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Positive Leads to Productive

Good morning everyone! Here I am Rifqi from Kesatrian 2 Senior High school to
deliver my speech about Positive Leads to Productive. Before I deliver my speech
I would like to say thank you to God and respect the honorable judges that have
given me the opportunity to speak up in this Festifla Speech Contest. Now I want
to ask you all some questions. What comes to your mind when you hear the word
positive and productive? Is there any connection between them? Hmm, what do you

Yes in my questions I mentioned, “is there any connection between positive and
productive?”. “The only way to be productive is to be positive”. A lot of research
studies stated that positive thinking has a big part in achieving productivity in our
life. We know that the government instructs us to do Work From Home to prevent
and slow the spread of COVID-19, but the longer we do so, the more likely we are
getting bored, unmotivated and at the end of the day, we can just feel unproductive
and not knowing what has been achieved for the long days that we have through.
Then how to keep positive and productive during a pandemic?

I won't say it will be as easy as falling off a log. Positive thinking means
approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook. But that doesn't mean you can
ignore every downside of the problem and force yourself to stay positive. While
productive is efficiency while working and taking advantage of time. Now I will
tell you some of them.

The first one is, distinguish between being productive and busy. Now I want you
to imagine that you have two bottles. Now you fill the first bottle with sand, while
the second bottle, you fill it with water, stones, and sand. Now the difference of the
two bottles is, the first bottle will make a good shape while the second bottle will
get messy. It means that productivity gives you accomplishment and benefits, while
busy gives you pressure because you do a lot of things. So start focus on doing one
thing at a time and be productive instead of busy.

The second is, make actions toward your goal. You can make to-do lists, set small
goals for the tasks, and write them down. For example, I write down my goals, one
or two assignments that I want to finish before 9 am -so that by having to-do lists
you have a plan and you are intentional about everything you have on your list.
Manage your time effectively is important too. For example, for an important and
urgent task, you can do these tasks right away, while the other task that is not urgent
can be set aside to do it later. Make sure to do one thing at a time so we don’t have
to struggle to do multitasking.

The third is, get physical and mental fitness. The pandemic is not only affecting our
daily routine but also our physical and mental health. The physical and mental
exercises that you can do are such as yoga, jogging, meditating, or bicycling, and
get enough sleep, at least 8 to 9 hours a day, and keep obey the health protocol while
doing activities outside. Remember, if your mental health is not okay, it would
affect your body too.

The last one is, don’t forget to take a break. Taking a break is also a part of
productivity. Everyone is tired from their works and assignments, but hey here I am
to remind you that the pandemic is not a productive contest. Sometimes it’s ok to
not be ok, what I want you to know is that having bad days doesn’t mean that you
are failing or doing something wrong. It simply means that you are human. Don’t
forget to do what you love, take the benefits of every activity that you do.

In conclusion, positive thinking and productivity are always lead to each other
and it’s useful in our daily life. So let’s keep positive and productive during this
pandemic to reach our dreams! Walt Disney once said, “the way to get started is to
quit talking and begin doing.” Thank you, it has been an honor to represents my
speech before you all. Don’t forget to stay safe and healthy, may God bless you.
Bye, have a nice day.

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