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TUTORIAL REVIEW | Chemical Society Reviews

Lipid oxidation and improving the oxidative stability

Fereidoon Shahidi and Ying Zhong
Received 22nd October 2009
DOI: 10.1039/b922183m
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

Lipids are a major component of food and important structural and functional constituents of
cells in biological systems. However, this diverse group of substances is prone to oxidation
through various pathways. Their oxidative stability depends on a number of intrinsic and
extrinsic factors, including the unsaturation of their fatty acids, composition of minor
components, environment conditions, delivery techniques and use of antioxidants, among others.
Lipid oxidation has detrimental effects on both food quality and human health, and efforts must
be made to minimize oxidation and improve oxidative stability of lipid products. Antioxidant
strategy has been successfully employed in the food industry for quality preservation of the food
products and in the medicinal industry for risk reduction of numerous oxidative stress-mediated
diseases. This tutorial review will provide important knowledge about lipid oxidation, including
the mechanism and factors involved in oxidation, as well as strategies for improving oxidative
stability of lipids.

1. Introduction of lipids and trans fats) has been associated with a number of diseases
and health conditions, including obesity, hypertension,
Lipids are an important component of food and most cardiovascular disease and cancers.
biological systems and are also used in a number of industrial
applications. They serve as a condense source of energy and 1.1 Composition of lipids
lipid-soluble vitamins in food and constitute the structural There is no precise definition available for the term ‘‘lipid’’.
components of cell membranes while also functioning as While early definitions were mainly based on their solubility in
important signaling agents in biological systems. Lipids in organic solvents such as hexane, chloroform or ether and
food products, either naturally occurring or added exogenously, insolubility in water, limitations apply where exceptions are
provide a heat transfer medium for food processing and render found for monoacylglycerols of some short chain fatty acids,
desirable texture and flavour to the products. Lipids are one of which are more soluble in water than in organic solvents. It is
the major macronutrients required for growth and maintenance generally accepted that lipids include a broad spectrum of
of the functions of living organisms, however, excessive dietary compounds that have the same common properties and
intake of lipids has its own implications. Overconsumption of compositional similarities and these relate to a larger extent
lipids especially the ‘‘bad’’ lipids (e.g. certain saturated lipids to their solubility than their structural characteristics.1 Hence
a diverse group of compounds are referred to as lipids,
Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, including triacylglycerols (TAG), diacylglyerols (DAG),
St.John’s, NL, Canada A1B 3X9 monoacylglycerols (MAG), glycolipids (GL), phospholipids

Fereidoon Shahidi received his Ying (Joy) Zhong received

PhD in physical organic her MSc degree in Food
chemistry from McGill Uni- Science from Memorial
versity in Montreal, Canada. University of Newfoundland
Currently, he is a University in St. John’s, Canada and
Research Professor in the is continuing towards her
Department of Biochemistry PhD degree with Professor
at Memorial University of Fereidoon Shahidi in the same
Newfoundland. He has received University. Her research
numerous awards, including interests focus on the chemistry
the American Chemical Society of natural antioxidants and
Award for the Advancement of their health benefits.
Application of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry as well
Fereidoon Shahidi as the 2010 European Lipid Ying Zhong
Technology Award from
European Federation For the
Science and Technology of

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Table 1 Lipid classes and examples and a-linolenic acid, respectively, through elongation and
desaturation. Plants are able to synthesize and interconvert
Lipid class Example
these EFA and provide dietary sources for animals. EFA are
Neutral lipids precursors of the metabolically active prostagladins and
Triacylglyerol 1,2,3-Trioleoylglycerol leukotrienes, which play important roles in the immune
Diacylglyerol 1,3-Dioleoylglycerol
Monoacylglyerol 1-Oleoylglycerol response.6 Omega-3 PUFA are of biological and medicinal
Fatty acid Oleic acid interest, and have been shown to possess a variety of health
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

Alcohol Hexadecanol effects, including anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and

Wax Hexadecyl oleate
Sterol Cholesterol, b-sitosterol anticancer activities, among others.7–10 Omega-3 oils are
Sterol ester Cholesteryl oleate now commercially available in various forms as specialty
Hydrocarbon b-Carotene lipids. Unlike PUFA, saturated fatty acids are considered less
Polar lipids desirable for health and nutrition, as they are believed to
Glycolipids Digalactoyldiacylglyerol
Phospholipids Phosphatidylcholine render harmful effects to health. Saturated fatty acids have
Sphingolipids Sphingomyelin been associated with increased incidence of atherosclerosis and
Fat-soluble vitamin Vitamins A, D, E and K coronary heart disease.11 However, stearic acid has recently
been found to be neutral or even protective in development of
cardiovascular disease.12
(PL), sphingolipids, fatty acids, long chain alcohols, waxes, Although acylglycerols predominate in fats and oils, minor
sterols, and fat-soluble vitamins, among others (Table 1). components also make important contributions to the quality
These compounds can be categorized into different lipid characteristics, stability and applications of lipids. Minor
classes based on their physical properties (fats/oils), polarity components in fats and oils include mainly phospholipids
(neutral/polar), chemical structure (simple/complex/derived) and unsaponifiable matter such as sterols (cholesterol in
or essentiality (essential/nonessential). animal fats and phytosterols in plant oils), terpenic and
Lipids are mostly esters of fatty acids and glycerol. Nearly aliphatic alcohols, phenolics (including tocopherols and
98% of lipids in plants and animals consist of acylglyerols, tocotrienols, collectively known as tocols), and hydrocarbons
namely, TAG, DAG and MAG, which contain three, two and (including carotenoids and squalene), among others. They are
one ester bond, respectively. TAG are the most abundant generally present in oils at less than 2%, but may play a major
constituents in fats and oils of commercial and dietary role in rendering stability and special functionalities to oils.2
importance. In vegetable oil, for example, TAG comprise These components not only provide good markers for the
more than 95% of the total lipid.2 In living organisms, TAG authentication of fats and oils (e.g. phytosterols), they also
play an important role in metabolism as energy sources and possess biological and physiological activities (e.g. tocols,
transporters of dietary fat. Different from TAG, PL are carotenoids, phytosterols, etc.) and thus are considered as a
surface active, due to the presence of both lipophilic and potential source of nutraceuticals. Some may exhibit anti-
hydrophilic portions in their molecules, and constitute the oxidant properties that help to stabilize lipids against
major components of biological membranes. PL usually have oxidation, while others may act as pro-oxidants under certain
a different fatty acid composition from that of TAG, displaying a conditions and adversely affect their oxidative stability. The
higher degree of unsaturation. antioxidant/pro-oxidant balance is important in predicting the
Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids and to a large oxidative stability of the lipid.
extent determine their physico-chemical and physiological
properties. Natural fats contain primarily even-numbered
1.2 Occurrence of lipids
straight-chain fatty acids. However, odd-numbered, branched-
chain or cyclic, and hydroxyl acids are also present in minor Lipids are widely distributed among plant, animal and
amounts in natural as well as processed fats. Naturally microbial sources. Lipids for food, cosmetic and medicinal
occurring fatty acids show varied degree of unsaturation use are produced from plants such as oilseeds, tropical fruits,
depending on their origin. Depot fats of most, if not all, herbs and spices, and alga as well as from animal origins such
higher land animals are high in saturated fatty acids, in as land-based animals, fish, marine mammals and derived
particular stearic acid (C18:0). Plant oils are relatively low in sources. In addition to naturally occurring fats and oils, novel
saturated fatty acids, with palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1), lipids are developed to achieve desired physical and/or
linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) acids being predominant. chemical properties, extended shelf-life, improved nutritional
Milk fat contains a large proportion of short chain fatty acids value and expanded applications. Fatty acid profile of lipids,
(C4–C10). Marine oils, including algal, marine fish and marine including the chain length, unsaturation of fatty acids and the
mammal oils, are a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids TAG structure, can be modified through breeding and genetic
(PUFA), especially those with long chains (C20, C22), engineering of the source plant.13 Alternatively, lipids can be
which are of biomedical interest.3–5 While some fatty acids, modified by chemical or enzymatic means and via processes
mainly saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, can be such as hydrogenation, fractionation and interesterification.
biosynthesized in the body, PUFA must be provided through For example, incorporation of marine-derived long-chain
the diet and/or supplements for health maintenance. The latter essential fatty acids into plant oils results in structured lipids
group is known as essential fatty acids (EFA), which include with altered fatty acid composition and/or positional distribution
some omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA derived from linoleic on the glycerol backbone.14,15 Structured lipids have been of

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great interest as nutraceuticals and functional food ingredients of free radicals. The process can be accelerated at higher
due to their beneficial effects on a range of metabolic para- temperatures as in thermal oxidation. Photooxidation involves
meters including immune function, nitrogen balance, excitation of a photosensitizer and energy transfer to lipid
and improved energy release and lipid clearance from the molecules or oxygen. Oxidation can also be catalyzed by
bloodstream, among others.16 certain enzymes such as lipoxygenases. Unsaturated fatty
acids are the major reactants affected by such reactions,
whether they are present as free fatty acids, simple alkyl esters,
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

2. Lipid oxidation acylglycerols or phospholipids. The PUFA in membrane

phospholipids and cholesterol, especially low density lipo-
2.1 Introduction of lipid oxidation protein (LDL)-cholesterol, are the major target substrates of
Lipid oxidation is a major cause of quality deterioration in oxidation in vivo, causing irreversible cellular and tissue
food and negatively affects the integrity of biological systems. damage.
The oxidative changes in food give rise to the development of
off-flavours, loss of nutrients and bioactives, and even formation
2.2 Lipid autoxidation pathways
of potentially toxic compounds, thus making the lipid or lipid-
containing foods unsuitable for consumption. Lipids in living It has been widely accepted that lipid autoxidation occurs via a
organisms may also undergo oxidation during normal aerobic free radical chain mechanism that proceeds through three
metabolism or upon exposure to other oxidizing agents.17 distinct stages of initiation, propagation, and termination,
Oxidation in vivo has destructive cellular effects and has been leading to a series of complex chemical changes. A simplified
associated with pathophysiology of numerous diseases and scheme explaining the mechanism of autoxidation is given in
health conditions including inflammation, atherosclerosis, Fig. 1.
cancer and aging, among others.18–21 Unsaturated lipid molecules, in the presence of initiators
Lipids are susceptible to oxidation in the presence of such as heat, light/ionizing radiation and metal ions/metallo-
catalytic systems such as light, heat, enzymes, metals, metallo- proteins, lose a hydrogen atom and produce free radicals. The
proteins and microorganisms, leading to complex processes of lipid radicals then react with oxygen to form peroxyl radicals,
autoxidation, photooxidation, thermal or enzymatic oxidation, which act as the chain carriers of the rapid progressing
most of which involve free radicals and/or other reactive reaction by attacking a new lipid molecule. This reaction
species as the intermediate. Autoxidation is the most common may be repeated for several thousand times during propagation
process among all and is defined as the spontaneous reaction until no hydrogen source is available or the chain is
of lipids with atmospheric oxygen through a chain reaction interrupted, for example, by antioxidants.13 Therefore, lipid

Fig. 1 Lipid autoxidation pathways.

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oxidation is a self-propagating and self-accelerating process. proportion of allylic and bisallylic hydrogens, which can be
Oxidation normally proceeds very slowly at the initial stage, monitored by using proton NMR spectroscopy (e.g. as in Fig. 2).
until it reaches a sudden increase after an induction period. The lipid free radicals generated during initiation and
The initiation of lipid oxidation requires the presence of propagation are stabilized by radical resonance (as shown
initiators or catalysts, which have been summarized by below), which also leads to shift of double bonds and cis-trans
Schaich.22 The initiation process is quite complex and not isomerization.
yet fully understood; however, it is believed to involve removing
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

of a hydrogen atom in the lipid molecule. The loss of hydrogen

atom takes place most readily at the carbon next to the double
bond in the olefinic fatty acids, due to lower C-H bond energy.
The dissociation energy of hydrogen in various compounds
was presented by Ohloff23 as given in Table 2. The bisallylic
hydrogen in PUFA requires the lowest activation energy
for initiation of free radical formation, followed by allylic
hydrogen while alkyl hydrogen requires the highest Conjugated dienes and trienes are produced, due to the
energy, suggesting their decreased susceptibility to oxidation. rearrangement of the methylene-interrupted double bonds in
In other words, oxidation is accompanied by a reduced PUFA, and are used as an indicator of oxidation.24
During propagation, lipid hydroperoxides are produced as
Table 2 The dissociation energy of hydrogen in various compounds primary products of oxidation (Fig. 1). They are unstable and
break down to a wide range of secondary oxidation products,
Compounds DE (kcal/mol) including aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, hydrocarbons, volatile
103 organic acids and epoxy compounds, among others, some of
which have undesirable odours with very low threshold values.
100 Therefore, oxidation-related rancidity are generally related to
the secondary oxidation products. Meanwhile, alkoxyl (RO ),
85 peroxyl (ROO ), hydroxyl ( OH) and new lipid radicals (R )
are generated from decomposition of hydroperoxides, and
further participate in the chain reaction of free radicals.
Decomposition of hydroperoxides is more likely through
65 cleavage of O–O bond of the hydroperoxide to form alkoxyl
and hydroxyl radicals, as O–O bond cleavage (DE 44 kcal/mol)
is thermodynamically more favoured than that of the
O–H bond which requires a higher activation energy
H–OO–R 90
(DE 90 kcal/mol).25 Possible pathways for hydroperoxide

Fig. 2 H NMR spectrum of canola oil.

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decomposition and formation of secondary oxidation unsaturated fatty acids through non-radical pathways, as
products are given below. commonly encountered in photooxidation. Singlet oxygen
(1O2) is an excited state of oxygen, which can be generated
from triplet oxygen by chemical, photochemical and
enzymatic means as well as by decomposition of hydro-
peroxides.29 Singlet oxygen is a major reactive oxygen species
(ROS) that readily (1500 times faster than triplet oxygen)
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

participates in the oxidation process. Light-induced

production of singlet oxygen requires the presence of photo-
sensitizers such as chlorophyll, pheophytins, riboflavin,
myoglobin and heavy metals, which are widely found in
nature. These photosensitizers absorb energy from light
At low temperatures such as in cold storage, breakdown of (visible or ultraviolet) and are activated to an excited singlet
hydroperoxides is dominated by metal ion-mediated electron state (1Sen*). The excited singlet photosensitizers are very
transfer mechanism (as shown below).26 The haem and unstable and tend to return to ground state by either reacting
non-haem iron provide a source of metal ion required for this directly with the lipid substrates (type I photosensitizers) or
reaction. activating triplet oxygen to singlet oxygen (type II photo-
Fe2+ + ROOH - Fe3+ + RO + OH sensitizers), which readily initiates the oxidation process.
The reactions of photosensitizer-involed lipid oxidation are
The alkoxyl radicals may also undergo rearrangement and shown in a simplified scheme below.
cyclization to form stereospecific epoxides. The type of Type I
secondary oxidation products produced depends on the hn
composition of the hydroperoxides and pattern of oxidative Sen ! 1Sen
cleavage, in other words, the composition of the fatty acid O2
substrates and reaction conditions. For instance, hexanal is
Sen þ RH ! 
SenH þ R ! ROOH þ Sen; or
formed as one of the major secondary oxidation products of
linoleic and other o6 fatty acids, whereas oxidation of o3 fatty
Sen þ RH ! ðSen þ RHþ Þ or ðSenþ þ RH Þ
acids results in the production of propanal.27 Individual O2
carbonyl compounds as indicators of lipid oxidation can be ! ROOH þ Sen
identified and quantified by using chromatographic techniques Type II
for assessing oxidative deterioration of different lipid systems.
The aldehydes formed from hydroperoxide decomposition Sen ! 1Sen
can be further oxidized to organic acids and other tertiary 1
Sen* + O2 - Sen + 1O2
oxidation products, which may be measured by monitoring the
system conductivity changes. Hydroperoxides and many of the 1
O2 + RH - ROOH
secondary oxidation products are highly reactive themselves
and may initiate further oxidation reactions. They are Type I photooxidation proceeds via a free radical or free
also toxic to tissues and cells of living organisms. In the radical ion route, leading to the formation of hydroperoxides;
termination stage of oxidation, radicals neutralize each whereas in type II photooxidation, the highly electrophilic
other through radical–radical coupling or radical–radical singlet oxygen reacts directly with the double bonds of
disproportionation to form stable non-radical products, unsaturated fatty acids by addition rather than through free
including a variety of polymers products.26 The formation of radical intermediates. Hydroperoxides are generated during
polymers during oxidation of membrane phospholipids leads to singlet oxygen attack, accompanied by a shift of the double
reduced fluidity of the membranes, affecting membrane transport bonds in the molecules, as shown below for photooxidation of
and cell signaling, as observed in Alzheimer’s disease.28 methyl linoleate.

Instead of loss of the the bisallylic hydrogen and formation

2.3 Photooxidation
of equal amounts of C9–OOH and C13–OOH with a
In addition to the normal or ground state (triplet) oxygen in concomitant formation of a conjugated diene structure
autoxidation, the excited state (singlet) oxygen can be involved (D10,12 or D9,11) in autoxidation, photo-oxidation of linoleate
in lipid oxidation by directly reacting with the double bonds of yields a mixture of four derivatives with the hydroperoxy

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group on either of C9, C10, C12 or C13. The autoxidation known for their high PUFA content, and are among the highly
may then proceed following formation of hydroperoxide by unstable oils. Unsaturated fatty acids as main reactants
singlet oxygen, producing multiple intermediates and oxidation display significant compositional changes during oxidation,
products that change with reaction conditions and time. which provide an indirect measure for the extent of oxidation.
Photooxidation makes significant contribution to oxidative
changes of foods or biological organisms exposed to solar light 3.2 Positional distribution of fatty acids
and UV radiation, such as liposomes and cell membranes that
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

The stereospecific positional distribution of fatty acids in the

are subjected to photooxidation in numerous skin disorders,
TAG molecules also plays a role in susceptibility of lipids to
including phototoxicity, photoallergy, photosenescence,
oxidation. It is believed that the location of PUFA in the sn-2
photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. The significant effect
position of the glycerol backbone helps their stability
of photooxidation has been attributed to the long lifetime of
against oxidation.30 Shen and Wijesundera31 investigated the
singlet oxygen in the hydrophobic cell membrane (longer than
oxidative stability of two regio-isomer TAG molecules SSD
in aqueous solution), and the quick occurrence of the reaction
(1,2-distearoyl-3-docosaenoyl glycerol) and SDS (1,2-distearoyl-
(30 000 times quicker than autoxidation for oleic acid and
3-docosaenoyl glycerol) and revealed that DHA is more stable
1000–1500 times quicker for polyenes).
to oxidation when located at the sn-2 position of the TAG.
This may, at least partially, explain why randomized vegetable
oils oxidize faster than their corresponding parent natural oils,
3. Factors affecting lipid oxidation in which PUFA are preferentially located at sn-2 positions.32
3.1 Fatty acid profile The difference in oxidation rate observed for TAG regio-
isomers may be attributed to the interaction of acyl chains
Lipid oxidation is a complex process whose rate and course are within the same TAG molecule and possible steric hindrance
influenced by many factors. Oxidative susceptibility of lipids for hydroperoxide formation, which are to be further
depends primarily on the composition of their fatty acids, investigated.
more specifically, their degree of unsaturation or methylene
bridge index (MBI, the mean number of bisallylic methylene
3.3 Lipid class
positions). PUFA (structures shown in Fig. 3) with the highest
MBI value are most susceptible to oxidation. The oxidation Variations in oxidative stability exist among different lipid
rate of the fatty acid series stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic classes. In general, fatty acids have been shown to oxidize
acid, for instance, was reported to be in the ratio of faster in the free form than their glyceryl esters, possibly due to
1 : 100 : 1200 : 2500.13 Oils with high proportions of unsaturated greater ability to pick up trace metals from the environment.33
fatty acids show compromised oxidative stability. Oils PL show higher susceptibility to oxidation than TAG, and are
originating from certain plant sources as well as those from major contributors to the development of warmed-over
marine origin such as algae, fish/shellfish and mammal oils are flavour in meat. The relatively high reactivity of PL in oxidation

Fig. 3 Chemical structures of typical long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).

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has been attributed to the: (1) difference in their fatty acid 3.5 Environmental factors
composition, e.g. higher proportions of PUFA in PL in order
In addition to the nature of the lipid, environmental factors to
to keep fluidity of membranes; (2) location at the tissue-air
which lipid is exposed during processing and storage may
interface and arrangement in membrane that facilitates
also affect its oxidation rate. Although lipids are naturally
propagation; and (3) greater proximity to catalytic sites of
occurring in various sources, procurement of commercial fats
oxidative enzymes.26 PL in the body are important membrane
and oils requires extraction and refining operations, which
material, and their oxidation leads to alterations of fluidity,
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

may introduce modulations in the oxidative stability of the

permeability and selectivity of the membrane and
final products through exposure to high temperature, light,
consequently modulation of cellular metabolisms. Within the
atmospheric oxygen and moisture, and possibly the contact
PL class, individual PL compounds have varying oxidative
with worn metals. The refining processes may affect the minor
stability depending on their fatty acids profile and the
components which are important to oxidative stability of the
nature of the polar head group which influences the alignment
lipids (Table 3). Lipids may also undergo oxidative changes
of the PL molecule. Pikul and Kummerow34 indicated that
during packaging and upon storage of bulk oils as well as
phosphatidylinositol (PI) with the highest PUFA percentage
during processing of the lipid-containing materials such as
exhibited the highest oxidation rate, followed by phosphatidyl-
roasting and deep frying.
ethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidyl-
In biological systems, oxidative stress is rendered by numerous
choline (PC). In a liposome model system of constant fatty acid
reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the environment, leading to
composition, PE-based liposomes were oxidized to a greater
many pathological alterations. The primary ROS is superoxide
extent than PC-based liposomes.35
anion (O2 ), which is formed from the single-electron
reduction of molecular oxygen through a variety of sources
3.4 Minor components under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions.
Approximately 2–5% oxygen consumed by a cell is reduced to
The presence of minor components in fats and oils also affects
oxygen radicals.40 Superoxide anion can be neutralized by
their oxidative stability in both positive and negative manners.
superoxide dismutase (SOD) to yield hydrogen peroxide; the
Phospholipids have been demonstrated to act as antioxidants
latter is a known non-radical ROS and, although less reactive
synergistically with other antioxidative substances.36 Tocols
than superoxide anion, has a longer lifetime and a higher
(vitamin E) are important fat-soluble antioxidants and show
diffusibility and can cross biological membranes freely.41
enhanced antioxidant efficiency in the presence of phospholipid
Moreover, it can react in Fenton reaction with reduced metal
synergists.36 Carotenoids, the yellow-red pigments in most
ions such as Fe2+ and Cu+ to form hydroxyl radical ( OH),
crude oils, are a group of unsaturated tetraterpenes and
which is considered as the most harmful ROS. Other ROS
their oxygenated derivatives, whose antioxidant activity has
include hydroxyalkenals, singlet oxygen and ozone, among others.
been well documented.37 Tocols and carotenoids contribute to
the stability of crude oils, in which they are not removed by
deodourization and bleaching during the refining process. Table 3 Effect of processing steps on the removal of minor
Phenolic compounds, other than tocols, are among the components from the oils
most abundant antioxidants from natural sources and their
Processing Components eliminated
presence in vegetable oils plays an important role in the
protection against oxidation. Major phenolics in olive oil, Degumming Phospholipids
for example, include oleuropein, ligstroside, tyrosol, Refining Free fatty acids, phospholipids,
metal ions and soaps
hydroxytyrosol and certain lignans.30 Chlorophylls which Bleaching Pigments, primary oxidation
render a green colour to most plants and plant products, products
including oils, may function as antioxidants in the dark, Fractionation Waxes, solid triacylglycerols
Deodourization Free fatty acids, secondary
however, they act as photosensitizers in the presence of light oxidation products, residual
and thus catalyze lipid photooxidation. These minor pigments, sterols, hydrocarbons,
components constitute a cocktail mixture in fats and oils, other volatiles
modulating the oxidation process through various mechanisms.
Effect of minor components on oxidative stability of oils Table 4 Major reactive species in food and biological systems
has been investigated by comparing oxidation of stripped
and non-stripped natural oils.38,39 In food or biological Free radicals Non-radicals
environments where the non-lipid components with antioxidant Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
potential are present (e.g. free amino acids and peptides, Superoxide anion (O2 ) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
Hydroxyl ( OH) Hydrochlorous acid (HOCl)
Maillard reaction products, and/or additives), the lipids may Alkyl (R ) Singlet oxygen (1O2)
show enhanced oxidative stability. On the other hand, other Alkoxyl (RO ) Ozone (O3)
components like trace metals, certain enzymes and haem Peroxyl (ROO ) Hydroxyalkenals
compounds act as catalysts of oxidation reactions and lead Hydroperoxyl (HOO )
Reactive nitrogen species (RNS)
to compromised oxidative stability of the lipids in the Nitric oxide ( NO) Peroxynitrite (ONOO)
envrionment. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative control Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) Alkyl peroxynitrite (LOONO)
of these minor components is important in quality assurance Dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3)
Nitrous acid (HNO2)
of lipid and non-lipid based products.

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Nitrogen dioxide and peroxynitrite anion formed from the inhibitors of pro-oxidative enzymes, among others. Anti-
interaction of nitric acid with superoxide anion are also strong oxidants may exert their inhibitory effect against oxidation
oxidants, and together with nitric oxide (NO) are known as via different mechanisms and with varied activities. They may
reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Table 4 summarizes the be broadly classified based on their mode of action into
reactive oxygen and nitrogen species involved in biological primary antioxidants which break the chain reaction of
oxidation. oxidation by scavenging free radical intermediates, and
secondary antioxidants which prevent or retard oxidation by
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

suppression of oxidation initiator or accelerators or regeneration

4. Improving the oxidative stability of lipids of primary antioxidants.
4.1 Encapsulation Primary antioxidants such as most phenolic compounds are
able to neutralize free radicals by donating a hydrogen atom,
Encapsulation/microencapsulation techniques have been as shown below.
employed for stabilization of specialty lipids such as omega-3
oils for pharmaceutical, food and supplement use. The omega-3 R + AH - RH + A
fatty acid-rich fish oils contain high proportions of long
chain PUFA such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA ROO + AH - ROOH + A
(docosahexaenoic acid), and to a lesser extent DPA (docosa-
pentaenoic acid), which are also commercially available in RO + AH - ROH + A
their concentrated forms. These long-chain omega-3 PUFA
The resultant antioxidant radicals are stabilized by delocalization
are known to lower blood serum TAG levels, and to be
of the unpaired electron around the phenol ring to form stable
effective for alleviating arrhythmia. Furthermore, DHA is
resonance hybrids. These radicals have low reactivity and
essential for proper functioning of the eye and may play a
generally do not initiate formation of new radicals, thus
structural role in the brain. EPA serves as a precursor to
breaking the chain-reaction of free radical propagation. Moreover,
eicosanoids and has therapeutic benefits for human cardiovascular
the antioxidant radicals so formed can further scavenge free
diseases as well as mental disorders such as Schizophrenia
radicals by participating in the termination of oxidation.
where inflammation might be involved.8,9 However, the highly
unsaturated fatty acids in the oils are exceptionally susceptible ROO + A - ROOA
to autoxidation and can form complex mixtures of high
molecular weight polymeric products, whose health effects RO + A - ROA
are unknown. Encapsulation/microencapsulation provides an
effective means to enhance the oxidative stability of these oils. A + A - AA
The microencapsulation technology deals with packaging
solids, liquids or gaseous materials into miniature sealed Therefore, primary antioxidants can trap two lipid radicals by
capsules that can release their contents at controlled rates donating a hydrogen atom to one radical and receiving an
under specific conditions.42 The membrane of the capsules electron from another radical to form stable non-radical
protects the core material from undesirable effects of light, products.43
moisture and oxygen, thus increasing the shelf-life of the Secondary antioxidants prevent or retard oxidation by
encapsulated products. Inspired by the rapidly growing nano- several mechanisms. They exert their inhibitory effect by
technology, the food and drug industries have shown much suppressing the oxidation promoters, including metal ions,44
attention to the nanoencapsulation technique as an effective singlet oxygen,45 pro-oxidative enzymes46 and other oxidants.
and efficient means for the delivery of bioactive ingredients/ Reducing agents can reduce lipid peroxides and related
drugs and improvement of their stability. Enhanced oxidative oxidants through redox reactions, thus are also referred to
stability of encapsulated fats and oils has been reported. as oxygen scavengers. An example is thioethers, which convert
hydroperoxides into stable components in a non-radical
4.2 Antioxidants pathway.47 Metal ions are known to act as catalysts of
4.2.1 Antioxidant mechanisms. Among the many methods oxidation reaction, producing free radicals through electron
employed for controlling lipid oxidation, use of antioxidants is transfer, as shown below:
the most effective, convenient and economical means. Food M(n+1)+ + RH - Mn+ + H+ + R
manufacturers world-wide use antioxidants to stabilize
food lipids and thus preventing quality deterioration of the M(n+1)+ + ROOH - Mn+ + H+ + ROO
products. In the health-related areas antioxidants are used for
health promotion due to their ability to protect the body
Mn+ + ROOH - M(n+1)+ + OH + RO
against oxidative damage.
Antioxidants are substances that when present at low Metal chelators such as citric acid, phosphoric acid and
concentrations compared to that of an oxidizable substrate ethylenediaminetrtraacetic acid (EDTA) can decrease the
markedly delay or prevent its oxidation. Antioxidants that fit pro-oxidant effect of metal ions by forming a thermodynamically
in this definition include free radical scavengers, singlet oxygen stable complex and reducing their redox potentials.
quenchers, inactivators of peroxides and other ROS, metal ion Singlet oxygen quenchers such as carotenoids are able to
chelators, quenchers of secondary oxidation products, and inactivate singlet oxygen by absorbing its excess energy and

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converting it to ground state triplet oxygen. The energy 4.2.2 Sources of antioxidants. Antioxidant substances are
absorbed is then released in the form of heat (scheme shown widely distributed in plant materials, animal tissues and
below using b-carotene as an example). microorganisms, protecting the organisms from oxidative
stress and providing natural antioxidants to humans. Antiox-
O2 + b-carotene - 3b-carotene* + 3O2
idants can be isolated as pure compounds from natural sources
and used for food preservation, nutrition supplementation and
b-carotene* - b-carotene + heat
medicinal purposes. In addition, plant or animal extracts
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

Therefore, the major mechanism of singlet oxygen inactivation containing a mixture of antioxidant substances are also used
by carotenoids is physical quenching. Chemical quenching directly to inhibit in vitro and in vivo oxidation. A large body
may also take place when singlet oxygen reacts with the of research has been carried out in searching for antioxidant
electron-rich carotenoid molecules at the conjugated sources and assessing their effectiveness and potential use in
double bonds to form the corresponding hydroperoxides.48 different applications.
The ability of carotenoids to quench singlet oxygen is directly Higher plants and their constituents provide a rich source of
dependent on the number of double bonds in the molecule. natural antioxidants. Fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, cereals,
One molecule of b-carotene, the predominant carotenoid in grains, oils, seeds, and teas are important sources of
many fruits and vegetables, consisting of 11 double bonds, is plant-derived antioxidants, especially phenolic compounds,
able to quench up to 1000 molecules of singlet oxygen.49 including tocols. Antioxidants from marine origin such as
Some secondary antioxidants can regenerate primary anti- algae, fish/shellfish and marine bacteria, as well as products
oxidants by replenishing hydrogen atom, thus inhibiting derived from them such as protein hydrolysates, have recently
depletion of important primary antioxidants. An example is been of growing interest to researchers.52,53 A variety of
ascorbic acid, which can readily regenerate tocopherols from antioxidant constituents present in such resources have been
their radicals and therefore act in a synergistic manner with characterized and quantified. Among these are tocols, ascorbic
tocopherols in oxidation inhibition. Some other secondary acid, carotenoids, polyphenols, antioxidant peptides and
antioxidants catalyze decomposition of hydroperoxides into enzymes (Table 5).
non-radical species, or absorb UV radiation thus protecting Tocols (Fig. 4) are fat-soluble antioxidants that are
lipids from UV-induced photooxidation. An antioxidant may extensively used to enhance the oxidative stability of foods.
protect against oxidation by one or a combination of different Tocols are primary antioxidants that can effectively scavenge
mechanisms, as for multi-functional antioxidants. The lipid peroxyl radicals and produce a more stable tocopheroxyl
operative or dominant mechanism in a particular situation radical. The antioxidant activities of tocotrienols generally
determines to a great extent the kinetics and hence the activity exceeds those of their corresponding tocopherols. Tocols act
of the antioxidant. synergistically with ascorbic acid and phospholipids. Tocols
The effectiveness of antioxidants is influenced by numerous are distributed widely in plant tissues. The main sources of
factors, including their structural features, concentration, natural tocopherols are soybean oil and other vegetable oils,
temperature, type of oxidation substrate and physical state of especially their deodourizer distillates during the oil
the system as well as presence of pro-oxidants and synergists. production, where individual tocopherols can be isolated.
The chemical structure of an antioxidant determines its reactivity Tocotrienols, less common than tocopherols, are present in
towards free radicals and other ROS and hence its antioxidant palm oil, rice bran oil and wheat germ oil, as well as
activity. The efficiency of antioxidants varies with their cereals and legumes.49 Purified or mixed tocols obtained as
concentration, necessitating the use of optimal concentrations value-added by-products during processing of vegetable oils
of antioxidants in order to achieve the greatest efficiency. It is are used in the food and feed as well as pharmaceutical and
important to note that antioxidants may exhibit pro-oxidant cosmetic applications.
effects at higher concentrations.50 Antioxidant activity is also Unlike tocols, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (Fig. 5) is a water-
affected by the system environment. For example, the soluble antioxidant found primarily in fruits and vegetables.
activity of antioxidants in bulk oils is different from that of Ascorbic acid exerts its antioxidant effect via multiple mechanisms,
oil-in-water emulsions.51 In addition, antioxidants may offer including quenching various forms of oxygen, reduction of
short-term or long-term protection against oxidation. This is free radicals and regeneration of primary antioxidants. The
dependent on the reaction kinetics which involves the rate at effect of ascorbic acid on lipid stability is mainly due to its
which an antioxidant reacts with a specific radical, the thermo- synergistic interactions with other antioxidants. It shows
dynamics and the extent that the reaction proceeds. excellent synergism with a-tocopherol, citric acid, butylated

Table 5 Major antioxidants from natural sources

Antioxidants Example Source

Tocopherols a-, b-, g-, and d-tocopherols Seeds, grains, nuts, vegetable oils, etc.
Tocotrienols a-, b-, g-, and d-tocotrienols Palm oil, rice bran oil
Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid, ascorbate Fruits, vegetables, etc.
Carotenoids b-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin, fucoxanthin Carrots, tomato, fish/shellfish, marine algae, etc.
Phenolics Ferulic acid, quercetin, catechin, resveratrol, cyanidin Fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, etc.
Peptides Ferritin, transferrin, lactoferrin Milk, egg, etc.
Enzymes Superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase Plant and animal organisms

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Fig. 4 Chemical structures of tocopherols and tocotrienols.

hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydrolxytoluene (BHT) and

metal chelators. Ascorbic acid is susceptible to heat, light, pH,
oxygen, acrid smoke and water activity and often needs to be
replenished from exogenous sources. In biological systems,
ascorbic acid protects compounds in the water soluble
portions of cells and tissues and regenerates tocopherols at
the cellular membranes, hence playing a preventive role in a
Fig. 5 Chemical structure of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). number of human diseases. However, excessive ascorbic acid

Fig. 6 Chemical structures of some major carotenoids.

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may act as prooxidant by producing ferrous ion, an important donating capability over many other compounds. Phenolics,
catalyst of oxidative damage.54 including phenolic acids, stilbenes, flavonoids and lignans
Carotenoids, including carotenes and xanthophylls, are (Fig. 7), act as free radical scavengers, metal chelators,
40-carbon isoprenoids (Fig. 6) that occur widely in plants, reducing agents and excellent synergists to other antioxidants,
fruits and vegetables as yellow, orange and red lipid-soluble and therefore showing great potential in inhibiting oxidation
pigments. They are also minor components in many plant oils. in foods and biological systems. Various plant extracts
In addition to their provitamin A activity, carotenoids are containing a broad array of phenolic compounds have
Published on 09 July 2010. Downloaded by Lomonosov Moscow State University on 12/06/2013 14:59:58.

important antioxidant nutrients against lipid oxidation and extensively been investigated for their composition, anti-
oxidative stress both in in vitro and in vivo systems. They act oxidant efficiency and potential application in the food,
mainly as secondary antioxidants by quenching singlet cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
oxygen, as mentioned earlier, and may also prevent oxidation Proteins, protein hydrolysates, individual peptides and
by trapping free radicals. b-Carotene, lutein, lycopene and amino acids have been shown to possess significant antioxidant
isozeaxanthin are typical carotenoids that effectively retard activities. However, in many cases, peptide fractions or protein
oxidation in foods. Astaxanthin has antioxidant activity that is hydrolysates display greater antioxidant activity than intact
10 times greater than that of b-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin proteins or free amino acid mixtures, suggesting that peptides
and canthaxanthin, and is often used in fish products.55 play a major role in antioxidant action of proteins.
Phenolic compounds are another important group of anti- More recently, individual peptides responsible for antioxidant
oxidant naturally occurring, mainly in the plant kingdom. activity of protein or protein hydrolysates have been separated
The antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds arises from and identified.56 Protein digests have varied antioxidant
their unique structures, which render a superior hydrogen activities depending on the peptide structure, i.e. size of the

Fig. 7 Chemical structures of selected polyphenols (R groups are either H or OH, depending on the specific compound).

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Fig. 8 Chemical structures of common synthetic antioxidants; BHA, butylated hydroxyanisole; BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene; TBHQ, tert-
butylhydroquinone; and PG, propyl gallate.

peptides and their amino acid sequences, which are influenced PG propyl gallate
by the source of protein and conditions of hydrolysis process PI phosphatidylinositol
involved. There appears to be a relationship between PL phospholipids
the antioxidant properties of peptides and the presence of PS phosphatidylserine
aromatic, imidazole, sulfur-containing amino and imino acids. PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids
The antioxidant mechanism (structure–activity relationship) ROS reactive oxygen species
of peptides is not yet fully understood. The radical scavenging RNS reactive nitrogen species
of aromatic amino acid-containing peptides is likely due to the SDS 1,2-distearoyl-3-docosaenoyl glycerol
hydrogen atom donor activity of the phenolic and indolic SOD superoxide dismutase
groups and higher stability of the phenoxyl and indolyl SSD 1,2-distearoyl-3-docosaenoyl glycerol
radicals than that of simple peroxyl radical.57 TAG triacylglycerols
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in the 1940’s when BHA was found to retard oxidation and the
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