6
communicating artery

Left internal
Middle cerebral carotid artery
Choroidal artery
Right internal
carotid artery
Superior communicating artery
cerebellar artery
Oculomotor nerve
Abducens nerve
cerebral artery
Facial and
Labyrinthine artery
Anterior inferior
cerebellar artery
Basilar artery
Anterior Left vertebral artery
spinal artery

Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery

Fig. 6.4  Arteries at the base of the brain. The anterior part of the right temporal lobe has been removed to display the initial course of the middle cerebral artery
within the lateral fissure.

The vertebral arteries are derived from the subclavian arteries. They ascend Minute medullary arteries arise from the vertebral artery and its branches
through the neck in the foramina transversaria of the upper six cervical ver- and are distributed widely to the medulla oblongata.
tebrae and enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum, close to
the anterolateral aspect of the medulla (see Fig. 6.5). They converge medially Basilar Artery
as they ascend the medulla and unite to form the midline basilar artery at This large median vessel is formed by the union of the vertebral arteries at
approximately the level of the junction between the medulla and the pons. the mid-medullary level and extends to the upper border of the pons (see
One or two meningeal branches arise from the vertebral artery near the Figs 6.5, 6.6). It lies in the pontine cistern and follows a shallow median groove
foramen magnum. These ramify between the bone and dura mater in the on the ventral pontine surface. The basilar artery terminates by dividing into
posterior cranial fossa and supply bone, diploë and the falx cerebelli. two posterior cerebral arteries at a variable level, but most frequently in the
A small anterior spinal artery arises near the end of the vertebral artery and interpeduncular cistern, behind the dorsum sellae.
descends anterior to the medulla oblongata to unite with its fellow from the Numerous small pontine branches arise from the front and sides of the
opposite side at the mid-medullary level. The single trunk then descends on basilar artery along its course and supply the pons. The long and slender laby-
the ventral midline of the spinal cord and is reinforced sequentially by small rinthine (internal auditory) artery has a variable origin. It usually arises from
spinal rami from the vertebral, ascending cervical, posterior intercostal and the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, but it may originate from the lower part
first lumbar arteries, which all enter the vertebral canal via intervertebral of the basilar artery, the superior cerebellar artery or, occasionally, the pos-
foramina. Branches from the anterior spinal arteries and the beginning of their terior inferior cerebellar artery. The labyrinthine artery accompanies the facial
common trunk are distributed to the medulla oblongata. and vestibulocochlear nerves into the internal acoustic meatus and is distrib-
The largest branch of the vertebral artery is the posterior inferior cerebellar uted to the internal ear.
artery. It arises near the lower end of the olive, which it curves back around, The anterior inferior cerebellar artery (see Fig. 6.6) is given off from the
and then ascends behind the roots of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves lower part of the basilar artery and runs posterolaterally, usually ventral to
to reach the inferior border of the pons. There it curves and descends along the abducens, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. It commonly exhibits a
the inferolateral border of the fourth ventricle before it turns laterally into loop into the internal acoustic meatus below the nerves, and when this
the cerebellar vallecula between the hemispheres and divides into medial and occurs, the labyrinthine artery may arise from the loop. The anterior inferior
lateral branches. The medial branch runs back between the cerebellar hemi- cerebellar artery supplies the inferior cerebellar surface anterolaterally and
sphere and inferior vermis and supplies both. The lateral branch supplies the anastomoses with the posterior inferior cerebellar branch of the vertebral
inferior cerebellar surface as far as its lateral border and anastomoses with artery. A few branches supply the inferolateral parts of the pons and occasion-
the anterior inferior and superior cerebellar arteries (from the basilar artery). ally also supply the upper medulla oblongata.
The trunk of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the medulla The superior cerebellar artery (see Fig. 6.6) arises near the distal portion of
oblongata dorsal to the olivary nucleus and lateral to the hypoglossal nucleus the basilar artery, immediately before the formation of the posterior cerebral
and its emerging nerve roots. It also supplies the choroid plexus of the fourth arteries. It passes laterally below the oculomotor nerve, which separates it
ventricle and sends a branch lateral to the cerebellar tonsil to supply the from the posterior cerebral artery, and curves around the cerebral peduncle
dentate nucleus. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery is sometimes absent. below the trochlear nerve to gain the superior cerebellar surface. There it
A posterior spinal artery usually arises from the posterior inferior cerebellar divides into branches that ramify in the pia mater and supply this aspect of
artery, but it may come directly from the vertebral artery near the medulla the cerebellum and also anastomose with branches of the inferior cerebellar
oblongata. It passes posteriorly and descends as two branches that lie anterior arteries. The superior cerebellar artery supplies the pons, pineal body, superior
and posterior to the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. These are reinforced medullary velum and tela choroidea of the third ventricle.
by spinal twigs from the vertebral, ascending cervical, posterior intercostal
and first lumbar arteries, all of which reach the vertebral canal by the inter- Posterior Cerebral Artery
vertebral foramina, thereby sustaining the posterior spinal arteries to the The posterior cerebral artery (see Figs 6.5, 6.6) is a terminal branch of the
lower spinal levels. basilar artery.

Section I / General

Anterior cerebral
artery Middle cerebral

Optic nerve

Cut end of internal

carotid artery
Posterior cerebral

Posterior communicating Superior cerebellar

artery artery


Pontine arteries



Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery


nerve roots


Fig. 6.5  Arteries on the base of the brain injected with resin. (By permission from Crossman, A.R., Neary, D. 2000. Neuroanatomy, 2nd ed. Edinburgh, Churchill

The surgical nomenclature identifies three segments: P1, from the basilar The central branches supply subcortical structures. Several small postero-
bifurcation to the junction with the posterior communicating artery; P2, from medial central branches arise from the beginning of the posterior cerebral
the junction with the posterior communicating artery to the portion in the artery (see Fig. 6.6) and, together with similar branches from the posterior
perimesencephalic cistern; and P3, the portion running in the calcarine fissure. communicating artery, pierce the posterior perforated substance and supply
The posterior cerebral artery is larger than the superior cerebellar artery, the anterior thalamus, subthalamus, lateral wall of the third ventricle and
from which it is separated near its origin by the oculomotor nerve and, lateral globus pallidus. One or more posterior choroidal branches pass over the
to the midbrain, by the trochlear nerve. It passes laterally, parallel with the lateral geniculate body and supply it before entering the posterior part of the
superior cerebellar artery, and receives the posterior communicating artery. inferior horn of the lateral ventricle via the lower part of the choroid fissure.
It then winds around the cerebral peduncle and reaches the tentorial cerebral Branches also curl around the posterior end of the thalamus and pass through
surface, where it supplies the temporal and occipital lobes. Like the anterior the transverse fissure, go to the choroid plexus of the third ventricle or tra-
and middle cerebral arteries, the posterior cerebral artery has cortical and verse the upper choroid fissure. Collectively, these supply the choroid plex-
central branches. uses of the third and lateral ventricles and the fornix. Small posterolateral
The cortical branches of the posterior cerebral artery are named by distri- central branches arise from the posterior cerebral artery beyond the cerebral
bution. Temporal branches, usually two, are distributed to the uncus and the peduncle and supply the peduncle and the posterior thalamus, superior and
parahippocampal, medial and lateral occipitotemporal gyri. Occipital branches inferior colliculi, pineal gland and medial geniculate body.
supply the cuneus, lingual gyrus and posterolateral surface of the occipital
lobe. Parieto-occipital branches supply the cuneus and precuneus. The pos- Circulus Arteriosus
terior cerebral artery supplies the visual areas of the cerebral cortex and other The circulus arteriosus (circle of Willis) is a large arterial anastomosis that
structures in the visual pathway. unites the internal carotid and vertebrobasilar systems (see Figs 6.5, 6.6). It lies

Chapter 6 / Vascular Supply of the Brain and Spinal Cord

Chapter 6
Anterior cerebral artery

Anterior communicating artery

Medial striate artery

Anteromedial group Internal carotid artery

Middle cerebral artery

Posterior communicating artery

Lateral striate group
Anterior choroidal artery

Posteromedial group

Oculomotor nerve Posterolateral group

Posterior cerebral artery

Superior cerebellar artery

Trochlear nerve

Pontine rami

Basilar artery

Fig. 6.6  Circulus arteriosus at the base of the brain showing the distribution of central (perforating or ganglionic) branches. The anteromedial, posteromedial,
posterolateral and anterolateral (lateral striate) vessels are shown. The medial striate and anterior choroidal arteries are also shown.

A B Central Temporo-
artery occipital artery
Precentral artery
Calcarine Parieto-occipital Pericallosal Callosomarginal artery
artery artery artery artery Parietal
Anterior cerebral
artery artery
Prefrontal artery

Middle cerebral
Orbital artery
Anterior temporal
Superior Anterior
cerebral artery Superior
cerebellar artery Middle temporal cerebellar artery
Anterior inferior Posterior
cerebellar artery Basilar Anterior inferior
cerebral artery cerebellar artery
Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery Basilar artery Vertebral Posterior inferior
artery cerebellar artery
Fig. 6.7  Major arteries of the brain. A, Medial aspect. B, Lateral aspect.

in the subarachnoid space within the deep interpeduncular cistern and sur- cases, the posterior communicating arteries are very small; however, a limited
rounds the optic chiasma, the infundibulum and other structures of the inter- flow is possible between the anterior and posterior circulations. This is
peduncular fossa. Anteriorly, the anterior cerebral arteries, which are derived important because the primary purpose of the vascular circle is to provide
from the internal carotid arteries, are joined by the small anterior communi- anastomotic channels if one vessel is occluded. The normal-sized posterior
cating artery. Posteriorly, the two posterior cerebral arteries, which are communicating artery usually cannot fulfill this role.
formed by the division of the basilar artery, are joined to the ipsilateral inter- There are considerable individual variations in the pattern and calibre of
nal carotid artery by a posterior communicating artery. In the majority of vessels that make up the circulus arteriosus. Although a complete circular

Section I / General

Precuneus Paracentral lobule Cingulate gyrus Medial frontal gyrus
Superior frontal gyrus Precentral gyrus Postcentral gyrus
Superior parietal lobule
Middle frontal gyrus
Inferior parietal lobule




Arcus parieto-

Inferior frontal gyrus Middle temporal gyrus

Superior temporal gyrus Inferior temporal gyrus Cuneus Lingual gyrus Corpus callosum Parahippocampal gyrus

Fig. 6.8  A, Lateral surface of the left cerebral hemisphere, showing the areas supplied by the cerebral arteries. B, Medial surface of the left cerebral hemisphere,
showing the areas supplied by the cerebral arteries. In these figures, the area supplied by the anterior cerebral artery is coloured blue, that by the middle cerebral artery
is pink and that by the posterior cerebral artery is yellow.

Basilar artery Posterior cerebral artery Right posterior cerebral artery Superior cerebellar artery

Vertebral artery Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Basilar artery Left vertebral artery
Fig. 6.9  Vertebral arteriogram. This image is a lateral projection obtained by
Fig. 6.10  Vertebral arteriogram. This image is a Towne’s projection obtained by
intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography. (Courtesy of Professor P. D.
intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography. (Courtesy of Professor P. D.
Griffiths, Academic Unit of Radiology, University of Sheffield.)
Griffiths, Academic Unit of Radiology, University of Sheffield.)

channel almost always exists, one vessel is usually sufficiently narrowed to the internal carotids via the posterior communicating arteries. Agenesis or
reduce its role as a collateral route. Cerebral and communicating arteries may hypoplasia of the initial segment of the anterior cerebral artery is more fre-
be absent, variably hypoplastic, double or even triple. The circle is rarely quent than anomalies in the anterior communicating artery and contributes
functionally complete. to defective circulation in about one third of individuals.
The haemodynamics of the circle is influenced by variations in the calibre
of communicating arteries and in the segments of the anterior and posterior Central or Perforating Arteries
cerebral arteries that lie between their origins and their junctions with the Numerous small central (perforating or ganglionic) arteries arise from the
corresponding communicating arteries. The greatest individual variation in circulus arteriosus or from vessels near it (see Fig. 6.6). Many of these enter
calibre occurs in the posterior communicating artery. Commonly, the diam- the brain through the anterior and posterior perforated substances (see Fig.
eter of the precommunicating part of the posterior cerebral artery is larger 15.9). Central branches supply nearby structures on or near the base of the
than that of the posterior communicating artery, in which case the blood brain, along with the interior of the cerebral hemisphere, including the internal
supply to the occipital lobes is mainly from the vertebrobasilar system. capsule, basal ganglia and thalamus. They form four principal groups. The
Sometimes, however, the diameter of the precommunicating part of the anteromedial group arises from the anterior cerebral and anterior communi-
posterior cerebral artery is smaller than that of the posterior communicating cating arteries and passes through the medial part of the anterior perforated
artery, in which case the blood supply to the occipital lobes is mainly from substance. These arteries supply the optic chiasma; lamina terminalis; anterior,


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