قواعد الصفات

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com Omar AL-Hourani


.Adjective -
. -
Smarts boys
Smart boys.
They need smarts. (. )
"-y" -
: .
need à needy
: . "-ly"
love à lovely
: . "-ing"
bore à boring
: . "-less"
care à careless

: .
make à made , close à closed
: . "-en"
wood à wooden
: . "-ous"
danger à dangerous
: . "-able"
honor à honorable

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani

: . "-ic"
atom à atomic
: . "-al"
education à educational
: . "-an"
republic à republican
: . "-cal"
history à historical
: . "-ful"
play à playful
: .
intelligence à smart , clever
complete ,
: ."dis- , un- , il- , in- , im-" -
happy à unhappy
accurate à inaccurate
possible à impossible
legal à illegal
honest à dishonest
"-ful" "-less" -
: .
helpless à helpful
hopeless à hopeful
useless à useful
. "a , an" -
He is a hero. .
www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani
He is smart. .

" " "heroic" " " "hero"

." " "intelligence" " " "smart"
. -

Red robe

Beautiful table

: /

.Capital Letter .

Arabic language

English grammar

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani

: /

my/your/his/her/its name
our/your/their names.
" "

: . "own"
(I will/I'll) write with my own pen. ." "
: . "own"
He did his work.
He did his own work.

: /

: . "the" "a , an"

a long street , a beautiful girl , an old house
She is a beautiful girl. .
He is smart. .

"beautiful girl"
. "smart"

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani


"am , is , are , was , were , be" -

Linking Verbs
Seeming Verbs Perception Verbs
" .Remaining Verbs Change Verbs
."smell , taste , sound , feel" : -
."seem , look" : -
."become , change , convert" : -
."stay , remain , keep" : -
: -
: . (
She is smart. .
."She" "is" "smart"
(She has/She's) become beautiful. .
"become" "beautiful"
. "become" ."She"
The soup smells a delicious. .
"The "smell" "a delicious"
. "smell" .soup"
The witness kept silent. .
"The "kept" "silent"
. "kept" .witness"
: . (
She is a clever, beautiful and rich woman. .

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani

:Comparative & Superlative

: -
:Equality (
am :
Subject + is + as + Verb.1 + as + Object
Ali is as tall as Ahmad. .
:Comparative (
am :
Subject + is + Verb-er + than + Object
Ali is taller than his brother. .
I want a bicycle larger than this. .
. :Superlative (
am :
Subject + is + the + Verb-est + of + Object

Ali is the tallest of his brothers. .

. -est -er -

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani


good : better : best :

bad : worse : worst :
much , many more : most :
little : less : least :
far : farther : farthest :
He is better than her. .
He is the best of his friends. .
Ahmed is the best. .

"most" "more"
: .

Subject + am + more + V.1 + than + Object

Subject + are + the most + V.1 + of + Object

Ali is more interested than Ahmad. .

Ali is the most interested of his friends. .

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani


Red robe. " "

The red robe. " ".
The robe is red. ". .

www.expressenglish.4t.com Omar AL-Hourani

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