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Baseline measurements of 210Po and 210Pb in the seafood of Kasimedu

fishing harbour, Chennai, South East Coast of India and related dose to

Article  in  Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology · September 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.enceco.2019.09.001


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3 authors:

Dr. M. Saiyad Musthafa Prof. Kantha Deivi Arunachalam

The New College (Autonomous) SRM Institute of Science and Technology


Darul Raiyaan
SRM Institute of Science and Technology


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Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 1 (2019) 43–48

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Baseline measurements of 210Po and 210Pb in the seafood of Kasimedu

fishing harbour, Chennai, South East Coast of India and related dose
to population

M. Saiyad Musthafa a, , Kantha Deivi Arunachalam b, G.I. Darul Raiyaan b
Unit of Research in Radiation Biology & Environmental Radioactivity, P.G. & Research Department of Zoology, The New College, University of Madras, Chennai 600014,
Tamilnadu, India
Center for Environmental Nuclear Research, Directorate of Research, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 603203, India


Article history: The Bioaccumulation studies of natural radionuclides such as 210Po & 210Pb was carried out to explain the radiation
Received 14 August 2019 levels of Kasimedu fishing harbour, Chennai, southeast coast of India. Abiotic components like water, sediment and
Received in revised form 5 September 2019 biotic components (Fish species: Synagris japonicas, Megalapsis cordyla, Engraulis indicus and Sciaena aneus) crustaceans
Accepted 5 September 2019
(Shrimp species: Fenneropenaeus indicus and Fenneropenaeus monodon; Crab species: Scylla serrata and Portunus
Available online 11 September 2019
sanguinolentus), were taken as experimental samples. The observed concentration of natural radionuclide 210Po was
3.6 mBq·L−1, and 210Pb was 1.90 m mBq·L−1 in the water samples of Kasimedu fishing harbour and the concentration
Kasimedu fishing harbour of 210Po was 21.3 Bq kg−1 and 210Pb was 35.7 Bq kg−1 in sediment samples. The higher accumulation rates of 210Po &
Natural radionuclides Pb were observed in crustacean crab species Scylla serrata than in other biotic samples shows that, it can be used as a
Concentration factor bioindicator for radionuclides in the Kasimedu fishing harbour. The concentration factor of 210Po ranged from
Seafood 6.5 × 10 3 to 9.3 × 10 5 but for 210 Pb ranged from 3.8 × 10 3 to 4.8 × 10 5 . The acquired effective dose
for population was calculated and the results were discussed in the range from 30.1 to 630.8 μSv/year for 210Po
and 22.7–287.5 μSv/year for 210Pb.

1. Introduction are actively involved in the assessment of 210Pb and 210Po in seafood and
its dose to population (Khan and Wesley, 2011) [7–14,52].
Assessment of radioactive elements in the natural environment and
their effects on living organisms considered as one of the most important is- 1.1. Lead-210 and Polonium-210
sues in radioecology and radiological protection in recent years. Aquatic or-
ganisms are capable of concentrating various toxic elements, includes Lead-210 is a universal element generally found in all living and non-
radionuclides within their tissues, eventhough the concentrations of most living constituents and it was is firmly acquired by biotic components,
of these elements or radionuclides in the medium occur at ultra-trace levels passed via food through tropic chains. Moreover, human had received the
[1–3]. The radionuclides 210Pb with a half-life of 22.3 years and 210Po with radiation dose indirectly due to consumption of marine species [15–17].
a half-life of 138.4 days are the last radioactive members of the 238U series. The intake of sea foods containing radioactive substances, inclusive of
The distribution and levels of 210Pb, 210Po and 226Ra has been widely stud- fishes, sea weeds and other by products are normally an important pathway
ied in this living planet and particularly in the dwelling environment. of exposure. The concentration of radionuclides in the edible marine flora
[4–6]. Nowadays, several researchers from different regions of the world and fauna are many folds higher than the environmental matrices because
of bio-magnification process. Alpha emitters are considered as one of the
most important natural radionuclides occurring in ocean which leads to po-
⁎ Corresponding author. tential internal radiation exposure on living tissues. A major range of radi-
E-mail address: (M.S. Musthafa). ation dose received by marine animals comes from the members of the
naturally occurring U series acquired in the body as 210Po [18]. The α-
emitting radionuclides, 210Po contributes the major dose of radiation to ma-
rine biotic [19]. The considerable energy of its high LET alpha radiation
(5.305 MeV) 210Po is highly radiotoxic by internal contamination
2590-1826/© 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf
of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
M.S. Musthafa et al. Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 1 (2019) 43–48

[20,21], a fact that the notorious murder of the former Soviet spy Alexander analysis has been done. Homogenized samples (50 ± 0.5 g) were taken for
Litvinenko in 2006 [22]. Polonium-210 is of particular interest not only in further analysis.
public health, but also in forensic investigations [23] as an environmental
tool for geochemical and radio-ecological purposes [24]. 2.2.1. 210Po assay
The food chain is the major pathway for bio accumulation of 210Po in Abiotic (water & sediment) and biotic samples were processed by stan-
marine organisms [25]. The concentration of 210Po differs from species to dard protocols [30]. The electrochemical deposition of 210Po over the silver
species, for eg., in wet weight of animals such as Fish: 2.4 Bq kg−1, Mol- discs followed as per the standard protocol recommended by Flynn [31] as
luscs: 15 Bq kg−1, and in Crustaceans: 6 Bq kg−1 was considered as average modified by Iyengar et al. [32]. Silver discs were used for the determination
“global” concentration of polonium [26], even the concentration varies of alpha emission by Alpha radiation counting system calibrated by 239Pu
from organs to organs or tissues such as, the fish has the highest 210Po reference.
level in digestive tract compared to mollusk digestive tract and hepatopan-
creas of crustaceans [17,27,28]. 2.2.2. 210Pb assay
On March 2011 in Japan, Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion accident The activity concentration of 210Pb in the abiotic and biotic samples of
has happened due to an earthquake and tsunami. Afterwards, an extensive Kasimedu fishing harbour, were determined using standard protocols rec-
study was undertaken by researchers to find out the leaching of radionu- ommended by Iyengar et al. [32] and Kamath et al. [33]. β-emission was
clides and Fukushima-derived possible health impairments in resident ma- assessed by gas flow type Geiger Muller Low background β-radiation
rine animals, migratory Pacific bluefin tuna (PBFT), seafood and seafood counting system and its efficiency (40%) calibrated using 40K standard
consumers. Inversely, activity concentration in marine biotic and doses to sources [30].
population was dominated by naturally occurring alpha-emitter 210Po
around 3–4 magnitude than Fukushima-derived doses [29]. The present 2.2.3. Concentration ratio (Cr)
study area is situated nearly 70 km from Kalpakkam Atomic Power Plant. The concentration ratio (Cr) of 210Pb and 210Po in the biotic samples of
Owing these factors, the baseline assessment of natural radionuclide Kasimedu fishing harbour, were determined using the following formula:
Po & 210Pb concentration in seafood and its effective dose to population
is very imperative in and around Kasimedu fishing harbour, South East Concentration Ratio ðC r Þ ¼
Activity concentration of 210Po ðorÞ 210Pb in organisms as Bq kg‐l
Coast of India. Activity concentration of 210Po ðorÞ 210
Pb filtered in water as Bq L‐1

2. Methodology ð1Þ

2.1. Location of studies

2.2.4. Population dose evaluation
Kasimedu fishing harbour (13° 7′ 43″ N and 80° 17′ 59″ E) is a major fish Population dose due to ingestion of seafood was estimated using the ap-
landing centre of Tamil Nadu (Fig. 1) where organized fish auctioning propriate conversion factors suggested by Co-ordinated research project
began in 1970. About 200 t of capture fishery from East Coast (Bay of Ben- MARDOS [34] formulae as the following;
gal) is landing every day. The study area is located near the mouth of Dose calculations:
Cooum river, which is considered to be the most polluted river of South
India. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board nominated three major in- DPo−210 ¼ 4:3  10−7  C Po−210  Ir ð2Þ
dustries as the polluters of Cooum river namely Chennai Petroleum Corpo-
ration, Madras Fertilizers and Ennore Thermal Power station. To the North, DPb−210 ¼ 6:9  10−7  C Pb−210  Ir ð3Þ
Kosasthalai river is draining near the Ennore Creek to about 11 km away
from Kasimedu. Another river named Adyar is mixing with Bay of Bengal where DPo−210 and DPb−210 are the CED values for 210Po and 210Pb, respec-
near Foreshore Estate, Adyar river is at a distance of 12.2 km south from tively (Sv·y−1), CPo−210 and CPb−210 are the radionuclide activity concen-
Kasimedu. trations in the edible part of fish Bq·kg−1w·w), and Ir is the ingestion rate
(in kg/year). The biotic has an ingestion rate slightly higher than 4.45 kg
2.2. Sample collection and process per year (International mean) [35].

Sample of water, sediments, fishes (Synagris japonicas, Megalapsis 3. Results and discussion
cordyla, Engraulius indicus and Sciaenaaneus) crustaceans (Shrimp species:
Fenneropenaeus indicus and Fenneropenaeus monodon; Crab species: Scylla The activity concentrations and concentration factors of 210Po & 210Pb
serrata and Portunus sanguinolentus) were collected from the Kasimedu fish- were investigated in the water sample, sediment sample, and marine organ-
ing harbour and sampling was done for seven times separately. isms (fishes and crustaceans) collected from Kasimedu fishing harbour,
Water samples (100 L; 50 L for 210Po & remaining 50 L for 210Po analy- Southeast Coast of India is given in the Table 1. The results were discussed
sis respectively) were collected using Van Dorn water sampler, immedi- on the basis of dry weight. The results of 210Po & 210Pb concentration in sea-
ately samples were brought to the laboratory for further analysis. In the food and the related dose to population reported by other authors from dif-
laboratory, samples were filtered through pre-weighed membrane filter ferent regions of the world were shown in the Table 2. The results displayed
paper (0.45 mm pore size, 47 mm diameter) with a flow rate less than an extensive fluctuation in the concentrations of world's sea food industry,
10 mL min−1. and this fluctuation may be reported due to various factors such as; differ-
Sediment samples were collected using Van-Veen Grab sampler and ent mode/type of feeding and tissue/organs accumulate different concen-
were dried at 60 °C in a hot air oven for 24 h, grounded into fine powder trations of the selected natural radionuclides.
using mortar and pestle and filtered it through 150 μm sieves and 50 g of
homogenized samples were taken for further analysis. 3.1. Concentration of radionuclide in sea water
Biotic samples were collected from local fishermen using gill net of var-
ious sizes from Kasimedu fishing harbour. Samples were labeled, preserved The present study concentration of 210Po was found to be 3.6 mBq.L−1
using ice and transported to the laboratory. Samples were thoroughly and the concentration of 210Pb was found to be 1.9 mBq L−1 in surface
washed with Mili-Q water to remove unwanted micro particles associated water samples of Kasimedu fishing harbor.
with radionuclide materials. The samples of muscles and tissues was oven The 210Po and 210Pb concentrations vary greatly in different locations;
dried at 110 °С, powdered with pestle and mortar and stored until chemical In Palk Strait, results were 1.54 mBq.L−1 for 210Po and 3.15 mBq.L−1 for

M.S. Musthafa et al. Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 1 (2019) 43–48

Fig. 1. Showing the study area.

M.S. Musthafa et al. Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 1 (2019) 43–48

Table 1
Activity Concentration of 210Po &210Pb, Concentration Ratio (Cr) and Committed Effective Dose of biotic & abiotic components of Kasimedu Fishing Horbour, South East
Coast of India.
Activity concentration Po/210Pb activity ratio a
Concentration ratio (Cr) Biota ingestion rate Committed effective dose
Bq·kg−1 kg y−1 (wet weight) μSv·Y-1 (wet weight)
210 210 210 210 210 210
Po Pb Po Pb Po Pb
Water 3.6 ± 1.7 1.9 ± 0.3 1.8 – – – – –
Sediment 21.3 ± 1.9 35.7 ± 2.0 0.6 – – – – –

Synagris japonicas 34.1 ± 2.3 11.6 ± 0.9 3.1 9.7 × 103 6.1 × 103 4.5 ± 0.5 65.3 ± 0.9 36.0 ± 0.2
Megalapis cordyla 55.6 ± 1.6 17.5 ± 1.3 3.2 15.4 × 103 9.2 × 103 4.5 ± 0.5 106.4 ± 2.9 54.3 ± 1.2
Engraulis indicus 161.5 ± 2.5 53.6 ± 4.2 3.0 4.5 × 104 2.8 × 104 4.4 ± 0.7 309.1 ± 5.3 166.4 ± 3.6
Sciaena aneus 23.6 ± 0.9 7.3 ± 0.5 3.2 6.5 × 103 3.8 × 103 5.1 ± 0.4 45.2 ± 0.5 22.7 ± 0.9

Penaeus indicus 31.5 ± 1.2 13.5 ± 1.3 2.3 8.7 × 103 7.1 × 103 5.0 ± 0.3 60.3 ± 0.5 41.9 ± 0.7
Penaeus monodon 15.7 ± 1.9 10.7 ± 0.9 1.5 4.3 × 103 5.6 × 103 4.5 ± 0.5 30.1 ± 0.2 33.2 ± 0.5

Scylla serrata 329.7 ± 2.3 92.6 ± 5.2 3.5 9.3 × 105 4.8 × 105 4.6 ± 0.2 630.8 ± 8.5 287.5 ± 3.2

sanguinolentus 178.0 ± 1.7 60.9 ± 4.9 2.9 4.9 × 104 3.2 × 104 4.3 ± 0.2 340.6 ± 5.3 189.2 ± 2.3
Cr: Concentrationin water/biota.
Values are expressed as mBq·L−1.

Table 2
Activity concentrations 210Po and 210Pb in the various seafoods from different regions of the world and its committed effective dose to human beings.
Region Activity concentration Activity concentration Reference
Bq·kg−1 (dry weight) Bq∙kg−1 (dry weight)
210 210 210 210
Po Pb Po Po

Kudankulam coast, India 1.2–248 1.1–14.8 11.04–515.6 3.93–23.5 Khan and Wesley (2011)
Pulicat Lagoon, India 38.3–109.3 0.72–2.7 73.3–209.1 2.2–19.3 Musthafa and Krishnamoorthy [36]
Ennore Creek, India 41.3–113.3 0.7–96.80 79.0–216.8 2.1–297.2 Musthafa and Krishnamoorthy [30]
Aegean Sea, Turkey BDL–249 1.0–35 0.01–10.53 – Çatal et al. [10]
Candarli Gulf, Turkey 332–776 14–40 1992–4232 54–126 Akozcan [7]
Lebanon coast 1.9–140 BDL–98.7 17.2–1110 7.2–450 Aoun et al. [8]
Korean coast 59–392 – 80–534 – Kim et al. [11]
Korean coast 41.3–206 – 21–104 – Cho et al. [9]
Arabian Gulf 0.1–14.7 – 38–85 – Ababneh et al. [14]
Andalusian coast, Spain 40–515 BDL – 73 – – Hurtado-Bermúdez et al. [13]
Kasimedu fishing harbour, Chennai, India 23.6–329 7.3–92.6 30.1–630.8 22.7–287.5 Present work

BDL – Below Detection Limit.

Pb [37]. The 210Po & 210Pb values are higher in the marine water of Gulf Hameed et al. (1997) reported that 210Po concentration of 1.4 mBq·L−1 in
of Mannar (34.18 mBq.L−1) due to the presence of minerals such as ilmen- the water and 59.9 Bq kg−1 in the sediments of a pond ecosystem of
ite, zircon, rutile, and monazite in the beach sands and sediments, which Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu (Hameed et al., 1997). The aforementioned re-
progressively enhances natural radionuclides in the surface water [38]. ported values are lower than the values recorded in the present study. Clulow
et al. [41] reported that the 210Pb concentration ranged between 14 mBq·L−1
3.2. Concentration of radionuclide in sediments and 208 mBq·L−1 in the water samples of freshwater lakes of Elliot City,
Canada and these values are very high compared to the present study.
The activity concentration of 210Po in the sediment sample was
17.9 Bq kg−1 and the activity concentration 210Pb was 28.9 Bq kg−1. The 3.4. Concentration of radionuclide in fish
reported 210Pb values are less when compared to the Gulf of Mannar sedi-
ment (35.3 Bq kg−1) and Kalpakkam beach sediment (385 Bq kg−1) and The four species of fishes (Synagris japonicas, Megalapsis cordyla,
higher than the values which are recorded in Kalpakkam beach Engraulis indicus and Sciaena aneus) analyzed for 210Po and 210Pb the con-
(3.2 Bq kg−1) [32]. centration ranged from 23.6 to 161.5 Bq kg−1 and from 7.3 to
53.6 Bq kg−1, respectively. Among the fishes, Engraulius indicus displayed
3.3. Comparison of 210Po and 210Pb concentration in fresh water a high activity of 210Po (161.5 Bq kg−1) than the others. The accumulation
of 210Pb was, significantly lower than that of 210Po in all the fish species ex-
The average activity concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in surface water amined. It was observed that Engraulis indicus was found to have 210Pb in
of Kaveri River ecosystem was 1.2 and 2.7 mBq·L−1. The 210Po and 210Pb higher concentration (53.6 Bq kg−1) than the others. The recorded values
average activity concentration in sediments of Kaveri River ecosystem were higher than the values reported by (Hameed et al., 1997) [39,40].
was 26.4 and 15.5 Bq kg−1 respectively [39,53]. The 210Po concentration In another study, concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in the fishes
was recorded as 0.75 mBq·L−1 in the surface water and 3.1 Bq kg−1 in S. fimbriata and T. mossambica ranged from 41.3 to 81.6 Bq kg−1 and 0.7
the sediment samples of Koraiyar River, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu [40]. to 2.0 Bq kg−1 respectively in Ennore Creek environment [30].

M.S. Musthafa et al. Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 1 (2019) 43–48

3.5. Concentration of radionuclide in crustacean species various species, the lower value of 4.3 × 103 has been observed in the
shrimp Fenneropenaeus monodon and higher value 9.3 × 105 was noted in
The concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in the crustacean shrimp species the crab Scylla serrata. The 210Po Cr derived from the biotic was found to
Fenneropenaeus indicus was ranged between 15.7 and 31.5 Bq kg−1 and be higher compared to the reference value of 3.6 × 101 [54].
the concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in Fenneropenaeus monodon was 10.7
and 13.5 Bq kg−1. Hameed et al. (1997) reported that crustacean muscle re- 3.8. Committed effective dose
corded a high level of 210Po (41.3–89.4 Bq kg−1) and exoskeleton recorded
a high level of 210Pb (40.2–51.6 Bq kg−1). A 210Po concentration The annual committed dose of 210Po acquired by the common popula-
43.9 Bq kg−1 was recorded in the crab Barytelphusa jaguemonti of Koraiyar tion via intake of food components is vital when compared to the variation
River [40]. The concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in the crustacean shrimp in the bio-accumulation of 210Po [16]. The committed effective dose was
Fenneropenaeus indicus ranged between 42.4 and 61.3 Bq kg−1 and the con- found to be 30.1–630.8 μSv/year for 210Po and 22.7–287.5 μSv/year for
centration of 210Po and 210Pb in Fenneropenaeus monodon ranged between 210
Pb. The 210Po dose is expected via the consumption of fish Sardinella
0.7 and 1.4 Bq kg−1 in the Ennore Creek environment [30]. It is suggested longicepes (552.1 μSv/year) in Athangarai estuary and Thryssama labarica
that the presence of organic moiety such as chitin is responsible for the (406.9 μSv/year) in Punnaikayal estuary [49]. The Committed effective
higher level of 210Po in crustaceans. Cherry and Heyraud [42] stated that dose of the present study are higher to the public from 210Po when com-
Po has a higher binding affinity for organic moiety and possible account- pared to the consumption of seafood from Bombay Harbour (2.1–40.0
ing for high activity of 210Po in the exoskeleton of crustacean [42]. μSv/year) and the Kalpakkam environment (36.3 μSv/year) ([50,51]. The
In the present study, the crustacean crab species Scylla serrata and committed effective dose was reported between 79.0 and 216.8 μSv/year
Portunus sanguinolentus accumulated the higher concentrations for 210Po and and 2.1–297.2 μSv/year for 210Pb, in the Ennore Creek envi-
(329.7 Bq·kg−1 and 92.6 Bq·kg−1 and 178.0 Bq·kg−1 and 60.9 Bq·kg−1) ronment [30]. The annual committed dose from 210Po and 210Pb estimated
of 210Po and 210Pb respectively. Perhaps the higher concentration of in the present study is remarkably lesser than the findings reported for sea-
Po and 210Pb observed in crabs due to their benthic mode of life and food in Candarli Gulf of Turkey (210Po – 1992 to 4232 μSv) [7] and in
detritivorous nutrition, reason is enormous accumulation of the substances. Lebanon (210Po -17.2–1110 μSv and 210Pb – 7.2–450 μSv) [8]. Whereas,
Po concentration of 88.7 Bq·kg−1 was recorded in the soft tissue of snail the dose is comparable to those found in the Republic of Korea, the con-
Pila virens and 38.2 Bq·kg−1 in the soft tissue of Bellamya dissimilis from the sumption dose of seafood ranged (80–534 μSv) [11] Table 2. The present
Koraiyar River [40]. Lamellidens marginalis accumulated the highest con- study indicates that the dose transfer to the inhabitants of town around
centration (57.4–105.7 Bq kg−1) of 210Po in the River ecosystem of Kaveri, Kasimedu fishing harbour, South East Coast of India through 210Po intake,
Tiruchirappalli, India [39]. On the other hand the activity concentration of was higher when compared to those in Bombay coast [50] and Kalpakkam
Po noticed 53.3 Bq kg−1 and 36.4 Bq kg−1 and the concentration of coast [51].
Pb recorded 0.68–0.92 Bq kg−1 and 0.18–0.42 Bq kg−1 in Lamellidens
marginalis and P.virens respectively in the freshwater pond ecosystem of 4. Conclusion
Tiruchirappalli, India [43]. It is well known that benthic fauna show unique
characteristic feature of accumulating radionuclide in their internal com- 210
Po and 210Pb has been determined in water, sediment, and biotic
partments by tens of thousand times than those in water through various (fishes, crustaceans and bivalves) collected from Kasimedu fishing harbour,
physiological process [44]. Among the benthic organisms, molluscs in gen- Southeast Coast of India. The higher concentrations were found in the edi-
eral and mussels and oysters in particular, have been identified as sentinel ble tissues of Scylla serrata than in other biotic due to its benthic mode of
organism. The soft tissue of the bivalve mollusk Meretrix casta in the estuar- feeding pattern and suggesting that they could serve as bioindicator of ra-
ies concentrated higher level of 210Po than the soft tissues of gastropods. dionuclides in the Kasimedu fishing harbour. The radionuclides accumu-
The selected gastropods feed chiefly on vegetation whereas bivalves feed lated by these organisms lead to a higher internal dose rate. The findings
on organic particulate which are enriched with 210Po. Based on the accu- of the present study indicates that the dose transfer are higher to the inhab-
mulation pattern of 210Po in various invertebrates Skwarzec and Falkowski itants of town around Kasimedu fishing harbour, South East Coast of India
[17] concluded that accumulation is higher in mussels. through 210Po intake, compared to those in Kalpakkam coast and Bombay
coast. It is confirmed that, activity concentration in marine biotic and
3.6. 210Po/210Pb activity ratio doses to population was dominated by naturally occurring alpha-emitter
Po than the man-made radionuclides [29]. This systematic baseline
The 210Po/210Pb activity ratio is a sensitive bio-indicator. The data infers that, the committed effective dose rate to inhabitants around
Po/210Pb activity ratio ranges between 3.0 and 3.2 in fish species, Kasimedu fishing harbour was high due to consumption of marine biotic
whereas, it was between 1.5 and 2.3 in shrimps and 2.9 to 3.5 was calcu- through 210Po than the other radionuclies and it also serves as biomonitor-
lated in the crab species. The highest activity ratio was noted in the crab ing tool for the effects of natural radioactivity and dose transfer to public
Scylla serata, the higher ratio explains that the unsupported 210Po exists through the consumption of aquatic biotic. Moreover, in future this data
mainly from accumulation, not by decay of 210Pb. According to Shannon will be useful in determining if these continuous increments of activity con-
et al. [45], the majority of the 210Po accumulated by organisms through centrations of natural radionuclides could be responsible for decline in fe-
“unsupported”, indicating that 210Po is selectively accumulated relative to cundity and hatching rate which leads to depletion of aquatic species in
its precursor [45]. A similar finding has been reported by many researchers, the region.
indicating that the larger part of 210Po in each species comes from the envi-
ronment rather than by ingrowth [46–48].

3.7. Concentration ratio (Cr)

Authors are thankful to Chairman, Hon. Secretary & Correspondent,
Principal and Dr. M. Asrar Sheriff, Head, P.G. & Research Department of Zo-
The concentration ratio was calculated by measuring activity of Po &
ology, The New College, Chennai for institutional support.
Pb in fishes, prawns and mussels. It can be defined as the ratio of the ac-
tivity in the edible tissues of an organism in Bq kg−1 to the activity of fil-
tered water in Bq L−1. The average activities of 210Po & 210Pb in
Kasimedu fishing harbour water were 3.6 and 1.9 mBq L−1 respectively.
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