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M I N I - R E V I E W

Physiological and Pathological Androgen Actions

in the Ovary

Olga Astapova,1 Briaunna M. N. Minor,1 and Stephen R. Hammes1

Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Rochester School of
Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York 14642

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ORCiD numbers: 0000-0002-7367-276X (S. R. Hammes).

Androgens, although traditionally thought to be male sex steroids, play important roles in female
reproduction, both in healthy and pathological states. This mini-review focuses on recent advances in
our knowledge of the role of androgens in the ovary. Androgen receptor (AR) is expressed in oocytes,
granulosa cells, and theca cells, and is temporally regulated during follicular development. Mouse
knockout studies have shown that AR expression in granulosa cells is critical for normal follicular
development and subsequent ovulation. In addition, androgens are involved in regulating dynamic
changes in ovarian steroidogenesis that are critical for normal cycling. Androgen effects on follicle
development have been incorporated into clinical practice in women with diminished ovarian reserve,
albeit with limited success in available literature. At the other extreme, androgen excess leads to
disordered follicle development and anovulatory infertility known as polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS), with studies suggesting that theca cell AR may mediate many of these negative effects. Finally,
both prenatal and postnatal animal models of androgen excess have been developed and are being
used to study the pathophysiology of PCOS both within the ovary and with regard to overall metabolic
health. Taken together, current scientific consensus is that a careful balance of androgen activity in the
ovary is necessary for reproductive health in women. (Endocrinology 160: 1166–1174, 2019)

ex steroids are crucial regulators of reproductive knowledge of the role of androgens in cells that make
S function. Although it was believed for a long time
that androgens are strictly male hormones and estrogens
up ovarian follicles, biological models of androgen de-
ficiency and excess in the ovary, and the factors that
are female hormones, we now know that both types of regulate ovarian responsiveness to androgens.
sex steroids are necessary for normal development and
function of every human. Studies in androgen receptor Ovarian Cell-Specific AR Deletion Studies
(AR) knockout (ARKO) mice have shown that in the
ovary, folliculogenesis does not reach its full potential in Much of what we know about androgen actions in the
the absence of androgens. At the other extreme, follicle ovary stems from mouse models lacking the AR gene.
development is dysregulated in states of androgen excess Before the gene was identified, its locus on the X chro-
and can lead to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a mosome was termed testicular feminization (Tfm) for its
condition of hyperandrogenism and anovulatory in- effects in males. Men and male animal models with
fertility. Although much of the literature suggests that absence of the Tfm locus were noted to have a female
PCOS is caused by central defects in gonadotropin se- appearance and infertility due to lack of responsiveness
cretion, other studies point to a direct action of andro- to androgens. The infertility created a challenge in the
gens in the ovary to alter folliculogenesis and ovulation. development of a female homozygous Tfm mutant model.
This mini-review focuses on recent advances in our In the 1970s, Ohno et al. (1) managed to use chimeric

ISSN Online 1945-7170 Abbreviations: AR, androgen receptor; ARKO, androgen receptor knockout; Bmp15,
Copyright © 2019 Endocrine Society bone morphogenic protein 15; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; DOR, diminished ovarian
Received 6 February 2019. Accepted 20 March 2019. reserve; Ezh2, enhancer of zeste homolog 2; Gdf9, growth differentiation factor 9; Hgf,
First Published Online 26 March 2019 hepatocyte growth factor; Kitl, kit ligand; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; PNA,
prenatal dihydrotestosterone; Runx1, Runt-related transcription factor-1; Tfm, tes-
ticular feminization.

1166 Endocrinology, May 2019, 160(5):1166–1174 doi: 10.1210/en.2019-00101

doi: 10.1210/en.2019-00101 1167

Tfm male mice and XO female mice, which are fertile, to depleted by 40 weeks of age, resulting in infertility (5).
generate homozygous Tfm/O mutant females and were Heterozygous AR-deficient mice produced slightly fewer
the first to describe their phenotype. These females pups than controls but were considerably more fertile
appeared normal and were fully fertile shortly after than their homozygous ARKO counterparts. These
puberty; however, their reproductive ability declined studies proved that androgen action is not essential for
quickly and completely ceased much sooner than ex- survival and reproduction of female mice, but their re-
pected. Their ovarian morphology and follicle counts productive potential is not fully realized in the absence of
were normal at 36 days of age, but at day 56 and on- androgen.
ward there was a reduction in the number of primordial The work of Hu et al. (3) showed that the loss of
follicles and premature degeneration of oocytes in early fecundity in female ARKO mice is due mostly to the

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follicles with diffuse luteinization. XO mice have reduced number of ovulated oocytes, with diminished
functioning ovaries but develop the same abnormalities endometrial thickness likely also contributing. Although
starting much later, at day 210. This was the first piece AR is expressed at all levels of the reproductive hormone
of evidence that androgen action is necessary for axis, the subnormal response to gonadotropin stimula-
maintaining the reproductive lifespan of a mouse ovary. tion suggests that the primary defect in ARKO mice lies
Without it, the ovaries failed prematurely. within the ovary. AR has been specifically knocked out in
Later that decade, Lyon and Glenister (2) described all three major ovarian cell types, and we have learned
the reproductive phenotype of homozygous Tfm/Tfm that androgens play very different roles in each of them.
mutant females, which confirmed the initial observa- In 2010, Sen and Hammes (6) described the phenotypes
tions in Tfm/O mice. The Tfm/Tfm females initially had of oocyte-specific and granulosa cell–specific ARKO
normal fecundity but soon after started producing fewer mice. Although AR is expressed in the oocyte, its selective
pups per litter and stopped reproducing sooner than deletion by Cre-recombinase expressed from the growth
controls, resulting in an overall reduction of progeny differentiation factor 9 (Gdf9) gene promoter produced
numbers by approximately half. Their ovarian mor- no effect on fertility or fecundity, and follicle counts at 8
phology findings were similar to those described by Ohno to 9 weeks of age were the same as in heterozygous mice.
et al. (1), suggesting that androgens prevent atresia of On the contrary, granulosa cell–specific ARKO mice,
early follicles. generated by anti-Müllerian hormone receptor II–driven
With the advent of more sophisticated genetic Cre expression, recapitulated the phenotype of the global
technologies, the AR gene was identified and AR de- ARKO. These mice had longer estrous cycles and reduced
letion studies were carried out beginning in the early fertility, with premature ovarian failure. By 8 to 9 weeks
2000s. Several ARKO female mouse models were de- of age, the knockout mice already were producing only
scribed and corroborated the findings of earlier Tfm one-quarter the number of offspring compared with
mouse studies. Two global ARKO mouse models were wild-type controls, and this declined further to ;10% by
created using Cre recombinase expression driven by the 24 to 25 weeks. Soon after this, FSH levels rose and the
actin promoter (3, 4) or the cytomegalovirus promoter mice developed premature ovarian failure. Progression of
(5). Although the ARKO males had a femalelike ap- small follicles to the antral stage was significantly re-
pearance and were sterile due to arrest of spermato- duced and apoptosis was increased. Interestingly, in this
genesis, the females were phenotypically normal and study the fecundity of heterozygous ARKO mice was
produced offspring. At a cursory glance, this may unaffected, whereas global haploinsufficient mice had
suggest that androgen is dispensable in females. How- mildly reduced fecundity, suggesting that another site of
ever, as seen with the Tfm animals, over the course of full androgen activity, possibly the endometrium or
their lifetimes, the AR-deficient female mice produced centrally in the pituitary or hypothalamus, is required for
significantly smaller numbers of litters and fewer pups optimal fertility. Still, this study was the first to prove that
per litter, resulting in an overall reduction in fecundity of the main site of androgen activity in the ovary is gran-
up to 70% compared with their littermates. This was due ulosa cells, where AR is necessary for normal preantral
to premature depletion of follicles and early cessation of follicle development. These findings were confirmed by
fertility, a phenotype resembling diminished ovarian Walters et al. (7), who further demonstrated that not only
reserve (DOR) in women. The ovaries of ARKO mice were the numbers of ovulated oocytes reduced when
appeared normal at 4 weeks of age, but their response AR was deleted in anti-Müllerian hormone–expressing
to gonadotropin stimulation in superovulation studies granulosa cells of preantral and antral follicles, but fewer
was already diminished at that time. By 8 weeks, the of those ovulated oocytes were fertilized and survived to
ovaries contained fewer corpora lutea and more atretic the two-cell stage, suggesting diminished oocyte quality
follicles than controls (3–5). Follicles were completely in these mice.
1168 Astapova et al Androgen Actions in the Ovary Endocrinology, May 2019, 160(5):1166–1174

Finally, a theca cell–specific ARKO mouse model was with PCOS, with the hypothesis that the shorter and
described by Ma et al. (8) in 2017, in which AR was more active form of AR could lead to hyperandrogenism,
deleted in Cyp17-expressing cells of the ovary. These and the results have been variable. Some case-control
mice were phenotypically normal, with histologically studies support this association whereas others find no
normal ovaries, and showed no reproductive deficit association (9, 12), possibly reflecting population dif-
under standard conditions. However, when treated with ferences in the pathogenesis of this complex and het-
prenatal dihydrotestosterone (PNA) to induce anovu- erogeneous syndrome. In ovulatory women with longer
lation mimicking the PCOS phenotype (described in CAG repeat length, intrafollicular fluid testosterone
more detail below), mice lacking AR specifically in theca concentration was lower and aromatase expression was
cells were protected from the reproductive deficits as- higher in one study (13), suggesting that AR may neg-

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sociated with the condition. Although PNA mice atively regulate aromatase expression and reduce the
were completely acyclic and infertile, theca cell–specific conversion of testosterone to estradiol. However, serum
ARKO-PNA mice maintained some cyclicity and pro- testosterone measured in a different population was
duced approximately half the number of offspring associated with longer CAG repeat length (14), so other
compared with untreated controls. Thus, although the factors are likely playing a role in this relationship.
mechanisms of PCOS induction by PNA treatment re- Some studies, mostly in prostate cancer cells, suggest
main obscure, it is now clear that androgen actions in that androgen can induce or suppress AR gene expres-
theca cells are necessary at least in part in this disease sion. For instance, an enhancer element in the second
model. intron of the AR gene binds AR and can either stimulate
The above studies of mouse ARKO models have shed or repress AR gene transcription depending on the
light on the pathogenesis of disorders related to androgen presence or absence of androgen (15). With androgen
imbalance in women. Both excess and deficiency of present, lysine-specific demethylase 1 is recruited to this
androgens can cause female infertility. The proper bal- location leading to transcription silencing. In the absence
ance of androgens in granulosa cells is necessary for of androgen, this site recruits transcription coactivators
optimal follicle progression and evading apoptosis, FOXA1, OCT1, and GATA2 leading to H3K4 methyl-
whereas an excess of androgen results in follicle arrest ation and Pol II recruitment. In primates, but not in lower
and anovulation mainly through its actions in theca cells. species, a nonconsensus androgen response element is
found in the 50 UTR of the AR gene and suppresses its
Regulation of AR Gene Expression transcription by approximately half when bound by AR
and Activity with physiologically relevant (10 nM) concentration of
DHT (16). However, there is no evidence to date that
As discussed above, ovarian AR mediates physiological these regulatory sites are active in the ovary. In one study,
and pathogenic effects of androgens on female fertility. 3- to 10-day testosterone treatment induced AR mRNA
AR expression levels in the ovary have been associated expression in granulosa cells of small and medium fol-
with ovarian dysfunction, namely PCOS, but the factors licles of rhesus monkeys (17), but the treatment resulted
that regulate its expression in the ovary are not well in circulating testosterone levels that were more than
known. Much of what we do know about the regulation 100-fold above normal, so the physiological significance
of AR gene expression and activity comes from studies in of this finding is unclear. Overall, most evidence suggests
the male, particularly in prostate cancer–derived cell that androgens can have a moderate suppressive effect on
lines. Factors at many levels of the gene expression AR mRNA levels in the prostate but no substantial effect
paradigm have been implicated in AR gene regulation, in the ovary, perhaps due to a difference in available
including polymorphisms, splice variants, and cis- and transcription factors in these tissues.
trans-acting transcription regulators, including andro- In a recent study, Liu et al. (18) reported that AR
gens themselves. mRNA splice variation in granulosa cells of patients with
The human AR gene contains a poly-glutamine (CAG) PCOS results in the presence of variant forms of AR
repeat region within the N-terminal transcription acti- (insertion-AR and deletion-AR), compared with ovula-
vation region. Most people have between 8 and 35 re- tory women. Both of these splice variants fail to trans-
peats (9), and the shorter length is associated with locate into the nucleus upon DHT stimulation due to
increased activity of the receptor (10). Increased number altered interaction with cytoplasmic proteins HSP90 and
of CAG repeats, conversely, is associated with reduced importin-a. Although it is not clear whether these vari-
AR activity and has been linked to fertility problems in ants contribute to the pathogenesis of PCOS, it is
men (11). A number of studies have focused on the intriguing to propose that extranuclear AR signaling
question of AR CAG repeat polymorphisms in women pathways may be involved. Lastly, AR phosphorylation
doi: 10.1210/en.2019-00101 1169

at multiple serine residues was shown by immunostaining mediated by enhanced FSH and growth factor signaling
in granulosa and theca cells of the marmoset ovary (19). in granulosa cells. In fact, mRNA expression of FSH
This was not affected by treatment with testosterone or receptor, the major trophic factor in granulosa cells, was
GnRH antagonist, and the physiological significance of shown to be induced by androgen treatment of cultured
these phosphorylation sites is presently unknown. rat follicles (20), as well as monkey granulosa cells (23) in
vivo (0.4 or 4 mg/kg of testosterone for 3 days). In the
Molecular Actions of Androgens in latter study, AR and FSH receptor were also found to
the Ovary colocalize. Granulosa cell proliferation in response to
stimulation with FSH, IGF-1, and the oocyte-secreted
As expected from ARKO studies in mice, multiple lines of growth factor GDF-9, as well as intracellular messengers

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evidence from cell and follicle culture show that an- of these growth factors, are all augmented in the presence
drogens act via AR in the ovary to promote follicle of androgens in nanomolar concentrations (25–27)
growth and reduce granulosa cell apoptosis (Table 1). (Fig. 1), and these effects seem more pronounced in
Microarray analysis of mRNA from global ARKO smaller preantral follicles. Coincidentally, apoptosis of
mouse ovaries revealed that many genes involved in cultured follicles is suppressed by androgens (DHT,
folliculogenesis, including kit ligand (Kitl), bone mor- 25 nM) (24, 28) through mechanisms that may involve
phogenic protein 15 (Bmp15), Gdf9, and hepatocyte granulosa-specific miRNA miR-125b (Fig. 1). Thus,
growth factor (Hgf), are under control of AR (5). Still, the androgens appear most important in small follicles where
cell-specific ovarian transcriptome directly regulated by they promote follicle development and growth through
AR remains unknown. In addition, there are likely multiple pathways.
nongenomic effects of AR that are important for ovarian Nongenomic pathways involved in the proliferative
function and have yet to be elucidated. effects of androgens in the ovary have also been de-
Preantral follicles isolated from rat ovaries grow faster scribed, though these are better characterized in prostate
in culture when DHT is present in the media in con- cancer cells, where membrane-associated AR enhances
centrations as low as 1 nM (20, 30), which is ;10-fold epidermal growth factor signaling through a fast-onset,
higher than the reported EC50 of DHT for human AR transcription-independent mechanism (34). In mouse
(21). In addition, preantral follicles from rats that are primary granulosa cells, as well as in the immortalized
chronically treated with DHT (83 mg continuous daily granulosalike KGN cells, extranuclear AR induces FSH
release) also grow faster in culture (20), and the same has receptor protein expression independently of gene
been found in short-term DHT-treated monkeys (145 transcription, through an MAPK-dependent pathway
mg/kg/day for 5 days) (22). Thus, DHT has a trophic (24) (Fig. 1). Wartalski et al. (35) found that extranuclear
effect on preantral follicle growth both in vitro and in AR in porcine granulosa cells is modulated by environ-
vivo. AR is most highly expressed in the granulosa cells of mental fungicide vinclozolin and activates ERK1/2 and
small follicles, and its abundance decreases as the follicles AKT. In croaker granulosa cells, a membrane zinc
progress through development in rats (31) and in pri- transporter family protein identified as ZIP9, unrelated
mates (32). Androgen actions in small follicles are likely structurally to AR, is liganded by androgens and signals

Table 1. Summary of Available Evidence From Studies of Androgen Actions in the Ovary
Experimental Species
Observed Effect and Design DHT Dose Reference
Increased preantral follicle growth Rat In vitro 1 nM and higher (20, 21)
In vivo 83 mg continuous daily-release pellet (21)
Monkey In vivo 145 mg/kg/d for 5 d (22)
Increased FSH receptor mRNA expression Rat In vitro 1 nM and higher (20)
Monkey In vivo 0.4 or 4 mg/kg of testosterone for 3 d (23)
Increased FSH receptor protein expression Mouse, human In vitro 25 nM (24)
Increased granulosa cell proliferation Rat In vitro 100 nM (25)
Pig In vitro 500 nM (26, 27)
Reduced apoptosis of follicles Mouse In vitro 25 nM (24, 28)
Increased expression of steroidogenic enzymes Rat In vitro 100 nM (25)
StAR, P450scc, and 3bHSD in mature granulosa
Increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and Mouse In vivo 5 mg/g 4 h prior to RNA isolation (29)
amphiregulin in periovulatory granulosa cells Human In vitro 100 nM
1170 Astapova et al Androgen Actions in the Ovary Endocrinology, May 2019, 160(5):1166–1174

significantly induced by DHT treat-

ment of small follicles but suppressed
by the same treatment of large follicles.
Although there are differences between
studies, which may be a function of
transcription coregulators present in
granulosa cells at different stages of
development, it is clear that supra-
physiological levels of testosterone
can shift the steroid hormone balance

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within the ovary.
There are limited data suggesting that
androgens may directly affect ovulation
in certain circumstances. Ovulation-
related genes cyclooxygenase-2 and
amphiregulin are acutely induced by
DHT (5 mg/g) in periovulatory gran-
ulosa cells in mice (29) and in KGN
Figure 1. AR actions in granulosa cells. AR works through genomic (dashed lines) and
nongenomic (solid lines) pathways to promote growth and differentiation of granulosa cells, cells. Androgens can also promote oo-
suppress apoptosis and, in dominant follicles, increase steroid synthesis. The effects of cyte meiotic competence and matura-
granulosa growth factors IGF1, GDF9, and FSH are all enhanced in the presence of tion in some species, although there are
androgens through extranuclear activity of AR. At the gene level, AR induces the expression
of antiapoptotic miRNA miR125b, multiple steroidogenic enzymes, GDF9, and FSH receptor, likely redundant pathways for this in the
and regulates the activity of DNA methyltransferase Ezh2 through modulation of Ezh2 absence of androgens (41, 42). Con-
phosphorylation as well as transcriptional regulation of the miRNA miR101 (24–28, 33). versely, chronic excess of androgens is
detrimental to ovulation due to disor-
via Gsa and MAPK (36, 37). These pathways may act in dered follicular development, described in more detail
concert with nuclear AR to stimulate granulosa cell below. Overall it appears that androgens play a larger role
proliferation. early in follicular development, and ovulatory dysfunction
Some studies suggest that androgens modulate ovar- can result from defects in preantral follicles due to either
ian steroidogenesis downstream of FSH signaling. For insufficient or excessive androgen levels.
instance, the expression of key steroidogenic enzymes
StAR, P450scc, and 3bHSD are amplified by 100 nM Clinical Use of Androgens in
DHT treatment of cultured rat granulosa cells (25), Female Infertility
resulting in increased progesterone synthesis (Fig. 1).
This effect was not observed in cumulus granulosa cells The preponderance of evidence from animal studies has
(26), highlighting the specialization of granulosa cells shown that insufficient androgen activity in the female
throughout follicular development. Similarly, DHT has leads to subfertility that very closely resembles the clinical
variable effects on the expression levels of aromatase and presentation of DOR in women. Consequently, cautious
estrogen synthesis. In rat granulosa cells, testosterone use of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a less potent
stimulates aromatase gene expression. LRH-1 is a direct androgen than DHT, has been applied to women with
target gene of AR in this context and mediates the in- DOR undergoing fertility treatments. Empirical evidence
duction of aromatase and P450scc by testosterone (38). suggests there is little if any benefit of DHEA to fertility
However, these findings were not substantiated in cul- treatment success, but there is also no evidence of harm.
tured human granulosa cells, which are typically ob- DOR often presents as a time-sensitive infertility situa-
tained from later-stage follicles. Yang et al. (39) obtained tion when the desire is to try every available agent to
granulosa cells from women without PCOS and then maximize chances for success, and DHEA may be added
treated them in culture with testosterone at levels mea- to the treatment strategy. For similar reasons, recruitment
sured in the intrafollicular fluid of women with PCOS. In of subjects for placebo-controlled randomized trials of
this study, aromatase gene expression and protein DHEA in DOR is likely challenging and only small
abundance was downregulated by testosterone via AR. studies are available.
Developmental stage differences in follicular response to In a 2015 meta-analysis, Li et al. (43) evaluated eight
androgens were highlighted in a study of the marmoset studies, half of which were randomized clinical trials or
ovary by Harlow et al. (40): aromatase activity was case-control trials, and concluded that DHEA (75 mg
doi: 10.1210/en.2019-00101 1171

daily in one or three divided doses for 3 to 4 months) their ovarian morphology is distinct with many atretic
modestly improves clinical pregnancy rates in women but few antral follicles. However, in other animal models
with DOR undergoing treatment with assisted reproductive the syndrome can be programmed through transient
techniques. There was no difference in the number of hormone disruption in utero, leading to hyperactive LH
oocytes retrieved, contradicting the expected effect of tone and hyperplastic follicles that in turn secrete ab-
androgens in improving follicle recruitment. Overall, normally high amounts of testosterone.
the effect was minor and was lost in smaller studies. A very well-validated method to induce a PCOS-like
In a subsequent randomized clinical trial, DHEA pre- phenotype in animal models is prenatal exposure to
treatment in in vitro fertilization cycles (25 mg three times excess androgens. In many mammals, including rodents
daily for 8 weeks) did not improve ovarian response to (47–50), sheep (51), and primates (52–54), in utero

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gonadotropin stimulation or clinical pregnancy rates in treatment with excess androgens during critical de-
women with DOR, though AR and FSH receptor ex- velopmental windows produces remarkably consistent
pression were increased in granulosa cells (44). It is results in female offspring. Invariably, the females de-
possible that ovarian stimulation with supraphysiological velop ovulatory dysfunction early during their re-
levels of gonadotropins typically used in IVF protocols productive life, characterized by polyfollicular ovaries,
overcomes any additional effects of androgen treatment. hyperandrogenemia, and LH hypersecretion. For in-
To speculate, as personalized medicine advances, there stance, injection of pregnant rhesus monkeys with 10 mg
may be a place for androgen supplementation in women of testosterone propionate daily during early (beginning
with DOR early in their reproductive lives with the goal of days 40 to 44) or late (beginning days 100 to 115)
decelerating follicle depletion before attempting to have gestation with the target circulating testosterone levels in
children. the male range resulted in the PCOS phenotype in female
offspring of both treatment groups (52). These females
Hyperandrogenism in PCOS had ;50% fewer menstrual cycles than controls, basal
testosterone levels 50% above controls, and poly-
Both androgen insufficiency and androgen excess cause follicular ovaries in 40% of treated animals compared
ovarian dysfunction. Although lack of androgen activity with 14% of controls. In this model, the early exposure
in the ovary, particularly in granulosa cells, leads to window coincided with the differentiation of the ovary
ovarian insufficiency as described above, excess andro- and appearance of oogonia, whereas the late exposure
gen is linked to PCOS. In the latter, follicles are in- occurred during ovarian maturation when follicles ap-
creasingly recruited to the preantral and antral stage but pear and begin to produce steroids and gain gonado-
fail to progress to the Graafian stage and ovulate, and can tropin responsiveness. In some sheep and primate models
give the ovaries a characteristic polycystic appearance on of PCOS, particularly those exposed to androgens earlier
imaging. The hypothalamic and pituitary state in PCOS is in fetal development, increased follicle recruitment is
marked by increased pulse frequency of the GnRH and associated with early follicle depletion and reduced
high LH secretion. This leads to increased testosterone ovarian reserve (55, 56). Studies using the AR antagonist
production by the hypertrophic theca cell population, flutamide and the nonaromatizable androgen DHT have
adding to the hyperandrogenic state. This syndrome is in demonstrated that prenatal testosterone in each of these
some ways the opposite of ovarian insufficiency, but both animal models indeed acts via AR to program re-
are frequent causes of anovulatory infertility. In addition, productive dysfunction. As mentioned above, AR in the
PCOS is associated with metabolic syndrome. theca cells may be specifically responsible for much of
Excess androgen appears to be both a cause and a this effect (8).
consequence of PCOS in a vicious cycle. For example, It should be noted that, although prenatal androgen
chronic exposure to exogenous androgens is sufficient to treatment is the most effective method to induce a PCOS-
induce polyfollicular anovulatory infertility in mice (45) like phenotype in animal models, there are some im-
and rats (46). Chronic DHT exposure of these females portant differences in treatment outcomes between
through a pellet inserted prepuberty (27.5 mg in mice or experimental species. For example, PNA mice (typically
83 mg in rats daily continuous release for 90 days) results injected with 250 mg DHT on days 16, 17, and 18 of
in cessation of estrous cycles and the appearance of gestation) develop oligocyclicity and glucose intolerance
multiple cystic, atretic follicles. The mice also develop similar to women with PCOS (49), but lack the char-
increased body fat and glucose intolerance, closely acteristic polyfollicular ovarian morphology, which in
mimicking PCOS in women. Unlike classic PCOS, humans and primates is due to many persistent antral
chronic exogenous androgen exposure in rodents is not follicles. This is due to the inherent differences between
associated with increased LH levels or hyperthecosis and the menstrual cycle in humans and the estrous cycle in
1172 Astapova et al Androgen Actions in the Ovary Endocrinology, May 2019, 160(5):1166–1174

rodents. In PNA mouse ovaries, a stark absence of Within minutes, DHT causes phosphorylation of Ezh2
corpora lutea compared with untreated controls signifies via nonclassic extranuclear AR actions involving the
anovulation (57). PI3K/AKT pathway. Additionally, after 48 hours of
In addition to the reproductive defects, all prenatally DHT treatment, Ezh2 gene expression is silenced via the
androgenized animal models develop insulin resistance, miRNA miR-101. This results in hypomethylation of
impaired glucose tolerance, and increased visceral the Runt-related transcription factor-1 (Runx1) gene, an
adiposity, similar to the metabolic syndrome observed LH-responsive factor important in ovulation, leading
with high frequency in women with PCOS (58, 59). to its increased expression, and interruptions in this
Depending on the timing of prenatal androgen exposure, androgen-stimulated pathway can suppress ovulation in
additional effects can include genital virilization and mice. Similar androgen-induced epigenetic changes may

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behavioral masculinization (52). Although the etiology of underlie the defects programmed by prenatal androgen
PCOS is still debated, the developmental origins hy- excess.
pothesis is clearly in the lead (60), though the precise
mechanisms by which prenatal androgen excess pro- Conclusions
grams this syndrome in animal models are still unclear.
In-depth characterization of the hypothalamic- To summarize, the proper balance of androgen activity
pituitary-ovarian axis in prenatally androgenized mice is necessary to achieve and maintain normal ovarian
and sheep has revealed hyperactive firing of GnRH function throughout the female reproductive lifespan.
neurons programmed by the treatment (47, 49), leading The mechanisms of androgen actions in the ovary are
to increased LH secretion as well as reduced responsiveness complex and dynamic, starting in the fetus and extending
to both negative and positive feedback of estradiol into adulthood, and require the cooperation of many cell-
(61–63). These studies suggest that the pathogenesis of specific and follicle stage–specific factors, not all of which
PCOS by prenatal androgens may be central in origin. have been identified. Both excess and lack of androgens
However, intrinsic ovarian defects are evident in pre- lead to ovarian dysfunction and are associated with the
natally androgenized sheep as early as fetal days 90 to most common causes of infertility in women. With more
140 (gestation length is 147 days). Although there is no studies, it is likely that clinicians will be able to better
effect on ovarian morphology or germ cell volume, the target disorders of androgen actions in women to im-
expression of steroidogenic enzymes and LH receptor is prove their fertility.
significantly reduced (64), and the expression of AR, but
not estrogen or progesterone receptors, is selectively Acknowledgments
increased (65).
As with other models of developmental programming Financial Support: O.A. was supported by National Institutes
of adult disease, a proposed mechanism through which of Health Grant F32HD097939-01.
these acute cellular changes during tissue development Correspondence: Stephen R. Hammes, MD, PhD, Box
can translate into dysfunction much later in life is 693, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, New York 14642.
through long-lasting epigenetic changes. In support of
Disclosure Summary: The authors have nothing to
this, multiple studies have identified differences in pro-
moter methylation of ovarian genes that regulate re-
production in prenatally androgenized rodents (66–68)
and zebrafish (69) using genomic techniques. Genes with References
significant promoter hypomethylation include AR and
1. Ohno S, Christian L, Attardi B. Role of testosterone in normal
steroidogenic enzymes Cyp11 and Cyp17 (67), Gata6 female function. Nat New Biol. 1973;243(125):119–120.
and StAR (68), whereas apoptosis-related genes Bcl2l1 2. Lyon MF, Glenister PH. Reduced reproductive performance in
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