Sanyo RD 5600 Service Manual

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SERVICE MANUAL STEREO CASSETTE TAPEDECK RD5600.. (ausTRAtia), SPECIFICATIONS Tape: CrO, tape, FeCr tape and Input: MIC: 10K ohms (0.3m) Normal tape REC/PLAY: 10K ohms (ImV) Recording System: AC bias, 1/4 track stereo LINE IN: 60K ofsms (S0mV) Erasing System: AC erasing, 1/2 track Output: REC/PLAY: 3K ohms (0.2) “Tape Speed 1-7/8 ips. (4.75 em/see.} LINE OUT: 3K ohms (0.7V} Recording Time: 60min. (C-60) HEADPHONES: & ohms to Rewind & Fast 10K obras (20mV) Forward Time: 90 see. (C~60) Power Source: AC: 240V, 50Hz Wow & Flutter: 0.08% WRMS Power Consumption: | 13W Frequency Response: 30 ~17,000Hz (CrO, tepe) Dimensions: 16-13/16"(W) x 11-T/16"0) 30 — 17,000Hz (FeCr tape) x 6-1/4"(H) 20 — 13,000Hz (Normal tape) (426 x 290 x 158mm) ‘Signal to Noise Ratio: 62.48 (Dolby switch ON) Weight: Approx. 15 Ibs. 15 6s. (7.2 kg) 54 dB (Dolby switch OFF) “Specifications subject to change without notice. yn280 REMOVAL OF CABINET, (1) Removal of cabinet {3} Removal of bottom lid Remove the éabinet (112) by unfastening the four screws (Bind Remove the bottom lid (119) et the bottom of the unit by un- Hay, 4x8 mm Fixing the cabinet fastening the two serews (Pan Hd,, tapping, 310 mm) fixing the (2) Reméval of tiont panel totems ‘Remove the $3 kiobs (two for external input control, wo for Rleephon® level contoly nd two for output lve contol) 0 the, tide panel of the unt, then remove th front panel (1041 by Untastening the seven serevis (Pan Ha, tapping, w/vvasher, 3 x12 fixing the front pane 1 on} inline, Seren Pan He, Wharer 3x 129m ‘Sore Pan He. Wieser 3 12:9 Sere Pan Hd Wher 3 12mm AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT! (1) Adjustment of meter Dolby saiteh: OFF Limiter switch: OFF Gutputewiteh: OFF Output level control: maximum (alo for adjustments in steps 2 through 6 below) (2) Adjustment of angle Equalizer switch: NORMAL. Dolby switch: OFF Tepeto be ued: VIT~ 658 (3) Adjustment of playback output Equalizer switen: NORMAL Doby witch: OFF ‘Tape to bewed: MTT — 150 (4) Adjustment of bias Equalizer ewiteh: NORMAL Blas enitchs NORMAL ag osc ATTENUATOR Ne ris tsOOsy vel at —24 9 ‘Make sure Set the frequency at 1 HES Line aN [= TTP TBE |aciuse vl zo thatthe output k L_INii29 ATE |i te equal 109.7. = SS. 1 OO RE SOF ‘Adjust SVR.102 and SVR202 (both channels) so that the meter indicates OVU. ‘Adjust the head azimuth serew so thet the LINE OUT viv level becomes maximum. TINE OUT ‘Adjust SVR101 and SVA201 so that the LINE OUT —_yrvie level is equal to 1V. oe (ltt jovet) OO = ropes i TINE GUT ‘Adjust SVF108 and $VR205 in accordance the mark _VTVM! onthe heed ® 2s] Se Nib, init OO ‘Across the ends of the 109 resistors (R102 and R202) of the head. PARTS LOCATION ago : Q a207 a108 OS psweser —g 2 010: fO) Qaior aids ) eres ow. ‘SVRIOZ oxo fos Sans oso fom sou —1— # ious ola Sion asta 3 ovat ) Cazes a 208 i 303 ans QO ar04 7 7 oe () D605, 0 svRi0r Gaon Gan Se aide ibs & tums of asus- ‘mentond” | Topestobeued | ,foinwo! | Input | Erequency | inputtovet | Equalizer sw’ | BiesSW -thckieg “pajuatment ot |sinyo measurement _alase panty uineouT | LINEIN 1KHz =24db vin (ndgrmmtat ree | uneour wonmat "patasimen ot [MTT-150 Seat [Solera Line out NORMAL Aaiimnent of [sanyo minsuoment. | Sfahe 102 owe fessor of Norma | NORMAL Rae | abi of | | meprding/playgeck | senyo measurement 1 | Roane servo uneour | une | tHe Addy | NORMAL | NORMAL rox Adjutittint of | Senyo measurement \ Aditi ot | Sen uingour | uivew ] 1cuz | -24e | norman | sonmat (5) Adjust of the record/playbsck frequency characteristics viv Equalizer switeh: NORMAL : a Nom Bobymitcn: Or arTenaton Cine: OFF 1151} OO) ‘Shifeshe frequency from ‘Make sure with KHz to 10 KHz. 44 * Gottebes W8e S8h aa oo pers hunt nthe recog mode or Diva trode, neat SVT105 and SVE2OS otha he master Inaeron forthe THs gal thins range from a wo 1200 (nen te ie respon 8 rteencl (6) Adjustment of outputs Evcslzer switch: NORMAL viv Bins witch NORMAL Dobyonitch: OFF Cimitr itch: OFF ATTENUATOR & = #1 L1OOF PhO arr SE he sonal lve oe ' Seympggrcuoney Sah wry LINE IW $0301 Romi cee et Nia Jane 2 5 too 308 TNE OOF ‘jst SVR103, SVA104, SVR203, ond SVA204 50 thatthe monitor output at the time of recording it evel tothe slavback output. DOLBY BLOCK 7 Places of “ye poy sw | timtersw | necsw | gurenane Methods of adjustmont {i Gun too _ | Sez the unto the REC. PAUSE sate ; oF corr | Aciustmant Soh S08 Wats thor re LINE GUT tv aus! to O27V, then adit ‘SVR 202 SVR 192 and SVR 202 to obtain OVU indication of the meter. 1 oe Fe-adjusiment | Adj the hed eximuthcorew eo thatthe 10 Ke autput ie maximum for Beamer | Eh a tnt enema : sve 101 : or ‘SVR 201 SVR 1ST Ae IBOUA whi 23044 SVR 205 | Yellow | + “250uA TO Sr a Tea perish unit in sha esaring mado plabeck mode, and agua SV lore corr | Ziegestlon | sve sos] $0Sana Sve 208 so thos ihe mer inotation fr she 10 Kh ‘elie imate ©” | Sym 208 | muna ange om 1 38 1-72 0 (ithe 1 Kid eaporse th i ‘avers eee cen Poen TEREST [se on or | nan va cour 60928 204 rer Ete Jeo Ot | cen SVR. Se recording i equl tothe recorfpleybeck utp, SUGGESTIONS FOR HANDLING LSI AND C MOS——____ (1) In the case of transit or storage USL pow In hanaling C MOS's. (a) To store the-LSi Conductive urethane foam Be sure to keep the LSI inserted in the conductive Urethane foam until itis put to use. (This is for keeping the potential at each terminal equal) Integrated circuit) is extremly sensitive and Wy whan earrying or storing LSI, Similar care is necessary (b) How to handle the LS! Never touch the LSI terminals. Take it at both ends of the package, * {C) To store the LSt, avoid places where temperature or humidity is high, or where there is @ strong ‘magnetic field. (2) Suggestions for repairing (c) Before replacing the LSI, be sure to pull out the power plug. Also, be sure to shortcircuit. the designated electrolytic condensers (C716, 0751, and C752) and discharge ther. Ground the soldering iron in order to Prevent the AC leakage. (3) ‘Suggestions for replacement of LSI {a} There it's mark on one side of the LSI, This i for preventing "You from interting the LSI ine wrong way, (b] All the equipment, muasuring instruments, end tools should be ‘grounded, Ground the work table by covering It @ conductive sheet. BRACELET (resistor Ma) ‘The repairman should ground his body electrically by touching the ground line with his hand before he handles the LSI, (0) f power is supplied t0 the unit with the LSI inserted in 9 wrong way, the LSI must be discarded. (The LSI may still be {good immediately after, but i will break down inthe eouree of (ciwhen removing the digital section from the unit, hold the section as shown inthe figure below. (4) Other suggestions (a) Never clean the unit with # dry cloth, (Use one containing (0). taster may be used to measure voltege or current, but not F.P.C, (FLEXIBLE PRINTED CIRCUIT) (1). Soldering tron should never touch the film, or anywhere except ‘he pattern face. (2). Use a soldering iron of less then 30 (with temperature lower then 270°C). Soldering must be dona speedily within three seconds HOW TO HANDLE THE FLUORESCENT DISPLAY TUBE (1) The display tube i made of glass. Do not drop it, or (2) The protruding portion of the display tube very easy. DOG. DESCRIPTION OF THE DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM —— ‘The model RDSEOO employs digital techniques in a large measure, Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the main sections. Roughly speaking, the circuit is composed of the mechsnism section having the autostop function, the record/playback circuit with two poweraupply circuits, and the digital cireult with the tape counter and the clock. Ter =a AC OUTLET J j : fe T] Actoov ¥sis'} me ser ea CSF |cuock ust Len Sew j Lo temosy | eee TTL Ga 10s — fae 18:88 coca © AM Aun Oo PM Y roma @ COUNTER ae wero FS LED ate Tena a el 4 aE i T DIMMER _asoumo Rew 96 STAN-BY ° § 4 al gb ‘oN se $917 S10 tela rome S7 Oe tmonr coun sro ascron Fig. 1 (1) Generation of count pule “The source ofthe count pul ia hexagonal elector attached to saat eet ~r oe) OQ. ©) Pulse output REFLECTOR x PHOTO-TRANSITOR Fig.2 R4 Yor numberof ples poeroed “O, Zn: Number of revolutions of the ree! {depending on the our So 4 DOWN o Pup length of tape used) wenorrsionas. 52 fp 56 {Az Number of polis generated for eery revolution of th RESET GANGED TO THE Lal y. . Liideaatabal cai Maximum indication. Yraz 21% 1550 (C-120) 22 800 (C-60) 7 Fig. 5 (3) Method of display for counter and clock Figure 6 shows & unique method of connecting a single display vice to outputs of two different circuits, Ths is one of distin: ‘uished festures of thie unit, ‘This cigplay tube Is called “luorescent display, “which was spe- ‘dovelopad for this unit. It oparstes on 12V, lighting in green (of high luminance, (0 CLOCK DISPLAY SWio e—_ COUNTER AUTO DIMMER a lev! of 22V to 24V, ‘two outputs can not be directly connected In this unique cire solve this probelm. an AUTO DIMMER is employed in order to {€)_ FLUORESCENT DISPLAY TUBE ELECTRONIC Stewiren cS) ‘c [As Is clear from Fig. 7, the output from the decoder IC is connect fed 10 the LSE output through a diode (Op, and then both out- [puts are supplied 10 each of the sugment plates (P) of the display ‘ube. - done by the switch $102, which closes, 3k side and the counter side, and supplies ‘voltage of 24V tothe blanking (B1) terminal of each IC. ‘The output of the clock LSI is turned ON when 28V is applied to © the BI, terminal, ang the clock LSI will presenta high impedance When Bl, is at a potentil of OV. CLOCK LSI 24 Bi SVR CdS ‘The output of the decoder IC Is turned OFF when helt as great the voltage (since 1 is equal to 2) Is applied vo the BI, terminal, and is turned ON when Bl, is at 2 potential of OV. Consequently, ie is possible to select, by means of the switching operation of 3108, an output 10 be applied to the plate of the display tube. But, with this circuit construction, the brightness of the display tute is different for counter display and clock display since the voltege supplied 10 che display tube differs by a large margin in ‘these two cases. Thus, some device must be contrived in order to ‘compensate for this difference in lightness pisetay Tuse FS &16V FP 816V AC 100 iBl2 -K + Ra: UID COUNTER I.C ->B3 DECODER .C Bz counter 12V stock ©/Si9b Bi 12v 24yv Fig. 7 ‘Our present unit employs. voltage absorber circuit consisting of 2 CaS and a trmsistor, This cireut leo functions as an automatic dimmer for essy reading ofthe dsalay. . In Fig. 7, the snitch S10b is interlocked with S102. When the itch is closed on the counter side, 3 willbe grounded, and the 350M resistence of SVR will be connacted in series with the Transistor 0. This causes @ voltage of ebout 10V to be applied between P snd F of the display tube, and makes it operate in 9 ermal way. At this time, +B1 is applied to O through CdS, so {hat the working reslatanee across C and E of the transistor can be ‘ered with the bate voltage, that is, with the amaunt of photo- resistance presented by CdS. This working resistance across Cand Eas a composite resistence in parallel with R, will change the tollage between P and F of the cikplay tube to vay its brightness. When $100 is closed on the clock side, all the voltage will be oplied across the transistor O, and the voltage betwaen P and F of the display tube will be reduced to somewhere between 10V end 42V, thus making the tube operate in a normal way. Of course, ‘this voltage varias between 3V and 14V depending on the bright ress of the environment. Fa is inserted in the circuit in order to ensure @ minimum amount of brightness even when the CoS reonives na light. (4) Digital control circuit (One of the distinguished fentures of this unit i that digital 1C is teed to eonatitute all the neeassary control circuits Figure @ shows the block diagram of the control circuits, and figuive © through 11 show the time chart for each of the contro! ‘lreuite. The timer signal and the sleep signal in Fig, 8 eve singals {from tha clock LSI, each generated ot the time of the respective ration. ‘The switeh S7 i used for selecting “timer stane-by", “ale ahutotl” etc The contro! sgncls are generated by various combinations of Tronostable multvibrator F, monestable multivibrator I, selector Cireult, and various gates. se Figure 9 shows the time chart for the timer stand-by oper tion, When the timer signal is generated at the ze time of the {imwer, the monostable multivibrator 1 will be triggered to ipenerate the muting signal (MUTI for about three seconds. Near the end of this period, the monostable multivbrator I (Mil be scggered to gonerate the plunger driging signal (PCS), nd stat the stand-by operation. Before this happens. the tabby driving signal (AVS) is generated at the same time with the generation of the timer signal, and turns the power ON. ‘The iar signal will last for $9 minutes, At.the end of this period, 9¢ at the beglnning, the muting signal !MUT) will be Generated, followed by generation of the plunger driving Final (PSC). This caves the mechanism to stop. The rel will be turned OFF immediately after. ‘b-—Figure 10 shows the time chart for the sleep timer operation. ‘During the sleep operation in which the sleep signa is present, neither the muting signal (MUT) nor the plunger driving {pnal (PCS) will be generated. Only at the end of the sleep ‘operation will the muting signal be generated. At the same time with the generation of the muting signal, the plunger ‘Geving signal will alzo be generated, which drive the plunger {fo Htop the mechanism, Near the end of the muting operstion, ‘the plunger driving spral will be generstec again. i, instead fof using. the sleep timer, the switch S7 is wmed ON and ‘OFF. the time chert for the operation will be the same as Fig 10. a= Figure 11 shows the time chart for the case of setting $7 at the stand-by position and using the sleep timer. This chert Uiffer from Figs. 9 and 70 in that neither the muting signal for the plunger driving sighal Is generated at the time of ‘generation of the sleep signal. By combining the above operations, from a through ©, various control operations such @s unattended recording, slesp timer, lar timar, ete. ‘TO DISPLAY SELECTOR TL t rts TIMER SIGNAL woNDSTARE MUT JTL |Mamnwoea| onith murine sate EC rey BSG PLUNGER == Se REW >—4 counter “0,29 ‘| (CLOCK LSI) SLEEP SIGNAL © STAND-BY b POWERON © OFF (Sleep) ‘MEMORY swiTcH Fig. 8 al TIMER b1 MUTING 1 PLUNGER OPERATION d1 RELAY OPERATION e2 SLEEP b2 MUTING 2 PLUNGER 2 RELAY e3 SLEEP a3 TIMER b3 MUTING c3 PLUNGER d3 RELAY ts\— smn, L___ mutt LL pes__JL__fl__ RVS_- Powers tumed Onin el this interval Fig. 9 [~~ Shut-off SL.S_I1 59 a operation -MUT. Fig. 10 SLS. TS. SSS eee MUT_ ee ee Pes psJ~ LS O~—CSNLL Fig. 11 (6) Other Functions Memory counter ‘The memory counter will start counting down when the switeh 86, which Is interlocked with the REW button, i turned OFF. ‘the switch 6B, t0 the moncstable multivibrator II to generate the plunger driving signal, which stops the mechanism to atten the purpose. When the power switch $7 is tured OFF, the diepley will auto- matically changed Into the clock mode to pravent misincerpreta- ‘on of the display. a1 CABINET EXPLODED VIEW 12 CHASSIS EXPLODED VIEW Bet] parte, low] | Ret PartNo. Daeription ler’ MECHANISM MECHANISM 1 | T4-2319722302).) chess, Mechanism + |[ ao | tayzastt47002 | Coll Spring, Ste (67) tg. [7 yayaanirgos09)°" Chess, Th | farSassracaco | Con Spring, Lever) ig. | 1 2 | WACRRNTS2801 | rate not, Fiywnee'Bearin | 1 || 22 | taroaarris7e9 | Lever Awembiy; REW Lever | 4 % | tarzecrraago2 | Puey, Rew Pulley : 3 | 1412472r-00000 aareaen | a || 58 | tat zasrroat00 | Specti Wesher, Lever (72) | 4 2 | Yareaarrssi00 iv, Brake 3 Taig & | TSBearabbos | Wed Brie ie a) | 4 |] 25 | sex2asrraxeco | op! Brine, Leer 2) 1 gs | 4r2gesr.aso00 | proce, Switch + |] 1 | wrgzarragmn | side REc sige 1 § | T&ZSteraa70s | Relntorcemone, chasis 1 || eve, Safety Recording } é ‘eurrtoz00 | De Motor 1 || | TeBsssroco00 | Coitsprin, Lever (7)Restore | 1 8 | sqsdaastrtaay | Ruaber Cushion, Motor. | 3 || 35 |. tata7atrsez00 | Side, this Recording Detector | 1 18 | ataaztrtoo.e | Orersrew,stororma | 2 || 80 ragert1age0 | Side Awomby, Sect Sao |. 11 | saraaertaozo0 | ftps, Motor Mug 4 || st | térerarrteeoo | Cover AswmoW.Ehecr Lever 71 Liz | ta:céstraiaos | Pulley Assembly, Motor il] ee | tatatatrasson | eer Geet 3 13 | iaszayanaoao1 | Con, Motor earth 2:|| es | teraaarrso.00 | Shen stopper 3 4 941-0-741T-95791 Lever Assembly, Play Push Up | 1 .]] 84 141-2-855T-05100 | Coil Spring, ‘tide (83) Mtg. 1 18 | Yabaastr7aq90 | CoiSoring Laver a) Mtg” | 1 "]| 8 | fergrarresd00 | Lever Sige eo) Mig. | 1 13 | GASSES aso | CeweAwmnbiys Lever) | 4 || oe | Yararsitaza00 | Sie unser ter) Dave 1 Orie Br | taiarairedaeo 4 17 | 1¢1z6ssr-29000 | ing Leer (6) Ns. 1 |[& | taoger 4 1 | VEVSSRTPEE | CaPasting Poy Prccue — | + |] 85 | TERZEBEC%B00 | Cai'soring 8 1 13 | tarzrorr-0600 | Sl, Sep i estore 33 | WavSaerrerse0 | Corona suce 19) Renore | 1 || or | saxzaerrr000 | sess, Lever (18) Me 1 3 |. jaroeesragg00 | Lewrasenbiy;PinenPoter | 1 || 82 | targaarroenno | Bracket, Buren Side Haid | 1 fo | Uarbaerrstie0 | Special Werher Moworme. | 1 || 93 | saxo7arr-14900 | Side Assembly, Cock sige | 1 % | URsesrsteco | ReiseatewororNowe” — | 1 || 8 | tanzasrt.re000 | Goi sori, se (9) Restore |: 4 sonela a | tarzestrsieco | Col Spring, Side (63) Lever | 7 24 | avoszrroraoo | Flyemest Assembly 1 ene S| WSrata | Seetater anew en) | 4 |] so | serzerrrcotoo | ups site eunon sueer. ) 4 - : Baton 26 | 1412877r95000 | prank, Bearing 1 |[for | serzerttoion | ueerPush Guon.Rec | 1 a | tatasnerorany patent 24) oa, | 3 Butign % | taraartrareoe | Paw Nut drekee Gee" | 1 |] oe | rarasrrrosie2 | umertlaneuton play, | 3 FFD Bulton 2 25797-06900 Fiywhoet Thrust ots | + || 99 | 14126127-02000 | shert, bush Button Me. 3 30 | taraessr-o2100 Bing tyres sivas’ | + | lso9 | tarzesoragao0 | Powe Sorin, het 9) Mis. | 2 oie 3o) | Ya¥BEESTS8608 | Cotrsorings Pure Buon | 7 Lai «| setaserrosas0 | Fir Bet, : estare 3b’ | VZSSEFErI00 | Cie. Fnen Bracket 27) | + | laos azgsrgasra | socket pin BPP Head 1 San ta ‘Fzrate00 | Socke: png e Hees 2 3a) savzarzroiz01 | Lue Lesa wie Dresing | 2 {{t05 |. s41273tt-4s600 | Slide, STOP Stay 3 B | UMSSETRIRES | amine Atombie tate | {fies | HST Aatee | Roe or ornare i ; ip Feet fer | tetaertrosze0 | Pash Suton tewr,PAUSE | 1 a5 | iat2’eerr-i6103 | puley, Faro 1 Suton $e | largaszroraoo | Ferlasher PLAY Sip 1 |}roo | tarzsisr.0n200 | reshGoron Lewe,sTor, | 4 35. | taraearrr5a01 | Pulley, PLAY : curon 32 | UNSSErrdea00 | Spec Wanker, Ret Thru | 2 {x09 | serz7arr-as900 | sie FWD PLAY Lock | 3 33 | farasear-neaoo | Round Bet + [te | aesstrara00 | StcelrWO PLAY Leck | 4 40 | {atosstroszo0 | Roel Pit, Supniy Rel 4 |AIM | Ta2282r37000 | Wie spring, ew ecay | 4 4) | 1arRestr-ez900 | Gol Sorina, Bock Tersion || 4 tse 43 | VeSterdzen | Selevanemny, new noua | 1 [liz | sarz7arr45700 | side, nec sive 1 43 | tarzGrarcoomor | Brecker, Photo Tremor | 1 [|n3 | tarazsitassoo | Stde, Safety Lock on PLAY | 1 Fotos ta | T4rBastrso7o0 | Con Sorina side (a) i 4a | savzarar-to0or | aracest, Photo Traniator | t Restore Fotae: 15 rartosso9 | Breskot Slide Hole (Lower) | 1 as | sarozsrrsaao0 | sae Avsmbly, Head stee “| 1 | |e | taiarart-o4B00 | Brocket Side Hold (Upper) | 1 83 | UaSeeEradaor | Seiepemn PLAY'Stee 67) | 1 [1 | taiaasar-ageon | Plate Spring, Burton Eah | 1 Connect Ha | laraverraavot PAUSE Side 3 47 | araaszrs7eo0 | wie Spine, Pinen oer =| 1 {Hi | taxzaurtora000 | Call sri, Ske (18) : roe 4a |is.44gr.zoso0 | wine Seed, ap Heed 2 | oat faledoly, selec ao 4 24zr ison | Mametc Hen § Head 47]. 1a eee | 0 | 1a1285tT-49700 | Col Spring, R/P Head Mes. | [liq | sar-26rar-9s900 | Lock Lever, PAUSE Lock | 1 5} 323-2-472R-00200 | Lug, Head Earth 7 122 141-28527-35600 | Wire Spring, Lock Lever (121) | 1 S| TARA AEGD | So Eh oeune | sen Marzarat 3, Head Lead Wie Dresing | 3 | ly35 426¢T-06800 | Magnetic Coil Solenots 1 S| lavaertrom0 | Toe Guse + |i | savgrerraaz02 | Lever, PAUSE Loce Relewe | 1 Bs | tatzeseraoco1 | Pate Spring, Hess siecle | 1 | 137 gperraszoz | Lever : 8 | 141 28ssr-14000 cirseavsweten” |+ |e | goRttarsiior | Un rLuaie onaina | ; 20 | YarBarerosroo | Brecker, Morr : 57 + | 141-2-731T-46300 sie PLAY Slide 1 130 141. 77.43900 | Boss, Motor Bracket 1 iia) 3 8 ‘| Yar-zesar-evano | Plate Serine, Head Sie (@5) | 1 |. 141-246n Sig 59. | sarozarrsaz00 | site Asemby, Frio side | 1 _||181 | '41-2440T-19400 | Rubber Cushion, Motor 3 go | r4rzesrrstaoo | Cat spring Side 69) Rexow | 1 “tly | yza-247an-cogo0 | Lug, Motor racket Earth : 3 82 | larazerraacor | Sie; REW Turn Over 1 [8 | 14tob7e7-c2100 | Searing Atemby, Fiywhent S| IMASSITSHsto | cosine Sa TeHioerte0 | 3 |]rag | sexoaerr-toaa0 | seater Rel Trane | 3 estore oth Reflector, Tane End Detector ex | rerazerrsooos | umerserino prasure “> [a JUS | “253888700 | Seek Rew Couns Bown =| 4 S 5) rarzasztiao0 | Bors Side (67) Mh, 1 "|fes7 | 141-23667-36400 | Bracket, Switch (136) Meg. "1 SF | TESaetageo0 | Side Anemby. FES f [fs | 4 2aszrar000 | Wee Serine, Lever (67) 1 oo 139, 141-2.462T-44200 | Boss, Lever (87) Mtg. 1 os | warazerragior | unre BEW Tum Over : : ve: (87 | RSS | AEREEEMGIT eRe | 1 [IMS | Hastert | feet eitin } EW fe ! —18— PARTS LIST we : “feet, Bsa ow|| ae | pene omni few MECHANISM MECHANISM SCREWS 143 farazarrssaoe [gic muaysice 7 Ihre Nut mm 1 tay | larcoassts7e00 1 [hes Waier23x42x0.4mm | 2 4 at Szaer9ge%e | Penna creut: Boars 4 fio Water 23x6x0amm” | 4 ‘dasembiy, Meshes va Waster 3x6.x09mm a 5+ | agarrsoan | fence 1 [hee Waser x 19x mm ‘ S2err-oot00 | [Termin Wapping 14 {yas Spring Weaher Sn 3 ‘2aat3ee00 | [Sooners + ily Sheing Washer nm 2 D501 Tigh tng Diode + [Ys iol Foth tack water | 3 SHTaAGTE perrson phowTansster Pao | 1 ||y26 fra Toth Lock Waser | 1 Gear 502, Manestor 2scsash.oor | 3 oa” esters yar fer Tooth Lock Water | 8 ol -Tranisor SSAGS9E 1 om {500 Transistor 25838 1 lye exnal “E" Ring 2mm | 2 Bac2.503, Diode 32473 4 |i¥2e External "E" Ring Lbmm | 4 00308 39 External “E" Ring rem” | 3 08 Diode 1N4001 1 [vse Graphite Nylon Washer 3 eos Diode DS17 or 08-133 i a x bas 507 Dinde BS16 or BSG 1 |lyss Fiber Washer 21% xO3mm | 1 500 Diode 182472 1. |)y3e Graphite Nylon Washer 2 Si e8 < O250m CAPACITORS yas vie Rin aie 1 e502 [Electrolytic 10uF 160 1 Wye raphite Nyon Washer ae Eecwotvae ior Je | lys7 Graphing von Vine 1 104,505 Etecrotyae tour 16wV | 2 || vag Fiber Washer x8% 05mm | 1 ‘a5 Etcwoiyae tour 2oWv | 1 Hla9 Stel eal 26 5 oly 1000, 25WV ion Seew 08 Electrolytic 47027 25WV a | Tepe eertsh Washer [10 ccierons! ya Tel Berew win oer | 4 Al resstors are Carbon Paype #108 1/4W unas otherwise rote. yaa Tapping Seow with Woshor | 4 501 505 1.2K ohm 2 |Ivas Tapping Srew with Washer | Feoaisoe, sae one 7 apn Screw with Washer s10821. yas FlatHead Screw 3 x5mm | 2 523/526 vas Spring Pin 29 % tae i 509 324 ohm 1 [Yas Stopiite Nyon Washer i 507 aK ohm } Sane nese an ra 7K chin 2 |lyaz Cushion 3 x4 x 1mm 1 foe Sake tak ohm ston row | | YAR Gammon EXE Imm | | Fen 83K tin 1 iia 1 Tube 4 x Vm 8 hota 2K ohm Reis aK ohm 3 fare [aacokn 1 Bev? [Sctic S60 otm 10% saw | Ata 00 oh 1 Fano EMets Oxide Fiima9.ohm | ‘Sugar 520 Leieta Oxize Film tem =| ‘Son ve 1 sz ls.ox ohm Tet” frar-z-asr-17400° | Rubber Cushion, REC Sto | 1 ‘Spacer 145 frar-z-45r-18600 | Rubper Cushion, PLAY side | 1 Spacer MECHANISM SCREWS vi PanHead Soww3x2mm | 4 a PanHead Sow 2xémm | 3 % Pan Head Sow 2xtamm | 2 % PanteedSeew axon | 2 % Pan Head Serew 20% 12mm | 4 ve m Head Screw 3 xaown | 2 4 fitHeedScewaxenm | % Pantiood Sewnaxomm | 4 8 an Heed Seren 3x 10mm | 4 Ho Tepping Seren’ 22x 6mm | 7 ui Topping Seren 23.x8mm | ve ‘Topping Sere 2x ernm i v3 Fepping Seren 3:x8mm_ | 42 va Topping Soren 2am | F M6 FigtHend Topping Sew | 3 she ‘3xénm Fs Head Tapping Screw ‘somnr0 Ln art No. Description aw || Rev | rene. Description PACKING : ELECTRICAL PARTS 4141-6.1327-78102 | Individual Carton q 201 42517-68400 | Power Transformer _ 1 Nat ganar 05900 | Sian Pa 2 || 302 |- 5trr-07579 |Mewr, Right se : 44}-6415181609| iratvetion Booklet i} | 309 | <3111-073H0 | Mew Lett side i 1256459R-00100| inspection Sheet 2 || doe | S2zara03 | Side Voteble Resear, 2 TRE iP scree nrerPowyernyieneoos,set | ¢ || 30s |. 4296r-s9000 Socket, Pa Clock Comect | 3 141-8:231¥-20000 Inner Polyethylene Ba 3 |} doe | 233rt-43000 [Smite turing 2 instretion Bookie 307 | 2asr20800 [socket MIC 3 141-6:2017-10300 inner Poyotyene Bos, 1 || 20 | 4285r-S0s00 | Seeker, Head Phone i Bower Cora 30s | 2437-78600 | Power Core i 141.62917-10200 | inner Polyethylene Boa, 1 [| 2a | atzr-o54as lio Lem, cassette Lioht i od Asemaly 313 | re1-547-22000 [Flee Golty cB 2 141-64791-25600| Label, Dalby Label 1] | za |18133er- deans [Femina Atma, ooby i 26000 | Label bin 1 ee nea “aise eee /141-2-382T-05300 Fermi 31 SLP114B Lead Wir 2 ane sam oreo (Derek Be, } 2ie_-|r41-2:2027-07100 | Terminal, Pome: Cor ACCESSORIES 29 (4-236T-42300 Socket, From Power Supply 1 <24STISGON | Loos Aasesty ; 14124727-00401 |Log, f.G (225) aP-T Earth «| 2 42471-10282 | Magnetic Tape, C12 1 BBE | Nara rer g000 (Socket 7 pin i EZaorccetn |Pad eu er Oapley | 1 2 38er-e0%00 |Fluorersine Deploy bella 341-2:9521-22600 | Spacer, REC Indicator 1 i 141338ar 22000 | Spacer Courter Indieetor | ‘ Wee] tats tooo] 2 |] cosy | #9807 00100 (CDSE ne 3 wos | 14r24577-14100 ; tenes LED Sup a8, REC & Courver i i 7 gene 305 Escutcheon, Input Level Index 1 81 £2] Diode 182479 or 181655 7 308, Inox nob, Inpot Level Indes © | 1 33 ior Brecker Knob, index Knob iy. | 1 108 Brocket io, Top id i os | tat aaetr-onooo | Holger, casete RighcSiae Hots | 1 Mo | tat2eerrasces [Holser, cette Let Size Kok | BY | 141Bserrsab00 cot Spring, Holzer (roa) 00) | 2 t io iz | se1g.s197-a0701 cabioe + |] powsy pce assy 13 | Yerdazet-t0100 |Bortom Lie i ‘114 | 141-9-163T-00300 Fa ee Mic & 2 21 [140-8-220T-06000 [Printed Circuit Board Assembly, |; 2 tp ve oan 118 | 1arerest-o0400 jrotey Kneb Asiembiy, Mic& | 2 | {ia03,e0r| 4252702600 |choke Coil 23m 2 Output Level 302,402 4-252T-05600 | Choke Coil 36mH 2 ns |Stand, Bottom Lid Mtg. = 1C301,401 IC NES458 2 7 Fercussion soromeiss — | 4 | [Ssonaor Diode 15188 2 ‘here Mg. ue hice Krab, taput Levat 2 . us Soca Sic ob (18) Inside |] 2 CAPACITORS Yao | et-o1247-05300 [Top Lid Assembly i corzav7 omanicaoge saoxsomy | 2 esas Geromie 220nF 20% CHASSIS carats uyoroooxhestossouy | 2 eaeate fivieroooame stow sowy | 2 Tei] a1 BS1DT14700 [Bub Chasis Clock +] (esa Mute 0602 7cE Ie | 3 182 | 1ar2Stzr-14008 [Sub Chas: Poner Supply 1 | lea Wyler Goosgur sexsony | 2 | ‘arcs esis Myler .o27uF xox bow 2 152 | 141-2.2107-03600 [arecet, AMP P.c.B ta + | [SiB883 Myla OCzuE ecm | 8 iba 2.3887 35100 jSwitch Bracke, Push Switeh 1 | \c30s;a08, [Aluminum Electroiytic.tuF |’ 4 ne 5205, f . 136, | 141-29007-95200 |switch Bracket, Power Switch | 308,408 reeled Be" | latgassr-t6200 [Rubber Cushion, Power Gord) | Juminom Electrolytic 0.204 HBS | A SAIS aEvaS [eatRe tantoea, 1 | Jesee.co0 Aluminum Elcralyic 20H | 2 Sub Chass tsp | 141-99117-90202 |chon's Assembly 1 elite . 1S | eS ter ei, 1 | Feuaae Eleeolytie HF 2501 eo | tataerar-or2o |Con Ceod Wire Dring ; Laide er | 1at-garsr-o7epo [riots Aun eatine a a | [oweaes. Etecwotyic 104F 16017 162 | TarZaett 90700 Eoi'sarna Topi Orener | 3 | | Sop! tee | 1a125esr arerop Lis j sletainieeanciews 164 | 141-9-262T-00700 |Bracket Knob Assembly, Switch | 7 esa = vs si ‘Geb 165 | 141-2-1617-25000 |pusn Burton, Clk Switeh 7 RESISTORS 18 | 1atSaesrGor00 |shereamenby.RechLaY | t Saece lcernon 120 onm s10% 110 | 2 tee | 141-2.4727-06900 45, cers 1 Cervo 120 oo oan |B 16 par 2a6on | Spacer, LEO Mo i Eston ionm=vox slaw | 4 {fo | 14¢2892r-ve etic, mie soca 2 am | 140-24. Rating Plat i 304,404 [Carbon 3.3K ohm +10% 1/4 2 Vip | tat-neszt-a6s00 |e Spring, REC/PLAY Select. | 1 | |Raosaos SetenSiomsioe nan | 3 2 [MB | 1ar255tr-t6000 [ste RECrLAY select 1 | |Asosa0s Eeroon 100K onm 10% Yaw | 2 UiE | 141 Zaszr-aoooo [wie Sorina, awe pce conn | 1 | |Roruaio Gerben teon chmatox View | 3 ae | tar-eb2r-37900 [Wire Spring, RECIPLAY Seiex | 1 | |Rooeaos Gerben 270K ohm sox va | 3 tie | tar Barar11200 [Pu‘Brcketttamo ma. | ¢ | [Rate {SesbonGaox ohm stom van | 2 ite | ta: ner, Lead Wire Oring a2 | |Rbov‘ {Garbon ait obm sion 7400 | 2 179 | 141-0581T-00600 | Gear Assembly. 1 7 ee a PARTS LIST mt] penne os me | pn co]| RE | enn eit ow AMP PCB ASSY AMP PCB ASSY HE | 082007 $7808 Pig Grea Board Any, crap amy. Tecrahnic oF BBW 7 ‘ae aes, " ; 10s |. ¢zarrga4oo sity, cua oat 1 || ae SIS | Garr aetes [Sch sass yagi sar Faget acted [Uy Volume ah 1 || aegis: VSSazerarono [anbi et Lf) a6 ios |'*2Ssrr agen. [Such Soy 3] | tag: SE ror os £2etrasa0e [Ente tle amexa dint | 3 | | 123228, Fee aati 3+] | eee SEE Shoo eee Mateos | t | [ofan letolytie2 20" 25wv 2 Si cont fate ceconetetone | sot asrr-4s800 [swith AEOILAY sutec:-—| 4 aoc a0K 160 Sie |. SBITSERR2 Bech REgay Steet | fBorions faseehsecet ay eww | T | lexooz0e, eecvelicant wy fin SBapedais Feta tanning en aa | (Ue aNe : Saris [Verasemee acs us |S || Heats: oa ez azarraat7s|sunvaable Restor neca | 6 | | 12122: eae an . cia. ecvlytez2uF 16H 2 etoe te eeceenc ihe aS, 3 ease ees aiue Samy i eso eccuate ape Se ; 4.2227 30478 | eri variate Resor, Mew | 2 | [Ean BeasMicazuciewy | 8 “gjyara P _| |ena azaztaot7a [sen Verole Reser, Bins Aur] 2 | S12 Saogt a0 pec call i ead Electrolytic 220uF 25WV_ 1 4-252T-05600 | Choke Coil 36mH 2 Aye 1O008F 7 ‘Heberdine |6ehs h i REsisToRS ANSISTOR: eis sci 2 ohm stony | 1 peas? . R619 |Cerbon 8.2 ohm 210% 1/4W a | Transistor 25015716 8 | |R102,202, | Carbon 10 chm 210% 1/4W 3 oes : ; nea xan 18 00m e108 1100 | 4 ramitor2scezec avo x0 | |S eaten gs San NSE an |} Ha fenton sect Sto fan | 4 33 een fost ee | B97 207 exeen goon slog ta | 2 3799, ember dio ohm iota | 3 Transistor 250045 a | a e638 leon 330 ohm si rams | 3 rnsitor 250400F + | IRS enter sap chm sion taw 14 noes lesen 390m ston van |} DIODES 148.248, (Carbon 470 ofm + 10% 1/4W_ 3 pape Peeeere 4 | |atiazn| lcaroon 60 ohm stom view | 4 9102'202 Pies 152074 5 | Intzoz, leatone0 ohm 1014" | 02 sie Ses i asses seiccs0omm sion vow — | 2 ad Pia Ete 1 R602 |Carbon 820 ohm £10% 1/4W 1 fet een seowsceay || Rioate, emcee aim toe tia | eo capacitors 28 3 || ess 3 | atts oar extn 12kcchmsron van | 4 Same oGersiowsowy — | 2 | [RE emer iach stoke | 4 Sramistoose sso eow | & | Rita, ements Staton aw | 8 iis 185.200, earoon 12K ohmstox aw | a cmamic zope sox sony | | /*1S0380 moze, lowmonazkehm sion an | 8 ais ceamieso0er exon soy | 1 | In lewvon 22k ownsrontnw | 4 Geramic appr s20% sowy =| 1 | | 437359" : ei Sramiaigor siomeowy | 8 | |ytt2ze lexton27¢ ohm e104 aw | 2 eos 607 Estee 33k neg ie | 2 rio0 33k ohm cwamicoozaurieo-zon sonv | 2 | [RYS28 rear aa on n1oe way | 2 gocie sroxsow | 4 Setar aan Shmsioe vaw | 3 aeeese BEN | 8 Spaseet oer, i. [Carbon 6.8K ohm + 10% 1/4W- 5 gaps sioxecuy | 2 Sesser So sowy Boia ssowsowy | 3 lextonezx obmson yaw | 2 Soiste HOERY | 3 cron fat iae en | 3 MiisrGozate caesony | 2 Ehhee treshe stom vay | 8 Soistr saoceawy | | MyeGSiete oncony | 2 : oer tale 508.208 cain 124 ohm 210% ta | 2 Aum Seco osmur | 2 | |RICE ZS Cetera ct AOR Vas | 3 5 PARTS LIST a rs Dewan ow]| St | ren, Desrpion avy AMP PCB ASSY COUNTER & DISPLAY PCB ASSY nivaaia| cnbon ocommvion tan [8 | [FB Caan TK amma — io 28 8 Ee He aids ewan 20% orm exon aw — | || 388 ara ae carson 106 ohm a5 vit | 4 niaiase eaton 274 atm 30% sw | 2 | | R2D Caton 1G ohn 3S Vath | Riiaaia| ton ae Sh ioe ara | 2 |r ceeon Wek oom sem ia | Teas nie Gmpen econ see yaw | 208,615, \Cerbon 47K ofm 10% 1/40 2 RW Carbon 33K ohm +5% 1/4W 1 Flee 8 exten Secon ston nen | 3 | Ret exten Se atm Se Va | 120,220 |Carbon 56K ohm 210% 1/4W 2 Ris Carbon 47K ohm 25% 1/4W 1 reas, eee serra davon | a || Rak a8, Sete aoe see tw | af [carom 150K ohm tox tay | 2 48. 7 sr BK Shs iene oh ure 28,262627.52 Garber 100K ohm 25% 1/4W 5 coon 220k obmsron saw | 2 |] R8 Suber $086 Shin 284 Vay | 8 eaten 2006 stay vay | 2 || Re Seen BO oh Seti | 128,228 |Cerbon 820K ohm =10% 1/4 2 R30 Carbon 1.5M ohm 25% 1/4 * | 1 nae Seer sero uan | 3 | 3 R217 carbon 4M ohm 210% JAW 1 POWER SUPPLY FOB Ape 7 . Fit64,254 cerbon 12M onm=tox aw | 2_| fasg [1450290756700] Printed Circuit Board AwsembW. | 1 wer Supply : . nes} -4zz2raz571| se Vaabe heir 1 COUNTER & DISPLAY PCB ASSY 7 SBeFraBita|Rraeanet, | at ioe trlcatetcheedeeialetl Tome IezE or ? pis] anoarrooe Pind reo Sona mn. | + | (88 anastt aataak : RAI 4.2217-01500| Resistor 1 [bes Bree: Beta 1 nie | 42901-10272 Php spin Forster tom || (969 Bie S207 or 15858 i ewes 4296-10275 Ph oi, For Socket (208) 1 | [Pe Diode w2230 1 SUES | SERS PUESEN, Far Sota azo) | 3 cNPT 42367-10280 | Plug 13pin, For Socket (219) a CAPACITORS cue | zest eee| pablo rorrionbu noe | + |losa Eteclytie 4 oF 35WV 1 cues | {ziersiatel pugs roreismence | + || Eeceavtc ta any i SETAE ees cra 1 |B Ecrecddne Sou 1 Ea ECC Sar San } ‘TRANSISTOR eet cee eer sony i or2e rrenor 2505386 oF or | 3 a4 ‘Transistor 25C536F 4 RESISTORS Sher TEST 28688 or 3 | fave Garson wenm5nsen | 4 08 57 Crbee Boe Sekt | piove ei See Pim a oman | F 1 Dive uvarT 1 eo seo orm 10% rw | 4 Boar Bese ITS aeastses | 28 || 50 vscgohm sion vay | 7 es Sree sSee cee | a ee Gaon Sercseraw | 1 ieaas icrowrenanpom | 3 ‘ IE TERLRE, Nees ; ica IC TC4001P, NOR Gate 1 POWER SWITCH PCB ASSY Boo le tesorar Gio caumer | | oo3 Taner oa0o] Ponte Gre Boos Asenbv..] 7 iad nine ra 7 42317-62800 | Snitch, Power ON/OFF & Timer CAPACITOR STAND-BY comes onamwy | 4 TeLiy Peony (Ceramic 0.01uF “9% BOWV 8 | Ta2e 740.9:200T 59100] Printed Circuit Board Assembly [1 . Mylar 0.01uF 220% 500 2 Retey Mylar 0.022uF 220% BOW 1 4:2327-04800/ Relay 4 ‘Aluminum Elecvrolytie O47uF | 2 Diode 14001 3 a pee a.zsrr-oot00| Testa raping Pin } ae seu [B82 cme i ce dicinon testoune ue — | +] eLOCK CONTROL SW PCB ASSY #4055 sew a Gas [sao 9760739200] Piped Grou Bow AV, | Aitdmum eevotvic2aur | 1 roe Sor roa A E : siz azsrrgz200| suit 3 pe env saz) |. S28 S2t00| Saten “5, ea ciety 1017 188 2 || See nc om 266 vw | ou RESISTOR ‘SCREW MOUNTING mn Garon ss0chmssxvsw | fae seen seo chmaeeiaw | t [Teron Tan Hand Siow 28 ew Rae Gaaen ik ohms 1/40 2 || vier Fan Head Sersw 3 Sm % oad Seren te Shey vin | 2 fl vaoa Bint tedSepe tome "4 ozo fener Mecenacen aw | 2 || YGs se ees ake | fae eeeen 23k ohm see Vw | ||YAG3 fupmsettesern [ag Fits, Gaon SSE cpm ont | 3 [Per Hope seen gegen kg si Yea Fee sao gon 3 nee canooeze onmasy via | + {| ¥03 Tepe Soon Sahar nee Semen Bak ohm se a | Fehr we aa PARTS LIST fet. Part No. Description oy SCREW MOUNTING vito Tapping Screw with Washer e 3x 16mm iat ‘Tapping Serow with Washer 18 Bx tam 7 yi Pre-essembled Seren with Washer | 1 '& Spring Washer 3 x mm ya, ‘Tapping Serew with Washer 1 3x 16mm ys Washer 4x85 x 0.45mm 2 Yue External Tooth Lock Wather 1 3x65 x0.45mm —32- SANYO ELECTRIC TRADING CO, Ltu, 33, Hiyoshi-cho 2-chome, Moriguchi-shi, Osakefu, 570 Japan Novi'77/500 81 Printed in Japan EXPLODED VIEW (MECHANISM). eS Bes oy, mt le” Q-« o—y28 7 -21- -20- SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (AMPLIFIER) Ne GTOT_FSCIETIG ajar em ioe FSCIETIS, 10a 2scis716 (ior 28c8366. LEFF cane ata ‘aioe 25c5366 & NF ln Buel oat a [Tarn aime] 87S | BTS ays Lear koe + sore 503 2scs366 ae T}iegeTeyp ] 250 400F| PHIOL — @S01 2sce5Ra —22- (0503 28C845R0 rat Tae (0505 2504385 elk Seek Voltage specified are for PRISE Swiree 1 -23- Fiayback [Recorcing) WIRING DIAGRAM (AMPLIFIER) ( ower stock I Ti _ ; P|] ASS une our ey Ot B+ - + { ey! Fe ae —as] | bs psy = 7 i a - se S 4 : Ble L ® . = JF S, es 4 ne 2 : - . ‘ fi a) rive waae vozo2 z ‘elds \ i om ' + z sai pe fer per | oo er tea toee teas ep a eee sts fest Seep e te teee ete aise [6 Sear re pe Susse {se feastas te Storer [estes f ocr fase Te i Suezee [ses te i¢ oye fee tee -24— WIRING RIAGRAM 5 6886 ~26- ~27- SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (DIGITAL). re ens (Oo fai 2scs36 nee O 5% Der! ec Gee @ 2 @® © 20 G0 ce ®) we @ Foney x cn 20° cae Soe. nae GPa 8a took TES yesooar 6 te sooze & O6 256 845 o7~ 073 e--0— JAMPER OQOGQOOOOWL FSi wan \sziee sion mam ee Vu Sur] scant oY 1c 10 mM S316 coutnoi suiren © cxoek TIMER leser 4] i. eee RS SERVANT ENS. DOOOOOOOOME OOOOOOOLE Fe 0s o bet ob, 0608 9 ol FSOSTR LTO] oo ~29- SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (DIGITAL) "1 cs QS Teco “e LED co? bo ‘COUNTER N09. ° pispLay @ cos Teo Crain gh DISPLAY OOO SOOOO 08 _25c 945 FO ASS 22K Roe SKCEN) ra Phe Moa BORG whe M6 4-BT-04 z Pg area aaaae ceel Ra a7 33, D60--- 151555 or 152073, NOR GATE Te 4001p tic 4) Top view mu oan ws MVeRTER(IC2) TC4049P Wiss we eu we FLUORESCENT DISPLAY 4-8T- Tanne eB F Geaeegnes sneagn erate tet at AMP Goss INTERNAL CONNECTION 7 «ono ‘6 (end) 04 NAND GATE re 401 we na ne . 2a ks PosiTiv : -31— (ic 43,53 © 7 (uo) > Nor cate = NaNO GATE > INVERTER > INVERTER om PARTS LIST. Ret.No.| PartNo. Description ory| ‘SCREW MOUNTING (MECHANISM) vt Pon Head Serow with Spring | 9 Washer 2.5%e4ram v2 Pon Hoed Serew with Spring | 4 Washer 34mm vs Washer 3x80.Eram 1 va Filet Hod Serew 3x 16mm 1 v6 Pan Heod Serow 36mm 2 v6 Washer Head Tapping Screw | 5 ‘3x6mm vw Pan Hoad Serew 2x 10mm, 1 ye ‘Spring Wosher 2mm 3 yo Flat Had Serew 2x V1enm 1 vi0 “Tapping Serew 3x6mm 1 vit 1 viz ‘Tapping Seow 2.3x6mm 2 via Pan Head Serew 3x 18mm 1 via Washer 3x 10x 1mm 1 v5 Wecher Heed Tapping Serew = | 3 3x8mm vI6 Pon Head Serow 2x1 4mm 2 a12- EXPLODED VIEW (MECHANISM) a3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM. sGsgfhess) oon cours voonn mses |e taps P| | vee 7 Fay [Bovleav eave reicovleawt gave bow elev sav esr cao aseisn i use an Q701 25015716, G7022SC536G AUD HEY. [etonalenv]s.avj sv] Sav/zav/s.evfsav[s vf ov [6.ov/eov|navrcv[oevlesel sses96 i ‘Pav R101 33K eae ee 8 ascous 3 5 HK 2] Figs 230 280 505F r wom G levwlnd esr wi TK 88K Fels NEO 7 ls Q703 25CS45P Q705 25C 536 6 AUD eroe on mic i niet farm 1 ° R701 LINE OUT 180K 18K 36mH, : By Ee cee AT EY ata te ee Ye me ® 3} | lz 5 ROBY fax Lm exo oy pam 8} |, 3, [8 SE dest Ber] se z eae 7 7 ies) ts oth ge SH eos won| BT | Te] | Len FETS etay Jeet Tcp some | Ps e rats pwones, = vn tor ts ey oan 3 ae [813 3] fe , 2) Ie 3 ISLES 3 ty LR 3 3/5 Bir f* ‘yey Bee | |B } po} es [S740 729 3 x sal GF BL Yor eed lo¥ g “ay eI ~ ET I atone 2 5 dha] ake ch 2 saat sy ET BB & Ely cad cok” o 5 sot 8 ses sacra sin 0841-0865 usene tena per Umee Boat 5 Ones i Ho [pu Reno, PUNT REE sos weer esas T= t=] Sho [a 7 an = Frise | gals 3 2 a res ayeysyey ys és S 2.8] 5 : | U D901~ D904 we OOOO OC OO DOOOOOOO, | ‘ 889 wirst—t—] | ae Ly aay, avy SOTA S B| Josor psos At Tee ate] of] | cee ems aren oF reves tenis won OT al cay aongexig| (Gn 12} 4 28 mou sc 4 ee SUE] J g8l.. ante q = a] de | | W@2@OOOOOE DOOOGOOO! {5}. | Faith so sel. Ge" Setcszcz--powsr swrren | j 3) [2 "Sli a oh Sa0 ee aaa rea 1060 on z Soizsicaocmare sure | a 7 ® «| fae ae se 5 7 S4-1=54-2---PLAY MUTE SHIT 7 M131 360 alert 88 Corn ‘oso Yasar 3s Power swiTcH | Tse 32 ase Toss 3 ren ST |e ° 56 ennenn MOTOR SWITCH | cote ET Te F cw Eye] 7s fo sia VOLTAGE In —PLAY S74- S72 aNeuy swine | ; RECORD * STOP MUTE SHETGNL _ oe wry FA Geo Isces6 ‘0801 2SDSAEF woo | O -W7- -168- WIRING DIAGRAM Vee OUT Vref Ro2 4 16 7 LB1415 -18e SANYO ELECTRIC TRADING CO,, LTD. ‘33, Hiyoshi-cho 2-chome, Moriguehi-shi Osaka-fu, 570 Japan ‘July 779/500 81 Printed in Japan

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