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Questions for Primary Text for Federalist No. 78 use mini Federalist Paper Booklet for Fed No. 78) #1 — What does Hamilton mean when he states all appointed judges “are to hold their offices during good behavior”? DWO9RS Must Carein’ pavar ovHtouN on he cones trogen ove B Pad Recor tek con eee wind 3 van. #2 Alexander Hamilton wrote that, “The judiciary ..will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it willbe least ina capacity to annoy or injure them." What does Hamilton mean by this quote ®& why? AYN: HON wens his lag Cana (RAN M5 Hid Hepduess os rhe wenn a LAP Cag monuments cmenk Ins HENS ME Consten Sine rey ae me power AO Cnn 4 A NE AD OM Casey audeong de te” cengeenen © Do you Sgree with Hamilton that the judiciary isthe least dangerous branch? Lt Sisagree KROVSE MBIK PS B patevpetehon of he vandtete, (an ate me wor Me 15 eAboret A Chhenge My Arerces ? 5 Sy ae 49 Comer a5, #3 — What is meant when Hamilton states, “the executive not only dispenses the honors but holds the sword for the community.” The execunve srons as are Ingres 8 Pnost pownQt jonas 9 HE Eger oP He Ploliv gine fe PION 15 geen as HHO FF Le > FUMES nae Ae maprionmRA Bee Sup medjo de bean efor me Pra, #4 ~ What is meant when Hamilton states, “the legislature not only commands the purse but preeibes the rules by ‘Which the duties and rights of every citizen are tobe regulated.” Legrstaens Wenaie te Arenus/econemes af he Nato, + 25o comm (ce ek WALL Cre how Brose go cbay Mere vey t Fehon #5 — What is meant when Hamilton states, “The judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword or the purse... It ay truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL but merely judgement; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy ofits judgments.” TJuaiiarg cor ong mie ua ey to Wher Pre-eecihg wores Sag, Wen me net re Sag on. IMIS nade He Bc eres to beg nem in in te Beet pla, 46 - Hamilton goes on to write, that the power of the judiciary, “must depend upon the aid ofthe executive arm even Sor the eficacy ofits judgments.” What does that mean? " 7 The Power 9 dependdh>s on we WaT ores ease HE Oxdume ig sponsor 27 YK POM netere trek ty ca ee eee ee oe ee ‘And once you figure out what that quote means, do you think Hamilton is correct? Explain. J YYOE oA onl wel va -B YS Sie ae to OR Bese, ba povere tree once HA IS om on re Fenn nay hove, ne aK 49 yore fee Aen carl 0 te Ogee #7 - How much power would the judiciary have if there were no executive branch? wy o eet, HE OLE TP dre wee ee ¢ o Wor ot net power tin Pet PORE) teen am gla Mee nO DOR “endangered” the liberty ofthe people? #8 — According to Hamilton, will the Court ever be able However under what circumstance could it attack liberty? Explain why or how. The CAPLIO pny HK COL crt ls ig boners waste sep Ge ghor between HE varous Draneres Wee duet ree wrt ve ne ete ty A Untryet opines ET OBE #9-- And if Hamilton is correct thatthe judiciary isthe lest dangerous branch, in your humble opinion, what is the ‘most dangerous branch? Te mosa Asngeous bynanen ve ust be \Gp sien And could you prove it with a fact or two, please: an WG NE Nowe to GOW ae Ae Pincha, sou = CR aS s€ our can Mela war cenit romans “ater ow Crone wa see rdesyg— #10- Now Hamilton’ going to get off the relative powers ofthe branches riff and get to the part about an independent judiciary. He writes, “Nothing can contribute so much to its firmness and independence as permanency in office, this quality may therefore be justly regarded as an indispensable ingredient in its constitution." What does independence mean? Independene rekrs+o tre IneBNn%s to bein tenn Yes rine Qocirs ree baa eee Inot COUIA aH ‘What is Hamilton arguing for here, and do you agree with him? RY dumm, fo fae em note flan ope Hames 15 argeig wouthae neagnta Whitn EF Agree wth because Pes ho mawmenn SO SAC than deerions, #11 - In your opinion, what would happen if we had elections for Supreme Court Justices? TP we pak Cterms fe spare Coma teniee, Hee woud pe 4 eae aweda be Me (ae in HOPS GP valHS Sine Paras wel egy “es inci d sis Ferny of fiter inte perty, #12 ~ What limitations are placed on Congress power to make laws? Who is the only one to ensure they are constitutional? The ai #13 - According to Hamilton, the Court should act as an “intermediate body” between who and who? Wop BF iegisrert vr Why? * - eam A TRE mem Te sigaed TO Her cumoneg tye Wee TRE [Adecr #14 —What is the “proper and peculiar province of the courts"? wterPretanon of the lows How should the constitution be regarded? Lundamensat law Finish the quote / sentence: “It therefore belongs to them to ascer meaning. as weil a5 Re weaning~ fF amas parker ar ott Pree DS From be ene ete body. #15 - “A constitution is, infact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation and validity ough, of course, o be preferred: or, in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute, the intention ofthe people to the intention of their agents.” According to the quote by Hamilton above, when laws and the constitution collide, who wins? Why should this be the case? {re Constwion wins pocase if thee wee lee Mire € fo Yegy lores on a ONS Heh Co8 On areed Tre he Ugg stare Work be nen tao ports. The tons hen PMs 15 Ais tt Task be Feseepeh 95 Salm. “Nor does this conclusion by any means suppose & superiority for € power «thatthe power of the people is superior to both, and that the judicial power to the legislative power. It only suppose that the power ofthe peop na the will ofthe evislature, declared in is statues, stands in opposition to that ofthe people, declared in the Constitution, the judges ought to be government by the later rather than the former. They ought to regulate their decisions by the fundamental laws rather than by those which are not fundamental 16 ~ What does Hamilton mean, when he state as We en He ns no Proud Prope Gre We anos pow #! Sue rand. 0 Area VRECA OA Cpe tates Le Longeay 40 2 go Anes o ed ea A Re Leg aiacea ws’ Fe soe Jo hus sue cana B We (mek tao Cryin of crs F Prayers) According to Hamilton, which is more valid and important, laws or constitution? Why? CONSHAUADN , te \yorts Punt ww covng 8 1 @ thd mnt lav 42 fom O64 yom tern 59 SAE Her Den hor Wren varios Ta is Tee on pees Vio be Boy heh rag sured ng ty. According to Hamilton, what should judges do when laws stand in opposition to the Constitution? Why? “yd Gugns ro me Gorerre’ bay he lar verinr Amen he Bory,” (ae HK) Shwd UQuGre deasions by faddmente laws hee nen how net ae gay #17 - Use a direct quote from Federalist 78 to answer the following. What, Mr. Hamilton, should happen when laws are un-Constitution? To Nogisteitine Aare Me refine, COAT to He Can orien eee A, IZ Chis Bos DOVE EE he con ster Couk intent +2 enace Ape eer senentives of HE prone Svs TE these wi) fo ad oh HE ONT eh #18 — Why should judges serve for “permanent tenure” (for life)? “ peo Fl Ahey' Become SpeaNS a HE consnaveren & Wl AL on cages Powoeramys tT wea Merely routes. #19 ~ Besides ruling on the Constitutionality of law, what other types of cases /issues will the court also rule on? Ae PRM Migr & isan Bf spore \naritaly 2 Osses of Ukaeng #20 ~ The Courts could also make sure to mitigate “the severity and confining the operation of such laws.” What is meant by this phrase? Ae ‘Ne. Coreg accor FO YE cass Cin Othe Now a law 5 Gee nl 2 er frt ce bs Uy conch ten ays I Chea cass, (21 An independent judiciary may dpease whgn \ +Nose wnese singe XR RAO AS ns eres hove dai Oo ee” However in thee “inthe end it may beheld an high esteem by who? Why? “AN Niravas A disat e A do not #7 — If government bureaucracies are not organized to make a. profit; how should they operate? oO conser +4KPayers’ dollars Models of Bureaucracy #8 — Use the side definition, to describe what the classic Weberian Model: Bh mnoddl OF burEUracy severed BY TK Ger sovolon a Mae ueote wee WOW BUTTE FACIES as Poona! nierarowal ony ann ahey VA Winien BASIONS Are loxSed 0 (0 Peal PecAsON: ‘Under this model, the power in a bureaucracy flows from what to what? Nwand Finish the full quote — “Bureaucrats are specialists who attempt to resolve... aes twyvevgh log: “tl yeusonny 2 OHA Cnalysis “WwoteaG oF iNstnct & quesqrars Finish the full quote - “Individual advancement in bureaucracies is supposed to be based on... ers yatrer van gokneal Sey Detar CONS & a #9 - Use the side margin to define Acquisitive Model A wove! oe Burpee vevacy 1nar views t-te, burevevats ag seeury qe eand He sin sF aie Durgep Stee + gan According to the acquisitive model, why would bureaucrats want to enlarge the size of thj, budgets and staff? *. mMep . Vee Pings that are fe nek VS OP an ye) wer nN dee pujone sect? What type of “products” to bureaucrats try to “sell” . ; Naroral do fense 1 PYOVE Novs' 4, BrIeuveat ‘Who do bureaucrats “sell” to? Congress & the pusts #10 — Use the side margin to define Monopolistic Model A Mote of byteveraty mat re piracn, fo Vion ops bvsints fle Lave oP comithey 1A ene Nene sp gee ‘Why would a monopolistic bureaucracy have little reason to adopt cost saving measures or use their resources more productively? Anegy Nac no competres & Act FORA agi y ‘Some economists believe the ‘only way to save money is to do what to bureaucracies? Privah2e Bureaucracies Compared #11 — As compare to other nations, the federal bureaucracies in the US enjoy a greater amount of what? Aure nomy of; aoe government is about how much? + Mnen #13 — Federal or national bureaucracies regularly provide financial assistance to what? State contr parts #14 —It may be surprising to many Americans, but Europe is not as democratic as they claim. In Europe, the government controls what businesses!!!??? Aelepnore compara lines, ratin 044s, URS #15 — What is an Administrative Agency: A REAEAI, Stee. or Lot gue Unt SHoion #12- The annual budget PSHOUSHA KR perany, A speaN< PrAuha ad mn sive on Agences oe Yo \egerate ~ adn At hone Ste tn Rone Spe Jen What adminis companies? EPA. NRA (StU Beem rative agencies in the US are especially powerful in regulating private BE lems The Size of the Bureaucract H1—In 1789, what were eon do 1 ~In 1789, what were the only 3 departments and one office? How many employees did each have? Stare (*) war C2> ptireserg CB4) +#2— Excluding the military, the federal bureaucracy has about how many employees? w-atmi Won Why is the above number deceiving? Who does it not include in its totals? many o+rer individuals Werk airecrly ori ndrectlg rare Fe daeval gov4 45 Slo Contractss »- #3 ~ In 1929, GDP spending for the entire bureaucracy accounted for only what percent? COAS teats 77 OTM capgcehis age. Wor nduder However today it hecounts for what percent of GDP spendi pew ‘The Organization of the #&Acral Bureaucracy der the executive branch? #1 — Again, what are the four major types of structures un yCarree CLEWA METS » naunenaent exteurre agencies yincerende at rguatyy AGenans 9) GOs Corponaaxens abinet Department #2-— Use the reading to define Line Organizations: ney GE anretly accor ntslate OHe Mresoent A ore sae Per per Form A ~ eRe Fanon pole Per Oars Seek a5 Prats #3 — What is the earliest department to be created? ate What is the ment department? Homeand Securing #4 Cabinet depariments canopy be erated of $8 Mlished by who? 4 oe res \ — grant by lkJsithe a 45 Each partner Sade by a what? Brom Gong ress Pprevar Secretary However the Justice Depariment is headed by who? Outor ne enera\ #6 - Each department also has pe gat of what? Underserrepar 2s 9Sssistant Szoreqa rn jdents can appoint or fire who? officials Why are presidents frequently unhappy with their departments? POVWraNeNIT EMAL yees WHF resist CHANG? yendent mi #8 — Describe what are they: urea Verane Organizations tNax are net locetr€ Within o OUMAWeENt Bt report Biecty TOHe Mes Met HS APO at Hee #9 — Who decides where in the federal bureaucracy, independent executive agencies will be located? © BRE COmypes¢ wt #7-Pr als ization be #10 — In recent decades, presidents often have asked that @ new organization be kepy Stan independent rather than added to existing departments. WHY!” Sime Cogerryrents may bE NESTE tHE TENGE Crate, #11 ~ What are some examples of independent executive agencies? Sansonial Thoth Independent Regulatory Agencies #12 — Describe what are they: An agency OUT SiGe tre Mayo T A Bnive BEPIM HEM, rorya WI MaKerd & jmplemenkag mes BQ Uo OAS #13 — What is the earliest Independent Regulatory Agency? Twrerstate commera Casson ‘What other independent agencies regulate communication? FCC, Nucleav Reguiaryy Com mmo ‘The ICC was abolished when? \2 (sos 1455 #14 ~ The Purpose and Nature of Regulatory Agencies - Why were independent regulatory agencies ? Porgress FET Ht Was Uno. RhondeId COMIN 4 FEC CONN AS pede fo Corvy o4 SPORE Iaus inve aes #15 ~ How do regulatory agencies incorporate the functions of all three branches of government (ie. ‘executive, legislative, and judicial) Legislative Power of Independent Regulatory Agency = ave rls that NOK Ae o> ay Ae Executive Power“ men fore Hoe Nu Ha G0 OL apAtS In velirs mee ves HREY ACM Judicial Power “ 116 ~ Regulatory agency boards or commissions are appointed by who? They receive the consent of who? Phesidant, CONnSemM BH sate #17 ~ Are members of regulatory agencies suppose to report to the president? o ‘Can members come from a single political party? How can presidents influence how regulatory agencies interpret the laws or make rules? APPoInséng Peopl 2 OF thor OWN oves ar inet Vavels Wh snave tere Poked Viely wren UlCaMers OCCUR #18 ~ Agency Capture. What is meant by the concept that many independent regulatory agencies have been captured? (use the side definition) ARO AA PY WHICH AN industry Ling Meguetd wy a gov» AGEN Ly Qaing ayrur or incitect contra OP Yency Peaomel & CLG 00K MGUan Ifa regulatory agency has been captured, often times this results in less or more competition for consumes? \ 06,5 Higher or lower prices? ror Lessor more chee, #19 - Der mn and Regulation — Deregulation occurred under what President between 1981-1989: Rona geaga rt n Reregulation occurred under what President between 1989-1993: Faget. (oeorge H. Busy ‘What laws were passed under this president? ADAce \aal 1 CiNel Hgrrs Ach of (441, Ciean owe AA awenaerts of (aagl President Clinton eliminated what? roe He deregulated what? Danny relecommenicanans iNa-sti + During the 2007 mortgage crisis and the failure of several investment houses in 2008, the Bush Administration and most members of Congress did what? Cand fora marc o@tte treused Arms & aredturn th more Reguictien Government Co1 Government Corporations #1 — Use the side margin to define Government Corporations: An Ageney aP gova Hor adminsrers equas: —pveners entwente TYEE Corporate NS GE Usd Wnta AEDES Ge Downer oy Com wertal #2 - Explain how are government corporations different from private corporations? Private Congorane as = SMWMareheldens We € etd Woarcleh rr cred, Charger Pent Of ETS , Pty Tes Gort cor praten - Ooedor eecrer BNIMASLS | No Sprocte halan. #3 Today, what are the two most well known government corporations? U.S. Pona\ servie a AMIPAK Why did Congress create the AMTRAK? Severa Onwatenail compares Went EMmkr p+ How much does asamp aK esi Ateian taxpayers? Current government subsidies to AMTRAK cost about how much per a year? RS Woinen The majority of daily passengers on AMTRAK are who? Wid ae-iass COMMYENS 909 HE LAST Cor Herts With raising gas prices, rail transportation may see what? EXPANSION ee CK accodn— Who is the second largest employer in the US? How many employees does it have? USPS. > 700 02 © CMpreyees Since the postal service is a government corporation, it can borrow money from the government. It has borrowed how much money to remain in operation? Oo bo; \ Vey PLEASE WATCH THE ABC NEWS VIDEO ON THE US POSTAL SERVICE MAKING CUTS - THE REPORT WAS MADE IN DECEMBER AND MANY OF THE CUTS HAVE BEEN MADE ~ HOWEVER THE US POSTAL SERVICE (A GOVERNMENT CORPORATION) IS STILL IN THE RED OR DEFICIT. Use the Link or type in google: Postal Service Could Eliminate | Day Delivery ABC News htip:/ uuts/story id=| 50873804. T2qzaNXh-So Challenges to the Bureaucracy ~ What did the Jimmy Carter dead mouse incident illustrate when it comes to the inefficiency of the bureaucracy? AR sotuing Sena! Proiems bes comrea yt! for Ho Reeder purwurcracy , lange 1332 SH serra 4+ pcHto Vd Ac cers ee Aa) Reorganizing to Stop Terrorism List the different aspects needed in order to fight terrorism. Suen 75 pagne at Aiegers jinsrech ys Preuet Stipe, pore’ re bore #2- n 2003, what became the largest reorganization of the US government since 1947? Daparrment vf Barer Seon WF #5- How many agencies fall under the control of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? a. ZL #4 — What well known. “gn ies now fall under the control of DI Fedevdl Evrerjeney Monadenm vane © 2 Barbe Protecmon , (ost over #5 ~In 2010, the DHS had how many employees and at what cost? 176, 800. 9 HSS. Lation +46 ~ What two Prominent law enforcement agencies are not part of DHS? Secrea save L Borer Petre #7 ~ In 2004, Congress established the new Office of what? What does this office do? Pinerre of Namonel Enwityeace Po Coonclindte the NaONS Mrengene eePorts #8 ~ Why is the position of national director of intelligence difficult to hold? UN PA OY Other ge PETES We Me™ He Ne Dealing With Natural Disaste Oy #1 ~ According to the author, “A natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina can only be met by coordinated action” from who? Brown loca State. & Federal avmmorivve s #2 ~ A natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina required action from what agencies? (List them all and hat they were charged with doing inthisease) Sees at eae og es ap aeawers of Precay Guvigs 4 eRaen\ EM A Nats 0 nat scuimes’® Hortac wba dost on aol nesters, Meat Serres, VEC: & \ & Ferg 1099 dave yA Cnoodes dey) #3 ~ In 2010, the Gulf Oil Spill hit. Like President Bush who was criticized for Hurficane Katrina; Many ‘Americans became upset with President Obama, Why? : Coen, AULA K Nok Visesny THE NET! C7 Aves enoegn 4 Nor demangvorny 2N0UgN Anger oH He oil Company #4 — What did Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Oil spill illustrate about the challenges faced by bureaucracies when dealing with natural disasters? #5 — Do you believe th i ‘ in dealing with the public ne OTe that “there may be no way that any president can be successful leadership skills can et a ‘ions aspect of these events.” Or do you think that President’s with strong bureaucracies to eee or an bye reaching ‘out to the public and place intense pressure on fa er i pulpit be sed in tmes of national emergencies? Explain ne her wars cane bly TZ AWM ee ant ce bel pe peed be UL In Kis DE natona: enerziny be gp yy ean a Ae a rae, ~ Peate J nec pet bas en aypney Staffing the Bureaucracy #1 — What are the two types of bureaucrats? POliscal apointees CU Servants #2.—Non competitive political appointments made by the president are listed and published in what? Plum Book Pol | Appointees 41 — Presidents make political appointments to pay off outstanding what? pol cat deot> #2 — When making political appointments, the president might also consider what things? Me canddores WOK vexPerieMe ,inxeligene , POUNCE! oO SR ate, % Peesend! Cronacremns #3 ~ Presidents often use ambassadorships to reward individuals for their what? cam paign Gmnovhons, #4 — Presidential political appointments still need to be confirmed by who? senate. #5 - Why was former President Bush’s pick of Michael Brown, former head of FEMA, considered a mistake? Grown vad no experience in emergency Plavineg + PeteP*f A, 46 — Why were several Obama appointees not confirmed or why did they leave the government quickly? BIRR CULmeS WI! BRIA Resumes CP PORNet AcheT eS MDM FO tary of Pile wer Uncen The Aristocracy of the Federal Government #7 Political appointees often leave office before what? ewes dos tum ends #8 — Most appointees have litle background for their postions and may be mere what? Agurenesdss The Difficulty in Firing Civil Servants #9 —In the most recent years, what percent of federal employees have been fired for incompetence? #10 — Discharged employees are allowed to do what if they are dismissed? Ge Pea rweie Chovnissats The History of the Federal Civil Service Lo public servants? Most - #1- When the federal government was formed in 1789, 4 Public servants were of what party? a Nor inhi holding federal #2 — When Thomas Jefferson took over as president, few people in his party were holding administrative jobs. So what did he end up doing? “ a rep lak Hen Ye Rred wot tren (Oo ont crete W/ Ws OWN svpporte7 #3 —For the next 25 years after Jefferson, what was the main thing that happen t 5 on ne Jae cx “ rar arauuing Peay OF Rederaradnun sere Ja Derience 4 Koes Se, To the Victor Belong the Spoils #44— When Andrew Jackson became president, he realized that many of the officials chat were already appointed before he became president were against him and his Democratic Party. So what did he do? Ne Aved Ceserct orAicials 0 the status of public #5 — What is meant by the term Spoil System?: vet re gre auuovaing 9 Guus SORT PACA! SupPerren iends ql Service Reform Act of 1 #1 — Between 1851 to 1881, the bureaucracy became more corrupt and increased by what percent? SO00Y ‘As corruption grew in the bureaueracy, many called for reform. One such type of reform was the creation of the Merit System. What is the Merit System: Tre S@iecned i ttenno7, & PTOMOHCA OF For \Mployees On tre basin OF Cam PEtrVe examretens See the top picture caption - What happen to President James A Garfield and why did this happen? Assasonareh IW oveoer te hove te spouis a areal W/ A permatent Career ul sepwe As a result of the assassination of Garfield, what was passed in 1883? Pendaleron Art Use the side margin to define Pendleton Act or Civil Service Reform Act. AN ack tMat established He peace oo 2m ploymen—o~ Ave jaasis of Wer 2 Weated Fe Ow) s2rewe Comncc5 Fo ddimintcte- fre Personnel S@rure The Pendleton Act created what central personnel agency of the national government? Civ Yue Comm'ss-on ‘What percent of federal employées are now hired through a merit system? los ‘Two supreme court cases (Elrod v Burns & Branti v Finkel), “used the First Amendment to forbid government officials” from doing what? Alecnar ging on Mreatens fe CoO ROR | , BOD = ONC Ernployees Sore NST oO WPovtesoe | POWNEAN PONS A Gower Yano’ PAMITATE IMF io om MOP EPG HE Cease oe _ ie In most cases, partisan political considerations cannot be used as a basis for hiring, promoting, or transferring most public employees unless such positions is directly related to what? Ane Programe OF + Clecree wader ivil Service Act of 19° #1] — What agency has now replaced the Civil Service ‘Commission? Ce Gert Re fora Act #2- What does the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) do? Lecrus inertia, tt Porensal govt Warnes te Aetermee veo shor d be ee cte® Federal Employees and Political Campaigns to his New Deal and #1 — When FDR was elected he appointed civil servants ‘that were loyal what party? Tamocrate Pap #2 Asa result a bipartisan coalition of conservative Democ! Hatch Act or Political Activities Act in 1939. According to forbidden, and outlawed by the Hatch Act or Political A A2VA\ evr ploy @> Prom aereeiy Pav uparng mnanegerrem oF comeaigns rats and Republicans passed the reading, what is prohibited, ies Act: ra HE Qote et What was controversial about the Hatch Act? fre acd coprt PA em mong 05 peecnn ‘Although federal employees still eannot be compelled by the federal government to support aaano ete for poltieal office. The 1993 Federal Employees Political Activities Act now allows for what? _feceral e MPIOJLS tO TH for ofRte in nonp ate OM eter NEG tsrrater erves conionans TS poner OFgert" reaucratie Reform sed reforms in the last several decades include what? pervig 2a ton, caer, Po ouay Ee Gamo Ore lan = parnpare 30 me = ave campo: Modern Attempts At Bu #1 — The most important and actual propo: Sunsh're B Senser laws tacre, protetten fo wore a Sunshine Laws Before and After September 11 #1 — Use the side margin of the reading to define Government in the Sunshine Act: A AW tar reaeires all comme dtecred Peden qgeacy AY COnavck ane busine reguany in eure Ses sim All government meetings must be conducted in the public, except for what? OoLSSionS Of Cour Procerengs 2 PEBer re! AASa\o-ns #2 — What is the Freedom of | Information Act: TeAieed Feral qour agences 42 OKO FRAC AS on HO any info York AM 1 GOT Brey ‘ Curbs on Information Dis osu ent disclosure e #1 - Since 9/11 - What is happening t0 8% wef? Aena tOAard JOV* is Closures roel eh 11, what did numerot ny FO" do? gti ys federal agencies prove we W6 #2 - In fact, within weeks after 9- we , geet C selose 1ess info ji Yamovta many gow \yanious ro #3 - Several agencies, the FBI, and the military arg prevent terrorists from doing what? an i lan adya' ve es yak advocates worry that not only i ic disclosure Hl 4? #4 — However, many ci public disclosure ave being removes’ sensitive “srmaton is being removed — but what other kinds of co is being ws , COS alectntitys seus in order to powe information on ‘what items? 5 — State and local governments are now removing, public it QuO'iL iecowas 4d in fo ‘Sunset Laws 41 - Us aide margin ofthe reading to define Sunset LAWS: ee Laws reaurrng twat et pragream be race ‘9 ofieomenest 2 be rmmettd UIs see ual OP ME reviene. FDR argued that many of his Ne years? Was tis ropes eer adopted atthe time? ‘O no #2 —In 1976, what was the first state ‘to adopt sunset legislation? Caorase few Deal programs would be allowed to end after how many Privatization #1 - What is Privatization? wee repaioment oF JOV*SEFVMES Wr gern s POLE by Private fees Oftentimes the one ight contract with private firms to operate what? \SONS, Supporters of privatization argue that some services could be provided more efficiently by what? Private sera Government vouchers could be used for paying for what private things? Nevcing in Privately OW & uildind s ‘Where has privatization or government contracts to private firms proven to be most successful? NOW ta local ual F Privatizing the US Military Abroad privatng me iar , Sue W. Bush was the first president to begin erally foe began en en ee atizing some aspects of the military On qe #2- By 2006, how many private contractors/workers were employed in Iraq? ee 00,9 00 y ;, the number equaled how many (the equivalent to \80100D, US miter ‘What did many of the private contractors do for the US military in Iraq? PROVIAL Rood 4 WHET for ye ops A70Ns POM Sueas Po RM copiion tops t for cvions Gtehoned wn Frat mg~ UX prrewte #3 — Why has the US military felt obligated to hire private contractors in Iraq and elsewhere around the globe? their army Was dO ws In the first Gulf War, how many active-duty troops were in the army? A\ O00 ‘The numberof active duty troops has now been reduced by one-third. What is that number? UGS ODO #4 - Who completed most war work in WWII? Ly SCA lees ay 45 ~ Are many ofthe private contractors who workin combat zones subject to the same combat conditions (i.e. risk of capture, injury, or death) as us military personnel? 2S How many private contractors have been killed in their line of work? ' (00 ‘Unfortunately some private contractors have committed acts that are crimes against Iraqi civilians or against other what? (oravactors ‘Asa result, private contractors who do commit crimes in a combat zone are allowed to be tried in military what? COV ty-MANNAalys Despite common misconceptions, most private civilian contractors in Iraq were not ‘Americans but who? Pr What are the advantages of hiring Iragis to do workin Iraq? \Groves barn -aee +6 Ces what)? vs 6 ~Is there any national security argument against using private contractors to do US military work? Explain. Ys yes yun ye a Ge mae any net cg STE eT Ey Stary 'O PAGE 503 - Helping Out the Whistleblowers Use your reading (not the side margin), to define what is and who may be a Whistleblower. DBA ter 1 PMO Uno lslows He WHITE 00 T Dress Drew nwnrenra iracrenty or nugel acher n Laws Protecting Whistleblowers ~ What law prohibits reprisal or punishing actions against whistleblowers? (ANG ivi! SOryne Refen Avt #3 ~ Many federal agencies also have what for employees to anonymously report bureaucratic waste or inappropriate behavior? How many of these cases are actually result in agency action or follow up? Fre Worlines, \ i 907. ‘#4 — What does the Whistleblower Act of 1989 do? CTA OSC te investigate Camplot 3 WVINT by gous empojees Wo Wave 22en hemor ed Pred or othr 08 fe JaANWENGLS 077 Wren tem In a close $ to 4 decision (Garcetti v Ceballos), the Supreme Court ruled that when publie SGA employees make statements relating to their official duties, they are not speaking as what\A/Ww S142 and therefore are not protected by what? SKIP TO PAGE 507- Iron Triangles #1 ~ Use the side margin reading to define Iron Triangle: te, Dway AW One oiorg iegistars PLTCUCHAH , “h interest rover tomate OF PPServe pores mot pereh4 Herm #2 — Why can’t members of Congress afford to ignore the wishes of interest groups? fe spec hue internets Anove groups Perel smurces OF WOK Suppan Campaign comme ons Issue Networks #3 — Although iron triangles still exist, why are they often times inadequate descriptions on how policy is actually made? LON Ad alot A evra ar of you Gifherent 1 aterest geo ups 3 Fe conPs ry Kemands Maing goncy Atcsens A PAAT #4 Many Americans may falsely believe that only interest groups (unions and corporations) influence public policy making. However issue networks are much larger then this. Use the side margin of the reading to define Issue Networks: Be 08 | raNGUAISOT CYB zarons Amey corey OF vogeskiray f Beene cAOFE wreenners AMEE QrovP 2 penance WHET) Shoe, § Ure Beary aK Heyer Basis tvanes Give some examples in which proponents say regulation has worked. Wwe lrcarre CLaNeR A #6 ~ What do you feel, is regulation of industry and business worth the costs and benefits? Or can deregulation and the use of market forces create the same benefits at a reduced cost? Reperenen os anger De Ts em aque Pe teem RE mes A pe te Wa row HE Mt oe Suede \

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