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The NSTP 1(CWTS) brought an enormous level of awareness to every freshmen student.

It enhances the
consciousness and defense preparedness of every students by developing the ethics of service and
patriotism by engaging them to a various topic. These topics were contributory to general welfare and
betterment of life in the community. There are five important topics discussed by our subject instructor
and one important topic discussed and demonstrated by the guest public servants during the first
semester class. These topics were the RA 9163, self-awareness, gender sensitivity and concepts, SOGIE,
values formation and the Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR).

In these lessons, I have gained a lot of knowledge and learned some daily life applications. From the
orientation of mandated program, I have learned that there are three program components evoking
students to recognize their vital role in nation building. I have also realized that I should be patriotic and
nationalistic citizen who love, serve, and protect our country, which is the Philippines. On the topic
about self-awareness, it made me understand myself even more and viewed my self-worth as a human.
It also thought me to lengthen my patience on my skills and self-development. This lesson thought me
to accept my strengths and weaknesses to the extent that I developed a clear picture of my personhood.
It is also helped me to control things over and to know exactly the internal preferences so that it is
easier to deal with unexpected situations. But the biggest benefit of self-awareness to me is that it
allows me better choose my own mindset, and turn it into something positive despite of negative
external factors around.

Talking about gender sensitivity and concepts, I have learned the different frameworks regarding sex
and gender. The designed gender roles in the community are also discussed to elaborate the perceived
differences of every gender concerning the responsibilities, work, or activities. I also learned to not
tolerate genderbiases and stereotypical credence. In short, we had been developed to evolve our
maturity into gender-biases and issues. The fourth lessons we tackled about is Sexual Orientation,
Gender Identity, and Expression or simply the abbreviated SOGIE, which I’ve learned a bunch of
terminologies and sexual concepts. Since this topic is extremely relevant in today’s situation, I think this
topic deserves a spot to study about and understand by every single citizens of the earth. This lesson
sees the situation of every LGBTQI’s that always been a challenge in education because many cultures
considered it as a taboo. But the purpose of this lesson is to raise gender sensitivity and awareness
among everybody. It also shows that SOGIE exist independently of each other and the answer to one
doesn’t answer the other. It is very important to be factual and updated to your information especially
about SOGIE. In short, we learned to be not too judgmental in the words or actions of people around.

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