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Indikator soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 TPS 2 Primagama Tohpati

No soal Indikator
1 Descriptive text
2 Descriptive text
3 Descriptive text
4 Offering help
5 Asking for opinion
6 Past tense
7 Present continuous
8 Short message
9 Short message
10 Asking for permission
11 Descriptive text
12 Descriptive text
13 Descriptive text
14 Jumbled words
15 Sympathize
16 Offering help
17 Offering help
18 Deny something
19 Admit something
20 Recount text
21 Recount text
22 Recount text
23 Recount text
24 Recount text
25 Arrange jumbled dialogue
26 Fill in the blank
27 Fill in the blank
28 Fill in the blank
29 Giving suggestion
30 Giving suggestion

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