Faith, Hope, and Charity: Lyrics and Music by

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Faith, Hope, and Charity

Lyrics and Music by

=60 Joan Sowards


1. A key was turned in lat - ter days To bless us ev - er - more. Twas

(2. So) sis - ters, come to - geth - er now, Let ser - vice join our hands, Not

through the pro - phet Jo - seph Smith; He o - pened Heav - en's door. And
on - ly for the friends we know, But those in man - y lands. Our

man - y years since then have passed, But we still hold this creed, To
Sav - ior, who has gone be - fore, Through love has shown the way, Has

! Copyright 2007 Joan Lisonbee Sowards 480-835-6048,

Copies may be made for non-commercial church or home use.

feed the hun - gry, clothe the poor, And com - fort those in need. Faith, hope, and
giv - en us the charge to serve In this, the lat - ter day.

Faith, hope, and


char - i - ty— Let our mot - to be Faith, hope, and char - i - ty. Our

char - i - ty— Let our mot - to be Faith, hope, and char - i - ty Our

( )

a tempo

Fa - ther, we will serve Thee. 2. So, Thee.

a tempo

Fa - ther, we will serve Thee. 2. So, Thee.

a tempo rit.

Faith Hope and Charity pg 2 of 2

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