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Name: Nicole Guerrero Date: 7TH 2021


According to (Cherry, 2020): “Educational psychology involves the study of how

people learn, including topics such as student outcomes, the instructional process,

individual differences in learning, gifted learners, and learning disabilities. Psychologists

who work in this field are interested in how people learn and retain new information”.

According to ( Editors of Encyclopaedia , 2019): “Educational psychology,

theoretical and research branch of modern psychology, concerned with the learning

processes and psychological problems associated with the teaching and training of

students. The educational psychologist studies the cognitive development of students and

the various factors involved in learning, including aptitude and learning measurement,

the creative process, and the motivational forces that influence dynamics between

students and teachers”.

According to Fetsco & McClure (2005, pág. 2): “Educational psychology is

defined as that branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of the mental

processes and behaviors associated with human learning and instruction. Educational

psychologists ask questions about the nature of learners and learning, the characteristics

of effective teaching, and how the nature of classrooms affects learning”.

Editors of Encyclopaedia . (8 de Abril de 2019). Encyclopædia Britannica. Obtenido de
Encyclopædia Britannica:
Cherry, K. (13 de Enero de 2020). Very well mind . Obtenido de Very well mind :
Thomas Fetsco & John McClure. (2005). Educational psychology: an integrated approach to
classroom decisions. Arizona: Pearson.

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