Task 4 - Evaluating: Testing Method Data Generated Was The Test Successful?

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Task 4 - Evaluating


Comparing the plan to 1st May Yes so we can see the changes
our ideas
Having a comparing 11th May Not because it was hard to compare to
to other famous books separate ideas so we looked at the colour

Printing 18th May There were many difficulties because of the time
needed to print

ii. ……………………………………….
Did your final product
(In this part include our original
meet your original
product and everything that we had Design Specification? If
planned out, you can draw a mindmap Original Design so, How? If not, what
then write all the notes) Then make
the same for our current product and
Specification from did you do differently?
write down the notes.  Task 1
We wanted it to have bright yes because we used all the colours
Aesthetics   colours but in soft tones we wanted

Cost   0-30 dollars we thought we would go to

officeworks but in the end we tested
some paper on our printer and it
didnt cost anything
Customer our customer was young yes we did what we wanted 
and we wanted to impact
their mids with something
they can relate to
we only used a few papers We stuck to the paper limit
Environmental considerations  
our customer was young
and we wanted to impact
Function   their mids with something Yes the storyline went to plan
they can relate to  
Manufacturing   big W 

paper laminated 
Materials   paper laminated 

Bigger laminations 
Safety   rounded edges

Size   8.5cm by 8.5  8.5cm by 8.5

iii. …………………………….
Provide more detailed answers (at least 3-5 lines) Try analysing the different components of our book including
the design, the plot, what message it gives, how it relates to our target market. 

Outline the Positive aspects of your game/animation:

It had meat our expectations

Yes because we wanted bright and colourful and it worked

What were our expectations? How did it meet it? What was the process of making it meet our target market?

Outline the Negative aspects of youron game/animation:

It went through many changes

The characters went through many changes from having movement to staying stiff

What was the original idea? Why did that not work? What did we have to do in order for this to change. Also
is going through changes necessarily a bad thing?

Include: what is something we would change in the future? What did not work the first time? What is
something that would have enhanced our product?
How can your game/animation be improved?:

Yes more movement it characters

Why is this necessary? How would this enhance the product? You need to expand on it, the more detail the

Comparison with existing product 

Get from the Internet an (image product)(existing product) similar to your final
design ( product).  Describe the existing product, your poster and write about
the difference between them
You need to get a picture of some children's book (May I recommend the
Velveteen Rabbit, it is a book with a lot of subtext and would provide some
good comparisons. You can read a plot summary of it online.) Take some notes
from the existing product (cover, plot, meaning and messages, what age its
aimed at, the purpose, illustrations) Do the same for our product and then
discuss the differences. 
Existing product My product Difference

A very hungry Both have very bright colours The story plot was differentchose

Evaluate your final product (product )

explain the impact of the solution of the client or target audience.
Our problem was lacking in the manners of children nowadays (lying) so this
book was to explain the importance of not doing that. How did we achieve this?
Why was this method effective?
 To what extent has the client’s or target audience’s problem been solved?

We believe that our product is fun and uses an example the kids have gone

 How does this solution improve the client’s or target audience’s

The point is not to have an entertaining story, but to provide the kids with a
compelling story about telling the truth. Did we achieve this? Through what?
What is the impact of this?

yes because now the kids will have an entertaining story

 To what extent has the design brief been met?

Are there any negative effects this solution could have?
Discuss ways we could have handled this task better. 

No negative effects
page 1
In the beginning, there were two friends, Harry and Leo. Harry and Leo were 10 years old. 
Harry and Leo went to a school in Munchkinland, North America.

page 2
One day Harry had a big secret. He trusted Leo, and so he decided to tell Leo.
“Hey Leo, I have to tell you a secret, but you have to promise to not tell ANYONE.”, Harry
said to his friend.
“Of course, I promise”.

page 3
But even though Leo promised to keep Harry’s secret, Leo told many people!

He didn’t mean to, he just couldn’t keep a secret.

page 4
The next day Leo woke up, ready for school.
Suddenly, he saw an opened lock on his arm!

Everywhere, there were more locks!

page 5

“Leo you’re going to miss the bus!”.

Leo ran to the bus stop, confused.

page 6

“Hey bro! What’s up?” Harry said happily.

“Uhh, I have to go,” Leo lied. 

Leo turned around and ran.

“Wait!”, Harry called, but Leo just ran away.

page 7

Over the next few weeks, Leo tried to avoid Harry. Leo also wore longer clothes to cover up
the locks that kept coming on his skin.
But Leo’s plan of avoiding Harry failed when Harry’s family invited Leo’s family to a
Thanksgiving dinner.

page 8
At the dinner, Leo stayed away from Harry, and didn’t look at him the whole time! 
But just then, Harry’s dog, Spencer, ran into the room, smelling food.

Spencer looked around and saw Leo holding food. Spencer was hungry, so he jumped on

page 9
Leo’s coat fell right off! Oh no! Everyone could see the locks!

“YOU TOLD MY SECRET?” Harry yelled, angrily. “I trusted you!”. 

And he stormed out of the room, shaking his head.

page 11

Leo’s mum told him to say sorry to Harry, because Harry would forgive him then.

“Harry I shouldn’t have told anyone your secret. You’re my best friend and I am very sorry.”

“It’s okay, as long as you don’t ever break promises and tell secrets again, ok?”

Leo smiled happily. “Ok I promise, for real this time”

Maryam Farhan and Malaika Ahmad

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