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Opportunity for Outreach

April 2021
Proposed by the Opportunity SCU Consulting Group:
Paul Besse, Lily Lomeli, Lindsey Merrigan, and Nakea Rand
April 25, 2021 Opportunity Consulting Firm
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara Ca, 95050

Melissa Canela, Education Programs Manager

Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126

Dear Ms. Canela:

It is wonderful that the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley has continued to provide
resources that promote educational excellence, leadership development, and help
convene and engage the San Jose community, despite the chaos of the last year.
Opportunity Consulting is a consulting firm based in Santa Clara. Opportunity is
dedicated to providing organizations with the tools needed to advance. My team and
I are excited to contribute to the great work your organization does, and can present
methods that will contribute to a more efficient and effective workplace.

Our proposal includes the following:

• Table of contents
• Executive summary
• Introduction to the problem
• Project rationale
• Deliverables and scheduled deliveries
• Cost analysis

These will be directed towards your team and will be focused on additions to the
website, data collection of both students and donors, and the creation of email and
message templates. These will ensure that everyone who visits the website will see the
success of the students who have participated and may increase the number of donors
and donations. Further, resources will provide more efficient communication between
coordinators and students, which will save the organization time.

I am confident that my team will meet our collaborative goals by our deadline of June
6, 2021. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out, we
would be happy to hold another meeting.

My team and I are thrilled to share our passion of helping the Latino community and
look forward to working with you.

Thank you for your time,

Liliana Lomeli, Lindsey Merrigan, Nakea Rand, Paul Besse

Opportunity Consulting
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1

Introduction 3

Project Rationale 5

Deliverables 7

Cost Analysis 8

Delivery Schedule 9

Success Metrics 10

Staffing 11

Implications 12

Limitations 14

Recommendations 15

Appendices 16
Executive Summary
Advancing the Hispanic Community
The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley (HFSV) is a non-profit organization, in San
Jose, that promotes educational excellence, leadership development, and engagement
in the Hispanic community (HFSV, 2021). Eighty percent of Hispanic students graduate
from high school (High School Graduates, by Race/Ethnicity, 2018), however only 21%
went on and attained a bachelor’s degree in 2019 (“Latino Students,” 2020). HFSV
partners with various programs to provide support to a wide range of the Hispanic
community; from parent education programs to ones made for kids starting in
kindergarten all the way to college. Its work in advancing the Hispanic community is
crucial for minimizing the disparities in education and helping them further their careers.

Who We Are
Opportunity Consulting consists of four undergraduate business students from
Santa Clara University, who are focused on providing support and advancement
to organizations through personalized consulting services. Our mission is to help
develop tools that will enhance organizations’ communication and demonstrate their
achievements. We are committed to providing our partners with transparency and the
best possible solutions.

Improvements for HFSV

HFSV has tasked our consulting team with collecting data and finding more accessible
ways of external communication. Our main focus will be providing the organization with
data that is representative of its programs’ success to display it internally and externally.
These statistics will be beneficial for their presentation to their board of directors,
and may assist in gaining new donors. Through more donors and positive program
results, more Hispanic parents and children will have the opportunity to enhance their
educational experiences and knowledge.

Executive Summary
What We Intend To Do
To collect data that are representative of the programs’ successes and make
communication more efficient, Opportunity Consulting will do the following:

1. Survey
Surveys will be sent to both current students and alumni through emails, and parents
through phone calls. This information will be imputed in a database and provide
HFSV with the most recent information about their scholars and their success.

2. Create templates
Customizable message and email templates will be created to ensure
communication between program managers and participants is quick and easy.
Therefore allowing HFSV to notify scholars of opportunities a more efficient rate.

Hispanics in College and Hi-tech
There is much untapped potential when it comes to Hispanics in higher education and
hi-tech workforce. In 2014, The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley solicited Latino
communities generating over 2,000 responses. That data showed that “40% of the
participants place education as the most important challenge” (Dominguez et al., 2020).
The participants in this survey were not wrong as education has affected Hispanics
in Silicon Valley especially in the hi-tech workforce. Although “Latinos represent 28%
of the population in Silicon Valley, only 3% are in the hi-tech workforce” (Latinos In
Technology Scholarship, 2020).

There is a concern among Latinos in Silicon Valley that higher education and hi-tech
work is not a level playing field. HFSV was made to address the concerns in Silicon
Valley and promote Hispanic philanthropy in the region.

Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley

The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley founded in 1989, inspires Hispanic families
and students to achieve academic excellence. The Foundation was founded for a way
to promote Hispanic philanthropy and to raise awareness of issues affecting the Latino
community. The goals to achieve excellence include educational excellence, leadership
development, and to convey and engage within the community.


Number of students granted scholarships in the LITS program (Latinos In Technology

Scholarship, 2020).

To achieve their goals, the Latinos in Technology Scholarship (LITS) rewards scholarships
of up to $10,000 to Latino students in their third or fourth year that have declared a
major in STEM. About 400 students have received scholarships to date and 82% of
those students are first generation college students. The total number of students
completing summer-internships or hired in full time positions in a tech related company
is 63% with a goal of 100% in mind. The LITS is one of the most successful programs
implemented by HFSV and proves to get scholars into hi-tech positions.

Another way the foundation promotes academic excellence is by their Hispanic

Foundation College Success Center (HFCSC). Annually the Center helps close to 2,000
Latino parents and students with leadership training, SAT prep, parent engagement
workshops, etc. Each of the seven programs offers significant benefits in specific areas
whether math, tech, or even coding. Through the College Success Center parents and
students are able to practice and learn skills necessary to excel academically and in the

The Issue
• Donor profiling and classification within HFSV
• HFSV has a need for metrics on their students
• The foundation’s website requires updating
• HFSV has a necessity for stronger communication with alumni/students.

Project Rationale
This proposal outlines the details that address stronger metrics with their students and
alumni, and increases in traffic on the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley’s website.
During current times, communication is a huge factor that must be addressed and
improved to better serve HFSV. The Opportunity Consulting Group plans to address
communication between HFSV’s donors, parents, and scholars.

The Opportunity Consulting Group will address the need for data on their current
students and alumni. The data will be used to observe metrics on their students
including which majors they are studying, the amount of students in STEM, where they
are interning, etc. Students and alumni will provide feedback on the most useful HFSV
programs to better the foundation. Metrics are a huge key when running a non-profit
organization, and the data we gather will be used to get a better understanding of
where the people within the foundation are.

Plan of Action
• The Opportunity Consulting Group will create and send out a survey to provide
data collection of at least 50 of HFSV’s scholars, parents, and alumni. The data
will help track how HFSV’s scholars are doing by tracking metrics like grades,
retention rates, and time it takes to graduate.
• The Opportunity Consulting Group will edit different sections on HFSV’s websites
to facilitate communication between donors, students, and parents. A new
section will attract prospects by posting past testimonies and increase donor
recognition. The other section will include easy access for students to access new
events, job opportunities, and important updates.
• Lastly, better tracking and communication between HFSV and their donors.
Donor tracking will be another form of metrics to better track and communicate
with their donors. To bridge the gap of communication, a newsletter that will be
sent to donors will facilitate communication between the two.

Project Rationale
COVID-19 has placed a massive strain on communication, which could come into play
with our project. With limited in-person meetings, facilitating communication will have
to be all online and could prevent us from getting a strong emotional understanding of
the scholars, parents, and donors who contribute to HFSV. Finding clever ways to bridge
the communication gap will be a necessity and the Opportunity Consulting Group will
have to overcome this limitation.

HFSV has only six staff members and the lack of personnel can be a limitation on what
can be accomplished. With so few staff, our goal is to assist the foundation and their
employees with their busy work schedules by doing some of the outreach work that is

• Survey for current and past scholars to see their education background,
potential employment, useful HFSV services, and feedback. Main focus is to find
correlation of scholars who have jobs in the STEM industry.
• Database that organizes the survey participants responses and breaks it up into
three sections: personal, school/job, HFSV services. Allows HFSV to easily see
updated information on their scholars.
• Analysis of data collected and report created which includes implications,
recommendations, and failures regarding the scholar survey and database.

• Website designs for a section of website where the foundation will post
testimonies of past scholars.
• Goal is for prospects to see if they would like to join the foundation or
• Website design to quickly and easily show events, internships, and news to
scholars and parents.

Graphic Summary
• Template for one-page summary including graphics sent to all interested and/
or current students to update them. Use this to keep students engaged in the

• Email and text templates designed for easy to personalize messages. Intended
to easily work with our database.

(See Appendix F for deliverables, ordered by date)

Current Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley homepage (

Cost Analysis
The only cost in this project is Opportunity’s consulting fee. We charge $50 an hour per
each group member for their services. Below is a breakdown of the total cost and hours
of the project.
Consultant Work Description Hours Total
Paul Besse Secretary & Database 10 ($500)
Liliana Lomeli Client Outreach & Survey Creation 10 ($500)
Lindsey Merrigan Analytics & Surveys 10 ($500)
Nakea Rand Graphic Designer & Editor 10 ($500)
Subtotal 40 ($2,000)
Donation Pro bono work provided to HFSV $2,000
Total for HFSV $0
• The total cost for our services is $2000.
• 40 hours of billable work is an estimate of how much time Opportunity will need
in order to plan and execute the proposed deliverables.

• The Hispanic Foundation will use the surveys and databases to gather more
information on their students, parents, and alumni. This will help the foundation
see if their services are productive.
• Gathering information from the surveys and testimonials will also provide
benefits to the foundation as they will attract more scholars when people see
their highly rated testimonials, ultimately allowing the organization to grow.
• The website update, graphic summary page, and templates should all increase
student engagement.
• Additional HFSV staff time not required to be invested to implement these

Delivery Schedule
Date Deliverable Assigned Team Member(s)
5/3/2021 One-page program summary with graphics Nakea Rand
5/10/2021 Webpage template Nakea Rand
5/14/2021 Email and text templates Opportunity Consultants
5/14/2021 Send out surveys to students, alumni, and Opportunity Consultants
5/24/2021 Provide database and data analysis based on Lindsey Merrigan, Liliana
survey responses calculating retention rates, Lomelli, and Paul Besse
demographics, and testimonials
5/24/2021 Arrange testimonials together and organize Opportunity Consultants
in a visually pleasing way for the website
6/3/2021 Final presentation Opportunity Consultants

Success Metrics
• At least 50 responses from students (includes current and past students)
• At least 5 testimonials from the students
• See how many testimonials were positive versus how many were negative.

• Increased website traffic from use of testimonials from time testimonials are
implemented onto website after 6 months
• Increased number of new scholars or donors increases after testimonials are
added, compared with statistics of average increases from last year

One-page Summary
• Graphic attracts more student engagement, compared to prior years

HFSV Latinos in Technology Scholarship Initiative (


Paul Besse
Team Role: Writer, Researcher
Responsibilities: Writing sections of the proposal, creating
survey questions and analyzing data, note taking
Major: Business Management
Experience: General Office Clerk at All American Storage,
Valet Attendant at Precision Parking, Teacher’s Assistant at
St. Dunstan’s Catholic School

Liliana Lomeli
Team Role: Outreach and Communication Manager
Responsibilities: Writing sections of the proposal, handling
external emails and organizing meetings, creating survey
Major: Business Management
Experience: Weighmaster at Van Groningen and Sons,
Desk Assistant at Santa Clara University, Vice President of
Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc.

Lindsey Merrigan
Team Role: Researcher, Analyst
Responsibilities: Writing sections of the proposal, creating
survey questions and analyzing data, creating a database
Major: Finance
Experience: Barista at Phillz Coffee, Client Service
Associate at Barry’s Bootcamp, Alumni Relationship
Representative at Santa Clara University

Nakea Rand
Team Role: Project Manager, Graphic Designer, Editor
Responsibilities: Organizing the team, editing and
designing proposal, creating website and email templates,
creating graphic program summary
Major: Business Management
Experience: Various freelance graphic design,
photography, and art; currently Vice President and
Treasurer of a Santa Clara University club

After the proposal was accepted by the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley,
Opportunity Consulting got to work. The group set up more meetings in order to
obtain the adequate information needed to complete the deliverables. Opportunity
Consulting was determined to assist HFSV with their scholar demographics, website
design, testimonial collection, and other graphics with hopes to engage an increase in
scholar and donor prospects.

The first task was to provide a one-page graphic summary with all the programs HFSV
has to offer. The goal was to showcase and give a brief description of all their programs
and for whom they are meant for. The graphic effectively organized the various
programs they offer and breaks it up by age group, allowing prospects to easily see
what program fits best.

The next task provided HFSV with a calendar template to be easily implemented on
their website. The calendar allowed website visitors to see what events are taking place
during that month. Also, a template for upcoming events was provided to showcase
what major events are coming up. Both of these were provided in HTML format for
HFSV to easily upload onto their current website.

In order to collect data from current and past scholars, Opportunity Consulting created
a survey to be sent out to scholars. The survey was sent out to one hundred and thirty
students, seventy-two being current students and fifty-eight alumni students. The client
provided Opportunity with HFSV’s Gmail login in order to individually send these emails
to scholars. Unfortunately, only one of the Opportunity team members had access to
the Gmail account due to third party security measures. Therefore, surveys were not
sent out to all current and past students since it was not feasible for one team member
to send individual emails to 401 scholars.

Email templates were provided to HFSV for personalized emails to members and also
used to send out the individual surveys to the scholars. After one week of sending out
the surveys to students, there were 7 responses, 6 current and 1 past scholar. The data
received from these participants were organized into an efficient database where it was
easy to navigate collected data. A report including analysis of the data, key takeaways,
and recommendations for HFSV was also sent to the client to guide HFSV on how to
improve their current programs, based on feedback from some of their scholars.

Some changes were made to the original proposal as the client was unable to provide
necessary information and no longer needed said deliverable. Opportunity Consulting
was unable to provide parent testimonials due to the language and technology barrier
in place between the team and HFSV parents. Most HFSV parents do not use email
or other digital communication, therefore in order to obtain testimonials our team
would have to call the parents. In addition, a large majority of HFSV parents only speak
Spanish, therefore communicating with the parents to obtain testimonials was not
feasible for the Opportunity group.

Donor profiles and testimonials were also not feasible for Opportunity Group to gather.
HFSV did not provide the group with donor information due to privacy concerns.
Student testimonials were collected and organized in a template to be put on the
website. It is assumed that potential donors will still want to donate to the foundation,
especially if they are seeing how much the programs help students. Although some
small troubles along the way, all deliverables were provided on time and with the
utmost of quality. HFSV was pleased with the services Opportunity Consulting provided
and grateful for the pro bono work.

As anticipated, Opportunity Consulting had to overcome several obstacles that
affected our end results. The goals were consistent throughout our collaboration with
the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley to not only gain more information on people
associated with the website but to update key aspects of the foundation’s website.
These goals were met with the following limitations that ultimately had to be overcome.

Lack of Responses
The first goal that Opportunity Consulting hoped to attain was to gain more information
on students, alumni, and parents associated with HFSV. The metrics to measure our
goal was to have at least 50 responses with up to a 50% response rate. But with this
limitation, we were met with only a 6.2% response rate, which made it hard to interpret
the most productive services provided by HFSV. To overcome this obstacle, Opportunity
Consulting gained a past Santa Clara group’s database on HFSV and compared our
findings with theirs.

Email Access
To achieve 50 survey responses, the initial plan was to have three group members gain
access to HFSV’s email and send out as many surveys to members of the foundation. 50
responses would grant us enough data to analyze information about the foundation and
metrics on their members. The initial plan was met with a limitation of only one member
having access to the HFSV email, so getting enough surveys to HFSV members became
another hurdle. To improvise the lack of email access to the other group members, we
fortunately were able to get 130 total surveys out with only one group member.

Time Allotted
Lastly, the limitation we faced was the amount of time given to do this project. With only
a six week period to do our collaboration with HFSV, there was a limit on the amount of
work that Opportunity Consulting got done. The survey was sent out in week 7 of our
quarter which only gave HFSV’s students, alumni, and parents a week to respond. The
lack of time the members of HFSV had to respond as well as the time to analyze the
data hindered our final results. We surmounted this obstacle by using the time given to
identify and analyze the results given to us from the responses to our survey.

Reflecting on both our successes and limitations, Opportunity Consulting could further
help the organization if these recommendations were implemented. The following
recommendations would ensure greater results and minimize obstacles.

• Send surveys out in a more timely manner. To get an effective amount of data
with sufficient time to analyze the results, we advise creating email templates
and sending the surveys out sooner. We overestimated the response rate and
underestimated the amount of time it would take to send the surveys. As a result
of this, the students, alumni, and parents only had one week to respond. Making
this adjustment would give the group enough time to address any problems that
may come up when sending the surveys and allow the members of HFSV enough
time to complete the surveys.

• Schedule weekly meetings with HFSV. Due to the time limitation of this project,
meeting at least once a week would increase the team’s productivity and foster
better communication. Throughout our collaboration, we found ourselves unable
to find a consistent time to meet. As the project progressed, it became difficult
to solve problems. To avoid this, there should be an agreed upon day and time
the group and organization will meet every week, discussed and decided in the
first meeting.

• Collect data about donors. Although donor profiling wasn’t HFSV’s main concern
when collaborating with them, survey results indicated that the most useful tool
offered was financial services. Therefore to provide scholars with more donations
and to attract more donors, donor profiling would be recommended. This would
include getting a sense of what prompted current donors to donate in the first
place and what encourages them to continue. Highlighting these testimonials
may attract new donors and increase funds.

Appendix A: Team Résumés
Appendix B: Team Logo
Appendix C: Works Cited (including Annual Financial Reports for HFSV)
Appendix D: Client Contract
Appendix E: Client Record of Contact
Appendix F: Deliverables

Appendix A
Paul Besse
127 Louise Lane, San Mateo, CA 94403
+1 (650) 520-5036 |

Experience Education
All American Storage, San Lorenzo, CA Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
General Office Clerk September 2020 - Present
June 2017 - Present • Upper division Management Courses
• Filing contracts, inventory storage • Spreadsheets Class
units • Information Systems
• Enter payments, close day, make • Marketing
bank deposits
• Create rent rolls, inventory, raise College of San Mateo, Redwood, CA
rents August 2018 - May 2019,
January 2020 - May 2020
St. Dunstan’s Grader, Millbrae, CA • Lower division general education
Teacher’s Assistant • English
June 2020 - August 2020 • Financial/Managerial economics
• Graded math worksheets • Calculus 1 + 2
• Helped input grades on excel
• Used formulas to calculate grades University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
August 2019 - December 2019
Precision Parking, San Carlos, CA • Statistics
Valet Attendant • Microeconomics
June 2019 - September 2019
• Greeting guests, helping unload
• Maintain inventory of keys
• Parking cars and carefully returning
cars to owners
• Experienced with business-level writing
• Efficient with Microsoft Excel
• Communications skills
• Exceptional leader

Appendix A
Liliana Lomeli
1198 Sherwood Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126
+1 (209) 670-6115 |
Hard-working, first generation college student seeking an entry level management
position in a business where I can develop and enhance my project management skills.
Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc., Santa Clara, Van Groningen and Sons, Manteca, CA
CA Weighmaster
Vice President, Fundraising chair, Member June 2019 - September 2019
December 2019 - Present • Answered and managed a multi-line
• Organize 5 events per quarter to switchboard for 7 departments
unite members and strengthen • Trained new employees on company
community scale process and 3 computer
• Coordinated 10 fundraising events programs in English & Spanish
while working closely with business Education
• Commit to weekly meetings and a Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
minimum of 36 yearly community Bachelor of Science in Commerce
service hours June 2022
• Major: Business Management
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA • Minor: International Business
Desk Assistant Skills
September 2019 - March 2020 • Fluent in verbal Spanish
• Created welcoming environment to • Technical: Microsoft Suite, Google
foster community within resident hall Drive Suite
and build positive relationships with • Exceptional communication skills,
students and staff able to maintain flexibility, and
• Supported staff of 10 Community demonstrate positive demeanor with
Facilitator and 2 Assistant Resident customers and staff
Directors with administrative work • Quick learner, attentive to detail,
• Planned and engaged visitors in adaptive to new situations, team
daily activities & microprogramming oriented and approachable
Additional Activities
• LEAD Scholars’ Member: Program for first-generation college students focused
on academic success, community engagement and vocational exploration

Appendix A
Lindsey Merrigan
+1 (650) 554-0111 |

Motivated and well-rounded student who is passionate about pursuing a degree in
Finance and Real Estate. Seen as a leader amongst peers. A respected and positive
individual that focuses on team efficiency and problem solving.

Experience Education
Phillz Coffee, San Jose, CA Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
Barista 2018 - Present
July 2020 - Present • Major: Finance
• Demonstrate ability to multitask, • Minor: Real Estate
handle crowds amidst COVID-19 • Cumulative GPA: 3.8
pandemic, and excel in a demanding • Relevant Coursework: Financial
high- volume setting. Management, Entrepreneurial
Finance, Real Estate Principles,
Barry’s Bootcamp, San Jose, CA Real Estate Finance, Investments,
Client Service Associate - Fuel Bar Corporate Financial Policy,
September 2019 - March 2020 Accounting, Managerial Accounting,
• Deliver exceptional customer service, Introduction to Spreadsheets,
empathy, and problem-solving Statistics & Data Analysis,
skills in fast-paced, high demand Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,
environment. Business Communications
• Commended for customer • Activities: Real Estate Association,
satisfaction, leadership, and SCU Alumni Association, Kappa
dependability. Kappa Gamma Sorority

Santa Clara University Alumni Office, St. Ignatius College Preparatory,

Santa Clara, CA San Francisco, CA
Alumni Relationship Representative 2014 - 2018
September 2018 - January 2020 • GPA: Unweighted 3.8, Weighted 4.1
• Foster relationships with Santa Clara • Water Polo Team Captain, 200+
University alumni and donors, while Community Service hours, Heroes of
sustaining clear communication and Hope Fundraising Chair
specialized service.
• Support the planning and execution
of alumni events, collaborating with
school administration and vendors

Appendix A
Nakea Rand
15864 Highland Drive, San Jose, CA 95127
+1 (408) 506-5887 | |
Attentive and laser-focused, I am effective in leading a team—or working on my own—
to tackle a problem. First-generation college student who loves to learn, many of my
skills are entirely self-taught.

Education Awards
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 2015
Bachelor of Science in Commerce The National Academy of Future Scientists
June 2022 and Technologists
• Major: Business Management Award of Excellence
• GPA: 3.702 (unweighted) Awarded by Buzz Aldrin, SC.D. and Richard
• Activities: Current co-founder, vice Rossi
president, and treasurer of university-
funded club, Tabletop Gaming Club. 2015
The National Society of High School
Valley Christian High School, San Jose, CA Scholars
May 2018 Granted membership
• Minor: Integrated Arts (Visual Arts/ Awarded by Claes Nobel and James W.
Theatrical Design & Technology) Lewis
• GPA: 4.16 (weighted) 3.95
(unweighted) 2015
• Activities: Completed 100 hours of The Society of Torch & Laurel
volunteer work while attending, 60% Recognition of commitment to ideals of
off-campus at nonprofits. Remainder integrity, excellence, and perseverance
was completed through technical Awarded by Stephen E. Loflin and Verelyn
theater work after school. Graduated Gibbs Watson
on high honor roll (weighted GPA of
• Artist, digital and traditional work, multimedia
• College-level photography experience, including photo editing
• General experience with computers/IT work
• Other program experience: Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, and Powerpoint),
OpenOffice Suite (Writer, Calc, and Impress), Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, Slides,
and Forms), Adobe Suite (Lightroom Classic, Photoshop CC, After Effects CC,
InDesign CC, Illustrator, Media Encoder, Acrobat DC, Bridge, and Dreamweaver),

Appendix B

Appendix C

Dominguez, L. A., Marquez, V. P., & Barrientos, E. (2020). Hispanic Foundation College

Success Center. Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley.


High School Graduates, by Race/Ethnicity. (2018). KidsData.


Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley. (2021). HFSV.

Latino Students. (2020, June 19). Postsecondary National Policy Institute. https://pnpi.


Latinos In Technology Scholarship. (2020). Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley. https://

Appendix D


The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley

This Curricular Experiential Learning Agreement (“Agreement”), dated April 12, 2021, is made
by and between Santa Clara University, through its Leavey School of Business (“SCU”), a
nonprofit corporation, with its principal place of business at 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara,
California, and The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley (“Company”), a CALIFORNIA
corporation, with its principal place of business at 1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126 (each a “Party”, collectively the “Parties”).


WHEREAS, SCU is an institution of higher education with the mission of creating an academic
community that educates the whole person within the Jesuit, Catholic tradition, making student
learning its central focus, continuously improving its curriculum and co-curriculum,
strengthening its scholarship and creative work, and serving the communities of which we are a
part in Silicon Valley and around the world; and

WHEREAS, Company wishes to collaborate with SCU to provide an experiential learning

opportunity to SCU’s Undergraduate Business School students (“Students”) in accordance with
SCU’s mission.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this
Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

I. Purpose
The purpose of the collaboration between SCU and Company is to provide an educational
opportunity for Students of SCU to apply what they are learning to an operating business
through experiential learning. Company acknowledges that Students are not professional
consultants or employees of SCU. Company acknowledges that the purpose of the
project, as described herein, is to provide an educational experience for Students and that
Company cannot rely on the Student work product. Company shall independently
evaluate all Student work products before any use or implementation.

II. Project
The project on which the SCU Students will work is set forth in Attachment A, which is
incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement (the “Project”):

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Appendix D

III. Responsibilities of the Parties

a. SCU agrees to:
Provide a team of Students, under the supervision of faculty advisor, Francine
Gordon, to work on the Project.
to the Project.
b. Company agrees to:
Provide access to the relevant information, data and expertise related to the Project.
Provide regular, adequate and timely feedback to the Student team with respect to the
Attend a final presentation to receive a written and oral report on outcomes of the

IV. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall be effective as of April 12, 2021 and shall terminate on June 3,
2021, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Section IV (“Term”). This
Agreement may be renewed upon written agreement of the parties.

Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason after providing fifteen (15)
days’ written notice to the other party.

V. Disclaimer of Warranties and Acknowledgment

Except as expressly provided herein, SCU makes no warranty of any kind with regard to
the Student work product, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise. Each party
hereby specifically disclaims all implied warranties, including any warranty of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement, to the maximum
extent permitted by applicable law.

Company acknowledges that the purpose of this Agreement is to provide an educational

experience to Students. Company acknowledges that Students are not employees of
SCU. Company further acknowledges that Students are not performing work as
professional consultants. Company represents and warrants that it will fully evaluate any
and all Student work products before implementation or use of the same.

Company acknowledges that under SCU policy, Students own all right, title, and interest
in and to all copyrightable or patentable work they create as part of normal educational
activities. No ownership interest or other rights in or to Student copyrightable or
patentable work is transferred to the Company through this Agreement. SCU does not
have the authority to bind any Student in contract or transfer any Student rights or
property to the Company.

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Appendix D

VI. Independent Contractors

The Parties enter into this Agreement in the capacity of independent contractor and not as
employees, agents or representatives of each other. Company’s employees, agents, and
representatives shall not be entitled to privileges of employment that SCU may provide to
SCU’s employees, and Company shall be responsible for payment of all unemployment,
social security, federal (state and local, as necessary) and other payroll taxes in regard to
its employees involved in the performance of the Services. SCU employees, agents,
students, and representatives shall not be entitled to privileges of employment that
Company may provide to Company’s employees, and SCU shall be responsible for
payment of all unemployment, social security, federal (state and local, as necessary) and
other payroll taxes in regard to its employees involved in the performance of the
Services. Neither of the Parties, nor their respective employees, agents, students, or
representatives, shall be authorized to execute contracts in the name of the other Party, or
to act or appear as a representative of the other, whether in performing the services or

VII. Insurance and Indemnity

a. Company shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance
against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from
or in connection with this Agreement. Company shall maintain insurance coverage
with limits no less than: General Liability (including products and completed
operations): $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and
property damage. If the general aggregate limit is used, the limit shall be twice the
required occurrence limit. An Umbrella Liability policy will satisfy the limit
requirements. Workers’ Compensation: As required by the State of California.
Employer’s Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. As
necessary, Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions): $1,000,000 per claim.
b. The general liability policy is to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following
1. Santa Clara University, its Trustees, officers, officials, employees, students,
agents and volunteers are to be covered as additional insured under General
Liability policy with respect to liability arising out of work or operations
performed by or on behalf of Company including materials, parts or equipment
furnished in connection with such work or operations.
2. For any claims related to this Agreement, Company’s insurance coverage shall
be primary insurance as respects Santa Clara University, its Trustees, officers,
officials, employees, students, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or
self-insurance maintained by Santa Clara University, its Trustees, officers,
officials, employees, students, agents and volunteers shall be excess of
Company’s insurance and shall not contribute with it.
c. Company shall furnish SCU with original certificates and endorsements effecting
coverage required by this clause. All certificates and endorsements are to be
received and approved by SCU before Students commence work on the Project.
However, failure to do so shall not operate as a waiver of these insurance

Page 3 of 5

Appendix D

requirements. SCU reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all
required insurance policies, including any endorsements at any time.
d. The Parties shall defend, indemnify, and hold one another, their Trustees,
shareholders, officers, employees, students and agents harmless from and against
any and all liability, loss, expenses, attorney’s fees, or claims for injury or damages
arising out of the performance of this Agreement but only in proportion to and to
the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorney’s fees, or claims for injury or
damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omission
of the indemnifying Party, its officers, employees, or agents. This results in
proportional liability such that each Party is responsible for its own harm.

VIII. General Terms

a. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of
the State of California, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

b. Notice
Any legal notice or other communication required or permitted to be made or given
by either Party pursuant to this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed to
have been duly given: (i) five (5) business days after the date of mailing if sent by
registered or certified U.S. mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested; (ii)
when transmitted if sent by facsimile, provided a confirmation of transmission is
produced by the sending machine; (iii) when transmitted if send by email; or (iv)
when delivered if delivered personally or sent by express courier service. All notices
will be sent to the other Party at its address as set forth below or at such other
addresses as the Party may specify in a notice given in accordance with this section.

Santa Clara University The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon


c. Use of Proprietary Marks

Neither Party may use the name, logo, insignia, or other proprietary marks (“Marks”)
of the other without the express written consent of the Party which owns the Marks.
Either Party may withhold consent to the use of its Marks in its reasonable discretion.

d. Non-Exclusivity
Nothing herein shall be construed as to create an exclusive arrangement between the
Parties. This Agreement shall not restrict either Party from acquiring similar, equal,
or like services from other entities or sources.

e. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to
the subject matter hereof and may be altered or amended only by a written instrument
executed by each of the Parties. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements,

Page 4 of 5

Appendix D

negotiations, and communications of whatever type, whether written or oral, between

the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date written above.

Santa Clara University The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley

________________________________ __________________________________
Signature Signature

________________________________ Melissa Canela

Printed Name Printed Name

________________________________ Education Programs Manager

Title Title

_____________________ April 13, 2021

Date Date

Page 5 of 5

Appendix D


Project Description

The students plan to create a section on the website that demonstrates retention rates and
where the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley scholars are at now. By creating a section that
shares how long scholars were involved with the program and current colleges they are at now,
the students can attract more donors and increase funds for the organization. To do this the
students would need to collect data from 50 or more, past and current students, depending on
time feasibility determined after the first 25. The students will do this through outreach,
recording the information and sorting it in an accessible database. Further, the students plan to
create a simple way to connect scholars and program coordinators through the website. Adding a
function in which all scholars could be notified of opportunities would save the program
coordinator time and increase efficiency. To further improve efficiency, the students will create
email and message templates for the organization to use in the future.

Appendix E
From: Liliana Lomeli
Subject: Fwd: Santa Clara University
Date: May 28, 2021 at 12:29 PM
To: Nakea Rand

An email that was only sent to me

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Liliana Lomeli <>
Date: Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: Santa Clara University
To: Melissa Canela <>

Sounds great!

On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 5:10 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Liliana,

Please send me an invite for Monday, 4/12 at 12pm. I will look over it and look forward to learning more about this opportunity.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 3:43 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope you are doing well. My team and I are available to meet with you at the following times:

Friday April 9th at 1:30pm

Monday April 12th at 12pm

Please let me know if any of these times work for you, and I can coordinate a zoom meeting. I've also attached the letter of
agreement that you will be asked to sign. Feel free to look over it and we can discuss any questions you may have at the
meeting. Thank you!


On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 8:38 AM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Sounds great, thank you!

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

Appendix E
On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 7:10 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:
Thank you so much for getting back to me! My team and I will be meeting tomorrow afternoon, I will send you an email with
our availability after that. We look forward to working with you.


On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 2:47 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Liliana,

Thank you for reaching out about this! I appreciate your team's interest in our organization; I am very interested in
speaking with you more about this so we can collaborate. Please let me know you and your team's availability so we can
schedule a time to talk via Zoom.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 9:40 AM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope all is well with you. My team is really hoping to work with your organization, however we would need a response
no later than Friday to do so. I look forward to hearing back from you.


On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 8:56 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope all is well. I’m a student at Santa Clara University. Carolyn

Valencia shared your email with me and I’d appreciate the chance to
tell you about a group project I’m working on.

Our objective is to team up with a non-profit organization in need of

specific assistance (e.g., marketing support, consulting, training or
education programs, financial analysis, increasing visibility, providing
needed services, etc.). We are then to design, develop and deliver a
proposal regarding the issue.

The Hispanic foundation of Silicon Valley really stood out to us and

we would love to contribute to your mission of inspiring Hispanic
families and children to achieve personal greatness. Skills my team
can provide include: project management, outreach/networking,
writing/editorial, and quantitative research (budgeting, analysis,

Appendix E
writing/editorial, and quantitative research (budgeting, analysis,
metrics tracking).

Please let me know if this is something your organization may be

interested in. I’d be happy to meet with you to discuss the project
further and answer any questions you may have, if necessary. I look
forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,
Liliana Lomeli


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli

Appendix E
From: Liliana Lomeli
Subject: Fwd: Letter of agreement
Date: May 28, 2021 at 12:30 PM
To: Nakea Rand

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Melissa Canela <>
Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Letter of agreement
To: Liliana Lomeli <>

Sounds great, thanks for the update!

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 9:21 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Thank you so much! I will get back to you soon with some dates that we are available. Additionally I wanted to let you know that we
will be sharing our first proposal with you April 25th, not this weekend (our professor had originally made an error).


On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 4:13 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Liliana,

Please see the signed agreement attached at the end of this email. I'd like to move forward in working with your team to collect
data from our Latinos in Technology scholars over the next several weeks. Let me know available dates so we can go over more
specifics and get started.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 12:49 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Thank you again for taking the time to meet with my group and I today. Below, I've attached the letter of agreement that now
has the correct dates and your organization's name. When you have a chance please sign it and send it back to me. We do
need to turn it in by Saturday, so if you could send it back by then that would be great. If you have any questions or

Appendix E need to turn it in by Saturday, so if you could send it back by then that would be great. If you have any questions or
updates please let me know. We are excited to be working with you.


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |

Appendix E
From: Liliana Lomeli
Subject: Fwd: Meeting time
Date: May 28, 2021 at 12:30 PM
To: Nakea Rand

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Melissa Canela <>
Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: Meeting time
To: Liliana Lomeli <>

Hello Liliana,

I'm not available at that time. Please see my availability for the week HERE so we can set something up.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 5:58 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I unfortunately cannot make it at 11. Would we be able to meet at 12pm instead?


On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 5:34 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Liliana,

I am available at 11 AM on Monday. Please let me know if this works for you.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 4:10 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope you are well. I spoke with my team today, does Monday at 10:30am work to meet with you? We can discuss potential

Appendix E I hope you are well. I spoke with my team today, does Monday at 10:30am work to meet with you? We can discuss potential
weekly meeting times at this next meeting as well. Let me know.


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Proposal
Date: May 13, 2021 at 9:25 AM
To: Liliana Lomeli
Cc: Nakea Rand, Paul Besse, Lindsey Merrigan

Hello Liliana,

My calendar declined it but I changed it-- let's go ahead and keep our meeting for tomorrow at 12 pm.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 7:26 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Okay sounds good, I sent a zoom link and received a notification that you declined it, so let me know if this time still works for you
and if the link is still usable. Thank you.


On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 4:00 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:


Awesome, let's go ahead and meet this Friday, 5/14 @12pm.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 6:24 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Thank you for getting us that information, and we will be sure to get your approval before distributing anything. Further, I will
add some time slots below to set up our next meeting, please let us know what times, if any, work for you.

Wednesday (5/12) at 1pm

Friday (5/14) at 12pm
Thursday after 2 pm if necessary

Appendix E
Thank you!


On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 1:49 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

I'd appreciate if you could please send me a draft of the survey form and outreach email before distribution for me to review--
thank you!


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 10:06 AM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Team,

Happy Tuesday! Please see the following information to get you started on data collection:

HFSV Gmail Login:, PW: Hfsv2017!

Contact information for current + former Latinos in Tech scholars is attached below. The parent participant information is
being uploaded today.

HFSV Data Collection Outreach Information

I will re-connect with Clara today and let you know about donors.

Please let me know if you have questions about this as I'd be glad for us to set up a meeting and talk about it.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 7:41 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope all is well. I apologize for the delayed response; listed below is information we need in order to begin collecting

Appendix E
Email addresses of current students and alumni
Phone numbers or emails for parents
The HFSV intern email information
Any other contact method for students and parents

Further, have you had the chance to discuss with your chief development officer in regards to our team collecting
information on donors? Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.


On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 3:33 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Liliana,

Thank you for sharing your team's proposal. I look forward to collaborating on this project. Per our conversation,
please see our attached logo and past newsletters for your reference and review. Please also let me know what
information you need specifically from me to get started on data collection. In other words, what would be most helpful
for me to provide to get you started with your deliverables? I appreciate your support and time!


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 10:50 AM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope you are doing well. I apologize for the delay, I have attached my team's proposal below. Additionally, I have
added everyone to this email so that you may have everyone's contact information. Please let me know if you have
any questions.


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Reqesting information for "one-pager" document
Date: April 29, 2021 at 10:01 AM
To: Nakea Rand

Hello Nakea,

Of course! I hope it's helpful. To clarify I think I was alluding to whether or not you thought all the content we've spoken about would fit
on one page versus 2? Yes, absolutely let's stick to the proposal and move forward from there.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 9:12 AM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hello Melissa,

Thanks for the information! I will start working on a draft today. Unfortunately, I am not sure a full booklet is in the scope of this
project. I could do one of those single page booklets which become 4 pages when folded in half twice, but otherwise I need to stick
fairly close to what is described on the proposal. We can, however, discuss it after I complete the class, so I can do it outside of the
project during the summer.


- Nakea Rand

On Apr 29, 2021, at 8:50 AM, Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Nakea,

Please see our Cradle to Career Model summaries HERE. I'm having thoughts that perhaps it can be a short booklet with
summaries that is pleasing to the eye. What are your thoughts on that? Please let me know!


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 4:39 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Nakea,

Thank you for getting back to me about this deliverable. It would be great if you could put together an updated version of our
current Cradle to Career Model (attached below). Ideally, our one-pager/program menu would be a summary snapshot of all

Appendix E
current Cradle to Career Model (attached below). Ideally, our one-pager/program menu would be a summary snapshot of all
our Cradle to Career programs (no need to include the Latinos in Tech program, only the following): Elementary, Middle, and
High School + our Parent Education Academy. I will ask our Education Programs Coordinator to compile our program
summaries to share with you. I'm thinking perhaps a graphic in a timeline style since our programs progress from grade school
through college? Just a thought!

Graphical elements we'd like to have are our logo, color scheme matching our website, and if visually appealing, the logos of
the programs we are featuring. This document would be mainly digital since we'd mostly share it via email to partners and we
do not have any concerns in terms of accessibility. In terms of file size and type, anything we can have in PDF form is great.

I hope this answers your questions-- I'll share a list of summaries shortly but for now, please take a look at our attached model.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 9:52 PM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

To meet the deadline of May 3rd, I am requesting some details on what you would like on the “one-pager” document. I would
appreciate this information as soon as possible, as I can begin work and send drafts earlier, so changes can be made.

Firstly, what information on the programs would you like summarized? If you would like this conveyed in a specific way (e.g.
bullet points) please let me know. I am happy to summarize on my own, but if there are quotes or items you would like as-is,
they can be included easily.

Secondly, what graphical elements would you like to be included? Images, logos, color schemes, anything of that nature? If
you would like me to match your website’s color scheme or pull images from there, I can do that.

Thirdly, what is the medium? Should I prepare this for print, digital use, or both? Are file size, type, and dimensions limiting
factors? Is there anything else I should worry about in terms of accessibility, such as checking for legibility for colorblind or
vision-impared readers?

Please let me know these details when you can, and feel free to send me anything that you would like me to know.


- Nakea Rand

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Deliverable #1: One-pager
Date: May 5, 2021 at 5:04 PM
To: Nakea Rand

Thank you!

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 9:40 AM Nakea Rand <> wrote:


Here is the InDesign file, please let me know if you need another format.

- Nakea Rand

On May 3, 2021, at 3:56 PM, Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Of course! I have made the changes, is this suitable? Also, yes, I can provide the InDesign file. Would that work for you, or would
you like a different format?


- Nakea Rand

On May 3, 2021, at 3:48 PM, Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Nakea,

Thank you for putting this together! There are a couple of bullet points I'd like re-worded; I made some comments into the PDF
you sent-- please let me know if you cannot see them.

Would it be possible for us to have an editable version of this PDF for future use as we have new partners, shift focuses, etc.?

Please let me know!

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

Appendix E

On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 10:42 AM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Here is the first deliverable, please let me know if any changes are required.


- Nakea Rand

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Deliverable #2: Website Templates
Date: May 11, 2021 at 11:12 AM
To: Nakea Rand

Thank you, I'll check them out.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 10:21 AM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hello Melissa,

I will meet with my group today and ask what they think for meeting times. For the moment, I can offer a text explanation.

I attached two .zip files to the email. If you are on a MacOS, you should just be able to double click to unzip these and view their
contents. If you are on Windows, you will need an external program to open them. If you have any issues opening the .zip files, I
can send you the files individually.

The filetypes included are .html and .css files, which you would need to sent to the person who manages your website. They must
be put on the server before you can view them. Essentially, they are the code the website uses to make a page. In, I
included screenshots of the sites, so you can see them without needing to put them on your server or do anything complex. It is like
a preview image of what it will look like.

I hope this clarifies things, let me know if anything is still confusing!

- Nakea Rand

On May 11, 2021, at 10:09 AM, Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Nakea,

Thank you for putting this together. I cannot seem to open them-- perhaps you can walk me through this deliverable and how it
would work next time we check-in?


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 3:52 PM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Appendix E
On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 3:52 PM Nakea Rand <> wrote:
Hi Melissa,

Here is deliverable #2, the website templates. Calendar.html is the calendar template page, though I included a comment as
you might want to consider a service like Google Calendar for keeping that section up-to-date. Calendar.css is the needed css
for this page, but it could be combined into one of your main css files. UpcomingEvents.html is the event page, where you can
describe upcoming events or opportunities. I included 2 example sections, which can be copy-pasted as needed; one scales to
the length of the text, and one is of a set and uniform size. These files are in

Since previewing the files without putting them on a server is difficult, I have also included some screenshots of the pages.
However, I left notes within the HTML files to make it clear where I made any changes or if there are areas intended to be
modifiable. These images are in

Please let me know if you need any changes!


- Nakea Rand

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Form and email questions
Date: May 14, 2021 at 3:09 PM
To: Nakea Rand
Cc: Paul Besse, Liliana Lomeli, Lindsey Merrigan

Hello Team,

I have made minor edits to the survey form-- overall it looks great and ready to go! I think the email template is excellent; if you would
like to add an incentive to potentially increase survey completion, feel free to say "If you complete the survey, you'll be entered in a
raffle for a $15 gift card!" I'd be glad to take care of that cost.

On another note, I'll have to touch base with Clara about the donor information on Monday-- apologies for the delay.

Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 2:56 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:


I am making edits as we speak! The verification code for Gmail is: 895544

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 2:52 PM Nakea Rand <> wrote:


My mistake, a setting did not save correctly. You should be able to access it through the link to test it now, and I have added you
as a contributor should you want to directly make a change.

The number ends in a “40” so it is likely that number. My group will request the codes shortly, so if you receive one, please
forward it to us.


- Nakea Rand

On May 14, 2021, at 2:45 PM, Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Appendix E
On May 14, 2021, at 2:45 PM, Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Nakea,

Does the phone number end in 8340? If so, please approve it and I'll send you the code to unlock it. I am unable to view the
form, it says I do not have permission because I am out of your organization.

It may be best for you to add me as a contributor to your survey form so I can directly make edits.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 1:57 PM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

We are having trouble logging into the gmail account you gave us, and it is asking for an authorization code. It says we can
call or text this code to an obscured number. However, we have prepared the other items.

This is the form we plan to send out. Please look it over (feel free to submit test answers!) and let me know if any changes
are needed.

This is the template we will use for emails:

Hello [name],

As a current/alumni scholar in our Latinos in Technology program your feedback

and experiences are important to us. We ask that you take 5 minutes to complete
this quick survey about your participation in the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon
Valley programs. We value your feedback as we pave the way for our future

[link to form]

Thank you,
The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley
I will use or recreate the donor form as soon as you can make it available to me, and a similar email template will be used.


- Nakea Rand

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Deliverable #6: Testimonials
Date: May 24, 2021 at 3:36 PM
To: Nakea Rand

Hello Nakea,

This is great! Thank you for sharing this, we'll definitely use this for our social media content. I look forward to seeing the results--
thank you for your hard work!


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 2:22 PM Nakea Rand <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Here is deliverable #6, the testimonials prepared for the website. I prepared several formats for maximum flexibility, but if you need
any changes, please let me know.

You should see that I shared a folder with you on Google Drive. This contains all the files for the deliverable, as well as a “READ
ME” which describes each file so you know which one is intended for what purpose. The .zip file attached to this email contains the
same files, and is a backup in case you cannot access Google Drive for any reason.

All information used came from the survey results. While we did not get as many responses as we had hopped for, we are still doing
thoughtful analysis on the data. My team should have deliverable #5, the database and analysis on it, by tonight.


Nakea Rand

Appendix E
From: Melissa Canela
Subject: Re: Deliverable #5
Date: May 25, 2021 at 4:24 PM
To: Liliana Lomeli
Cc: Lindsey Merrigan, Paul Besse, Nakea Rand

Hello Liliana and Team,

Thank you for putting this together as it is clear and easy to understand! I appreciate the graphics and data analysis even through
limited responses. Please let me know what else you need from me as you finalize project requirements and final presentation.


Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 10:42 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

I hope all is well. As promised deliverable #5 is attached below. We have also shared a google sheet with you that summarizes the
data we gathered, but I will also attach the link to the google sheet below. If you have any difficulty accessing it please let me know.

Data Base


Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |

Appendix E
From: Liliana Lomeli
Subject: Re: Class Presentation Link
Date: May 28, 2021 at 12:28 PM
To: Melissa Canela
Cc: Nakea Rand, Lindsey Merrigan, Paul Besse

Great! Our class is from 12:10pm-1:50pm, and we have not been notified of the presentation schedule yet, but I will update you as
soon as we know. We look forward to seeing you there!


On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 3:50 PM Melissa Canela <> wrote:

Hello Liliana and Team,

Yes, of course! What time will the event be on 6/3? Please let me know so I can confirm.

Thank you,

Melissa Canela
Education Programs Manager | HFSV
1922 The Alameda, Suite 217
San Jose, CA 95126
O: 408-380-4086

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 3:38 PM Liliana Lomeli <> wrote:

Hi Melissa,

My team and I have really enjoyed working with you over the last few weeks. We would really appreciate it if you were able to
attend our class next Thursday, June 3rd, where we will be presenting our project. I've pasted the zoom invitation below. Please
let me know if you will be able to attend as soon as possible. Thank you!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 3244 6090

Password: 231359

Join by phone:
+1 (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 926 3244 6090

One tap mobile



Liliana Lomeli
Management & International Business
Santa Clara University
209.670.6115 |


Appendix F
Deliverable 1: One-page Program Summary

Appendix F
Deliverable 2: Webpage Template (Preview Image)

Appendix F
Deliverable 2: Webpage Template (Preview Image)

Appendix F
Deliverable 3: Email and Text Template
Subject line: Latinos in Tech Survey: Win $15 gift card

Hello ______,

As a current scholar in our Latinos in Technology program your feedback and

experiences are important to us. We ask that you take 5 minutes to complete this quick
survey about your participation in the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley programs.
We value your feedback as we pave the way for our future scholars.

If you complete the survey, you’ll be entered in a raffle for a $15 gift card!

Thank you,
The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley

Subject line: Latinos in Tech Survey: Win $15 gift card

Hello ______,

As an alumni scholar in our Latinos in Technology program your feedback and

experiences are important to us. We ask that you take 5 minutes to complete this quick
survey about your participation in the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley programs.
We value your feedback as we pave the way for our future scholars.

If you complete the survey, you’ll be entered in a raffle for a $15 gift card!

Thank you,
The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley

Appendix F
Deliverable 4: Survey Form

HFSV Latinos in Technology Scholar

Questionnaire 2021
The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley is updating their databases of students and alumni
in the Latinos in Tech Program, as well as gathering the opinions of current and past
participants. Please fill out these questions.
* Required

1. Please enter your full name. *

2. Please enter your school or work email address. *

3. Please enter your personal (not work/school) email address. If you do not have a
personal email, please type another way we can contact you. *

4. Please enter your phone number. *

5. Which of the following HFSV programs have you participated in? *

Check all that apply.

Conexiones Mentorship Program

Empowered Students - Career Launch Academy
Resume Writing Workshops
Other HFSV events

Appendix F
Deliverable 4: Survey Form
6. How did the Latinos in Technology Program help you? *

7. What can the Latinos in Tech Program do to better support future students? *

8. What is your planned graduation date for 4 year college? If you have already
graduated, when was it? *

Example: January 7, 2019

9. Are you currently in college, or have you graduated? *

Mark only one oval.

Currently an undergraduate student. Skip to question 10

Graduated with a bachelors degree. Skip to question 15

Current LITSI Scholar Questions

Appendix F
Deliverable 4: Survey Form
10. What is the name of the school you currently attend? If you are planning to
transfer, type your 4-year college. *

11. What is your major? *

12. Do you have a STEM related internship confirmed for this summer? *

Mark only one oval.



In Progress

13. Company/organization you will be interning/working at this summer. If you will not
be working, reply N/A. *

14. Has an internship opportunity been cancelled/postponed due to COVID-19?

Mark only one oval.



Skip to question 21

LITSI Scholar Alumni Questions

Appendix F
Deliverable 4: Survey Form
15. What college did you graduate from? If you transferred, type your 4-year college. *

16. Did you graduate with a STEM major? *

Mark only one oval.



17. What was your major? *

18. Did you find a job in the STEM field after you graduated? *

Mark only one oval.



19. What is your job title and company/organization name? *

20. Are you pursuing or plan to enroll in graduate school? *

Mark only one oval.



Perhaps will consider in the future

Skip to question 21

Appendix F
Deliverable 4: Survey Form
Final Question

21. Is there any other information or feedback you would like to share with the
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley? *

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.


Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis

Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis



After one week of sending out the survey to one hundred and thirty students, seventy-two being
current students and fifty-eight alumni students, we received seven responses. Six of the
responses were current undergraduate students, with the other remaining response from an
alumni student. The database created organizes the student responses by current undergraduate
students and alumni students. In addition, it breaks down the students’ personal information,
education information, and experience with Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley services.
Below is some analysis of the data received.

Of the seven survey participants, four of them have jobs in the STEM industry. The other three
students are currently in the process of finding a job and interviewing, with hopes to find a job in
the STEM industry. Therefore, out of our data received, there is a 100% retention rate of the
Latinos In Technology Scholar program and all have entered into careers in the STEM industry.
The participant responses attribute part of their success to the career workshops and financial
support HFSV provided.

Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis

In addition, all of the scholars who participated in the survey intend to graduate or have
graduated with a STEM major. This data can conclude that most scholars who go through the
Latinos in Technology Scholars program are STEM majors and are pursuing a career in that
industry as well. Although most of the scholars had different majors under STEM, they all intend
to enter the highly competitive field of technology..

Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis

We also asked the survey participants which of the HFSV services were the most helpful to them.
Four of the scholars noted that HFSV’s financial support was very helpful to them, ultimately
creating a lot of opportunities they would not have previously had access to. HFSV’s
scholarships and loans enabled these students to fund some of their college tuition and gave them
the opportunity to further their education.
Two of the scholars expressed that the career workshops held by HFSV helped them develop
interview skills, boost their resumes, and job search assistance. One scholar expressed that the
Latinx community connections were beneficial because they were able to connect with other
Latinos and minority students with shared common interests of waiting to develop their
professional skills.

Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis


Key Takeaways

The scholars who participated in the survey also gave their feedback on what HFSV should
implement in the future to further help their students. Even though the scholars were very
appreciative of all of the helpful services HFSV provided them, they felt that the addition of a
few more programs would ensure maximum success for LITS program participants.

Job Fair and Seminars

Four of the scholars noted they would have hoped for more internship and employment
connections through HFSV. Although HFSV provided helpful services to develop their scholars’
professionalism including various career workshops, the Opportunity Consulting Group proposes
that HFSV put on a career fair for their scholars. The career fair could be held once a year for
scholars to get a chance to make connections and potentially find employment. The career fair
should aim to include some past alumni who went through the program. This also helps the
alumni know roughly what skills the scholars will have to offer to their company, after utilizing
the HFSV services themselves.

Seminars with past alumni who are successful in their careers should be held periodically
throughout the year. The seminars will also allow current scholars to learn how to utilize HFSV’s
services to become successful and gain insight from the alumni as well. It will also allow the
current scholars to make connections with alumni to further expand their networks. Seminars and
job fairs will be very useful to current scholars as they can gain useful insight from alumni and
further develop their careers.

Technology Access

One of the scholars noted that it would be helpful if HFSV created a way for current students to
gain more access to technology. By creating a borrowing system where current scholars can rent
technology, students can gain access to the technology they need for professional development.
This can include access to laptops, ipads, wifi, and other tools that may be too expensive for
current scholars to afford without the help of HFSV.

Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis


As we anticipated, the Opportunity consulting group ran into some hurdles that affected the
quality of our results. When partnering with the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, our goals
were set to gain more information on people associated with the foundation as well as updating
key aspects of their websites. To achieve our goals the best we could, we had to overcome the
following limitations:

Lack of Responses

Our goals of gaining more information on students, alumni, and parents were hard to obtain with
a low turnout on our survey responses. Our success metrics implied that we would have at least
50 responses with up to a 50% response rate. With a 6.2% response rate, the data was hard to
interpret which services provided by HFSV are productive. To overcome this obstacle, the
Opportunity consulting group gained a past Santa Clara group’s database on HFSV and
compared our findings with theirs.

Email Access

Initially, the goal was to gain access of HFSV’s three groups of members to send out as many
surveys as possible to students, alumni, and parents. Our metric was set out to be at least 50
responses so that the opportunity consulting group could acquire the right amount of information
to analyze. But with only one member having access to the HFSV email, getting enough surveys
to HFSV members became another hurdle. To improvise the lack of email access to the other
group members, we fortunately were able to get 130 total surveys out with only one group

Time Allotted

The last limitation we faced that was out of our control, was the lack of time given. To get a
sufficient amount of responses, we could have benefited from a longer amount of time for HFSV
members to respond to our survey. By getting the survey emailed by Week 7 of our quarter, that
gave students, alumni, and parents only a week to respond before we conducted our survey
analysis. The limited amount of time to work with HFSV limited our ability to ultimately have
enough time for their members to fill out the survey.

Appendix F
Deliverable 5: Database and Analysis


Although the opportunity consulting group had some key takeaways from the data provided,
there were some hurdles that could have been avoided in the future. If this project could be
replicated in the future or had to be modified, our group now could help with the following
recommendations. Based on the lack of responses and several hurdles our group faced the next
time we would advise to:

● Get the surveys out as soon as you can. To get a sufficient amount of data in a timely
manner so you have enough time to analyze the data, we advise to create and email the
surveys asap. We learned this because of our schedule that only allowed the students,
alumni, and parents a week to respond. This not only gives the group enough time to
address any problems that may come up when sending the surveys but also allows the
members of HFSV enough time to complete the surveys.

● Designate weekly meetings with HFSV. With such limited time to get this project done,
meeting at least once a week would increase the team’s productivity. Throughout our
collaboration, we found ourselves unable to find a consistent time to meet which became
crucial when trying to solve problems with our project. Rather than trying to scramble
each week to find a meeting time that suits everyone, designating a certain amount of
time out of everyone's week will create a more efficient project.

● Donor Profiling. Even though donor profiling wasn’t HFSV’s main concern when
collaborating with them, the most useful HFSV service from the survey we found was
financial services. So to provide more donations from their donors and to attract more
donors, donor profiling would be recommended. To get a sense of what prompted these
donors to donate in the first place and what keeps them donating, that would be a great
addition to this project.

Appendix F
Deliverable 6: Website Testimonials (Preview Image)


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