Lesson Plan: TESOL Cer Ficate Program UCLA Extension

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TESOL Cer*ficate Program UCLA Extension

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Name: Russell Fung
Grade/ Age of learner: Beginner; age 3 and up.
Subject/Topic: GreeAngs (Hello/goodbye), opposites (stop/go). Pronouns (I, You). AffirmaAons (yes/no).
Time alloKed: 5-10 minutes.

Time Ac*vity
3 Star-ng Instruc-on
Hook: Power point slide on the screen with words and pictures. A song plays: “Hello
Goodbye” by The Beatles.
Target words: Hello, goodbye, I, you, say, yes, no, stop, go

#1 Students will learn the lyrics to the first verse and chorus of “Hello, Goodbye.”
#2 Students will pracAce speech by looking at the pictures and following along with
the song. They don’t have to sing. They just have to say the words as the song plays.

Pre-Assessment: Students will repeat the list of words and pictures on the slide:
Hello, goodbye, I,, you, say, yes, no, stop, go. Once they see what the list of words are,
they can now exercise their speech.
3 Building Instruc-on- Content Delivery

Inquiry prompt: Teacher will say hello to the class. Point to picture of “Hello”. Play
music video of “Hello Goodbye” by the Beatles.
Teacher-directed instruc*on: As the song plays on repeat, display the power point
slide with the pictures as lyrics. Point at each picture as the words are sung. This is
karaoke without words, but with pictures.

Student involved modeling: Students repeat along with the song. They keep their
eyes on the power point slide, listen to the song lyrics, and vocalize the words.
TESOL Cer*ficate Program UCLA Extension
Lesson Plan

3 Applying Instruc-on

Student prac*ce: Play the song on repeat. Have the student sing/say the words along.
Pause song and have them repeat the verse. Play again. Repeat. This will uAlize at
least three learning intelligences: linguisAc intelligence, musical intelligence, spaAal
intelligence, and (4th) bodily-kinestheAc intelligence if they dance and sing.

Student self-assessment:
Take away the power point slide and see if they can say the words and sing along
without looking at the pictures.
TESOL Cer*ficate Program UCLA Extension
Lesson Plan

1 Concluding Instruc-on

Reflec*on and integra*on

By the end of the lesson, the student should be able to say at least one line of lyric
without looking at the pictures or words. “You say yes, I say no. You say stop, I say go,
go, go!” Then the second line: “You say goodbye, and I say hello. Hello, hello. I don’t
know why you say goodbye, I say hello.” That’s all that’s required. What maKers is that
they a) developed the muscles to say the words, b) add repertoire to basic English
words, and 3) learned vocabulary that offers duality and meaning.

Again, this will uAlize at least three learning intelligences: linguisAc intelligence,
musical intelligence, spaAal intelligence, and (4th) bodily-kinestheAc intelligence if
they dance and sing.

Lesson Plan Instruc*ons:

• Fill in all sec*ons. This lesson should be about 1 to 2 pages filled in.
• Clearly write out your hook, lesson goals, and pre- assessment strategies.
• Build Instruc*on with details of your lesson. Make sure to model your lesson.
• Follow with Applying Instruc*on, student prac*ce and student assessments.
• Conclude Instruc*on with a detailed reflec*on.
• Pre-assessment and reflec*on/integra*on are cri*cal components and should have some detail.
• Include any realia/ pictures or graphics to make a connec*on

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