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German Student Visa Interview

Questions, Answers and Tips

What is an Interview Session for German

Student Visa?
Some of International students wishing to pursue their studies in any
German education institution are double challenged. First, they will have
to experience the pressure of taking a seat on their preferred German
university. Secondly, but not less worrying is the effort of getting together
all the needed documents for the German student visa application
process, including preparation for the visa interview session.

In the visa interview session general, personal and specific questions are
to be answered, together with questions about the future plans of the
applicant after they have completed studies in Germany. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Student visa Interview questions categories
Despite that no one can certainly conclude about the exact questions to
be asked to the next German student visa applicant, there are common
questions that are typically asked.

These questions point out the following matters:

Decision on following studies in Germany

Knowledge about Germany
Information about future studies in Germany
Current academic and skills level
Current and future financial status
Common information about the study field
Accommodation in Germany
Relationships with people living in Germany/Europe
Holidays and semester-break
Plans of the future

Answered German student visa Interview questions

Decision on following studies in Germany

Why do you want to study in Germany?

Answer: Deciding Germany for studies abroad does not surprise anyone,
knowing that it stands amongst the three worlds’ top attracting countries
for international students. Germany is famous as of having high-quality 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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and best academic and practice-oriented programs and all of this in low-
tuition or no-tuition fee at all. Other reasons to choose Germany is the
enjoyable level of freedom, security, as well as rich culture, history and
diversity characterizing it.

Tip: you might get additional information on Why Germany?

Why this city?

Answer: You might answer by saying you did not choose the city; but I
have chosen the university which is located in this city, and show the thrill
to explore the city as well. If being asked name some interesting spots of
the city that you would like to sightsee and some attention-grabbing
features you would like to experience when you would go there.

Tip: get to know more about benefits of studying in different cities such
as: Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Bremen, Aachen, Munich, Bon, Frankfurt,
Augsburg, so to know more about what these cities has to offer.

Why did you choose this course? Is it relevant to your previous


Answer: If the course is related to your previous studies, you should

point that that is the main reason for choosing it. While, there might be
also other factors for decision i.e. high-ranking, quality of the course,
practice-orientation, alumni, else. On the other hand, if you are seeking
to study in a new field, explain how you got interested in the course i.e. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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you were doing your own research on internet about the available study
programs in Germany and you chose the course which mostly fulfilled
your expectations for studies. Name which are these factors that made
you choose this specific course amongst a wide range of courses offered.

Tip: before the interview you are advised to visit the webpage of the
university and get some insights about how course relates to your
interests for future career.

Why did you choose this university and how did you find about

Answer: Explain how you got the information about the university you
are about to study at and let them know what made you decide on this
one. I.e. you may say that you have found that this university has a very
appealing program for international students, reach study program, great
internship opportunities, alumni, non-expensive study costs, eminence of
the academic staff, or else. In case you are about to study through an
Erasmus + program, you have to explain you are benefiting from an
intra-university cooperation of your home university with the German
university you are about to study at.

Tip: before the interview you are advised to visit the webpage of the
university and get some insights about what makes this university
feasible for your studies.

Isn’t this course offered by any university or college in your


Answer: You might answer this question cleverly by highlighting the

difference in study quality and course structure between Germany with
that in your country. Germany is everyone’s dream when it comes to
study excellence, and just few world countries are serious competitors on
that. You can state that studying in Germany would be of a great benefit
for your future career due to the combination of contemporary knowledge
and practice that German universities offer it. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Tips: Get to know more about latest World University ranking, so to have
realistic information about the position of your German university in the
world to have better kept information on your answer.

Which are the other universities you have applied to?

Answer: In case you did apply in another university in Germany, you

must let them know. Explain that you are contented you have been
accepted for studies by the current university and you are excited to start
the enrollment in studies.

Who motivated you to go Germany?

Answer: Let them know you have been constantly supported by your
family, friend, or partner during the entire journey since the beginning
and it continues so far. Name the person which mostly motivated to chase
your overseas studies in Germany.

Why do you want to study in Germany and not in Canada or the


Answer: Germany competes with other countries as of first-class quality,

practice-oriented and internationally-oriented study programs, but also as
of the low-cost or no-cost studies. You might answer that studying in
Germany is more affordable and feasible compared to in Canada or USA.

Can you tell me some facts about your university?

Answer: Make a summary of the university activity including who was

the founder, in which year was founded, which are main study fields,
number of students/yearly, number of graduates/every year, number of
departments, number of innovations and laureates, internship programs,
type of courses offered, course structure, how many international-
oriented programs, research programs, and so on.

Tip: Before the interview you, you are advised to visit the webpage of 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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your university and keep notes of key features about its so-far activity,
including the statistics. Remembering numerical data such as i.e. number
of yearly enrollment of university will add an extra value to your
seriousness as a prospective student. You might get relevant short
information about top universities in Germany – if your university is
included in the list.

Knowledge about Germany

Name any tourist places in Germany and why they are famous?

Answer: Mention few German museums, palaces and national parks,

castles, berlin wall, and other attractive spots that are considered
country’s top attractions and talk in short about their distinctiveness and
key features.

Tip: visit the webpage Germany travel to understand which are mostly
visited spots in Germany and get to know more about their history of

Do you know German?

Answer: Usually international students applying for studies have to know

the German of the upper basic level which is B1. In case you have been
required to know German for your studies, then state which the level of
knowledge you possess is.

Tip: Get some prior information about language proficiency for studying
in Germany. You also can try to learn German online.

How many borders does Germany have and with which


Answer: Germany has nine neighboring countries Austria, Belgium,

Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, and
Switzerland. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Which are top most expensive cities to live in Germany?

Answer: There are five cities in Germany known as most expensive to

live in: Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf and Bonn.

Tip: Get some general information about these cities, in case you will be
asked about specifics of these places.

How many states are there in Germany, and can you name some
of them?

Answer: Germany consists of sixteen federal states: Baden

Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen,
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein,
and Thuringia.

Tip: you might want to have some general information about Germany
federal states.

Information about future studies in Germany

What’s duration of your course?

Answer: Let them know how much does your course last and if needed
starting and ending date. If being asked let them know how many
semesters the course has.

What is the scope of your course?

Answer: Name the department and the subject of your studies. I.e. Law
department and the study program/course name, and which its main
objectives are. Mention also main subjects/modules of the course.

Tip: You might use this as a sample for your prior preparation.

What is the course structure? 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Answer: Explain in short how many semesters, full time or part-time,
core subject areas, credits per semester, total hours of lessons per
semester, study methodology and activities are, and so on.

Tip: visit the website of the university and get the needed information in
the section courses.

In which university you are going to study? What is the location

of your university?

Answer: Let them know which your university you have chosen is and
the city where its location is.

Tip: Practice with spelling the name of the university and the city
correctly so you will appear familiar enough with the university.

Why do you think the university is awarding you a scholarship?

Answer: Mention your high GPA scores, GMAT scores and/or TOEFL
scores. If there was any other reason why you have been granted a
scholarship that you know, mention it too.

Tip: make sure to recall all the requirements for getting a scholarship
were, so you can be more confident on how to respond.

What benefits can this course bring round you?

Answer: Mention the career options you are expected to have either as
an employer or self-employed person, after your graduation at a German
university. Let them know about the lack of expertise in your country in
the field you are about to study for, and the level of eagerness the
country has for filling jobs with qualified people of a first-rate

Tip: get prior information/statistics in your country about the demand of

qualified people in the field of your studies. This will add a realistic piece 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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to your answer.

What is the course start date?

Answer: let them know where you are about to start your enrollment as
a student.

Tip: you have this information on your admission letter from the
university, and anytime you might require additional information from the
International Office about the course schedule.

What will be the total cost of studies per year?

Answer: Tell them the estimated study tuition fees for the entire study
course, all study years.

Tip: do not include in your calculation the amount of living costs, as this
is only costs for studying.

What is the name of the course?

Answer: name the course which you are about to study for. I.e. Biology.

Tip: do not tell them about the content of the course, they are simply
asking for the name.

Do you have a conditional or unconditional letter of acceptance

for studies?

Answer: This means whether you have complied completely with the
study requirements and been accepted to register for studies, if not, you
have met most of the requirements but needs to meet also another
requirement. If you have a conditional (provisional) letter of acceptance
for studies, means that you have been accepted to study provisionally –
meaning that you must undertake the preparatory course for sitting the
final exam “Feststellungsprüfung” – upon successfully passing it a
“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” University Entrance Qualification will be 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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issued, which will guarantee you a seat to study.

Tip: Learn more about what is the University Entrance Qualification, so

you can be more prepared.

Can you name some of the modules you will be studying?

Answer: Mention main modules of the course you are about to study, i.e.
if you are about to study architecture, main modules may be:
architectural design, urban and landscape transformation, cultural
heritage and so on.

Tip: Make sure you get the needed information on the webpage of the
university – usually found under the subcategory of degree awarding
programs – course outline on the webpages.

Is the course completely in English?

Answer: Tell them whether you are accepted to study in an international

program or a regular program. Usually, international programs are fully in
English, but some can include also lessons in German.

Tip: make sure you have the exact information about the language of
your future studies, so you do not get confused and leave a bad impress.

What is your intended travel date?

Answer: Your travel date must be the same with the one showing on
your travel ticket and has to be early enough so you can register and
enroll in studies.

Current academic and skills level

What was your latest academic degree taken? When you
received it? Who issued it?

Answer: Name the academic title you have received and the institution 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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which have been granting you such a degree, i.e. a Bachelor of Finance,
the year and month being issued and the location of the issuing

Tip: Do not make a gaff appearing uncertain about the exact date of your
graduation, so check your degree awarding diploma to recall all the
needed details.

Which was your grade point average (GPA) received at the end
of such studies?

Answer: Tell them which your latest GPA grading you have reached by
the end of your latest studies, by offering the supporting documentation
such as your latest degree awarding certificate.

Tip: do not use the interview talking about your previous GPA from other
earlier studies.

Which are your IELTS scores?

Answer: Speak about the results you have achieved on your IELTS
without having to give other details without being asked.

Tip: Make sure you recall once more your IELTS early enough before the

What have you done since your latest graduation?

Answer: Explain which was your main activity and interests ever since
you have graduated from previous studies. It can be paid work, following
trainings, engagement in charity activities, completing a reading-list of
science/academic volumes, researching, preparation for studies in
Germany, learning/advancement of English/German/other foreign
language, social engagement, voluntary job, online job, you have been
taking care of a person in need, etc. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Tip: saying that you enjoyed study-free time by doing nothing does not
help at all, so make sure you discern useful engagements you have been
engaged during such period.

Have you taken any English course? Have you taken any specific
course related to your studies?

Answer: Name the English course and level of the English language
taught, in case you were following such a course. Also, if you have been
enrolled in a subject-related course to prepare for future studies, speak
about main topics taught. You might tell which the institution offering
such courses was, and related dates if asked.

Tip: If enrollment before studies in such courses was not a mandatory

thing, do not feel uncertain to say you did not take any of the courses.

Current and future Fnancial status

How are you going to fund your education?

Answer: Different answers might be given depending on the situation.

You might be either using your own money you have collected for future
studies- a security payment deposited in a blocked bank
account (Sperrkonto), somebody is sponsoring you (father, someone in
Germany, else), a study loan, you have been granted a scholarship, other.

Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Student Visa With a

German Blocked Account.

Learn more about the German Blocked Account at Fintiba

Tip: You cannot mention any sponsor that is not legally qualified as your
sponsor, meaning that has not issued you a sponsorship letter with details
of the amount and ways of support. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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How much money is available for your stay in Germany?

Answer: Give numbers of how much available money you have on your
bank account that you will have on disposal in Germany for studies and
living. The amount of money you present has to be in line with your
“Finanzierungsnachweis”- proof of having enough money to cover your
study and living costs in Germany.

Tip: Be concise and sure about the amount of money you present, as it
has to be realistic and in line with the costs of studying and living and
supported by the needed documentation.

Who is sponsoring your education? How much do they earn in a


Answer: If you have a sponsor tell your relationship with them, i.e. a
father, a sister, a brother, else, what job they do and their annual salary.
You have to show the needed supporting documents to prove such

Tip: Be early enough to familiarize yourself with the details about your
sponsor’s annual earnings and their job position.

What proof do you have that your sponsor can support your

Answer: If you are about to study using sponsor’s funds, you can
support this question by offering any of following supporting documents:
Certified Income statement (with their latest three salary statements and
employment contract) and financial assets – if a parent is the sponsor; A
letter of guarantee issued by the “Ausländerbehörde” Foreigners
Registration Office – if a permanent German resident is the sponsor; or A
scholarship awarding certificate – if you are about to study using a
scholarship fund.

Who are all earning members in your Family? 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Answer: Name all the family members who are currently engaged in a
paid job and make sure you mention also their job positions, and if asked
also their employers name.

Tip: Take the needed time to discuss with your family members about
their job details, so you will not end up uninformed in the interview

How much you will be able to earn after completing your


Answer: Let them know which would be your annual salary for a job that
can be potentially encountered when you get back in your country as a
graduate from a German university. Also, in case you have already a
business idea, you should present the business plan, including expected
business incomes/yearly– but make sure amounts are based on a realistic

Tip: Make some own research by checking which the offered common
salaries are in your home country, for the jobs which you can potentially
be qualified to get by the end of your studies.

Common information about the study Feld

Name some of the famous researchers in your field of study?

Answer: Mention several role model researchers/innovators in the field

you choose for your studies, which you’ve been using as your inspiration.
It can be Alan Guth – physical science, James Watson as for biological
science, Einstein, Timothy Berners- Lee – computer science, or else.

Tip: make the time to recall and make a list of all your inspiring
researchers and their key findings.

Accommodation in Germany
Where will you stay in Germany? 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Answer: Let them know which your accommodation type is. Different
ways of accommodation are practiced by international students in
Germany which includes: private accommodation, student residence hall,
youth hostels, shared room (flatshare), or other means. If you have
already found your long-term place of stay in Germany provide the
needed address, while if you don’t and expecting to search for your
permanent place of stay when in Germany, show the hostel/hotel
reservation document with the address included.

Tip: you might contact the international office of your university for
supporting you on finding the right accommodation for you.

Relationships with people living in Germany/Europe

Do you have any relative in the respective country or Europe?

Answer: Mention close family members which currently live in Germany,

or have lived before if being asked.

Tip: do not include in the list distant relatives living in Germany, only
parents and siblings.

Holidays and semester-break

What do you plan to do during your vacations?

Answer: Answer by showing no interest at all on getting a job in

Germany. You have to express the intention to get back in the home
country to reunite with family members during the semester break.

Tip: Saying you will get a job on your semester break might be
interpreted as the lack of financial capacity to cover your costs, or as an
attempt to travel to Germany for employment instead of studying there.
So be clear and definite about studies.

Plans of the future 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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What are your future plans?

Answer: The answer should be displaying your interest for returning

home following the completion of your studies. Let them know you are
interested to either start a career in your country, in a job position, or in
your own business related to the field you will be studying.

Do you plan to work there?

Answer: Generally you should show no intention of getting employed

while studying. On the other hand, there are exclusive cases when
international students can get a job while they are studying there. Make
sure your visa type and your student status qualifies you for working,
while studying or after studies. Anyhow, you must show your main focus
on studies not in getting employed there.

Tip: Learn more about who qualifies for side jobs while studying in
Germany before answering.

Have you researched your career prospects?

Answer: Again, show no intention on remaining in Germany either for

work or for becoming a permanent resident, by stating that your vision is
returning home to pursue the career related to your studies. Show them
you have researched enough and there is a plenty of gap for qualified
people on your field in your country.

Tips for attending a student visa interview

The visa interview session should be treated sincerely, in case you want
to be considered a serious candidate for the visa. Your appearance and
your behaviors must represent the best parts of you. You cannot be
expected to be given consideration, when your dressing manner and your
conducts say the opposite. A person who does not wear and behave
suitably, a person who is not punctual and does not use the appropriate
arguments during the interview cannot expect any big good news. 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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Let us reveal some of the details you need to put effort on, which cause
you zero costs and can be decisive for the fate of your German student

When to go to the German embassy/consulate?

Be on time. Do not be too early and especially not even a minute late for
the interview. Make sure you arrive at the premises of the German
Embassy/Consulate few minutes earlier, so you can get yourself together
and breathe. It is important that you greet all the staff; you never know
what impressions you might leave.

It is advised not to drive on the interview day. This day is very stressful,
so you do not want to spend yourself time and effort on finding a free
parking lot. Also, you might get lost in the traffic and get late for the
interview. Make sure someone drives you at the Embassy or you take a
taxi early enough before the interview hour.

What to wear?
Dressing is something you must put a lot of effort on to. Make sure you
wear outfits that are comfortable but not exaggerated. You can wear a
dress, or a shirt and pants that give you a formal and confidential look.
Avoid overdressing, putting strong fragrances, or showing too much of
body parts, tattoos, or wearing too many accessories – especially not
accessories with specific discriminating figure/significance. Avoid also
shirts with printed images or quotes; you are not going on a festival or a
coffee bar.

What to take with you?

The complete list of the German student visa supporting documents has
to be taken with you on the day of your interview. The visa staff will be
expecting from you to have all the needed originals and copies of such
documents, within the needed standard, on the interview day. Make sure
you are all set, do not expect for the visa officials to photocopy your visa
documents, or to wait until you go home take the forgotten documents 7/1/19, 9<11 AM

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for completing your visa dossier. This is not what you should do, so be
well-arranged, check and re-check if you have included all the documents
in the ordered list early enough before the interview day.

How to answer?
There is no other way to answer then directly and honestly, do not give
false information or avoid questions. There are things that visa officers
may ask for which they might already be informed, but they just want to
know if your intentions are real and you do not want to misapply your
student status in Germany. Keeping yourself frank and open is the only
way you should follow during the student visa interview.

What to say?
All the information you provide to the visa officers through your answers
have to be in line with the documents you offer and your current or past
situations. Try to be short, direct and simple when answering questions.

What not to say?

Being honest and frank during an interview session does not imply
excessive talking and unnecessary detailing. Try to be specific not give
information about things which are not directly related with the question


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