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Name: Maryam Farhan



This Journal needs to be filled out after every lesson and then handed back to
the teacher before you leave. Please be as reflective and insightful as you can

FEBRUARY 24, 2021

Date: 24 February 2021
o What was my participation and enthusiasm like today?
Today I think I had good participation in class. Today was the beginning lesson so I
wasn’t tired, and I think I had good energy to participate in the various aspects of
today’s lesson. I was very excited to have this lesson as well. I participated by
involving myself in the game a lot. Another reason for my participation was because I
enjoyed the games we were playing.
I would say I had a fair amount of good enthusiasm in this lesson. My enthusiasm
was for a similar reason to my participation. It was one of the first lessons and I had
been really excited to play, thus, I was very enthusiastic about the games.

o How organised was I for and during the lesson today?

For the lesson today, I believe I was quite organised.
The reason I say this is because I was prepared ahead of the lesson and had all the
necessary items that were required for Pdhpe. These items include my water bottle,
sports uniform and the hat.
I had also prepared ahead of the lesson and come up with a few skills that we should
focus on during the time. I chose these specific skills because I think these were the
ones I needed to improve on.

o How did I contribute to part of the team today?

I contributed to part of my team as the team captain. I conducted some plans that
were appropriate for the lesson, as well as the few skills I mentioned above.
I was being cooperative with my team members, and using techniques such as open
communication to practise and play.
I also tried to get my team to be enthusiastic in the game by hyping people up,
cheering for people, etc.

o How did I work on my individual role in the team today?

The team captain’s role was to make sure their team was organised, was playing by
the rules, helping the team whenever any member needed help, etc.
I believe I completed these roles to the best I could, and, with the help of the other
team members, the lesson went up to standards

o What have I done today to improve my sport specific skills? What skills have I
improved on and what skills do I need to work on?
To improve my sport specific skills, I focused on a few skills for today’s lesson, and as
the lesson go on, focus on new skills that I need to improve.
The skills I focused on today were shooting and dribbling. In the following lessons, I
would like to do other skills, but shooting and dribbling were the focus for today.
I improved on shooting by practising shooting whenever I could during the lesson.
Me and my team played a game in which we stood at the lines on the court and
attempted to shoot the goal. Each time we did, we went back a line. This game
worked and by the end of the lesson, we were standing behind halfway.
To improve on dribbling, we played a similar game, but instead the other team
members were defending the goal. This too had good results.
Date: 3 March 2021

o What was my participation and enthusiasm like today?

On the 3rd of March, I was not at school. Year 9 was on an excursion.

o How organised was I for and during the lesson today?

o How did I contribute to part of the team today?

o How did I work on my individual role in the team today?

o What have I done today to improve my sport specific skills? What skills have I
improved on and what skills do I need to work on?
Date: 10 March 2021

o What was my participation and enthusiasm like today?

On the 10th of March, I was not present at the PDHPE lesson. There was an SRC
meeting on this day.

o How organised was I for and during the lesson today?

o How did I contribute to part of the team today?

o How did I work on my individual role in the team today?

o What have I done today to improve my sport specific skills? What skills have I
improved on and what skills do I need to work on?
Date: 17 March 2021

o What was my participation and enthusiasm like today?

On the 17th of March, I was not present at the PDHPE lesson. The Public Speaking
team was on an excursion.

o How organised was I for and during the lesson today?

o How did I contribute to part of the team today?

o How did I work on my individual role in the team today?

o What have I done today to improve my sport specific skills? What skills have I
improved on and what skills do I need to work on?
Date: 24 March 2021
o What was my participation and enthusiasm like today?
Today, I would honestly say I had very good participation and enthusiasm. The
reason for this is quite obvious; this was my first PDHPE lesson in three weeks.
I was really looking forward to this lesson for a while now. I think my participation in
this sports lesson was up to the best of my abilities. I participated well as that is
required in team sports. I also was playing for my team, so I made sure I was active
at all times to help my team in the tournament. My enthusiasm was very high as
well, as mentioned earlier. As today was the tournament, enthusiasm levels were
very high in all teams. I made sure I was very enthusiastic, as without enthusiasm,
the adrenalin would probably run out.

o How organised was I for and during the lesson today?

Today specially, I made sure I was organised prior to the lesson. I made sure there
were no more responsibilities to attend to that could potentially get in the way of
today’s lesson. Before the day, I contacted all my team members and made sure that
we were all ready for the PDHPE lesson as well.
During the lesson, I tried to stay as organised as possible. This was made possible
with the help of the other team members. I was organised because I was completing
all the roles and jobs that the team captain was responsible for. I also read over the
lesson plan that we had created and made sure that I knew everything that would be
happening on the day.

o How did I contribute to part of the team today?

On the 24th of March, I would say I contributed well to be an active part of the team
that I was in. I made sure that I wasn’t getting too tired, and I tried to be careful as to
avoid injury, as both of these would result in the team being dragged down, and
neither of these would be good for the team. I contributed by making sure that at all
times I was supporting my team. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting any member
of the team was doing all the work, which is where I was supporting my team.

o How did I work on my individual role in the team today?

As the captain, my individual role to make sure my team was playing well, playing by
the rules/fairly, and my team was organised, and they knew what they were doing.
I think I performed these tasks to the best of my ability.
I think the lesson went good regarding my individual role, although there were a few
evident flaws in the lesson as a result of some of the other teams’ behaviour.

o What have I done today to improve my sport specific skills? What skills have I
improved on and what skills do I need to work on?
To improve my sport specific skills, I focused on a few skills that I knew I already had
a good idea on how to use.
The skill I focused on today mostly intercepting passes. I used this skill because I
believe this skill could help out my team, as if everybody used the skills in which they
were good at, we would’ve had a good chance of performing well.
I used the intercepting skill whenever I could. One time when I used it was just after
half time ended, and I saw a good opportunity to use said skill.

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