Mod4 5 Religion and Globalization

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Religion and Globalization

Globalization of Religion

Religion a “tool” for globalization

Globalisation, Religion and Conflict

globalization is a very new word, but it refers to
developments that have been going on for a very
long time
religion is a very old word in many languages but it
has acquired important new meanings in recent
times because of globalization globalization
globalization flattens out cultural differences, erodes
local customs and beliefs, and spreads a secular,
capitalist way of life that is at odds with religions of all

religion serves as the source of globalization’s greatest

(source of) resistance
Religion and globalization can also
be seen as partners in historical

Religion, in various manifestations,

has been a carrier of globalizing
tendencies in the world.
 its history can be understood in
part as an early effort to create a
global network of believers.
 growth and influence as a world
religion was a result of a link
between its own global ambitions
 a globalizing force long before
and the expansion of various there was a phenomenon called
political (implerialism, “globalization.”
colonization) and economic
 Elements of this historical
regimes (“protestant ethic”). (globalizing) pattern can be
found in Buddhism, Islam, and
other faiths as well.
Religion continues to be a player in intricate and even
contradictory ways.
it was once thought that secularization was the inevitable
outcome of the processes we call “modernity”;this has not
been the case.
Religious faith persists in a complex interaction with the
structures and processes of the modern world and that
complexity has only intensified under the conditions of
contemporary globalization.
constant is the capacity of religious faith
to generate commitments to (social and
individual) perspectives and in ways of
can be the source of contentious and
Salafi jihadism
Rohingya crisis
Globalization of Religion presented the need to
understand that:
That humans are becoming more and more closely
connected on this earth
but this connection breeds tensions, misunderstandings,
and violence
 we need to think hard about the ways we can live with
our differences in peace.
Agreement (peace agreements, combatant reintegration)
may not be an achievable or desirable goal,
finding possibilities for coexistence
Globalisation, Religion and Conflict
 religion plays an important role in people's lives worldwide,
 has become one of the major ways people connect with each
other across the globe.
 religion plays a role in many of the major conflicts going on at
various levels.
1. How are religion, conflict and peace
2. How does globalization affect local religious
3. How do religious and secular actors interact
in local and global debates on migration and

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