Delve Races

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Races of Erehwon

Many races, both fair and foul, inhabit the world of Erehwon. Some are native to Erehwon, others are more
recent arrivals. Fear, envy, and blind hatred have caused innumerable conflicts between the races over the
centuries, but in this era, a point of equilibrium has been reached. From the wars and strife of the past, two great
factions have risen: the Merrodin Commonwealth, and the Illmorn Ascendancy.

The Merrodin Commonwealth is comprised of seven independent nation-states: The Human lands of Merrodin,
the Elven kingdom of Llandyssil, the hidden Cycadian realm known as the Place of the Great Tree, the
Dwarfholds of the Ironhorn Mountains, the gnomish homeland of Derrydale, the Euclidean city of Pol Odaniya
and its surrounding islands, and the Sauran city-states of the Tezowar Jungle.

Two hundred years ago, the leaders of these races drew up a charter to establish a lasting peace and alliance
between their peoples. While the Human kingdom of Merrodin is the nominal capital of the Commonwealth, no
state has authority over any other, and the folk of all the members states may travel and trade freely throughout
the Commonwealth lands. This has led to great prosperity for all the nations of the Commonwealth.

The Illmorn Ascendancy is made up of an even more diverse, and far darker, confederacy of races: the Dark
Elves, ruling from their subterranean capital of Illmorn; the Ogres, jealously guarding their forsaken city of Kruul
deep within the Mosshollow Swamp; the far-flung Ratten, whose greatest kingdom is Bloodybones beneath the
Caer Drath Mountains; the Trolls, who serve the Troll-Khan in his stronghold of Togrut, far out in the Dire Moors;
the Ullithim, secreted away in their hidden citadel of Yhan'gool; and the haunted ruins of Dreadmoor, stronghold
of the Risen.

The Ascendancy came about in direct response to the formation of the Merrodin Commonwealth: the Dark Elves
feared (with good reason) that such an alliance could soon spell an end for their kind, and made overtures of
alliance with the other fell races of Erehwon. Not all accepted, but enough did to bring together a united force
capable of resisting, and thwarting, the nefarious ambitions of the hated Commonwealth. The charismatic Dark
Elves are the nominal lords of the Ascendancy, while the scheming Ullithim manipulate events to their own ends
from the shadows. The Risen, having no other refuge or allies, gladly war against the living of the surface worlds,
while the Ogres and Ratten are perfectly happy being given foes to fight and shiny trinkets to claim.

Races of the Merrodin Commonwealth

Adaptive, resourceful, and ambitious, Humans are the most widespread race in Erehwon (with the arguable
exception of Ratten). The largest human kingdom is Merrodin, on the sunny shores of the Eastern Sea, but they
can be found in virtually every town under the sun. Their thirst for exploration and adventure is unmatched by
any other race, and when a new expedition forms to delve into a newly discovered dungeon, it's all but a sure
bet that a Human will be leading the charge.
Appearance: Humans vary greatly in height, weight, and build, but tend to have a similar look depending where
they hail from. Humans from Merrodin frequently have fair skin, fair hair, and lighter eyes. Humans from the
northern frontier tend to be more heavily built, with fair skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. Humans from the south
and west often have darker skin, hair, and eyes. Those from the distant Eastern lands always have fair skin,
black hair, and almond-shaped dark eyes. Still others, travelers from parts unknown, may have red hair, golden
or white hair, or even more outlandish colours like teal or purple!
Strengths: The greatest strength of Humans is their adaptability: they can learn to deal with just about anything.
Physically and mentally, they are the baseline against which other races are often compared.
Weaknesses: If Humans have a weakness, it may be a lack of caution, or recklessness. Humans too often fail
to heed warnings and dire omens, and many who do end up becoming warnings themselves, in death.
Deities: Humans primarily revere Toram, Arumin, and Belem, but there are human worshipers of every god,
including the Elemental Court.
Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 110 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Humans begin with one rank in each of two different non-career skills.
You still cannot train these skills above 2 during character creation.
Ready for Adventure: Once per session as an out-of-turn incidental, a Human may
move one Story Point from the GM's pool to the players' pool.

Impulsive, quick, and carefree, the Elves (also known as Forest Elves or Wild Elves) call the mighty Llandyssil
Forest their home and kingdom. Though not as adventurous as Humans, Elves are nearly as curious, and
frequently strike out from their beloved homeland to explore the world. Their very long lives give them quite a
different perspective on the world, and they are often fascinated by Human behaviour. They also love uncovering
ancient secrets and mysteries, so that they may share what they've discovered with their kinfolk at home.
Appearance: Elves are shorter than Humans, usually standing no more than 5' 6”. They are naturally slim, and
even the strongest of them do not appear overly bulky or muscular. They have large, luminous eyes of green,
blue, or hazel, though some have darker or lighter eyes; amber eyes are quite auspicious, as they are
considered to be a mark of favour from the gods of the forest. Elves usually have dark red, auburn, or chestnut
brown hair, though some few have black hair, and even fewer have very hair hair. Their long, pointed ears are
their most distinguishing feature, besides their supernatural grace.
Strengths: Elves are naturally athletic and agile, gifted with superb natural agility and balance. They also
possess the Touch of Herne, which grants all their kind the power of Primal magic. Not all Elves cultivate this gift,
but those that do can become powerful Druids and Shamans.
Weaknesses: Elves are a bit less robust than Humans, and their free-spirited nature makes it difficult for them to
focus or concentrate for long. They chafe at repetitive tasks, and are prone to mercurial mood swings.
Deities: Elves primarily worship the Celestial Twins, Suridar and Lumiel, but many also worship Hurnos and
Velera. Elves very rarely turn to the worship of Wayrath and Nerukk.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 3
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 1
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Elves begin with one rank in Coordination or Survival. You still cannot
train their Coordination or Survival above 2 during character creation.
Wildtouched: Elves gain Primal as a career skill and begin with one rank in Primal. You
still cannot train their Primal above 2 during character creation.

Proud, sturdy, and unyielding, the Dwarves make their homes upon and beneath the towering Ironhorn
Mountains. Their capital is Kingshold, deep beneath Grandfather Thunder, the greatest of the Ironhorn peaks.
The Dwarves are one of the oldest races of Erehwon, and have defended their holds since the ancient times.
Though as a people they are frequently suspicious and reclusive, enough young Dwarves are curious about the
world beyond the mountains to not be an uncommon sight in the lands of Erehwon. Dwarves of every age love
gold, jewels, and treasure, and with their expertise in construction and stonework, they are welcome members of
any delving company.
Appearance: Dwarves are considerably shorter than Humans, and a bit shorter than Elves, rarely reaching 5' in
height. They tend to be stocky, with thick arms and legs. Male Dwarves always wear facial hair, from carefully
curled mustaches to great beards down to their waists. Female Dwarves may sometimes grow beards, but are
more often clean-shaven. Most Dwarves have dark hair and eyes, but those of the northern clans often have
very fair or red hair, and blue or green eyes.
Strengths: Dwarves are renowned for their indomitable will, and for the strength of their oaths. They are also
well known for their physical strength and resilience, as well as for their prodigious appetites for meat and drink!
Their ability to see through all but complete darkness is a useful asset as well.
Weaknesses: Dwarves are considerably less nimble and graceful than other races, a fact that Elves and
Gnomes frequently make light of.
Deities: Belem is the patron god of Dwarves, but they also worship Toram, Merrifar, and Norgarn. Dwarves
almost never worship Nerukk, Wayrath, and Vulloon.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 3
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Dwarves begin with one rank in Artifice or Resilience. You still cannot
train their Artifice or Resilience above 2 during character creation.
Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Dwarves remove up to 2 Setback imposed due
to darkness.
Tough as Nails: Once per session, a Dwarf may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn
incidental immediately after suffering a Critical Injury and determining the result.
If they do so, they count the result as “01”.

Cheerful, clever, and mischievous, Gnomes are a common (and usually welcome) sight in the lands of Erehwon.
Their sunny homeland of Derrydale is a pastoral paradise of rolling fields, slow-moving brooks, and great shade
trees, where most Gnomes are quite content to spend their whole lives. Some, however, get the irresistible urge
to wander, and must follow that urge wherever it leads them, across or even under Erehwon. Gnomes are very
good-natured on the whole, and have a well-earned reputation as tricksters. Many a delving company has been
saved by the wiles of a Gnome, so they are usually very welcome among adventurers (who may still count their
coins afterward).
Appearance: Gnomes are the smallest of the races of Erehwon, standing no more than 3'6”. They usually have
brown skin, dark curly hair, and strikingly bright eyes. They tend to be slim of build, though the more sedentary
among them can become quite stout! They have slightly pointed ears, and tend to smile a great deal.
Strengths: Gnomes are quick-witted and quick-footed, capable of anticipating and avoiding trouble before it
strikes. Those Gnomes that can't sweet talk their way out of a situation can almost certainly sneak out of it.
Weaknesses: Gnomes are small and not very robust, which can be dangerous around hungry beasts and
Deities: Gnomes adore Brambelos, Merrifar, and Pukko above all others, but they are respectful to all the gods.
They almost never worship Nerukk, Meluphais, Wayrath, and Vulloon.

Brawn: 1
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 9+ Brawn

Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Small: Gnomes are silhouette 0.
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Gnomes begin with one rank in either Charm or Stealth. You still cannot
train their Charm or Stealth above 2 during character creation.
Nimble: Gnomes have a melee and ranged defense of 1.

Patient, kind, and sagacious, the Euclideans are planar wanderers who have lately made their home on
Erehwon. Their city, Pol Odaniya, is a wondrous place capable of traveling through space and time, though for
now it has come to rest off the eastern coast of Merrodar, amid a small chain of islands. The Euclideans are a
gentle, intellectual people who love to acquire and share knowledge. Many of them are skilled arcanists, and
some among them practice the mysterious discipline known as Mentalism. As relative newcomers to Erehwon,
Euclideans take any opportunity to travel and explore, and frequently join delving companies in their adventures.
Appearance: Though superficially human in appearance, Euclideans are easily distinguished by their tall,
conical heads and lack of visible ears. They are not significantly taller than humans, though their elongated
heads make it seem so. Their hair is typically dark, and grows on the back of their heads; male Euclideans
typically cultivate a topknot or ponytail, while females grow their hair long and braid it into pleasing patterns.
Males may grow facial hair, females do not. Though they appear earless, Euclideans have sensitive membranes
along the sides of their heads that conduct sound and interpret it far better than human ears can.
Strengths: Euclideans have extraordinarily capable minds, capable of contemplating many subjects at once.
Their keen hearing and enhanced mental faculties also make them much more alert than most.
Weaknesses: As a people, the Euclideans are very honest and open; lies and deception do not come naturally
or easily to most of them. They are also accustomed to a comfortable life, and do not always adapt well to
“roughing it”.
Deities: Euclideans acknowledge the gods, but virtually no Euclideans worship them. A “Euclidean cleric” is a
joking term for something that is so rare as to not exist.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 3
Cunning: 1
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 13 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Euclideans begin with one rank in Discipline or Vigilance. You still
cannot train their Discipline or Vigilance above 2 during character creation.
Knowledgeable: Euclideans treat all Knowledge skills as career skills.
Speed of Thought: Euclideans begin with one rank of the Rapid Reaction talent.

Gentle, curious, and amiable, the Cycadians are the most recent race to join the Commonwealth. Their
homeland is believed to be somewhere deep within the Llandyssil Forest, but they themselves can't (or won't)
describe exactly where it is, referring to it only as “The Place of the Great Tree”. The Cycadians are a race of
sapient plant-folk who appear to be newly arrived, or newly sprouted, on the world of Erehwon. They have no
knowledge of historical events or of the lands of Erehwon, but they have an overwhelming curiosity and
eagerness to learn. While not a numerous race, it seems that a large number of the Cycadian population has left
their Great Tree to explore the world, which has led to many of them becoming delvers.
Appearance: Cycadians are slender plant-based humanoids. Most Cycadians display plantlike features such as
hard wood for bone structure, have foliage and petals for hair, and bark acting as flesh. Some closely resemble
Humans, but with a fey cast to their features such as tilted eyes and pointed ear tips. Golden sap moves through
their veins instead of blood. They are much more slender than the average Human, and about a head shorter.
While Cycadians can seemingly absorb sunlight and become rejuvenated, they still must eat and drink to
Strengths: Cycadians have a great gift for moving unseen through the wilderness when they choose. Their
caring, curious, compassionate nature makes them great companions to most folk.
Weaknesses: Cycadians are not worldly, and are often quite gullible. They have difficulty understanding the
concept of a lie, and frequently fall for even the simplest deceptions. Their curiosity can leave them vulnerable to
Deities: Cycadians do not appear to worship any of the deities of Erehwon, and for the most part find the
concept of deities confusing. They do revere the entity they call the Great Tree, however, and those Cycadians
who can channel Primal or Divine magic call upon the power of the Great Tree.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 1
Willpower: 2
Presence: 3

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Cycadians begin with one rank in Charm or Medicine. You still
cannot train their Charm or Medicine above 2 during character creation.
One with the Wild: Cycadians gain 2 dice of Concealment when in an environment
with abundant plant growth (forest, grassland, swamp, etc). They can suppress
this ability at will if they wish to be seen clearly.
Regrowth: When making a check to heal strain while in a natural or wild setting,
Cycadians heal one additional strain.

Strong, silent, and observant, the Sauran (singular and plural) dwell in tribal communities deep in the Tezowar
Jungle to the south. Ages ago, the ancestors of the Sauran ruled the world. The Tyran Empire conquered all of
Merrodar, and many lands beyond. Eventually, the empire fell into decadence and chaos, and its former subjects
and slaves trampled it into dust. The Sauran of the modern era have not forgotten the lesson of their ancient
empire, and have chosen a simpler life. The Sauran live in relative peace, defending themselves when
necessary, and rarely traveling out into the world. Some Sauran, though, want to know more about the other
races of the world: out of curiosity, or guilt, they leave the jungle and seek out the company of those whom their
Empire once held as slaves.
Appearance: The Sauran are fearsome of countenance. They are reptilian, standing over 7' tall, and weigh far
more than a large human. They are armoured with spiny scales, and have a thick tail for balance. Their heads
are crowned with spikes or spines, and their jaws are lined with gleaming ivory teeth. Their eyes are usually
gold, green, or rarely red. Their scales are often patterned, and those wise in Sauran lore can tell which tribe or
region a Sauran is from by the pattern of his scales. Their hands and feet end in powerful claws that can be used
as formidable weapons.
Strengths: Sauran are very physically powerful and athletic. They are strong swimmers, and are as dangerous
unarmed as armed, thanks to their deadly claws. Sauran have weak senses of smell and taste, but excellent
vision and hearing.
Weaknesses: Sauran tend to be quiet, rarely speaking unless spoken to. Their expressionless faces make it
hard for most races to see what they're thinking or feeling, and most Sauran have difficulty expressing
themselves eloquently. There are also still residual hard feelings among some races towards the Sauran, an
animosity based on legends of the cruel Tyran Empire.
Deities: Hurnos is the primary deity of the Sauran, but they also revere Suridar and Lumiel, as well as Belem
and Norgarn. The cannibalistic Tae Ew tribe are infamous servants of Nerukk, but most Sauran abhor his

Brawn: 3
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 1

Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Sauran begin with one rank in Perception or Survival. You still cannot
train their Perception or Survival above 2 during character creation.
Claws: A Sauran may use his claws to attack, using the following weapon profile:
(Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1).
Out for Blood: After a Sauran hits a character with a successful combat check, they
add 1 Boost to combat checks targeting the same character until the end of the
Alchemical Armour: Sauran shamans brew unguents that can grow and harden a
warrior's scales to be as strong as steel, and even to accept enchantments. A
Sauran may designate any worn armour as alchemical armour, in which case it is
treated as part of his body and cannot be removed. It is otherwise treated the same as worn
armour of that type. Alchemical armour is clearly visible as larger, thicker scales,
plates, etc.

Races of the Illmorn Ascendancy

Dark Elves
Ambitious, cruel, and commanding, the Dark Elves rule the vast Darkworld beneath Erehwon from their beautiful,
terrible city of Illmorn. Dark Elves seek adventure to increase their own power, and to continuously extend the
reach of the Illmorn Ascendancy. Many are also driven by their hatred of their surface-dwelling cousins, most of
whom have long since forgotten the reason for the rift between their peoples (which only further incenses the
Dark Elves). The Dark Elves see themselves as natural leaders and rulers, destined to one day subjugate all of
Appearance: Dark Elves are usually about the same height as Elves, but even more slender. Their skin colour is
mainly dark hues of purple and blue, though some rare few are born with lighter violet or azure tones. Their eyes
are usually purple, occasionally blue, rarely crimson. Their hair is very fine and fair, often so pale as to appear
silver or white. Their ears are typically longer than their surface cousins'.
Strengths: Dark Elves are powerfully charismatic, and have little difficulty bending others to their will. They are
also gifted sorcerers, with an innate grasp of arcane magic that makes them formidable opponents.
Weaknesses: Millennia in the Darkworld have left Dark Elves less robust than most races. When they venture to
the surface, they prefer to remain in shadows; Dark Elves find exposure to bright sunlight painful and
Deities: Meluphais is the patron goddess of the Dark Elves. They also worship Vulloon and Lumiel, and more of
them each year are turning to Nerukk. They rarely worship “frivolous” gods like Brambelos or Merrifar.

Brawn: 1
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 3

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Dark Elves begin with one rank in Coercion or Leadership. You still
cannot train their Coercion or Leadership above 2 during character creation.
Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Dark Elves remove up to 2 Setback imposed
due to darkness.
Arcane Initiate: Dark Elves gain Arcana as a career skill and begin with one rank in
Arcana. You still cannot train their Arcana above 2 during character creation.

Aggressive, dull-witted, and monstrously strong, the Ogres are the brutal enforcers of the Ascendancy. Their
ugly stone city of Kruul crouches within the treacherous Mosshollow Swamp, and it is from here that they launch
their raids against the civilized lands to the north. Ogres are easily motivated to adventure, especially by the
Dark Elves, whom they adore. Ogres love shiny treasures (even if it is actually junk), and they love the
opportunity to fight, kill, and eat even more. Ogres seldom have the mental faculties to perform arcane magic,
but some rare few are more gifted than their fellows, and become powerful Primalists.
Appearance: Ogres tower over the other races, averaging 8'-9' in height, and weighing 600-800 lbs. Their skin
colour is fairly similar to that of Humans. Ogres tend not to have much hair, and what they do have is coarse and
dark. Their eyes are small, and usually dark-coloured; those with a talent for magic frequently have startlingly
bright coloured eyes. Large tusks protrude from their flabby lips, and their noses are bulbous and bent. Some
Ogres have horns, usually a short pair protruding from their forehead, though some grow huge ram-like horns.
Very rarely, an Ogre might have a single large horn jutting from its brow: this is considered a good omen among
their kind, marking that Ogre as destined for greatness.
Strengths: Certainly, the physical might of Ogres is their greatest strength, in the most literal sense. They are
also very resilient to harm, and can haul enormous weights without tiring.
Weaknesses: Most Ogres are stupid, uncouth, and foul beings. They have difficulty following complex thoughts
or plans, and grow angry and impatient easily. They have no concept of personal hygiene, which is often very
trying for Dark Elves in their company.
Deities: Ogres almost exclusively worship Nerukk, though Norgarn, Wayrath, and Vulloon are also respected.
Ogres never worship Toram, Velera, or Arumin.

Brawn: 4
Agility: 2
Intellect: 1
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 1

Wound Threshold: 14+ Brawn

Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 70 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Ogres begin with one rank in Brawl or Resilience. You still cannot train
their Brawl or Resilience above 2 during character creation.
Heavy Lifter: An Ogre's encumbrance threshold is 10 plus their Brawn rating. Ogres
also gain 1 Boost die on any checks made to lift, move, or carry objects or

Sly, stealthy, and opportunistic, Ratten (singular and plural) clans can be found nearly everywhere on Erehwon.
In areas where many clans dwell in close proximity, they are ruled by a King (or Queen). Ratten typically seek
adventure as a path to personal advancement: Ratten society is heavily tied to how much stuff you have: the
more valuable the stuff, the better. Any Ratten has the potential to be King (or Queen), if they can survive long
enough and accumulate enough stuff. Ratten have no great affection for any other race (or for most Ratten), but
they are very willing to work together with others if it will increase their own fortunes.
Appearance: Ratten are wiry humanoids about the same height as Dwarves, but much leaner. They have the
appearance of humanoid rats, with nimble hands, sharp teeth, small black eyes, keen ears, and long tails. Their
colouration can vary greatly from clan to clan, but most are grey-brown to dark grey. Some few are entirely black;
such Ratten often become warriors. Albino Ratten are believed to be greatly favoured, and often become mages
or sorcerers.
Strengths: Ratten are very crafty opponents, quick to seize an advantage or exploit a weakness. They are
naturally very sneaky, and make excellent pickpockets and trapsmiths.
Weaknesses: Ratten are notorious for their willingness to abandon a “lost cause”, and certainly feel no guilt
about abandoning allies to save their own skins. They are often easily frightened and intimidated; without a
strong leader present, they will flee as soon as things start going badly for them.
Deities: Ratten most often worship Pukko and Meluphais, though like humans, there are worshipers of every
god among their clans. They seldom worship the Elemental Court, which is far beyond their ken (or interest).

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 1
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Ratten begin with one rank in Skulduggery or Stealth. You still cannot
train their Skulduggery or Stealth above 2 during character creation.
Fighting Dirty: Ratten begin with the Dirty Tricks talent.

Cold, calculating, and alien, the Ullithim weave their far-reaching schemes from their hidden citadel of Yhan'gool
in the blackest depths of the Darkworld. Ullithim take to adventuring out of necessity: Ullithim society is a harsh
meritocracy, and only those who truly excel may win a place in the glistening halls of Yhan'gool. Nascent Ullithim
are cast out into the Darkworld almost as soon as they achieve full sapience, to thrive or perish on their own.
They must gain experience, objects of power, and most of all knowledge, in order to return home. Allying
themselves with the other powers of the Darkworld is only sensible, and a means to a much greater end. Still,
despite their alien nature and lack of true emotions, some Ullithim become fond of their companions, and (as
much as they are capable of doing so) enjoy the rewards of adventuring with others.
Appearance: Ullithim are tall, usually well over 6' in height, and alarmingly thin, with elongated arms and legs.
Each hand ends in four long, nailless fingers and two opposable thumbs. Their flesh is mottled and translucent,
usually appearing in sickening shades of purple and blue, deepening to crimson when they are alarmed or
angered. Their heads are octopoidal, with two large eyes with lozenge-shaped pupils, and four prehensile arms
covering their lamprey-like mouths.
Strengths: Ullithim are incredibly intelligent, and unbound by the morals and ethics that often hamper others
from seeing every possible solution to a problem. Every Ullith is telepathic, and can mentally communicate with
any sapient creature within Medium range. Every Ullith also possesses a degree of Mentalism in the form of their
feared Mind Blast.
Weaknesses: Their peculiar anatomy leaves Ullithim less graceful and coordinated than most races. They also
tend to be somewhat frail. More significantly, Ullithim are reviled and feared by most races for their alien nature,
appearance, and eating habits: Ullithim are well-known for their revolting preference for living brains. This is
more of a delicacy for Ullithim than a necessity, but that is a distinction most races fail to make.
Deities: The Ullithim worship no deities, and find the entire concept ludicrous: no being is above them. Ullithim
who worship gods are even more rare than Euclideans.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 1
Intellect: 3
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Ullithim gain Knowledge (Forbidden) as a career skill, and begin with
one rank in Knowledge (Forbidden). You still cannot train their Knowledge
(Forbidden) above 2 during character creation.
Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Ullithim remove up to 2 Setback imposed
due to darkness.
Mind Blast: Ullithim can unleash a blast of psionic energy powerful enough to stagger a
mammoth (Discipline; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 3, Concussive 1, Slow-
Firing 2, Stun Damage). Each time an Ullith uses this ability, it suffers 3 strain.
Fearsome: The Ullithim are terrifying to most other species. All Ullithim add 1 Setback
to Charm, Deception, Leadership, and Negotiation checks they make, but they add 1
to Coercion checks they make. This does not apply when interacting with other Ullithim.

Resilient, determined, and vengeful, the Risen have no true homeland. They have only the shadowy refuge
called Dreadmoor, where their kind can be safe from persecution, at least for a while. Occasionally, when a
necromancer or other summoner raises an undead servant, that servant rises with full sapience and
independence. Often these uncontrolled undead are immediately destroyed, but some manage to escape or slay
their creator, and strike out into the world. These exceptional beings are known as the Risen. The Risen seek
adventure because there is safety and strength in numbers. All Risen have an open invitation to join the Illmorn
Ascendancy, and receive sanctuary if they desire it: that by itself is a strong lure for these cursed creatures.
Others seek revenge on tormentors from their former life, on their killers, or on their creators. Very few Risen
choose to live peaceful lives.
Appearance: Risen are undead, and appear to be animated skeletons or zombies. They are most often human,
but they can be of any race (except for Ullithim, who cannot be raised as undead). Some Risen retain some, or
all, of their flesh, though desiccated and ragged; others are naught but animated bone.
Strengths: In their undead state, the Risen are no longer subject to many of the travails of the living: they do not
eat, drink, or sleep, they cannot drown, and they are unaffected by poison and disease. They are also
possessed of a supernatural vitality that makes them very hard to defeat.
Weaknesses: The Risen are rarely as limber in death as they were in life, and their personalities are often
callous and sardonic. While they are nominally welcome in the Illmorn Ascendancy, they are abhorred by the
surface-dwelling races (except the Ogres), and are often attacked on sight, even in neutral locales. Even in the
Ascendancy, the Risen are frequently treated as second-class beings by the Dark Elves.
Deities: The Risen worship whatever gods their race worshiped in life. Most consider Vulloon their true patron,

Brawn: 2
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 3
Presence: 1

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Risen begin with one rank in a career skill of their choice. You still
cannot train the chosen skill above 2 during character creation.
Undead: Risen do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and are unaffected by toxins and
Armour of Death: Risen begin with one rank in the Enduring talent.

Elegant, sinuous, and inscrutable, the Ophidians brood in their vine-strewn temples in the deepest reaches of
the Tezowar Jungle. They hold an aeons-old grudge against the Sauran, whose long-gone Tyran Empire the
Ophidians blame for the overthrow and destruction of their own ancient civilization. Ophidians seek adventure to
claim the power and resources they believe they need to restore their ancient empire to prominence once more,
and to elevate their own standing in their society. They also relish any opportunity to strike against the hated
Sauran, though it is not unknown for individuals of the two races to occasionally find common ground, or even
Appearance: Ophidians are tall, slender humanoids with serpentine heads. They usually stand a bit over 6' tall.
Their bodies are covered in fine, shiny scales, and they have four digits on their hands and feet. They do not
have tails, and lack visible secondary sexual characteristics; it can be difficult for other races to tell male and
female Ophidians apart. Their heads often reflect the status of their ancestry, with the cobra-hooded Naga
bloodline preeminent among their kind. They have unblinking golden eyes, and long, forked tongues.
Strengths: Ophidians are extraordinarily agile and limber, capable of slipping through passages too narrow for
most races. They are feared for their deadly bite, the venom from which can kill a man in moments.
Weaknesses: Ophidians are less hearty than most races, and have a tendency to become lethargic if the
environment gets too cold.
Deities: Ophidians are not especially devout, and rarely follow the path of the Disciple, but some worship
Nerukk, Meluphais, Wayrath, or Vulloon. They very rarely follow any of the “peaceful” deities.

Brawn: 1
Agility: 3
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Ophidians begin with one rank in Coordination or Stealth. You still
cannot train their Coordination or Stealth above 2 during character creation.
Fangs: An Ophidian may use her venomous fangs to attack, using the following
weapon profile: (Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Burn 2). The Burn
quality represents venom damage, and may only be activated once per
Serpent Strike: Ophidians begin with one rank in the Quick Strike talent.

Vicious, hateful, and malodorous, Trolls are the most recent race to join the Ascendancy. More specifically
known as fen trolls (to distinguish them from their larger, more brutish kin), Trolls are deadly warriors that can
survive and recover from injuries that would be fatal even to Ogres. The Ascendancy employs them as shock
troops and commando teams, as Trolls are physically powerful, utterly ruthless, and capable of following
complex plans (the latter being a lamentable shortcoming of the Ogres). Trolls frequently become delvers in
order to indulge all the things they enjoy most: fighting, killing, reaving, and looting. That a delving career
frequently provides them with opportunities to kill the hated races of the Commonwealth is a welcome perk.
Appearance: Trolls are tall, lean humanoids, usually between 6½ and 7½ feet in height. Their skin varies in hue
from lurid green to bog-mud black, and their hides are covered with warts, lumps, and scaly patches. Their hair
is coarse and spiky. Trolls have long ears and noses, pointed chins, and thin-lipped mouths full of sharp teeth.
Their fingers and toes are long and end in sharp claws.
Strengths: Trolls are very strong, and quite agile for their size. However, their extraordinary ability to regenerate
damage and survive mortal injuries is their greatest strength.
Weaknesses: The greatest weakness of the Trolls is how they are viewed by other races. Even Ogres find Trolls
to be unpleasant company (though they admire their regenerative abilities).
Deities: Trolls are indifferent to the gods, though some may mutter an occasional prayer to Nerukk or Norgarn.

Brawn: 3
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 1

Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 80 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Trolls begin with one rank in Athletics or Cool. You still cannot train
their Athletics or Cool above 2 during character creation.
Fast Regeneration: When a Troll rolls to recover strain after an encounter, if they
successfully recover one or more strain, they also regenerate one wound. In
addition, any Bleed effects (from magic, Critical Injuries, etc) last only until the
end of a Troll's next turn. Trolls can regenerate lost limbs (except their head), though this
takes several weeks.
Noxious: Trolls continuously emit a stench that is repellent to other races. Trolls suffer 1
Setback on Charm, Leadership, and Negotiation skill checks which affect non-trolls. Add
1 Boost die to any attempts to detect or track a Troll by scent.

Unaligned Races

There are many other races that are not aligned with either the Commonwealth or the Ascendancy, but most of
them are savage and monstrous, like the goblins, gnolls, and kobolds. Others are civilized, but far too alien, or
hateful of outsiders (like the sea devils and the orcs), to ever consider an alliance.

Still, there are a few unaligned races whose members occasionally pursue the life of a delver. Two of those
races are included below. Note: the races below are only “unaligned” in the greater sense of the word.
Delvers become aligned by their choice of profession. A player character must still choose a faction with
which to be aligned.

Loyal, watchful, and tenacious, the Amarok dwell in small tribes across Siborea and northern Merrodar. They
resemble wolf-headed humans, and are often mistaken for werewolves, kobolds, or gnolls. The Amarok of
Siborea have long warred with the Norskarn there, but there are many tales of the two races becoming fast allies
as well. Amarok tribes are very tightly bound, and Amarok feel great affection and loyalty to those of their tribe.
This loyalty often extends to friends of other races, who are considered packmates. Amarok do not often seek
adventure, but some few, driven by intense curiosity (or exiled from their tribes) become delvers, and find a new
tribe among the folk of other races.
Appearance: Amarok resemble humanoid wolves. They have lupine heads, with lean, muscular bodies covered
in fur, and a bushy tail. They walk upright in a digitigrade stance, though they can run on all fours if they choose.
Amarok fur is usually grey, although it runs the gamut from pure black to pure white. Most Amarok from the same
tribe have similar fur.
Strengths: While not as keen as an actual wolf's, Amarok senses are very close, giving them tremendous
sensory and tracking capabilities. They are unshakably loyal to their packmates (including close friends), and
work extremely well as part of a team.
Weaknesses: Amarok dislike being alone for long periods, and can become physically and mentally unwell as a
result. They are vulnerable to extremely loud or high-pitched sounds, or to very strong smells.
Deities: The Amarok revere Suridar, Lumiel, and Hurnos as their greatest gods, though they refer to them simply
as Sun, Moon, and The Hunt.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 1
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Amarok begin with one rank in either Perception or Vigilance. You
still cannot train their Perception or Vigilance above 2 during character creation.
Strength of the Pack: When an Amarok makes a combat check against a target that is
Engaged with one or more allies, they gain a Boost die on the check.
Heightened Senses: When an Amarok makes a skill check involving their hearing or
sense of smell (often Perception, Vigilance, or Survival), they may spend 1
Strain to upgrade the check by one. This may not apply if there is an
overwhelming effect present that would prevent it (the din of a battlefield, or a powerfully
noxious stench, for example). An Amarok's senses are also vulnerable to
overload: if subjected to deafening noise or overpowering smells, an Amarok suffers two
Setback to skill checks until the source of the overload is no longer present.

Acrobatic, industrious, and peaceable, the bogloks are a race of batrachian humanoids that live in large tribes
near marshes, lakes, rivers, and swamps. They try to avoid outsiders, resorting to violence only if absolutely
necessary. While the majority of bogloks prefer their simple life of farming insects and fish, some leave their
tribes to learn more about the outside world.
Appearance: Bogloks resemble humanoid frogs, about the same size as a dwarf. Much like the Karthaki, their
specific features vary greatly depending on their homeland: those from the eastern and central regions of
Merrodar tend to resemble bullfrogs or leopard frogs, those from the Tezowar Jungle tend to be vividly coloured
like arrow frogs, while those from the western regions tend to have a lumpier appearance, like toads. They have
four digits on their hands and feet, and large golden eyes.
Strengths: Bogloks are naturally agile and well coordinated. Their powerful legs provide them with exceptional
Weaknesses: Bogloks tend not to have very forceful personalities, and are usually ill at ease around others not
of their own folk. They tend to react rather than act.
Deities: Bogloks worship Toram, Arumin, Belem, and Velera, much like humans. They almost never worship
violent or destructive deities like Norgarn, Nerukk, or Wayrath.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 3
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 1

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 11+ Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Bogloks begin with one rank in either Athletics or Coordination. You still
cannot train their Athletics or Coordination above 2 during character creation.
Amphibious: Bogloks can breathe underwater, and never suffer movement penalties
for traveling through water.
Leaping: Once per round as a maneuver, a boglok may suffer 3 strain to leap
horizontally or vertically to any location within medium range. However, you
cannot leap into engaged range with an opponent.

Fair Elves
Arrogant, fastidious, and reclusive, the Fair Elves are the third race of Elvenkind. While their common name is
generally attributed to their stately appearance, “fair” actually derives from the Elven word “faer”, meaning
(roughly) “exalted” or “chosen”. The Fair Elves believe they are the pinnacle of Elvenkind, chosen by the gods
themselves to be their instruments on Erehwon. They hold up their innate gift for divine magic as indisputable
proof of this, and many do not doubt them. The Fair Elves reside in enclaves hidden far from the prying eyes of
other races, even the other Elven races, and rarely move among the “low folk” of Erehwon. Nevertheless, more
than a few Fair Elves have joined delving companies over the years, and some have achieved great fame. It
takes a long time to earn the trust and respect of a Fair Elf, but once you have it, you could not hope for a
greater ally.
Appearance: Fair Elves are the tallest of Elvenkind, usually standing taller than the average Human. Their
considerable height makes their slender frames much more apparent. Like their kin, they have large, luminous
eyes, long pointed ears, and very fine hair. Fair Elf eyes tend towards hues of bright blue, green, purple, and
gold, while their hair ranges from red-gold through blonde to silver-white.
Strengths: Fair Elves are the longest-lived of Elvenkind, with a natural lifespan of @ 3000 years. Their innate
ability to channel the divine power of the gods is a powerful advantage. Fair Elves are also known for their great
composure and iron will.
Weaknesses: Fair Elves project an air of infallibility and superiority that many races find annoying. Despite their
extraordinary lifespans, they are also somewhat more frail than most races.
Deities: Like their forest-dwelling kin, Fair Elves primarily worship the Celestial Twins, Suridar and Lumiel, but
show respect and reverence to all of the gods, even the darker deities.

Brawn: 1
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 3
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Fair Elves begin with one rank in Discipline or Knowledge (Lore). You
still cannot train their Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) above 2 during character
Divine Inspiration: Fair Elves gain Divine as a career skill and begin with one rank in
Divine. You still cannot train their Divine above 2 during character creation.

Charismatic, gregarious, and adventurous, Half-Elves are not a true race, but the hybrid offspring of Humans
and Elves. While relatively rare, there are still many Half-Elves at large in Merrodar, and throughout the world.
Those found in Merrodar may be aligned with either the Commonwealth or the Ascendancy, depending on where
they were raised. While they are often regarded with suspicion by Humans, pity by Elves, and scorn by Fair and
Dark Elves, Half-Elves are able to easily adapt to nearly any situation. By virtual of their unusual heritage, and
their uncertain place in any society, Half-Elves often take to a wandering lifestyle, and many become
adventurers, mercenaries, or delvers.
Appearance: Half-Elves stand between five and six feet tall, and tend towards leanness. Their ears are slightly
pointed, and their eyes have an elvish cast without being truly elvish. Male Half-Elves can (and frequently do)
grow facial hair. By Human standards, nearly all Half-Elves are quite physically attractive.
Strengths: Half-Elves combine the best traits of Human and Elfkind, and are natural communicators,
performers, and leaders. They quickly master new skills, and adapt to unusual situations far better than most
Weaknesses: Half-Elves are often willful, impetuous, even reckless. They frequently have mercurial
dispositions, and tend to overreact to situations, for good or ill.
Deities: Half-Elves generally worship the same deities as Elvenkind and Humans, depending on the culture in
which they were raised.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 1
Presence: 3

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Half-Elves begin with one rank in either Charm or Negotiation. You
still cannot train their Charm or Negotiation above 2 during character creation.
Versatile: After selecting a career, a Half-Elf may select one additional non-magic skill
of their choice that is not already a career skill. This skill becomes a career skill.
Helping Hand: When a Half-Elf performs the Assist maneuver, they grant 2 Boost die
instead of 1.

Alert, athletic, and graceful, the Karthaki hail from the distant land of Karthas, where they are the most populous
race. They are furred, humanoid cat-folk, complete with keen eyes, sensitive ears, sharp claws, and restless
tails. In their homeland, they live in medium-sized tribes as nomadic hunters, with few permanent settlements.
Occasionally Karthaki take enough interest in the furless traders that visit their land to accompany them back to
Merrodar, and some have even become delvers.
Appearance: Karthaki resemble humanoid felines, though their specific features can vary greatly depending on
where they originate in their homeland. The large, powerful Karthaki of the savanna resemble humanoid lions,
while the northern tribes resemble lynxes or bobcats. Those from the jungles of Karthas may resemble mighty
tigers, sleek black panthers, or fierce jaguars.
Strengths: Karthaki have exceptionally keen senses, and are among the finest hunters and trackers in the
world. They also sport sharp claws and vicious teeth.
Weaknesses: Karthaki have tendencies towards both laziness and vanity, which tend to be magnified when they
are around races they consider inferior (which is most of them). They frequently lack the attention span or
motivation to commit to higher learning.
Deities: The Karthaki revere Merrifar and Hurnos as their greatest gods. They also worship Suridar and Lumiel.
An increasing number of them also worship Meluphais.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 1
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Karthaki begin with one rank in either Perception or Coordination. You
still cannot train their Perception or Coordination above 2 during character
Natural Weapons: A Karthaki may use his claws or teeth to attack, using the following
weapon profile: (Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1).
Fleet of Paw: Karthaki can perform a second maneuver to move without suffering
strain. They still cannot exceed the limitation of two maneuvers in a turn.

Brawny, fierce, and resilient, the Norskarn (singular Norskar) are a hearty folk that hail from the distant northern
land of Siborea. While they do not in general have much interest in the affairs of others, they do very much love
the property of others, especially shining gold and silver. From time to time, a Norskar will go to sea on a trader's
ship, and sometimes ends up in Merrodar. Their formidable talents for battle and plundering are put to good use
as delvers.
Appearance: Norskarn are a species of human, but they are much taller and bulkier than “southerners”, usually
standing 6' 8” to 7' 6”. They nearly always have dark brown or reddish hair and dark coloured eyes, though some
tribes are known for their blonde hair. It is extremely rare to see an overweight Norskar; they are naturally fit, and
their fast metabolisms keep them in fighting shape.
Strengths: Norskarn are physically powerful and very tough. They are accustomed to hardship and harsh
conditions, and are rarely bothered by extremes of climate.
Weaknesses: The Norskarn do not place high value on education and learning beyond what is needed to
survive and thrive in their cold homeland. They are often reckless with their own lives and the lives of others, and
will gladly overindulge in food and alcohol given the slightest chance.
Deities: The Norskarn raucously worship Norgarn, the War-Father, Hurnos the Huntmaster, and Pukko the
Clever. The other gods are acknowledged, but not often worshipped.

Brawn: 3
Agility: 2
Intellect: 1
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Norskarn begin with one rank in either Athletics or Survival. You
still cannot train their Athletics or Survival above 2 during character creation.
Hardiness: Norskarn are well-adapted to their homeland. A Norskar may remove up to
1 Setback imposed by cold or icy environmental conditions, and gains 1
Success on Resilience checks.

Charming, good-natured, and bawdy, Satyrs are uncommon but unforgettable adventurers. Driven by a lust for
extraordinary experiences, Satyrs occasionally leave their sylvan forests to become delvers. They are infamous
for their moral flexibility and their appetites for food, drink, and pleasure. Satyrs tend to avoid combat and
bloodshed, but most Satyrs would be hard-pressed to turn down an opportunity to party, no matter how perilous
the company. It is a common misconception that there are no female satyrs, but in fact there are just as many
female satyrs as male. However, it is true that males are more likely to take up the adventuring life.
Appearance: Satyrs resemble humans with the furry lower bodies and cloven hooves of goats. Horns sprout
from their heads, ranging in shape from a pair of small nubs to large, curling rams' horns. Male satyrs typically
sport facial hair. Both sexes have furred, pointed ears. Male satyrs tend towards stoutness, while females tend
towards voluptuousness.
Strengths: Satyrs have immense natural charm, and are considered attractive by many races. They are known
for being able to consume copious amounts of food and alcohol without any ill effects.
Weaknesses: Satyrs are not known for their ability to say “no”: they are easily swayed to indulge themselves,
even when doing so might put them (or others) at risk. They are frequently unapologetic cowards, and find it
strange that other races don't consider self-preservation a virtue.
Deities: Satyrs primarily worship Brambelos, Pukko, and Velera. They almost never turn to darker gods like
Nerukk or Vulloon.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 1
Presence: 3

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Special Abilities: Starting Skills: Satyrs begin with one rank in either Charm or Resilience. You still
cannot train their Charm or Resilience above 2 during character creation.
Sure-Footed: Satyrs begin with the Swift talent.
Turn on the Charm: All Satyrs have an innate magical talent for ingratiating themselves
to others. Once per check as an incidental, a Satyr may suffer 2 strain to upgrade the
ability of a Charm, Deception, or Negotiation check against a living, sentient
being within short range once. This ability has no effect on undead, constructs, extraplanar
beings, or creatures that are immune to charm or other mind-affecting abilities.

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