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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Special Issue: The Year in Climate Science Research

Original Article

Impacts of teleconnection patterns on South America

Michelle Simões Reboita,1 Tércio Ambrizzi,2 Natália Machado Crespo,2
Lívia Márcia Mosso Dutra,2 Glauber Willian de S. Ferreira,1 Amanda Rehbein,2
Anita Drumond,3 Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha,2 and Christie Andre de Souza1
Instituto de Recursos Naturais, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itajubá, MG, Brazil. 2 Departamento de Ciências
Atmosféricas, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, SP, Brazil

Address for correspondence: Michelle Simões Reboita, Instituto de Recursos Naturais, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Av.
BPS, 1303, Itajubá, MG 37500–903, Brazil.

Oceanic heat sources disturb the atmosphere, which, to come back to its initial state, disperses waves. These waves
affect the climate in remote regions, characterizing the teleconnection patterns. In this study, we describe eight
teleconnection patterns that affect South America climate: the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the Tropical Atlantic Dipole (TAD), the
South Atlantic Dipole (SAD), the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO), and the
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Precipitation and winds at 850-hPa anomalies, considering these teleconnection pat-
terns in ENSO neutral periods, are also presented. Overall, southeastern South America and the north sector of the
North and Northeast regions of Brazil are the most affected areas by the teleconnection patterns. In general, there
is a precipitation dipole pattern between these regions during each teleconnection pattern.

Keywords: precipitation; South America; teleconnection patterns; climate indices

Introduction the original (basic) state of the atmosphere. Hence,

waves traveling in the atmosphere are the cause of
Atmospheric and/or oceanic patterns, such as the El
some teleconnection patterns. However, there are
Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), develop over
other mechanisms that disturb the atmosphere and
a specific region and affect the weather and climate
contribute to teleconnections, such as the Antarc-
of remote areas globally. The link between the
tic ozone depletion, which can affect the Southern
atmospheric patterns and climate anomalies over
Annular Mode (SAM).3
great distances is called teleconnection;1,2 and this
The relationship between local climate anomalies
word by itself is representative of these anomalies
and remote forcing can be identified through statis-
globally since “tele” means distant and “connection”
tical methods like correlation analysis and empirical
means relationship.
orthogonal functions (EOFs).4 Sir Gilbert Walker
As Liu and Alexander1 stated, “Teleconnec-
was the first to apply statistical methods to the
tions enable the atmosphere to act like a ‘bridge’
problem of teleconnections without knowing this
between different parts of the ocean and enable
phenomenon, and he became the reference in the
the ocean to act like a ‘tunnel’ linking different
use of correlation in meteorology (Ref. 5, p. 464).
atmospheric regions.” Oceanic heat sources dis-
With the correlation method, Walker6 discov-
turb the atmosphere. When it occurs, waves for
ered a tendency of the atmospheric pressure to
energy dissipation are created in order to restore

doi: 10.1111/nyas.14592
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 1
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

Figure 1. Main source regions of the teleconnection patterns included in this study being the El Niño–Southern Oscillation
(ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the Tropical Atlantic Dipole (TAD),
the South Atlantic Dipole (SAD), the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO), and the Indian
Ocean Dipole (IOD).

“seesaw” between two regions: one in the vicinity continental precipitation. The teleconnection pat-
of Indonesia, the other in the tropical-subtropical terns presented here are the ENSO, the Pacific
southeastern Pacific Ocean.7,8 Walker’s discovery Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the AMO, the Tropical
of the Southern Oscillation (SO) is the atmospheric Atlantic Dipole (TAD), the South Atlantic Dipole
component of the ENSO. After Walker’s pioneering (SAD), the SAM, the Madden–Julian Oscillation
study, the number of works focusing on tele- (MJO), and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) (Fig. 1).
connections increased during the 1980s. Among Our study is organized as follows: methodology; fol-
them, several studies9–12 defined teleconnections lowed by results and definitions of each teleconnec-
as significant simultaneous correlations between tion pattern and effect on South American precipi-
temporal fluctuations in meteorological parameters tation; then final discussion and conclusions.
at widely separated points on Earth.
Teleconnection patterns have different temporal
scales, from intramonthly variability (like the SAM,
although this teleconnection pattern has another Basic information
timescale variability) to multidecadal (like the Our study uses data from different sources. All the
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)). Many teleconnection indices are obtained from mete-
studies have described the atmosphere and/or ocean orological centers that make them available on
variability patterns and their effects on the climate the Internet. Table 1 shows the access links to the
of remote regions; they are a powerful tool for cli- teleconnection indices; but to facilitate the under-
mate forecasting. The current challenge is the sea- standing of each teleconnection pattern, the data
sonal forecast. Much of the prognostics are provided and indices applied for the analysis will also be
not only by the indication of the climate models mentioned in the corresponding Results subsec-
but also by the knowledge of the forecasters about tion. Monthly precipitation data from the Climate
teleconnections. If one knows how to interpret, for Prediction Center (CPC)13 and zonal and merid-
example, sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies ional wind components at 850 hPa from ERA514,15
in terms of teleconnection patterns, it is possible were used here. The horizontal resolution of these
to predict some climate variables, such as precip- datasets is 0.5° and 0.25°, respectively.
itation, in remote regions. In order to help South Figure 2 presents the time series of each tele-
America (SA) climate forecasting, we will review connection pattern obtained from meteorological
the main teleconnection patterns that impact South centers to give a general idea of the indices’ time
American climate and describe their influence on evolution.

2 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

Table 1. Climate indices used in the study and their sources

Indices Details Link

Oceanic Niño Index The 3-month running mean of ERSST.v5 SST anomalies in the
(ONI) Niño 3.4 region (5°N–5°S, 120°W–170°W), on the basis of products/analysis_monitoring/
centered 30-year base periods updated every 5 years, beginning ensostuff/ONI_v5.php
in 1950.
Pacific Decadal The PDO index, based on ERSST.V5 SST, is constructed by
Oscillation (PDO) regressing the ERSST anomalies against the Mantua PDO teleconnections/pdo/
index for their overlap period to compute a PDO regression
map for the North Pacific ERSST anomalies (for details, access
the link). The monthly index began in 1854.
Atlantic Multidecadal The AMO is based on the Kaplan SST dataset and in the
Oscillation (AMO) area-weighted average over the North Atlantic, 0° to 70°N. The correlation/
monthly index began in 1856.
Tropical Atlantic Here, we focus only on the tropical South Atlantic (TSA) index,
Dipole (TAD) - which is the component of the dipole in the TSA. The TSA is
focused on TSA based on the anomaly of the monthly SST average from 0° to
20°S and 10°E to 30°W. HadISST and NOAA OI 1° × 1°
datasets are used to create this index. The climatology covers
the period 1971–2000; the index began in 1948.
South Atlantic Dipole The SAODI is defined by differencing the domain-averaged The SAODI was calculated based on
Index (SAODI) normalized ERSSTv5 SST anomaly between the northeast pole the methodology applied in
(NEP; 10°E–20°W, 0°–15°S) and the southwest pole (SWP;
10°–40°W, 25°S –40°S). The monthly index has began in 1979.
Antarctic Oscillation The monthly SAM index is constructed by projecting the daily
(AAO) (00Z) 700-hPa height anomalies poleward of 20°S onto the products/precip/CWlink/
leading pattern of the SAM. Since 1979, the NOAA calls this daily_ao_index/aao/monthly.aao.
index the AAO. index.b79.current.ascii
Madden–Julian The methodology is explained in Wheeler and Hendon (2004),223
Oscillation (MJO) and it is based on a pair of EOFs of the combined fields of graphics/rmm.74toRealtime.txt
near-equatorially averaged 850- and 200-hPa zonal winds, and
satellite-observed outgoing longwave radiation data since 1974.
Dipole Mode Index For the IOD, HadISST1.1 SST is used to compute the anomalous
(DMI) SST gradient between the western equatorial Indian Ocean Timeseries/Data/dmi.had.long.
(50°E–70°E and 10°S–10°N) and the southeastern equatorial data
Indian Ocean (90°E–110°E and 10°S–0°N). This gradient is
named the Dipole Mode Index (DMI). The monthly index
began in 1870.

Composites 2. They are separated by the monthly index for

First, the time series of the teleconnection indices each austral season (December, January, and
are analyzed from January 1979 to June 2020 February (DJF), summer; March, April, and
(Fig. 2). However, to separate the positive, negative, May (MAM), autumn; June, July, and August
and neutral cases, we used climatology based on the (JJA), winter; and September, October, and
period 1979–2019. The series of the teleconnection November (SON), spring);
patterns (Table 1) are shown in Figure 2. For our 3. Computed standard deviations of the monthly
analysis, the resulting series were based on the time series are separated by seasons;
following: 4. One standard deviation (SD) is used as a
threshold to identify the months with nega-
1. The respective indices series are detrended tive (value < −SD), neutral (−SD ≥ value ≤
using a common period from January 1979 +SD), and positive (value > +SD) index; this
until June 2020;

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 3
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

Figure 2. The time series of the teleconnection indices (without removing trend) as described in Table 1.

methodology follows Reboita et al.16 and Fogt After the selection of the months (Step 5), we
et al.;17 and computed the composites of precipitation and
5. To exclude the ENSO influence, only the atmospheric circulation at 850-hPa fields for each
months that do not have El Niño or La Niña grouped set: positive and negative phases for
episodes (neutral periods), which were identi- each season. We present the composites in terms
fied with the ONI, are considered in the study. of anomalies regarding the season, that is, the

4 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

composite of cases subtracted from the seasonal The oceanic component of the ENSO has been
mean. As mentioned above, the climatology con- known for a long time by the local populations of
sidered for the composites covers the period 1979– the west coast of SA owing to its impacts on fishing
2019. We also applied the t-test statistic to analyze and guano (a natural fertilizer, rich in nitrogen
where differences are statistically significant at the and phosphates, from dried excrement of seabirds),
0.05 (95%) level, assuming unequal population vari- which are best observed near the end of the year18
ances and based on a two-tailed distribution. around Christmas; this is what gave rise to the name
Each subsection of the Results below presents El Niño (which in Spanish means “the child”).20
(1) the definition of the teleconnection pattern Despite not knowing the ocean relation at that
and when it was described for the first time; (2) time, the detection of the ENSO atmospheric com-
an index for its monitoring; (3) how the changes ponent is attributed to the British mathematician
in the atmospheric circulation impact South Sir Gilbert Walker at the beginning of the 20th
American precipitation; and (4) whether the century. Walker found climatic fluctuations around
teleconnection pattern couples with the ENSO. the world related to a dipolar pattern in the sea level
Additional figures showing the composites of pressure (SLP) between the east and west sides of
other atmospheric variables, such as wind inten- the tropical Pacific, which corresponds to the “SO”
sity at 200 hPa, are available in an online tool at term of the ENSO.19 The existence of the coupled oceanic and atmo-
atlas. spheric mechanism, which configures the ENSO,
dates from the 1960s.24,25 In this case, the zonal
pressure gradient over the equatorial Pacific Ocean
(induced by the zonal SST gradient along that
The El Niño–Southern oscillation region) leads to a direct atmospheric thermal circu-
Definition. The ENSO is a natural oceanic– lation consistent with the SO found by Walker at the
atmospheric coupled phenomenon featured by SST beginning of that century. This thermal circulation
anomalies in the equatorial Pacific Ocean (ocean is usually referred to as the Walker circulation.
component) and the circulation pattern of its adja- When the ENSO is active, there is a large impact
cent atmosphere (atmospheric component).18–22 on the position of the ascending and descending
Working together, the atmosphere forces the ocean branches of the Walker circulation, as will be seen
and vice versa, leading to a phenomenon of global later in this section.
importance. Weaker than normal easterly winds
favor warmer waters over the eastern and cen- Index for monitoring. The ENSO phases are
tral equatorial Pacific Ocean, leading to lower manifested along the equatorial Pacific Ocean, but
atmospheric pressure, water vapor convergence, there are regions with greater or lesser variability
and strong and persistent local precipitation.19 in this range. In general, the Niño 1+2 region
This configuration characterizes the ENSO’s warm (0°–10°S, 90°W–80°W) is the first to warm up or
episode (Fig. 3A),23 or simply “El Niño” (therefore, cool down during a classical ENSO event. The
El Niño stands for both the ocean component of Niño 3 region (5°N–5°S, 150°W–90°W) suffers
the ENSO cycle and the warm phase of the cycle, great variability in SST, and the Niño 4 region
as noticed by Aceituno21 ). On the other hand, (5°N–5°S, 160°E–150°W) is known to impact
more-intense-than-normal easterly winds over the precipitation in Indonesia. Therefore, a mixture
equatorial Pacific Ocean advect warm waters to between regions 3 and 4, known as Niño 3.4 (5°N–
the Western Pacific, leading to more clouds over 5°S, 120°W–170°W), captures these two important
this region and the resurgence of cold water in the characteristics of variability in the SST and a strong
eastern equatorial Pacific Basin; this configuration atmospheric response at the global level.22 The great
corresponds to the cold phase of the ENSO, com- complexity of the ENSO requires a variety of data
monly referred to as La Niña, which is the opposite and techniques to detect, monitor, and predict it.
of El Niño.20 In addition to local effects over the The continuous monitoring of the SST, winds, and
tropical Pacific Ocean, the ENSO also impacts atmospheric pressure over the equatorial Pacific
weather and climate globally. Ocean allows the performance of a quantitative

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 5
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.



Figure 3. The positive phase of the teleconnection patterns shown in Figure 1. (A) SST anomalies during different warm ENSO
episodes obtained from Kayano et al. (2016,∼rclimanl/revista/pdf/30anos/Kayanoetal.pdf):23
Eastern Pacific (SON 1997), Modoki (SON 2002), and Mix (SON 1986). (B) PDO configuration obtained by linearly regress-
ing monthly SST anomalies at each grid box upon the leading principal component time series. The units are °C per standard
deviation of the PDO index, credit Giorgiogp2 CC BY-SA 3.0 (
PDO_Pattern.png/1920px-PDO_Pattern.png). (C) The AMO spatial pattern obtained by regressing detrended monthly HadISST
dataset anomalies (1870–2013) on the North Atlantic (0°– 70°N) average SST anomalies after the global mean has been removed.
The regression pattern is unitless (°C/°C), it depicts SST anomalies in °C per °C of the AMO index, credit Giorgiogp2, CC
BY-SA 3.0. (D) SST anomalies in March 1981 on the tropical Atlantic Ocean presenting the TAD (Reboita and Santos43 ). (E)
Correlation between SST anomalies and SVD time coefficients obtained from the SST indicating the SAD, adapted from Bom-
bardi et al.177 (F) The leading mode of the EOF obtained with monthly mean 700-hPa height anomalies poleward 20°S during
1979–2000, showing an SAM (
(G) Schematic illustration of the MJO propagation and sea level pressure anomalies (red and blue indicate, respectively, regions
with negative and positive anomalies); adapted from Madden and Julian217 from
MJO_EqWaves/navmenu.php_tab_1_page_2.1.1_type_text.htm; and (H) SST anomalies in November 1997 showing the IOD

analysis of this phenomenon through indices. The and https://

Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) is widely used to define
the existence and the phases of the ENSO21 and is indices-nino-12-3-34-4-oni-and-tni for more
frequently combined with an atmospheric index, details regarding these and other ENSO indices).
the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), in order The ONI is the measure of the ocean component
to characterize an ongoing event. In addition to and the first indication of the establishment of the
these two main indices, there are other indices, ENSO, since it indicates whether SSTs are anoma-
such as the Equatorial Southern Oscillation Index lously warmer (positive or warm phase, or El Niño)
(EQSOI, similar to the SOI, except that the former or anomalously colder (negative or cold phase, or
calculates the averages over the areas around the La Niña). It also gives a sense of the intensity of the
Equator) and the Trans-Niño Index (TNI)26 (see phenomenon: the more intense the SST anomalies,

6 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

the more intense the impacts. The ONI is obtained events seem not to influence the convection over
by computing 3-month running means of SST that region,39,41,42 but does when combined with
anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region. It is considered anomalies in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.39,43 The
that a given phase of the ENSO is set when, for at joint role of the ENSO and the tropical Atlantic
least 5 consecutive months, the anomalies exceed on the hydrological budget of the Amazon region
+0.5 °C (positive phase or El Niño) or −0.5 °C (the was also discussed using Lagrangian analysis devel-
negative phase or La Niña) (see additional informa- oped by Drumond et al.44 During the peak of the
tion at Amazon rainy season (from February to May), the
analysis_monitoring/ensostuff/ONI_v5.php). This Atlantic is associated more with interannual varia-
index is used here for the composition of the tions in the moisture contribution from the tropical
atmospheric variables. Atlantic sources, while the moisture transport from
The SOI is the index that indicates the SO, the basin toward the subtropics responds more to
referred to as the ENSO atmospheric component. ENSO variability.
It consists of the normalized monthly average of In the extratropics, the relationship between El
SLP anomaly differences between Tahiti, French Niño and climatic anomalies occurs from Rossby
Polynesia (17°S/150°W), and Darwin, Australia wave patterns that travel on PSA wave trains29,33,45
(12°S/130°E). At least three consecutive months and intensify the subtropical jet.38,46,47 These pat-
with a negative SOI (below average air pressure over terns affect the advection of vorticity and the
Tahiti and above average over Darwin) accompany intensity of low pressures on the region compris-
an El Niño event. Conversely, at least three months ing southeastern SA (SSA).46 Indeed, Figure 5A
of the positive SOI (above average air pressure over from Reboita et al.48 shows a positive correla-
Tahiti and below average over Darwin) accompany tion between the ONI and cyclone density over
La Niña conditions (see additional information at SSA. The low-pressure anomalies over SSA can be considered as a feedback mechanism since
indicators/soi/). they contribute to increasing the frequency and
intensity of episodes of low-level jets (LLJ),45,47,49,50
Impacts on South American climate. The ENSO and these, in turn, contribute to strengthening the
impacts climate globally, directly or indirectly, cyclones. In terms of the Southern Hemisphere,
from the tropics to the extratropics.27 Over SA, Reboita et al.48 show that the ENSO modulates the
it is well known that these impacts are associated cyclone occurrence regions but not the number of
with the anomalous Walker circulation descend- occurrences.
ing branch position (see Refs. 28–30), affecting During El Niño events, in general, there is
the tropical region, and, through Rossby wave an increase in the occurrence and intensity of LLJ,
trains via Pacific–South American (PSA) pattern which lead to an increase and intensification of con-
(e.g., see Refs. 11, 12, and 29–34), affecting the ditions favorable to the organization of mesoscale
extratropics. convective systems, resulting in large amounts
During El Niño events, the Walker circulation of precipitation over SSA;51 the opposite occurs
ascending branch is intensified over the warmer during La Niña events. Over the Bolivian Ama-
waters of the eastern-central Pacific Ocean, while zon region and in the LLJ region, there has been an
its eastern descending branch displaces toward increase in rainfall during El Niño years.52 Likewise,
the tropical Atlantic Ocean and northeastern SA, during the austral summer, in SSA (northeastern
encompassing the eastern Amazon region and Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil), El Niño
northeastern Brazil,20,28,29,35 thus leading to a causes increased precipitation (see Refs. 28, 30, and
reduction in the precipitation over Northeast Brazil 53–55), and consequent increases in river levels.56
and east of the Amazon (e.g., see Refs. 28, 30, 34, In SSA, the impacts on precipitation are more
and 36–39), with the opposite occurring in La accentuated from November of the year of estab-
Niña years.30,35,38 On the other hand, there is an lishment of El Niño until the following February.38
increase in precipitation on the coast of Ecuador In fact, high correlations between precipitation and
and Peru.18,40 The ENSO impact over the eastern the ENSO are found in southern Brazil at differ-
Amazon basin remains a topic of debate, since weak ent seasons.40,54 Other studies38,40,55,56 found in

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 7
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

southern Brazil, in addition to strong associations ically, similar to a canonical El Niño but with
with El Niño, a strong association with La Niña, but less intensity.63,64 Here, we focus on the impacts
with the opposite sign. of canonical ENSO events on South American
As of the 2000s, there were many studies explor- precipitation.
ing the impacts of the ENSO on South American Figure 4 shows the composites of precipitation
climate variability. Basically, they explore different anomaly and winds at 850 hPa during La Niña and
data, including more weather stations and method- El Niño events in different seasons. During La Niña
ologies, corroborating what had been discovered episodes (Fig. 4A–D), the winds associated with the
in previous decades: El Niño years are associated South Pacific high are anomalously more intense
with increased precipitation in SSA and decreased from south/southwest over Chile and southern
precipitation in northern/northeastern SA, while Argentina, where negative precipitation anomalies
during La Niña the opposite occurs. are consistent with this circulation, as well as pre-
From the 2000s onward, observational and vious studies (see Refs. 40 and 46). On the other
numerical studies pointed out an inter-ENSO hand, there is a weakening of the South Atlantic
variability in terms of intensity and location of the Subtropical Anticyclone (SASA) that impacts
maximum SST anomalies, which may affect the the associated north/northeast winds, which are
South American climate in different ways from weakened over the continent, leading to a weak-
the canonical pattern.57,58 A similar three-pole ening of LLJ, therefore reducing the moisture flux
pattern of SST anomalies in the equatorial Pacific toward SSA, where intense negative precipitation
was identified by some studies, though different anomalies have been observed and documented
from those of the ENSO. According to Ashok previously (e.g., see Refs. 30, 38, 46, 55, and 65).
et al.,59 the new pattern has the same sign as SST This combination of factors leads to a tendency for
anomalies at the west and east edges of the equa- negative precipitation anomalies over the southern
torial Pacific Ocean but an opposite sign in the sector of SA, which, in general, persists throughout
central region (Niño 4), and it also interacts with the four seasons. In the northern sector, where
the atmosphere (Fig. 3A). Owing to the similar- positive precipitation anomalies occur, winds are
ities with the ENSO, Japanese researchers called anomalously more intense from north to northwest,
them ENSO-like, pseudo-El Niño, or Modoki.59 which transports moisture to the region.
Modoki have different temporal characteristics Also, according to Figure 4, the anomalies of
with decadal variability, while a canonical ENSO circulation at low levels and precipitation during
has interannual variability. Moreover, since during El Niños are the opposite of those observed for La
Modoki the major heating and convection sources Niñas. Accordingly, the anomalies of a northeast
are located over the central Pacific, the Walker wind are observed over the southwest coast of SA
circulation and the Pacific wave train are different in JJA and SON due to the weakening of the South
from a canonical ENSO. Therefore, a Modoki has Pacific high, which leads to positive precipitation
different impacts around the globe60 and SA,30,61 anomalies over Chile.40,46 Over the Atlantic Ocean,
compared with a canonical ENSO. Specifically, the most intense, and closer to the continent, the
during a Modoki, precipitation may not vary or SASA strengthens the easterlies over the tropical
even be reduced over SSA or increased in tropical Atlantic toward the north of SA and LLJ east of
SA.30,61 the Andes. Over the LLJ region, the winds are
As of 2010, it was noted that SST anomaly intensified, and positive precipitation anomalies
configurations of both a canonical ENSO and occur toward SSA. As reported in previous studies,
an ENSO Modoki could coexist and produce there is an increase in the frequency of LLJ in SA
different impacts from those attributed indi- during El Niño years,45,47,49,50 associated with the
vidually to one or the other around the globe strengthening of the upper-level subtropical jet
(Fig. 3A).62,63 The dynamics and impacts associ- over SSA and the SASA due to the Rossby wave
ated with such an “ENSO Mix” still need to be train emanating from the equatorial Pacific Ocean.
better understood, but it is already known that, Thus, negative precipitation anomalies tend to
in general, over SA a mixed El Niño is associated occur in the northern sector of SA, while positive
with anomalous precipitation patterns geograph- anomalies appear in the southern sector, varying

8 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

Figure 4. Composite of the seasonal anomalies of precipitation (mm day−1 ; shaded) and wind at 850 hPa (m s−1 ; vectors) in
the negative ENSO phase, La Niña (left column), and the positive ENSO phase, El Niño (right column). Significant differences
in precipitation at the 95% confidence level are highlighted in continuous black lines. The number of months included in the
compositions is in the title of each figure (see text for more details).

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 9
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

in intensity according to the season (Fig. 4E–H). from interannual to decadal tropical variability
These results are in agreement with the increasing (e.g., El Niño), decadal changes in the Kuroshio–
(reducing) moisture transport from the Amazon Oyashio system, and processes setting oceanic
Basin toward the subtropics during El Niño (La thermal inertia.66
Niña) years reported by Drumond et al.44
Index for monitoring. The PDO is based on
the monthly SST anomalies poleward 20°N in the
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Pacific Basin; then, EOF analysis is applied, and the
Definition. The PDO is the dominant pattern of
index is the leading eigenvector of the North Pacific
monthly North Pacific SST variability throughout
SST.67 It is important to define the domain used for
the year.66 The term Pacific (inter) Decadal Oscilla-
the EOF calculation. If it is expanded southward,
tion was first introduced by Steven R. Hare67 to label
the tropical portion of the pattern tends to be more
a phenomenon extended over a great area of the
pronounced and the North Pacific anomaly moves
Pacific that affects fishing,67,68 weather (e.g., temper-
slightly eastward. On the other hand, if the entire
atures and precipitation over the American conti-
Pacific Basin is considered, the pattern resembles a
nent, especially North America),67 hydroclimate,69
global ENSO-related pattern.66
tree growth,70,71 and other factors.72 The PDO
Below, we used the National Centers for Envi-
is characterized by opposite anomaly signals in
ronmental Information (NCEI) PDO index, which
the SST, that is, warmer and colder SSTs than cli-
uses the extended reconstructed SST data (ERSST
matology between the tropical/northeastern and
Version 5) from 1854 until the present time.
central/northwestern North Pacific Ocean on an
The data provided by the NOAA are constructed by
interdecadal scale (Fig. 3B). The PDO was also
regressing the ERSST anomalies against the Mantua
described as a long-lived ENSO-like interdecadal
PDO index for their common period to compute a
variability;73 however, there are a few distinguishing
PDO regression map for the North Pacific ERSST
features between them: for example, (1) PDO events
anomalies. In this case, the monthly SST is com-
tend to persist for 20–30 years (interdecadal), while
puted poleward 20°N, following Mantua et al.67
ENSO events persist for 6–18 months (interannual);
and (2) the PDO is more expressive in the midlati- Impacts on South American climate. The
tudes, mainly in the central and northeastern North anomalies associated with the PDO over SA
Pacific regions, with less significant signatures in the are very similar to those observed during
tropics, while the ENSO has the opposite pattern. ENSO events but with fewer extremes. In the
The PDO, representing the leading EOF of warm PDO phase, higher (lower) tempera-
monthly SST anomalies poleward 20°N in the tures are observed over northern SA (NSA:
Pacific Basin after removing the global mean SST which includes the western South American
anomalies, is characterized by two phases (as coast and the southeast of Brazil)75 and anomalous
the ENSO): warm and cold. During warm (cold) dry (wet) periods over SSA (southeastern Brazil and
phases, positive (negative) SST anomalies pre- central-southern SA).75–78 In addition, in a recent
dominate in the eastern North Pacific (along the study comparing different reanalysis, a dipole pat-
North American coast) and central/eastern tropical tern over eastern SA during opposite PDO phases
Pacific, while negative (positive) SST anomalies was observed: central-eastern SA experiences neg-
predominate in the central/western North Pacific. ative (positive) precipitation anomalies during the
In the warm phase, there is an intensification of cold (warm) PDO phase, while SSA experiences an
the Aleutian low-pressure cell and high-pressure opposite pattern.79 In terms of circulation, during
anomalies over western North America and the the cold (warm) PDO phase the LLJ over SA are
subtropical Pacific,74 which are also observed at the intensified (weakened), which is associated with
500-hPa level. positive (negative) geopotential height anomalies
Recent studies have shown that the PDO rep- extending vertically through the troposphere over
resents the effects of different processes acting in eastern SA.79
different time scales, such as changes in ocean sur- As a novel seasonal analysis regarding the influ-
face heat fluxes and Ekman transport related to the ence of the PDO warm and cold phases on the
Aleutian low,74 owing to local and remote forcing circulation and precipitation over SA, we present

10 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

anomalies maps during neutral ENSO periods Relationship between the PDO and the ENSO.
(Fig. 5); previous studies analyzed mainly the PDO Once the PDO and the ENSO have a similar feature
impacts on precipitation on different timescales over the Pacific, the PDO can intensify (minimize)
and mainly during ENSO phases.77,79–81 There were ENSO impacts if they are in the same (different)
fewer cases of the PDO during the austral summer phase and even extend it poleward.81 The indices
(DJF) and more during the austral autumn (MAM); for monitoring the ENSO (SOI and ONI) are
the austral spring (SON) and winter (JJA) present a correlated with the PDO, such that, during the
similar number of cases. Nevertheless, during DJF warm (cold) ENSO phase, they tend to coincide
there were specific drier regions for both phases with the years of positive (negative) PDO index.
(Fig. 5A and E), such as the eastern coast and If the PDO index and the ENSO are in a positive
northern parts of SA, and wetter conditions in phase, there is an intensification of warm waters
the central part of SA, which is in agreement with in the tropical Pacific and, therefore, an additional
the aforementioned studies. For the warm PDO weakening of the trade winds,82 inducing more
phase in DJF, we also observe positive precipitation severe and broader droughts over many regions.81
anomalies over Argentina and over the latitudinal On the other hand, an opposite effect occurs in the
band 0°–10°S, and an anomalous anticyclonic cir- negative phases of both events.66
culation over the southeastern part of the continent. Over SA, during the warm phase of the ENSO
In the cold phase, however, positive precipitation and the PDO there is an intensification of LLJ,
anomalies are observed in the central–northern bringing more humidity from the north to the
part of the continent, including spots over the south of Brazil, increasing precipitation over this
Amazon region (Fig. 5A and E). region,80,81,83 which is observed in all seasons
During MAM, central SA presents a large dry (Fig. S1, online only). Specifically, in DJF, the
region in the cold PDO phase at a statistically central–northern part of SA experiences negative
significant level (Fig. 5B), while in the warm phase, precipitation anomalies. In MAM and JJA, the
the precipitation anomalies are from neutral to region of negative anomalies displaces to the south,
positive (Fig. 5F). Wetter conditions are found at remaining over the north part of Brazil, and positive
the northeastern and southern west coast of the anomalies are found over the extreme north of SA.
continent in both phases. JJA and SON are the sea- Finally, in SON, the precipitation anomalies are
sons during which both phases of the PDO present weaker in the north, but still considerable in SSA
opposite features. In the cold phase (Fig. 5C and D), (Fig. S1, online only).
the South American continent is, in general, drier In cold phases, there is a displacement of humid-
than during the warm phase (Fig. 5G and H). In ity to the west over NSA, located over the Amazon
JJA, the northern part of the continent is dry (at a basin, and more dry conditions in the Southeast
statistically significant level) in the cold phase, and and Northeast Brazilian regions.81 These con-
the opposite occurs in the warm phase. Also, in this ditions are observed mainly in DJF and MAM,
phase, NSA presents slightly negative anomalies at accompanied by a weakening in LLJ (Fig. S1, online
a statistically significant level. In the cold phase, the only). In JJA and SON, the precipitation anomalies
winds over the continent are easterly and northerly, are more noticeable in the extreme north of SA,
resulting in an anomalous anticyclonic circulation where a tripole of anomalies occur, and dry con-
with the center over the South Atlantic, while in ditions in the south region of Brazil and Uruguay
the warm phase, it is the opposite (Fig. 5C and and wet conditions in the extreme north of SA,
G). Finally, in SON, the circulation is weaker over respectively.
the continent compared with JJA; however, during In summary, during the coupling of the ENSO
the PDO cold phase, dry regions are located in a and the PDO, the signal of precipitation of the
northwest-southeast band from NSA to southeast ENSO over SA is intensified, which can be seen by
Brazil, and in the southern part of the continent comparing Figures 4 and 5, and Figure S1 (online
(Fig. 5D). During the warm phase, the conti- only); and this occurs mainly during the wet season
nent presents positive (although not statistically (DJFMAM).
significant) precipitation anomalies (Fig. 5H).

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 11
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

Figure 5. Composite of the seasonal anomalies of precipitation (mm day−1 ; shaded) and wind at 850 hPa (m s−1 ; vectors) in
the negative (left column) and positive (right column) phases of the PDO during neutral ENSO events. Significant differences
in precipitation at the 95% confidence level are highlighted in continuous black lines. The number of months included in the
compositions is in the title of each figure (see text for more details).

12 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Impacts on South American climate. The AMO
Definition. The AMO (Fig. 3C) was first warm phase contributes to:
characterized by Schlesinger and Ramankutty84
through anomalies in the areal mean tem- 1. Shifting the Intertropical Convergence Zone
perature of the North Atlantic. The AMO is (ITCZ) to the north,94–98 which reduces
the leading mode of decadal SST variability northeastern Brazil precipitation;87,99,100 it
in the North Atlantic,85 being defined as an can also be seen in Figure 4.58 from COMET
oscillation in the SST with a periodicity of (
about 60–90 years and a 0.4 °C range between tropical/textbook_2nd_edition/print_4.
extremes.84,86 Physical mechanisms that drive the htm#page_3.2.0). The Amazon Basin is
AMO are not fully understood.87 The NOAA also affected by the AMO’s distinct phases.
( Apaéstegui et al.101 show that during the
suggests that the AMO cycle involves changes in the AMO-positive (negative) phase, the mon-
south-to-north circulation and overturning of water soon precipitation over the basin decreases
and heat in the Atlantic Ocean. When the overturn- (increases). Zanin and Satyamurty102 provide
ing circulation decreases, which includes the warm a physical explanation for the impact of the
Gulf Stream current off the east coast of the United AMO phases on the Amazon Basin and the
States, the North Atlantic temperatures become South American Monsoon System. According
cooler. This same mechanism has been mentioned to these authors, during the wet monsoon
by Zhang88,89 and O’Reilly et al.90 Another group, phase, the AMO-positive (-negative) phase
Yamamoto, Tatebe, and Nonaka,91 suggests that the leads to a reduction (increase) in the transport
AMO warming phase is mainly attributed to the of moisture into SA owing to the migration of
mixed-layer depth deepening, as this increases the the ITCZ to a more northward (southward)
heat capacity leading to an ocean less sensitive to position from the geographic equator. This
surface cooling by heat fluxes. On the other hand, migration to the north (south) takes with
the variability of the mixed-layer depth is related it the ascending branch of the Hadley cell,
to a positive anomaly of salinity over the subpolar causing convection in the northern (southern)
region, which is induced by the intensified Gulf portion of the Amazon Basin. This process,
Stream during the positive phase of the North in turn, favors the northward displacement
Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the associated of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone
anomalous wind stress curl. In our understanding, (SACZ);
if the Gulf Stream is intensified, there is an increase 2. Intensifying the Walker circulation93,103,104 due
in the transport of warmer water to subpolar regions to the east–west SST and SLP gradients
favoring the transfer of latent heat from the ocean to between the tropical Atlantic (warm phase)
the atmosphere with a consequent increase in salin- and eastern Pacific Oceans (cold phase): this
ity (greater evaporation results in greater salinity). process contributes to increasing the precip-
This process, in its turn, intensifies the overturn itation and streamflow in the Atrato River
current over the North Atlantic (feedback effect). Basin, Colombia,93,105 as a consequence to
the strengthening of the Choco Low (mois-
Index for monitoring. The NOAA monitors ture is transported into Central and West-
the AMO through an index computed using the ern Colombia, increasing the rainfall there).105
monthly Kaplan SST dataset.92 This index is defined This is consistent with Wang et al.,106 who
as the linearly detrended North Atlantic (0°–70° N) showed that the multidecadal warming of
average anomalous SST ( the tropical Atlantic contributed more than
data/timeseries/AMO/). The AMO-positive phase half of the positive precipitation anoma-
is defined as when there are positive anomalies lies during the wet season in Amazonia
in the North Atlantic. The AMO warm phases throughout 1979–2015. One reason for these
occurred during 1860–1880, 1940–1960, and 1995– anomalies is the increase in the moisture
present, and cool phases during 1905–1925 and convergence;

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 13
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3. Maturation of tropical storms into severe hur- However, we highlighted that to the south of 20°S,
ricanes; there is then a much greater fre- LLJ exhibit a different configuration, being weaker
quency of hurricanes in this phase than dur- (stronger) than climatology in the AMO-negative
ing cold phases;107–109 in this way, the coast of (positive) phase. From MAM to JJA (Fig. 6B and C),
northern SA can be reached by these systems, the large area between 10°S and 0° with wet anoma-
such as Hurricane Yota that occurred in 2020, lies is concentrated over the extreme north of SA.
reaching Colombia;110,111 Over the oceans, the AMO-negative phase tends
4. Lower frequency of extratropical cyclones in to reduce the intensity of the subtropical anti-
high and middle latitudes of the Southern cyclones since there are cyclonic anomalies in the
Hemisphere;112,113 and regions of these systems. This impact may be related
5. Positive anomalies in the air temperature at to the higher frequency of extratropical cyclones
2 m in the southern and northern Brazilian over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans during the
regions.114 AMO cold phase documented by Kayano et al.112
and Marrafon et al.113 Indeed, during the AMO-
Opposite conditions are generally observed in the negative phase, there are wet anomalies southward
cold AMO phase. of 30°S along the Chilean coast that can be related
In order to provide a general view of the AMO to cyclones that reach Chile (Fig. 6A–D). Further-
impacts on South American precipitation during more, during the AMO-positive phase, there is an
neutral ENSO events, Figure 6 shows seasonal evident intensification of the subtropical anticy-
anomaly compositions of the precipitation and clone during the entire year over the Atlantic Ocean
winds at 850 hPa during the positive and nega- with a displacement westward (except in MAM
tive AMO phases. It is clear from these data that when there are cyclonic anomalies). In the Pacific
the anomalies present a distinct pattern between Ocean, the subtropical anticyclone is more intense
the AMO phases, in agreement with Apaéstegui than the climatology only in DJF. The anomalous
et al.,101 and a seasonal variability, as shown in the subtropical anticyclone over the Atlantic Ocean
numerical study of Ruprich-Robert et al.87 Consid- contributes to the negative precipitation anomalies
ering all of SA, dry (wet) anomalies prevail during in SON over Southeast Brazil (Fig. 6H).
the AMO-positive (negative) phase. However, there The positive AMO phase in MAM (Fig. 6F)
is no clear dry signal over northeastern Brazil dur- shows wet anomalies on the Atlantic coast of
ing the AMO-positive phase, as in the previously Colombia and Venezuela that can be attributed in
mentioned studies. Our result is more consistent part to the impact of hurricanes, as mentioned in
with Alexander et al.,115 who found substantial item (3) above. In JJA, more intense dry anomalies
differences in the atmospheric anomalies between are registered in the extreme north of SA (Fig. 6G),
periods of the same AMO phase. as described in Ruprich-Robert et al.87 During this
It is important to remember that LLJ east of period, anomalies show a weakening of the trade
the Andes presents variability in its path: it can be winds over the north of SA, which indicates a pos-
directed either to southeastern Brazil during SACZ sible surface temperature gradient from southern
episodes, or to the La Plata Basin.116,117 Moreover, to northern tropical latitudes in consequence of the
LLJ can be configured from low latitudes or only warmer SST over the North Atlantic. Unfortunately,
southern 20°S.49 The AMO-negative phase in SON we do not have an explanation for all the anomalous
and DJF (Fig. 6A and D) seems to strengthen and patterns described in Figure 6. Moreover, we do
displace the north of the SACZ (in agreement with not exclude the possibility that other teleconnec-
Zanin and Satyamurty102 ), since LLJ also appear tion patterns, such as the PDO, can influence the
strengthened and directed to the State of Minas patterns described above.
Gerais. At the same time, there is a weakening of LLJ
to SSA and the prevalence of dry conditions over Relationship between the AMO and the ENSO.
some parts of SSA. This pattern of LLJ is consistent Kayano and Capistrano119 show that El Niño (La
with Jones and Carvalho,118 who verified that LLJ Niña) events are stronger during the cold (warm)
east of the Andes (when in the path to southeastern phase of the AMO due to the anomalous Walker
Brazil) are negatively correlated with the AMO. cell to be reinforced by El Niño (La Niña), as a

14 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

Figure 6. Same as Figure 5 but for the AMO.

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consequence of the negative (positive) SST gra- The latitudinal position of the ITCZ is strongly
dient between the eastern equatorial Pacific and influenced by the dipole pattern of the Atlantic
the equatorial Atlantic. According to Figliuolo Ocean; however, some studies have shown that its
et al.,120 the anomalous Walker cell shows sinking latitudinal variability is more related to the SST
(ascending) motions and increased (decreased) sea- interhemispheric gradient, particularly during the
level pressure in the equatorial and southern parts of late boreal winter.140,141
the tropical Atlantic, increasing the Pacific–Atlantic The TAD-positive phase is characterized over
inter-basin zonal SST gradient during El Niño and the tropical North Atlantic Basin by positive SST
the cold phase of the AMO. Figliuolo et al.120 also anomalies, weaker northeasterly trade winds, and
evaluated the concomitant impact of the different negative SLP anomalies. Concomitantly, negative
ENSO (Eastern Pacific and Modoki El Niño and SST anomalies, stronger southeasterly trade winds,
La Niña) episodes and the AMO (warm and cold) and positive SLP anomalies occur over the trop-
on South American precipitation; some of their ical South Atlantic Ocean.132,140,143 Inversely, the
results include: (1) Eastern Pacific El Niño (canon- TAD-negative phase presents positive (negative)
ical events) and the warm phase of the AMO are SST anomalies over the TSA (North Atlantic).
associated with the intensification of negative pre-
Index for monitoring. Enfield et al.144 used
cipitation anomalies in northeastern Brazil, since
monthly SST anomalies to define (1) the tropical
the ITCZ is northward of its position; (2) Eastern
North Atlantic (TNA) index as the average over
Pacific El Niño and the cold phase of the AMO are
the rectangular region of 5°N–25°N, 55°W–15°W,
associated with the intensification of negative pre-
and (2) the TSA index as the average over a region
cipitation anomalies in the central part of the Ama-
covering 20°S–0°, 30°W–10°E. The warm or pos-
zon caused by the anomalous sinking branch of the
itive phase of the TAD is characterized by posi-
Walker cell; (C) Modoki El Niño show a more vari-
tive (negative) anomalies of SST in the TNA (TSA),
able signal (see Figliuolo et al.120 for more details);
while the cold or negative phase of the dipole occurs
and (4) Eastern Pacific and Modoki La Niña events,
when there are positive (negative) anomalies in the
together with the warm phase of the AMO, con-
TSA (TNA). The focus of our study here is on the
tribute to negative anomalies in northeastern Brazil.
TSA index and its variability. The positive (nega-
tive) TSA index indicates positive (negative) SST
The Tropical Atlantic Dipole
anomalies in the TSA. Following the definition pro-
Definition. The Tropical Atlantic Variability
posed by Enfield et al.,144 the CPC from the National
(TAV) can be represented on an interannual scale
Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) pro-
by its three main climatic modes: the Atlantic
vides monthly TSA (as well as TNA) indices since
Zonal Mode (AZM), the Atlantic Meridional Mode
1948, removing the annual cycle using the monthly
(AMM), and variability in the Angola–Benguela
climatology from 1971 to 2000. Here, the CPC-
Front (ABF).121 The AMM can be described by
NOAA monthly TSA index (
the second EOF of monthly SST anomalies and is
data/correlation/ is applied.
characterized by a cross-equatorial gradient of SST
and wind anomalies.65,122–126 The AMM config- Impacts on South American climate. The nega-
uration often shows a warm pool in the tropical tive phase of the TAD (related to the positive TSA
North Atlantic and a cold pool in the tropical South index) is associated with:
Atlantic (TSA), or vice versa (Fig. 3D). Such a phe-
nomenon is also called the Tropical Atlantic Dipole 1. Southward migration of the ITCZ: the cooling
(TAD), although the absence of a consensus on the of the SST in the northern portion of the trop-
real nature of this pattern makes it better known as ical Atlantic, together with the above-average
the decadal tropical Atlantic SST variability.127 warming of the SST in the southern, induces a
Since the 1970s, many studies have shown the southward migration of the ITCZ;36 variations
importance to tropical Atlantic climate variability in the intensity of the trade winds are a primary
of meridionally antisymmetric distributions of the force for thermal changes in the upper layers of
SST anomaly (and the associated SLP anomaly) tropical Atlantic, resulting in anomalous SST
on the intensity and location of the ITCZ.94,128–144 dipole patterns; otherwise, the southerly wind

16 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

responds to anomalous southern SST gradi- SST variability in the TSA, but the relationships for
ents over the equatorial Atlantic;121,140 different sectors of the Amazon are more complex
2. Increased precipitation over Northeast Brazil, and require more studies.
as positive SST anomalies in TSA are asso- For a more in-depth assessment of the TSA’s
ciated with an enhancement in evaporation influence on South American climate, Figure 7
over the ocean, intensifying the southerly trade shows the precipitation and wind anomaly com-
flow and converging moisture flux, which con- posites at 850 hPa for the positive and negative
sequently increase precipitation;36,140,143,145–151 TSA phases. Considering the seasonal variability of
inversely, the positive phase of the TAD the negative (Fig. 7A–D) and positive (Fig. 7E–H)
(related to the negative values of the TSA phases, the most intense anomalies occur dur-
index) does not favor precipitation in North- ing DJF and MAM. Moreover, the positive phase
east Brazil, as it promotes the northward dis- also presents strong anomalies in JJA and SON
placement of the ITCZ;126,140,152–155 (Fig. 7E–H). In general, the positive (negative)
3. Increased rainfall in sectors, such as the south- phase of the TSA contributes to more moisture
ern, eastern, and northern regions of the (dry) conditions in the north and east of Northeast
Amazon;35,52,54,145,156–163 the influence of the Brazil, northeast of Amazon, the extreme south of
TSA in the Amazon is due to an anomalous Brazil, portions of Uruguay, and east of Argentina.
Hadley circulation over the region, since the These anomalies are in agreement with previous
cooling of waters in the tropical North Atlantic studies,143,149,151,164,165 indicating a greater relation-
induces upward motions over the Amazon ship between SST variability in the TSA and rainfall
Basin, resulting in increased convergence of in northern sectors of Northeast Brazil and the
humidity flux and precipitation.124,163 northeast Amazon. On the other hand, the negative
4. The temperature dipole over subtropical SA, (positive) phase of the TSA presents wetter (drier)
characterized by warming along a zonal band conditions in portions of the south and southeast
extending from the southeastern Brazilian of Northeast Brazil, and the southeast and midwest
coast to the west of Bolivia, while the center of Brazil. Some interesting aspects are found during
of Argentina undergoes cooling; the warming DJF of the TSA-positive phase (Fig. 7E), which,
in the subtropical area coincides with reduced although not statistically significant, indicate a wide
precipitation during the negative phase of the region of positive precipitation anomalies over the
TAD, indicating that warming may be caused northern Northeast and most of the Amazon. This
by changes in the hydrological cycle.164 may be related to an anomalous anticyclonic cir-
culation (South Atlantic Subtropical High (SASH))
Studies that evaluated the correlation between that transports moisture to northernmost SA.
the SST time series in the TSA and rainfall in SA Other relevant aspects occur in the positive
indicated a positive correlation in the northern phase of the TSA during MAM (Fig. 7F). This
part of Northeast Brazil, the northeast Amazon, phase predominates statistically significant positive
and southern Brazil, and a negative correlation anomalies of precipitation in the north of North-
in the extreme north of SA, the southeast center east Brazil and northeast Amazon, while negative
of Brazil, and the southern Amazon.143,151,164,165 anomalies occur in the extreme north of SA, which
Franca and Mendonça166 assessed the correlation agrees with the aforementioned studies. During JJA
between rainfall in the Meridional Amazon and in the positive phase of the TSA (Fig. 7G), there
different climatic indices and obtained a weak neg- are statistically significant wetter conditions in the
ative correlation (−0.26) between the TSA index north of SA. This result corroborates that found
and precipitation of the dry season in the region. by Yoon and Zeng,163 who observed a significant
However, Wang et al.106 concluded that the rainfall correlation between Amazon rainfall and the SST
induced by the tropical Atlantic over Amazon con- of the TSA during Amazon’s wet-to-dry season.
tributed to more than 60% of the changes in total
precipitation during December–May in the period Relationship between the TSA and the ENSO.
from 1979 to 2015. These results indicate that pre- The relationship between the TSA and the ENSO
cipitation in Northeast Brazil is strongly related to is discussed in Refs. 43, 44, 143, 146, 147, 154,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 17
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

Figure 7. Same as Figure 5 but for the TSA.

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163, and 167–169, among others. Pezzi and SASH sets TAD with positive SST anomalies in the
Cavalcanti167 found that El Niño events cou- TSA in DJF, which inhibits the direct effects of the
pled with positive TAD conditions (negative ENSO. Kayano et al.169 corroborated these results
TSA phase) were related to a deficit of rain over when observing that positive TSA events coupled
Northeast Brazil and the Amazon, and an excess with El Niño presented southeasterly winds associ-
of precipitation over south-central SA. El Niño ated with the stronger SASH, which promoted an
events associated with negative TAD conditions anomalous northward displacement of the ITCZ.
(positive TSA phase) produced a rainfall deficit These authors also observed that positive TAD
in the Amazon and the south of Northeast Brazil, events were well distributed during both phases
while positive rain anomalies were observed over of the AMO, while negative TAD events occurred
the south and Southeast Brazil and the north of preferentially during the cold phase of the AMO.
Northeast Brazil. La Niña events coupled with the
positive phase of the TAD showed drier conditions The South Atlantic Dipole
over the Northeast and the Amazon and wetter Definition. The dominant mode of atmosphere–
ones over the center-south of Brazil. For the case ocean coupled variability over the South Atlantic
of La Niña associated with the negative TAD phase, is a dipole typically oriented in the northeast–
excessive rain was observed over Northeast Brazil, southwest direction with the centers of action over
while the southeast of SA presented drier anomalies. the tropical and extratropical South Atlantic,170–175
The authors suggest that under La Niña conditions, as shown in Figure 3E. Hereafter, referred to as the
precipitation over SA is dependent on the TAD, SAD,176,177 this pattern is related to the variability of
while El Niño events reinforce the effects of the the SASH, which influences low-level atmospheric
positive TAD. This occurs since the northward circulation and the ocean-mixed layer.171,174,178–180
shift of the ITCZ results in changes in the zonal The SAD was presented for the first time by
and meridional cells of atmospheric circulation, Venegas et al.,181 followed by other studies that
which intensifies anomalous rain conditions over obtained similar dipole patterns using Eigen-
Northeast Brazil and the Amazon. based techniques such as the EOFs with varimax
Drumond et al.44 explored the joint role of the rotation182 and singular value decomposition
ENSO and the TAD on the hydrological budget (SVD) analyses.179,183 According to Venegas
of the Amazon Basin. They verified that during et al.,181 the first coupled mode identified by
the peak of the Amazonian rainy season (February SVD1 of the monthly anomalies of the SST and SLP
to May), the TAD is more associated with the from 1953 to 1992, accounting for 63% of the total
interannual variations in the moisture contribution squared covariance, was described as an oscillation
from the tropical Atlantic sources toward the basin, in the strength of the subtropical anticyclone. The
while the transport from the basin toward the SASH oscillation was associated with variations
subtropics responds more to the ENSO variability. of a north–south dipole structure in SST, with
The moisture contribution prevailed from the TSA the atmosphere leading the ocean by 1–4 months.
(North Atlantic) region in the years dominated Therefore, negative SAD events are characterized
by El Niño/positive TAD (La Niña/negative TAD) by negative SST anomalies over the TSA (off the
conditions. coast of the Central Equatorial Africa/West Africa)
Rodrigues et al.154 observed that strong and long and positive ones over the extratropical South
(weak and short) El Niño events with a heating Atlantic (off the coast of SSA), besides by posi-
source in the eastern (central) Pacific triggered tive SLP anomalies over the whole South Atlantic
the second (third) leading mode of the PSA pat- (Fig. 3E). Anomalies with opposite signs occur
tern in SON, which consequently strengthened during positive SAD events. The SAD presents
(weakened) the SASH. In dry events of Northeast variability on the intraseasonal, interannual, and
Brazil, the strengthening of SASH was linked to an even interdecadal scales.170,176,177,179
increase in southerly trade winds associated with Two major variants of the SAD have been
negative SST anomalies in the equatorial South described in the literature: the South Atlantic
Atlantic in November and December. For wet Subtropical Dipole, peaking in the austral sum-
events in Northeast Brazil, the weakening of the mer (SASD),174 and the South Atlantic Ocean

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Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

Dipole, peaking in winter (SAOD).175 Some studies placed south by approximately 5°–10° latitude. The
questioned whether the apparent SST dipole-like wind anomalies suggest the atmospheric-induced
structures reported a real variability or whether origin of SST anomalies.170,171,187 In MAM, the SST
they were an artifact of the analysis techniques (e.g., and wind stress anomalies spread northward and
an extension of the domain of the SAO or the tem- the cold anomalies reach approximately 30°S. The
poral resolution of the data).171 Nevertheless, using cyclonic wind stress anomalies intensify and are
seasonal-reliant EOF (S-EOF) analysis, Nnamchi associated with enhanced warming from the north-
et al.184 showed that the SAD undergoes remark- ern part of the SASD to the Benguela–equatorial
able seasonal changes and that both the SASD and Niño region. In JJA, the wind stress anomalies
SAOD are the same mode of ocean–atmospheric generally weaken; and while the westerly anomalies
interaction reminiscent of the SAOD structure persist over the western equatorial Atlantic, a rever-
peaking in winter, and both capture different aspects sal (to easterly) occurs in the eastern basin, leading
of the South Atlantic Ocean climate variability. to anomalous convergent motion over the equa-
torial Atlantic 3 region. The anomalous easterlies
Index for monitoring. In the literature, there are
intensify further, indicating a strengthening of the
some indices for monitoring the SAD. The SAOD
trade winds, which may then intensify upwelling
Index (SAODI) is defined by differencing the
and evaporation, leading to the decay of the SST
domain-averaged normalized SST anomaly (SSTA)
anomalies the following season.
of the two centers of intense warming and cooling
Therefore, negative (positive) SAD events are
associated with the SAOD: the northeast pole (NEP:
characterized by positive (negative) SLP anomalies
10°E–20°W, 0°–15°S) and the southwest pole (SWP:
over the whole South Atlantic, negative (posi-
10°–40°W, 25°S –40°S).175 The index is positive
tive) SST anomalies over the TSA and along the
(negative) when positive (negative) anomalies are
African coast, and positive (negative) SST anoma-
registered over the NEP and negative (positive)
lies over the western and central extratropical South
over the SWP. SAODI was monitored until 2016
Atlantic. In SA, in general, negative (positive) SAD
(see For our
is associated with early (late) onsets and wet (dry)
discussion here, SAODI was updated using the
austral summers over southeastern Brazil, and
Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature
late (early) onset and dry (wet) summers over
version 5 (ERSSTv5) dataset.185 Another index, the
northeastern Brazil.176,188 Nnamchi et al.175 found
SASD Index (SASDI), is calculated in a similar way
similar anomalous precipitation and SST patterns
to the SAODI but considering different regions: the
during the austral winter, i.e., the dry season over
box over SWP (NEP) is defined by 10°W–30°W
central-southeastern Brazil.
and 30°S–40°S (0°–20°W and 15°–25°S).174 While
In an attempt to reproduce the major anomalous
the northernmost part of the SAODI extends to
patterns associated with extreme SAD conditions,
the equator and coincides with the Atlantic Niño
Data in Figure 8 was derived based on the events
region,186 the southern part of the SASDI falls
identified through the SAODI. Before analyz-
within that of the SAODI. For both indexes, an
ing the results, it is important to recall the high
extreme event occurs when the index exceeds one
sensitivity in the identification of extreme SAD
standard deviation.
conditions according to the characteristics of the
Impacts on SA climate. The leading S-EOF mode statistical analysis performed, as well as of the index
found by Nnamchi et al.184 describes the seasonal considered. Accordingly, as shown in Figure 8,
evolution of the SAD in terms of SST anomalies. the highest number of extreme SAD events was
According to their results, considering a positive registered during JJA, coinciding with the peak
SAD event, the cold anomalies are mainly confined of SAOD structure184 and the dry season over
to the southern 35°S during DJF, while in the rest of central-southeastern Brazil. In agreement with
the basin are predominantly warm anomalies with previous work, anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomalies
maxima close to the northern pole of the SASD and prevailed over the extratropical South Atlantic
in the Benguela–equatorial Niño region. The cold during negative (positive) SAOD events. Although
anomalies are displaced to the west of the SASD not statistically significant, positive precipitation
box, while both cold and warm anomalies are dis- anomalies predominated over tropical Brazil during

20 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

Figure 8. Same as Figure 5 but for the SAD.

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DJF in the negative SAD events (Fig. 8A). However, imum cyclogenesis occurs offshore of the southern
the unique positive SAD event registered in DJF also Brazilian coast, and the increased precipitation over
showed a dipole of enhanced precipitation over the eastern SA is associated with both the SACZ and
tropics and inhibited over the subtropics (Fig. 8E); extratropical cyclones. Anticyclogenesis east of the
probably, the SAODI was not able to capture the Andes and anticyclone intensification over the west-
SAD variability during DJF, and this index would ern extratropical South Atlantic (Fig. 8A–D) are
be more appropriate for characterizing the remain- related to the generation of positive SST anomalies
ing seasons when the anomalous SST patterns are and the northward displacement of transients.
configured over the SAODI northern pole. Further
studies are necessary to explore this hypothesis. Relationship between the SAD and the ENSO.
During MAM, Figure 8B (Figure 8F) suggests the Although the ENSO and the SAD seem to
impact of the SAD over northeastern Brazil during interact,154,189 the relationship is not obvious.175
wet season, with weaker (enhanced) precipitation Kayano et al.189 showed that the relationship
associated with negative (positive) SAD conditions, between the SAD and the ENSO is affected by
in agreement with Muza et al.188 and Bombardi decadal variability, with the ENSO leading the SAD
and Carvalho.176 Enhanced (weakened) precipita- from 1940 to 1970 and the SAD leading the ENSO
tion occurred over central Brazil during negative from 1970 to 2000. This is in agreement with the
(positive) SAD events. Focusing on the statistically results of Bombardi and Carvalho176 and of Nnam-
significant anomalies, it seems that the impact of the chi et al.175 showing that the SAD leads the ENSO by
SAD over the NSA persisted during JJA and SON, more than 5 months. However, Rodrigues et al.154
constituting one of the most prominent anomalous found an impact of inter-El Niño variability on
features. Although less clear and not as significant, SST anomalies over the South Atlantic. The SASD
anomalous moist (dry) conditions prevailed over (SAOD) index is better correlated with the Niño-3
the south of central-southeastern Brazil during index in DJF (MAM and JJA), and these seasons
negative (positive) SAD events in SON. depict different phases of ENSO evolution.184
Investigating the atmospheric dynamics related Bombardi and Carvalho176 found that the rela-
to the positive precipitation anomalies over south- tionship between the SAD and the variability of the
eastern Brazil during negative SAD events from wet season over tropical SA is independent of the
September to April, Bombardi et al.177 observed the ENSO. Bombardi et al.177 reinforced the impor-
propagation of a wave pattern from the extratropi- tance of separating the influence of the ENSO when
cal Pacific similar to the one described by Liebmann investigating the impacts of the South Atlantic on
et al.117 related to submonthly variations in the SA climate variability. As the authors highlight,
SACZ. This pattern is associated with low-level anti- during El Niño events a significant increase occurs
cyclonic anomalies over the extratropical Atlantic in the median of precipitation in the wet season
(Fig. 8A–D), cyclonic anomalies over central Brazil over southeastern Brazil during the positive SAD,
(Fig. 8A and B), weakening of LLJ, and favoring compared with the negative SAD. However, during
moisture transport to eastern SA. During posi- La Niña events there is a significant increase in the
tive SAD events there were positive precipitation median of precipitation during the negative SAD,
anomalies over a large part of eastern SA (although compared with the positive SAD.
with few areas showing statistical significance),
mainly in DJF (Fig. 8E) and MAM (Fig. 8F). The The South Annular Mode
low-level anticyclonic anomaly is closer to southern Definition. The SAM is a leading mode of natu-
SA, and in most seasons (except winter) negative ral climate variability of the Southern Hemisphere
precipitation anomalies and anomalous northward extratropical circulation characterized, for exam-
low-level winds predominate over part of the La ple, by zonally symmetric geopotential height
Plata Basin. Bombardi et al.177 verified that the wave perturbations of opposing signs around Antarctica
patterns observed during SAD events could impact and a zonal ring centered near 45° latitude.3,190,191
the storm tracks and the propagation of extratropi- Although the SAM is a natural mode of climate
cal cyclones near the east coast of SA. According to variability, its intensity or polarity can be modified
their analysis, during negative SAD events, the max- by external forcings, such as Antarctic stratospheric

22 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

ozone depletion or an increase in greenhouse (

gases.3 CWlink/daily_ao_index/aao/aao_index.html).
When the EOF technique is applied, for example, A general look in the time series, from January
to the seasonal anomalies of geopotential height at 1979 to August 2020, shows that the SAM has a
500 hPa, the first leading mode is the SAM (Fig. 3F), positive trend (y = 0.00086∗ x–0.15), being signifi-
which explains 20–30% of the total variance in the cant at a level of 95% confidence. This is consistent
dataset.31,32,190,191 The SAM is well characterized with the results obtained by Fogt and Marshall,3
in different atmospheric variables besides geopo- which also indicate that the positive trends are more
tential height,192 and its vertical structure presents expressive in the austral summer and autumn. In a
a quasibarotropic pattern.193 With regression review of the literature, Fogt and Marshall3 verified
maps (i.e., variable anomaly field regressed on the that the majority of studies suggest stratospheric
principle component associated with the dominant ozone depletion as the mechanism contributing to
EOF of that variable), Sen Gupta and England192 positive summer SAM trends. Although the SAM
showed that the SAM-positive phase is also char- has seasonal variability, when one considers the
acterized by negative anomalies of air temperature daily data, the persistence of each SAM phase is
(adiabatic cooling caused by anomalous upward approximately 10 days.202
motion in the near-surface layer),190,191 positive
Impacts on South American climate. The SAM-
anomalies of zonal wind, and precipitation around
positive phase is associated with:
Antarctica with opposite conditions near 45°S. The
reverse conditions are registered in the negative 1. A weakening of the subtropical jet,203,204 but
SAM phase. without changes in its latitudinal position (Fig.
Although the SAM gained attention in the 2000s, S2, online only);205
past studies, such as by Rogers and van Loon194 2. A strengthening and poleward displacement
and by Kousky,195 identified a zonally symmet- of the circumpolar vortex and zonal (westerly)
ric or the annular structure of circulation in the winds around Antarctica (Fig. S2, online only),
Southern Hemisphere. The SAM has been known which is a consequence of the strengthening of
since the 1980s but without its current name; the meridional horizontal gradient of pressure
indeed, one finds several different names in the between mid and high latitudes;203,205,206
published literature: the Southern Hemisphere 3. A higher frequency of cyclones near Antarc-
Circulation,196 Antarctic Oscillation,197 the High tica and the subtropical South Atlantic Ocean,
Latitude Mode,198 the High-Latitude Circulation,199 and lower frequency near southern Argentina
and the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode.190,191 (45°S);16,207 an example of monthly cyclone
The SAM200,201 is now more often found in the tracking density over the Southern Hemi-
literature. sphere in each SAM phase is shown in Fig-
Index for monitoring. The SAM can be moni- ure S2 (online only);
tored through indices. The CPC from the NCEP 4. The frontogenetic function showing lower val-
has available daily and monthly SAM indices since ues between 30°S and 50°S compared with
1979. The SAM is defined as the first leading mode the negative phase;16 this feature is consistent
from the EOF analysis applied to the monthly mean with Cardozo et al.208 that showed a lower fre-
700-hPa height anomalies poleward of 20° latitude. quency of cold fronts between Bahía Blanca
The daily and monthly SAM indices are constructed (Argentina) and Porto Alegre (Brazil) during
by projecting the daily and monthly mean 700-hPa the SAM-positive phase; and
height anomalies onto the leading EOF mode. 5. Negative anomalies of precipitation over the
Both time series are normalized by the standard SSA—Uruguay, northern Argentina, and
deviation of the monthly index (1979–2000 base Southern Brazil16,209 —and a weak positive
period). The positive phase of the SAM index is signal over southeastern Brazil. Vascon-
defined by the presence of negative anomalies of cellos et al.210 indicate that there is great
geopotential height around Antarctica and positive monthly variability in the signal of precip-
ones in the zonal band around 45°S. We applied the itation anomalies over SSA in the different
CPC-NOAA SAM month index in the present study phases of the SAM. All patterns described are,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 23
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in general, opposed during the SAM-negative midlatitudes is then inhibited. Concomitantly with
phase. The enhanced atmospheric moisture this pattern is the Rossby wave train that propa-
transport toward SSA during the SAM- gates from the Western Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean
negative phase identified by Nieto et al.211 and contributes with positive anomalies of geopo-
favors enhanced precipitation over the region. tential height at 850 hPa on southern SA, and nega-
tive anomalies near the southeastern Brazilian coast
Rosso et al.212 also verified that the SAM-positive (Fig. 10). These anomalies seem to contribute to
phase helps to module the SACZ, a result that agrees the tripole of cyclogenesis near the South American
with Vasconcellos and Cavalcanti’s213 study of the coast: higher frequency of cyclones near the south-
extreme events of precipitation over southeastern eastern coast of Brazil and Antarctica and lower
Brazil during the austral summer. According to frequency near the Argentinian coast. The area of
Vasconcellos and Cavalcanti,213 the PSA pattern low pressure near the southeastern Brazilian coast is
during the SAM-positive phase acts by helping to important to organize the moisture over this region
increase the precipitation in the southeast of Brazil. and leads to positive precipitation anomalies. At the
It can be associated with the amplified trough that same time, the LLJ are weakened and do not trans-
extends from the middle latitudes to SA (reach- port humidity to SSA.
ing South Brazil), as observed by Andrade and
Relationship between the SAM and the ENSO.
Cavalcanti214 when they analyzed the cases of wet
The SAM and ENSO relationship has been dis-
and dry cold fronts passing over SA during the aus-
cussed in a few studies (e.g., see Refs. 17, 203, and
tral summer. Wet (dry) cold fronts are associated
215). According to these authors, the negative (pos-
with the SAM-positive (negative) phase.
itive) SAM phase is dominant during El Niño (La
For a more detailed analysis of the SAM influ-
Niña) periods. One reason for this is that positive
ence on South American climate, Figure 9 shows the
SST anomalies during El Niño increase global mean
compositions of precipitation and wind at 850 hPa
temperature and contribute to low pressure in the
anomalies for the positive and negative SAM phases.
direction of the midlatitudes.215 Fogt et al.17 men-
As in Reboita et al.,16 the SAM phases present
tion that the highest statistical relationship between
the most intense (weakest) anomalies during MAM
the ENSO and the SAM is observed during the aus-
(JJA) and a great influence on precipitation of
tral summer. Still, according to Fogt et al.,17 when
SSA and between southeast and northeast Brazil-
the SAM-negative phase occurs concomitantly with
ian regions. In general, the positive (negative) SAM
El Niño, or the SAM-positive phase with La Niña,
phase contributes to dry (wet) conditions over SSA
the PSA pattern is well configured. On the other
and wet (dry) conditions between southeastern and
hand, when the two modes are out of phase, the
northeastern Brazilian regions (Fig. 9). However,
PSA pattern is considerably weaker.
this pattern has some seasonal variability. For exam-
ple, in DJF during the SAM-positive phase (Fig. 9E), The Madden–Julian Oscillation
not the whole of SSA is dry (the Rio Grande do Sul Definition. The MJO is a zonally oriented equa-
state is wet) and not the whole of southeast region of torial atmospheric disturbance with eastward
Brazil is wet. In MAM and SON, both SAM phases propagation.216,217 It is triggered over the Indian
cause a well-configured dipole of precipitation Ocean and Indonesia (Fig. 3G and Fig. S3, online
anomalies between SSA and southeastern Brazil. only) and completes a cycle around Earth in 40–60
The precipitation anomalies shown in Figure 9 days, which means that it completes its cycle in
can be better explained through a conceptual phys- an intraseasonal timescale (30–90 days).218 This
ical model (Fig. 10). This model was developed by disturbance consists of a very large system of clouds
Reboita et al.207 and improved in the current study. that causes significantly enhanced and reduced
Considering the SAM-positive phase, negative precipitation, strong winds, and anomalies in the
anomalies of geopotential height occur in an equiv- pressure fields at the same time but in different
alent barotropic pattern around the pole, while posi- regions of the tropics according to its phases.216–221
tive anomalies occur at midlatitudes (the barotropic When active, the MJO can have eight phases, as
pattern can also be seen through the wind intensity shown in Figures 3G and S3 (the latter online only).
anomalies in Fig. S2, online only); cyclogenesis at During phase 1, enhanced convection producing

24 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

Figure 9. Same as Figure 5 but for the SAM.

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Figure 10. The conceptual model of the SAM impact on SA. Based on Reboita et al. (2009) and (2015), see Refs. 16 and 48,

large amounts of rainfall (green color in Fig. S3, are occurring (RMM1 and RMM2 values). As the
online only) develops over the western Indian RMM index has different phases during the month,
Ocean; along phases 2 and 3, the enhanced convec- we did not do composites of the MJO. The discus-
tion and rainfall moves eastward over the Indian sion of the impacts of this teleconnection pattern
Ocean until it reaches Indonesia and the Western on South American precipitation is based on the
Pacific, on phases 4 and 5; and finally, during phases literature.
6, 7, and 8, the convection band moves along the
Pacific Ocean, from west to the center, where it then Impacts on South American climate. Despite
dissipates. the fact that the MJO is more restricted to the
tropical belt, it influences climate and weather
Index for monitoring. There are various globally through teleconnection patterns (e.g., see
indices for monitoring the MJO (see https://psl. Refs. 218, 219, and 224). The convective part of the and Kiladis222 ), but one of the most MJO propagates eastward from the Indian Ocean
widely used is the real-time multivariate MJO index and configures tropics–tropics teleconnections
(RMM) developed by Wheeler and Hendon.223 This and/or away from the convective anomaly part of
index is derived by applying EOFs to the outgoing the MJO toward the Western Hemisphere, con-
longwave radiation and 200- and 850-hPa zonal figuring tropics–extratropics teleconnections.219
winds averaged over the equatorial region (15°N Figure S3 (online only) shows the precipitation
to 15°S). The RMM index comprises two values: anomaly during the austral summer (November to
RMM1 and RMM2, which are used to define an March) and winter (May to September) at different
active MJO (when RMM1 and RMM2 are both phases of the MJO. It shows that during the austral
greater than one) or inactive phase (when RMM1 summer precipitation is favored over tropical SA in
and/or RMM2 are/is less than one). Wheeler and phases 7, 8, 1, and 2, as shown by previous studies
Hendon223 also introduced a phase–space dia- (see Refs. 220 and 224–228). In such phases, the
gram (see Fig. 7 from Wheeler and Hendon223 ), MJO sustains active or wet days over the monsoon
combining the information of the phase/location core region in SA.228 Moreover, it may affect some
where most convective activity and its intensity of the monsoon system components, such as the

26 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

SACZ,225 increasing the daily mean precipitation events in the eastern portion of SA is duplicated
by more than 30% over the SACZ region.224 Despite during the MJO period.
that, Grimm224 evidences that the interaction
between teleconnection via the Rossby wave train Relationship between the MJO and the ENSO.
with topography over central-eastern SA is the There is evidence that the MJO influences the
driver for enhanced convection over this region. ENSO cycle. Zhang236 revised the processes that
Accordingly, Alvarez et al.226 found that phases 3 are involved and suggested that the MJO modifies
and 4 also favor precipitation during the austral the zonal gradient of SST over the equatorial Pacific
summer peak (December to February) and autumn Ocean, creating favorable conditions for trigger-
(March to May) over SSA. On the other hand, ing an ENSO event and through energy transfers
during summer, phases 3, 4, 5, and 6 disfavor pre- from intraseasonal to interannual timescales.236
cipitation over southeast and northeast Brazil (Fig. Notwithstanding, these interactions remain a topic
S3 right, online only). Nonetheless, during winter, of debate. On the other hand, the combined impacts
tropical SA experiences the dry season, and the of the ENSO and the MJO can be more conclusive.
MJO tends more to enhance precipitation (with less Pohl and Matthews237 verified that MJO’s interan-
intensity over the SACZ region and compared with nual variability is related to ENSO events. Their
summer) than decrease it (Fig. S3 left, online only). findings suggest that during ENSO-neutral years or
The MJO phases 4 and 5 continue suppressing weak La Niña events, the MJO is stronger. On the
precipitation over eastern SA,220,226 but to a minor contrary, during strong El Niño events, generally,
degree (Fig. S3 left, online only) associated with the MJO is weaker or even inactive.237 Therefore,
the MJO convection activity over Indonesia and it makes sense to explore the different impacts that
Western Pacific in those phases. Beyond the lati- a combination of the different ENSO and MJO
tude domain (Fig. S3, online only), Barrett et al.229 phases can produce. Shimizu and Ambrizzi238
verified the impacts of the MJO on precipitation explored the associations between the ENSO and
and circulation in Chile, finding a response from MJO phases and anomalies in precipitation and
the teleconnection via the Rossby wave train. In this temperature over Brazil. The authors found that the
sense, around 30°S to 45°S, which corresponds to already known anomalies of those variables during
central and south-central Chile, positive precipita- ENSO events can or cannot intensify, depending
tion anomalies predominate during phases 8, 1, and on the MJO phases. The combination of the MJO
2 of the MJO, while negative precipitation anoma- and the ENSO is also important for tropical cyclone
lies predominate during phases 3 to 7. The MJO occurrences. In this sense, when the MJO phases
also impacts tropical cyclone activity globally (see 1 and 2 are combined with La Niña events, the
Refs. 230–232) and over the North Atlantic Basin modulation of the tropical cyclone activity over
(see Refs. 231, 233, and 234). Accordingly, phases the North Atlantic is increased,230,231,234 with more
1 and 2 favor tropical cyclone occurrences over precipitation over NSA.230 In contrast, El Niño
the extreme north of SA (North Atlantic Basin), tends to decrease these activities over the North
while the contrary is observed in phases 5 and Atlantic,230,231 with less precipitation over NSA.230
6,231,233,234 which can lead to enhancing or decreas- Godoi et al.239 showed that the trade winds are
ing precipitation over the extreme north of SA, for weakened over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, close
instance.230 to the north and northeast coast of SA, during the
The MJO impacts are particularly important for austral summer with the active MJO in phases 8, 1,
extreme precipitation events over SA.220,221,224,235 and 2 and concomitant El Niños events, along with
Carvalho et al.220 showed that intense SACZ events negative anomalies in the height of sea waves. Nev-
persisting for more than 3 days are associated with ertheless, they observed an intensification of the
the active MJO. Jones et al.221 observed a higher trade winds occurring over the north and northeast
frequency of extreme precipitation events globally. coasts of SA in the MJO phase 6, accompanied
Indeed, over São Paulo, in Southeast Brazil, the by positive anomalies in the heights of waves over
MJO contributed significantly to the severe weather that region. In the same study, it was verified that
events during the 2016 dry season.235 Besides that, during La Niña events, weaker trade winds and
Grimm224 showed that the number of extreme negative wave height anomalies occur in the MJO

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phase 2, along the entire Tropical Atlantic and close Impacts on South American climate. Saji and
to the northeastern coast of SA, and in phase 7 Yamagata249 show that the IOD affects both the
close to the north coast of SA. On the other hand, Northern and Southern Hemispheres. According to
there is an intensification of the trade winds and these authors and Cai et al.,247 the IOD assumes a
positive wave height anomalies in the MJO phases structure of the Rossby wave train in the extratrop-
3 and 4 near the north coast of SA. The positive ics of the Southern Hemisphere. The wave-like train
wave height anomaly is also observed during the is generated over the southeastern Indian Ocean
MJO phase 1 in the same region, together with an and extends downstream in an arcing pattern into
intensification of winds slightly to the north of that the south Pacific and Atlantic, reaching SA. In terms
region.239 of surface air temperature, a partial correlation
between this variable and the DMI shows a positive
The Indian Ocean Dipole correlation over the whole area of the SACZ.249
Definition. In September 1999, two papers These results are also confirmed by Saji et al.250
were published focusing on ocean–atmosphere The impact of the IOD on South American pre-
coupling in the Indian Ocean. While Webster cipitation during the austral spring was analyzed
et al.240 analyzed coupling in the period 1997–1998 by Drumond and Ambrizzi251 and by Chan et al.248
and proposed the Indian Ocean internal mode, In the latter study, the IOD-positive phase during
Saji et al.241 defined the IOD (Fig. 3H) being periods without the ENSO was considered; a dipole
“…a pattern of internal variability with anoma- pattern was found between the southern and north-
lously low SSTs off Sumatra and high SSTs in the ern parts of eastern SA, with negative anomalies
western Indian Ocean, with accompanying wind (positive anomalies) over central and southeastern
and precipitation anomalies.” Saji et al. also men- Brazil (subtropical La Plata Basin). This precip-
tion that the IOD accounts for about 12% of the itation pattern, consistent with the numerical
SST variability in the Indian Ocean. Even today, the experiments of Sena and Magnusdottir,252 is related
processes that trigger the IOD events are not fully to a Rossby wave source that is generated by the IOD
understood. divergence/convergence anomalies over the tropi-
cal Indian Ocean and curves toward the south and
Index for monitoring. The IOD can be iden- reaches the southern part of SA.248 It contributes
tified by an index, the dipole mode index to generating a low-level anomalous anticyclone off
(DMI),241 which describes the difference in SST the coast of Brazil, enhancing the tropical easterlies
anomalies between the tropical western Indian and strengthening the LLJ east of the Andes. The
Ocean (50°E–70°E, 10°S–10°N) and the tropical LLJ act as an anomalous humidity transport to
southeastern Indian Ocean (90°E–110°E, 10°S– the La Plata Basin, causing a higher quantity of
Equator); the NOAA website ( precipitation. Similar results were also obtained by
gcos_wgsp/Timeseries/Data/ Drumond and Ambrizzi.251 Chan et al.248 and Bazo
has the monthly DMI available since 1870. The et al.253 also show positive anomalies over Peru
DMI-positive (negative) phase is represented by during the positive IOD phase.
positive (negative) SST anomalies in the west sec- Focusing on the IOD influence on SA, Figure 11
tor of the Indian Ocean and negative (positive) shows the compositions of the precipitation and
anomalies in the east sector (Fig. 3H). The positive wind at 850-hPa anomalies for the positive and
(negative) DMI phase is associated with a strength- negative IOD phases based on the DMI. Both IOD
ening (weakening) of the trade winds.241–245 phases indicate stronger precipitation anomalies
Accordingly, a positive DMI indicates droughts during DJF (Fig. 11E), which may be associated
over the Indonesian region and heavy rains and with the peak of the IOD.246,247 On the basis of
floods over East Africa; opposite conditions occur Figure 11, the precipitation anomalies along the
in the negative phase. Some authors246,247 indicate seasons, with opposite signals between the IOD
that the DMI-positive phase reaches its peak during phases, are clearer in the extreme north of SA and
the austral summer, while other authors248 indicate SSA (generally located between the Rio Grande
that it reaches its peak in the austral spring. Since do Sul state and Uruguay). During the negative
2018, the DMI has been in a positive phase. (positive) phase, there are wet (dry) conditions over

28 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

Figure 11. Same as Figure 5 but for the IOD.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences. 29
Teleconnections and South America climate Reboita et al.

extreme north and dry (wet) conditions over the action of El Niño and the IOBW affects the South
SSA. The increase in precipitation in southeastern American anomalous circulation, particularly dur-
Brazil during the IOD-positive phase is related to ing March-to-May, increasing rainfall in the La
the strengthening of the SASA that reinforces the Plata basin and decreasing rainfall over the north-
LLJ in continental subtropical latitudes, as shown ern regions of the continent. The teleconnection
in Figure 11E–H. These results are consistent with between the IOBW and South American climate
other authors (e.g., see Refs. 248, 251, and 252), occurs in two ways: modifications of the Walker cir-
who also mention that changes over the Atlantic culation patterns and through midlatitude Rossby
Ocean circulation are due to the propagation wave propagation. Regarding SSA during the austral
of a Rossby wave train from the eastern Indian summer, Cazes-Boezio and Talento259 verified that
Ocean. La Niña events did not cause significant changes in
One interesting feature in the seasonal anomalies the southeastern South American summer precip-
of the IOD-positive phase is that, while in SON itation between 1949 and 1978, while the opposite
(Fig. 11H), it predominates dry conditions over (positive anomalies) was observed from 1979. The
most of the continent, in DJF (Fig. 11E) the pre- authors related these findings to the SST anomalies
cipitation anomalies are positive. [The causes of in the Indian Ocean, but without being associated
this inversion will be investigated in a future study.] with the different phases of the IOD.
Although the intensity of the precipitation anoma-
Discussion and conclusions
lies in SON is higher in the IOD-positive phase,
they have a reversal pattern to the negative phase Our study presented analyses and a review of the
(Fig. 11D and H). Considering DJF, it seems that main teleconnection patterns (the ENSO, PDO,
the IOD-negative phase helps to displace the SACZ AMO, TAD, SAD, SAM, MJO, and IOD) having
northward of its climatological position (Fig. 11A), different temporal scales that affect South Amer-
and it may be associated with the strong cyclonic ican precipitation. Independent of the time scale
anomaly over the subtropical Atlantic Ocean. analyzed and in a general view, the impacts of
the teleconnection patterns on South American
Relationship between the IOD and the ENSO. precipitation are more noticeable over SSA, the
Stuecker et al.254 show that only 32% of the IOD extreme north of SA, and coastal areas of North
events occur independently of ENSO events. and Northeast Brazil. They also affect the SACZ
According to different authors (see Refs. 255 and region, influencing the quality of the rainy season
256), the positive (negative) phase of the IOD (monsoon period). For example, during SON, the
can cause/influence El Niño (La Niña), and it is positive phase of the AMO and the IOD contributes
associated with the anomalous zonal winds in the to reducing the precipitation in the SACZ region,
Western Pacific.245 As one can see in Figure 3 from while the negative phase of the PDO increases it.
Zhang et al.,257 during the IOD-positive phase, the Although we focused on the isolated effect
colder SST of the East Indian Ocean is connected to of each teleconnection pattern, they can inter-
that in the Indonesian region and creates a strong act and contribute to different anomaly patterns
horizontal temperature gradient with the west over SA. Recent studies, such as Cai et al.245 and
sector of the Indian Ocean. It intensifies the trade Wang,260 have highlighted the interactions among
winds over the Indian Ocean and acts by removing the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans through
the superficial water from the Indonesian region, ocean–atmosphere coupling. For example, Wang260
leading to the cooling of the Western Pacific and, summarizes that the Pacific Ocean (ENSO) affects
consequently, to favoring of El Niño events. other oceans through the Walker circulation; a
In terms of effects on SA, of the few studies positive IOD establishes a southwestward pressure
Taschetto and Ambrizzi258 have shown through gradient force in the Indonesian throughflow (ITF)
observations and numerical experiments analysis region, which increases the ITF transport and
a link between the Indian Ocean and SA not only decreases the ocean heat content in the Western
with the IOD but also when the whole Indian Ocean Pacific, and may cool the eastern Pacific, SST. There
Basin is warm (Indian Ocean Basin–wide warm- are a few studies with this goal focusing on SA.
ing (IOBW)). They indicated that the combined Therefore, it is an important topic to be addressed

30 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2021) 1–38 © 2021 New York Academy of Sciences.
Reboita et al. Teleconnections and South America climate

in future studies. Moreover, not all teleconnection Competing interests

patterns have been deeply explored. For exam-
The authors declare no competing interests.
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