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Task 1

1. In Video one, it provides us the information about the need of ICT tools for human
being as the user of the technology. The increasing number of people means the need of
the tools. People are connected each other through the ICT tools. Every time, the ICT
tools keep changing and they facilitate the need of the users.
In video two, it shows us that the completion of the people as the competitor. By the
time keep going on, the competitors should improving their skill and knowledge. the
competitor do not need go to the class anymore. They could improve their qualities
(skill and knowledge through ICT tools. They could join the training or the class or
even communicate with the instructors by using ICT tools.
2. Yes, I was. It displayed the information in brief and run in its order (Clearly organized,
sequential story). I could get the information briefly. Besides, I could get more
information by read the info graphic like the diagram.
3. They provided the information briefly. Even, we could get read the data fast by its
4. They are:
a. Descriptive title and subheads
Info graphics simplify lengthy or complex data by presenting it into a visually
pleasing package. We want readers to know what they’re looking at right away by
including a descriptive title and subheads.
b. Informative statistics
Informative data puts the “info” in info graphic. The statistics are valuable, relevant,
and of course - accurate.
c. Bold, thematically appropriate color scheme
Info graphics should do more than communicate information. They should also
invoke a certain feeling. If your info graphic is on the lighthearted side, for
example, avoid dampening the mood with somber colors.
d. Eye-catching graphics
Aside from being interesting and informative, info graphics should also be eye-
catching. After all, you’re competing for the attentions of a digital audience with
more than a few choices when it comes to sourcing information relevant to their
interests. Make yours the standout favorite.
e. Clearly organized, sequential story
People don’t just want to scan through a bunch of data that they could find
themselves with a quick Google search. They want a compelling narrative. Info
graphics should be clearly structured and intentionally ordered, allowing the reader
to digest the information they contain within the proper context.
5. Yes, I do. Since they provided the information in the form of info graphic. They help
me to get the message of the videos.
6. They are arranged in a good orders. The information are connected. They provide the
data about our nowadays real situation.
7. No, I don’t think so. Since in explanation text, I should read the text completely to get
the idea. Whereas, in info graphic I just look at the points and the diagram shown. As a
result, I could get the idea. Info graphic is easier than explanation text to get the main
8. An info graphic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy to
understand overview of a topic.

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