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ITER_D_xxxx v. 1.4
The Way to Fusion Energy

IO Decision on
 Designation of the Manufacturer
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in boxes for Nuclear Pressure Equipment
In accordance with French regulation (Order December 2005) about nuclear pressure equipment (NPE, also
called ESPN Order) one organisation is responsible for the design, fabrication, testing, inspection and conformity
with regulations. This organisation is called the Manufacturer. For some categories of equipment the
Manufacturer shall make use of Agreed Notified Body for assessment of the conformity of equipment in
accordance with requirements of the Essential Safety Requirements. As well assembly of two or more pressure
equipment are done under the responsibility of one designated Manufacturer. Installation will be done under
IO’s responsibility.

This approved table provides decision on designation of Manufacturer for individual equipment or assembly of

WBS/PBS For example 1.5 Vacuum Vessel

IO’s RO For example K. IOKI
 Equipment  Assembly of equipment
Definition For example ITER Vacuum Vessel: as defined in
of equipment* Procurement Package (more precision may be needed)
*more than one in case of assembly
Participating DA For example EU, KO, RF, IN

Manufacturer For example ITER Organisation

Represented by For example K. IOKI

Decision (IO’s responsibility even when Manufacturer is not IO):

NPE Category

Cat. 0 
Cat. I Cat. II  Cat. III  Cat. IV 
Nuclear Level
N3  N2 
Reference of the Classification assessment memorandum ITER_D_XXXXX

Agreed Notified Body For example IO

contracted by (Cat. I or above)
Agreed Notified Body For example To be
selected after tender
Manufacturer will make use
of ANB contracted by IO 
Yes No 
Modulus to apply (ad minima)
Modulus to be applied For example
(if any) N3 N2
Single unit

Cat. 0 none
Cat. I A B1+F
Reference of ISI and periodic control plan in compliance with II ITER_D_XXXXX
Cat.the A1 B1+F
regulation or validated counter measures (or letter to ASN)Cat. III B1+F G
IDM Number: ITER_D_2DFPKQ v 1.4 Date: Cat. IV G G
  Name Affiliation Signature
Author When used for equipment identification SEHS
Reviewers When used for equipment identification RO of equipment
Approver When used for equipment identification DDG of equipment
  ITER Nuclear Pressure Equipment Page 1 of 2 
ITER_D_xxxx v.1.0

  Questions on accidents and MELCOR Page 2 of 2 

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