Visão Da Ozonioterapia em 40 Pacientes Com Fibromialgia - Uma Terapia Eficaz

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_ en keeaeh ad Ozone therapy in 40 patients with fibromyalgia: an effective therapy Umberto Tirelli, Cinzia Cirrito, Martina Pavanello Tumor Center, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Oxygen Ozone Therapy, MEDE Clinic, Sacile (PN); Scientific Society for Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (SIOOT), Gorle (BG), aly Abstract Fibromyalgia isa chronic disorder with a very complex symp- ‘omatology. There is evidence that oxidative stress is inreased in fibromyalgia, although itis not known whether this increase is ‘involved as a causative factor in the development of the disease, ot ‘whether itis secondary tothe patents’ unfit condition, Ozone ther- apy is thought to act by exerting a mil, transient, and controlled oxidative stress that promotes an up regulation of the antioxidant system and a modulation of the immune system, The objective of the present study was to get apreiminary evaluation of the potential clfectiveness of azane therapy in the management of fibromyalgia, AC our knowledge, this is the largest study of patienis with Fibromyalgia treated with ozone therapy reported in the literature and it demonstrates that the ozone therapy isan effective treatment or fibromyalgia patients without significant side elfets Introduction Fibcomyalgia isa chronic disorder with a very complex symp- tomatology. Although generalized pain is considered to be the dinal symptom of the disease, many other associated symptoms, especially non restorative sleep, chronic fitigue, anxiety, and {depressive symptoms also play a relevant roe inthe deree of dis- ability charscterstic of the disease. Fibromyalgia pathogenesis is Corespomdence: Umberto Ti Sucile (PN) ly “Tel: #390434 7800, E-mail utreli@erost Cini, via Sam Michele 1 Key words: Ozone therapy; Fibromyalgia; Active therapy ‘Confit of ners the sthors declare no potential confit a ners. Received for publication: 3 Doscmber 2018 Asse for publication: December 2018 ©Copyright U. Mel etal, 2018, Licensee PAGEP res, aly Ozone Therapy 2018; 3:7969 doi 104081020 218.7960 his articles dctribued under the erm of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (hy-ne 40) which permis any ‘noncommercial use, disibution, and reproduction in any med, ‘provide the orginal authors) and source are credited. [Ozone Therapy 2018; 3:7969] also complex, and both genetic and environmental factors sem to play a role in the patho-physiology of the disease." There is evie ‘dence tha oxidative stress is increased in Gbromnyalgi, although it isnot known whether ths increase is involved as a causative factor {n the development ofthe disease, or whether itis secondary to the patients” unfit condition. Ozone therapy is thought to act by exert- {ng a mild, transient, and controled oxidative stress that promotes ‘an up regulation of the antioxidant system and a modulation of the ‘immune system. According to these mechanisms of action, it ‘was hypothesized that zoe therapy could be useful in fibromyl- gia management. The objective of the present study was to getapre- liminary evaluation ofthe potential effectiveness of azone therapy as add-on treatment in the management of fibromyalgia, Mater Is and Methods Forty patents with fibromyalgia, acconding to the definition of | the American College of Rheumatology." were treated at the -MEDE Clinic, Sacile (PN), Ital, ftom February 2016 to December 2017. Females were 35 and males were 5; age ranged from 22 1 68 ‘years, and the time from Fibromyalgia diagnosis ranged from 015 to '33 years, The evaluation of pain was made by the Numeric Rating Seale, in which the patients chooses from 0 (n0 pain) to 10 (mai- ‘mum pain) and the evaluation of the fatigue was made by the Fatigue Severity Scale, which is used to estimate the severity of the symptom witha score from 1 to 722131948 Treatment was made by auto hemo transfusion in 30 patients and by azone recialinsul- Flasion in 10 patients, according to the Seienific Society for Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) protocols, twice a week for one smooth and then twice a month as maintenance thera. Results We found a significative improvement (250% of symptoms) in [32 patients (80%). No patient reported important side effects. In conclusion, at our knowledge, this isthe lamest study of patients ‘with fibromyalgia treated with ozone therapy reported in the itera- ture und it demonstrates thatthe ozone therapy is an elective teat- ‘ment for fibromyalgia patients without significant side effets, Discussion and Conclusions ‘Ozone therapy, which is used to treat a wide range of diseases fand seems to be particularly useful in the treatment of many chronic diseases, is thought to aet by exerting a mild, transient, [page 43] and controlled oxidative sess that promotes an up-regulation of the antioxidant system and @ modulation of the immune system. According to these meckanisms of action, it was hypothesized that ‘ozone therapy could be usefil in fibromyalgia management, where the employed therapies are very often ineffective The objective of the present study was to get a preliminary ‘evaluation of the potential effectiveness of ozone therapy in the ‘management of fibromyalgia. 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