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Akeelah now Akeelah before diagnosis

Real-life Akeelah Anderson as courageous and intelligent as the fictionalized

eleven-year-old girl in upcoming movie “Akeelah and the Bee”.

Recently I discovered my heroine. She is the strongest, bravest, and truly the most incredible human being I
have ever met. No, she’s not Wonder Woman, but rather my six-year-old daughter, Ms. Akeelah Anderson! Shortly
after her sixth birthday in September 2005, my daughter began to complain of pain in her legs. As a result, my once
lively, energetic child gradually became withdrawn and lethargic. This became even more evident when, in
November 2005, she refused to participate in the activities at a friend’s slumber/pool party that she was once so
excited about attending. I knew something was terribly wrong. I took her to the doctor. A simple doctor’s visit soon
became a week-long hospital stay. During this time, doctors performed every test imaginable and still could not make
a diagnosis. Finally after weeks of tests, a muscle biopsy was performed and, by the end of December 2005,
Akeelah was diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis, a rare childhood autoimmune disease effecting only 3,000 to
5,000 children in the United States annually.

Discouraged, depressed, overwhelmed, and disheartened are just a few adjectives to describe my daughter’s
feelings upon being diagnosed with this incurable disease. As her physical abilities decreased, so did her lively spirit.
Her once bubbly, outgoing personality soon turned quiet and introverted. With love, support, and the grace of God,
however, she’s come to realize that her disease is an enemy that requires every bit of her God-given strength to fight
against. At the tender age of six, she is already dealing with so much more than any child her age should have to
bear. As difficult and emotionally-draining as this disease can be, she continues to persevere despite this adversity.

Perhaps one of the few pleasures in my daughter’s life currently is the highly-anticipated movie “Akeelah and
the Bee”, the inspirational story of 11-year-old Akeelah Anderson. It was such a pleasant surprise for my daughter
Akeelah and me, especially since the main character has the exact same first and last name as my Akeelah. I was
truly touched to see the joy it brought to MY Akeelah Anderson! I watched in amazement as my baby’s face lit up
when she watched the movie trailer and heard them say her name repeatedly! She was ecstatic! She visited the
movie’s website numerous times and continuously tells everyone about “her” movie and “her” website. What a
precious gift it has been to see my child the way she once was!! I would truly welcome the opportunity to personally
thank Mr. Doug Atchison, Ms. Keke Palmer, Ms. Angela Bassett and Mr. Laurence Fishburne, as well as Lionsgate
Films, Starbucks Entertainment, and 2929 Entertainment for this wonderful gift! I strongly believe there is no such
thing as a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. What a blessing and an inspiration it would be for the real
Akeelah Anderson, a truly intelligent, noble one, to meet the fictional Akeelah Anderson and the rest of the cast of
“Akeelah and the Bee.” It would make Hollywood history as a true example of life imitating art.
For more information on Juvenile Dermatomyositis, please view the following links:

Our contact information:

Arlene Dixon - Akeelah’s aunt

Email address:
Cell phone: (216) 832-7896

Courage Kimber
Email address:
Cell phone: (310) 927-8387

Thanks “Akeelah and the Bee” for putting a smile back on “our” Akeelah’s face.

Created on March 31, 2006

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